
What does God look like. Scientists have learned what God looks like in the minds of modern Christians. The Image of the Supreme Personality of God in Hinduism

Nobody created God. God created the world out of nothing - figure out how to create it out of nothing and who can do it, but the Lord has always been, it's hard to imagine this, you probably won't be able to, and neither can I, but that's how it is.

Where does God live?

Everywhere and nowhere. There is no such hut on chicken legs, there are no such royal chambers, there is no such hut of a beggar where the whole Lord would dwell. But there is no such heart of a person into which He could not enter. So - everywhere and nowhere.

I was told that God has always been. How can this be, because everything has a beginning?

Everything except God. Although not everything has a beginning: a circle, for example, has no beginning, or, for example, time - the way we see it here, there is no beginning or end, many other things that you will think about, you suddenly find that neither beginning nor end is found; if you go through the geometry of Lobachevsky, you will find out that there are figures there that have no beginning or end. So not everything that cannot be mentally imagined is meaningless.

What does God look like?

I will begin to answer this question from a different angle. I will tell you how God does not look. God does not look like a gray-haired old man sitting on a cloud from which the sun shines or rain falls on the Earth. God does not look as the ancient pagans imagined him: like a crocodile, like a hippopotamus, like Pallas Athena, like the many-armed goddess Kali, and much, much more. God does not look like shamans in the North and sorcerers in Polynesia think about it. God is not a statue, not an idol, not a blockhead. God is not even the Sun or the Moon. Let us say even more strongly - God is not yet our whole world. Others look at the earth and think: "The mother of the earth is damp." They look at the starry sky and think: "God is dissolved in the world." And this is not so, because this is God's creation, it is all created by God, but it is not God himself. This is how the holy fathers teach us to speak about God.

There is a Greek expression "apophatic method of theology", that is, when we talk about God negatively, that God does not exist, so that he is not confused with something or with someone. This is stated at the beginning of the Gospel of John: “No one has seen God at any time; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed ”(Ch.1: 18).

We can say something about God that was revealed to us by the Lord, Jesus Christ - the incarnate son of God, who is both a true man, like you and me, and God. As we see him on the icons, as the church tradition tells about him, this is how God incarnate looks like.

Has anyone ever seen God?

Oh sure. Those who saw the Lord Jesus Christ when he was a baby - Mary and his named father Joseph, saw the apostles - touched them with their hands, ate food with him, and walked the roads of Palestine. We have also seen many saints whom the Lord appeared after his Resurrection and Ascension - in a dream or in direct vision. The Lord or the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the Monk Seraphim and the Monk Sergius. The path of seeing God is open to every Orthodox Christian - this is the path of an attentive prayer life. A person who lives responsibly, who tries to often confess and receive communion, goes to church, reads morning and evening prayers, at least several times in his life, even if he did not become a saint, experiences a meeting with God in his soul. Maybe he sees him not with his eyes, but with his soul. Remember, you also have it, in your experience. Each of us is a Christian because he experienced this meeting with God.

Have you personally seen God?

Several times in my life, the Lord gave to experience so that time would stop. It was the first time at Easter as a teenager. I was 14 years old when I attended the Easter night service for the first time. Time stopped. Then there were Soviet times, you had to come to the temple for many hours in order for a young man to get there. The whole hours-long service flew by in an instant, there was no fatigue. There was an icon of the Risen Christ in the altar, the gates of which were always open. Not a feeling, but the knowledge that the Lord is here, nearby. I shouted along with everyone, "Truly is risen," and this was even more than seeing God with my own eyes.

This sensation disappears when there is a serious sin. I had this at the age of 15. I then slandered my friend in the face of a girl, so that he looked worse in her eyes. We went to the same temple and were friends. After that I felt bad, I understood that it was impossible to live like this. I went with this for several days until I decided to go to confession. And only when I heard from the priest an assessment of my deed, the invisible damper fell and the Lord again became close-close. This is probably the case with everyone who falls and sincerely repent of his sin.

What is the right way to talk to God?

