
Black hair and blue eyes art. Hair color for light skin and brown, blue, gray eyes, green. Photo. What makeup suits blue eyes

Blue-eyed girls have an interesting and attractive appearance. With the right combination of hair color with blue eyes, you can achieve a stunningly beautiful effect. So, that in nature there are several variations of blue eyes.

  • The pure blue iris is also called the celestial.
  • Chameleon eyes are characterized, in addition to the basic blue, by the presence of gray or green notes.
  • An icy beautiful look is inherent in icy blue eyes.
  • Sometimes blue eyes have noticeable gray, brown or blue blotches.

Hair color selection for blue-eyed people

In the summer and winter color types of appearance, a cold range of colors and shades prevails.

blonde Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams has light brown hair

Rachel McAdams has dark short hair


Not all girls endowed with blue eyes and a summer type of appearance are the same. If the appearance can be characterized as “bright summer”, then the whole range of cold shades is appropriate on the hair. The blond has many variations, any of them are equally good here: ashen, color with a pearly sheen, natural light brown color.

Care should be taken with light colors, in the presence of pale skin. Too light hair can cause a decrease in contrast in appearance, this visually makes the face fade. The right makeup can help this situation. The necessary contrast with blonde hair can give a natural tan or appropriate tinting agents.

Having given preference to one of the blonde options, from a light or dark range, you can effectively highlight the brightness of the eyes. The darker the girl's natural skin tone and hair color, the more brightly her blue eyes will glow. Professional coloring using ombre technology is ideal for this type of appearance. In this case, the simultaneous presence of dark and light variations of the cold scale will add the necessary contrast to the look, while the light color will be preserved.

With a summer type of appearance, including its dark variations, hair colors close to eggplant, mahogany or rust should not be preferred. If painted in these colors, the beautiful light skin tone will be destroyed, there will be an emphasis on any imperfections and redness, the presence of a tan will turn into an unnatural and unattractive flaw.

Black hair color for blue eyes girls with summer types of appearance is also not a good choice. There is a huge risk of making the skin gray. In many cases, the face looks sickly and old.

There are such blue eyes that change with different lighting. They do not always look blue, the iris becomes turquoise, then gray. In this case, one of the variations of caramel color is perfect. The eyes will be bright and lively.

Girls with this type of appearance often try to remove the natural ash shade of their hair, mistakenly considering it unsuitable and pale. But you can add shine to your hair by doing much easier - by highlighting with the addition of light brown shades.

Many shades from the red range are suitable for girls with a summer appearance. If the color is correctly chosen, the overall picture will look bright and harmonious, against the background of porcelain skin and eyes - blue or gray-blue.


A cool winter type of appearance requires shades of hair from a neutral or ashy range. This approach to coloring will provide this contrasting type of appearance with the necessary brightness and shine of the hair.

If a dark hair color is added to the white skin and beautiful blue eyes of a winter girl, then the effect of aging is excluded. The winter type of appearance looks natural and interesting with dark hair color. Appropriate blue-black color.

Warm hair dyes in eggplant, red, red tones are contraindicated. Girls with a winter appearance are endowed with an attractive natural shade of hair. It should not be changed radically, if desired, the hair can be transformed by applying color in accordance with the tone. If adding saturation to the hair color is not enough, then you can try to slightly change the palette by applying paints with blue, purple or turquoise hues. It is not necessary to dye the entire mass of hair; to highlight gray-blue eyes, you can effectively process only a strand near the face.

For dark hair in winter, the ombre coloring technique with light strands is great.

blonde stephanie pratt

dark chocolate hair megan fox

blonde Amy Smart

Nadja Bjorlin with chocolate brown hair

Blake Lively has blonde hair

dark short hair dannii minogue

Blue-eyed girl's hair

In the appearance of girls with autumn and spring types, there are predominantly warm colors.


The warm autumn skin tone in itself hints at the appropriateness of copper hair dye variations. A palette of autumn leaves will effectively shade the freckles on the face. If you arrange a suitable background for the color of the hair for the blue eyes, the iris will add shine. This is especially true for chameleon eyes.

Gray-blue eyes harmoniously coexist with expressive fiery red. Blue-eyed girls with autumn appearance by nature have sufficient saturation of hair color. To add depth and brightness to the color, pick up paint of the same tone. In this case, it is worth abandoning the ashy paint, so as not to give unwanted dullness and pallor to the skin of the face.

