
Training for children and adults. Italian language, Italy, independent study of the Italian language. Drawing studio for adults at Chistye Prudy

This site is dedicated to self-learning Italian from scratch. We will try to make it the most interesting and useful for everyone who is interested in this beautiful language and, of course, Italy itself.

Interesting about the Italian language.
History, facts, modernity.
Let's start with a few words about the modern status of the language; it is obvious that Italian is the official language in Italy, the Vatican (simultaneously with Latin), in San Marino, but also in Switzerland (in its Italian part, the canton of Ticino) and in Several districts in Croatia and Slovenia, where a large Italian-speaking population lives, Italian is also spoken by some of the residents on the island of Malta.

Italian dialects - will we understand each other?

In Italy itself, even today you can hear many dialects, sometimes it is enough to travel only a few tens of kilometers to encounter another of them.
Moreover, dialects are often so different from each other that they can seem like completely different languages. If people from, for example, the northern and central Italian “outback” meet, they may not even be able to understand each other.
What is especially interesting is that some dialects, in addition to the oral form, also have a written form, such as the Neopolitan, Venetian, Milanese and Sicilian dialects.
The latter exists, accordingly, on the island of Sicily and is so different from other dialects that some researchers distinguish it as a separate Sardinian language.
However, in everyday communication and, especially, in large cities, you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience, because... Today, dialects are spoken mainly by older people in rural areas, while young people use the correct literary language, which unites all Italians, the language of radio and, of course, television.
It may be mentioned here that until the end of the Second World War, modern Italian was only a written language, used by the ruling class, scientists and in administrative institutions, and it was television that played a big role in the spread of the common Italian language among all inhabitants.

How it all began, origins

The history of the formation of modern Italian, as we all know it, is closely connected with the history of Italy and, of course, no less fascinating.
Origins - in Ancient Rome, everything was in the Roman language, commonly known as Latin, which at that time was the official state language of the Roman Empire. Later, from Latin, in fact, the Italian language and many other European languages ​​arose.
Therefore, knowing Latin, you can understand what a Spaniard is saying, plus or minus a Portuguese, and you can even understand part of the speech of an Englishman or a Frenchman.
In 476, the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, abdicated the throne after the capture of Rome by the German leader Odocar, this date is considered the end of the Great Roman Empire.
Some also call it the end of the “Roman language”, however, even today disputes still rage as to why exactly the Latin language lost its relevance, because of the capture of the Roman Empire by barbarians or was it a natural process and in what language? spoken towards the end of the Roman Empire.
According to one version, in ancient Rome by this time, along with Latin, the spoken language was already widespread, and it is from this popular language of Rome that the Italian that we know as Italian of the 16th century comes from, according to the second version, in connection with the invasion of the barbarians Latin mixed with various barbarian languages ​​and dialects, and it is from this synthesis that the Italian language originates.

Birthday - first mention

The year 960 is considered the birthday of the Italian language. This date is associated with the first document where this “proto-vernacular language” is present - vulgare, these are court papers related to the land litigation of the Benedictine Abbey, witnesses used this particular version of the language so that the testimony would be understandable to as many people as possible, until this moment in all official papers we can only see Latin.
And then there was a gradual spread in the ubiquitous life of the language vulgare, which translates as the people's language, which became the prototype of the modern Italian language.
However, the story does not end there, but only becomes more interesting and the next stage is associated with the Renaissance and with such well-known names as Dante Alighiere, F. Petrarch, G. Boccaccio and others.
to be continued...

On line translator

I suggest that all guests of my blog use a convenient and free Italian online translator.
If you need to translate a couple of words or a short phrase from Russian to Italian or vice versa, you can use the little translator on the sidebar of the blog.
If you want to translate large text or need other languages, use the full version of the online dictionary, where there are more than 40 languages ​​on a separate blog page - /p/onlain-perevodchik.html

Italian language tutorial

I present a new separate section for all students of the Italian language - Italian language self-instruction manual for beginners.
Making a blog into a full-fledged Italian tutorial is, of course, not easy, but I try to give the most convenient and logical sequence of interesting online lessons so that you can learn Italian on your own.
There will also be a section - an audio tutorial, where, as you might guess, there will be lessons with audio applications that can be downloaded or listened to directly on the site.
How to choose an Italian language tutorial, where to download it, or how to study it online, you will find information about this in my posts.
By the way, if anyone has ideas or suggestions on how best to organize such a tutorial on our Italian blog, be sure to write to me.