I think that it is necessary to speak correctly with God the way we would communicate with a person whom we truly love. You cannot get rid of him in a conversation with God (that is, prayer), that is, do it somehow, act according to the well-known proverb "On you, God, what is useless for me." It seems that he got up in the morning, crossed himself somehow, prayed at random, thinking about when it would finally end. At the same time, I read out some words in my prayer book, the meaning of which I do not follow, but only see that they end quickly. You can't do that. You shouldn't talk with God about empty, small things. It's funny to ask in prayer: "Lord, give me three blocks of gum!" You cannot ask for sinful things, for example: "I want to learn how to smoke, like high school boys, just as impressively and solidly." You cannot pray to God that he would punish someone at our petty request: “Lord, punish Ivanov for the fact that he studies algebra better than me! Let all his talents disappear from him, and I will become the first, not the second student. "

There is one more rule about prayer. It was formulated in the last century by the Optina elders: “If you pray alone, then pray as if you were surrounded by a hundred people. And if you pray in a church among people, then pray as you would stand alone before God. " Look how you are dressed, combed, how you generally look. You shouldn't scratch yourself, pick your nose, stand waddly - the Lord still sees you standing in front of him. No one asks you to stand still, but you need to show respect and love. Conversely, in church, do not think that many other people are looking at you, that you must be baptized like others, or bow down like your grandmother is in front of you. Don't worry about what they think of you. You only need to think about what you are talking to God now, then everything will turn out well.

How can the Lord answer a person?

The answer always comes, because the Gospel says: “Ask and it will be given to you” [Matt. 7: 7]. Now, if we ask, then most often the Lord answers us through the circumstances of our life, it can be right away or a little later, it can be the way it seems to us, or quite differently. The answer is given to us through the people around us. It happens that circumstances rush us like an express train to St. Petersburg, or, conversely, an invisible wall suddenly grows. When a decision is very important for a person and when the person himself takes it seriously, the Lord gives the answer to the person in his soul. In this case, a thought comes - not flickering, disappearing - an undeniable thought of how to act.

If it is not clear what to do and there is no one to consult with, it is worth remembering the advice of the holy fathers, who say: "You need to pray well, carefully, and listen to the answer in your soul." The first thought is always from God. You need to hear and hold it. The one that comes the second will almost certainly be from the evil one and will begin to argue with the first: "Do the opposite." In this case, you need to perform the first for obedience. This is also the answer of God.

There is in some cases a wonderful response when the laws of nature are violated. This was the case in ancient times, and now it is happening. For example, when the chains fell from the Apostle Peter and the angel of God came. And with the new martyrs of Russia this happened: out of a thousand, 999 people were executed, and one was miraculously disposed of. For example, the Moscow elder Alexei Mechev. Everyone around was arrested, and he was spared all the time, he died a natural death. There were others whom the Lord so preserved. Or in Soviet times, priests were constantly transferred from place to place, they were not given power so that the people of God would get used to the shepherd. And it happened that one of a hundred was left to serve in one temple for 10, 20 or 30 years, and nothing could be done about it.

There is also a wonderful answer in a person's life. But you need to earn it and you shouldn't look for it on purpose: "Lord, do a miracle with me!" It's scary and not worth asking for. If it's worth it to happen, the Lord will give. But more often than not, you need to carefully watch what is happening to us.

There is an expression “God leads”. How to understand it?

There are even more sophisticated words "providence", "God's providence", "providence". This means that God not only once created the world, which remains today, corrupted by our sin and our unrighteousness. So some misguided philosophers, the so-called deists, believe that the Lord launched this whole structure, and then rested from his works. Many people are now in practice such deists. They recognize that the world was created by someone and once. They think: "Well, created - and okay!" And then it rolls by itself, there are some laws of nature, orders that have been established, so we live according to them, and no one else deals with us. The Orthodox faith views this problem differently. The Lord even cares and remembers the hair on a person's head. This is what the Gospel says. Nothing is accidental. And this means that the Lord CARES about each of us, INDUSTRIES, LEADS each of us to salvation. All the time it gives such circumstances, from which we can choose the best, from all sinfulness to refuse. Remember, Mary of Egypt, such an ancient saint, sinned so grievously that even when she went to the Holy Land, she was not entertained during the trip in the best way. And I went to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher almost as a joke, as if on an excursion, but could not enter - suddenly the wall grew. The Lord did not force her to believe - he only stopped her at the shrine. You could wave your hand, as any modern girl would do. Well, she didn’t come in - and okay. Would go to do the same thing again. And Mary of Egypt realized at that moment that all that had happened was not accidental. And from that moment on, her whole life changed.

