
Lesson plan for the problem of developing countries. Developing countries' problems. Task for a group of experimenters

Volyk Natalia Anatolyevna

geography teacher

Guards general education I-III levels of school №1

Simferopol district, Crimea

Grade 10

Lesson number 12

Theme. Global problems of humanity.

Target: to form students' understanding of the global problems of humanity;

promote the development of logical thinking of students, the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Equipment: political map of the world, illustrations and photographs with images

hostilities, environmental disasters, industrial enterprises, people

laziness. The image of the goddess of justice - Artemis.

Lesson type: unconventional, lesson-game "People's Court".

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational moment ……………………………………………. 1 min.

II. Updating the basic knowledge and skills of students …………………… 2 min.

III. Motivation of educational and cognitive activities of students ……… .1 min.

IV. Studying new material …………………………………………… ... 37 min.

V. Consolidation of new knowledge and skills of students ………………………… 2 min.

Vi. Lesson summary …………………………………………………………………. 1 min.

Vii. Homework …………………………………………………………. 1 min.

During the classes.



Conversation on questions.

1) How does a person affect the world around him?

2) What are the consequences of this influence? How does it threaten the planet Earth as a whole?

3) How do you understand the expression "global problems of humanity"?


Teacher's story.

Modern problems of the existence and development of mankind as a whole - preventing a world thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples; bridging the gap in the level of socio-economic development between developed and developing countries, eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy; regulation of rapid population growth in developing countries Oh; prevention of catastrophic environmental pollution; providing humanity with the necessary resources - food, industrial raw materials, energy sources; prevention of negative consequences of the development of science and technology. Global problems are born of contradictions social development, the sharply increased scale of the impact of human activities on the world around them and are also associated with the uneven socio-economic and scientific-technical development of countries and regions. Solving global problems requires the development of international cooperation.

Note in the notebook:

Global problems - the most ambitious, topical and urgent problems of mankind, clearly took shape in the second half of the twentieth century: the problems of peace and disarmament, economic growth and social development, the use of natural resources and their depletion, the problem of the population of the Earth (according to A.A. Ene. , A. V. Suprychev).


Composition of participants: five students present themselves as global problems (students were given support material).

The course of the game.

1). Students are invited to make a choice in the most important global problem of humanity and vote (1-2 times, depending on the number of students in the class) for each "global problem" separately. The results are written on the board.

2). Each participant, presenting a global problem, proves that it is the most important one, based on the facts stated in the additional material and their own knowledge of the topic.

(For example: additional material

WAR: nuclear weapon, nuclear technology. "Nuclear" powers are the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, China. I and II world wars, Afghanistan, Chechnya. The borders of states are changing, the death of people, the "laundering" of big money.

DEMOGRAPHY: overpopulation (China and India), excess of deaths over births in European countries, educational level of the population, population displacement, increasing crime.

NATURAL RESOURCES: oil, coal, gas - the main sources of heat and energy on Earth; all

The lesson of generalizing repetition and systematization of ZUN on the topic "Agenda XXI: global problems of mankind". 11th grade

Lesson type: a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge, abilities and skills on the studied topic based on the application of knowledge of natural science disciplines of the school curriculum.

The purpose of the lesson: To create conditions for generalization and systematization of ZUN on the topic “Global problems of mankind”.


Educational: to understand the integrity of the geographic envelope of our planet; the need for international cooperation in solving global problems, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each state and the life of the population of certain territories; show the scale of human influence on the biosphere, identify the reasons for such influences; to bring students to an understanding of the need for rational nature management as a way to maintain ecological balance in the biosphere; prove the importance of peaceful coexistence of all countries and peoples of the Earth.

Developing: to form the skills and abilities of students' independent work and in interaction in a group, the ability to speak reasonably in front of an audience, the ability to highlight the main thing, to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on the integrated application of knowledge; the formation of geographical thinking; culture of mental work, the formation of general educational competencies.

Educational: ecological and geographical education, moral education, education of a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of tasks received, the ability to make decisions in a new educational situation, socially active development of the individual.

The form of organizing a lesson: a conference based on the creative cooperation of students and teachers in the developmental learning mode.

Basic methods: reproductive, partial search, problematic, analysis and synthesis, modeling and forecasting.

Equipment and teaching aids: computer, projector, presentations, textbooks, group creative projects of students, atlases for grade 10, wall maps, printed notebooks on geography for grade 10 (author V.P. Maksakovsky).

Lesson plan:

1. The concept of global problems.

2. Classification of global problems.

3. The main features of global problems.

4. Ways of solution.

During the classes:

1. Motivational target block.

Teacher: Today in the lesson we are considering an extremely important topic. It concerns the life of not only an individual person, but the entire human civilization. You have repeatedly met with this topic in social studies lessons in ninth grade, in geography, history, biology, economics lessons, therefore, I think, the topic of the lesson, as well as the goals and method of activity, you will determine yourself. Before you lies a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky (Appendix 1) read it and try to determine the topic of our lesson.

Teacher: One of the characteristic features of the modern world is the aggravation of global problems.

Until the middle of the 20th century, such a concept as a global problem was absent in political language. It was only at the level of philosophical generalizations that ideas were put forward about the connection between human activity and the state of the biosphere, his environment, which supports life on Earth. And only the Russian scientist V.I. expressed the idea that human activity is acquiring a scale comparable to the power of natural, geological forces? It's hard to believe, but the earthly civilization is rapidly moving towards a global socio-economic catastrophe. This fact was stated by the leaders of the world powers at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in the summer of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.