Italian on Skype

Secrets of how you can learn Italian on Skype for free, whether you always need a native speaker, how to choose a teacher, how much it costs to learn Italian via Skype, how not to waste your time and money - read about all this in the section “Italian language on Skype.”
Come in, read and make the right choice!

Italian phrasebook

Free, Fun, with a native speaker - a section for those who want to learn words and phrases on certain topics.
Join, listen, read, learn - voiced Italian phrasebook for tourists, shopping, airport, everyday situations and much more
In chapter "

": over the course of five days we will tell you how to spend as little money as possible and still feel comfortable in the metropolis.

There are many shortcomings in Moscow life, but what cannot be taken away from Moscow is the high concentration of smart and educated people who are not averse to sharing their knowledge with each other. The choice of free education in Russia is huge: let’s start with the fact that those who managed to obtain a “certified specialist” qualification still have the right to a free master’s degree in any specialty.

University graduates are now issued permanent certificates, which give them the right to use the library, media resources and go to their home university, which means to attend any lectures and seminars. Departments of Moscow universities regularly hold round tables and conferences, they have laboratories and seminars that can be wildly interesting (for example, the Laboratory of Urban Field Research at the Higher School of Economics or seminars on the culture of childhood at the Russian State University for the Humanities). They can be visited by anyone who comes forward in time and asks the laboratory assistant to issue a pass.

If that's not enough for you, The Village has collected a variety of educational initiatives for all occasions, for which you won't have to pay a penny. And in some cases, in addition, they will even give you a scholarship or pour you coffee.

From september

Living English

While the American Cultural Center (AMC) is still operating in Moscow, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Creative Writing Club meetings, Public Speaking Club discussions are regularly held here, classic and modern literature is discussed in the Literature Club, and interesting people are invited to meetings. In addition, they will always help you prepare for TOEFL, GRE and GMAT, tell you about the specifics of these exams and give you textbooks for preparation. AMC features the latest American press, including the latest Time and New Yorker magazines. To enter the library you need a one-time pass or library card.

From september


At a time when many are again interested in the possibility of obtaining Israeli citizenship, the offer to learn Hebrew for free is more relevant than ever. At the Israel Cultural Center, you can now sign up for ulpan (free Hebrew courses) taught by teachers certified by the Israeli Ministry of Education. While studying the language, students will be introduced to the cultural traditions of the Jewish people, the history and modern life of Israel. Suitable for those who are still afraid to emigrate.

Open University
Look At Me

The “Open University”, which is organized by our colleagues from the Look At Me publication together with the Moscow City Park and the Muzeon art park, has just begun. So far there have been only two lectures - art groups AES+F about contemporary art and the creator of Mediascet Dmitry Solovyov about digital detox. Designers, architects, scientists, philosophers and contemporary artists will talk about the ideas of the future.

Lectures are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the School pavilion in Muzeon Park; everyone is asked to register in advance on Facebook or on the website.


School for expectant mothers

The school for expectant mothers at Children's Store No. 1 is opening enrollment in September for a new series of lectures on raising and caring for a child. Here they talk about preparing for childbirth, breastfeeding and caring for a newborn. The classes are taught by a pediatrician of the highest category and invited experts. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13:00 to 15:00; you must register in advance for the seminar that interests you.