And so it happens with each of us. If we take a close look at our life, we will understand that we had such milestones, when the sign grew up - do not go there, there is an abyss, but there is the road to salvation. Remember, everyone will find this in their life.

Why did the earth appear?

This question can be answered in different ways. The first answer is theological: because the Lord wanted it. God created the earth out of nothing simply for this world to exist, and the second answer is scientific: there may be many views and theories, but we, Orthodox Christians, should not adhere to any of them to the end. Today science says one thing, tomorrow - another, we must understand that this is a natural process of the development of science, which cannot have a profound influence on our faith.

Why is it said that God created the planet, animals and people?

Well, because he created it. And they do not say, but it is written in the Holy Scriptures, in the Book of Genesis, at the very beginning of the Bible. Open and read, as everything is described in detail, about the creation of the world by day, that is, by stages.

Did dinosaurs really exist?

Honestly, I haven't seen one. I'm not sure that they really were as they are depicted in the Zoological Museum, but, however, such giant bones are found and nothing prevents us from suggesting that by the time of Noah's flood, or some other earthly cataclysm, a variety of creatures were found on the globe. ... Whether to call them dinosaurs or some other name - we will trust here paleontologists, however, people of a very respectable profession.

What animal was the first to appear on Earth?

We open the Book of Genesis and look: which of the living beings appeared there first? - Fish and birds. That is, those creatures appeared ahead that lived in the ocean that covered the earth before the solid land was formed. And they were some cetaceans, some marine dinosaurs or plankton - I'll leave it to you for future research.

What did God create first - an egg or a chicken?

I will tell you if you give me an answer to another question: is it possible for the Almighty to create such a stone that He then Himself cannot lift?

Why did God create people?

But we don't know. We do not know why God created people, why God created the world, we only know that the love of God was behind it. And we know that the Lord is looking for reciprocal love, does not force us to love him, does not force us all to become compulsorily good, as in Dostoevsky one hero wants to make everyone compulsively good, so the Lord, unlike this hero, the Grand Inquisitor, wants, so that we ourselves respond with our souls to all that he calls us to.

What is faith in God?

Vera. The most important thing in her is to believe that the Lord exists. But simply to know, to understand with reason that God exists, is not enough for the Orthodox and for the Christian in general. After all, it has been said that demons also believe, that is, they know that the Lord exists, but at the same time they do not move away from sin, so knowing is not enough, you need to trust God, trust the will of God both in good qualities and in bad ones, and when we are praised , and when we are censured, and when we are healthy, and when our health leaves us, and when we are loved, and when we are scolded, to know that the Lord is always with us, that more than what we can endure, he will not give us a test. And thirdly: to be faithful to Christ, faithfulness is also an obligatory property of an Orthodox Christian, faithful and decisive at all times, and decide: either to be faithful to the end and to lose everything in this life, or maybe life itself, or to have everything, but deny Christ. This fidelity is brought up from small things: for example, there is a fast, you walk past an ice cream stand, you want to eat a portion, but you want to be faithful to Christ and refuse: "I will be faithful to Christ and I will not eat what pleases me." Here is a neighbor, whom I passionately want to pull the pigtail more painfully, but I will restrain myself and will not do it, for Christ's sake. That's what faith is: confidence, trust, and loyalty.

Why Some People Don't Believe in God?

Some do not believe because they did not have the opportunity to know and love God and the Orthodox faith. But the words of the Apostle Paul, which he addressed to the pagans, are applicable to them, saying that they have their own law in themselves - this is the law of conscience - and will be judged by this law. This is the law of conscience, a natural moral law that every person has. He is the voice of God in our soul, and he who has acted in essence, in the truth of God in his life, can still be saved and meet Christ. But there are people who do not believe because they do not want to believe. And we can say that these people rather believe, feel that there is God, know this, but rebel against this faith, against this knowledge, or because this faith prevents them from living the way they want, that is, according to their own will and according to to his will, or because it turns out uncomfortable, uncomfortable, hinders it. After all, ask yourself how often it happens that we believe just to the extent that faith does not prevent us from living. In this sense, we are sometimes even worse than non-believers.

