
Natalya Zharova: Marry Koschei. Marry a koshchei How to marry a koshchei

Natalia Zharova

Marry Koschei

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

I love summer. The institute is on vacation, all the exams are over. You can safely go shopping, exposing the face that has turned pale during the session to the warm sun.

How good it is! A quiet breeze gently hums an intricate melody, pale clouds adorn the azure sky.

Veriko is me. A strange name, isn't it? Georgian. It is especially unusual that its bearer has a snub nose, blue eyes and a shock of light brown hair.

- Veriko! Verka, stop! - shouted a tall guy, running across the street.

Well, exactly, calling me.

- What do you want?

- Ver, go to the bookstore, please. You are on the way, but here I need ...

I narrowed my eyes.

- And what do you want?

This is my ex. Well, as a former ... Former failed. Everyone tried to establish love, but what kind of love if, when trying to kiss us, it throws us into laughter. We have known each other since childhood. They were tormented, tormented, and spat. We decided to just be friends. So we are friends.

- So what do you want?

“Sasha's birthday is tomorrow,” he said in a whisper.

Sasha is the son of our divorced neighbor. Small, cute. Three years old.

- So what? - I did not understand.

- I want to congratulate.

"Did you put his eye on your mother?"

- Ver, tell me simply, will you buy it or not? - the guy frowned.

- I'll buy it. What to buy?

- Fairy tales. Well, you know, that the king, princess ...

- King, princess. Okay, I get it. I'll look for something.

- Thank you, you are a miracle!

I smiled. Of course, a miracle. Who would doubt that.

That's how I got this book. Bright. With pictures. I think anyone would be delighted with such a gift, not only Sasha.

Having entered the nearest park and sat down on a bench, I leafed through the pages with curiosity. I did not have this in my childhood. Books of my generation did not provide such colorful illustrations, the characters did not look as if they were alive, did not wave their hands ... Stop. What?!

The red-haired king insistently waved his hand, pointing somewhere beyond the sheet, and the goldfish splashing in a hand-drawn three-liter jar winked cheerfully. Out of surprise, I almost dropped the book. And then she closed her eyes tightly, trying to drive away the fabulous visions, and ...

Before this event, of course, I heard that many fantastic stories begin with the awakening of the main character or with how he comes to his senses after a sudden fainting. But I never thought that this could happen to me.

I woke up from an incomprehensible and unintelligible noise. Three voices, arguing furiously, tried to shout down each other and made their way into my mind, clouded by unconsciousness. To be honest, at first I thought they were some kind of stupid dream, painfully wonderful words were heard. I didn’t want to open my eyes, it was cozy and warm. Even the hard park bench was not inconvenient.

- Ooh, scaly herring! Why did you bring this wild creature here? The first voice growled.

“And I’m not scaly-free at all,” the second responded loudly.

- You still have in mind to argue? That's how I'm comin 'on your ear, you will know!

- Uhuh? Out of me? There is no water on you!

- Look who you dragged!

- Christmas trees, quail, is it really difficult at least once exactly to do exactly as you are asked?

- I did so.

- We needed beauty! Such a girl to stay in wives.

- Just about, with a scythe to the knees, - interjected a third voice.

- And where? Where is this beauty? Whom did you bring? No, that's it, that's enough! On the ear!

- Stop, stop! Let's figure it out. Did you ask the girl?

- I asked.

- Well, I wanted to.

- And so. This is the farthest.

There was a tense silence. And for some reason there was a certainty that it was me who became the object of their genuine attention.

A number of questions arose in my head: who are they, what happened to me and what, in the end, happens? It was a little scary to open my eyes, but, as luck would have it, my hands were numb for some reason. There is nothing to do, you will have to notify everyone present about your "awakening".

I lifted my head and looked around, slowly stretching and rubbing my numb limbs.

There was no park. I don’t know what happened, but now white stone walls towered around me, and above my head there was a domed ceiling painted with bizarre patterns.

“Look at us, girl… uh… beautiful,” came a cautious voice.

Turning slightly, I saw two men. One turned out to be completely bald and fat. The second looked as if he had just stepped out of a fabulous picture: wide trousers, a scarlet caftan and a gold crown on a red crown. He scratched his thick beard thoughtfully.

“The character from the book looks especially colorful,” I frowned, biting my lip.

The men looked at each other. The red-haired sighed loudly, rolled his eyes in pain, and tightened again:

- And yet the ear is crying for you, why did you drag her? What are we going to do with her now?

There was no answer. Where the owner of the ringing third voice had gone was still a mystery.

- No, just look! - picked up the fat man. - Hair was cut a couple of years ago, I see it hurt with something, and did not have time to grow back to the floor. The figure is thin, like an empty purse, and the skin is black, like a peasant woman's. How to show it to people?

I squeaked indignantly and furrowed my brows. I don’t know what kind of eccentrics they are, but respect for a woman has not yet been canceled.

- Found! The redhead exclaimed with delight.

- I have found?

“Found something at least,” he said. - Her eyes are blue. But all the same, the ear cries for you - wasn't it prettier?

I was seriously offended. Who is this red-haired man insulting? What's going on here? Or are they hallucinations? Well, exactly, the hot summer sun is to blame. I sat down in the park, the daylight made its way through the foliage, and bam - sunstroke - I lay unconscious, that's stupidity and it seems. Maybe you should pinch yourself? Suddenly I wake up.

The men watched in bewilderment as I concentratedly pinch my hands and feet and try to bite my finger. But all attempts were in vain. Alive, healthy and even conscious.

Strange ... What happened then? Where am I and who are these actors of the village theater?

The fact that there were representatives of rural amateur groups in front of me was no longer in doubt. A crown on his head, strange shirts and caftans, boots for the first and bast shoes for the second, thick beards, a haircut "like a pot." In general, a complete set.

Natalia Zharova



I love summer. The institute is on vacation, all the exams are over. You can safely go shopping, exposing the face that has turned pale during the session to the warm sun.

How good it is! A quiet breeze gently hums an intricate melody, pale clouds adorn the azure sky.

Veriko is me. A strange name, isn't it? Georgian. It is especially unusual that its bearer has a snub nose, blue eyes and a shock of light brown hair.

Veriko! Verka, stop! - shouted a tall guy, running across the street.

Well, exactly, calling me.

What do you want?

Ver, come into the bookstore, please. You are on the way, but here I need ...

I narrowed my eyes.

And what do you want?

This is my ex. Well, as a former ... Former failed. Everyone tried to establish love, but what kind of love if, when trying to kiss us, it throws us into laughter. We have known each other since childhood. They were tormented, tormented, and spat. We decided to just be friends. So we are friends.