The term "global problems" entered the international lexicon in the second half of the 60s, it comes from the Latin "globe" - that is, the Earth and has three meanings: ubiquitous, comprehensive, characteristic of the globe, for all countries and peoples

Problems are called global which cover the whole world, all mankind, pose a threat to its present and future, and require the united efforts of all states and peoples for their solution. (Writing in a notebook)

Analysis of global problems is unthinkable without their scientific typology. There are various classifications of global problems. According to various sources of information, there are from 8-10 to 40-45 and it is impossible to consider everything within 45 minutes of the lesson. Let's use the classification offered by the author of the textbook of geography V.P. Maksakovsky. (Students' work with the textbook p. 353: write down 4 types of global problems).

1. "Universal" character.

The most "universal" problems of a political and socio-economic nature (preventing nuclear war and preserving peace, ensuring sustainable development of the world community and increasing the level of organization and control over it);

2. Natural - economic character.

Problems of a predominantly natural and economic nature (environmental, energy, raw materials, food, the World Ocean);

3. Social nature.

Problems of a predominantly social nature (demographic, interethnic relations, the crisis of culture, morality, lack of democracy and health protection, terrorism);

4. Mixed character.

Problems of a mixed nature, the failure of which often leads to massive loss of life (regional conflicts, crime, technological accidents, natural disasters, etc.);

Teacher: main question (problematic), to which you must answer today: Why are there planetary problems? What arecauses of global problems?And the most important thing is to identify possible ways to overcome them.(Student answer options).

2. Generalization of the material. The lesson takes place in the form of a press conference. Speakers (students of the class who received an advance assignment) speak with their works, which are designed in the form of presentations.

Plan for characterizing a global problem:

1. Essence of the problem.

2. The reasons for its occurrence.

3. Ways to solve the problem.

The listeners ask questions about the topic of the speeches. Fill in the table in notebooks. At the end of the lesson, they exchange views, give an answer to a problematic question.

Global problem

Evidence for the problem


1. The problem of peace and disarmament, the prevention of nuclear war.

Accumulation of weapons of mass destruction in the world.


Disarmament control.

Peace treaties.

2. Ecological problem.

Climate change, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, environmental crisis in various parts of the world.

Growth in the number of protected areas.

Treatment facilities.

Creation of waste-free technologies.

Rational placement of "dirty industries".

3. Demographic problem.

Population explosion in developing countries, demographic crisis in developed countries. Uncontrolled urbanization, refugee resettlement. Increased pressure on nature.

Active demographic policy.

Raising the economic level of development of countries.

Improving living conditions and health care.

4. Food problem.

The world's population is growing faster than food production, especially in developing countries.

An intensive path of agricultural development.

5. Energy and raw materials problem.

Growth in demand for raw materials.

Depletion natural resources the world.

Using the achievements of scientific and technological revolution.

More complete extraction of minerals from the subsoil.

The use of alternative sources of energy.

Resource conservation policy.

Watching a video about the global problems of humanity

So. Guys, you guessed it. what topic is our lesson devoted to?

Why is the media talking more and more about the future of humanity? Why do these problems worry the minds of scientists, writers, journalists, filmmakers? What do you think we mean by the concept problem?

“Every creature that was on the surface of the Earth was exterminated; from man to cattle and reptiles. And the birds of the air, everything was destroyed from the Earth, only Noah remained, and what was with him in the ark "

Bible. Genesis.chl7 # 2

Tell me the first global problem that led to catastrophic consequences and was described in the Bible in the Old Testament (a statement from the Bible about the Flood appears on the board).

But the term “global problems of mankind” itself appeared only in 1945. Why do you think?

Yes, you are absolutely right. Because The second World War undoubtedly showed the full danger of modern warfare. But all the horror at the end of the war was shown by the bombing of the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where those who did not hold weapons in their hands, and civilians - old men, women and children - suffered. The consequences of this bombing are felt even today, when the descendants of the victims of the bombing still suffer from radiation sickness.

From the course of geography, biology, social studies, you considered the problems facing humanity, you watch TV, read books, communicate on the Internet and already know a lot on the topic of this lesson.

So the first global problem of the world - peace and disarmament problem

Group 1 performance. Discussion.

Demographic problem

We can read about this global problem from Robert Rozhdestvensky:

There are many of us - people - in this world.

Serious minds toil:

In this life, in this whirlwind, madmen, we have multiplied!

Demographic explosions are hitting, rivers are drying up and the crust is turning black

Cities enter like abscesses.

There are too many, too many of us!

There are many of us!

The scientist praises the bomb.

There are many of us!

The destroyer breaks the wave.

But still, there will not be enough of us people for a new wave.

What does a lot of us mean? Formulate the problem.

Group 2 performance. Discussion.

The longer mankind lives on earth, the more and more it gets sick from viruses and diseases that have not been heard of before. Only a person learns to fight some diseases, such as smallpox or cholera, then they are replaced by cancer and AIDS. But maybe it should be so! The strongest survive! The more a person dies from disease, the more space will be freed up for future generations? What do you think?

Energy and raw materials problem

The task of the world community is not just to help with money, but to teach the population to earn money by sharing technologies and a place in the world market.

The more population on Earth, the more various mineral and energy resources are spent. It is not for nothing that close attention is paid to this topic.

Group 3 performance

Food problem

Please tell me, were any of you starving? Do you know what hunger is, really hunger? Did any of you help a hungry person on the street? Hunger is not new. In China alone in the nineteenth century, 100 million people died of hunger. Over the past 50 years, 20 million people have died in India. In the entire long human history, for the first time, the question of food shortages arose. It is no exaggeration to say that the African continent is the "Pole of Hunger" of our planet. You probably guessed it. What is this problem?

Group 4 performance

Ecological problem

Group 5 performance

What do we see that all problems are interconnected and it is impossible in this tangle of problems to solve one specific problem. I would like to quote one well-known parable: “Two frogs got into a pot of cream. One said: this is the end, folded her paws and choked. Another floundered, floundered ... knocked down a lump of butter under her and got out of the pot. " How I would like to see the fate of humanity in the form of not the first, but the second of the frogs. And if the frogs fought for life together, they would get out of the pot much faster. And what conclusion can be drawn from all this: Fight all problems and all of humanity, as every problem concerns each of us.

