
How to get to know his mother. The perfect introduction to the boy's parents. How to impress a guy's parents

New meetings always make a person worry and worry, because they want to present themselves in a good light, please the interlocutor, interest and leave only positive impressions and emotions after communication. The acquaintance of the parents with the guy's parents will be especially pretty nervous. After all, how the dialogue between all the participants of the meeting will take place depends on how further relations will develop. Perhaps in the future the girl and the guy will start a family. Then avoid regular meetings between relatives will not work.

Perfect Acquaintance

Such a meeting takes place only after the first acquaintance with the guy's parents took place, and the girl knows the relatives of her beloved, knows what kind of people they are, what they do, what they love and what they are fond of. Therefore, tell your mom and dad about them so that you get the right idea. They should be aware of the main points. And at the same time think together where it is better to go, how to behave, what to talk about. Don't be afraid to listen to your elders. After all, they wish you only the best, they want their child to be happy, not to know sorrows.

Are the boy's parents going to meet the girl's parents? There is no need to be afraid, everything will go fine if you plan your behavior tactics in advance, think over your appearance. In general, take into account even the smallest nuances.

Choice of outfit and make-up

Regardless of the place where the first acquaintance of the parents with the guy's parents takes place, do not wear short things: a skirt, a dress. Be natural, no pretentiousness. A prerequisite is a minimum of makeup.

If you go to a restaurant or cafe, for a gala dinner or dinner, then the length of the dress is up to the knees. If the acquaintance of the guy's parents with the girl and her family takes place in an informal setting, then do not overdo it with the image, be simpler. Of course, you must be beautiful, no matter where the meeting takes place.

Tactics of behavior

Follow the rules of etiquette. During lunch, sit in the place where you were asked to sit. Call the guy's parents by their first name and patronymic, thereby showing respect and attention to them. You don't need these "Aunt Natasha" or "Uncle Petya". Such treatment is unacceptable. Also, do not immediately contact: mom, dad. It is still unknown how your relationship with the guy will develop, whether it will come to a wedding, in general, no familiarity. Do not lie and do not exaggerate your merits and merits, do not be false and deliberately ostentatious. Artificiality and deceit will quickly be revealed and will make a negative impression on the relatives of the beloved.

Be at ease, try not to show your excitement. If you can’t help but worry, then drink valerian before going to your parents.

By the way, in order not to be embarrassed in front of the guy's parents, ask your mother not to take photos of your carefree childhood. For example, where you pose while sitting on the potty, or lying naked on the couch, etc. Also ask your relatives not to go into nostalgic memories associated with your participation.

Topics for conversation

So, here it is, the long-awaited acquaintance with the guy's parents! How to behave, what to say so that the conversation is not boring and strained, but held at the highest level?

Main topics and rules of conversation:

  • do not ask questions first; if you are addressing the relatives of your loved one, avoid unnecessary questions that put you in an uncomfortable position;
  • do not praise the interior and decoration of the apartment / house / cottage, excessive flattery is inappropriate (provided that you understand the decor and home improvement, you can clarify something, offer something);
  • obsession and excessive attention and care will negatively affect the overall impression of you as a person;
  • smile at the guy’s mother first, give her a compliment, while the smile should be sincere and good-natured;

Choose neutral topics for communication, try to establish contact between your parents. Find common ground, even if your relatives are radically opposite both in their views and in their way of life. Let's say the guy's dad and mom are from the village, simple people, and native girls are the "cream of society", city dwellers, so to speak, the intelligentsia. In common between them - zero point zero tenths of a percent. But it is necessary to somehow unite them, bring them together. What will help? Of course you are their children! Perhaps the parents will remember funny funny incidents related to your upbringing or growing up, let them share their thoughts about your joint future or plans for grandchildren. Then you will not even notice how the time of acquaintance will fly by, and you will not feel tension and awkwardness.

Praise your family, tell them how wonderful they are, that you love and respect them. They will be doubly pleased that the child treats them this way and is proud of mom and dad.

You don't need to do this!

So the day has come when the acquaintance with the guy's parents will take place. The tips that you need to follow to negate all the unpleasant moments are presented below.