From september

English language

Every first Friday of the month at 17:00, the Oxbridge English Club meets at the Biblio-Globus bookstore and the Medvedkovo House of Books, which will help maintain your language skills. The level of preparation is not important, pre-registration is not required.

once a month on Fridays

Creative Mornings

Friday “breakfasts” with interesting people, which were invented in New York, are now organized once a month by volunteers in 88 cities around the world, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. The idea is simple - a lot of interesting things are happening around us, but everyone, as always, has no time. So why not meet on Friday at 08:30 before work and discuss with Linor Goralik clothes for people with structural features or see how Marat Gelman pours a bucket of water on himself and talks about modern art. True, Creative Mornings in Moscow have turned from intimate breakfasts into TED lectures, but they serve coffee there.

Seminars on Japanese literature

The Department of Japanese Culture of the Library of Foreign Languages ​​holds open seminars on Japanese literature on Fridays and Saturdays: on Friday - on classical literature, on Saturday - on modern literature. The classes are taught by an orientalist Tatyana Lvovna Sokolova-Delyusina. The seminar requires students to have knowledge of the Japanese language, but participants with a beginner level are also welcome here. Admission to the seminars is free, pre-registration is not required, but to enter the library you will have to issue a one-time pass or library card.

Master class on first aid rules

“University Saturdays” is an educational project that unites Moscow universities and museums, and was conceived primarily for schoolchildren and students, but anyone can come. There are lectures about Shukhov, and the history of the internal combustion engine, and a lecture on oral hygiene. But the most relevant, in our opinion, is the master class “Injuries. Accidents. General principles and rules of first aid", which will be conducted by a professor at the Department of Disaster Medicine at the Medical University. N.I. Pirogova September 13. It will talk about various types of domestic injuries and show what and how to do with a person using training mannequins.

Japanese song course

The Department of Japanese Culture in the Library of Foreign Literature is an attraction of unparalleled generosity. Among half a dozen master classes for all occasions, there are classes in Japanese song, which will be taught by Hitomi Somata, a graduate of Musashino Music Academy. Classes are held on Saturdays from 16:00, the first is on September 13. The course will end, as expected, with a reporting concert. The number of places in the group is limited; only 15 people will be accepted. To enter the library you will have to get a one-time pass or a library pass.

Theater workshop

A theater director's workshop opens at the Greek Cultural Center Giorgos Panagopoulos. Her students will study the history of theater, acting, stage management for children and adults. Classes will be held on weekends, the first one on September 14th.

Playing Korean drums

Korean language school Won Gwan and the MEK group teaches everyone how to play the janggu - a Korean drum. Master Han Sang Dong will teach not only the basics of playing janggu, but also teach karaka (rhythm) called “Yeonnam”, and also introduce the history of samulnori (Korean drum music). Classes will be held from September to December with a final performance. Anyone interested will be able to register at the first lesson on September 14th.

Evening courses at Dmitry Pozharsky University

Dmitry Pozharsky University is a non-profit educational project. Evening courses are the most unimaginable: biblical Hebrew (1 year), ancient Greek, Latin, Akkadian, classical Chinese and Old English, Church Slavonic writing, Egyptology (2 years), history of antiquity and Ancient Rus', the Middle Ages, but perhaps the most intriguing is mathematics for humanists. Tuition is free, but donations and assistance in transcribing lectures and editing videos are welcome.

Calligraphy courses

The Japanese Culture Department at the Foreign Literature Library is once again enrolling in calligraphy courses. The classes will be taught by professional calligrapher Kaori Ishijima. The only negative is that classes are held on Wednesday afternoons, which

uncomfortable for people working in the office. The course includes ten lessons, the first one on September 17th. The number of participants is limited. To enter the library you need a one-time pass or a library pass.

Academy of Journalism "Kommersant"

Unable to engage in journalism, the Kommersant publishing house began teaching it. If last year education at the Academy cost 70 thousand rubles, then this year three-month courses are provided for free. Training is on weekdays five times a week from 11 to 17, that is, it is suitable for those who have already received an education and who lack practical skills to start working. The Academy has three areas: politics, society and economics. The application must be submitted by September 5, the autumn course will begin on September 22. They only hire those who already have some publications in the media.