The main thing in solving any problem is to know its essence. Humanity today has no more serious concern than finding strength, finding means, finding reason to get along with nature and resolve social conflicts. Otherwise, you will have to return to some semblance of the Stone Age, a dark era of violence and cultural degradation. Do you want to?

Video "Protect the Earth!"

Why exactly in the second half of the 20th century did most of the global problems become aggravated? (Student Answer Options)

Causes of global problems:

    Global problems have arisen as a result of the objective development of society and exist because of the contradictions between humanity, environment and society;

    The technical might of civilization has surpassed the achieved level of social organization and threatens to destroy all living things;

    Incentives for the activities of the overwhelming majority of people, their moral values are very far from ideal;

Solution ways: New political thinking is the imperative of the times. It should manifest itself in all spheres of human activity.

    To instill in people new moral and ethical values;

    To unite all of humanity;

    To make transformations unprecedented in scale and depth throughout the world;

Output: Global problems are a challenge to the human mind. It is impossible to get away from them. They can only be overcome. To overcome through the efforts of every person and every country in close cooperation for the great goal of preserving the ability to live on Earth.

Each person should realize that Humanity is on the verge of death, and whether we survive or not is the merit of each of us.

3. Reflection Reception of "thin" and "thick" questions - teaches students to correctly ask questions and be aware of their level of difficulty. Questions can be asked by both the teacher and the students to each other.

1. Can we say that global problems are relevant only for countries with a low level of development?

What global problems are most typical for our time?

Do you agree that global problems are most pressing for developing countries?

Explain why it was in the second half of the 20th century that global problems worsened?

Which of social problems do you think the most relevant today? Why?

Homework : Write a mini-essay, essay. On the topic: "Each of us has the power to change"

Think and explain what the expression means: “We did not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our descendants ”?


1. Anufrieva O.I. "Economic and social geography of the world" Grade 10, part 2, Lesson plans based on the textbook of V.P. Maksakovsky, Volgograd, "Teacher", 2006

2. Zhizhina E.A., Nikitina N.A. Lesson development in geography, grade 10, Moscow "VAKO", 2006.

3. Smooth Yu.N., Lavrov S.B. Global geography, grades 10-11, Moscow, "Bustard", 2009

4. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I., Economic and social geography of the world, Moscow, " Russian word", 2010.

4. Do.gendocs.ru ›docs

5. BestReferat.ru ›Global problems

6.Рhilosophica.ru ›volkov / 20.htm

The topic of the lesson is "Developed countries of the foreign world", grade 10

Teacher Bulgakova Lyubov Mikhailovna, MAOU "Gymnasium No. 6"

Gubkin town, Belgorod region

TEACHER: Guys look at the screen. What do you see? (flags, g e rby). That is, the symbols of states. What do you think - the symbols of which states are represented on the screen? (USA, ITALY, FRANCE, UK).

TEACHER: And what kind of states are they? one word can be called? Think about how you can title the topic of today's lesson? Use the question - which ones? (developed states of the world, foreign states of the world, large states, economic states, historical).

TEACHER: Is it possible to choose a synonym for the words developed, large, economic? Can these words be replaced with one word - great? (Yes, you can).

TEACHER: The topic of today's lesson is Developed Countries of the Overseas World.

Teacher: We live in our own little world. We rejoice in good luck, friends, and the beauty of the world around us. But we don’t think about the fact that this world is very fragile and it is imperfect in relations between people on our planet. To improve the world, we must know a lot about each other. Ask yourself the question: "What is the Earth and who am I here?", "What do I know about my peer from the USA, Great Britain, Italy?", "What do I know about their country?"

Obtaining information about the lives of other people is an important necessity for a person of any age.

Guys, knowing the topic of the lesson, what do you expect from today's lesson? what would you like to learn in the lesson?

(get acquainted with the economy, industry, with external economic relations, with interesting places)

Indeed, what kind of countries are these, and what role do they play in the World? In the development of post-industrial society, in art, literature? What is the standard of living of the population?

Today in the lesson we will conduct an excursion to the great states of territorial and social significance in the world - the USA, Great Britain, Italy, France: we will get acquainted with the economic development of these states, their culture. Let's answer the question - what helped them become great?

You will work in groups. You have envelopes on your tables. The envelopes contain the material from which you will begin to design your project, using the plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the country. Guys, what methods and ways can you achieve the goal of today's lesson?

(by analyzing atlas maps, comparing tables, diagrams, reference material, textbook, encyclopedias).

Then each group will present their project to everyone's attention.

From each group, 2 representatives will defend their project.

We started to implement the project. (work 8 min.) (quietly the sound of the "sound of the sea" music)

(they mark the border and states, show external economic relations with arrows, mark minerals, cities, prepare material for protection).

Guys, time is up.

There is in our world

A very strange country

Adults and children know

That she is in the West.

It is incomprehensible and amusing

What is in that distant country

All the land is in state squares,

Like a mosaic on the wall

So, attention to the screen - after listening to the poem, looking at the slides, determine which group will be the first to defend their research.

TEACHER: So, representatives of the United States, please, you have the floor. (all show on a wall map or on their own project). Representatives of other states, listen carefully, memorize the material. You can supplement. After defending the work by each group, we will exchange questions.

TEACHER: The capital of the USA - Washington.

TEACHER: Representatives of other states, your questions to the US group.

STUDENT: what do the asterisks on the US flag mean and how many are there?

STUDENT: Are there names of Russian cities-alternates in the USA?

ANSWER - Yes. Several St. Petersburg cities can be found on the US map. Moscow is in several states.

