
Proper installation of a sandwich chimney with your own hands - step by step instructions

Installation of a double-circuit sandwich pipe

Very often, in country houses, heating is carried out using a fireplace or a full-fledged stove, to which the piping and all the necessary heating equipment are connected. Such equipment needs a properly assembled chimney. It will ensure the removal of combustion products and carbon monoxide.

Mounting it without the involvement of specialists is not so difficult if you choose to install a chimney sandwich with your own hands. After all, the installation process is similar to working with a designer. The service life of the device is quite long, and care for it is practically not needed. Proper installation of a sandwich pipe implies the observance of some important technical nuances. Necessary:

  1. Competently calculate all the parameters and dimensions of pipes.
  2. Know what length to choose.
  3. Determine how to position the chimney in relation to the ridge.
  4. Have an idea of ​​how to assemble a structure.
  5. Know how to go through floors, insulate the pipe and bring the pipe to the roof.

All this will be discussed.

Main parameters and dimensions

It is not so easy to assemble a chimney that operates according to all the rules. First you need to determine the diameter of the cross-section of the pipe and the length of the chimney. To do this, you need to use the existing norms of SNiP. The diameter of the chimney is selected taking into account the thermal power of the heating equipment:

  • If this figure is not more than 3.5 kW, then the pipe section should be 14 cm.
  • With a thermal power of 3.5 kW to 5.5 kW, the diameter increases to 20 cm.
  • With a thermal power of 5.5 kW to 7.5 kW - 27 cm.

The length of the chimney is calculated according to the following rules:

  1. The minimum height that can create the necessary traction is 500 cm.
  2. You can also navigate along the roof ridge - the chimney pipe must be at least half a meter higher than the ridge.
  3. We pay attention to the material of the roof. If it is made of flammable components, the pipe above the roof should rise by a meter, and preferably one and a half.

Important! If there are technical buildings next to the house, the height of which is greater than that of a residential facility, then the chimney should be located 1 meter above the top point of the roof of the extensions.

Pipe height depending on its location

When determining this parameter, it is important to consider the location of the chimney in relation to the roof ridge. Here, too, everything is simple:

  • If there is only 1.5 m from the ridge to the pipe, then the upper part of the pipe should rise half a meter above the ridge.
  • If the chimney is 3 meters from the ridge, then its height can be on the same level with it.
  • If the distance between the chimney and the ridge is more than 3 meters, then its height may be at the level of the contour drawn at an angle of 10 degrees from the ridge horizon.

Assembling the structure

Installing a chimney through a stairwell

A conventional sandwich chimney is a structure that is assembled from separate segments. Each is a pipe, inside of which there is another one, but of a smaller diameter, and between them there is a dense heat-insulating material. The casing - the outer layer - is made of stainless steel. The inner layer is also made of steel with a protective anti-corrosion coating. There are other samples, for example, from copper, brass and aluminum. Copper is expensive, brass is also more expensive than stainless steel.

Aluminum is a cheap material and its use significantly reduces the cost of the chimney. But during operation, when heated, it expands, and when cooled, it narrows again. As a result, the tightness of the chimney may be broken. Therefore, experts advise purchasing sandwich works in which both iron parts are made of steel. In the middle between them is a basalt insulation.

Its use provides many benefits. Basalt wool is not afraid of temperature changes, chemical and physical influences, and also has excellent thermal insulation properties. Different manufacturers have different insulation thicknesses. The minimum value is 25 mm and the maximum is 60 mm. How is the installation? (3)

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • The size of one sandwich segment is 1 meter. During installation, one is simply inserted into the other. Moreover, it is necessary to collect from the bottom of the furnace, gradually moving up. We take the first element of the pipe and connect it to the branch pipe of the furnace pipe. We cover the joint with a special plug covering the insulation. Next, separate meter segments are inserted one into the other.

Note! One end of the pipe is always narrowed. It is him who is inserted into the next pipe. All links must be assembled in such a way that the condensate that will accumulate during the operation of the chimney can flow down.

  • Docking is carried out in such a way that the upper casing and the inner chimney pipe fit tightly into each other. Doing it right away with your own hands is quite difficult. Therefore, you can resort to one trick. The inner pipe must be pulled out by 15 centimeters, insert one pipe into the other, and only then connect the outer casings.
  • Joints additionally need to be strengthened with clamps, which are attached to the standard package. We start and tighten them around the joints with ordinary steel wire. You must first treat the joints with sealant, especially since there are compounds on sale designed specifically for furnace equipment.

The chimney can be located inside the house, or it needs to be brought outside and attached to the wall.

How to ensure the stability of the structure when it is brought out?

