
Marie ForleoYou are a goddess! How to drive men crazy. Marie Forleo - You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy Marie Forleo you are a goddess


Original edition copyright 2008 by Marie Forleo. All rights reserved. The Content is a copyrighted work of McGraw-Hill Education and McGraw-Hill Education reserves all rights in and to the Content. The Work is © 2008 by McGraw-Hill Education

© Sokolova I. E., translation, 2016

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Reviews of the book

“You are a goddess!

How to drive men crazy"

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is more than just a book about relationships. This is a book about empowering women of all ages and lifestyles. I am a host on Web Sorority Talk Radio and often hear from women who are successful in business that they would like to be as successful in love. This book shows women how to stop focusing on their little flaws and start being proud of their strengths. In whole or in separate fragments, this book is definitely worth reading for every woman who wants to feel her strength and start liking herself!”

“Your book amazed me. She is relevant, she is like a breath of fresh air, as if I was allowed to breathe. This book will bring amazing freedom to everyone who reads it. All women need it, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a man in their life or not. Thank you for your wonderful book and beautiful heart. Your book excited and changed me, and now I am ready to be myself, full-blooded and irresistible, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

Lynn Rose,

singer, speaker, radio and television presenter

“This is an extraordinary guide needed for all of us women who need a boost in self-esteem! I'm the Worry Queen so I like what I have really“everything is fine, and in order to be irresistible, calmness is not just desirable, it is mandatory.”

Brett Jackson,


“My husband was shocked when he saw the title of the book - “You are a goddess!” How to drive men crazy”... But now he sang differently. The seemingly simple (but extremely powerful) methods in Marie's book unexpectedly brought the spark back to our seven and a half year marriage. Believe me, thanks to what you learn, any man will be happy as an elephant, and you will most likely learn a lot of new things about yourself. Excellent book!

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,

“If you're ready to boost your attractiveness quotient, this easy, fun read will help you gain the confidence that you're irresistible, and your new attitude will draw men to you like a magnet. Use these strategies in business, then perhaps you will become irresistible to clients too!”

Lynn Pierce,

creator of the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

“As an individual coach, I hear about women's relationship failures every day. So I'm grateful to Marie Forleo, who teaches women how to deal with them. She shows us that we can always take the initiative! Her book “You are a Goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy is fun and upbeat and definitely worth the time to read!

Ellen Barrett,

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is a truly wonderful and honest book, on every page of which you will find a pearl of wit and humor. I had suffered from an ugly duckling complex in the past, but now I was able to take a new approach and change my life, discovering my own beauty and gaining enough confidence in myself to become sexy and get amazing results in the New York romantic arena.”

Fernanda Franco,

graphic designer and artist

"I work with a lot of different women and I can say that if a woman follows Marie’s advice and becomes as Marie describes, she will feel incredibly attractive. Marie talks about how a woman can become truly alive. After all, this attracts everyone, it is impossible to resist. this work is more than just a book about relationship strategies, it is a book about how to tap into life's deepest treasures."

Will Morris,

Certified Financial Management Specialist

“This book simply changed my life! Every day used to be a painful struggle for me, but now I almost effortlessly achieve what I want in life. The changes are amazing, but what matters most is how quickly my life has changed. “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is much more than a book about relationships - it is an indispensable guide to life."

Virginia Daniels,

architect and artist, Brisbane, Australia


There can never be too many wonderful women.

Marianne Williamson

This book is dedicated to Josh.

I love you.


What if I told you that this information will qualitatively and forever change your personal life?

What if you learned the secret to being irresistibly attractive, what it takes to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling relationship without manipulating or pretending?

What if you didn't have to play, follow the rules, and calculate everything in order to get what you need?

Would you be interested? Would you like to spend an hour with me? Would you like to become so irresistible that you can barely resist yourself?

If the idea of ​​being natural, emotional, and irresistible excites you—and I hope it does—then you're on the right track. The book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is designed to initiate a complete change in your life. At work, at play, with family and friends, new opportunities will open up for you that you never imagined before - and all this will not require too much effort on your part (you already like it, don't you?).

You were probably puzzled by the title “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy." You might say, “I don’t want to drive all men crazy; one good one would be enough!” Well, I have to confess here. I came up with a biting, intriguing title to force you to read this book with the help of such a little trick. You see, what you are about to read about is a radically new approach to how to become completely irresistible and how to create good relationships with all the people who matter to you.

Some of what you learn about relationships will be the exact opposite of what you believed or what you were taught in the past. You need to remember that you would not be reading this book if your ability to create relationships was working to its full potential.

Here's my first hint. When things don't work out in your life, admit that you are operating on false information. But don't worry, this is not a problem. It's actually a gift. This means that you have realized that you have gone astray, but have already taken the first step to correct the course.

If your mind is open to new things, if you are ready to adopt the lifestyle of an irresistible woman, everything will be so wonderful that you will not even have time to notice how you will find yourself in the magical world of love, relationships and true partnership. This world is available, it is waiting for you.