TEACHER: On the US map you can find London, Paris, Vienna.

STUDENT: And what is business card USA.?

STUDENT: The visiting card of the United States is the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty has several titles "symbol of freedom and democracy" and "Lady Liberty". A proud lady of steel and copper - greets people entering the country. The height of the statue together with the granite pedestal is 93 meters. (addition)


A lump at the throat ... and water of steel

pointed crown reflect ...

New York, America and the Statue of Liberty

the scope and availability captivate.

TEACHER: I bring to your attention the visiting card of the next state.

TEACHER:-What state are we talking about?

STUDENT: These shots refer to Italy and we will talk about this state.

TEACHER: Italy is an amazing country with Italian pizza, spaghetti, Venetian canals. Siberian larch serves as piles for this amazing city.

TEACHER: Okay, representatives of Italy, please, you have the floor.

PUPIL 1: The geographical position of Italy is favorable for its economic development. The Mediterranean Sea provides Italy with a convenient connection with the countries of Europe and North Africa. And with the help of the Suez Canal, Italy ended up on trade routes that go to the countries of the South and East Asia, to East Africa, Australia.

The leading branch of Italian industry is mechanical engineering. The most developed export engineering (production of cars, wagons, shipbuilding, trucks, buses, airplanes, ships, locomotives, tractors, equipment for power plants, airports.

PUPIL 2: Using the rich deposits of dolomites, Italy has become one of the first places in the world for the production of magnesium.

Another leading branch of the Italian industry is the chemical industry.

The food industry is the third industry in terms of product value after mechanical engineering and chemistry.

TEACHER: On which peninsula is Italy located?

TEACHER:The capital of Italy is Rome.

QUESTION In your answer, you emphasize that the manufacturing industry is developed, and the extractive industry?

STUDENT-(we did not find significant reserves of the most important minerals on the maps)

QUESTION: What is the principle of placing metallurgy in Italy?

STUDENT- Metallurgical plants are located either near ports, or gravitate towards sales markets. And the sales market is mechanical engineering.


STUDENT: Imported raw materials)

QUESTION: I'm curious to know - what kind of city on the water in Italy?

TEACHER: Representatives of Italy, what is this city on the water ?.

TEACHER: Guys, the city is unique not only in its history, but also in its appearance.

When watching a movie, pay attention to the unusualness of the streets.

"The film is about Venice".

TEACHER: Guys, your impressions.

TEACHER: Yes, there are 150 canals and 400 bridges in Venice. This city has never been rebuilt and therefore has retained its medieval appearance.

TEACHER: Situated on 118 islands, it is 51 kilometers long and 14 kilometers wide. Where did the trees for the piles come from, besides Russia?

TEACHER:"The ships will stand and go on course",

will become sad and sorry for someone.

So Vysotsky sang to us. I am Venice pulse

I still feel it in the photo.

The song of Mireille Mathieu is played.

TEACHER: I invite you to look at the business card of the most "fashionable" country in the world. The language of which was spoken by the upper strata of society in tsarist Russia. "

What state do you think will be discussed?

TEACHER: So, representatives of France, you have the floor, please.

Teacher: The capital of France? Paris!

STUDENT: which states does France border on?

ANSWER: France has land borders with Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean.

TEACHER:France beautiful, captivating and gorgeous!

Clothes, fabrics, paper, jewelry, movies, cosmetics, perfumes and ... You can list and enumerate what France is famous for.

STUDENT: Tell me the main attraction of France?

STUDENT: The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of the country, proudly towering over the city. The height of the eiffel tower is 324 METERS.

Built in 1889 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Great French Revolution.

The fanciful thought of the engineer Eiffel became the symbol of Paris . All tourists flock to it in order to admire the panorama of the city from its top. The Eiffel Tower is visible from almost anywhere in Paris and serves as an excellent landmark.

2 student: Its original purpose was to show technical progress. And only after 10 years of its existence, it became a cultural landmark and a visiting card of both Paris and the whole country.

This huge tower hardly suffers from the wind. Even in the strongest winds, the top of the Eiffel Tower deflects by only 15 cm.

TEACHER: The Eiffel Tower has interior lighting, which makes it look more elegant and romantic.

TEACHER: We still have a state - is that?


TEACHER: UK representatives, you have the floor.

Great Britain is an island state in northwestern Europe, separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Pas-de-Calais. Not far from Great Britain, there are major trade routes, and many international airlines converge at London airport, connecting European countries with America and with other continents. Thus, Great Britain occupies an advantageous position, which contributes to the development of its economic ties with countries of both hemispheres.

PUPIL 2: The leading industry is mechanical engineering, including electrical and electronic, transport, shipbuilding, tractor and machine tool building.

In addition, oil refining, chemical, textile and light industries are well developed.

The export is dominated by machinery and equipment, petroleum products, and chemical products. The UK imports pig iron and scrap metal for the most part. Great importance for Great Britain, as an island power, it has maritime transport.

Question - What minerals are mined in the UK? (The answer is coal, iron ore, non-ferrous metals, oil, rock salt, oil shale).

TEACHER: what event was in the summer of 2012 in London? ( Olympic Games).

But since we touched on sports, we need to remember which sport is the homeland of Great Britain? (football)

TEACHER: Our guide to the UK will tell you about the sights of this state in English. We all listen carefully to be able to translate the text into our native language.

STUDENT: Big Ben is London's most famous and recognizable landmark.

TEACHER: Well done, the guys coped with the translation.

Our journey is over, what have we learned in the lesson today?

ANSWERS- got acquainted with the economic development of the USA, France, Italy and Great Britain;

found out the main features of EGP, branches of the economy;

identified the main items of import and export of these states.

TEACHER: And now let's return to our problematic question - why these states are great and what contributed to them becoming great. Let's find common ground between these states

(hint - in EGP)

1. their geographical position allows them to make extensive use of maritime transport and develop ties with their land-based neighbors.