So what do you want?

Sasha's birthday is tomorrow, ”he said in a whisper.

Sasha is the son of our divorced neighbor. Small, cute. Three years old.

So what? - I did not understand.

I want to congratulate.

Have you laid eyes on your mother?

Ver, just tell me, will you buy it or not? - the guy frowned.

I will buy. What to buy?

Fairy tales. Well, you know, that the king, princess ...

King, princess. Okay, I get it. I'll look for something.

Thank you, you are a miracle!

I smiled. Of course, a miracle. Who would doubt that.

That's how I got this book. Bright. With pictures. I think anyone would be delighted with such a gift, not only Sasha.

Having entered the nearest park and sat down on a bench, I leafed through the pages with curiosity. I did not have this in my childhood. Books of my generation did not provide such colorful illustrations, the characters did not look as if they were alive, did not wave their hands ... Stop. What?!

The red-haired king insistently waved his hand, pointing somewhere beyond the sheet, and the goldfish splashing in a hand-drawn three-liter jar winked cheerfully. Out of surprise, I almost dropped the book. And then she closed her eyes tightly, trying to drive away the fabulous visions, and ...

Before this event, of course, I heard that many fantastic stories begin with the awakening of the main character or with how he comes to his senses after a sudden fainting. But I never thought that this could happen to me.

I woke up from an incomprehensible and unintelligible noise. Three voices, arguing furiously, tried to shout down each other and made their way into my mind, clouded by unconsciousness. To be honest, at first I thought they were some kind of stupid dream, painfully wonderful words were heard. I didn’t want to open my eyes, it was cozy and warm. Even the hard park bench was not inconvenient.

Ooh, scaly herring! Why did you bring this wild creature here? the first voice growled.

And I’m not scaly-free at all, ”the second responded loudly.

Have you thought of arguing yet? That's how I'm comin 'on your ear, you will know!

Uhuh? Out of me? There is no water on you!

Look who you dragged!

Quail trees, is it really difficult at least once exactly to do exactly as you are asked?

I did so.

We needed beauty! Such a girl to stay in wives.

Just about, with a scythe to the knees, - interjected a third voice.

And where? Where is this beauty? Whom did you bring? No, that's it, that's enough! On the ear!

Wait, wait! Let's figure it out. Did you ask the girl?

Well, I wanted to.

So that's it. This is the farthest.

There was a tense silence. And for some reason there was a certainty that it was me who became the object of their genuine attention.

A number of questions arose in my head: who are they, what happened to me and what, in the end, happens? It was a little scary to open my eyes, but, as luck would have it, my hands were numb for some reason. There is nothing to do, you will have to notify everyone present about your "awakening".

I lifted my head and looked around, slowly stretching and rubbing my numb limbs.

Title: Marry Koschei
Writer: Natalia Zharova
Year: 2018
Publisher: ALPHA-KNIGA
Genres: Popadantsy, Comedy fantasy, Russian fantasy, Love fantasy

About the book "Marry Koschei" Natalia Zharova

The book "Marry Koschei" is the first part of the "Fairy Fantasy" cycle from the creator of love and fantasy novels Natalia Zharova. This is a great opportunity to plunge into a fascinating fairy tale plot, meeting with characters loved from childhood and reflecting on adult problems.

The main character Veriko is an ordinary girl from modern society. By chance, she ends up in a fairy tale, and in the same one that we remember from childhood - with royal decrees, the terrible Koschey, the insidious Baba Yaga and the powerful Serpent-Gorynych.

Having mastered the new world, Veriko realized that the only option to go back was to find the egg with the death of Koshchei. But for this, the main character must take a risky and very unpleasant step - to marry this harmful and disgusting old man, who frightens all the children in the kingdom, because he is a real evil.

Natalia Zharova has created an amazing story - kind, light, funny and at the same time very vital and instructive, with a touching romantic line. Starting to read the book "Marry Koschei", you immediately recognize all the fairy-tale characters - they have remained the same since childhood.

There is no young and charming Koshchei or sexy Baba Yaga, which is so often found in modern fantasy in a fairy-tale manner. The "highlight" of this novel is that it is impossible to unambiguously distribute "good" and "bad" roles among all the characters. In the course of the narration, some secrets are revealed, the plot wags in different directions, constantly surprising the readers with new twists and turns and unexpected changes in the characters' images.

Despite the blotches of magic, magic and fabulous wonders, the author's fantasy world is very similar to our modern life with its moral values and the uneasy relationship between friends and enemies. After Veriko goes through the whole series of dizzying adventures, discoveries and shocks, the reader will see a completely different person, tempered by a fabulous morality.

The book "Marry Koschei" is written in an easy and lively language, with an abundance of dialogues and funny aphorisms. This work is woven from good sparkling humor and leaves behind a pleasant aftertaste and a feeling of wonderful mental relaxation.

The fabulous Slavic flavor, which was masterfully created by Natalya Zharova, does not let the reader go to the last page. This fabulous story in Koscheev's kingdom has a logical conclusion, but we recommend that all lovers of the genre and creativity of this talented author download and read the next novel from the same cycle, “The Frog Bride”.

On our literary site books2you.ru you can download the book "Marry Koschei" by Natalya Zharova for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you love reading books and always keep an eye on the new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for novice writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

I had just figured out the exams and was getting ready to enjoy a well-deserved rest, when suddenly ... Hello, new world! Revived fairy tales, old legends and new acquaintances. It's easy to go back, you just need to get an egg with the death of Koshchei. But for this you will have to persuade the famous villain to marry. What if he doesn't agree? Seduce, lure and delight!

You have your own story, and I have my own

That very night I decided on an action, grandiose in my idiocy.

I made my way to the treasury.

Oh, if you only knew how much nerve it cost to overcome the tangled corridors, dark staircases and cold basements! But it was there that the most desirable of everything that was in the fairy-tale world was hiding - the death of Koshchei. At least I was hoping for it, couldn’t the treasured chest be useless? No wonder the Immortal did not let me near him. In him! Hidden in it main value!

But the most amazing thing in an absolutely crazy plan was that it was a success. How? That's how.

On the way from the room to the basement, emptiness reigned around. As if on purpose this night, all the servants moved to another part of the castle. A couple of times I got lost, but the open doors forgotten by someone told me in time where to turn.

The gloomy staircases were awe-inspiring. A small disgusting shiver ran through my body, confirming that even I was not alien to the fear of the unknown, but, despite the horrors, the steps led straight to the set goal.