Ruslan Abdrakhmanov

I mastered the profession of electric and gas welder well thanks to teacher Innokenty Smogunov. Very friendly and demanding specialist. Explains in detail everything that is not clear. As a result, I work on the recommendation of CenterConsult in the construction company MontazhServis. I perform all types of work related to electric and gas welding. We weld fences, pipes, and fittings at construction sites. Thank you for giving me a good and profitable profession!

Anastasia Maksimova

Received a specialty as a pastry chef. Now I work in a large confectionery shop. I want to express a huge thank you to our teacher of confectionery art, Lidia Mikhailovna. Thanks to her, I learned a lot of things that can be useful in this difficult task. I would also like to say that thanks to my concern for the well-being of my wards, I quickly found a job and joined the company’s staff. Thanks to HR officer Elena for this. I now recommend you to all my friends who want to get the same profession!

Sergey Vorobiev

I graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, but never found a direct job in my specialty. Thanks to the CenterConsult training center, the situation has changed radically. Completed specialized training courses. Now I work at the institute as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Unlike general education, here I was shown specifically how to work with various devices used in practice today. I would like to express my special gratitude to the manager Svetlana for the quick arrangement!

Dmitry Mironov

I work as a turner at an electro-mechanical plant at Russian Railways. I would like to express my gratitude to CenterConsult for the training and quick search for a job. You have an excellent teaching staff! All the masters are polite, but persistent. They always get their students to complete learning tasks. Thanks to this, I personally acquired good skills that today allow me to earn good money and provide for my family. Thank you!

Ilya Osipov

Working as an electrician requires a lot of responsibility. At the training center, I was well instilled with a sense of duty, responsibility and diligence in front of such an important position. I would like to thank Viktor Stepanovich, the teacher of our group, who clearly explains how to work as an electrician and what dangers this work entails and what consequences may arise if duties are performed in bad faith. Also thanks to manager Denis for finding me a job at Elektromontazhservis!

Victor Fomin

I work as a boiler room operator at a thermal power plant. I received my profession and position thanks to the CenterConsult training center. Although the work may not be dusty, I have a huge responsibility. However, I cope well thanks to the skills that were instilled in me during my studies. Special thanks to Fyodor Kuzmich for this, for his approach to teaching and his efforts to instill in each student a love and high responsibility for his position. I will recommend your school to everyone!

Grigory Nazarov

I work as a slinger at a lumberyard. I received my profession at CenterConsult. They teach well both in practice and theory. The most interesting thing is that passing the theory is immediately accompanied by practical exercises. I would like to thank you for my quick accommodation immediately after completing the course. Thanks to manager Lyudmila.

Victor Martynov

Although I have driven dump trucks before, being a bulldozer operator requires a slightly different approach. Without the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that I received from the senior master in Nikolai Sergeevich’s training group, I would have been mastering this specialty for a long time, and I would hardly have mastered it well on my own. Special thanks for finding me a job immediately after completing my studies!

Nikita Voronin

I work as a welder and earn very good money thanks to the fact that I received my profession at CenterConsult. I have long wanted to become a welder, but I had no idea what knowledge and skills this job entails. Only at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated or serious about it. How to select electrodes, what method to apply a suture and other practical features were explained and shown in the training group, very clearly. Especially thanks to master Mikhail Vyacheslavovich.

Alexey Grachev

My specialty is an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. I received it from CenterConsult. I would like to express my gratitude to the team of teachers and masters of the group in which I studied. This is a really difficult specialty. This requires skills in working with electrical networks, knowledge of the basics of electrical safety, and how simple and complex electrical equipment is connected, and much more. I would like to thank Viktor Petrovich, my master, for the fact that with his help I was able to master this difficult specialty. Now I work at a local energy company and I am very glad that I found myself in a good team and that they pay well. Therefore, I also express my gratitude to the manager Tatyana for finding a job and quickly settling in.