What not to do when meeting young people:

  • do not quarrel and do not sort things out;
  • do not show excessive love for each other;
  • do not scold or criticize your loved one or loved one;
  • do not point out each other's shortcomings;
  • no need to endlessly kiss or hug, parents already understand that you love and are loved;
  • in no case do not be late for a meeting, it is indecent and will put you in an unsightly light! Punctuality - first of all, try to arrive 10 minutes earlier than the appointed time.


Gifts are a guarantee that the acquaintance of parents with the guy's parents will take place on a good-natured and pleasant note. But there are rules that must be followed when presenting a present:

  • flowers are a universal gift for both men and women, just keep in mind that bouquets are different;
  • do not give expensive presents so that parents do not feel embarrassed;
  • be sure to give gifts to both parties (both yours and his mom and dad), this principle works flawlessly, as all relatives will be glad that they have not been forgotten, that they have paid attention to everyone.

After all, the most important thing is care, which is manifested even in trinkets, trifles. Please your parents, pleasant emotions at the meeting will create a welcoming atmosphere. Take a bottle of good wine with you, provided that all relatives drink alcoholic beverages. If the acquaintance takes place in an informal setting, at a picnic, then make a barbecue, buy high-quality beer, or something stronger, then communication will improve faster.


Let the acquaintance of the parents with the boyfriend's parents become the starting point in your relationship, which will develop into a wedding, and then into a carefree family idyll! Do not be afraid that you will not be able to please mom and dad of your loved one 100%. Do not despair, because all people are different, with their own oddities and "cockroaches in their heads." The most important thing is how you treat each other, your feelings, mutual love and trust. Parents, both the girl and the groom, will understand that your couple is perfect, and what else is needed? For the children to be happy. Or maybe the first meeting will mark the creation of a strong, large and friendly family, in which laughter, good nature, comfort and joy will always reign!

It is worth noting that if your boyfriend decided to introduce you to his parents, this already says a lot. Most likely, he has very serious intentions and this can only be rejoiced at.

But this will cause much more excitement, because it is so responsible and you want to please the relatives of the chosen one. You should not be afraid, because your boyfriend's mom and dad are ordinary people and they are probably also very worried before meeting you.

There are several rules that it will be useful to use when meeting the parents of your beloved soulmate. In addition, you should understand why it is so important to make a positive impression.

Why getting to know your parents is important

Of course, if relatives do not treat you very well, this does not mean that he will immediately refuse you, but it is still desirable to make a good impression on relatives, since, most likely, something more will follow the acquaintance and that is why your boyfriend so it is necessary that relatives get to know you and appreciate you.

In addition, this is important for you, because talking alone with your man, you do not have a complete idea of ​​what family he was brought up in, what kind of relatives he has. You will be able to more clearly understand what kind of family model is considered normal for your man and understand if you like it.

Tips to use when meeting parents

  1. In no case do not try to please everyone, fawn, flatter, all this is felt very strongly and will not create a very good impression about you. You only need to be yourself, it always captivates.

    In advance, you can find out from your loved one what his parents are doing and what topics it is better to talk with them so as not to touch on those that should not be touched. Remember that there are topics that, in principle, should not be discussed with any unfamiliar people, especially at the first meeting (religion, politics, nationality, etc.).