The door to the treasury was particularly difficult. To be honest, I had no idea how I could open it. I hoped for a Russian maybe. And this time he did not disappoint! The heavy doors were unlocked and easily succumbed to the onslaught of the extravagant girl.

And here I am in the holy of holies of the Koscheev castle. Where is the long-awaited chest here? I feel the goal is close. Our tale will soon end with the death of a great villain. Oh yes I am!

Smiling vindictively, I felt an incomprehensible joy and ecstasy from my own significance and greatness. What a cool one! So easily overcame all difficulties and got to the egg with a needle. Outwitted Koshchei himself! Well, isn't she smart? What can I say, just a talent!

Ignoring the gold coins, I dashed to the chest. My lovely-s-s-t ...

Fingers caressed the cherished lid, gently repeating patterns drawn by an unknown master. Breath scorched the padlock. The eyes absorbed all the details of the desired object. A tiny crack on the side, slightly faded paint along the front edge, a scratch on the back ...

These little things seemed incredibly important, as if my well-being depended on them, and by the way, it probably was.

I picked up the clasp, pulled the bow slightly. There was a click.

And now the lid opens happily, presenting it to my thirsty gaze ...

- What? My throat was instantly dry. - Empty? It can not be!

She fumbled with her hand and stumbled upon a rag lost in a corner.

Hastily pulling it out, she tried to calm the tense trembling in her hands and gently unfolded it.

- Here ha-a-hell ... - I moaned, clutching my head.

And a completely ordinary, simple, unremarkable fork fell out of the rag.

Checkmate, girl Veriko.

The return trip turned out to be less joyful.

I walked slowly, reluctantly shifting my legs, and tried to understand how it happened. Where was my rationality? Where did the brains go?

Was it really so hard to realize that everything - from the very first step - was just a stupid, pre-arranged farce?

And Koschey is really good. What can I say, just gorgeous! Play the game so skillfully. And thoughts ... My thoughts! They weren't even really mine.

Here a real specialist in mental suggestion put his hand, I cannot explain my own stupidity with anything else.

A sad, tired smile stretched her lips, and her hands gripped a fork he had taken from the treasury.

An underappreciated enemy, an evil king, a forced groom. How many masks ... And only one essence - Koschey the Immortal. I naively thought that I had repaid him for all the performances, confused the script, but no ... No, he let me perform on my own, enjoy the imaginary victory, and then poked his nose at the most unexpected moment.

Good, you bastard. Damn smart and really good. I now understand why Koschey is the main antagonist of many Slavic tales. Because there are many heroes and princes, but there is only one villain. There are no more people like him and cannot be. What can I say, I'm almost delighted!

Looking back, she saw Chayana.

- Veriko, what are you doing here?

“I’m looking for you,” I smiled tightly. - And this is your room, or what?

The girl looked out from behind an inconspicuous door.

- Well, fine! - A new plan was rapidly ripening in my head. - Let's go have a little chat.

Chayana frowned in bewilderment, but stepped aside, letting me into the bedchamber.

A room is like a room. The same as mine. The color of the canopy is slightly different, but otherwise the same. Not even interesting.

- How did you get here in the middle of the night? - The girl climbed onto the bed and, dangling her legs, patted the bedspread with her hand, inviting me to sit down.

- I tell you, I was looking for you.

- I missed you. Koschey does not allow us to communicate in the dining room, which means we will see each other at night. Are you against it?

- No, what are you. Just a little scary.

I nodded.

- Afraid. But nowhere to go. Something needs to be done.

- What are you going to do? - Chayana raised her bright brows. - After all, everything is calm. Koschey does not offend us. Feeds, watered, does not require anything. Not going to kill.

- Sure? I squinted.

- Well, you, Verka! She waved her hand. - Why are you frightening again? I would like to kill, I would have sent it to the Dead Kingdom long ago.

- Which kingdom?

- Into the Dead. What jumped up? The living do not see it, it is not for us. Or is it not so called in your land?

- Not this way.

- Well, that's how it is with us. And since Koschey did not kill anyone, it means that he needs us for some reason.

- I should know why.

Chayana smiled.

- In a year we will understand.

- Why in a year?

- And judge for yourself - brides are brought to him once a year.

“That doesn't mean anything yet,” I shook my head. - Everything is strange here. And these brides ... It feels like he doesn't care about us at all. As if the old man is bored alone in the castle, so every year he demands new toys.

“Maybe so,” Chayana agreed.

- I should also find out where he puts the old ones. By the way! Tell me, what do you know about the escape?

The girl bit her lip and looked cautiously at the door, but seeing no obstacles, nodded.

- Okay, listen. They say ... Vera, I've just heard, I don't know for sure myself. So, they say that there was one bride who managed to escape.

“That girl was from the Silver Kingdom. The beauty of the beauties. Clever, skilled. With a long and thick scythe, with eyes like grass, green.

- I realized. Local beauty queen. Come on.

- And so. They say that Koschey fell in love with her at first sight. He bribed him with gold and silver, sought reciprocal love.

- Yeah ... - I threw a glance at my new ring. - Um ...

- But her heart did not respond to the ardor of Koscheev, did not give consent to a long and good life. Then the Immortal became angry, imprisoned her in a high tower. Every morning he came to her with gifts, but she did not even look at them. She cried long and bitterly and finally decided to run away. She cut off a braid, weaved a rope out of it. And at dawn, when the sun lit up the tower window with golden rays, she fled.

- That's a fairy tale. Not a fig for Rapunzel!

- Nothing, I'm talking about mine. Tell me, Chayana, if the sun illuminates the windows in the morning, then which side of the tower is it on?

- In the east, it seems. And what?

- The fact of the matter is that nothing, - I grunted thoughtfully. - And this bride, by any chance, is not last year?

- No, I was told this story a long time ago. What is it, Ver? What have you thought of again?

- Yes, so ... Let's go look for this turret, eh?

- Now?

- Why not?

- Well, Verka ... Well, you poor girl!

- What is, - I smiled broadly, holding out my hand.

- So-a-ak ... And where should the east tower be?

- In the east.

“It's understandable,” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. - And where is the east? I should have looked through the window in your room.

“In vain, it’s night now, you still don’t see anything, and you don’t need to - I already remember.

- Why are you silent then?

- And you didn’t ask. Chayana shrugged. - I walked confidently, I decided, you know.

- I wonder where?

- You always know everything. Where are we going now?

- You said you remember!

“I remembered while we were in the room. Sorry, Veriko, but it seems we messed up pretty well.

- Misfortune never comes alone.