Pavel Malyshev

The profession of a crane operator requires skill and endurance. And of course professional knowledge. I would like to note that without the CenterConsult company, I would never have mastered such a specialty! I called the training center and they immediately offered me to master this unusual profession for me. I have never been afraid of heights and so I decided to try it, especially since we have a lot of construction projects and crane operators are always needed. The training went quickly. It is interesting that all theoretical classes were always accompanied by practical training on a special simulator. Now I work on a large construction site. They have already built an entire section of the residential complex, not without my help. I thank the company for interesting and profitable work!

Semyon Skvortsov

A tractor driver is almost like a tank driver. It's also challenging and interesting. My grandfather worked as a combine operator and sometimes took me to the fields. Therefore, since childhood, it was ingrained in my subconscious that when I grow up I will start working as someone like that. Dreams come true with CenterConsult. I already had a driver’s license, but working on a tractor and driving a car are two big differences. Only in your training center did they really teach me how to treat a “steel horse”, and in general what types of them there are and for what tasks they are used, I learned here. I would like to express my special gratitude to the job search manager Oksana. She assigned me to a company. Now I work and earn a good income. I recommend everyone to study here!

Artem Kuznetsov

I would like to express my gratitude for the new job as a program-controlled machine operator. I completed the courses well and received 3rd grade. Special thanks to our teacher Sergei Vladimirovich. With his help, I gained new knowledge necessary in my work and extensive experience in practice. I would especially like to thank Svetlana Vladimirovna for her help in finding employment. Thanks to her, I work as a third-class CNC operator at Valcom. Thank you very much for helping people learn and get jobs. I wish you prosperity and that your enterprise will always remain as in demand as it is now.

Mikhail Nikitin

At CenterConsult he studied as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. I was pleased with the responsible approach - they answered all my questions, gave me a schedule and always sent information about changes. The convenience of the classes is that they took place near the metro station pl. Courage and always in close proximity to each other. Theoretical and practical classes always took place in turns. In addition to theory, time was allocated to prepare for practice. I was glad that the teachers were always willing to meet us and explored more the topics that interested us. I would especially like to mention the teacher Yuri Borisovich. He always spoke in detail about the subject and worked out this or that question in detail with everyone.

Igor Mitrofanov

The specialty of an oil and gas production operator is perhaps one of the most difficult, responsible and dangerous. I only learned how to approach things when I got to CenterConsult. The training is conducted by real professionals with experience in drilling equipment and experience in the extraction of these minerals. Immediately after training we moved on to practice. We trained a lot on special simulators and went to real sites. After completing an internship at Neftegazsintez, I stayed to work there in the position for which I studied. The boss, seeing my work and approach to business, immediately noted that I work like a professional. However, I want to convey all these words of gratitude to my teacher, who taught me how to really work on such objects. Thank you Bogdana Kirillovich!

In Moscow, you can learn almost any foreign language absolutely free or for a small symbolic amount. But you will have to be patient, because... There will be many such people, but there will be much fewer places where they teach for free. Moreover, the more popular the language, the longer the queue of people who want to learn it. The queues can be quite long. There are other difficulties, for example, in some schools training is available only to students, in others they require at least basic knowledge of the language you have chosen to study. But, in any case, with a certain amount of persistence, becoming a student at a free language school is quite possible.

Below we present to you 12 such schools.

1. German language courses in the Russian-German House

Initially, the courses were created for ethnic Germans living in Russia and wanting to learn the language, as well as learn more about the history of the resettlement of Germans to the territory of our country and their compatriots to the territory of Germany. But now the groups are recruiting everyone, the only condition is that the non-target audience (that is, not ethnic Germans) here should not exceed 10% of the total number of listeners. During the courses, you will not only learn the language, but also learn more about the culture and traditions of Germany, and personally take part in festivities on the occasion of one or another German holiday. And everyone knows what fantastic benefits this immersion effect brings to language learning!

These courses can be considered full-fledged language training, since they follow a standard schedule for language schools: you will need to come to double lessons lasting 45 minutes twice a week. Parents and children can learn the language together - there are separate groups for adults and children.

Recruitment for groups begins in August; if you decide to enroll, you must leave an application on the organization’s official website and wait for feedback.

Courses can be attended twice a week.