  2. Parents always appreciate modest girls, so think over your outfit in advance, give up seductive dresses and ultra-short skirts, etc. But at the same time, it is important to find harmony between the sexual image and the business one. In addition, clothing should be comfortable so that you do not think about it all the time during the meeting.
  3. Many girls are offended by questions about what their parents do. In fact, there is nothing bad and tactless in this, it is just very important for the mom and dad of your chosen one to know everything about your family.
    No need to reveal any family secrets and talk about too personal topics, just answer all questions with the utmost politeness, that will be enough.
  4. If you usually like to talk a lot, then on the evening of meeting your parents, you should not do this. Of course, it is not necessary to be silent all the time. Throw some phrases during the conversation, but it is not recommended to speak incessantly and even more so to interrupt one of your boyfriend's relatives.
  5. Very often, older people, for example, grandparents, like to bring their interlocutors to disputes, this is their peculiarity, in no case do not succumb to provocations, be restrained and do not enter into heated debates.
  6. Kissing and hugging with a loved one at a common table with his relatives is definitely not worth it. If you want to show how much you love your boyfriend, this is not the best option. Such behavior can be perceived as a manifestation of tactlessness, parents are unlikely to approve and appreciate this.
  7. If you are offered to pour alcohol at the time of the meeting, of course, it is not necessary to completely refuse it, but you definitely cannot lean. This is not the best reason to relax, in a tipsy state it is very difficult to control your words and actions, so it is better that your head is sober.
  8. Everyone loves complements, especially moms. Therefore, by all means, during the conversation, try to praise the mistress of the house. If she cooked any dishes on the table on her own, ask for the recipe, she will be incredibly pleased.
  9. Before the meeting, ask your young man if his family members know how to handle all the cutlery, there are families in which this is taken very seriously. If your boyfriend's family is one of those, then learn in advance what appliances are needed for what so that you feel most comfortable. Also, ask your chosen one to help you.
  10. It also happens that the husband's relatives are unfriendly, during the conversation they try to somehow prick the guest, etc. You should not respond with aggression to aggression, this is not your problem and you do not know why this happens. Your business is to show yourself from the best side, and let the rest remain only on their conscience.

What follows after dating

You should not expect that now every week you will be expected to visit your man. If you are not invited to visit for a long time, this does not mean that you are not liked. So don't beat yourself up.

Also, you should not constantly ask a man about what impression you made on your relatives, he himself will tell everything that he sees fit. Yes, and the guy will always be seen whether he is satisfied with the result of the meeting or not.

Many expect that after meeting their parents, an offer from the chosen one will immediately follow. Moreover, it cannot be rushed. Everything should go measuredly and in its own way, so do not insist on anything, the initiative should come only from your loved one.

Thus, getting to know your parents is indeed a very important stage in a relationship. It depends on how they will develop further. The more trusting relationship your young man has with his parents, the more important his opinion is for them, so try to show your best side.

Video: How to behave when meeting parents

Getting to know a guy's parents, whether it's a logical transition to a new stage in a relationship or just a formality, always brings a certain amount of excitement. A hundred questions arise: “How to behave in order to please my mother?”, “What to wear, what to talk about?”, “Will I fit into the foundations of their family?”. Such worries are completely justified, because the first impression is difficult to refute, and mistakes made during the "show" can harm your relationship in the future.

Here you need to make a reservation right away: not every acquaintance with a guy's parents speaks of his serious intentions towards you. Perhaps the meeting is initiated by the boyfriend's mother, who wants to control her son's social circle. Perhaps he introduces each new friend or girlfriend to his parents, and, naturally, he has no desire to marry them.

The decision to introduce you to the household may be dictated by the banal uncertainty in your own choice. So he pulls the chosen one to parental gatherings in order for them to look, evaluate and express their final verdict.

So, you accepted his invitation, and the opportunity to demonstrate yourself “in all its glory” glittered on the horizon. In no case do not give in and do not refuse, such behavior can be regarded by a man as unpreparedness for serious relationship and unwillingness (even in the distant future) to regard his parents as mother-in-law and father-in-law.

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How to please a guy's parents - preparation for a meeting

Before you accept the invitation, find out if the man really arranged this visit with his parents. If you run as if by chance, no one will take you seriously, and the consequences can be negative.

In order for the meeting with the parents of a man to be successful, you need to be fully equipped. Therefore, discuss with him in advance the format of the meeting (family dinner, lunch at a restaurant, gatherings in the country or just a conversation over a cup of tea), the number of guests present ...

Remember the folk wisdom “they are greeted by clothes ...” - this is just your case. The choice of outfit must be approached very responsibly - the length of the skirt, the height of the heel, the depth of the neckline and fishnet tights will be scrupulously evaluated by an attentive mother's eye. And even if the guy’s parents are “advanced” and creative people, it’s still better to choose something conservative for the first visit. With a successful outcome of events, you will still have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your unusual taste and creativity. Now the most suitable option would be an elegant dress or suit, though without too much severity. The same can be said about make-up. and a light, not too frilly hairstyle will definitely inspire more confidence and endear yourself.

