
What crafts to make from coconut shells. Coconut fantasies for decorating an aquarium DIY coconut made from paper

In the hands of a master, even an ordinary coconut shell will become an original craft. Indeed, coconut shells are an interesting material for creativity. You can buy coconut in absolutely any store. And after you enjoy it, you shouldn’t throw away the shell. Below we will offer you beautiful and unusual crafts made from coconut shells.

What can you make from coconut shells?

Coconut shell lamps.

You can create completely different crafts from coconut shells. They can be simple or complex. A simple one is an aquarium house. But original lamps can be considered complex. Such products will fill any room with beautiful light and create an extraordinary atmosphere in it. Check out some ideas for lamps you can make from coconut.

Coconut saucepan.

In this article we will tell you about what crafts to make from coconut shells. Coconut shells can have unexpected uses in life. For example, you can make a saucepan.

For this purpose, take a large coconut. Cut off the top of it. Do not throw away the top. It will be the lid.

Make sure to scoop out all the meat from the coconut.

Glue the handles to the coconut using glue.

Coconut glass.

To make a glass. Buy a small coconut from the store. Cut off the top. Be sure to clean everything inside the coconut. Glue the top that you cut off with a glue gun to the bottom of the coconut.

Original candlestick made of coconut.

This craft is also very easy to make. Be sure to clean the coconut and then pick up a candle. Decorate the cute candle holder with some accessories.

And a few more ideas for coconut candlesticks.

Coconut box.

It is worth saying that crafts made from coconut shells that you make with your own hands can be useful in your household.

For example, if you peel the pulp from a coconut and cut off the top, you can make an original box. At the same time, in order for the box to look beautiful, you must varnish it. And stick shells on top of the box. Remember that such a craft can become an original gift.

Coconut turtle.

A turtle like this may appear in your house. To create it, use personal skills, as well as carving tools.

Coconut jewelry.

If you know how to work with wood, then you will not have any difficulties processing coconut. Take a look at what items can be made from coconut shells. And if you learn how to create such crafts, then perhaps in the future you will make money by selling them.

As you can see, these can be interesting pendants or beautiful earrings. And these can also be massive bracelets.

Coconut maracas.

Here we are talking about what can be made from coconut shells. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the above mentioned coconut crafts. Maracas are made from its shell. And if you don’t know what gift to please your loved one for some holiday, then give him maracas. Remember that not only children, but also adults will be happy with this gift. Below we will offer you a master class on making maracas.

So, first prepare all the essentials. You will need:

  • coconut,
  • hacksaw,
  • putty, which is designed for working with wood,
  • sandpaper,
  • Super glue,
  • rope for maracas handle,
  • acrylic paints,
  • items for decoration.

Nowadays, coconut, or as it is commonly called coconut, is no longer an exotic and rare delicacy; it is easy to buy everywhere. Its hard outer layer is like a shell, and the inner mass of white light is the core. Coconut husks are often used for a variety of crafts, from buttons to tableware. But we found another use for it. We decided to make a cute glass - a stand for pens, pencils, etc.
Before you begin, you need to pour out the liquid contained in the fruit. There are 3 indentations on top of the coconut; you need to make holes in them and pour out the coconut milk, without opening the entire nut.
For production you will need: a hand drill, a hacksaw for metal, a long bolt and a nut of suitable diameter and two washers, and the coconut itself.

Saw off the third part, the top of the coconut, and use a regular kitchen knife to remove the coconut flesh.

In the middle of the sawn-off top, use a drill to drill a hole with a diameter similar to the diameter of the bolt.

We take the bolt, put on one of the washers and insert it into the hole inside the larger part of the coconut.

We put the upper part of the coconut on the bolt, put a washer on the side of the stand and tighten the nut tightly. At the end of these simple manipulations, you should get such a stable, functional, and most importantly exotic pen stand.

The stand can be additionally decorated with inscriptions, artificial flowers, butterflies, or can be left in its original form.

Coconut shell carving is one of the main professions on Hainan Island. Similar crafts made from coconut shells are gaining popularity here too.

In general, coconut shell carving has a long history. People began using the shells of this nut back during the Tang Dynasty to make goblets of wine. Also, tribute to the gods should have been presented in dishes made from this nut.

The style and design of the artists living on this island and working with this walnut differs from most others in its unique elegance and at the same time simplicity of its execution. Hainanese coconut carving has planes of various reliefs, including three-dimensional relief, embossed flowers with dimensional brown relief, and carved decor of many types.

