
Deliverance from demons. Obsession scientifically. The power of exorcism prayers to drive out evil spirits

Everything about religion and faith - "how to drive out a demon from a person at home prayer" with a detailed description and photos.

When darkness descends on the world, it is the turn of the appearance of evil spirits - rams, demons, vampires, brownies, witches, ghosts, poltergeists and other dark entities.

Anyone who gets in the way of evil spirits in the hour of her revelry will not be good, unless this person reads a prayer that drives out evil spirits.

What can dark forces do other than scare? Much. Devilish incarnations can penetrate into dwellings, feed on human energy, settle in the body of people with weak spirits, attract failures, drive them to insanity, and even kill!

How to avoid the demonic appearance in the father's house and forever protect oneself from interference in the fate of evil spirits? A protective prayer, which puts on a person, his home, a block from otherworldly forces that they cannot destroy.

Protection by prayer from evil spirits: rules of reading

Orthodox Christians who believe in the power of prayer know that the text of the prayer from the "power of the devil" should always be carried with you. Many people memorize it by heart, but, unfortunately, most people, when faced with black forces with their own eyes, lose their speech and ability to think - all attempts to remember what they have learned instantly fail.

But if you carry the sacred text with you constantly, you can protect yourself from evil spirits. As a last resort, you can read it from a piece of paper in order to give yourself confidence in a difficult situation.

Rule 1: we carry the text of the prayer from evil spirits with us.

Prayer texts were written by our distant ancestors, therefore the speech style and words of the text are presented in the Old Church Slavonic manner. It is forbidden to change the prayer (adapt it to the modern language), since the connection and power of the words prayed by generations can be lost.

Rule 2. The text is readable in the original form in which it is submitted. For "lazy people" information sources offer listening to prayers recorded on disk or online. But the effect of such an action will be minimized, since the prayer is spoken for the person - there is no significant emotional component of the holy text.

Rule 3. Prayer must be read, not listened to! When carrying out the expulsion of demons by prayer from your monastery or the body of a "possessed" person, you should have protective symbols of faith: a pectoral cross, icons, crucifixion, holy water. Demon spawn, with weak protection, can shamelessly settle down to a person who is saying prayer, and then he will no longer be able to help either others or himself.

Rule 4. The presence of protective Orthodox symbols. Prayer from the expulsion of raging demons can take away a lot of vital energy from the person who creates it. Therefore, the rituals of cleaning the house from filth or expelling the settled entities should be carried out no more than once a week. It is advisable that an experienced clergyman who specializes in the fight against devilry do this.

Rule 5. Conserve life energy. Engage professionals. For example, it is much more difficult to get into the house of evil spirits consecrated by the priest.

Prayers used in the rituals of deliverance from demons

Unclean power is capable of attacking, intriguing, infiltrating people and making them possessed. To protect themselves, the Orthodox people came up with a huge number of prayers from demons. The most famous: a prayer to Seraphim, at the place of hermitage of Sarov (from the Sarovka River), a prayer from the attacks of demons by the elder Pansophius of Athos, a daily prayer to Jesus to prevent the wiles of the devil.

To free himself from demons or from the evil eye, the child reads the prayer of Mary of Egypt to the icons of the Mother of God: Svensko-Pecherskaya, "The Deliverer", Konevskaya, etc. demon.

With the blessing of the confessor assigned to the person, a prayer is read to the martyr Cyprian. There are legends that Cyprian was at first a powerful black magician, but then, having converted to Christianity, he burned all his occult literature without hesitation.

Many years later, Cyprian was ordained a bishop, after which he was executed as a henchman of the Christian faith objectionable to the ruling emperors. Prayers to the Holy Martyr are read daily to provide an impenetrable defense against the intrigues of dark forces.

After the cleansing of the home, comfort and joy reign in the family, all squabbles and quarrels provoked by evil spirits disappear like an old nightmare.

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers from evil spirits: comments

Comments - 2,

When I began to meet with my future husband at night, the brownie constantly choked me, it feels like he was driving me out of the house. When it happened for the first time, I thought it was a dream. But when this began to be repeated with an enviable frequency, a priest was called to light the house. After the whole procedure, he gave me a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov and told me to read every day before going to bed. Since that time, thank God, no one has been strangling me for 12 years.

My mother hates me since childhood abortion did not allow my late grandfather to kill me. As far as I can remember, she always drank reproaches and humiliations, drunken scuffle and mats, while beating her mother and father, they drank together. But I was artificially made by her an outcast, although not evil and not a fool, but hates and that's it.

Prayer from demons - how to get rid of the evil spirits living inside a person

Prayer from demons can protect a person who has become a victim of evil spirits. If demons appear to you, evil spirits live in your home, or you suspect that demons have settled inside you, exorcising the dark forces of prayer are described below.

When is a prayer from demons read?

Despite the fact that modern man is surrounded by an equally modern world, in which there is almost no room for legends and ancient traditions, demons still exist. They can appear to a person, live in his house and even occupy his body.