To please the guy's parents, prepare a small gift in the form of a neutral souvenir, a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, a small bouquet, or a plant in a pot. If you're not afraid to disappoint with a gift, ask your man for information about his parents' interests and preferences, and buy something more specific.

Getting to know the boyfriend's parents - making a good impression

Your main task is to guess with the style of behavior when meeting with the parents of a man. To make it easier for you to navigate, here are a few proven rules:

- A sincere and open smile is your main trump card, which will literally help you win favor in the first seconds of meeting you.

- Even if you have previously had to be here in the absence of other relatives of your boyfriend, do not show your awareness and do not try to be the boss. Ask the man's mother where you can hang your coat and bag, where to get guest slippers, and where the bathroom and toilet are. Also don't forget to offer your help in cooking or decorating the table, but if you don't need it, don't insist.

- Watch what you say and how. Any inappropriately spoken word or phrase can be misunderstood. Also, you don’t need to chat incessantly, and in order not to seem like a beech, suggest a topic for conversation, carefully express your opinion and deliberately answer the questions posed to you, which will certainly be.

Sometimes acquaintance with the guy's parents smoothly flows into deliberate interrogation: what, when and how? But try to survive it with the least consequences for nervous system, even if the study of your biography has reached the ailments that you had in kindergarten age. Do not hide your achievements, but talk about them without too much boasting.

- If in the house of your chosen one you were met with obvious hostility or hostility, and the conversation only boils down to one goal to humiliate and ridicule your son’s “new passion”, it’s not at all necessary to show your ambition: to make sarcastic attacks in response or leave, slamming the door. Be above it and behave also naturally and unassumingly.

Keep a low profile and don't show too much of your feelings. Excessive frivolity is not at all an assistant in a tense situation. It is better to discuss this aspect with a man in advance even before meeting his parents. Constant kisses and hugs, dad may miss it, but mom will definitely remember and draw conclusions. Let the guy let you in at the door, kiss you on the cheek when you meet, or give you a little hug, nothing more.

After meeting the boyfriend's parents

Often, our first impressions are deceptive, so you should not blindly believe that you really liked the relatives of your beloved man. Hypocrisy, even if it is dictated by a good tone, has not yet been canceled. The truth will be shown by time and further behavior of the chosen one. If the first invitation is followed by a second one, and even to some kind of family celebration, this is a sure sign that you liked it.

Getting to know the parents, you can learn a lot of useful information. Observing the relationships of household members, their behavior and family structure, one can get a rough idea of ​​what a man will be like in marriage. Of course, the son does not always copy the behavior of his father, but if there are certain problems in his current family, they may also arise in your potential family. If his parents have been happily married for 20-30 years, it is quite possible that the son has adopted all family values ​​from them.

In the life of any girl, there comes a moment when her lover offers her, finally, to make a traditional acquaintance. Most of the girls panic, they are seized by a terrible fear, and some even begin to resist, believing that for now it is possible to do without it.

If a guy has already decided to take such a step, then this is a reason to rejoice, since for them this is a serious step in life, which means a very young person in your relationship. So how not to lose face and withstand meeting the guy's parents at the proper level?

In any business, a positive attitude is important. If you want to win people over, then you can’t be a closed and downtrodden mouse that hides behind your boyfriend.

You are an independent and strong person who must be confident in yourself and in your abilities.

And also know that many girls are sometimes in a relationship for several years and cannot understand why the lover never introduces her parents. So you are the lucky one who has everything going as it should, since the guy is serious.

First of all, before agreeing to an acquaintance, weigh the pros and cons. Make sure you are as serious and thorough about your relationship as your lover is.

Most likely, a wedding is just around the corner, so consider whether you are ready not only for solid romantic walks under the moon, but also for everyday everyday life, which can turn out to be difficult and not at all entertaining. If you feel that you are absolutely calm about this, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Feel free to ask your boyfriend about his parents, ask about their professions and hobbies, so you have an idea of ​​​​the people with whom you will have to make small talk the first time. Ask to talk about the subtleties that may confuse you at a meeting, clarify, maybe there are some topics of conversation that are better left untouched so as not to spoil the meeting and the first impression of yourself.