For those who, for some reason, cannot fully study the language, but would like to join the German culture, the Russian-German House provides special events: concerts, lectures, exhibitions and other cultural performances dedicated to the culture of the Germans. You can find out about the schedule of such events.

Address: Moscow, M.Pirogovskaya, 5, off. 51.

2. Gaelic language courses at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University

Do you love Celtic culture? Then Gaelic (in other words, Scottish) language courses will be a great exotic find for you! Here you can get acquainted with the culture and epic of the Gaelic peoples, Irish ballads, and learn a lot about the life and cultural life of the Celtic tribes. The training takes place in an interesting playful way; for example, students are introduced to Celtic music through performances by folk groups.

The Gaelic language is taught by both Russian-speaking teachers and invited Scottish, Irish, American and New Zealand native speaker storytellers. The courses are intended for students of all ages - from children to pensioners. But, of course, the main audience for such classes are students and young professionals - those who love something new and unusual, but do not have the opportunity to pay big money for their hobbies.

Frequency of classes: four times a month.

Address: Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 31

3. Chinese language courses at the interuniversity Chinese language faculty of Moscow State University

Russia's rapprochement with China has been progressing rapidly in recent years. For those who want to stay in trend and master the language of the Celestial Empire, exotic language training has started at the most famous Russian University. The opportunity to study the language free of charge here is provided only to those students who study on a budget at any Moscow university. For all other categories, paid training is provided.

In terms of intensity, these courses can be easily compared to Chinese language courses in the best language schools. They also have one significant advantage - students who show the best results have the opportunity to go on an internship to China.

Interviews for those wishing to enroll in courses are held at the end of September. To register for an interview, leave an application on the official website.

The courses last 3 years and must be attended twice a week in the evenings.

Address: Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 11

4. Hindi courses at the Nehru Cultural Center at the Indian Embassy

For fans of exoticism and exotic languages, Indian language courses - Hindi - have started in an authentic island of India in the very center of the metropolis. The main goal of the courses is not only to learn the language, but also to immerse yourself in Indian culture. This is not just a place where language courses are held, it is a full-fledged cultural center with the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of Indian practices. Here you can learn yoga, Indian dancing, try your hand at playing national musical instruments and, of course, communicate with native-speaking teachers.

Training is conducted 6 days a week from 14 to 19 hours. You need to find out from the teachers what time and day of the week your group’s classes will fall on. By the way, all teachers of this center are native speakers!

Unfortunately, for some internal reasons, distributing information about the course schedule in the online space is not encouraged. Perhaps this is due to the large influx of applicants and the peculiarities of the start of training. The fact is that classes begin as groups are recruited - which, of course, is difficult to predict. The number of groups varies from 5 to 25 people.

Therefore, if you want to enroll in a group, you need to come to the cultural center in person.

In order to become a full member of this Indian community, you must obtain a membership card. Its price is 500 rubles per month. But you must admit, it comes out much cheaper than paid courses.

Address: Moscow, st. Vorontsovo field, house 9, building 2

5. Hebrew courses “Ulpan” at the Israeli cultural center.

Here residents of the capital, as well as other Russian cities, can learn Hebrew absolutely free. As in other cultural centers, education here is based on immersion in Jewish culture and, accordingly, organic learning of the language. The main emphasis in these courses is on controversial speech. You will be taught how to communicate while traveling and communicate with Hebrew-speaking friends through correspondence. All students receive the materials necessary for their studies absolutely free of charge, and groups are selected depending on the level of the students. Registration for courses is available twice a year: in winter and summer.

If you want to learn Hebrew, just leave a request on the official website. From the moment the new recruitment starts, the coordinator will begin calling those interested in order to clarify the details.

Recruitment is carried out in 2 entry-level groups. Each level is designed for 72 academic hours. Upon completion of training, everyone who has no more than 20% absences from classes can take an exam to receive an official Certificate.