2. the main types of transport are widely developed in all 4 states: rail, road, sea, aviation.

(hint - in industries?)

3. in all the states under consideration, mechanical engineering is developed at a very high level. And we remember that the standard of living of the population depends on the development of mechanical engineering.

4. All these 4 states play a big role in the post-industrial society. Not only their economies are developing rapidly, but also their infrastructure.

5. All of them play an important role in world politics, international geographical division of labor, economic integration .

TEACHER: We also saw the sights of the studied states.

Attraction of which state did you like the most? To your group?

I agree with you that today we learned a lot of interesting things, you showed yourself to be real researchers, presenting to our attention wonderful projects. I hope that everything we talked about today will remain in your memory for a long time.

The roads are open before you, and I wish you to visit these places. But the person who is trying to learn the world without knowing his country is bad. And no matter how we like hot Italy, wise Great Britain, fashionable France, industrial states, a great love for Great Russia will always live in the heart of a Russian person.

Song performance: "Russian temples"

TEACHER: Homework: Diaries prepare information on states Latin America for registration of creative works, abstracts, which will be necessary for the final conference on this topic and in preparation for the exam.

TEACHER: Reflection Movie.

Guys, were you comfortable in the lesson? I hope that I have sown in your souls an interest in states, awakened a desire to learn more, to study, to know the world. I would like to know - did I get it? If yes, then hang a green leaf on this tree, if the lesson did not tell you anything new, then hang a yellow leaf. I would be grateful if you could write your feedback about the lesson on a piece of paper. When you leave the office, leave your opinion on this tree.

TEACHER: Today you all worked actively, I give everyone a "5".

  • Typology of the countries of the modern world Geography lesson in grade 10 Developed by: Geography teacher Elena Vladimirovna Ponomareva

  • Lesson type: lesson of general metological orientation.
  • Lesson objectives: to acquaint with the variety of countries in the world and their classification; improve the skills of working with contour maps and thematic maps.
  • Equipment: textbook, atlas, workbook, contour maps, thematic maps, statistical materials, Internet resources, interactive whiteboard.

  • 1.Org. moment

2.Knowledge update

  • -What country
  • has the largest area of ​​the territory? (show on the map)
  • -What countries does Russia border on? (Show on the map)
  • -What map shows the countries of the world? (On the political)
  • -What is the name of the main city of the country? (Capital)
  • -Prove that the countries of the world are diverse.
  • -What countries were part of the USSR? (Show on the map)

  • Exercise. Establish a correspondence between the countries and continents on which they are located.
  • Country Mainland
  • Country Mainland 1) China A) Eurasia 2) Canada B) Africa 3) Brazil C) North America 4) South Africa D) South America 5) France 6) India 7) Libya
  • Country Mainland 1) China A) Eurasia 2) Canada B) Africa 3) Brazil C) North America 4) South Africa D) South America 5) France 6) India 7) Libya
  • Country Mainland
  • 1) China A) Eurasia
  • 2) Canada B) Africa
  • 3) Brazil B) North America
  • 4) South Africa D) South America
  • 5) France
  • 6) India
  • 7) Libya
  • Answer: 1A, 2B, 3G, 4B, 5A, 6A, 7B, 8A.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson plan

1. The number and grouping of countries.

2. Typology of countries.

3.Economically developed countries.

4. Developing countries.

5 Countries with economies in transition.

What is the diversity of the modern world? (Work in notebooks with a diagram)

World typology

By population

By area

By geographic location

Socio-economic status

  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map Give examples of countries for each group and show them on the map. (work in microgroups (4))
  • Working with the map
  • Give examples of countries for each group and show on the map.
  • (work in microgroups (4))
  • Questions: 1) Why is the number of countries constantly changing? (Disintegrating, uniting, seeking independence.) Most of the countries of the modern world are sovereign, i.e. independent. Assignment: Find the definition of a sovereign state in the textbook and write it down in a notebook. The rest of the countries are non-self-governing territories (mainly the former colonies of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands)

GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator that characterizes the cost of all final products produced in a given country for a year (in US dollars).

HDI (HDI) - human development index (human development index).

Includes: Per capita income, average life expectancy, education and health care levels.

Countries of the world



With economies in transition

  • What is HDI? (Human Development Index).
  • Find examples of countries by these criteria in the textbook, show them on the map.
  • Explore sources of additional information and answer questions:
  • Name the countries with HDI greater than 0.9. (Norway, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Singapore, Canada, USA, Japan, etc.)
  • Name the countries with HDI less than 0.3 (Chad, Niger, CAR).
  • Where does Russia rank in the HDI? (49)
  • Working with the map

The developed countries

Non-European countries

Big seven

The developed countries

Non-European countries

Big seven

USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Russia.

The developed countries

Non-European countries

Smaller countries in Western Europe

Big seven

Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, etc.

The developed countries

Non-European countries

Smaller countries of Western Siberia

Big seven

Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Israel.

Developing countries

Key countries

Oil-exporting countries

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Developing countries

Countries that have reached relatively high level development

Oil-exporting countries

Key countries

India, China, Mexico, Brazil.

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Developing countries

Key countries

Countries that have reached a relatively high level of development

Oil-exporting countries

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela

Developing countries

Key countries

Countries that have reached a relatively high level of development

Oil-exporting countries

Rep. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia.

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Developing countries

Key countries

Countries that have reached a relatively high level of development

Oil-exporting countries

UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Saudi Arabia.

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Developing countries

Key countries

Countries that have reached a relatively high level of development

Oil-exporting countries

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Most African countries, there are Asia and Latin America

Developing countries

Key countries

Countries that have reached a relatively high level of development

Oil-exporting countries

Least developed countries

Lagging behind in development

Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Yemen, Mali, Niger, Chad, Ethiopia, Somalia, Mozambique, Haiti.