Ginger, rust or honey colors are great for this type of appearance.

Christina Hendricks copper hair color

light blond hair color rosie huntington

taylor swift blonde hair


It is believed that for the spring type of appearance, it is most difficult to accurately select the appropriate hair coloring option. In many cases, light shades are suitable for blue-eyed people.

It is worth noting a good option - a golden blond that can decorate the skin with inconspicuous freckles and shade the eyes correctly.

It is better not to consider ashy shades related to the cold range. This coloring option is unsuccessful, as it adds dullness to the skin. Dark colors are also not needed, as they give an undesirable age effect.

Let's name a number of suitable coloring options for spring, these are light brown golden and noble golden brown. In many cases, caramel looks good. The color of golden walnut or the color of honey will also suit the spring appearance.

nikki hilton light blonde hair color

Nikki Hilton with ash blonde hair

Girls with a spring color type of appearance should choose a hair color for blue eyes in such a way that the skin tone looks harmonious and the eyes stand out beautifully. They are encouraged to try the Californian highlights or whitewash technique.

When choosing a shade of hair, you need to keep in mind that it should suit blue eyes and light or dark skin. Making the right choice will help create a beautiful and harmonious image.

Combinations of secrets
makeup sunny blonde
redhead brunette

For blue eyes, there are practically no restrictions on hair color. In any color, be it black, wheat or ashy, you can find the most successful tone that will favorably shade the skin. For instance:

  • dark skin: cinnamon, milk, dark chocolate, chestnut, blue-black, ash-brown tones, golden blond;
  • light skin: dark chocolate, black, blond, wheaten, red, light blond, blond;
  • pale skin: gray, dark blond, caramel, ash-blond tones;
  • yellowish skin: honey-blond, light brown.

Rich palette

Almost all paints in the palette of the main color have many shades. Therefore, if you have blue eyes and want, for example, a copper hair color, then you will also have to choose a certain tone from the photo palette. Let us dwell on the shades that suit blue-eyed girls. The photo in the magazines shows how luxuriously combined chocolate hair color and bright blue eyes. There are several tones of chocolate:

  • bitter chocolate. When choosing this tone, you should always do bright makeup, otherwise the face will look faded;
  • milk chocolate. Creates light overflows and is the most popular tone;
  • chocolate chestnut. Helps to make the natural color more saturated, looks very natural;
  • light chocolate. Combines wheat and brown tones;
  • chocolate red. Bright mix of chocolate and red tones.

Golden color is no less popular than chocolate. But it is not easy to achieve this shade on your own.

  • caramel hair color. Good for blue eyes. The photo shows that this shade has light reddish notes;
  • golden light brown. To get this shade, brunettes will first have to lighten their strands. On already light curls, the paint will lie perfectly;
  • golden dark brown. One of the most common and capricious. On dark hair, it can give a greenish tone.

Light wheaten hair color is one of the best solutions for blue eyes. According to the photo palette, it is recommended to choose the following options:

  • golden wheat. This shade makes the image soft, sophisticated;
  • wheat honey. Includes a red undertone;
  • wheaten brown. It has a matte sheen, and with proper staining it does not give off yellowness;
  • wheat-ash. A very popular shade, which is based on an ashy tone;
  • dark wheat. Combines golden, brown and red tones;
  • light wheat color. Ideal for girls with translucent, pale skin.

We will suggest years.

For blue-gray eyes and very fair skin, ashy hair color is suitable. You need to be careful with it, because if you choose the wrong tone, you will visually grow old for several years. Color palettes include:

  • ash blond. Ideal for gray hair, because the difference between them will be almost invisible;
  • dark ash. Very capricious, requiring the right make-up;
  • ash blonde. It is best to choose if the hair is naturally light or has already turned gray;
  • brown-ash. A good option for cool skin tones.

Contrasting white and black style

Suitable for gray-blue eyes and very fair skin White color hair. From the photo you can see how fantastic the blond looks with this type of appearance. There are several variations of white:

  1. Classic white.
  2. Golden white.
  3. Platinum.
  4. Linen.
  5. Ash white.

If you have decided which hair color is best for gray-blue eyes, and chose white, you should know a few nuances of coloring. In order for white to remain saturated and delight you with brilliance, you need to use only high-quality paint. For example, to get a beautiful milky shade, you need to mix several tones.