There are no barriers for demons. They will not be stopped by thick walls or reliable door locks. Only prayer from demons can stop evil spirits and drive them back to hell. Prayer is able to protect against any evil and evil spirits. It is no coincidence that the latter cannot be in places where prayers are often heard. It is believed that it does not exist in churches and monasteries. However, there are cases such as the struggle between Padre Pio and Satan in his own cell, and many also believe in the existence of a church demon, but this is a separate topic for conversation.

In order to drive out evil spirits from the house, you should stock up on holy water, an icon and church candles. Sprinkle walls, windows, doors and corners with holy water, circle them with candles, and carry the icon with you during this process. Church incense is also suitable, with which you can fumigate a room. Afraid of evil spirits and wormwood smoke. While you are engaged in such a cleansing of the home, you should read any of the prayers that cast out demons. They are listed below.

If you come across an evil spirit, keep in mind that it can not only scare, but also seriously harm you. Demons are capable of much, and a meeting with them can end in both mild fright and death. Knowledgeable people often recommend carrying prayers against demons with them written down on a piece of paper. You can memorize one of the texts below by heart, but many simply lose the ability to think clearly when meeting with a real evil spirit. Where can you meet her? Almost anywhere, for example, in a deserted place on the street, usually at night.

By the way, if you managed to see devils or other unclean entities, most likely they wished it - evil spirits love to frighten people. Perhaps you have the rudiments of clairvoyance and are able to see more than other people. In any case, do not look too closely at the horned figures, read the prayer from demons and believe that it will save you.

Obsession- a separate and extremely difficult case. There are several options for getting rid of this problem - casting out demons from oneself, performing the ritual described below for another person, or getting help in a church that has its own nuances.

What prayers should be read against demons

So, how to get rid of demons if they have not yet possessed a person? The prayers described below are read during the expulsion of demons from the house or at an accidental meeting with evil spirits for protection from it. By the way, apartments often become housing for her, especially those in which there have been murders or suicides. The evil spirits also love the houses of drunken alcoholics and drug addicts, apartments in which they often scandal and sin in other ways. If you got housing with otherworldly tenants, you should expel them. Uncleanness will push you to suicide, drunkenness, scandals. There will be no quiet life with such neighbors.

One of the prayers that cast out demons is "Our Father". It can be read in any situation, it is universal. Also, to protect and drive out evil spirits, you can read "May God rise again", Jesus Prayer, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Prayer to Saint Cyprian and many other sacred texts that are able to protect against evil spirits. There are also little-known, but very powerful prayers, aimed precisely at protection from evil spirits.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from demons and other representatives of the population of hell

A special prayer for protection from any evil spirits

Prayer from the intrigues of demons and devils

These prayers can be recited anytime, anywhere, whenever you need protection. During sprinkling or fumigation of the dwelling, they can also be read. Their main purpose is to drive away evil spirits, prevent them from frightening a believer, and prevent them from causing harm that they are capable of.

How to expel the demon from yourself

It is known that priests are usually involved in casting out demons, and for this they must obtain permission from the church diocese. But with the help of special prayers, the expulsion of demons from a person becomes real at home. In any case, they will not be able to harm, and if it is not possible to drive away the dark entity, you can repeat the rite, ask for help from another person - it is believed that it is easier to reprimand someone than yourself, you can also go to church.

By the way, about the church - a demon sitting inside a person may not allow him to cross the threshold of the temple, because such entities experience serious discomfort in holy places. While reading the exorcising prayer, you must be alone - otherwise, the essence can move into another person, leaving you. The obligatory presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but it is worth wearing a pectoral cross.

So, how to expel the demon from yourself on your own? This prayer is read during the manifestation of the activity of the evil spirits sitting in you. If you have enough willpower to understand that a demon makes you drink alcohol, show aggression or engage in other obscene deeds, read this text:

You need to read the prayer until you feel better. While reading, you will feel the resistance of a dark entity that has occupied your body, but willpower and faith in the Lord's help can deliver you from demons, demons and devils. You can also read prayer to Saint Seraphim of Sarov, she helps well from evil spirits, from dark witchcraft. After the expulsion of dark entities, protection should be put up, but necessarily Orthodox, with the help of prayers.

Prayers to drive out demons from another person

How to drive the demon out of yourself is quite understandable - to remain alone, wait for its manifestation and read a prayer until it becomes easier. But not everyone has the willpower to fight the dark forces on their own. And not every person is capable of exorcism... This requires strong nerves, unbreakable faith in the Lord's help and a desire to selflessly help your neighbor. You will also need an icon of the Savior, which is placed before the demoniac.

In general, there are many requirements for an exorcist. He should not have zero in his date of birth. He must be older than the one who is scolding, and the name of the scolding must be different, not the same as that of the patient. In the exorcist's home, there should be no woman who has her period or a baby. He must be baptized, wear a pectoral cross, and keep a nine-day fast until the ceremony.