Where is east, where is west, the devil only knows. We have already gone through so many corridors and stairs.

- Okay, let's go up here and take a look.

- Yeah, let's go.

And we went. Step by step, step by step. No one knows how, but they went out into the open area. Not a balcony, of course, but something similar.

- Tower, - smiled Chayana.

- O! I looked around in amazement. - So this is it? Somehow I didn’t imagine everything. Which one? Eastern?

- How do I know? You can't see a star in the sky, everything is covered with clouds. Maybe eastern, maybe not.

The sky was indeed obscured by a dark gray mist.

- We'll try to make it before the rain.

- And why have time?

I sighed. Time for a revelation?

- Here recently I walked ... a little. In different rooms. I found an interesting bird in one.

- What kind of bird?

- Multi-colored. Call him Zharuska.

- And was silent? Verka! Chayana gasped. - You found the firebird! At Koshchei's! What a scoundrel! In all kingdoms they are looking for her, and she is hidden with Koshchei. Ooh, greedy!

- What firebird? The same firebird? - My brain worked twice as fast.

Looks like a good bird. Valuable. Found in many fairy tales. The main character always got it as a prize. Um, who do we have the main character? That's right, me.

- And what is the bird famous for?

- She's magical. You see, magic! In the cold it warms the soul, in the dark it illuminates the path. The body heals the sick, cripples the bones of the enemies.

- Good performance.

- And if he cries, then not with simple tears, but with semi-precious stones. And if he sings a song ... Oh!

- Why did you shut up?

- Vera, and I forgot what happens from her songs ... - Chayana snuffled in embarrassment. “It’s definitely something magical, but for the life of me I don’t remember.

“Don't worry,” I chuckled. - I heard the song.

- So what? Were there thunder-lightning?

- Say more, rainbow and pink ponies.

- Yes, there were no miracles. She sings terribly. No hearing, no voice.

- How is that? Can not be.

- That's how. Maybe there is some miracle, but I did not notice.

“You’re just not observant,” the girl answered confidently.

- I will not argue. This bird squealed so much that drafts came running to her cry. There was no time for observation. I, you understand, walked in that room without an invitation, I urgently had to hide. - I prudently kept silent about the feather dropped by the bird. - So, I sit behind an armchair and listen to what the girls are babbling about. I have already served my legs, and they all chatter and chatter. They discussed the bird and us. And one little girl suddenly says: last year, they say, I caught a bride on the eastern tower. Do you dare?

- In the east? Chayana shifted her brows incredulously. - Did you say so?

- Exactly. So I thought: one bride ran away, the other almost ran away. What kind of turret is so attractive?

- And you think ...

- Why not?

- What? Once one could, then others can. Or are you really going to marry an old man?

Chayana widened her eyes.

- Ugh at you!

- Malanitsa, I think, is also not eager to enter the Koscheev family. So it's up to you to decide.

The girl fiddled with her braid uncertainly.

- Do you think it will work?

- Let's try, and then we'll see. First you need to find the mysterious eastern tower. Then discuss everything with Malashka, come up with a plan. A lot of things, in theory, are needed, but everything depends on the place. What kind of tower will not fit. We need exactly the same one.

- Well, there is no problem with that.

- Don't tell. We'll find it, then there won't be any problems, but for now ...

- But what to look for, this is the one.

I looked at Chayana in bewilderment.

- Where such confidence?

In response, I received only a look doubting my mental abilities.

- Turn around, there is sunrise!

Indeed, a beautiful dawn was breaking behind me. The sun rose slowly and majestically, painting the world with warm colors. The air was filled with bird trills and the same special smell that occurs only in the early and early morning. The smell of fresh, still hot baking.

“Mommy dear,” I whispered. - Let's run back! Soon they will come to call for breakfast!

The luck of today amazed, delighted and frightened at the same time. No, it’s true, it’s very strange that we were able to calmly walk to the notorious tower and calmly returned back. It seems that some unknown force pushed us on the right turns.

At the crossroads of the corridors, Chayana and I parted. The blonde ran to the left, but I stomped straight ahead - my room was right there.

And on the way to the bedchamber, Konopataya unexpectedly met.

- What is it early in the morning? - She opened her surprised eyes.

- I could not sleep.

- Walked?

- Walked, - I nodded, trying to walk past.

- Breakfast soon.

Freckled with curiosity examined me from head to toe, for some reason giggled thoughtfully and skipping fled down the corridor.

I sighed. Why did I get this particular draft? A cunning freak with a speckled face. It is clear that he knows more than he shows, but does not want to make contact. More precisely, he wants, but somehow unilaterally.

Breakfast was boring. Chayana and I yawned, the sleepless night was telling. Koschey sarcastically and with false solicitude asked what he dreamed. I had to urgently come up with some nonsense to get left behind. But the old man clearly did not believe it and grunted suspiciously in response to my every word.

Pancakes with sour cream were served for breakfast. Tasty. The girls quickly dealt with them, picking up the hot treat with their fingertips. But Koschey ... Oh, this bastard pulled out the plug! And, neatly separating a piece, he sent it into his mouth, his eyes glittering meaningfully. In response to such malicious actions, I just shrugged my shoulders and brought up my own fork, brazenly stuck out of the chest. The old man narrowed his eyes and, munching something, stretched his lips into a grin. Strange, but for a second I thought it sounded like an endorsement. Although what am I talking about? What kind of approval? It's Koschey.

Smiling in response, just as broadly and demonstratively naively, I proceeded to the meal.

Malanitsa flapped her eyelashes in bewilderment, watching with surprise at our manipulations. As a result, the king could not stand it and, with a wave of his hand, ordered to bring cutlery to all the brides.

The girls gazed at the forks in amazement, but admitting that it was more convenient to handle pancakes this way, they resolutely followed our example.

I don’t know why Chayana and Malashka hadn’t acquired a much needed item earlier. Didn't they teach at home, or what? Although this is a fairy tale. Anything can be.

Chayana herself was a little chernavushka, most likely, the servants were not given forks. And Malanitsa? Also not a very rich girl.

Apparently, in this world, only the kings have the blessings of civilization. And now with me.

And what? Everything is correct. I didn’t assign the title of princess to myself, it’s not for me to take it off myself. And in general it is necessary to comply.

Having come to such conclusions, I just lifted my nose higher and dipped the pancakes in sour cream.

I love fabulous cuisine.

But after breakfast the unexpected happened.

Mr. Koschey finished his tea, smiled mysteriously and ... left the refectory.

We froze.

- He left us alone? - Malasha was the first to break down.