How to get the most out of this book

This book is designed to teach you new things in an entertaining way and change you for the better. Where appropriate, there will be questions that will force you to think and gain deeper understanding, spur you to take action to develop irresistibility, and help you put what you read about into practice. And as a result, significant and promising changes will occur in your life.

If you need more advice and support, I've created a free online Irresistible Guide that includes all the exercises in the book, plus a free four-week training program to help you stay inspired and on track. . To download these additional resources and get more information, visit the website www.makeeverymanwantyou.com/actionguide.

Please remember that between reading and understanding something and actually doing it, there is a distance of many light years. I could read all day about how to write a self-help book and realize that all I need is an idea, a plan, a computer, and a printer. But if I don’t sit down and write, this self-help book will never become a reality! The same applies to you, dear! If you really want to drive men crazy, you have to put your irresistibility into practice. Thinking alone is not enough.

This is a book about how, through awareness, to overcome previously hidden negative tendencies and behavior patterns that harm your relationships. My experience shows that when you become aware of the patterns of behavior that are bothering you and simply begin to notice them in real life, - without judging yourself for what you learn, - they disappear on their own. Awareness without judgment helps resolve the situation almost effortlessly. When you are aware of your actions without judging yourself, you simply reduce their impact.

This approach does not mean that you need to set a goal to become an improved and more compelling model of yourself. When you are determined to become a better person, two things happen. First, you are sending out a general statement to the universe that there is something wrong with you and you need to be fixed. Thus, you find yourself in a negative thought loop of “I’m not good enough yet.” Secondly, you are likely to resist those trends and habits that seem bad to your mind. And since (you will find out exactly how a little later) what you resist remains, these habits and tendencies tend to stick to you. Want proof? Just remember how often you made New Year's resolutions, how you rushed around with them, and you will see that the “become better” approach is not very effective.

You may be thinking, “I'm confused. How can I notice that my actions are interfering with me, and not judge myself, not send statements to the universe that something is wrong with me? That's how.

You need to take a gentle, inquisitive approach to self-discovery. Be innocently curious. When you see something in yourself, say: “Oh, how interesting” or “Just look at this.” Just observe what is without trying to change it. Stop putting pressure on yourself to achieve the vague, theoretical standard of “ideal” you that you have created in your mind. Contrary to popular belief, if you don't have a problem to solve, you can simply dedicate your time to development and learning.

For example, I know I'm a good dancer and I always want to expand my capabilities. When a new dance move seems difficult, I try to figure out if there is something I'm doing (or not doing) that is preventing me from performing the move. I experiment with the capabilities of my body. I turn to other dancers and teachers for help. I am truly interested in watching, developing and learning. Sometimes I find the correct movement technique myself, sometimes another dancer helps me identify what I don’t notice. Then I say, “Oh-oh. Now I got it. Thank you". And that's enough. Change. Extension. Development. And all this happens thanks to the desire for self-development, and not self-flagellation.

The fastest way to get results from this or any other program is by working as a team. Numerous studies show that people who exercise with partners tend to lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and feel more satisfied and supported during exercise. The same can be said about exercises to develop irresistibility. When you connect with others, you let go of unwanted behaviors faster, you become more consistent in being yourself, and you feel more loved and supported along the way.

Talk about what you learn with your sisters, brothers, coworkers, moms, instructors—those with whom you are close. The magic that is created when two or more people come together to hold a common image is simply amazing.

This book is yours. Use it 100%. Try to follow the advice. Do every exercise. Experiment and find your style. Let the magic of these pages support you as you unleash the power, charm, and sensuality that awaits.

The world needs a smart, funny, beautiful woman, which you tried with such agony to release. Showing you the way is a great honor for me. Forward!

History of the book

The book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" began six years ago as a small e-book project. I was not yet twenty-five, I was engaged, and my fiancé and I lived in a tiny studio apartment in the West Village of New York. At that time, I was just learning the path of a personal development instructor, having left my job in fashion and advertising on Wall Street. I really wanted to write a book and leave my mark on this world. What better topic could be than the topic about women and relationships! And there was only one little snag - my own relationship.

I was a young, successful, attractive woman with a handsome and gentle fiancé, a large diamond ring, a joint bank account and a whole bunch of friends and family eagerly awaiting the wedding. But I was only thinking about how I could get rid of this. How could I even advertise a book about relationships if I’m such a disaster myself? I just couldn't do it. E-book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" was taken from the Internet and recorded on a hard drive.

I knew deep down that I needed to call off this engagement, but I was too scared for six long months. What will I say? Where will I live? What will happen to my career? What will my parents think of me? What will everyone else think of me? What will I think about myself?

Every day the lie in which I lived became bigger, more painful, more insurmountable. My fiancé and I were fighting so much that we almost couldn't live under the same roof. And then, one fine morning, everything changed. I woke up and thought: “This can’t go on for another second. I have to stop all this right here and right now. My life depends on it." I don’t remember exactly what I said, but as soon as the words “it’s over” left my mouth, I felt a wave of relief and exhilaration that I had never experienced before. Of course we cried when I returned the ring, but deep down I knew it was the best decision for both of us.