Met by clothes

The first meeting with the guy's parents is already tomorrow, and you are still not ready and very nervous? In order to make the right first impression, you need to prepare in advance. Decide on the clothes in which you will go, as well as pick up makeup and.

It is better not to shine with piercings and tattoos at the first meeting, let the parents learn about such details over time.

It is better to choose clothes that are not defiant, you are not going to a nightclub or for a walk with friends. This does not mean that you need to dress up in all the most terrible and unfashionable, just pick up clothes that match in tone and try to avoid deep necklines, maximum cuts and minimal skirts.

It is also better to choose makeup that is not defiant and calm, do not overdo it with a haircut, it is better to carefully style your hair the way you wear it on a daily basis.

What to give - flowers or sweets?

There is an opinion that if a girl goes to the first meeting with her lover's parents, then it is better to bring some kind of gift with her.

In fact, it’s better to wait a little with such advice, because you still don’t know the taste preferences of the guy’s parents, their financial condition and attitude to gifts.

Sadly, even the most sincere impulses can be spoiled if perceived as a kind of bribery and appeasement of parents, lulling their vigilance. And if the guy’s father may not pay attention to this, then the mother, as a woman, may interpret your impulse in a completely different way than you would like.

So it’s better to postpone all kinds of gift options until better times, at least until the first holiday. And if you really don’t want to go empty-handed, then it’s better to buy a cake. It's delicious and you won't be disappointed.

And so, in one hand, a cake, and the other presses the doorbell button. What's next? Most importantly, don't be nervous. It is better, of course, if you come with a guy, so it will be easier for you, and for him.

So what is the right way to behave when you first meet? After mastering your nerves, figure out a smile on your face. It should be very friendly and open, do not pull it so that all 32 teeth are visible, of course, but do not skimp on emotions.

Remember, everything should be at ease. Even if you can’t cope with your nerves, it’s better to slightly show your embarrassment than to portray feigned calm and indifference. It is easy to see through, and from the outside it looks very ugly, especially in the eyes of older and experienced people.

Try to talk to the point, do not focus on yourself. If the parents have arranged something like a small survey, then try to answer briefly and clearly, the use of youth slang and adverbs is not desirable, older people may simply not understand you.

His mom is number one

Yes, most often the situation is standard, the father perceives what his wife says. And the mother of your chosen one is, first of all, a woman who has been taking care of her treasure for a long time, in order to now transfer her beloved baby into the wrong hands.

She must be sure that you are a suitable candidate who can continue to care for her child at the proper level. Yes, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, but most often this is exactly the case, therefore, all your efforts, first of all, must be concentrated on the mother, if she likes you, then your father will like you.

Upon arrival, offer your help - at least cut the same cake that you brought. At the table, take care of your boyfriend, put salads on his plate and slowly ask if he is hungry. Do not abuse with alcohol, it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 glasses of wine, so as not to have fun and not shake anything superfluous.

And one more main point - do not show excessive signs of your passionate love with a guy, especially in the presence of his mother.

Passionate hugs, sitting on your hands - save all this for a different environment, and at the first meeting with your parents, this is not permissible.

But what if you don't like it?

Most importantly, don't despair. All people are different, and most often it is very difficult to establish the right contact at once. Analyze the situation, maybe you were wrong about something? Did you lose sight of something or put it wrong in the direction of parental life? If you can’t find anything, then ask the guy for help, maybe he will tell you what was wrong and how to fix it.

Remember, his parents are not animals, because it was they who raised that wonderful man with whom you fell in love. So look for the good sides in them, and everything will definitely work out.

Getting to know a guy's parents, whether it's a logical transition to a new stage in a relationship or just a formality, always brings a certain amount of excitement. In fact, it would seem, well, what's so terrible? Come, introduce yourself and talk on a neutral topic. Only we always take such events too seriously, because if you already see yourself as the future wife of this person, then you should also consider his parents as future relatives. And this already imposes some obligations on you. That is why we are so eager to please at the first meeting. Here you need to make a reservation right away: not every acquaintance with a guy's parents speaks of his serious intentions towards you. Perhaps the meeting is initiated by the boyfriend's mother, who wants to control her son's social circle. Perhaps he introduces each new friend or girlfriend to his parents, and, naturally, he has no desire to marry them.