- It turns out that so, - Chayana nodded uncertainly.

- Where are the drafts? - I was alarmed, thinking about extra ears.

- How not?

- Not at all. None.

- Business-ah-ah ...

What is this, trust? Why would you? Hmm, as the well-known Alice used to say, everything is more and more wonderful.

- Vera, what's going on? - Our brunette bit her lip. - It's bad, isn't it?

- No, I guess there is nothing wrong. Koschey just wants to show his good sides.

- Which sides? - Malashka's surprise was enormous.

- Good ones. He must have them. But let's check it out now.

I stood up resolutely and walked to the door.

- Wow, and the truth is no one!

- Should we get to the rooms ourselves?

- Are you afraid to get lost?

Malasha shook her head.

- I’ve already learned it. Today the little devil asked me if I’m mistaken or not, if I stay alone, I answered her that: I remembered the way, I won’t get lost.

Some thought on the periphery of consciousness stirred up, but immediately faded away.

- Chernavka asked? - But Chayana tenaciously grabbed the words of her friend. - Why would you?

- I do not know. She was so polite today. She even felt sorry for me.

- Sorry? - here and I was imbued with the situation.

- Only a fool will marry Koshchei by consent! Oh, girls, my little chernavushka turned out to be teachable, she advised me to run away from here.

Wow, the surprise came from where they didn’t expect. Curious.

- What else did the little black woman tell? - Chayana looked sideways at me, whether I was listening. I listen, of course I listen. And I draw conclusions.

“She said that she would help me to escape if I wanted to.

- What am I? I really want to. Very very! - Malashka sniffed. - You're with me, right?

Interesting things are happening in the Dark Kingdom!

He seems to be a smart old man, otherwise he would not become the personification of evil, but just stupid somehow everything happens. Or just for my thinking is stupid? Malashka Vaughn is seriously going to confide in an unknown rough and run away from the imposed groom. Chayana sighs deeply, but it is clear that she does not intend to stay either, and she needs an eye and an eye for her friend. And only I am more and more inclined to think that it’s time to flirt with my betrothed and, on the sly, find out the secret of immortality.

As for the escape ... I will help, of course, why not help?

- So, so! The decisiveness in my voice increased. - Malasha, ask your little girl how you can escape. And if this is the place I think of, things might go well. Chayana, also pay attention to the little chernavushka, who knows, what if you have her just as talkative. Not a word with Koschei! Even thoughts that were not. Suddenly he is this ... telepath. No, Malash, a telepath is not someone who telepaths everything. This is what some of the sorcerers are called. And in general, all the questions later, at large. Clear? Fine. Then go ahead to the rooms! I still need to talk with Konopata ...

Freckled refused to talk.

She rejected, stupidly waving her eyelashes and expressed sheer sorrow if I suddenly allowed myself to swear.

It took a lot of effort to get her to think about running away. But as soon as it dawned on what the bride wanted exactly, a joyful smile lit up her face.

- Are you planning to run away? That's good, that's right! And then I still think, such a beauty cannot want to marry an old man. Well, it just can't! And girlfriends should not sacrifice themselves. If you run away, then all together, right?

“Of course,” I agreed warmly. - Can you help?

- I'll do my best! And I'll even show you the way to the tower!

- Which tower? I squinted.

And Konopataya was almost asleep. You have to be careful, girl.

- Duc to the east, - she patted her eyes. “Everyone escapes from there.

- Yes? Curious. It's kind of high there. How to run away?

- Along the rope. There is a hook on the tower. You can tie and go down. And then you will see a path in the forest, so you have to go along it. You will go straight to the village. Honestly!

- Oh, that's bad luck! I don’t know where to get the rope.

- Now, now ... Somewhere there was ... - She patted herself on the apron. - Here!

Freckled pulled out a huge coil of rope. I could hardly hold back a smile.

- Do you always carry it with you?

- Oh, no, I just happened to be.

Yeah, by accident. By chance, only smart people are born, and you have a string in store for a long time.

Eh, Koscheyushka, what are you playing for? He intimidated with all his might, then appeased, then hinted at escape. It seems that you dream of getting rid of the brides no less than the brides themselves dream of the groom.

Well, let's play along.

- And when to run? I feigned indecision.

- The faster the better. Maybe tonight?

There was such hope in Konopataya's eyes that it was already a shame that they hadn’t run away for so long. Maybe they have a prize here for every beauty who escaped, and we are reducing all earnings to nothing?

“You're right,” I smile. - So we will do it.

Lunch and supper passed in the usual manner. Koschey did not leave the dining room, apparently deciding that once was enough. And in general, it would be necessary to scare the brides at last, so that there is more determination in the escape.

In fact, this is what he was actively engaged in.

Chayana and Malasha sincerely appreciated his sinister voice and devilish laugh. And the promises of making a baby stew for lunch tomorrow made the girls stutter. Koschey was pleased.

Night fell quickly and imperceptibly. Operation Runaway Bride has begun.

I was about to follow my friends when they themselves came to visit.

- Vera, ready? - Malashka whispered.

I nodded and quite demonstrated the rope, to which the girls immediately showed theirs.

- Hm? - The question hung in the air.

- They gave me roughs.

- Me too.

Chayana and I looked at each other and thought.

- It's good, isn't it? - Malasha was clearly afraid that the escape would be canceled. - With three ropes, it’s more convenient.

I didn't want to disappoint the shy girl, so we walked together to the eastern tower.

Needless to say, the road there was brightly lit by torches? Suddenly the daughters-in-law will get confused and will not be able to escape. The doors are ajar, the servants diligently pretend that they do not notice anyone and do not hear anything, although we sometimes stomped like elephants.

On the stairs Malashka fell and broke her knee. But on the next flight, a small stool with a carefully laid out bandage was waiting for us.

Koschey created all the conditions for the fruitful, and most importantly, the early disappearance of the brides. Which is what we used.

End of introductory snippet.

I love summer. The institute is on vacation, all the exams are over. You can safely go shopping, exposing the face that has turned pale during the session to the warm sun.

How good it is! A quiet breeze gently hums an intricate melody, pale clouds adorn the azure sky.

Veriko is me. A strange name, isn't it? Georgian. It is especially unusual that its bearer has a snub nose, blue eyes and a shock of light brown hair.

- Veriko! Verka, stop! - shouted a tall guy, running across the street.

Well, exactly, calling me.

- What do you want?

- Ver, go to the bookstore, please. You are on the way, but here I need ...

I narrowed my eyes.

- And what do you want?