Countries with economies in transition

Baltic countries

Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Countries

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

  • Exercise: Find the socialist countries in the textbook and draw them on a contour map.

Rich countries are able not only to ensure the full development of their own economy, but also to stimulate developing countries and their neighbors. The richer a country is, the more it tries to expand its sphere of influence.

The richest countries in the world, selected by the size of GDP per capita.

  • 4.Fixing (working with the map)
  • -Show the largest countries in terms of area.
  • -Name and show countries that have more than five neighbors (Russia, China, Germany.)
  • -Name and show five developing countries. (For example: India, China, Argentina, Malaysia, Bangladesh.)
  • -Name and show the countries of the "Big Seven" (USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada).
  • -Why is China classified as developing
  • countries? (GDP-9 thousand dollars.)
  • 5.reflection
  • -I understood (did not understand) the topic of the lesson.
  • -I evaluate my work in the lesson (excellent, good, satisfactory).
  • -I had problems in class.
  • Homework 1.Paragraph 1. (p. 6-11) 2. Answer the questions in the tutorial page 12. 3. Complete task 2, page 13 of the textbook. 4. Prepare a message or presentation (optional) on the topic: "NATO's political-military bloc"

Pedagogical goals:

educational: equipping students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities; to reveal the importance of the integration of an individual state into the world economy as a factor in its economic development; systematize knowledge about global economic problems; explain the importance of various forms of foreign economic relations for the effective development of the national economy; show the contradictory influence of globalization processes on various aspects of the world economy, foreign trade policies of states. educational: the formation of a scientific outlook in students, a positive attitude to universal human values, moral qualities of a person; developmental aspect: the development of students' cognitive interest, creativity, speech, memory, attention, imagination. create conditions for the development of UUD: personal: understanding the place and role of the Russian economy as an integral part of the world economy; awareness of the contradictory influence of globalization processes on various aspects of the world economy, national and family economy; evaluating the possibilities of one's active participation in the economic transformations taking place in the country in order to achieve a worthy place for Russia in the world economy; meta-subject: the development of the ability to consider the phenomena and processes of socio-economic reality in a comprehensive manner, in the context of the prevailing realities and possible prospects; the ability to perform cognitive tasks for the use of cause-and-effect relationships in the world economy, comparison of objects; the ability to use information on the development of the world economy to analyze and assess specific situations in Russia; subject: knowledge of the concepts of "world economy", "globalization", "international division of labor"; the formation of ideas about the global problems of the economy, trends and prospects of its development; an idea of ​​the place and role of Russia in the world economy, a view of the world economy from the point of view of the interests of our country; the ability to identify links between the problems of globalization and the state of the world economy, the state of national economies and the development of the world economy as a whole; improving the skills of searching and analyzing information to characterize various processes in the foreign economic policy of states, the application of new knowledge in educational and project situations.

Lesson type and type: combined

Basic concepts, taking into account the historical and cultural standard: World economy, international division of labor, protectionism, free trade, tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation

Educational resources: textbook 1) Social studies. Grade 11: textbook. for general education. organizations: basic level; / [L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanov and others] under the editorship of. L.N. Bogolyubov [and others]; Grew up. Acad. Science, Ros. Acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment" .- M.: Education, 2014.

Visibility, TCO:

Org. moment. Repetition of basic knowledge Assimilation of new knowledge

2) International trade.

D / s Textbook, § 11. Task 3 to the paragraph. An essay on speaking under the heading "Thoughts of the Wise".

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"Social studies lesson on the topic" World Economy ""

Grade 11 social studies, topic: Economic life of society

lessons number 22-23 Topic "World Economy"

Lesson date:

Pedagogical goals:

    educational: equipping students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities; to reveal the importance of the integration of an individual state into the world economy as a factor in its economic development; systematize knowledge about global economic problems; explain the importance of various forms of foreign economic relations for the effective development of the national economy; show the contradictory influence of globalization processes on various aspects of the world economy, foreign trade policies of states.

    educational: the formation of students of a scientific worldview, a positive attitude to universal human values, moral qualities of the individual;

    developmental aspect: development of students' cognitive interest, creativity, speech, memory, attention, imagination.

    create conditions for the development of UUD:


    understanding the place and role of the Russian economy as an integral part of the world economy;

    awareness of the contradictory influence of globalization processes on various aspects of the world economy, national and family economy;

    assessing the possibilities of their active participation in the economic transformations taking place in the country in order to achieve a worthy place for Russia in the world economy;

    metasubject: the development of the ability to consider the phenomena and processes of socio-economic reality in a comprehensive manner, in the context of the prevailing realities and possible prospects;

    the ability to perform cognitive tasks for the use of cause-and-effect relationships in the world economy, comparison of objects;

    the ability to use information on the development of the world economy to analyze and assess specific situations in Russia;

    subject: knowledge of the concepts of "world economy", "globalization", "international division of labor";

    the formation of ideas about the global problems of the economy, trends and prospects of its development;

    an idea of ​​the place and role of Russia in the world economy, a view of the world economy from the point of view of the interests of our country;

    the ability to identify links between the problems of globalization and the state of the world economy, the state of national economies and the development of the world economy as a whole;

    improving the skills of searching and analyzing information to characterize various processes in the foreign economic policy of states, the application of new knowledge in educational and project situations.

Lesson type and type: combined

The main content of the topic... World economy concept. International trade. State policy in the field of international trade. Global problems of the economy

Basic concepts, taking into account the historical and cultural standard: World economy, international division of labor, protectionism, free trade, tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation

Educational resources: textbook 1) Social studies. Grade 11: textbook. for general education. organizations: basic level; / [L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanov and others] under the editorship of. L.N. Bogolyubov [and others]; Grew up. Acad. Science, Ros. Acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment" .- M.: Education, 2014.