It is impossible to drive out evil spirits with this deduction on the growing moon, as well as on that week when there are birthdays, weddings or christenings in the family of an exorcist or demoniac. When reading, you cannot make mistakes, confuse words and stop until you have reached the end. This is a very long prayer, but it is considered the most powerful one. During the reading, the demoniac must sit on a chair in front of the icon. In especially severe cases, he is tied. It is advisable not to keep sharp and cutting objects near the patient, he may have a seizure, during which people suffering from attacks of evil spirits do not control themselves very well.

So, the text of the prayer for obsession:

In general, there are many prayers from demons. It is quite possible to choose the right one for any situation - from protection from evil spirits that have arisen on your path or in the house, to expelling the demon sitting inside a person on your own.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • Amulets
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day, there were extensive festivities, people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: "I got rid of it!" On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.


    The rite of exorcism, the expulsion of the Devil from a person, is a prayer service in which the priest reads over a person possessed by a demon, a powerful prayer that drives out the demon. The so-called “group proofreading”, which can be attended by everyone, appeared quite late, and is still a very controversial phenomenon. To conduct the rite of exorcism, the priest must have a special blessing from the ruling bishop. All people living on earth are influenced by both light and dark forces. However, each person has his own "immunity" to the influence of demons.

    The Orthodox prayer of exorcism over a person is read only when all the signs of demonic possession are visible: he falls into a rampage, speaks in other people's voices during attacks, is afraid of holy water and other shrines, in the church he begins to scream and curse obscenely, cannot take Holy Communion and participate in other church ordinances. Fortunately, real obsession is a rather rare phenomenon; cases of so-called hysteria, when people pretend to be possessed, are much more common. Therefore, only an experienced confessor can determine whether exorcism prayers are needed in each specific case.

    The Power of Exorcism Prayers to Drive Out Evil Spirits

    The first mention of exorcism exists in the Gospel. As we remember, Christ drove out demons from the sick and ordered them to move into a herd of pigs, after which the pigs threw themselves off the cliff. It should be noted that, although the priest reads the prayers that cast out demons, only the Lord Himself can free a person through the prayers of those who believe in Him. The Orthodox Church categorically does not bless you to do proofreading at home on your own or go to various magicians and sorcerers for this purpose - this can lead to disastrous consequences. There are home prayers protecting from demons, in which we ask the Lord, the Mother of God, and various saints to deliver us from the wiles of the devil, but they have nothing to do with exorcism prayers.

    Independent prayers from demons

    At home, special prayers that protect against the attack of demons can be read only with the blessing of the priest. In everyday life, the prayers of Our Father, May God rise again, Psalm 90, to Archangel Michael, his Guardian Angel, the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia, protect from devilish intrigues. It is worth remembering that demons are afraid of any mention of the name of God, church Sacraments, therefore regular morning and evening prayers, confession and communion for an Orthodox person are sufficient protection from demons. It is also good to have a sip of holy water every morning.

    Listen to a video prayer for the expulsion of the Devil from a person

    Strong Exorcism Prayer Latin Text

    The text of a strong prayer for the expulsion of the Devil in Russian

    We expel you, spirit of all filthiness, every satanic power, every infernal hostile invader, every legion, every congregation and sect of the devil, in the name and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ, uproot and flee from the Church of God, from souls created in the image of God and by the precious blood of the Lamb redeemed. You dare not more, the most cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the Church of God and to reject and scatter the elect of God, like wheat. God Almighty commands you, Whom you wish to equalize in your great pride; Who wants to save all people and lead to the knowledge of the truth. God the Father commands you; God the Son commands you; God the Holy Spirit commands you. Commands you the greatness of Christ, the eternal God of the Word incarnate, Who for the salvation of our race, through your fallen envy, humbled Himself and was obedient even to death; Who set His Church on a strong stone and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against Her, for He Himself would remain with Her until the end of the age. The sacrament of the Cross and all the secrets of the Christian faith commands nobility. The high Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you, Who, from the first moment of Her immaculate conception, in Her humility, struck your most arrogant head. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and other apostles commands you. The blood of martyrs and of all holy men and women commands you by pious intercession. Therefore, we conjure you, the accursed serpent and the legion of the devil, by the Living God, the true God, the holy God, the God who so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish, but have eternal life: stop deceiving people and pour out on them the poison of eternal damnation; stop hurting the Church and her freedom to bond with fetters.

    Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all lies, enemy of human salvation. Make room for Christ, in Whom you will not find anything you have done; make room for the One, Holy, Ecumenical and Apostolic Church, but by Christ at the cost of His blood purchased. Bow down under the almighty Hand of God; tremble and run when we call on the holy and terrible name of Jesus, from which hell shudders, to whom the Powers, Powers and Authorities of heaven humbly worship, whom the Cherubim and Seraphim incessantly sing glory, crying out: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts.

    Let's pray. God of heaven, God of earth, God of angels, God of archangels, God of patriarchs, God of prophets, God of apostles, God of martyrs, God of confessors, God of virgins, God, who has power after death and rest according to work to give, for there is no other God but You , and it cannot be otherwise, for You are the Creator of everything visible and invisible, and Your kingdom will have no end: we humbly pray before the majesty of Your glory that you are pleased to release us by Your power from all possession of the spirits of hell, from their wiles, from deceits and wickedness and keep us safe and sound. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Unfortunately, the introduction of evil spirits into people occurs not only in movies, but also in real life. So that you can protect yourself and your family, we have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to expel a demon from a person at home. Strictly follow all the rules of exorcism so as not to become the next victim yourself.