Can a believer not attend church?

Better then say that you are just an unbeliever, and then you don't need to visit the temple. And for a believer, for whom the Lord is not an abstract abstraction, not a "higher reason", not a "life principle", but Christ the Savior, then how can I suddenly not go? This means, I say: “No, Lord, I have nothing to do with You, and there is nothing to do with Your sacrifice, and there is nothing to do with Your Resurrection, the basis of our faith. I have to lie on the sofa and leaf through magazines. " Well, I think, after that you decide for yourself whether you are a believer or an unbeliever.

Why do people get baptized?

Why do people cross themselves - in the sense of crossing themselves with the sign of the cross? Therefore, they are baptized because they believe that the cross is not a game of tic and toe and not a way to fill out a list for illiterate people, but it is a symbol of victory. Christ's victory, and through him ours - over the evil one, sin and death. We, overshadowing ourselves with the sign of the cross in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, sanctify our mind, our feelings, our bodily powers and say that when we are with Christ and with His Cross, we have nothing to fear.

Why wear a cross?

The pectoral cross is a visible expression of the fact that we are Orthodox Christians. How soldiers wear stripes that indicate the type of troops to which they belong - some for artillerymen, others for pilots, others for border guards. Nurses wear a red cross on a handkerchief as a sign that they are engaged in a work of mercy. There are badges of orders. Suppose a person is awarded an order, and everyone who has such an order is issued a special sign that can be worn instead of the order. The sign means that people who have it belong to some kind of community and are united by profession or by their merits to the Motherland.

We, Orthodox Christians, are gathered around the Cross of the Lord. And the person who puts the Cross on himself says: "I am a Christian." When we were all baptized, the priest put on white shirts as a sign of purity and holiness, and then the cross along with the words of the Savior: "Whoever wants to follow me will take up his cross and follow me." We must bear our life's cross, and the cross that we have on our chest reminds us of this. Resurrection in eternal life can be achieved only by carrying your cross. You cannot reach eternal life by trolleybus, and even more so in a soft taxi, you can only get there by work, by effort. The Lord says: "Whether we want it or not, the kingdom of heaven is achieved by effort." Whoever makes efforts attains the kingdom of God. The cross is a reminder to us of this.

How do you know if a person really believes in God?

As a rule, answers to such questions can be found in the Gospel. The Lord himself says: "By their fruits you will know them." How a person believes in God, you can find out by looking closely at what is happening around the person. The saints really believe in God. The Monk Seraphim used to say: "He who abides in the Lord in peace, around him are saved hundreds and thousands of people." Around such a person, reality changes. This is exactly what the halo is depicted on the icons. From the saint emanate rays of God's light, which transform everything around. Relationships between people and others become close to the holy person. No matter how such a person hides or hides what chains he wears on himself, life changes around him. This also happens to people who have not achieved such a measure of holiness as the Monk Sergius or the Monk Seraphim.

How a person believes in God, you can even learn from the opposite. It would seem that here is a woman who goes to church on Saturday-Sunday and on holidays, reads the morning and evening rules, observes fasts, but everyone runs away from her. Everyone just wants to stop talking to her as soon as possible and generally communicate, while she looks gloomy, her look is heavy and gloomy. This is also the fruit of a wrong distorted faith, a person's relationship to God and himself, which a person should not have. Look at what is happening around you. Ask yourself, "Has anyone ignited my faith?" You go to school, college, communicate with peers. Most of them are non-church people. Did any of them come to church thanks to your faith? This is the easiest way to check.

Why do people who defame God often end up badly?

Because in fact, God loves them and wants them to be saved in eternity. It would be better for them to endure punishment here on Earth than, remaining unpunished in this life, to suffer in eternity. The Lord corrects a person to the very end of his life: with sorrows, and diseases, and disorder. Because of this, some grievous sinners sometimes repent.

How does an angel keep a baptized person?

Very accurately stated. Guardian angel, a more modern word is "guard". You have seen guards at work in front of people occupying some posts. They are designed to protect the "object" from dangerous situations. Please note: the guards do not impede the decision-making freedom of this high-ranking person. He himself will decide where to go, stay in Moscow or move to where they shoot. He may find himself in an area where an earthquake or some other cataclysm occurs. The decision is made by each of us. But the security service, including the heavenly service, can help us avoid unexpected dangers. Guardian angels keep us safe from unexpected adventures.