The decision to introduce you to the household may be dictated by the banal uncertainty in your own choice. So he pulls the chosen one to parental gatherings in order for them to look, evaluate and express their final verdict. So, you accepted his invitation, and the opportunity to demonstrate yourself “in all its glory” glittered on the horizon. In no case do not give in and refuse, such behavior can be regarded by a man as unpreparedness for a serious relationship and unwillingness (even in the distant future) to consider his parents as mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Rules for preparing for an acquaintance

How to behave so that acquaintance with parents goes well. Preparation is important point in acquaintance. It is important to think about this beforehand. This gives a good advantage and increases the chances of a favorable outcome of such an event. And, as they say: "Forewarned is forearmed!". In a specific case, the weapon is knowledge and awareness. So what do you need to consider and how to set yourself up? The following tips from family psychologists will help you:

  • Stop being afraid. Excitement is common to everyone. But do not bring it to the point of absurdity. Such experiences threaten to pass into the category of nightmares, and at the meeting there will be not a sweet miss, but a nervous and twitchy hysteria.
  • Collection of information. Do not be too lazy to ask your boyfriend for important information about his parents: education, habits, interests, family structure, family tree history, etc. Such knowledge will allow you to draw up a psychological portrait of your beloved mother and father. By the way, this will come in handy if you love cats, and his mother loves dogs. A cat lady and a dog lady can clash in a dispute “Which of the animals is better”, and this will play a bad joke when they first meet. Learn taboo topics - topics that are best left untouched. In addition, this is an excellent occasion for conversation - parents will appreciate your awareness and interest in their habits and pedigree.
  • Tune in to positive emotions. You don't have to see everything in black. On the contrary, this is a new stage of relations. And there you look, and the wedding is just around the corner. Think of it as a prospect for a further happy continuation.
  • Drop the "Mother-in-law is a monster" stereotype. After all, how your relationship develops in the initial stages will depend on your whole future life. Will you talk nicely at a meeting or spit after each other, will your chosen one feel happy or constantly find between two fires. Be wiser, even if your mother-in-law lacks this wisdom. Your man will appreciate it!
  • Your target is mom. Most often, women are involved in raising children in the family. Therefore, it is important to arrange the mother to yourself. But this does not mean that the father should be ignored. Pay attention to all family members, but do it not feignedly, but sincerely. Show interest in parenting. People love to talk about what they are good at.

How to impress a guy's parents

However, if you can say with confidence that a young man is the ultimate of your dreams, then you should not miss the opportunity to get to know his parents. You need to make the best possible impression on these people. Many girls know about this without further explanation, but they do not always clearly understand how this can be done.

What to wear

The first thing to think about is, of course, the appearance. You should not opt ​​for very bright, tight and short clothes that look defiant. It is better to put on a more modest dress or a skirt that reaches the length of your knees. A very deep neckline that reveals a piquant view of the neckline will not be a good choice either. You do not want to seduce the father of your chosen one. Your goal is to make a good impression. “Good impression” will mean that you will seem like a decent, modest girl, in general, one who can adequately bear the surname of this kind.

Hair and makeup

Makeup on the face also should not look bright. You need to think about the hairstyle option in advance. Too fanciful hair design for this case will not work. Rather, it will adhere to naturalness and naturalness in everything. But at the same time, it is better not to loosen your hair, because, most likely, you will be asked to join the table, and therefore carefully style them or pin them with a hairpin so that they do not create additional inconvenience.

Main weapon

Remember that a charming smile is your greatest weapon. Therefore, when meeting directly, try to smile more, not forgetting the naturalness in behavior. If the parents of a young man meet you very discreetly, then it is with the help of a smile that you can give the atmosphere greater lightness and immediacy. With your general appearance, you should radiate a maximum of positive and absolute friendliness. Such an image will help you avoid embarrassment even with a very penetrating look from the mother of your chosen one.