    There are analogues of demons in any culture of the world, which confirms the real existence of forces hostile to man.

    In Christianity, a demon is an angel who was expelled from heaven for his cunning and pride. The supreme demon was called Lucifer, he wished to gain the same power and strength as God. For his envy and arrogance, Lucifer and his intermediaries were tied to the earth, and they became what we call demons, demons and devils.

    The demon is weaker than the demon, but smarter and more cunning than the devil. Its appearance is very similar to the devil, but it is large. The demon can take on completely different forms, be invisible, pass through closed doors.

    In order to manifest itself in the physical world, an evil spirit needs a human body. An evil spirit can enter a person through:

    • Fright;
    • Weakening of energy;
    • By inheritance, if a person's ancestors were warlocks.

    Obsession symptoms

    Obvious signs of a demon in a person:

    • Aggression for no reason;
    • Depression;
    • Insomnia;
    • Obscene language;
    • Craving for suicide;
    • Frequent convulsions
    • Change of voice;
    • Guilt.

    Exorcism ritual

    Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

    The ritual that drives out demons and all unclean things with the help of sacred prayers is called Exorcism.

    It appeared around the first centuries AD, when Christians were persecuted. Many ministers of the church hid in the catacombs, the adherents who suffered for the sake of their faith, could perform miracles, drive out evil spirits.

    In the beginning, only Jesus Christ could drive out evil spirits, later the apostles acquired such a gift. At the founding of the church, this gift passed to the priests

    In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could exorcise the demon significantly decreased. The ministers of the church repeatedly committed grave sins, and could not help the possessed, but they were confident in their strength. They justified their failures by saying that the demon is very powerful and additional rituals are needed.

    Cruel rituals were performed on the unfortunate people, they were fumigated with disgusting odors, they were not given food and water, and their bodies were burned with hot metal. It was believed that the evil spirits could not withstand such torture and would soon leave the body, but the patient himself could not bear the cruel torture. The scammers claimed that the devil had left the deceased, and his death was justified.

    Exorcist requirements

    Expelling a demon is a difficult and dangerous work, one who reads a prayer over a possessed person must follow certain rules, otherwise he himself will get sick:

    • He must be older than the possessed one;
    • There must be no zero in his date of birth;
    • The reprimanding person must wear the cross and observe the fast;
    • He should not seek fame and take money for his help;
    • In the room where the prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to tie the possessed person to a chair; When a demon leaves, a person may not control himself.
    • There should be no birthdays, weddings or the birth of children in the week when the stonecrop will take place;
    • In the house where the ceremony is held, a woman with menstruation should not be present;
    • When reading a prayer, one should not make mistakes, skip words.


    Sedum is an Orthodox exorcism. (It should be understood that believers of other confessions have their own similar rituals) The report is applied to people in whom the demon has settled, this is a request for help from God with the help of prayer.

    People of any religion have similar rituals.

    Prayer that drives out demons from a person:

    We put on one Christ and the words of God.

    Fear, devil, get away from the servant of God (name).

    Christ was resurrected by His will, by His power I drive out thee,

    A terrible and unclean devil, by the power of the Most High God, the invisible Father.

    Christ was buried byto; Christ is risen, run

    To the Devil, by the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

    The cross is on me, on God's servant (name), the cross is on the servant of God (name).

    With the cross of the devil I curse and cast out.

    Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, the servant of God (name).

    Depart from the one in whom you sit, from the servant of God (name).

    Step back, get away from these doors, angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphim sit here,

    Here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven,

    She gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven.

    By the power of Christ, the devil be cursed and the unclean spirit by all seven councils, now, ever, forever and ever.

    Amen. The cross is the keeper of the whole universe, the cross is the beauty of the church,

    The cross is the power for the kings, the cross for driving out the devil from the servant of God (name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

    Biblical parable

    In the ancient holy scriptures it is said that several demons can be instilled in a person. This is mentioned in the Gospel.

    One of the stories says that Jesus Christ once, while healing a sick person, asked the evil spirits: "What is your name?" In response, the demons said, "My name is Legion."

    The Savior drove out evil spirits and put them into pigs, then the real animals could not stand their neighbors and rushed into the abyss.


    If for some reason you decide to get rid of an unwanted neighbor without the help of priests, you should know how to expel the demon from yourself on your own:

    • You must be alone, the demon can quickly find a new victim;
    • The presence of icons and a pectoral cross is mandatory;
    • You must be aware that an evil spirit guides you to all obscene deeds;
    • When the cleansing takes place, the demon will resist, you must not stop believing in God and in his help.