From that very moment everything changed. It was as if my soul had been rewired once I found the courage to tell the truth. I started taking personal development seminars and did everything I could to understand what it took to live a fulfilling life. I was especially interested in how to create truly successful relationships and what it takes to constantly feel the joy of life. I read mountains of books, attended countless seminars, and hired the best instructors I could find.

My life, which wasn't that bad to begin with, was transformed into something completely magical. Thanks to my sincere desire to understand how I behave in life and see what my role is in a given situation, the success that had eluded me for so long in my personal life and in business finally returned to me.

First of all, I met an incredible man named Josh, he and I are endlessly loyal to each other. He is everything I dreamed of (in fact, he is even better). He is always ready to support, he is creative, honest, successful, loving and has a wonderful sense of humor. Secondly, a seemingly completely impossible dream that I had cherished for so long came true (and I must say, it came true very quickly). Since childhood, I dreamed of dancing. I never studied this specifically and thought that at twenty-six it was too late to start. So, six months after my first class, I started giving lessons myself, and shortly after that, MTV offered me a job as a dancer, choreographer and producer. It wasn't long before I began teaching and speaking internationally, and since then I've taught classes, workshops, and events to thousands of men and women around the world. I regularly work with amazing magazines like Self, Women's Health and Prevention, and organizations like Crunch Fitness and Nike. While I was writing this book, I created and starred in four best-selling dance and fitness DVDs, and I am proud to be an Elite Dancer and Nike Master Trainer.

Everything that I understood, everything that changed my life so much - and in particular my ability to create real relationships - you will soon find out for yourself from this book. But wait, you get even more than that!

The same principles that will transform your personal life will apply to all other areas. Your career financial position, health and sense of well-being, as well as relationships with family, friends and colleagues, will improve, become stronger and more satisfying than you could imagine in your wildest dreams. I tried very hard not to leave anything out because I want to make your transformation into an irresistible woman as easy and effortless as possible. Well, are you ready? It's time for the first lesson called “The ABCs of Irresistibility.”


Original edition copyright 2008 by Marie Forleo. All rights reserved. The Content is a copyrighted work of McGraw-Hill Education and McGraw-Hill Education reserves all rights in and to the Content. The Work is © 2008 by McGraw-Hill Education

© Sokolova I. E., translation, 2016

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Reviews of the book

“You are a goddess!

How to drive men crazy"

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is more than just a book about relationships. This is a book about empowering women of all ages and lifestyles. I am a host on Web Sorority Talk Radio and often hear from women who are successful in business that they would like to be as successful in love. This book shows women how to stop focusing on their little flaws and start being proud of their strengths. In whole or in separate fragments, this book is definitely worth reading for every woman who wants to feel her strength and start liking herself!”

“Your book amazed me. She is relevant, she is like a breath of fresh air, as if I was allowed to breathe. This book will bring amazing freedom to everyone who reads it. All women need it, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a man in their life or not. Thank you for your wonderful book and beautiful heart. Your book excited and changed me, and now I am ready to be myself, full-blooded and irresistible, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

Lynn Rose,

singer, speaker, radio and television presenter

“This is an extraordinary guide needed for all of us women who need a boost in self-esteem! I'm the Worry Queen so I like what I have really“everything is fine, and in order to be irresistible, calmness is not just desirable, it is mandatory.”

Brett Jackson,


“My husband was shocked when he saw the title of the book - “You are a goddess!” How to drive men crazy”... But now he sang differently. The seemingly simple (but extremely powerful) methods in Marie's book unexpectedly brought the spark back to our seven and a half year marriage. Believe me, thanks to what you learn, any man will be happy as an elephant, and you will most likely learn a lot of new things about yourself. Excellent book!

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,

“If you're ready to boost your attractiveness quotient, this easy, fun read will help you gain the confidence that you're irresistible, and your new attitude will draw men to you like a magnet. Use these strategies in business, then perhaps you will become irresistible to clients too!”

Lynn Pierce,

creator of the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

“As an individual coach, I hear about women's relationship failures every day. So I'm grateful to Marie Forleo, who teaches women how to deal with them. She shows us that we can always take the initiative! Her book “You are a Goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy is fun and upbeat and definitely worth the time to read!

Ellen Barrett,

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is a truly wonderful and honest book, on every page of which you will find a pearl of wit and humor. I had suffered from an ugly duckling complex in the past, but now I was able to take a new approach and change my life, discovering my own beauty and gaining enough confidence in myself to become sexy and get amazing results in the New York romantic arena.”

Fernanda Franco,

graphic designer and artist

“I work with many different women and I can say that if a woman follows Marie’s advice and becomes the way Marie describes, she will feel incredibly attractive. Marie talks about how a woman can become truly alive. After all, this attracts everyone, it is impossible to resist. This work is more than just a book about relationship strategies, it is a book about how to touch life’s deepest treasures.”

Will Morris,

Certified Financial Management Specialist

“This book simply changed my life! Every day used to be a painful struggle for me, but now I almost effortlessly achieve what I want in life. The changes are amazing, but what matters most is how quickly my life has changed. “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is much more than a book about relationships - it is an indispensable guide to life."