Many girls are confused about what to give as a gift. Try to choose some important gift for this occasion. But it is better to refuse such an undertaking. Any desire to please can be misunderstood. Parents may feel as though they are being coaxed or bribed. But ordinary courtesy is quite appropriate. Therefore, it is more correct to take a small cake or a box of delicious sweets with you.


After the preliminary procedure of the acquaintance itself, you will most likely be seated at the table. Do not drink too much alcohol while eating. Follow the rules of etiquette. Limit yourself to champagne or a glass of white wine. Try not to lose control over yourself and your own actions. If you offer help to the mother of your young man, then this will not go unnoticed. It is better to show by your own actions that it is quite possible to rely on you. All the dishes that were on the table must be praised. However, keep a reasonable measure in compliments. You can ask your boyfriend's mom for a recipe. Any housewife will rejoice when she hears that her culinary skills are appreciated.

What to talk about

Your potential fiancé's parents will most likely ask you questions about your family. Answer all questions truthfully and specifically, but do not go into long and tedious explanations. Spicy details from the history of your family will be completely useless. It is important to constantly monitor what you talk about and what you communicate about yourself to His parents, so as not to be embarrassed.

How to please a guy's parents

  1. Help. Good move will offer his help to the boyfriend's mother when laying the table. If the table is set, then offer to help her clear the table after the dinner party is over. His mother will appreciate such an impulse, and a plus in the piggy bank is provided.
  2. Show concern for the young man. It should be remembered that his mother evaluates you not only by appearance, but also by your ability to take care of her son. It’s enough just like that, supposedly between times, to offer him to try a salad or something else. In general, show your care and affection in every possible way.
  3. Eat everything! Here it is worth forgetting about the diet, and about the diet and about its regimen. Do you know in advance that lunch will be hearty? Arrange a fasting day the day before, but try all the dishes on the table. You should not pile mountains of food on yourself, just try everything and a little bit. A good appetite among guests is the best praise for the hostess, in this case, the mother of the groom.
  4. Compliment her culinary skills. This can be done very in a simple way. Say that you haven’t eaten anything tastier than such and such a salad, and ask for the recipe. It is better to cooperate with the future mother-in-law than to be on the sidelines. different sides barricade. The main thing is to show interest, if you are polite and ask for the recipe, this does not mean that you will cook it every day at home.

If your boyfriend's parents don't like you

After the meeting, ask the guy if everything went well. Perhaps you did something wrong, but being in a stressful state did not notice this and did not attach importance to it. If you made a fatal mistake, then at the next meeting, apologize for it. His mom will certainly appreciate it. Be sincere and say that you were worried before you met, because you wanted your relationship to be warm in the future, and not like in films where mother-in-law and daughter-in-law bite all the time. If his parents raised such a wonderful man, then there is something good in them, try to find it.

Acquaintance with the parents of the groom is not a simple ritual. There are a number of points to consider:

  • It is possible to check for lice. Sometimes his mom provokes you. Do not succumb to such a provocation, and find a compromise. Be wiser!
  • If the situation gets out of hand, try to turn everything into a joke or move the conversation to another topic. In general, if the situation is heating up, it is better to divert attention by telling some funny story.
  • Rudeness on the part of his parents is more of a rarity than a constancy. But if such outbreaks occur, do not ignite like a match. Of course, you should not let yourself be trampled into the mud, but you should not answer rudeness with rudeness either.
  • Try to create a good impression about yourself whenever possible. Offered to see the family album? Don't refuse! This is a great chance to get close.
  • In no case do not scold their son. Any insults directed at him are excluded. Whatever he is with you, you have already made a choice, and your relationship with him is only between you. It is unnecessary to dedicate parents to this, especially at the first meeting with them. Even if the parents themselves started the topic that their son is not so neat, let's say, one should not agree with them, even in such trifles.

The girl can feel the importance of this acquaintance the very next day. If his parents began to call for a visit, and the first acquaintance did not become the last, this is a guarantee for a happily developing relationship. In addition, after such an event, the same thing will happen, but in the opposite direction - the guy's acquaintance with the girl's parents. It should take place after the lady herself was introduced to his family directly. Acquaintance from two sides allows us to say that the relationship has serious intentions. And the girl herself, based on the experience of meeting his parents, can make an ideal meeting of the groom with her loved ones.