Religions say that we live on an earth created by God. We often think about who God is, what he looks like and what power he has. Humanity has always been interested to know, something more than he is allowed to know. It tries to look into the future even for a minute and find out its fate, again, destined for it by God. Some magicians try to do it in every way, but no one has yet been able to see and talk to God personally.

The guises of God

The Bible says that God created man in his own image and likeness. But in reality, no one knows what God looks like. People can only guess about one form or another. Some scientists spend their whole lives trying to find out what he really is. But with all this, a more global question arises: does it exist at all and in what form.

Different religions claim the existence of their God who created them. But again, no one knows, God is one, but with different names or still many of them. Some argue that God exists as a conventional image, but in fact he has neither a concrete form nor an image. It is simply that energy, that force, in which we believe and call it God. God is one, but in every religion His images are different. This happened due to the fact that the truth and completeness of the Revelations about God in different religions is different. Therefore, it turned out that each religion has its own image of God and is convinced of his confession.

The Russian word "God" of common Slavic origin is related to Sanskrit bhagas and Iranian baga - "giver of benefits". It has an initial meaning - "wealth" - bogat, ubog, and is also associated with Indo-European vocabulary, in which, it means to divide, share, endow, receive a share.

In general, judging by all studies and religions, God is the Supreme Spiritual Essence, which created the world. God is absolutely perfect, omnipotent and dominant over the world

We have already said that no one has ever seen God live. But the visions and dreams of people cannot be ignored. God appears to people in different ways to help them or give them something. He chose the image of a man with a beard in white clothes, which inspires confidence among people. Although maybe it was the people themselves who chose this image for him. Many people say that they saw God during clinical death, but no one has yet proven that after death there is anything at all.

In most religions, God is a personal being, but in some teachings of Impressionism God is impersonal, he has neither image nor form. In all Christian mainstreams, God has three hypostases - God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit, and also has a single Divine essence. There are some religions that do not use the concept of God at all.

Names of God

No one knows for sure what the name of God is, but in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world its essence is expressed in different names:

  • The followers of Islam, for example, believe in Allah and, in accordance with tradition, revere him 99 names, called his "Beautiful Names".
  • In Sikhism, God is called Nama, which means "name."
  • In Buddhism, this is Buddha.
  • Vedic spiritual culture is one of oldest religions calls God "Bhaga" and "Vishnu".
  • In Sanskrit, the name of God sounds like "Krishna", which means "All-attractive".
  • The Sanskrit word Ishvara is most often used to denote the one personal God in Hinduism.
  • In paganism, the most important Slavic gods were Perun and Dazhdbog.

It is from the time of paganism that such a diverse origin of the names of the Most High began. After reading our article, you learned about how God is called in different religions and what he looks like, this will help expand your own knowledge of God and various religions, but which faith to choose, whom to worship and what to believe is up to you. God is in everyone's soul and it doesn't matter what he looks like, because everyone presents him in his own way, turning to higher powers for help. It is important to live in harmony with the World and yourself, and not get too attached to the beliefs of others.

To find out what God looks like, you need to decide what it is? Each has its own concept and definition. It is known that the meanings of all the terms and words that we use cannot be precisely defined. It is for this reason that it is impossible to come to the concept with the help of rational thinking. This, of course, is an epistemological approach to the definition of God.

However, it has a right to exist. But no one will deny that this concept is absolute. And if so, then, before discussing what God looks like, let's first "eliminate" all the gods and idols, which from the Christian point of view are fallen angels.

That all spirits of shamans or voodoo spellcasters are demons, a true Christian has no doubt. It will be a little more difficult to explain about Allah, but the difficulty is not that there is little data. It's just very difficult to enter into dialogue with radical Muslims. But there is no doubt about it: it is often believed that this is Him. There is objective evidence that gives a positive answer to the question "is there God." We will talk about them below.

Now that we have decided on who God is, it would be nice to know, but has anyone seen him? It is important. After all, only from descriptions can you find out what God looks like. You can read about this in the Bible in the Book of Numbers. But the Evangelist John already notes that this was not God, but the image of God's Glory. What about Jesus?