Address: Moscow, st. Nizh.Radishchevskaya, 14/2, building 1, 3rd floor

6. Japanese language courses at the Japan Foundation at VGBIL named after. Rudomino

The approach to language learning in Japanese language courses in the library of foreign literature is pedantic and thorough. The course of study lasts 4 years, and the schedule of classes is formed by analogy with the schedule in paid language schools. Each lesson lasts two academic hours.

Registration for groups is available twice a year. For those wishing to sign up for training, a mandatory condition is to fill out a special form. The completed form must be sent to the course representative by e-mail. At the same time, the number of places is limited, and those who sent an application earlier are eligible for training. There are 5-7 vacant places in the group of each level, so we can assume how high the competition for one place is.

After the application is approved, candidates undergo a linguistic test, and the list of applicants is announced in September. Those with zero level of knowledge of the Japanese language are assigned to groups for beginners. Those who show a higher level of knowledge (for example, who have previously studied a language) can be enrolled immediately in the 2nd or 3rd year, attached to existing groups.

Classes are held 2 times a week with a break for the summer holidays in July and August.

Address: Moscow, st. Nikoloyamskaya, 1, VGBIL building, 4th floor

7. Project “Italia amore mio”

This language project was developed jointly with the language school BKC International. It is not a full-fledged language course, but rather a club of interests where you can improve your language skills and make new acquaintances.

The project is aimed at those who have a certain language base and can carry on a conversation on a particular topic in Italian.

Conversations take place twice a month, the topics of the conversations are always different. The meetings are conducted by experienced teachers of the BKC language school, and guests from Italy participate in the meetings as native speakers. If you want to test your level, free testing is available during the event.

There is no need to make an appointment in advance; you just need to show up at the appointed time at the appointed place - and enjoy making new acquaintances, getting a lot of impressions and, of course, improving your Italian.

Address: Moscow, st. Vozdvizhenka, 4/7, building 1 (Moscow bookstore)

8. Foreign language courses at Tsiferblat

If you like to study in a relaxed, unobtrusive atmosphere, then language meetings at the Tsiferblat anti-cafe are what you need!

There are 2 “branches” of this anti-cafe in Moscow, both located in the center of the capital (on Pokrovka Street and on Tverskaya). Each anti-cafe has its own schedule, which can be found in the VKontakte communities (

    Additional adult education: directions and specifics of the organization

    Additional education for children: directions, specifics of the organization

    Areas of additional education in technology

    Conceptual basis for organizing the pedagogical process within the framework of additional education.

Additional adult education: directions and specifics of the organization

Additional professional education is aimed at continuously improving the professional knowledge of citizens throughout life, including with the aim of meeting the educational and professional needs of a person, constantly adapting to the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment, improving the business qualifications of citizens, and preparing for new types of professional activities on the basis of secondary vocational and higher education.

Training- updating the knowledge and skills of persons with professional education, in connection with increasing requirements for the level of their qualifications and the need for them to master new ways of solving professional problems;

Professional retraining- acquisition of additional knowledge and skills in accordance with additional professional educational programs, providing for the study of scientific and educational disciplines, branches of technology and new technologies necessary for carrying out a new type of professional activity and obtaining new qualifications within the limits of the students’ existing professional education;

Internship- consolidation in practice of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of receiving professional additional education, acquisition of professional and organizational qualities to perform professional duties;

Additional training- improving the skills of persons who have received vocational training;

Self-education- a form of mastering additional educational programs with minimal organization of the educational process or complete absence of management of this process on the part of teaching staff;

Methods for obtaining DPO:

Additional professional education can be obtained in the form self-education, as well as in educational organizations of additional professional education,professional educational organizations, and educational organizations of higher education.

Additional professional education can also be obtained in scientific organizations and other organizations providing training.

Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs.

Who can receive additional professional education

The following persons are allowed to master additional professional programs:

    having secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

    receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Advanced training programs are aimed at improving existing and (or) mastering new competencies necessary for professional activities, performing job functions, and improving the level of qualifications.

Institutions of additional professional education

Educational institutions for advanced training include:

    academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);

    institutes for advanced training (improvement) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;

    advanced training courses (schools, centers), employment service training centers.