    Prayer for casting out demons:

    Lord God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I will become the servant of God (name), blessed, and go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard to the gate, into the open field outside the doors, under the morning dawn and under the eastern side, to the true Lord of hosts,

    I will save Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Heavenly King and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the six-winged cherubim and seraphim and other disembodied heavenly powers, and the holy honest prophet,

    Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, and the holy four apostles and evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, the holy prophet Elijah of Thezvitian.

    Create, Lord, your God's great mercy, from the Throne of the Lord a formidable cloud, dark, stone, fiery and fiery. From that dark cloud, descend a frequent rain.

    In Heaven, from the Throne of the Lord, God's mercy and a formidable cloud, strong thunder and lightning are conceived and rises.

    And the true Lord of hosts, God, Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, descended His great mercy from the Throne of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the king of thunder, the queen of lightning.

    The Tsar thundered, the Tsarina let the lightning bolt down, sanctified everything around, galloped away, all sorts of unclean spirits scattered.

    And how from that God's mercy, from a terrible cloud, from a strong thunder from lightning, a formidable thunderous arrow flies out, and how formidable, fiercely and ardently the devil expels both the unclean spirit of the demon K., S., S., N., and the messenger mammoth and whoever is with me, the servant of God (name), drives him out of the court, he breaks a stone and a tree, and as from that formidable thunderous arrow a stone cannot fly into one place, a tree cannot grow again, and so would the damned devil and an unclean spirit, demon and the messenger and the mammoth would run away from me, the servant of God (name), from this place away from the distant lands, the distant cities, the distant villages, the distant seas and could not see me, the servant of God (name), and could not hear.

    And how you are afraid of a formidable, fiery, thunderous arrow, the devil, but with you the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., S, S, I., and the messenger mammoth and the one who finds it, and also the servant of God (name) would be afraid and afraid my enemies and adversaries (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits galloped and fled from me, the servant of God (name).

    The water one go into the water, and the forest one go into the forest, under a dry creaky tree, under a dead root, under a bush, under a hill, and the courtyard mammoth is a messenger and a cursed devil and an unclean spirit, demon go to your old, former place, to your dark dwelling.

    And as the Lord makes wise, the blind do not see, but everyone knows, so be wise, Lord, me, the servant of God (name), go to the unclean demons with a cross with prayer.

    The voice of Thy thunder in the chariot, Thy lightning will illuminate, the Universe is moving, and the earth is in awe, just as the unclean spirits would tremble from me, the servant of God (name), and as our parents lie in the ground, do not feel the ringing of the bell, nor the singing of the church , and so my sentence-conspiracy would be strong, strong at all times and until the next century, forever and ever.


    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (name), will become, blessed, I will go from west to east. The tsar rises a formidable cloud, and under the formidable cloud the tsar thunder rushes with the tsarina lightning.

    As from the king of thunder and the queen of lightning, enemy devils flee: forest, water, courtyards and all unclean creatures - to their dark estates: under a tree stump, under a deck, in pools and lakes, so they would have fled from those living in these mansions, from me , servant of God (name).

    All sorts of enemies of man would run: forest devils, water devils, yard devils: under a stump, under a log, into lakes, into muddy water, into pools, into dry bushes, under broken, untouched bridges.

    They would run recklessly and irrevocably, century after century, from now on and finish. Amen

    Liberation signs

    When an evil spirit exits, a person may experience the following symptoms:

    • Cold;
    • Body shaking or shaking;
    • Physical pain;
    • Increased pressure;
    • Yawning, coughing, or slow breathing;
    • Abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting;
    • Migraine;
    • Involuntary movements;
    • Breaking the body;
    • Screeching and screaming;
    • Dilation of the pupils;
    • Strabismus;
    • Escape;
    • Hiss;
    • Stench;
    • Scratching movements;
    • Wiggle.

    Other rituals

    In addition to Orthodox prayers, there are also folk rituals that help drive demons out of the human body, which can be used at home.

    An example of how to expel a demon from a person:

    The demon possessed must sit on the doorstep anywhere, inside or outside the living quarters. Moreover, it should not have any decorations, except for the cross. He needs to put a snow-white towel under his feet, throw a change on him, but not count it, and sprinkle seeds nearby, and he must start combing his hair and snapping the seeds.

    The demon will start asking: "What are you doing?"

    You need to answer freely and without fear: "I comb my hair, but click lice."

    The evil spirit will ask: “Do people eat lice?

    "Does the dead take possession of the living?"

    After these words, the demon will leave. In order for him not to return, all objects from the rite must be wrapped up and taken to the cemetery, put there on any grave and say:

    "I return, I will be alive, and you will lie in the ground.

    The moon and the sun walk together in the same sky and do not converge, so we will not meet with you again.


    Cross yourself three times and leave without looking back.

    Cursed houses

    An evil force can infiltrate not only the human soul, but also dwell in a living room. The ideal home for demons is the one where murders and suicides were committed. Evil spirits often settle in apartments where drunken alcoholics and drug addicts live, where they often swear and scandal.

    If you bought housing with otherworldly neighbors, they must be expelled, otherwise the demons will push you to drunkenness and suicide. Do not expect a pleasant life with them.