Experienced masters of this craft have developed more than five hundred types of various utensils, for example: a complete set of cutlery, smoking sets, figurines, vases, and so on.

According to the same masters, not...

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Coconut shell crafts

Brief introduction

Coconut shell crafts

Coconut carving is one of the specialties in Hainan Island, Hainan Island, artists make handicraft carvings from coconut shells. Already at the end of the Ming and early Qing dynasties, coconut carving craft reached a very high artistic level. 300 years later, the specialization of ancient coconut artists becomes more beautiful day by day, and a unique national style and local craft colors are gradually formed.

Hainanese coconut carvings have a long history and origin. As early as the Tang Dynasty, people began using coconut shells to make a cup of wine. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the poet Lu Meng has poetic titles about the coconut goblet of wine. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, coconut carvings use it as "tribute items" in Beijing. In Hainan Island, artists make handicraft carvings from...

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Hello, I want to show my gift to my mother. She recently had an anniversary, and I included coconuts in the menu, and this box was created from coconut shells, and it turned out to be a gift for Mother's Day. Now I will describe how to make a box with your own hands from a coconut shell.

Materials I used:

Coconut shell, electric cartridge, self-hardening clay, pearl half-beads, angel from a Christmas tree garland, braid, acrylic primer, acrylic paints, Kiva varnish

Coconut shell box master class.

The materials I used to make the box.

The braid was used to align the edges of the shell. The coconut shell, cartridge and angel were sanded and degreased.

I sculpted decorative elements from self-hardening clay - roses, petals and leaves.

She covered the shell, the cartridge and the angel with acrylic primer, sanded it, then with acrylic mother-of-pearl, glued on the decor, again covered everything with mother-of-pearl and...

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Having knowledge in the field of electrodynamics and mechanics, I designed a vibration electric generator several years ago, which is essentially an alternative source of energy. This electric generator allows you to produce alternating current of a given frequency. The essence of the generator design comes down to resonant oscillations of the mechanical system of permanent ferrite magnets caused by external forces. Current generation occurs due to magnetic interaction forces. At the same time, d...

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Skillful Hands - Do It Yourself With Your Hands - Crafts from.

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Coconut shell. Coconut crafts - Second life for old people.

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs · Read more. HomeThe second life of old thingsMaterialCoconut shell. Crafts from coconut. Report on drug addiction prevention

What crafts from coconut can you make with your own hands? - Website.

Coconut crafts look very beautiful and original. With your own hands and from coconut shells you can make a bowl, a candlestick, and a bag. Bows and hairpins from satin ribbons

Coconut shell process grinding equipment

Coconut shell crafts, Coconut carvings, carvings. Carved. What crafts from coconut can you make with your own hands? - Masters.chantal nursery...

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And craftsmen do not make any kind of crafts from coconuts. These include boxes, vases, all kinds of candy bowls, and souvenirs; even earrings and beads are made from coconut shells. But in this article I will tell you how to make a simple, children’s, entertaining craft “Chendoburek Man”.

What will you need?

In order to make the “Chendoburek Man” craft from coconut you will need: a coconut shell, plasticine and a thread pompom.

The final stage

We assemble the two halves of the coconut together; to do this, you can apply a little plasticine to the cut. After the coconut is glued, we make a tongue and sculpt the legs. Coconut Man-Chendoburek is ready. It will amuse your children and bring a little holiday to your...

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Coconut shell crafts are one of the unique culture of Hainan. make handicraft carvings from coconut shells.

DIY coconut shell crafts photo

We wanted to buy this necklace right away, but Vika generally finds it very difficult to part with it. into 2 even parts - you need to hit the circle with a hammer, as in the photo. Coconut. How to make a glass from a coconut shell. Craftsmen make jewelry and various crafts from it. A new craft is a feeder or drinking bowl made of coconut shells. Coconut shell 1 - 2 pcs; Triangular file. Well, you are a jack of all trades. Even birds in a cage, having grown wiser, try to open it with their beaks. As I understand from the photo, the feeder is hung on. Crafts made from coconut shells, Coconut carvings, carvings. What crafts from coconut can you make with your own hands? Homemade. Photos courtesy of V. Pirozhkov and L. Belyuseva. Image Craftsmen make crafts from it. Find a cat level 164 We wanted to buy this right away...