Consider the length, volume and structure of the hair. Soft light brown strands are easier to lighten. Dark, bright red or copper curls are not so easy to lighten. You will have to carry out several procedures, use a strong oxidizing agent. Breaks between staining should be at least 2-3 weeks. In this case, there is a high probability that a red tone or strong yellowness will appear.

If you don't know what hair color best suits blue-gray eyes, choose black. It has many noble shades, for example:

  1. Ebony. Great for all skin types.
  2. Ash black. It is also called graphite.
  3. Black Tulip. It has a reddish or eggplant tint.
  4. Raven wing. A very popular deep black tone.

To maintain the health of the hair when dyeing black, you need to clearly follow the instructions. Otherwise, you will not have to decide which hair color is ideal for fair skin and blue eyes, but to treat your curls. An improperly diluted composition can cause dandruff or strands to fall out. If you are painting with an ammonia-free product, be sure to create a greenhouse effect. To do this, you need to put a bag on your head and warm it with a hat. For persistent dyes, the greenhouse effect is not needed.

When painting the roots, do not touch the main length, otherwise there is a risk of severe dryness and brittleness. If you want to refresh the shade, treat the length 3-5 minutes before washing off the composition. For the day of painting, be sure to make a nourishing or moisturizing mask. In this case, the color will lie more evenly.

Today, extravagant hair colors are gaining popularity, many of which go well with fair skin and blue eyes. Notice the blue tint. It is represented by indigo, bright blue, turquoise and looks great on light brown hair. Brunettes, on the other hand, will first have to lighten and remove the yellow tone.

Red hair color goes well with gray-blue eyes. Red has a wide variety of shades, but you need to choose according to the color type. For blue eyes, a red smoky tone is ideal.

Pink is chosen by fair-haired girls with blue eyes. If you decide what color to dye your hair, you can stop at it. Hot pink requires pre-lightening the hair, otherwise a beautiful shade cannot be achieved.

The trend of the season are blue curls. Therefore, if you decide which hair color will best suit your blue eyes, then choose it. But in order for this shade to harmonize with the image, expressive eyebrows are definitely needed. For light blue or gray-blue eyes, light blue paint is suitable.


Blue-eyed beauties are sung by poets and prose writers of many countries. This is a gift of nature, which has been fashionable in all ages. People are born with the color of their skin, eyes and hair. However, every woman tries to make her image unique, and find her own, unique style. But the impression of even such clear and bright blue eyes can be spoiled by incorrectly chosen hair color, haircut or decorative cosmetics. An error in one of the components can completely cross out the whole image.

Light, almost whitish eyes, deep blue, having the color of aquamarine or a gray-blue sky before a thunderstorm, require close attention, and careful selection of colors of curls and cosmetics.

The color of our skin, hair and eyes depends on the amount of a certain pigment that is part of the tissues. This is due to the hereditary (genetic) predisposition of each of the people. Therefore, someone has brown eyes, someone is the happy owner of green eyes, and still others (most of them) are blue-eyed.

Skin color and eye color

By nature, each person is given a certain skin color. It differs only in shades. There are only three of them: warm, neutral and cold. Determining your skin type is not so difficult. Examine your arms and legs carefully. If your skin is so thin that small veins are visible through it that look like a greenish cobweb, you are the owner of a cold type. If the venous grid is practically invisible, but only slightly translucent with a light blue, you have a warm skin tone. If you can't tell what color the wreaths are because they are bluish in some places and green in others, you have a neutral (mixed) skin type.

In order to accurately know the color of your skin, and at the same time get competent recommendations on creating your own style, contact a stylist.

He will put everything in its place, and give clear instructions on what to change in yourself in order to become stylish and unique.

What hair color suits blue eyes?

Hair color can be chosen not only for the color of the eyes, but also to combine all these indicators so that they only complement the image.

Blue-eyed girls with fair skin of a cold type.

The cold tone of the skin of the face will be emphasized by a palette of warm tones of the hair. The most popular of them are chestnut and copper. Pink and delicate skin is more suitable for red hair. Reddish tones will look great in combination with such skin. But for those who have blue eyes of a bluish shade of cold ice, bright hair tones with a reddish tint cannot be used. Get a vulgar image. It is better to try paints with ashy or platinum shades. These colors are suitable for girls with bright blue eyes.