    Where do they go

    Upon exiting, the demon must immediately move into a new soul. If he does not find another victim, then he returns to the person from whom he was expelled. If a person leads an immoral way of life, the demon returns with seven more evil spirits and possesses him. Therefore, it is so important to take communion after the ceremony and observe an honest way of life. When Jesus cast out demons, he did not tell where to go. The demons themselves asked him to plant them in animals.

    Video "How to expel a demon from a person?"

    The main task of demons is to turn as many people away from God as possible, plunging them into the abyss of grave sins, ideally irreversibly (bring them to suicide).

    The souls of almost all people are "clogged" by demons, the only difference is in their number - someone has a few of them, and someone has a whole legion, and in "quality" - depending on the severity of human sins "supervised" by demons and some physical infirmities (the Gospel describes examples of the expulsion of demons from the dumb, twisted, paralyzed, etc.). It is not difficult to "replenish" a personal "collection" of demons, being a regular in hot spots or being in close contact with convinced sinners.

    How do we know if demons live in us and how far has the "process" gone? To do this, you need to critically analyze the set of passions that are inherent in us, at least those that POISON the LIFE of people around us (scandalousness, assault, alcoholism, drug addiction, lies, betrayal, etc.).

    Demons are always where there is no peace and harmony; where everyone, like a rock, persists in their selfish, often inadequate beliefs; where people do not want to admit their sins and start a fight with them (and, in fact, with demons), being therefore in despair from constant life failures and hopeless situations.

    And on the contrary, people who have gotten rid of demons are distinguished by COMPLIANCE, GOOD WILL, TOLERANCE, INTEGRITY. All serious conflicts in the families of such people disappear somewhere, they are surprised to begin to understand that one can be happy, being content with little and from time to time receiving help from God in resolving certain problems.

    How can one get rid of this disastrous misfortune - demons? You can, of course, drive them away for a while with a prayer (Jesus prayer, "May God rise again" and others), consecrate the dwelling with the involvement of a priest, or sprinkle it with consecrated water with incense on your own.

    You can even find a priest who does the so-called "exorcism," or casting out demons. The Church does not like to advertise this relatively recent rite because of its non-canonical nature. Professor-theologian A.I. Osipov categorically condemns this ritual because of its uselessness and danger for the exorcist (demons can enter himself) and is outraged by the fact that in the West there are two-month courses for priests on exorcism.

    However, all these methods are short-lived and, by and large, do not help to cope with critical situations.

    Why is this happening? Because a person CANNOT BY OWN POWER, without attracting the Lord to help him, overcome invisible demons possessing extraordinary angelic power. He is only able to “sweep the litter” from his soul for a while, but the demon, having wandered through dry places (in the Gospel every word is significant - demons are afraid of water), will return, bringing with him even more evil seven brothers (Matt. 12:43).

    That is why we often see relapses after the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction - the demons of these passions, after primitive attempts to expel them, easily return to their chosen place and often take revenge with a vengeance on a person for trying to get rid of them.

    Where is the exit? He is well known. In the Gospel, Jesus Christ, when asked why his disciples could not drive out demons from a person, answered that because of their unbelief; and “this kind is expelled ONLY by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17: 20-21).

    Many have read or heard this phrase, but few decided to apply it in relation to themselves in practice - it’s a pity for yourself, your beloved. But the matter is after a little: take and follow the advice of Christ.

    The thing is that a person who wants to get rid of demons, not on a temporary basis, but on a permanent basis, must start the same CONSTANTLY (every day) to pray and fast.

    With prayer, everything is more or less clear - you need to ask the Lord in the morning and in the evening for the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from demons. But what about permanent fasting?

    We find the answer from the Apostle Paul, who clearly outlined the requirements for pagans who wanted to become Christians (everyone was pagans, except for the Jewish people chosen by God): DO NOT EAT IDENTAL (MEAT) AND DO NOT WALK (Acts 21:25). Christ Himself speaks of these sins, as the most hateful ones, in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 2: 14-15,20).

    Conclusion: so that the Lord does not remain deaf to our prayers, we must try not to do what is especially disgusting for Him (at least, not to fornicate and not eat meat), moreover, these requirements are directly related to the above words about POST.

    Ideally, it is better to exclude sex life altogether, especially in old age. Christ says in the Gospel that this is one of the ways of acquiring the Kingdom of Heaven: “There are eunuchs who were born from the womb of a mother like that; and there are eunuchs who are emasculated by people; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven ”(Matthew 19:12).

    As for meat, more and more scientific studies appear that it is its use that provokes the spread of cardiovascular and oncological diseases in humans, unprecedented for past centuries (fish, on the contrary, is welcomed).

    When a person makes such a sacrifice to God, it is not immediately, but in about six months, he will certainly feel shifts for the better. The Lord will begin to help him, and the demons will begin to scatter in fear of the Creator, who is definitely stronger than all his creations (including the fallen angels).

    And then you need to try so that the dwelling of the human soul is not empty with the prospect of the return of demons, and pray for the instilling of God's grace. To do this, you need not to stand still, but to grow spiritually, gradually (with God's help) getting rid of other passions and raising the Lord on the pedestal of your soul instead of numerous worldly idols and idols.