Christ is a separate topic. In his image there was a fusion of two natures of nature - Divine and human. But this process was extremely interesting. According to the teachings of the Council of 451, which took place in Chalcedon, this fusion was "unmixed, unchanging, inseparable, indivisible." But, be that as it may, and Christ himself, to the requests of the apostles to show them God, answered that the one who saw Me saw the Father as well (John ch. 14 v. 8-11).

So, in order to find out what God looks like, you need to look at the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It should be noted that this is a very shaky understanding of such a deep question. Agree that it is impossible to describe metaphysical concepts in ordinary material terms. How, for example, can you explain to a person who has no sense of smell since birth, what is the scent of a blossoming apple tree? No way! You just need to smell it.

Thus, to understand what God looks like, you just have to see him. It's not difficult, there are even proven methods. The very first was described in the Gospel of Matthew: "The pure in heart will see the Lord God."

But this is a statement of theological truths, and what do scientists say about God? Is He there or not? "Real" scientists say that it is impossible to prove the absence of God. However, the entire world around us testifies to its existence. It is so subtly and scrupulously arranged that the slightest deviation of any fundamental component would make it impossible for our planet and the entire Universe to arise. Of those scientists who are world famous and openly admit that God exists, one can cite the following: Copernicus, Pascal, Newton, Galvani, Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Ampere, Volt, Mendel, Kovalevskaya, Filatov, Schrödinger, Broglie, Townes.

By the way, one should not think that everything that exists can be seen. Would you like an example? Here, for example, is the mind of the one who reads this. Have you contemplated it? Do not be cunning to yourself, you have not seen him. But this does not mean that there is no mind. Indirect evidence is often more convincing than direct evidence.

To find out what God looks like, you need to decide what it is? Each has its own concept and definition. It is known that the meanings of all the terms and words that we use cannot be precisely defined. It is for this reason that it is impossible with the help of rational thinking to arrive at the concept of absolute truth. This, of course, is an epistemological approach to the definition of God.

However, it has a right to exist. But no one will deny that this concept is absolute. And if so, then, before discussing what God looks like, let's first "eliminate" all the gods and idols, which from the Christian point of view are fallen angels.

That all spirits of shamans or voodoo spellcasters are demons, a true Christian has no doubt. It will be somewhat more difficult to explain about Allah, but the difficulty is not that there is little data. It's just very difficult to enter into dialogue with radical Muslims. But there is no doubt about the Holy Trinity: it is often believed that this is He. There is objective evidence that gives a positive answer to the question "is there a God." We will talk about them below.

Now that we have decided on who God is, it would be nice to know, but has anyone seen him? It is important. After all, only from descriptions can you find out what God looks like. You can read about this in the Bible in the Book of Numbers. But the Evangelist John already notes that this was not God, but the image of God's Glory. What about Jesus?

Christ is a separate topic. In his image there was a fusion of two natures of nature - Divine and human. But this process was extremely interesting. According to the teachings of the Council of 451, which took place in Chalcedon, this fusion was "unmixed, unchanging, inseparable, indivisible." But, be that as it may, and Christ himself, to the requests of the apostles to show them God, answered that the one who saw Me saw the Father as well (John ch. 14 v. 8-11).

So, in order to find out what God looks like, you need to look at the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It should be noted that this is a very shaky understanding of such a deep question. Agree that it is impossible to describe metaphysical concepts in ordinary material terms. How, for example, can you explain to a person who has no sense of smell since birth, what is the scent of a blossoming apple tree? No way! You just need to smell it.

Thus, to understand what God looks like, you just have to see him. It's not difficult, there are even proven methods. The very first was described in the Gospel of Matthew: "The pure in heart will see the Lord God."

But this is a statement of theological truths, and what do scientists say about God? Is He there or not? "Real" scientists say that it is impossible to prove the absence of God. However, the entire world around us testifies to its existence. It is so subtly and scrupulously arranged that the slightest deviation of any fundamental component would make it impossible for our planet and the entire Universe to arise. Of those scientists who are world famous and openly admit that God exists, one can cite the following: Copernicus, Pascal, Newton, Galvani, Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Ampere, Volt, Mendel, Kovalevskaya, Filatov, Schrödinger, Broglie, Townes.