2) Social studies. Lesson development. Grade 11: a guide for general education teachers. organizations: basic level / [L.N. Bogolyubov, A. Yu. Lazebnikova, N.Yu. Basik and others]. - M.: Education, 2014.

Visibility, TCO:


    Org. moment.

    Repetition of reference knowledge

    Assimilation of new knowledge

1) What is the world economy.

2) International trade.

3) State policy in the field of international trade

4) Global problems of the economy

    Consolidation, formation of skills and abilities

D / s Textbook, § 11. Task 3 to the paragraph. Essay on the statement in the heading "Thoughts of the Wise".

For students who have shown interest in the topic: a project on the topic “How the current global financial and economic crisis has affected the Russian economy” (based on media materials, Internet resources).

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Repetition of reference knowledge

the beginning of the paragraph. When discussing the question "What are the pros and cons of the globalization process?" should rely on the course of the 10th grade (topics "Dynamics of social development", "The global threat of international terrorism"). It is also helpful to refer to the students' knowledge of the areas of economics such as macroeconomics and microeconomics. The teacher can invite high school students to remember the definition of each of the parts economic theory and illustrate them with an appropriate example. Thus, students move on to consider the most important provisions of an independent part of economic science that studies the world economy.

III. Assimilation of new knowledge

    Students become familiar with the concept of the "world economy" in the educational text. It will be useful to organize vocabulary work (see: Social studies. School dictionary; economic dictionaries). Students are encouraged to compare different definitions.

Acquaintance with the signs of the concept of "world economy" is appropriate to supplement with brief information about the process of formation of the world economy. The teacher reminds students that it arose in the middle of the 19th century. with the development of a large machine industry and the emergence in connection with this of the international division of labor. By the beginning of the XX century. almost all countries of the world were included in the world economy. For more information about the formation of the world economy and current trends in its development, the teacher can get from the books "Popular Economic Encyclopedia" (Moscow, 2001) and "New Economic Encyclopedia" by E.E. Rumyantseva (Moscow, 2005).

Then the question is considered: what is meant by international economic relations? The teacher focuses the attention of students on the main components of the system of international economic relations, which are only listed in the educational text. These relations are the defining, essential features of the studied concept of the "world economy". The teacher can give them based on the diagram.


new section-



increase of labor



When characterizing the international division of labor (MRI) and the prerequisites for the specialization of countries, it is important to note that initially MRI was based on differences in natural and climatic conditions. With the transition to the machine stage, MRI production began to be based on technological specialization in the field of production. Invite students to provide examples of cost-effective specialization.

According to economists' forecasts, the process of the international division of labor will deepen, and on its basis, the international exchange of goods and services will grow at a faster pace.

The international movement of capital is the placement and functioning of capital abroad with the aim of increasing it. The participants in this process are private and public organizations and companies. Capital is exported in loan and entrepreneurial form.

Russia is actively involved in the international movement of capital. It annually imports loan capital, increasing its debt to other countries and international organizations. At the same time, our country is also exporting capital (for example, it exports loan capital to the CIS countries).

The world labor market is an important component of international economic relations. It should be emphasized that the free movement of labor between countries is one of the conditions for the effective development of national economies. There is economic feasibility and the need to use foreign labor. Countries and firms are striving to lower production costs by using cheaper foreign labor. The modern world labor market is characterized by the migration of not only low-skilled workers, but also intellectual workers - a “brain drain”. Students are invited to give examples of such migrations taking place in Russian reality.

It is appropriate to pose the following questions: what does the country lose or gain from the emigration of skilled workers and specialists? What conditions will help them return?

It can be assumed that students will attribute to losses the costs invested in the training of employees, the loss of qualified personnel, and difficulties for development in the future. Accordingly, the benefits include, for example, savings in education and research. The main trends in the development of the world labor market: constant growth in the scale of labor movement; labor resources are sent mainly from developing countries to developed ones.

The world monetary system is a set of economic and legal relations associated with the functioning of a currency. It arose as a result of international agreements on currency issues. The subject of such interstate agreements was the coordination of issues such as determining the status of international means of payment, establishing methods for measuring currencies and principles of forming exchange rates, determination of the rules for the functioning of world currency markets and the gold market.

    The next component of international economic relations is international trade. This is one of the main and historically the earliest forms of world economic relations. The teacher draws attention to the basic terms of international trade: export, import, trade balance. It is useful to organize vocabulary work, where students analyze the vocabulary entries suggested by the teacher.

It is important to discuss the benefits of international trade. In this regard, it is appropriate to pose the following questions: 1) What do countries choose as an object of international exchange? 2) What is the essence of the theory of absolute and comparative advantages in foreign trade? 3) What goods produced in Russia allow the country to have an absolute advantage in international exchange?

Analyzing the results of the discussion of issues, the teacher brings the students to the conclusion: the object of international trade is, as a rule, the most competitive products with better consumer properties and lower production costs.

It is useful to supplement the analytical work of students with tables and diagrams, as well as acquaintance with the provisions of the educational text that briefly characterize the specifics, positive and negative aspects of Russian foreign trade, with information on possible ways to improve its structure. For example, this is possible due to the growth of exports of competitive products of the chemical, nuclear, electrical, and defense industries. Income can be provided by the sale of space, transport, construction, and tourism services.

This information will lead students to a conversation about the need for a purposeful state policy in the field of foreign trade. Here it is also advisable to talk about relations with Russia's main partners in this area. The following information will help the teacher: the main export partners of modern Russia are the Netherlands (12%), Italy (8.3%), Germany (6.2%), China (5.5%), Belarus (5.5%), Turkey (5.4%), Ukraine (4.6%), Poland (4.1%); by imports - China (13.6%), Germany (12.7%), USA (5.5%), Ukraine (5.4%), France (5%), Italy (4.7%), Japan (4.3%), Belarus (4%).