Academy- leading scientific and educational-methodological centers of additional professional education mainly in one field of knowledge, training highly qualified personnel, conducting fundamental and applied scientific research and providing the necessary consulting, scientific-methodological and information-analytical assistance to other educational institutions of advanced training.

Institutes advanced training - educational institutions for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists in an industry (a number of industries) or a region, whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions in advanced training and professional retraining of specialists, conducting scientific research, providing consulting and methodological assistance .

The institutes for further training also include the following educational institutions for further training:

    professional retraining centers, advanced training and employment provision for military personnel discharged from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens discharged from military service, whose activities are aimed at organizing professional retraining for civilian specialties of this category of citizens, as well as members of their families;*

    intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists, whose activities are of a coordinating nature and are aimed at meeting the needs of the region for advanced training of personnel, scientific, methodological and information support for educational institutions of advanced training located in the region, regardless of their departmental subordination.

Courses(schools, centers) of advanced training, training centers of the employment service - educational institutions of advanced training, in which specialists, unemployed citizens, the unemployed population and released employees of enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions undergo training in order to obtain new knowledge and practical skills necessary for professional activities.

Advanced training programs.

Advanced training programs include qualification programs and professional development programs.

Advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every 5 years throughout the entire working life of employees. The frequency of specialists undergoing advanced training is established by the employer.

Advanced training includes the following types of training:

    short-term (at least 72 hours) thematic training on specific production issues, which is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists and ends with passing the relevant exam, test or defense of an essay;

    thematic and problem-based seminars (from 72 to 100 hours) on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution;

    long-term (over 100 hours) training of specialists in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of current problems in science, technology, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

The qualification program is aimed to achieve a higher level of qualifications to perform a new type of professional activity or a comprehensive update of professional competencies within the same type of professional activity.

The professional development program is aimed for a qualitative change in existing qualifications by improving professional competencies in accordance with new socio-economic, technological conditions and (or) Russian and international requirements and standards.

Vocational training programs

Professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining new and developing existing competencies in order to acquire new qualifications necessary to perform a new area of ​​professional activity, including taking into account international requirements and standards. Based on the results of mastering professional retraining programs, a specialist may be assigned additional qualifications based on the existing qualifications.

The professional retraining program is implemented on the basis of established qualification requirements (professional standards) for specific positions and professions, taking into account the previously obtained level of professional education.

Advanced training and professional retraining of specialists are carried out with without interruption from work, without interruption from work,with partial time off from work and by individual forms of training. The terms and forms of training are established by the structural unit in accordance with the needs of the customer on the basis of an agreement concluded with him within the scope established by the Standard Regulations on the educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610, c taking into account the changes and additions made to it.

Normative documents

Contents of additional professional programs determined educational program, developed and approved by an organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the needs of the person (organization) on whose initiative additional professional education is carried out.

The content of additional professional programs must ensure continuity of additional professional programs in relation to the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education, and also take into account the requirements of professional standards and (or) qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books approved in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation, according to relevant positions, professions, specialties.

Training in additional professional programs is carried out both simultaneously (continuously) and step by step (discretely), including through the development of individual training courses, subjects, disciplines of modules, internships, through the organization of network interaction, in the manner established by the educational program and (or ) contract for education.

An additional professional educational program may be implemented in the forms provided for by this Federal Law, as well as fully or partially in the form of an internship.

Forms of training and terms for mastering additional professional programs are determined by the educational program and (or) the education agreement.

Results of training

The development of additional professional educational programs ends with the final certification of students in a form determined independently by the organization carrying out educational activities.

Persons who have successfully completed the relevant additional professional program and passed the final certification are issued the following documents on additional professional education: a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining. If an additional qualification is assigned based on the results of completing a professional retraining program, this qualification is indicated in the professional retraining diploma.

When mastering an additional professional program in parallel with mastering the main professional educational program, documents on additional professional education are issued after receiving a document on education of the appropriate level of professional education.