Virginia Daniels,

architect and artist, Brisbane, Australia


There can never be too many wonderful women.

Marianne Williamson

This book is dedicated to Josh.

I love you.


What if I told you that this information will qualitatively and forever change your personal life?

What if you learned the secret to being irresistibly attractive, what it takes to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling relationship without manipulating or pretending?

What if you didn't have to play, follow the rules, and calculate everything in order to get what you need?

Would you be interested? Would you like to spend an hour with me? Would you like to become so irresistible that you can barely resist yourself?

If the idea of ​​being natural, emotional, and irresistible excites you—and I hope it does—then you're on the right track. The book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is designed to initiate a complete change in your life. At work, at play, with family and friends, new opportunities will open up for you that you never imagined before - and all this will not require too much effort on your part (you already like it, don't you?).

You were probably puzzled by the title “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy." You might say, “I don’t want to drive all men crazy; one good one would be enough!” Well, I have to confess here. I came up with a biting, intriguing title to force you to read this book with the help of such a little trick. You see, what you are about to read about is a radically new approach to how to become completely irresistible and how to create good relationships with all the people who matter to you.

Some of what you learn about relationships will be the exact opposite of what you believed or what you were taught in the past. You need to remember that you would not be reading this book if your ability to create relationships was working to its full potential.

Here's my first hint. When things don't work out in your life, admit that you are operating on false information. But don't worry, this is not a problem. It's actually a gift. This means that you have realized that you have gone astray, but have already taken the first step to correct the course.

If your mind is open to new things, if you are ready to adopt the lifestyle of an irresistible woman, everything will be so wonderful that you will not even have time to notice how you will find yourself in the magical world of love, relationships and true partnership. This world is available, it is waiting for you.

How to get the most out of this book

This book is designed to teach you new things in an entertaining way and change you for the better. Where appropriate, there will be questions that will force you to think and gain deeper understanding, spur you to take action to develop irresistibility, and help you put what you read about into practice. And as a result, significant and promising changes will occur in your life.

If you need more advice and support, I've created a free online Irresistible Guide that includes all the exercises in the book, plus a free four-week training program to help you stay inspired and on track. . To download these additional resources and get more information, visit www.makeeverymanwantyou.com/actionguide .

Please remember that between reading and understanding something and actually doing it, there is a distance of many light years. I could read all day about how to write a self-help book and realize that all I need is an idea, a plan, a computer, and a printer. But if I don’t sit down and write, this self-help book will never become a reality! The same applies to you, dear! If you really want to drive men crazy, you have to put your irresistibility into practice. Thinking alone is not enough.

This is a book about how, through awareness, to overcome previously hidden negative tendencies and behavior patterns that harm your relationships. My experience is that when you become aware of the patterns of behavior that are bothering you, and simply begin to notice them in real life - without judging yourself for what you recognize - they disappear on their own. Awareness without judgment helps resolve the situation almost effortlessly. When you are aware of your actions without judging yourself, you simply reduce their impact.

This approach does not mean that you need to set a goal to become an improved and more compelling model of yourself. When you are determined to become a better person, two things happen. First, you are sending out a general statement to the universe that there is something wrong with you and you need to be fixed. Thus, you find yourself in a negative thought loop of “I’m not good enough yet.” Secondly, you are likely to resist those trends and habits that seem bad to your mind. And since (you will find out exactly how a little later) what you resist remains, these habits and tendencies tend to stick to you. Want proof? Just remember how often you made New Year's resolutions, how you rushed around with them, and you will see that the “become better” approach is not very effective.

You may be thinking, “I'm confused. How can I notice that my actions are interfering with me, and not judge myself, not send statements to the universe that something is wrong with me? That's how.

You need to take a gentle, inquisitive approach to self-discovery. Be innocently curious. When you see something in yourself, say: “Oh, how interesting” or “Just look at this.” Just observe what is without trying to change it. Stop putting pressure on yourself to achieve the vague, theoretical standard of “ideal” you that you have created in your mind. Contrary to popular belief, if you don't have a problem to solve, you can simply dedicate your time to development and learning.

For example, I know I'm a good dancer and I always want to expand my capabilities. When a new dance move seems difficult, I try to figure out if there is something I'm doing (or not doing) that is preventing me from performing the move. I experiment with the capabilities of my body. I turn to other dancers and teachers for help. I am truly interested in watching, developing and learning. Sometimes I find the correct movement technique myself, sometimes another dancer helps me identify what I don’t notice. Then I say, “Oh-oh. Now I got it. Thank you". And that's enough. Change. Extension. Development. And all this happens thanks to the desire for self-development, and not self-flagellation.

The fastest way to get results from this or any other program is by working as a team. Numerous studies show that people who exercise with partners tend to lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and feel more satisfied and supported during exercise. The same can be said about exercises to develop irresistibility. When you connect with others, you let go of unwanted behaviors faster, you become more consistent in being yourself, and you feel more loved and supported along the way.