Completing tasks 1 and 2 to the paragraph will help to consolidate the material. An addition can be the statements of students formulated in the process of discussing the current problem situation: it is known that the result of the liberalization of foreign trade in Russia was a decline in production in such areas of the economy as agriculture, electronics, light industry, and an increase in the export of non-renewable resources (oil and gas) ... What are the positive aspects of liberalization?

In response, students can point to the filling of the domestic market with goods of a higher quality and the required assortment, an increase in the turnover of wholesale and retail trade, an increase in employment, etc.

    It is necessary to form an understanding among students of the benefits and losses of the country from the choice of a particular policy in the field of international trade. The teacher offers to study the corresponding educational text and write down your judgments in the table.

International trade and government policy








Free trade


Work with the document at the end of the paragraph will help the teacher to consolidate the material. When discussing assignments to it, it is important to draw the attention of students to the fact that the accelerated integration of the former socialist countries with world markets not only has benefits, but is also fraught with dangers. National manufacturers, having found themselves in the conditions of unusually tough competition, risk not withstanding it and going bankrupt (an example is the situation at the enterprises of the Russian automobile industry and light industry). Meanwhile, the state cannot always rely on the import of goods of strategic importance (for example, food). New branches of national production need temporary protection from foreign competition in order to be able to develop and become competitive. Potential dangers prompt the Russian government not to abandon the use of various methods of protectionist policies.

The students come to the conclusion: each country must find the most advantageous place in the system of international economic relations, depending on the so-called comparative advantages that are unique to each country.

    When considering the last point of the plan, it is necessary to rely on the students' knowledge of global problems of social development, the causes and consequences of the process of globalization. The main task is to consider the process of globalization in conjunction with the development of the world economy.

    What areas of international economic relations are affected by globalization? 2) What is the expression of the deepening of the international division of labor and the internationalization of production? 3) What contradictions does the process of globalization of the world economy give rise to and how to overcome them? 4) Does Russia have prospects for successful integration into the world economy? 5) What are the main trends in global economic development? What conditions will enable them to be implemented?

It is important to gain an understanding of the close relationship and mutual influence of various aspects of social life affected by the globalization process (it is desirable to discuss problems with specific examples). It is necessary to emphasize the ambiguity and inconsistency of the impact of globalization on the world economy (one can recall the anti-globalization movement). It is important for the teacher to note that one can treat globalization in different ways, but, opposing it, one should remember that in this way we risk forever lagging behind world development, from new technologies, including in vital spheres. We must be able to benefit from the processes of globalization while respecting national interests. And the primary role of the state in these processes is to protect the interests of citizens.

If there is a computer in the classroom, it is useful to invite students, using materials on the Internet, to find examples that illustrate the processes of globalization in the modern economy.

In the second variant of the organization of work (school lecture and conversation), you can choose the following topic for conversation: what are the benefits and losses from Russia's accession to the WTO?

Students are offered two pieces of text for analysis. The following variant of work is possible: divide the students into two groups, one of which gets acquainted with the advantages of Russia's accession to the WTO and independently formulates possible disadvantages, and the other gets acquainted with the disadvantages and formulates his proposals on how to exclude them. The teacher helps evaluate the opinions of the authors and take stock of the group's work.

The main advantages of Russia's accession to the WTO:

    lower duties, that is, imported goods will become cheaper, export duties will also decrease, which will lead to the fact that Russian exports will also increase. Primarily the resource industries will benefit from this;

    foreign companies will be more active in the Russian market, and competition will intensify, that is, Russian goods will also become cheaper;

    Russian foreign economic activity will become more predictable and stable. As a result, an increase in the number of foreign investments can be expected.

Accession to the WTO presupposes an improvement in the country's investment climate and the potential attraction of new technologies to the economy.

The main disadvantages of Russia's accession to the WTO:

    many Russian companies will not be competitive. As a result - the loss of jobs, an increase in the number of unemployed. The consequences will be especially serious in monotowns, where a social explosion may occur due to the bankruptcy of a city-forming enterprise;

    the Russian economy will lose significant flexibility in matters of foreign economic activity;

    It will be more difficult for Russia to get rid of its dependence on raw materials;

    the reduction in export duties will lead to an even larger budget deficit, which will be covered by issuing government bonds. This can lead to an increase public debt with the corresponding consequences. (Cm.: Tatarkin A. The main consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO / Ed. A. Tatarkina - M., 2012 .-- P. 38; A. V. Chistoserdov Russia's accession to the WTO / Ed. A. V. Chistoserdova. - M., 2012 .-- S. 26.)

IV. Consolidation, formation of skills and abilities

It is useful to discuss the materials in the "Practical Conclusions" section. The advice formulated in the rubric will contribute to a more successful socialization of school graduates, increasing their competitiveness, mastering rational methods of behavior in economic relations.

Quests in USE format.

    Are the following judgments about the methods of foreign trade regulation correct?

A. The purpose of introducing customs tariffs on imports is to protect domestic producers from foreign competitors.

B. Free trade policy contributes to the saturation of the national market with cheap and quality goods.

    only A is true

    only B is true

    both judgments are correct

    both judgments are wrong

    Read the text, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) According to various estimates in 2002-2003. Russia supplied 16-17 million tons of grain to the world market. (B) The country entered the top ten world leaders in wheat exports and the top five barley exporters. (B) This success tends to persist. (D) Economists rightly associate the further development of the agricultural sector with the arrival of large capital there and the creation of agricultural firms. (E) The formation of a civilized land market is an important characteristic of the development of market relations in the economy.

Determine which positions of the text have:

    factual character

    nature of value judgments

    nature of theoretical provisions

Write down in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number that expresses its character.