This is my ex. Well, as a former ... Former failed. Everyone tried to establish love, but what kind of love if, when trying to kiss us, it throws us into laughter. We have known each other since childhood. They were tormented, tormented, and spat. We decided to just be friends. So we are friends.

- So what do you want?

“Sasha's birthday is tomorrow,” he said in a whisper.

Sasha is the son of our divorced neighbor. Small, cute. Three years old.

- So what? - I did not understand.

- I want to congratulate.

"Did you put his eye on your mother?"

- Ver, tell me simply, will you buy it or not? - the guy frowned.

- I'll buy it. What to buy?

- Fairy tales. Well, you know, that the king, princess ...

- King, princess. Okay, I get it. I'll look for something.

- Thank you, you are a miracle!

I smiled. Of course, a miracle. Who would doubt that.

That's how I got this book. Bright. With pictures. I think anyone would be delighted with such a gift, not only Sasha.

Having entered the nearest park and sat down on a bench, I leafed through the pages with curiosity. I did not have this in my childhood. Books of my generation did not provide such colorful illustrations, the characters did not look as if they were alive, did not wave their hands ... Stop. What?!

The red-haired king insistently waved his hand, pointing somewhere beyond the sheet, and the goldfish splashing in a hand-drawn three-liter jar winked cheerfully. Out of surprise, I almost dropped the book. And then she closed her eyes tightly, trying to drive away the fabulous visions, and ...

Before this event, of course, I heard that many fantastic stories begin with the awakening of the main character or with how he comes to his senses after a sudden fainting. But I never thought that this could happen to me.

I woke up from an incomprehensible and unintelligible noise. Three voices, arguing furiously, tried to shout down each other and made their way into my mind, clouded by unconsciousness. To be honest, at first I thought they were some kind of stupid dream, painfully wonderful words were heard. I didn’t want to open my eyes, it was cozy and warm. Even the hard park bench was not inconvenient.

- Ooh, scaly herring! Why did you bring this wild creature here? The first voice growled.

“And I’m not scaly-free at all,” the second responded loudly.

- You still have in mind to argue? That's how I'm comin 'on your ear, you will know!

- Uhuh? Out of me? There is no water on you!

- Look who you dragged!

Suspecting that it comes about me, began to listen to the conversation.

- Christmas trees, quail, is it really difficult at least once exactly to do exactly as you are asked?

- I did so.

- We needed beauty! Such a girl to stay in wives.

- Just about, with a scythe to the knees, - interjected a third voice.

- And where? Where is this beauty? Whom did you bring? No, that's it, that's enough! On the ear!

- Stop, stop! Let's figure it out. Did you ask the girl?

- I asked.

- Well, I wanted to.

- And so. This is the farthest.

There was a tense silence. And for some reason there was a certainty that it was me who became the object of their genuine attention.

A number of questions arose in my head: who are they, what happened to me and what, in the end, happens? It was a little scary to open my eyes, but, as luck would have it, my hands were numb for some reason. There is nothing to do, you will have to notify everyone present about your "awakening".

I lifted my head and looked around, slowly stretching and rubbing my numb limbs.

There was no park. I don’t know what happened, but now white stone walls towered around me, and above my head there was a domed ceiling painted with bizarre patterns.

“Look at us, girl… uh… beautiful,” came a cautious voice.

Turning slightly, I saw two men. One turned out to be completely bald and fat. The second looked as if he had just stepped out of a fabulous picture: wide trousers, a scarlet caftan and a gold crown on a red crown. He scratched his thick beard thoughtfully.

“The character from the book looks especially colorful,” I frowned, biting my lip.

The men looked at each other. The red-haired sighed loudly, rolled his eyes in pain, and tightened again:

- And yet the ear is crying for you, why did you drag her? What are we going to do with her now?

There was no answer. Where the owner of the ringing third voice had gone was still a mystery.

- No, just look! - picked up the fat man. - Hair was cut a couple of years ago, I see it hurt with something, and did not have time to grow back to the floor. The figure is thin, like an empty purse, and the skin is black, like a peasant woman's. How to show it to people?

I squeaked indignantly and furrowed my brows. I don’t know what kind of eccentrics they are, but respect for a woman has not yet been canceled.

- Found! The redhead exclaimed with delight.

- I have found?

“Found something at least,” he said. - Her eyes are blue. But all the same, the ear cries for you - wasn't it prettier?

I was seriously offended. Who is this red-haired man insulting? What's going on here? Or are they hallucinations? Well, exactly, the hot summer sun is to blame. I sat down in the park, the daylight made its way through the foliage, and bam - sunstroke - I lay unconscious, that's stupidity and it seems. Maybe you should pinch yourself? Suddenly I wake up.

The men watched in bewilderment as I concentratedly pinch my hands and feet and try to bite my finger. But all attempts were in vain. Alive, healthy and even conscious.

Strange ... What happened then? Where am I and who are these actors of the village theater?

The fact that there were representatives of rural amateur groups in front of me was no longer in doubt. A crown on his head, strange shirts and caftans, boots for the first and bast shoes for the second, thick beards, a haircut "like a pot." In general, a complete set.

- What is your name, girl? The redhead asked very politely.

- Veriko.

Seeing the bewilderment on men's faces, she clarified:

- Georgian.

- Which? - asked the old man.

- Georgian. Ve-ri-ko. - I pronounced each syllable separately.

- Vera-and-cat?

- No. Verico. As a last resort, just Vera. Without a cat.

- Do not fool your head, girl! - suddenly howled a fat man standing behind. - Verka is so Verka. Exactly - a peasant woman. I suppose she’s also illiterate.

For the briefest moment I was embarrassed, but then righteous anger prevailed, pushing fear and caution into the background.

- What right do you have to raise your voice at me? Why am I here? Did you kidnap me? Do you want a ransom? Not enough for tractors?

My captors' eyes widened instantly.

- Not an ear - a frying pan! - the redhead barked, for some reason looking sideways at the bank standing in the corner. - I have half a kingdom like that!

- So how did I know, - the same sonorous voice rang out from the void. - And now what i can do?

- What, what ... Turn it back, give another one!

- I can not. It was your third desire to bring the girl from the distant lands here. There are no more desires. Ended up.

The redhead immediately changed his tone to ingratiating:

- How did it end? I asked for a clever beauty, and you brought the wrong one. Your fault.

Not wanting to argue about the name anymore, I nodded insolently and smugly. And what? Tall, slender. Nobody called ugly.

Unfortunately, then I did not understand that the outcome of the kidnapping depended on the appearance. It was necessary to prove with foam at the mouth that they have a rich selection of beautiful girls and the world did not converge on me like a wedge. But feminine conceit did not allow dignity to be understated.