    Then the demons will hardly choose the soul of such a person as a permanent dwelling.


    You, Angelina, by fasting mean abstinence from meat and sex. Yes, sex is also a coveted meat of its kind. Not of that kind, it is true, when a tiger doe tears to pieces, but still ... However, the Bible means something else by fasting. This is the gathering of heavenly manna: collect six days, the seventh - rest. That is, you do not eat anything for six days, but you can not drink - and do not drink, but on the seventh day, eat, since spiritual food for this day was collected the previous day. It is necessary to gather seventy weeks for life - this is both according to Daniel (Daniel 9:24), and according to Christ (Matthew 18:22; 12:30)), and according to Lamech (Genesis 4:24), from which the blessed seed originated - Noah ... The maturity of the intellect as a result of fasting will not manifest itself immediately, but the change of spirits from the terrible to the tolerant and blessed will be noticeable. But this, of course, is not advice for those who plow, provide family comfort, etc. For those who can not work, the Apostle Paul demands - and do not eat! And this is not a mockery of parasitism, but a call to fast (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Seven, which is at the same time one, is a divine blessed number. The numbers, larger ones and smaller sevens, lead to discord, to selfishness, to plurality, in contrast to the Unity that we now contemplate in Syria. Let the 58 chapter of Isaiah on fasting on the seven heights be our edification. And let's not build our faith on just one week, one harvest, as Satan asked (Luke 22:31). But let us try to sow and reap every week of the seventy. And here is a page on how the pagans fast, who, alas, outstripped the Christians who were stuck near the false teachers.

    I recently spoke with young leaders and they brought up an interesting question about the ministry of deliverance. It seems that many Spirit-filled Christians have conflicting opinions about this. How can we bring the goodness and glory of Jesus to those afflicted by darkness?

    I will share seven things you need to know in order to cast out demons.

    1. Talk to a person, not a demon.

    As you work for deliverance, remember that you are serving a man or woman, not a demon. Keep calm and love. Always keep your personality a priority. Ask them if they can hear you. If they don't respond, another spirit is likely to dominate. You must take authority over him in Jesus name. The imp can try to show itself by making the person growl, howl, argue, threaten, or grimace. Don't talk to the demon, unless it's a command to him in Jesus name. Speak clearly and with authority.

    2. Find out if the person wants to be released.

    If a demon possessed person is sincerely unwilling to help, it will be an uphill battle. Whatever space you conquer, it will later be repopulated (Matthew 12: 43-45). Ask them if they really want release. If you find that the person wants to continue to be tied up, then your best action in this case is to decide to wait. Give love and care, and end it until they rethink your proposal.

    3. Lead them in prayer of dissolution and repentance.

    If there is openness to the work of Jesus, you must boldly lead them into prayer to break the demonic bond. Help them verbally cancel all ungodly agreements and forgive everyone in their lives. We want to close all “open doors”. Let the person give up, in the name of Jesus, from all sins and spiritual addictions. It is at this time that a person must renounce any inner vows, covenants and curses. This refusal must be proclaimed firmly and publicly: a ban is not a prayer to God, but an order proclaimed to the enemy.

    4. Pray prayers of command.

    Now is the time to order all the spirits to leave. Liberation is not a traditional prayer, it is a command prayer. It is directed not to heaven, but to the spirit of evil, and is an order to him: "Get out!" This prayer is backed by God's authority and proclaimed in the name of Jesus Christ.

    The apostle Paul, for example, drove out the spirit of divination from the maidservant in Thyatira. This devil bored him while he served others.

    “She did this for many days. Paul, indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And the spirit went out at the same hour. "(Acts 16:18)

    When the time comes to begin the prayer of command, you can say something like, “ I destroy your power and forbid you to own this person. I command you to leave this man in Jesus name!

    5. Fill the void.

    When the demons are cast out, the next step is to “fill the void”. After the demons leave, a spiritual vacuum remains in the previously suffering person. Therefore, we end our prayer by asking God to fill the empty space with the goodness, Spirit and life of Jesus. If the Holy Spirit does not “take possession” of a person, demons will continually try to go back. We want to end any deliverance on a positive, God-centered note, praying to be filled with all the strength and virtue that characterizes the life of Jesus.

    6. Give thanks and praise.

    At this moment, it is time to direct the liberated one to express thanksgiving and praise. This should be a truly joyous time. We want to show how grateful we are for the wonderful things Jesus did. Thanksgiving and praise validate the work done and the opportunity for everyone to receive more of the Kingdom.

    7. Development of a new lifestyle and behavior.

    Even if people are already liberated, they still need someone's help in their relationships and responsibilities. Encourage their pursuit of prayer and counseling (as needed). A person may also need to take some steps towards building a spiritual fortress that will withstand his weaknesses. Over the years, their thoughts and feelings have been molded in a destructive pattern. They need to change these habitual patterns. Encourage them to attend church regularly, pray, and read the Bible. Take them into the Christian community so they can discover a new way of life.