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So I found the strength to make candles My first second and third candles
Technique: - Not defined - 1. I bought wax pencils 2. and to begin with I decided to make candles directly in candlesticks. for candlesticks I took glasses and bowls 3. I was inspired to create candles, of course, by the craftswomen of the country of craftsmen with their MKs as well as support in my first blog :) 4. My first candles-1
Technique: Decoupage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. So I finally decided. Very exciting. I think that all subsequent candles will turn out even better :) Thanks for the MK to the user Solnyshk@ Author: Ckazka74 ~ Moderate constructive criticism is welcome Source: Country of Masters My New Year's candles-1
Technique: Good mood 1. Candles for gifts. 2. Snow on a semolina hat, everything is decorated with glitter. 3. Rear view. 4. 5. Spruce branches made from putty. 6. 7. The birds have gold leaf, glitter, and crystal paste on a branch. 8.

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Making your own glass from coconut Once upon a time, around the century before last, many people made their own glasses from high-quality natural materials. Currently, this craft is considered forgotten.

You can purchase Moscow-Dubai air tickets in advance if you decide to make a trip.
Do you want to make your own coconut glass? Not completely sure that you will get a beautiful and original thing? Find useful information in special women's magazines. Consult with experienced design specialists.

Don't know where coconut grows? Let's explain. This fruit is grown in exotic countries. Currently you can purchase it in grocery stores, bazaars and many other retail outlets.

How to open? Modern city residents quite often ask sellers this question. In response they hear: - easy and simple.

First, use a kitchen knife to make a hole in it. Don't be afraid when it comes...

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Coconut shell is a truly fantastic material. In the skillful hands of a master, it easily turns into a practical and useful thing of extraordinary beauty - a glass, jug, box, vase, house for aquarium fish or melodious bells. Coconut palms, as we know, grow on tropical coasts, so tourists who have visited Sri Lanka, the Maldives or the blessed island of Cuba often bring coconut crafts and traditional local symbols - figurines of monkeys or elephants - as souvenirs.

In our northern country, coconuts have long ceased to be unheard of, which means it won’t be difficult to learn this strange craft - creating your own unique “wonderful things” from coconut shells, which will decorate the interior and become a wonderful gift for friends and family.

What will you need for this?

Directly coconut. By the way, a coconut is not a nut at all, but a fruit seed, but for simplicity we will call it a nut - since it has already been assigned to...

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Coconut shells are truly a fantastic material for various crafts and in the skillful hands of a craftsman it turns into a useful and necessary thing of extraordinary beauty, be it a jug, a glass, or a house for aquarium fish. What else can be made from coconut? What coconut crafts will surprise us or become an enviable gift for friends? Nowadays there is no problem getting a coconut, you can buy it in any store, eat it, and from the coconut shell you can create an original craft - your own masterpiece. To do this, we invite you to view materials with ideas for making crafts from coconut.

What can you make from coconut with your own...

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The peculiarity of crafts made from the shells of various nuts is precisely that they can be made at any time of the year, even in winter. It is enough not to throw away nut shells that end up in your home. Or you can just go to the store, buy delicious nuts and, after eating, get to work. Surely your child loves walnuts. After he eats them with pleasure, do not throw away the remaining shells. After all, you can make many interesting crafts from it, which will not just hang in a frame on the wall or stand on a table as a souvenir. You can even play with them, and this can be the main incentive for a child to want to create something with his own hands. Excellent decorative trees are created from pistachio shells. Or decorated ladybugs. Coconut shell is a truly fantastic material. In the skillful hands of a master, it easily turns into a practical and useful thing of extraordinary beauty - a glass, jug, box, vase, house for aquarium fish or...

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A little earlier there was a post about how you can make a stylized box house with your own hands for a teddy bear using the production of metal parts. This is a rather labor-intensive process that requires additional skills and special tools for metal processing. And I promised that there would be a simplified master class for those who want to make a box with their own hands. It's time to keep your promise.) Now everything is quite simple. The material for the craft is my favorite coconut shell. It’s simple, of course, but you still have to put in some effort to make a box with your own hands. The choice of nut and its preparation - cutting out the sector - is the same as for a box with metal; I described this process in detail HERE. I won’t repeat myself, let’s move on.

I will only dwell on this point: the nuts are quite “hairy”, you can make a box from such a nut, for example, these box houses are just like that. But if you want to refine it a little...

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I recently discovered a new material at hand - coconut shells. Coconut crafts attract me with their accessibility and decorativeness.