- Well, she thinks that she is beautiful and clever. So, king-father, the wish is fulfilled. Carry me to the sea.

“Eh, no,” the redhead drawled. - What was the desire? So that you bring the one here who can steal the egg. So?

- So, until this girl brings the necessary thing, the desire is not considered fulfilled. There is no sea for you!

- How is it - no?

- That's how! Absolutely no. The redhead put his fists on his hips.

I didn’t listen to their conversation, but, getting to my feet, took a couple of steps to the window.

First, this is not my city. I can say for sure. We have a large metropolis, and here there are solid trees and tiny houses. The noise of a bustling crowd inherent in modern hail is not heard, and instead of native high-voltage lines, white birches grow. Secondly, as it became clear from the conversation, the unknown owner of a clear voice nevertheless kidnapped me and brought me to the owners.

I didn't think this would ever happen. But then it happened. Now they should understand what they need.

- Eh ... comrades collective farmers ... or villagers ... or ... In short, gentlemen, artists, take the trouble to explain why you need me and when will you let me go home?

The debaters fell silent and seemed to snort.

- Tell me, a girl-almost-beauty, but what is the name of the kingdom where such dark-skinned people as you live?

- I'm from Russia. And, by the way, not so dark. While there was a session, I did not go to the beach.

Ginger slicked his beard thoughtfully.

- What is such a beach? And where is this state?

- Well, you know! Outrageous. You, of course, are far from big cities, but not knowing where you live is too much. What are you just being taught? It seems like retirement soon, but you don’t understand elementary things.

Fat-bellied threw up his hands:

- Yes, so you! Girl, how do you talk to the king?

- Yes, even with the Pope!

- All right ... She's also crazy.

- You yourself ... By the way, who are you?

“Let me introduce myself, uneducated peasant,” the fat man interjected again, taking a brisk step forward. - I am the Duma clerk of our glorious Tsar Eremey. Well, everyone knows the tsar-father. He bowed to the redhead.

- Who is the king? Where? Very funny. You are playing, uncles. By the way, where is your third? With such a sonorous, half-childish voice.

“It's funny to her,” the redhead frowned. “Let it be known to you, girl, that the voice belongs to the fish.

- To whom? - I squinted. - Are you kidding me? I understand, rural flavor, national fairy tales and the like, but you shouldn't hold me for a complete fool. the goldfish, unfortunately, is not from our reality.

- Look, the girl is not as stupid as it seems at first glance. I heard about her.

“Of course I did,” I snapped, angry at the constant jokes about lack of education. - Every child has read this story. Old man, old woman, goldfish, seine and trough.

“That's it,” the redhead nodded, looking at me thoughtfully. - This is the fish.

- Where? I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

- Sits in the bank.

I chuckled, and then again. A few seconds later she was laughing out loud. And my kidnappers, it turns out, with humor, you have to come up with such a thing. But the truth is, both the red-haired and the fat man are very similar to the inhabitants of the fairy-tale world. Here are just a fish ...

“And she was chatting, wasn’t she?” - I continued to chuckle. - Why behind the glass? May I take a look?

I reached for a nearby container. Nothing remarkable - a small yellow fish. Many of these are sold in specialty stores.

I don’t know how it happened, but the can fell into my hands without hindrance, as if the kidnappers could not even think that the "girl" would express a desire to take a closer look at the small animals.

As soon as I touched the glass container, I immediately began to catch the fish. Well, what would you do in my place? It's curious.

- Hey, crazy, what are you doing ?! The men exclaimed in unison.

The fish slapped its tail on my fingers, and suddenly ...

- Hands off the gills! - the offended voice rang out.

I looked for the source of the sound. Inside the jar, a small goldfish cursed, frowning at its golden scaly brows.

- A-ah! - I yelled, tossing the vessel aside.

- Yes, so you! - the redhead shook his head reproachfully, barely having time to catch a homemade aquarium. - Why scare something? And so scared. Now the old women, now the girls.

- She ... she was silent, and then ... straight from there ... - poking my finger into the jar, I looked with hope at those around me. - Maybe it's still a dream?

The king sighed sadly.

- And for what sins did I get this crazy girl? He said sadly. - Tell me, have you heard about Koschey, called the Immortal? - But, seeing my bewilderment, I was completely depressed. - Y-yes ... and the desire, said to the fish, can no longer be corrected. Well then listen ...

Our conversation turned out to be sad. The fat-bellied clerk constantly cursed and remembered the devil and the watery, the red-haired king sadly expounded the facts, and the small fish encouraged me with a clear voice and a warm smile.

Have you seen how the herrings are smiling? Horror.

Gradually, I began to understand what had happened. The powers of the goldfish and the cursed desire of the king brought me poor there ... I do not know where.

Oh, of course I like modern man, I didn’t really believe in fairy tales, but it’s impossible to deny the obvious. Magic existed. I saw it, heard it and even secretly felt it.

Outside the window, the hot sun was hot and the birches were green. They heard the trilling of birds and the singing of long-legged girls washing clothes in a nearby river. And somewhere on the horizon, behind tall forests, rocky mountains rose majestically.

“This is where Koschey lives,” the tsar's voice broke through his thoughts. - Directly exactly on a par with our Lukomorsk kingdom.

- I want to go home.

- With pleasure, Vera-and ...

- Veriko.

- Ve-ra-ko ... As soon as you fulfill your wish, you will find yourself in your distant country.

- I want now!

A couple of tears rolled down my cheeks.

- Ooh, don’t cry, girl, don’t cry. Tears will not help here, ”growled the clerk. - It all depends on you. If you get us the death of Koshchei, you will come back. If you don't get it, take the rocker and go to the well to work. The road back is closed.

Tears dried up instantly. Well, I do not! To be a rough at the country club? Dismiss!

- Well, why are we still here? Where is this Koschey? Let's come here! I will pick the needle out of the yolk. Everything is like a fairy tale, ”I muttered with grim determination.

Chapter 2
A bride by vocation

- Turn around, girl, let me look at you from all sides. Quail trees, how skinny you are ...

- Hey, you choose the words! Not skinny, but slender, - I quietly muttered under my breath.

- Koschey will not pay attention to you.

- Why pay attention to me? I'll come, I'll snatch the egg, and go home. I didn’t notice any criminal addictions behind me, but if it’s necessary, ”I sighed defiantly,“ then it’s necessary. ”

The fairytale king scratched the top of his head.