Talk about what you learn with your sisters, brothers, coworkers, moms, instructors—those with whom you are close. The magic that is created when two or more people come together to hold a common image is simply amazing.

This book is yours. Use it 100%. Try to follow the advice. Do every exercise. Experiment and find your style. Let the magic of these pages support you as you unleash the power, charm, and sensuality that awaits.

The world needs the smart, funny, beautiful woman you tried so hard to release. Showing you the way is a great honor for me. Forward!

History of the book

The book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" began six years ago as a small e-book project. I was not yet twenty-five, I was engaged, and my fiancé and I lived in a tiny studio apartment in the West Village of New York. At that time, I was just learning the path of a personal development instructor, having left my job in fashion and advertising on Wall Street. I really wanted to write a book and leave my mark on this world. What better topic could be than the topic about women and relationships! And there was only one little snag - my own relationship.

I was a young, successful, attractive woman with a handsome and gentle fiancé, a large diamond ring, a joint bank account and a whole bunch of friends and family eagerly awaiting the wedding. But I was only thinking about how I could get rid of this. How could I even advertise a book about relationships if I’m such a disaster myself? I just couldn't do it. E-book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" was taken from the Internet and recorded on a hard drive.

I knew deep down that I needed to call off this engagement, but I was too scared for six long months. What will I say? Where will I live? What will happen to my career? What will my parents think of me? What will everyone else think of me? What will I think about myself?

Every day the lie in which I lived became bigger, more painful, more insurmountable. My fiancé and I were fighting so much that we almost couldn't live under the same roof. And then, one fine morning, everything changed. I woke up and thought: “This can’t go on for another second. I have to stop all this right here and right now. My life depends on it." I don’t remember exactly what I said, but as soon as the words “it’s over” left my mouth, I felt a wave of relief and exhilaration that I had never experienced before. Of course we cried when I returned the ring, but deep down I knew it was the best decision for both of us.

From that very moment everything changed. It was as if my soul had been rewired once I found the courage to tell the truth. I started taking personal development seminars and did everything I could to understand what it took to live a fulfilling life. I was especially interested in how to create truly successful relationships and what it takes to constantly feel the joy of life. I read mountains of books, attended countless seminars, and hired the best instructors I could find.

My life, which wasn't that bad to begin with, was transformed into something completely magical. Thanks to my sincere desire to understand how I behave in life and see what my role is in a given situation, the success that had eluded me for so long in my personal life and in business finally returned to me.

First of all, I met an incredible man named Josh, he and I are endlessly loyal to each other. He is everything I dreamed of (in fact, he is even better). He is always ready to support, he is creative, honest, successful, loving and has a wonderful sense of humor. Secondly, a seemingly completely impossible dream that I had cherished for so long came true (and I must say, it came true very quickly). Since childhood, I dreamed of dancing. I never studied this specifically and thought that at twenty-six it was too late to start. So, six months after my first class, I started giving lessons myself, and shortly after that, MTV offered me a job as a dancer, choreographer and producer. It wasn't long before I began teaching and speaking internationally, and since then I've taught classes, workshops, and events to thousands of men and women around the world. I regularly work with amazing magazines like Self, Women's Health and Prevention, and organizations like Crunch Fitness and Nike. While I was writing this book, I created and starred in four best-selling dance and fitness DVDs, and I am proud to be an Elite Dancer and Nike Master Trainer.

Everything that I understood, everything that changed my life so much - and in particular my ability to create real relationships - you will soon find out for yourself from this book. But wait, you get even more than that!

The same principles that will transform your personal life will apply to all other areas. Your career, financial status, health and sense of well-being, as well as your relationships with family, friends and colleagues, will improve, become stronger and more satisfying than you could imagine in your wildest dreams. I tried very hard not to leave anything out because I want to make your transformation into an irresistible woman as easy and effortless as possible. Well, are you ready? It's time for the first lesson called “The ABCs of Irresistibility.”

Part one
The key to driving men crazy

If you have knowledge, let others light their candle from it.

Margaret Fuller, writer and philosopher

Chapter 1
The ABCs of Irresistibility

Take the first step to faith. It is not necessary to see the entire staircase. Just take the first step.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We have forgotten that our strength does not lie in competing with men or trying to become like them, but in using our natural feminine abilities - compassion, charm and tenderness. We are intuitive healers, we are skilled in love. Our hearts are full of deep emotions, and we cast our nets in search of spiritual truth. Our sexuality and feminine charms inspire, enliven and empower. We are wonderful creatures.

The world is in dire need of irresistible women who are emotional, enthusiastic and lively, regardless of the circumstances. Women who are not afraid to speak the truth and stand up for what they believe in. In women who are smart, sensitive and compassionate, who do not compete with men, do not humiliate themselves in front of them and do not wage war against the stronger sex (or against other women), who see in people their true nature, the nature of the same people who thirst for a worthy life and love .

Let's admit that

All we really want is love.

Although we are constantly chasing the right clothes, the right hairstyle, the right figure, the right job, the right relationship, what we really want is to know that someone loves us and everything will be fine.