Some time ago I was really into making teddy bears. According to all the rules, with cotter pins, tinting, even with closing/opening eyes (my author’s development, perhaps someday, if necessary, I will share it with my readers). And, even at the stage of creating the image, I always imagined a new bear in my own house - well, how is it possible for such a cute bear to be on the street? It is clear and understandable that the new owners are happy to put their human den at his disposal, but their home is, whatever one may say, their home. And nothing can replace it. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: each resident must build a separate house according to his taste.

One day I gave birth to a baby bear with very thoughtful eyes, a gentle and defenseless creature. Therefore, I made the house for her especially cozy and strong - from a shell...

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For the first time, I saw cradles for dolls made from coconut shells (they are called nuts, although in fact they are not nuts, but drupes) at the Waldorf school where my children study. And when I asked my husband to help make the first cradle, there was no stopping - they began to appear in our house one after another. Firstly, children really like them - just think, a crib made of real walnut and even made by yourself! Secondly, in this case the coconut is used completely, without waste: the shell (peel) is used for a doll’s crib and children’s crafts, coconut water quenches thirst, coconut oil nourishes hair, skim milk is added to the pancake dough, coconut shavings are added to the dough for cookies... So many things from one single nut! So, to make a coconut cradle:

1. First you need to put the coconut on the table so that it takes a stable position that is comfortable for it and with a simple pencil mark the future cutout on the shell so that...

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Useful tips

Considered one of the most used trees in the world, the coconut palm is a vital part of many South Asian and tropical cultures. Its fruits have incredible properties and are used for a variety of purposes, primarily in cooking.

A group of scientists recently discovered that coconuts and coir palms are used for 360 purposes these days. We would like to share the most common uses of this product, some of which may seem quite surprising.

1) Style icon

We know that coconut is widely used in cooking, but it is also used in the fashion industry. Coconut shells are used to make all kinds of products and accessories, as well as fiber for clothing! Moreover, with a little imagination, you can make an original round fashionable handbag from two halves of a walnut. Coconut shells also make an excellent ashtray or pot for...

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Coconut shell is an extremely interesting material that can be transformed into a wide variety of household items in the hands of a skilled craftsman. In this article we will talk about how to make crafts from coconut with your own hands. Photos of unique creations will be presented below.

Coconut saucepan

In fact, you can make a variety of crafts from coconut. The main thing is to show your imagination. One of the simplest solutions is to create a saucepan from such a shell.

For the above purpose, you need to choose a large, symmetrical coconut. The top needs to be cut off. It is convenient to do this with a hacksaw, since the shell is quite hard. Alternatively, you can use a jigsaw. There is no need to throw away the top. After all, in the future it will play the role of a saucepan lid.

It is necessary to thoroughly remove all the pulp from the coconut. Next, its inside needs to be thoroughly dried. The walls should be cleaned with coarse-grained sandpaper and later polished with fine-grained sandpaper.

You need to cut out the side handles of the saucepan from wood. The latter can be attached to the shell using superglue or mounted on small bolts by drilling appropriate holes in the walls of the coconut. Similar operations must be done with the lid of the saucepan.


What other crafts can you make from coconut with your own hands at home? Making a glass from a shell looks like a fairly simple task. To do this, you need to pick up the smallest size coconut in the store. Cut off the top from it. Then you should clean out the pulp. To make the glass stable, the cut top needs to be glued from below to the main part of the man-made container.


Let's look at simple DIY coconut crafts (photo). It will not be difficult for children to make an original candle from a shell. To cope with the task, you need to cut the coconut in half and clean out its inside. The outer walls of the shell can be polished and varnished, or left as is.

Next, you need to select a large candle, divide it into several parts and carefully remove the wick. The wax must be heated and melted inside the coconut halves. During the work, you need to hold the previously obtained wick in the central part of the improvised container.

That's it, the candle is ready and you can use it. The main thing is to wait until the wax completely hardens in the shell. Finally, you can decorate the walls of the shell with a pattern or some small accessories.

Flower pot

What crafts can you make from coconut with your own hands for the kindergarten? It will be easy for children, as well as their parents, to make a pot for indoor plants. Work must be performed in the following sequence:

  • choose a large coconut;
  • split the shell in half using a hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • clean out the pulp;
  • drill holes along the edge of the shell half in 3-4 places;
  • pass a strong one through the resulting holes, connecting its ends at the top.

At the final stage, you can start filling the man-made pot with soil. Next, all that remains is to plant the plant in the resulting container and hang the product in any convenient place.


Let's continue talking about coconut crafts. An interesting idea is to create a lampshade from a shell. This will require imagination, drawing, polishing and carving skills.