Warm light skin tone.

It is better for such women to dye their hair in honey, warm shades. These include warm chestnut and walnut. For fair skin with warm tones, it is desirable to put a soft accent with a dark muted hair color. Perfect brown and chocolate color. You can experiment with golden-red shades.

Girls with blue eyes, warm olive skin.

It is with this combination that you can use the entire palette of cold tones that hair dye manufacturers only represent. For these girls, black hair color is better. Blue-eyed ladies who have dark hair by nature can be dyed chocolate or coffee.

Warm tones of swarthy skin combined with blue eyes.

For this type of girls, golden shades of hair are great. This combination looks best in combination with a short haircut. Choose paint closer to burgundy or dark reddish tones. Be sure to keep your hair darker than your skin tone. At the same time, black hair color for this type of girls is categorically contraindicated. A wonderful effect can be achieved by highlighting or ombre in the appropriate shades of color.

Skin of a neutral shade of blue-eyed girls.

For girls with blue eyes and neutral skin, it is recommended to paint in the same color scheme. Choose light brown shades or all golden ones. in colors 1-2 shades darker or lighter than the natural color. Black, like all too dark colors, will highlight all the imperfections of the skin.

A particularly strong emphasis will be placed on wrinkles, which will immediately give out your true age.

Game of contrasts

Now let's analyze the combination and discrepancy between the color of the eyes and the chosen hair color.

Blue-eyed girls with dark hair.

A surprisingly gentle and unexpected combination of dark hair and blue eyes always arouses admiration from others. Nature knows how to choose the right combination that will be most beneficial for this person. Blue-eyed people with dark brown or black hair are a real miracle of nature. Blue-eyed blondes carefully need to make the transition to darker curls. Instead of a fatal beauty, you will turn into a vulgar person. If your hair color is closer to brown-haired and cold skin type, you can try to dye your hair in tones 1-2 units towards darkening or lightening. Just be sure to use a range of cold shades. It is better for bright blondes not to conduct such experiments.

For girls with large, regular facial features, a cold shade of chestnut is suitable. If you are a girl with fine, clear features, don't take chances with dark hair. From a pretty girl, you will turn into a rude example of a standard lady from the street. It is advisable for you to use light brown tones, fine highlights, blonding and ombre of warm shades of chocolate. The same range of colors is perfect for girls with dark skin closer to olive.

Girls with blue eyes and light shades of hair.

Angelic, airy and ephemeral girls with blue eyes and blond hair are real beauties that are full of. They are the standard of beauty of European and Russian girls. Nature gives a successful combination, therefore, if you decide to darken your hair, then it is better to do this by no more than 1 tone. Lighting looks the best.

As a rule, blue-eyed beauties belong to the cold “summer” color type. Therefore, most of them will go cold shades of blond. These include ashen, platinum, pearl, mother-of-pearl. Make sure that the contrast between the color of the hair and eyebrows is not noticeable. If you have clear eyebrows of a darkish color, you should lighten your hair not from the very roots, making a soft transition between colors.

Ladies who have a warm skin tone closer to peach, clear blue eyes and naturally blond curls can be advised delicate shades of golden. This shade will emphasize the clarity of blue eyes.

Naturally blond hair in combination with blue eyes is best dyed in sunny, bright colors. For blue-eyed brunettes with a pale face, it is advisable not to repaint in a golden blond. You will completely lose your charm and charm.

Blue-eyed fiery beauties.

An unexpected and surprising combination of red hair and sky blue eyes. Hot shades of red are striking in combination with blue eyes and create an unusual and unforgettable look. As a rule, red-haired beauties are born with green or brown eyes. Red shades are combined with porcelain skin of the face. Dyeing your hair red is recommended for girls who naturally have blond hair. If you were born with blue eyes, porcelain skin and blond hair, you can safely try a new image of a red-haired beauty.

Makeup for blue eyes

The final stage in the formation of the image is the right choice of decorative cosmetics. How to choose the right products that will emphasize your individuality and not spoil the impression of the created image.

Shadows. Blue-eyed girls are suitable for shades of the following colors:

Pink (it is better to choose gentle, pastel colors);
Silver (not saturated color);
Pearl or mother-of-pearl;

Blue (even closer to ultramarine);
Catchy pink shades;
Grayish smoky.