You know what? You are already loved, and everything is already fine with you. Everything else is an illusion. Anxiety, regret, and worry are mental constructs our minds create to distract us from the frightening realization that, apart from these minor worries, we are not doing badly at all. By relaxing and accepting that everything is fine with us, we release our irresistibility. Our dreams rush back into the heart, and our soul becomes free to fly again. When we don't give so much energy to our fictional neurosis, we have the time and energy to rediscover our purpose and change our world.

You are an exceptional woman. You have a purpose in this world, and it is not to hide behind some ridiculous fantasy that there is something wrong with you or that you are not good enough. The world needs you. The world needs what's special about you, and you knew as a little girl that you had it in you.

Expressing your irresistibility is the key to realizing your potential as a woman and as a person. This is the whole secret of how to change the world according to your purpose. Women who put their irresistibility into action belong to the heart of the world.

You are already loved, and everything is already fine with you. Relax and unleash your irresistibility

You can fully master both feminine and masculine energies. We all have both types of energies, and by combining them harmoniously, you can unlock your personal potential. Lead and be led in equal measure. Command and comfort in equal measure. Dance with the changing flow of men and women feminine energies within you and allow the absolute greatness of your irresistibility to guide you in everything you do. Your gentleness and vulnerability are impressive. You are an irresistible woman. Be proud. From the boardroom to the bedroom, the battlefield to the grocery store, the world needs irresistible women now more than ever. Our children need them. Our business needs them. Our schools need them. Our governments need them. The world needs you to declare and share your brilliance. Let your life be an example of how amazing it is to be irresistible.

The ABCs of Irresistibility lays the foundation for you to have a wonderful life, amazing relationships, and, of course, become truly irresistible. The purpose of this chapter is to open your mind to new possibilities and greater awareness. Mindfulness is the key to allowing you to stop mechanically doing things that turn men off and start doing things without thinking that will support a happy and fulfilling relationship. Train this ability and you will notice that men, women, children, animals, dust and anything else that isn't glued on simply won't be able to resist your charm.

Your irresistibility lies in the present

Take a deep breath and let your shoulders drop freely. Relax your facial muscles and surrender to the feeling of lightness.

Allow yourself to just be here. Forget about your to-do lists. Throw out of your head thoughts of what to cook for dinner and regrets about what you didn’t have time to do at work today.

Your ability to be absolutely irresistible and drive men crazy lies in the present. When you are fully present in the present (that is, when all your attention is focused on the feeling of “now”), you tap into the endless source of beauty and vitality inherent in every creature. You become one with the cosmic mind and the eternal splendor of all things.

On a psychological level, being present means that you no longer allow your mind to become dull and you connect your mind, body and soul to whatever you are doing in the present moment. You let go of thoughts about the past and worries about the future and give your full attention to who or what is in front of you now. In the context of reading this book, being “present” will mean being able to give your full, undivided attention to “hearing” the words on these pages as you read them.

Resist the temptation to compare this book to other self-help guides you've read and ask yourself if it will work for you. All this mental chatter distracts you from the present moment and your irresistibility. You were initially confused and lost precisely because you were listening to your internal dialogue.

Here's a nugget of wisdom that will change your life instantly. Ready?

You are not your mind.

You have a mind, but you are not your mind. And you are not your internal dialogue, which you constantly conduct in your mind. You're probably thinking, “What dialogue? What is she talking about? That's about this dialogue!

Of course, you may be thinking, "So Who then me?” You are this magnificent being beyond your mind. You are consciousness, the observer, the listener. You are a wise, refined, noble and loving consciousness that knows exactly what I am talking about now.

There's one more thing you need to know. Your irresistibility is stronger when you are present in the present moment and disconnected from your mental dialogue. This happens because your very being emerges with all its fullness and splendor. Your being is the highest manifestation of your self and the fullest expression of who you truly are. It is eternal and beautiful, full of love, compassion, forgiveness and sensuality. It doesn't need anything, it doesn't seek praise or approval. Your being is your true self, alien to worries, worries and fears.

And your mind is precisely a fear-based machine that operates on the past and the future and is primarily concerned with survival. This machine is always comparing, analyzing, building diagrams and talking to you about what it takes to become better, more beautiful, more successful or more attractive. Usually the mind does not make you irresistible. He loves to talk about your mistakes and how you are bad, unlovable, stupid and good for nothing (by the way, all these statements of the mind are actually false, but until you realize that you are not your mind, you believe them).

And the real truth is that it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you made in the past and how many relationships you didn’t work out. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh, how old you are, or what you do for a living. You can be absolutely irresistible, starting right from this moment. On the following pages you will learn how.

Everything is as it should be

There are no coincidences. You yourself, consciously or unconsciously, attracted to yourself what is now happening in your life. Everything is exactly as it should be. Every joy, difficulty, opportunity and circumstance - including the fact that you are reading this book - is exactly what is needed for your personal evolution. There are no coincidences here.

You yourself, consciously or unconsciously, attracted to yourself what is now happening in your life

Many women struggle with what is happening in their lives, believing that everything should be different. They don't understand that when a person fights reality, he fights against the entire universe. This constant battle in which we resist what is happening is detrimental to our irresistibility. Every bit of disappointment, anger, pain, grief and disharmony that we feel is the result of our dissatisfaction with or resistance to some current aspect of our lives.