- You see, what's the matter ... Getting to Koshchei is not so easy. Whoever crawls into his mansion. We tried, don't think. But here's the infection - every time they caught and expelled back.

- Where did you expel from?

- From the Dark Realm. Do not interrupt, girl, it is useless to interrupt the king. The redhead sat down on the bench and scratched the top of his head again. - And we had such an idea…. And so you know, once a year Koschey demands a young girl to be his wife. Clever beauty. So we thought, but this time let not our girl go to the full, but a stranger.

- Uh-huh, you don't feel sorry for strangers, right?

- Again you interrupt the king! Oh, I’m for you! He waved his fist. - You will go to Koshchei! Do you hear? You will go to your wife! And there you will find out everything about the egg.

- And what a fig to him every year a new wife?

- For what?

- Why does he need a new wife every year? I paraphrased. You have to follow the speech.

- So nobody knows. He asks, we send. And what he does with them there, we do not know.

- Somehow everything sounds gloomy.

- Don't be afraid, girl, don't be afraid. That is why we asked the clever, beautiful woman so that she would not die there right away. First, you need to steal the egg, bring it to us, and we’ll get Koshcheev’s death out of the egg, do not hesitate.

- No doubt. Bogatyrs, damn it.

- Hungry? - the king nodded understandingly. - Nothing, you, most importantly, get to Koshchei, and we'll cook pancakes and pies here.

- But I won't go.

- How - won't you go?

- Life is dear to me. I won't go, that's all.

- Do you want home?

- The fish will send home only after the egg, - the tsar grinned contentedly.

I frowned. What kind of fairy tale is so wrong? Goldfish and Koscheev's eggs are always in different fairy tales were. Why mix everything in one okroshka?

- So will you go? The redhead leaned forward.

- This is the case! Otherwise, I don’t want to, I won’t ... quail trees.

- Eh, okay, - I waved my hand. - How to attract Koshchei, then, is my concern. I'll get out. By the way, how is he? Young, handsome, stunningly charismatic?

- Scary, old ... And what did you ask? Hari ... Harya ... In general, the character is still.

- Old? I missed something in your story. Is Koschey an ugly old man? And you will marry him ?! I so disagree!

“But there’s no choice,” the clerk who was standing next to him chuckled. - Well, they explained to you, silly: first you need to get to Koshchei, then find ...

- Stop, don't continue. Hopefully it's all limited to one date on opposite sides of the table. I'll take a liking, flirt and steal the damn egg. And then - p-times! - and home.

I, as a modern girl, had no idea that fairy tales simply cannot be. And what could you only hope for, agreeing to an egg adventure? But there is no turning back. You can only return with the help of a goldfish. This means that the last wish of Tsar Eremey must be fulfilled.

- Veriko, this is the usual clothes of all girls, - the clerk explained to me, shaking a couple of nightgowns Soviet period... - You cannot appear in front of Koshchei in your Ji… jeans!

“Jeans,” I corrected. - They're comfortable.

“Put on your shirt and sundress,” he insisted. - As soon as you get the death of the villain, you can wear at least shamakhan trousers.

I frowned. But, after thinking a little, I decided that the fairytale character was speaking correctly. All the same, he is a clerk, all the more so this one, like his ... dumny, here! Not the last person in the state. Should know Koshchei's tastes better than me.

“Turn away,” I muttered displeasedly, quickly throwing off my jeans and T-shirt.

The new vestment consisted of a long-length shirt and a burgundy sundress. Ay lovely!

- Well? How do you like it?

Sparks of approval flickered in the king's eyes.

- Wow, girl, soon you will become a beauty!

- What do you mean - soon? - I asked, trying to see myself from behind.

The length to the heels caused some inconvenience, but did not seem to restrain movement too much.

“His royal majesty wants to say that you need to eat better,” the clerk hastened to explain.

- Yeah, of course, dreaming. I sat on a diet crawling.

- Oh, you fool ... - he missed, clutching his head. - Why mutilate yourself like that? Some bones, even dogs will choke.

Here I did not argue. Useless. Each person has their own ideas about beauty.

“And we need to do something with your hair, Veriko,” the clerk said again, carefully pronouncing the name. “They’re a bit short.”

- Actually, I have a special long haircut.

- Eh, girl, girl, then it is clear why you are not married. - He stubbornly continued to pity me.

- Listen! - I put my hands on my hips and raised my voice: - Once again, offend, I will cut between the eyes. Promise.

- Ha! Hot girl, hot! - The king, listening to the conversation, jumped happily. - That is ... Ay-ay-ay, Veriko, how can you talk so impolitely with your elders? Cover your hair with a scarf.

“By the time Koschey sees you, you’ll have time to find out at least something,” the clerk agreed. - And get out of there yourself. Nobody knows what he does with the girls there.

- Yes, I understood, I understood!

As strange as it may sound, I really understood everything.

According to all fairy tales, Koschey shore is an egg with a needle as the apple of his eye. Most likely, he hid it in the treasury. How is the poet doing? “There, Tsar Kashchei wastes away over the gold ...” It is in this gold that I will look.

Evenings in Russia are short. It seems that quite recently the bright sun lit up the blue of the skies with red gold, and now purple velvet covers the horizon.

“Sleep well, Veriko,” the clerk said at parting. - Tomorrow morning we will prepare you for a meeting with Koschei, but for now sleep.

I did not attach importance to the words of the clerk. And in vain.

- What? I am sleeping.

- Veriko, soon Koschey will open the gates of his palace for the bride. You need to be ready. Get up, get up!

Unfortunately, no one was interested in my opinion.

The door creaked open, and yesterday's clerk entered the room. More precisely, its vast fifth point appeared in the doorway. Huffing hard, he tried to drag a huge tub filled with hot water into the bedroom.

- Bony cod! He swore. - You made me prepare a bath for the girl, but you didn’t say how to get it!

- He is a clerk, he is a clerk, - the fish smiled broadly, showing small teeth. - The ward of the mind, but only all the brains for state affairs are sharpened, but for everyday life ... Woe is simple. Hey, the smartest of the men of the Lukomorsk kingdom, wouldn't it be easier for our beauty to come to the bathhouse herself?

- Ay-ay! - the clerk slapped himself on the forehead. - And why were you silent before? On the ear, as it is on the ear!

He gasped a little more, turned around and began to shove the wooden tub back down. I felt frankly sorry for him. Did he lose all his brains from nerves?

- Hey, fish, - whispered, referring to the smiling inhabitant of the seas and oceans, - do something.

As it turned out, even magical creatures are not alien to compassion. The fish waved its fins in agreement.