Pencil. For blue-eyed girls, pencils are recommended to use the following colors:

Blue and cyan.

Ink. Do not experiment with this tool. Use jet black mascara. Many ladies believe that blue, purple, gray mascara will complement their image. Experiment with it, but try not to use it as the only cosmetic to create an image. In addition, for girls with warm skin tone and dark hair, these colors are unlikely to suit.
Pomade. For girls with blue eyes, lipstick of any shade is suitable. Choose according to your skin type and hair color.

Experiment with your own image, try on yourself shades and decorative cosmetics. This is the simplest thing that you can change in yourself without compromising your appearance.

In order to choose a hair color, contact the stylists. They will give you recommendations on how to properly create an image. Use their advice, watch glossy women's magazines. Learn from pop and movie stars. Their image is created over the years, and you can do it too if you take good care of yourself.

Your appearance is business card, the gloss of which depends only on you.

April 22, 2014, 11:11 am

What hair color suits you 100%? Maybe you should change the tone of your hair? These questions are regularly asked by any woman who wants to change her image. And you should know that it is quite possible to choose your shade with 99% accuracy.

Often, ladies notice that the dress they like may simply not suit them or make them look paler, and the color of the hair dye makes them look older, or vice versa, favorably emphasizes facial features.

Psychologist Carol Jackson offered her vision for the color scheme, and divided them into 4 color types - winter, spring, summer and autumn. The book of this author, “Paint me beautiful”, has become a real bestseller among hairdressers and stylists. Now every woman, following some basic knowledge, can choose the shade of color that suits her.

Basic color types: how to determine and choose a color

There are several options for how you can determine the color type:

- it is necessary to identify what type of palette the girl belongs to, cold or warm;

- determine what time of the year the girl belongs to light or dark.

The ratio of these definitions (hair, skin and eye colors) will help you understand which colors suit a woman, make her attractive, emphasizing all the advantages of her appearance, and which colors are best avoided.

Selecting a color palette by type “Cool” or “Warm”

In order to determine the correct color scheme, apply two types of foundation on the cheeks - with a pink or blue tint and yellow: pink / blue tone on one cheek, yellow on the other. Colors that blend with the skin suit you best. If it's pink/blue, then cold tones suit you, but if it's yellow, then you are the owner of warm shades.

Jewelry can also help determine the color type. Put on gold and silver jewelry on your fingers. If yellow metal products look more harmonious on your hands, then your natural appearance color type is warm, but if silver jewelry suits you better, then you are a cold type.

Sometimes, to determine the color type, you can also look at the wrists (in good light). Blue veins, visible through the skin, appear in women of a cold type of appearance. Well, with green - at the warm.

However, there are other ways to determine the color type, so do not divide the entire gamut on only one basis.

Selecting a color palette by type “Light” or “Dark”.

Ladies of a dark type of appearance are characterized by:

Leather- warm tones, yellowish, olive, beige and tanned.

Hair- deep black, chestnut, shades of chocolate, brown and even with a red tint.

Eyes- bright green, blue and brown.

The light type has other features:

Leather- light shades, the noble tone of ivory also belongs to the fair sex of this color type.

Hair- blond of any shades, including ash-gray, cold, as well as with a touch of yellow and light blond hair.

Eyes- light brown, light green, gray and related colors such as blue-gray or blue-green.

Not to be mistaken with the choice of clothes or the color of the hair that you want to change to a more successful and fresh one, the correct definition of two parameters will help - the shade and its depth, which prevails in the appearance of a woman.

Winter and summer: what color are you?

The most common way to determine your color type is to analyze external data in accordance with the season.

Color type winter

A woman - winter is characterized by a contrast between the color of the skin, eyes and hair. As a rule, these are girls with black hair, white skin and dark brown eyes.

Sometimes there are women with a warm variation of “winter”. They have metallic white, ashy dyed hair and white skin.

Individual characteristics:

1. Eyes and hair - dark saturated shades, hair (brunette or brown-haired) can be with a red tint.

2. Skin of cool tones, with little to no blush on the cheeks, although it is present in cold pink manifestations.

3. All bright and saturated variations of yellow (lemon), blue, pink, red, contrasting white and black are best suited. These colors can be found in clothing, makeup, accessories, and jewelry.