Conversely, when we stop resisting or disagreeing with the way our lives are going and truly accept that everything is as it should be, we return to being in sync with the universe and instantly have access to greater inner strength, clarity and irresistible.

It is important to note that understanding the law of “everything is as it should be” does not mean turning over on your belly and pretending to be dead, maintaining a relationship in which there is a lot of cruelty but no love, or becoming passive.

Accepting reality gives you strength. It puts you in the driver's seat of your life and turns on the ignition.

The practice of accepting reality is called “making Isness your main business.” This means that you need to take more interest in reality, in what is, instead of complaining and wishing that things could be different. (The concept of “Isness” is mentioned when it comes to a variety of subjects, from religion and spirituality to self-development and science. And although I didn’t come up with this concept, I believe that it is incredibly useful. – Note author.)

In short, when Is-ness becomes your main concern, it means that you enthusiastically accept your life exactly as it is, regardless of your preferences, ideas, beliefs and opinions about how things should or could be . In any situation, let everything be as it is. When you are dealing with what is, or your Isness, then you can choose what position to take in relation to it.

Turning Isness into your main business is the secret of how to become strong and attractive in life.

If you always accept life as it is, and do not expect it to become the way you want, you cease to be a hostage of circumstances and a victim of the world. Let me give you an example. Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam. At this moment, what you are stuck in a traffic jam is your Isness. Of course, you would prefer to move on, but that’s the way it is. You have two options: you can moan and complain (resist your Isness), or you can give in (so that your Isness becomes your main concern) and have fun. You can have fun, for example, by listening to the radio and getting high with your favorite songs (I call this dancing in the car), listening to educational CDs or CDs on personal development, making necessary phone calls, or just relaxing in your chair. But what impresses me most is that when I truly accept the situation, my dissatisfaction quickly subsides, and even the cars soon begin to move.

The word “Isness” is formed according to the model of the English “is-ness”, where “is-” means “to exist”, and “-ness” is the suffix of an abstract noun. “Isness” is the ability to live in the world of everything that is, in the present moment, in the “here and now,” but in this text this word is used to refer to the circumstances, the reality around you.

Marie Forleo

You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy


Original edition copyright 2008 by Marie Forleo. All rights reserved. The Content is a copyrighted work of McGraw-Hill Education and McGraw-Hill Education reserves all rights in and to the Content. The Work is © 2008 by McGraw-Hill Education

© Sokolova I. E., translation, 2016

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

*** Reviews of the book

“You are a goddess!

How to drive men crazy"

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is more than just a book about relationships. This is a book about empowering women of all ages and lifestyles. I am a host on Web Sorority Talk Radio and often hear from women who are successful in business that they would like to be as successful in love. This book shows women how to stop focusing on their little flaws and start being proud of their strengths. In whole or in separate fragments, this book is definitely worth reading for every woman who wants to feel her strength and start liking herself!”

“Your book amazed me. She is relevant, she is like a breath of fresh air, as if I was allowed to breathe. This book will bring amazing freedom to everyone who reads it. All women need it, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a man in their life or not. Thank you for your wonderful book and beautiful heart. Your book excited and changed me, and now I am ready to be myself, full-blooded and irresistible, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

Lynn Rose,

singer, speaker, radio and television presenter

“This is an extraordinary guide needed for all of us women who need a boost in self-esteem! I'm the Worry Queen so I like what I have really“everything is fine, and in order to be irresistible, calmness is not just desirable, it is mandatory.”

Brett Jackson,


“My husband was shocked when he saw the title of the book - “You are a goddess!” How to drive men crazy”... But now he sang differently. The seemingly simple (but extremely powerful) methods in Marie's book unexpectedly brought the spark back to our seven and a half year marriage. Believe me, thanks to what you learn, any man will be happy as an elephant, and you will most likely learn a lot of new things about yourself. Excellent book!

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,

“If you're ready to boost your attractiveness quotient, this easy, fun read will help you gain the confidence that you're irresistible, and your new attitude will draw men to you like a magnet. Use these strategies in business, then perhaps you will become irresistible to clients too!”

Lynn Pierce,

creator of the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

“As an individual coach, I hear about women's relationship failures every day. So I'm grateful to Marie Forleo, who teaches women how to deal with them. She shows us that we can always take the initiative! Her book “You are a Goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy is fun and upbeat and definitely worth the time to read!

Ellen Barrett,

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is a truly wonderful and honest book, on every page of which you will find a pearl of wit and humor. I had suffered from an ugly duckling complex in the past, but now I was able to take a new approach and change my life, discovering my own beauty and gaining enough confidence in myself to become sexy and get amazing results in the New York romantic arena.”

Fernanda Franco,

graphic designer and artist

“I work with many different women and I can say that if a woman follows Marie’s advice and becomes the way Marie describes, she will feel incredibly attractive. Marie talks about how a woman can become truly alive. After all, this attracts everyone, it is impossible to resist. This work is more than just a book about relationship strategies, it is a book about how to touch life’s deepest treasures.”