By the way, one should not think that everything that exists can be seen. Would you like an example? Here, for example, is the mind of the one who reads this. Have you contemplated it? Do not be cunning to yourself, you have not seen him. But this does not mean that there is no mind. Indirect evidence is often more convincing than direct evidence.

Since ancient times, people have believed in different gods. Ever since the times of Ancient Babylon and Egypt, humanity has experienced a need for the spiritual, a desire to worship someone or something. However, it is difficult to show respect and pray to someone you cannot see. Therefore, since ancient days, people have tried to find out what the god they believe in looks like and depict him.

Like representatives of ancient pagan religions, members of nominal Christianity (leaders of the Episcopal Church or those who profess Orthodoxy) always offered up their prayers to something visible. The latter worship Jesus Christ as God, who is part of Divine Trinity... In accordance with their beliefs, he is often depicted in icons in the arms of Mary as a small child or in the guise of a man with a halo over his head, who stands next to two others. On the icons, you can also see other representations of believers about what the real God looks like. They represent Christ ...

How God created the earth and man

It is as difficult for a person with a modern level of scientific knowledge to understand this problem as it is for a primitive person to understand the operation of an atomic reactor.

But the fact remains: if the Earth exists, it means that somehow He created it and us, humans.

What God Looks Like

It looks like a huge ball of energy, emitting a radiance of incredible power. Our Sun is only a small copy of Him. We humans cannot even look at His copy with the naked eye.

No one living on Earth has ever seen God himself.

Sons of god

Three times God sent his sons to Earth, and each time they tried to explain to people the structure of the world and the laws of the Universe. Each time the same thing happened - people listened to the messenger of God, rejected his teaching, and only after his death began to worship him.

And everyone began to worship in their own way. The one who believed in "God otherwise, was called a heretic, unfaithful, ...

What does God look like?

Question: What does God look like?

Answer: God is a spirit (John 4:24), so His appearance incomparable with anything we can describe. Exodus 33:20 tells us, “But you cannot look me in the face,” the Lord said to Moses. "A person cannot see Me and stay alive." As sinful human beings, we are unable to see God in all His glory. Its appearance is too inaccessible to our imagination and very glorious to be safely perceived by a sinful person.

The Bible describes the appearance of God to people on various occasions. These incidents should not be understood as an accurate description of what God looks like, but rather that God reveals Himself in a way that is accessible to us. What God actually looks like is beyond our ability to comprehend and describe. God gives us only fleeting visions of what He looks like in order to teach us the truth about Himself, and not necessarily so that we can keep His image in our ...

Religions say that we live on an earth created by God. We often think about who God is, what he looks like and what power he has. Humanity has always been interested to know, something more than he is allowed to know. It tries to look into the future even for a minute and find out its fate, again, destined for it by God. Some magicians try to do it in every way, but no one has yet been able to see and talk to God personally.

The guises of God

The Bible says that God created man in his own image and likeness. But in reality, no one knows what God looks like. People can only guess about one form or another. Some scientists spend their whole lives trying to find out what he really is. But with all this, a more global question arises: does it exist at all and in what form.

Different religions claim the existence of their God who created them. But again, nobody knows, God is one, but with different names or there are still many of them….

Have you ever thought about what God looks like? The opportunity to see God is very tempting, isn't it? We long ago moved away from the idea that God is a gray-haired grandfather with a beard on a cloud. In many Scriptures, He is described as being "beyond time and space." Outside of time, therefore, without a beard, and outside of space, which means, definitely not on a cloud.

God is often described as light, fire, energy, etc. The Bible says that man was created in the image and likeness of God, so sometimes we can imagine (as it is sung in one song), what if God were one of us?

If God had a face, what would it be? What emotions does the face of God express? Is it always joy, greatness from the realization of the world He created, or is it, perhaps, longing for the departed children? At this moment, the static picture of "grandfather on the cloud" deepens and comes to life and, quite possibly, someone close and understandable to us appears ... It turns out, looking from this angle, we stop thinking about the Creator in the usual patterns - ...