Color type spring

A spring woman is characterized by a warm palette, blush on her cheeks, freckles or moles.

Individual characteristics:

1. Eyes and hair - warm, soft. Strands from warm blond to light brown with sunny or chocolate tints.

2. The color of the eyes is soft, soft shades - green, light brown and gray.

3. These girls are best suited milky, golden, light brown, pastel colors.

Color type summer

The summer woman is distinguished by a noble combination of soft pink skin, with cool shades and blond hair.

Sometimes there are "summer" blondes, and girls with dark blond curls.

This type of appearance is characteristic of most representatives of the Slavic peoples.

Individual characteristics:

1. A combination of green, gray-blue, blue, brown eyes in combination with delicate fair skin.

2. Lips pink or pale pink.

3. Pink blush and natural tan only enhance the attractiveness of girls with this appearance.

These girls are best suited beige and watermelon shades. Berry, turquoise, denim tones in clothes will help to emphasize the beauty. Steel gray, coffee brown and mint also look good.

Autumn color type

This is the warmest type of appearance, on a par with spring.

A woman - autumn has red hair (from light red to deep copper, burgundy). The eye color of these women is brown, gray, green with soft shades.

Individual characteristics:

1. Skin color is dark and beige.

2. These women suit warm shades in clothes, outfits of complex cuts, and makeup with accents of green-blue, gold, brown and orange.

3. However, the “seasonal” color type does not always correspond to a particular person. Agree, changing clothes or makeup is easier than hair color, so you need to spend more time choosing the right color.

Who is suitable and who should avoid cold shades of blond and light brown?

The light brown color all over the world belongs to the “blond” type. White-haired and blond (from light to dark brown) hair can be with a warm tint. Coldness is given by “lunar tones”.

Features of cold light brown and blond:

1. Snow-white blond, platinum, silver, boiled white, pearl, light brown platinum hair shades are suitable for girls with pale and white skin, and with blue, gray or brown eyes.

2. Light brown hair, as if burnt out in the sun, can be cold shades. It is important to avoid yellowness and red tones.

3. To visually add volume to the hair of the owners of light strands, bob haircuts and a graduated cascade will help. Highlighting is very popular - from ashy to silver or cold blond.

4. Women of the “winter” color type, who have milky white, pale pink skin and black eyes, are suitable for cold blond and light brown.

5. These colors are undesirable for girls with freckles, swarthy skin and marsh green eyes.

Who is suitable and who should avoid warm shades of blond and light brown?

Even if white is considered cold, blonde can sometimes surprise with warm shades, such as wheat and chocolate blonde. The main feature of these tones is sunny honey, egg yellow or mustard overflows.

Features of this palette:

1. This palette includes all wheaten, sunny, golden hues, and strawberry hues, reminiscent of a light red, caramel or copper color.

2. Such shades make the skin bright and emphasize its natural glow. These colors are suitable for girls with light, but not pale skin. Combined with any eye color - brown, green and gray.

3. The right shade, warm blonde hair can brighten up any girl.

4. If a lady has a “cold winter” color type with white skin and clear blue or gray eyes, it is better for her not to experiment with these colors.

5. The combination of such hair with a face that does not have clear contours can be called not entirely successful. Such shades are not suitable for ladies with a healthy bright blush.

Who is suitable and who should avoid brown hair?

The usual name “brown” does not quite represent the entire hair color palette, which is also called “brown hair”. Cognac and ash-blond tones can be attributed to this range. These colors are always suitable for ladies, the main thing is to know your skin tone and eyes.

Girls of the “winter” color type are suitable for cold shades of chocolate, with ashy tints. While soft tones are suitable for spring, summer and autumn color types.

Features of this palette:

1. Girls of Slavic appearance are more suitable for golden and gray overflows of light brown hair.

2. Dark blonde hair gives depth to the look. A sunny or copper shade of ashy color will add shine to the hair.

3. Cool brown hair looks good on girls with brown, hazel-green eyes and fair skin.

4. Brown hair decorates any woman, it is only important to choose a light or warm tone. The color should not be dull.

Hair dyed in these colors needs proper care (moisturizing). Highlighting looks very good, and ombre, which is popular this season, creates the effect of sun-bleached hair.

Who is suitable and who should avoid a brunette?