To make an original lamp, it is enough to choose a coconut of the correct, round shape. It must be carefully cut in half and then cleaned out all the pulp. Next, you should rub and polish the inner and outer surfaces of the shell. It is recommended to treat the resulting blanks with varnish, which will give the finished lamp an attractive appearance.

In one half of the future coconut craft, you need to cut a round hole, the size of which corresponds to the parameters of the base of the light bulb used. Then you should draw any pattern of your choice on the surfaces of the shell. It is desirable that it be made of thin lines. The latter will act as a contour along which you need to drill equidistant holes with a thin drill. Thus, when the light bulb is turned on, light will pass through the holes, which will “draw” the previously depicted pattern on the walls of the room.

Next, you need to insert the base with the light bulb into the shell and fix it in any convenient way. You need to solder an electrical wire to the base, at the end of which there is a plug. Finally, just glue the halves of the coconut together and connect the lamp to the network.

House for aquarium inhabitants

Next, I would like to consider crafts made from coconut for an aquarium. The shell of a large fruit must be cut in half. One of the parts can be thrown away. The remaining half should be cleared of pulp. Next, use a wood saw to make cuts along the edges of the shell. Place a jigsaw here and cut out part of the shell in the form of a semicircle. In this way, you can get a hole, which will subsequently serve as an entrance for fish or crustaceans that inhabit the aquarium.

Finally, all that remains is to treat the coconut against rotting. To do this, the product must be boiled several times in a pan of salted water, draining it periodically. As soon as the water stops being colored, the coconut house can be immersed in the aquarium. After some time, the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir will begin to inhabit the shell.


An excellent option for crafts made from coconut would be a bracelet. It's easy to make. You just need to cut the ring out of the shell so that your wrist fits snugly into it. The sharp edges of the resulting product need to be smoothed and sanded for convenience. This can be done using sandpaper. The surface of the bracelet should be decorated by gluing beads and other small accessories onto it. If desired, the product can be carved.


There are several ways to create a unique handbag from a shell. First, let's consider the option of making a flat product. To implement the idea, you need to cut off two tops of the same size from the shell. Along the edges of the latter you should drill holes where you need to sew a zipper. Finally, it is enough to attach handles made of decorative rope or any other material of your choice to the shell. That's all you need to do to create a miniature handbag for the summer.

As for the second method, similar steps should be performed here, with the only difference being that the coconut shell must be divided in half into two equal parts. It is also worth drilling holes along the edges of the resulting blanks for attaching the zipper. If desired, lacing can be used to connect the shell halves.


As you can see, a whole host of decorative or practical crafts can be made from coconut shells. To give the resulting products an attractive appearance, their surface can be wrapped in fabric, treated with patterned thread or cord, and beads, seed beads, and other accessories used in needlework can be glued on. Crafts made from both unshelled coconut and polished shells with all kinds of designs and carved motifs look attractive.

Coconut shell is a natural material infinitely amazing in its capabilities. Skilled craftsmen create a wide variety of decorative and household items from it: lamps, vases, bowls, candlesticks, figurines. Original jewelry is also made from the shell, from earrings to bracelets, and even buttons.

And there are also quite unusual objects - what can you say, for example, about a coconut bag or headphones?

Lovers of natural materials should love flower pots made from coconuts. This fruit is quite durable and reliable as a material. These pots are ideal for succulents and cacti, as they do not require frequent watering.

Using one coconut, some string, hot glue and a metal file, you can make a stylish pen and pencil holder.

The simplest thing you can create with your own hands from a coconut is a candlestick. By the way, using the same principle, you can make a bowl or pencil holder. Cut off the top of a coconut or saw it in half, and glue a leg cut from wood to the bottom with epoxy glue, or, more organically, another (smaller) part of the nut. The edges on top can be left smooth, or you can give them a decorative unevenness with pliers or cut them out like a flower - in a word, as your imagination dictates.

Or you can throw an exotic party for your friends and serve delicious cocktails or cool drinks in coconut shell halves.

And if you have a daughter, then you should pay attention to pendants made from coconut shells. Your little fashionista will definitely appreciate this decoration!

Children's imagination can suggest many unexpected solutions!

Some more interesting ideas.

An excellent option for crafts made from coconut would be a bracelet. It's easy to make. You just need to cut the ring out of the shell so that your wrist fits snugly into it. The sharp edges of the resulting product need to be smoothed and sanded for convenience. This can be done using sandpaper. Such a bracelet can perfectly complement earrings made from the same coconut shell.

To see how to prepare coconut shells, watch this video.