What does God look like? Everyone talks about God, but none of the people have seen him. God is everything that surrounds us. God is our creator. The Bible says that God created man in his own image and likeness. This means that outwardly he should look like a person. And it is also interesting that since we (people) are like God, we can also influence our life - create and change something in it - we are the creators of our life. Or maybe this similarity lies in the fact that each of us has a soul! And God also has a soul!

God exists! Someone calls him simply God, someone Cosmos, someone the Universe, someone just energy.

Sometimes we imagine him as people who were sent by God to Earth. In particular, like Jesus.

It seems that God can take the forms not only of a person, but of everything that can be imagined, as well as everything that is impossible for a person to imagine.








What does God look like?

People of different faiths have long been interested in the question of what God looks like. Talented craftsmen created their works of art on religious themes and very often depicted the Lord. Of course, none of us knows what God looks like, so his images were canonically recognized only in symbolic form.

The religious theme has naturally interested creative people in all centuries. Such talents as Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Paul Gauguin, Marc Chagall, Mikhail Bulgakov, Dostoevsky and many other people of art saw and portrayed God in different ways in their works.

The image of God in painting

We all know very well and have seen many pictures depicting the son of God, Christ. A huge number of famous and not so famous artists depicted Jesus Christ in religious paintings. So, the famous painting by Salvador Dali "Christ of St. Juan de la Cruz" in a special, ...

Q: What makes God alive? When did you start to believe in God? Have you seen God? What does God look like?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The same question was asked 10,000 years ago by a little boy 8-9 years old to his father.

The boy asked his father, "What is God and what does God look like?"

His father took him by the hand and led him out of the house, and asked him what was on the site of their house before it was built.

The boy replied: "Space."

Father: "Where is the house built?"

Boy: "In space."

Father: "What will exist and what will remain after the house is destroyed?"

Boy: "Space".

Father: "This is God."

God is not a man sitting somewhere. He is portrayed in this way only in paintings. God is love, God is a space in which everything exists, from which everything takes its existence, and in which everything is destroyed. God is space, joy and love that are all-pervading. The space around us is not ...

People have always been interested in the question: “Does God really exist? Is there a force that created this world, in particular, and us? " The image of God, like his existence, has been a controversial topic for centuries.

In ancient times, when humanity began its philosophical development, it put religion in one of the most important places in life.

In the beginning, religion was as primitive as technology and man himself.

Now, when there are hundreds and even thousands of different beliefs and religions in the world, it is safe to say that each religion creates its own image of God, gives it special features. Each person imagines how God looks in his own way.

Most common religions:

Christianity (Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy); Islam; Hinduism; Buddhism.

They all represent God, in dissimilar guises. He is often drawn by an old grandfather with a white beard, sitting in heaven and watching what is happening. But most religions paint God with fire, ...

To find out what God looks like, you need to decide what it is? Each has its own concept and definition. It is known that the meanings of all the terms and words that we use cannot be precisely defined. It is for this reason that it is impossible with the help of rational thinking to arrive at the concept of absolute truth. This, of course, is an epistemological approach to the definition of God.

However, it has a right to exist. But no one will deny that this concept is absolute. And if so, then, before discussing what God looks like, let's first "eliminate" all the gods and idols, which from the Christian point of view are fallen angels.

That all spirits of shamans or voodoo spellcasters are demons, a true Christian has no doubt. It will be somewhat more difficult to explain about Allah, but the difficulty is not that there is little data. It's just very difficult to enter into dialogue with radical Muslims. But there is no doubt about the Holy Trinity: ...

How did God appear, how did God arise and whether God always existed - these are the most frequent questions that people ask themselves about God.

And this is a really very difficult question, and it is especially loved by atheists to ask believers in order to undermine their faith when the arguments themselves are no longer enough.

The answer that God has always existed does not satisfy many people. All our experience teaches that all things around us once appeared, and once they simply did not exist.

But on the other hand, the Bible clearly says:

Before the mountains were born, and You formed the earth and the universe, and FROM AGE TO AGE You are God. (Ps. 89: 3)

The first mistake atheists make when solving the puzzle called "Where did God come from?" is that God is not a material THING. Arguing about its origin and existence, one cannot only appeal to personal experience.

The one who created all our matter from energy does not Himself consist of the same matter, therefore our laws of physics cannot be applied to God and to ...