Black hair is characteristic of brunettes. Initially, this hair color characterized girls with the “contrasting winter” color type, with white skin, deep black or blue eyes. In the second half of the 20th century, hairdressers began to use this color often, even if women had warm natural tones.

Features of this palette:

1. The color “brunette” can be attributed to all shades of dark hair, starting with dark chestnut with a black tint, to blue-black hair.

2. Warm shades are suitable for girls with tanned or yellowish skin and soft brown eyes. Cold tones look better on white skin and bright eyes.

3. Remember - a dark brunette ages. You can improve the result only if you choose soft shades, make highlights with ashy blond or red, purple tones.

4. For girls with gray and blue eyes with dark skin tones, natural blondes, girls with freckles and skin defects, it is better not to experiment with this range, as the black color will focus on the flaws in appearance.

Before you start choosing a hair color, pay attention to the color of your skin, eyes, your state of mind and character. If you can not decide on a shade of color yourself, contact your hairdresser. Well, if you still want to radically change your image, pick up an unusual shade of paint, one palette with a natural hair color.

How to choose the right hair tone according to eye color

Properly selected hair color can emphasize the look, making it more expressive.

Blue eyes

In a nutshell, blonde, brown and red hair color suits these eyes. When choosing light shades of blonde, focus on cold tones. Such colors are combined with a bright tone of the face. Cool blond perfectly emphasizes blue eyes.

Warm, brown hair looks beautiful in combination with blue eyes. Dark shades of hair are rarely combined with blue eyes. It is best to choose warm brown, red or copper shades of hair. At the same time, it must be remembered that red, red colors, combined with a bright complexion, highlight any flaws.

Brown eyes

Girls with such eyes should avoid contrasts. Dark complexion, brown eyes and blond hair look very harmonious. The best choice is all shades of brown from bright chestnut to dark chocolate. You can make fashionable ombre coloring or bronding. Well, if you still want to lighten your hair, then stick to warm shades, starting from light blond to bronze.

Green eyes

You will be surprised, but it is the most difficult to choose the right hair color for this shade of eyes. This eye color is the rarest, so the choice of hair shade depends on the skin tone. The perfect combination of green eyes with red hair is always a win-win and attracts the eyes of others.

How to choose the right color for clothes

You have probably already noticed that some clothes look amazing on you. Such clothes seem to even out skin tone, brighten your eyes and enhance your overall look. This all happens only because the clothes are the right color that suits you. In the same way, you can choose the shade of hair by determining the correct palette.

If olive, orange, red, yellow, light brown, burgundy, redhead suit you, then you should choose a warm shade for hair, such as wheat blond, strawberry or golden brown.

If purple, fuchsia, blue, black and very dark, aqua, blue, green suit you, then you should choose a hair tone from cold shades, including platinum and ashy, ash brown, with a red tint or black.

If khaki, purple, lilac, gray, light yellow suits you, then choose neutral shades, such as beige blond, chocolate or sand.

Experiment with your appearance!

In an attempt to change the image, you do not need to be led by stereotypes and dye your hair blonde, having azure eyes. The shade of the hair should match the color type of the woman.

What is your eye color?

When choosing a hair color for blue eyes, you need to accurately determine their appearance. He can be:

  • sky blue;
  • gray-blue or with an admixture of green;
  • blue with particles of other colors;
  • ice blue.

It is better to follow the rule: the colder the shade of the eyes, the lighter the hair.

The next item to consider when choosing a color is the appearance color type.

Color types

The color of the skin, curls and eyes determines the type of appearance of a woman. If you do not take into account these parameters when choosing a color, then the appearance may lose its characteristic individuality and brightness, and the whole image will look ridiculous and sad.

Types of appearance are called the same as the seasons.


These women have porcelain or slightly flushed skin, icy eyes, and blonde hair.

Hair color for light blue eyes and this type of skin should not be too faded, otherwise there is a risk of giving the face excessive pallor. But properly selected contrasting makeup, light tan or tinted cosmetics come to the rescue.

The ideal solution for hair coloring would be ombre technology with the simultaneous use of shades from light and dark colors. So it will be possible to achieve the necessary contrast of the image and emphasize the depth of eye color.

Girls with the appearance of this color type should avoid shades of mahogany, eggplant, jet black or rust. They will highlight all the imperfections of fair skin, emphasize what needs to be hidden or make the tan look unnatural.