Installation of steel chimneys

Every 2 meters for external assembly, the chimney is attached to the wall with brackets. If a tee or drive is provided, each such detail is also fixed to the wall. This allows you to keep the structure in an upright position and prevent its collapse in a strong gust of wind. And in this way, the load on the docking elements is reduced. In this case, it is imperative to observe a certain interval between the wall and the pipe.

The stove-makers call it retreat. Its value is strictly calculated. The calculations take into account the wall thickness of the boiler equipment or furnace, the presence of an open or closed firebox, as well as the degree of combustibility of the materials with which the walls are finished. So, for example, if the wall thickness of the boiler is 6.5 cm, there is a closed furnace, and the wall is not protected from fire by anything, the offset value will be 50 cm. And if the thickness of the furnace is 12 cm, and the wall is well protected from fire, the offset can be equal to 20 cm

Note! Some manufacturers pack their products in plastic wrap. Before starting the assembly of individual elements, it must be removed.

What if you need to install a chimney between two walls or inside a duct?

In this case, you need to make 2 windows on the outer wall. Each is 150 sq. see. It is advisable to place one hole at the bottom, and the other at the top. With a closed retreat option, it is imperative to assemble the floor covering from non-flammable materials.

How to cross floors?

Chimney installation

Sometimes it is necessary to bring the pipe outside through the ceiling. This can be done using a box with a hole inside. A pipe is inserted into it - a special element used for the purposes described. The thickness of the box should be 7 cm more than the thickness of the floors. This is the only way to protect the roof from fire. But in order to ensure the safety of using the chimney, it is necessary to attach the box very firmly to the ceilings and connect it to their structures.

The branch pipe must not have joints. This is a very important point. Before installing the dividing box with your own hands, you need to make the correct markup with a marker. At this stage, the saying that you need to pre-measure 7 times and only then cut off is very relevant. It is possible to make holes in the ceilings only when the appropriate box is selected and the pipe is correctly located.

How to insulate a pipe

After installing the box and pipe, this element of the chimney must be carefully insulated. For these purposes, basalt-based foil mats treated with refractory mastic are used. It is also desirable to isolate the hole in the roof. In this case, it is worth using a mineral wool insulation. It is advisable for them to lay all the holes that are in contact with the nozzle.

Chimney outlet to the roof

Installation of a chimney on the roof

A special link allows you to bring the sandwich pipe to the roof. The stove-makers call it roof cutting. This element is selected taking into account the slope of the roof. Knowing him, it will be easy to do this stage of work with your own hands. It consists of three operations:

  1. Marking is applied on the inside of the roof with a marker.
  2. With your own hands, a hole is cut out, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the chimney pipe.
  3. Isolation is underway. To do this, a sheet of galvanized steel is attached to the roof from the inside. A hole for the chimney is pre-cut in it, and the pipe is brought out. Roof cutting is installed on top. As many links are assembled on top of it as necessary to achieve the planned height. And then an umbrella is fixed on top, protecting the chimney from precipitation.

Note! In this section of passage through the roof, the chimney pipe should not have joints.

Features of the operation of the chimney

Sandwich pipes are a new generation product. They have a prefabricated structure, which greatly simplifies the installation of a reliable chimney. But during its operation, soot accumulates inside. It must be cleaned twice during the heating season. Otherwise, there is a high risk of reducing the useful cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, which leads to a decrease in thrust.

How to use the pipe correctly

Therefore, you will have to constantly clean the pipe chimney. To facilitate the task, a special glass is installed in its lower part, or a door is attached to provide access to the inside of the sandwich pipe. There are rules, the observance of which prevents the formation of a layer of soot. Here are the main ones:

  1. To fire a stove or fireplace, it is necessary to use firewood from coniferous trees as little as possible. When burned, they emit resins that very quickly settle on the inner walls of the sandwich pipe.
  2. The same result can be obtained by throwing raw firewood into the stove. Stove builders warn that wet fumes are just as dangerous to the chimney as tar.
  3. It is not necessary to burn household waste in the oven every time.
  4. If a wood-burning stove or a fireplace has appeared in the house, take care and prepare hardwood firewood in advance. Buy well dried wood.
  5. As an effective preventive measure, throw a bunch of aspen wood into the stove at the end of the firebox. They burn out very quickly and give a high flame, which burns out the soot in the chimney well.

Generalization on the topic

As you can see, assembling a sandwich pipe with your own hands is a laborious task, but it is quite possible to implement it by first studying the material and watching several video tutorials posted on the site. Before you decide on such an experiment, you need to carefully evaluate your own capabilities and decide whether such a task is within your power.

Observing all the rules outlined above, you can take a chance and implement the installation. T - Do-it-yourself installation of a chimney sandwich - the main stages of installation D - Proper installation of a do-it-yourself chimney sandwich is a laborious process. It requires compliance with strict fire safety rules and regulations. Knowing the features of each stage of installation greatly simplifies the task. K - do-it-yourself installation of a sandwich pipe chimney