Will Morris,

Certified Financial Management Specialist

“This book simply changed my life! Every day used to be a painful struggle for me, but now I almost effortlessly achieve what I want in life. The changes are amazing, but what matters most is how quickly my life has changed. “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is much more than a book about relationships - it is an indispensable guide to life."

Virginia Daniels,

architect and artist, Brisbane, Australia


There can never be too many wonderful women.

Marianne Williamson

This book is dedicated to Josh.

I love you.


What if I told you that this information will qualitatively and forever change your personal life?

What if you learned the secret to being irresistibly attractive, what it takes to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling relationship without manipulating or pretending?

What if you didn't have to play, follow the rules, and calculate everything in order to get what you need?

Would you be interested? Would you like to spend an hour with me? Would you like to become so irresistible that you can barely resist yourself?

If the idea of ​​being natural, emotional, and irresistible excites you—and I hope it does—then you're on the right track. The book “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is designed to initiate a complete change in your life. At work, at play, with family and friends, new opportunities will open up for you that you never imagined before - and all this will not require too much effort on your part (you already like it, don't you?).

You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy

Reviews of the book

“You are a goddess!

How to drive men crazy"

“You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy" is more than just a book about relationships. This is a book about empowering women of all ages and lifestyles. I am a host on Web Sorority Talk Radio and often hear from women who are successful in business that they would like to be as successful in love. This book shows women how to stop focusing on their little flaws and start being proud of their strengths. In whole or in separate fragments, this book is definitely worth reading for every woman who wants to feel her strength and start liking herself!”

“Your book amazed me. She is relevant, she is like a breath of fresh air, as if I was allowed to breathe. This book will bring amazing freedom to everyone who reads it. All women need it, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a man in their life or not. Thank you for your wonderful book and beautiful heart. Your book excited and changed me, and now I am ready to be myself, full-blooded and irresistible, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

Lynn Rose,

singer, speaker, radio and television presenter

“This is an extraordinary guide needed for all of us women who need a boost in self-esteem! I'm the Worry Queen so I like what I have really“everything is fine, and in order to be irresistible, calmness is not just desirable, it is mandatory.”

Brett Jackson,...


“My husband was shocked when he saw the title of the book - “You are a goddess!” How to drive men crazy”... But now he sang differently. The seemingly simple (but extremely powerful) methods in Marie's book unexpectedly brought the spark back to our seven and a half year marriage. Believe me, thanks to what you learn, any man will be happy as an elephant, and you will most likely learn a lot of new things about yourself. Excellent book!

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,

“If you're ready to boost your attractiveness quotient, this easy, fun read will help you gain the confidence that you're irresistible, and your new attitude will draw men to you like a magnet. Use these strategies in business, then perhaps you will become irresistible to clients too!”

Lynn Pierce,

creator of the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

“As an individual coach, I hear about women's relationship failures every day. So I'm grateful to Marie Forleo, who teaches women how to deal with them. She shows us that we can always take the initiative! Her book “You are a Goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy is fun and upbeat and definitely worth the time to read!

Ellen Barrett,

You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy Marie Forleo

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Title: You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy
Author: Marie Forleo
Year: 2008
Genre: Foreign applied and popular science literature, Foreign psychology, Personal growth, Self-improvement, Family psychology

About the book “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy" Marie Forleo

You may not believe in psychology, you may sneer at the title of the book as much as you like, but after consciously reading the first chapter, you want to change something in your life and take care of yourself. Marie Forleo doesn't just talk about how to become irresistible, she inspires you to improve the quality of your personal life.

This is not only a book about the relationship between a woman and a man. It's about you. And it doesn’t matter at what age you start reading it. It can expand your capabilities.

First of all, the author draws the reader’s attention to why it was previously impossible to meet and attract a worthy man. And then he gives recommendations on how to awaken your dormant potential and become a stunning goddess, conquering the whole world. She teaches you to live life to the fullest, reveals secrets harmonious relations that bring satisfaction.

In his work “You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy,” the author shows that a woman should stop dwelling on her shortcomings. A true goddess takes pride in her virtues instead. Having accepted all of Marie's advice, you will feel freedom, as if you were finally allowed to breathe deeply.

This book is worth reading for all representatives of the fair sex. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they have a loved one or are still looking. After all, long-term relationships also need support. The methods proposed by the writer can revive a marriage, return its sharpness and sparkle.

Marie Forleo gave the literary world light and exciting reading that helps to gain self-confidence. The author claims that this quality, like a magnet, will attract men.

And most importantly, to be a real woman, you don’t need to jump over your head. All tips are easy to apply. You may even feel like you already know it all. Then let me ask you, why don’t you use this in life?

Who should pay attention to the book “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy"?

It will be especially useful for those women who feel that they are unsure of themselves and have problems communicating with men.

“You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy" inspires, teaches you to love yourself and appreciate your strengths. It allows you to find your true self, gives strength and energizes you. It's worth investing your time in, and it will pay off the very next day.

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