If the eyes of the owner of a summer appearance tend to change their color under different lighting, then you need to think about caramel shades of hair or highlighting with light brown strands that will enliven the image and give it brightness.

Many women mistakenly believe that light hair color for gray-blue eyes cannot have an ashy tone. This is not true. It will also add individuality and originality to its owner.


Sky-colored eyes, light skin, but dark hair. This color type is extremely rare, but is rightfully considered "royal".

Hair coloring of this type of appearance can be ashy or as close to natural as possible so as not to reduce the brightness of the whole image. All dark colors are suitable for a winter girl, even blue-black.

Hair color for pale skin and blue eyes should not be copper, warm, red and purple.

To further emphasize the "royal" appearance of winter women, hair can be dyed in accordance with the tone, or use colors of turquoise, purple or blue tones. Chestnut, chocolate and dark blond colors will be appropriate. The most fashionable are shades of "ebony", ash-black, "black tulip", "raven's wing".

It will also be interesting to look at a single colored strand of hair framing the face, or ombre coloring using light colors.


Girls with this type of appearance have a warm skin tone, freckles and predominantly copper tones in their hair.

Hair color for gray-blue eyes in autumn girls should be bright, without ashy shades, in order to avoid dullness and pallor of the whole image. Rusty, ginger, chocolate or honey colors will look great. You can refresh or deepen the natural color of your hair with tone-on-tone coloring.


The type of appearance is similar to summer, but has a golden hue of hair and almost always pale freckles on the skin. Too dark or black colors of the strands should be avoided.

Hairdressers often have the question of what kind of hair color for blue eyes of spring ladies to choose. We can only talk about light shades for sure, ashy ones in the range of a spring girl are not considered. The ideal solution would be golden blond, golden brown, caramel, honey, almond or copper blond.

This type of appearance is suitable for California highlighting or staining using the balayage technique.

What color to choose?

To ideally choose the shade of future hair dye, you need to follow 5 simple rules:

  • coloring should emphasize, and not hide expressive facial features;
  • no need to radically change the image, it is enough to choose a tone as close to natural as possible;
  • the right color should create a feeling of freshness and youth in its owner;
  • do not forget about the female character, experimenting with shades;
  • you should imagine how the hair color will look in a short or long form of strands.

For owners of dark skin, which is a rarity for blue eyes, colors are suitable: cinnamon, milk, dark chocolate, chestnut, blue-black, ash brown and golden blond.

For brave women

Unusual hair colors are very popular today. But they should also match your skin tone and eyes.

  1. Blue. Perfect for those with blond hair. It can be represented by tones of indigo, turquoise or blue-black.
  2. Red. This color goes well with gray-blue eyes. The shade of red should be chosen taking into account the color type. The owner of light blue eyes will suit a smoky red tone.
  3. Pink. This color is difficult for owners of black hair, but it’s great to lay down on light hair.
  4. Blue. This is the trend of 2018. To make the image spectacular and expressive, you must definitely pay attention to the girl's eyebrows. All light shades of azure are suitable for light blue or gray-blue eyes.

Fashion shades

The most fashionable hair colors for blue eyes have not changed for many years. Blonde is acceptable in its various manifestations: platinum, ash, caramel blond, light blond, beige and honey.

For those who like to experiment with color, red shades are suitable. But at the same time, one cannot forget about what color type a woman has.

In 2018, famous hairdressers offer women to try dark shades of hair (“bitter chocolate” or jet black). Such colors look bright and impressive.

From fashionable staining, bronding stands out. This combination of brown strands with a classic blond will perfectly emphasize the beauty of blue eyes and will suit the owners of a dark skin type.

What hair color to choose for gray-blue eyes? The most popular solutions to this issue are light blond and wheat shades.

As an experiment, you can try to include "milk chocolate", cold blond, platinum blond, "bitter chocolate" and black colors in the palette. A spectacular fashionable solution will be a combination of two tones close to each other at once in the highlighting technique.

Red, caramel and light brown shades are suitable for green-blue eyes that are rarely found in nature. Platinum, wheat, linen or honey blond will also be interesting. The most popular among the stars today are the colors: "milk chocolate", copper, caramel and chestnut.

To emphasize the color of the eyes and effectively beat their shade, you need to figure out what color type a woman has, and be sure to take into account her personal preferences.