    About 2 years ago, exhausted by the painful consequences of the sin of unnatural fornication, I accidentally found out about the services of a grandmother who supposedly knows how to look at water and remove damage, and turned to her. When I got there, she whispered some prayers over a cup of water, then put the cup on my head and read a certain sequence of conspiracies and prayers and gave me a drink. At the same time, I felt some strange warmth, and it was as if I was shrouded in some kind of whitish fog. Being in this strange aura, I saw everything as if through some kind of muddy whitish fog. After which the grandmother gave me instructions to perform certain procedures, and after returning from there, I continued to be in this foggy aura. In confession, I told the priests about visiting the grandmother, and they warned me that it was a sin, and that the demon would return and bring 7 others with him, but I ignored their warnings and continued to visit the grandmother. In addition, I dared to offer a willful prayer for the return of the enlightened state of consciousness, which I had previously achieved, and so on. in the same spirit, and repeated this request in front of the church several times. At the same time, it was as if I felt in myself some kind of increased prayer power. But after a few days, when I was sitting alone, I felt as if some kind of a stream of strange sweetness entering me in the chest area, and at the same time I felt someone's presence right in front of me, although I did not see anyone. I stood up and bowed before this invisibly standing figure, while I felt his ghostly legs on the floor, from which some ghostly streams of energy spread and flowed into my head. When I tried to pray, with every word a sweetness flowed into my soul, from which I even didn't want to speak, but this sweetness was somehow false. In doing so, my mind was distracted from the things I was doing, and I became unable to do ordinary things. After a while, from somewhere outside, information began to come into my head about people whom I knew before, information about events that had happened to me earlier, previously unknown to me, and my mind was sinking more and more into a state of some kind of alienation from the real world, and I even began to feel the urge to leave the house. I was almost convinced that I had been visited by a wonderful visit and that I had been given spiritual gifts, but just before going to bed I remembered what I knew about the state of delusion and realized that I was in a state of delusion. So the next morning I went to church in fear, called the priest and began to tell him about what had happened. He, without listening to the end, brought confession, began to speak for me, and as soon as he baptized me, it was as if this veil had fallen from me, and I saw everything in a different light, different from ordinary consciousness, and felt the Divine power that dominates me, which kept increasing and causing me something like an overwhelming burning sensation, in short, I, apparently, came to a state free from delusion and fell into the hands of the Living God. Then the priest came up, lifted me to my feet, blessed me to receive Holy Communion and said that Father Alexander had a lecture in the Vvedenskaya Church, and I needed to go there. After that I was brought home, and I gradually descended back from this state of grace, in which it was very difficult for me to be, and at the same time I felt the presence of demonic forces next to me. After that, a whole series of demonic obsessions followed, and, probably, it was only through the efforts of the Guardian Angel that I did not become completely possessed. However, demons took possession of my mind, and under their influence I was in a state of mental breakdown for a whole week, until, finally, I was taken to give a lecture by Father Alexander. After that, my psyche returned to a normal state, and the demons, apparently, moved away from me, but for some time they faked intimidation in my sleep. However, about a year after the first visit to my grandmother, all sorts of black thoughts and fantasies gradually began to creep into my head, in which my mind was actively involved, in short, I came into some kind of painful state of consciousness, in which my soul and mind were painfully tense and fettered from within, and the senses were in a state of painful tension. Then I again had to go to lectures in order to exorcise the devil. This made me feel better, but I continued to feel some painful disorder in the work of the mind, psyche and senses. A few months later, unpleasant sensations arose again, which were expressed in the fact that I either felt my body suspended in the air like a rag, then I felt in my head complete disorder and insomnia, and could not put my consciousness together, etc. It was only after I went to the lecture hall again that I felt better, but I am afraid that after a while the attacks of demons will start again at the most inopportune moment. In addition, in a casual conversation with my fellow students, the conversation turned to the grandmother, and it ended up with the fact that I gave the grandmother's phone number to one of them, which, probably, further aggravates my guilt. To make amends for my guilt, I submitted it for a prayer service. When I reported to Father Alexander about my visit to my grandmother and the consequences, he said that I had violated the Law of God, and that I had to write a general confession from the age of 7 and the curse had to be lifted from me. When I said that I had repeatedly repented of this sin in confession, he asked if they read a prayer over me to remove the curse? I replied that no, then he repeated that I needed to write a general confession and repent properly, but I still did not understand about lifting the curse. Therefore, I wrote here to find out mainly such questions: Did I bring a curse on myself by visiting grandma or something like that, and if so, what is this curse? If this curse is an act of calling on me demonic powers, as a result of which they got a certain access to me, then how far does it spread over time, what consequences does it have and what is necessary to remove it? Is it enough that I confessed this sin, took communion and attended the prayer service for casting out demons, or is something else required - a prayer to remove the curse or something like that? To what extent is it generally possible to get rid of all these consequences? Are all the painful symptoms described above due to the fact that the demon comes to me at a certain distance and spreads some of its waves or something else on me? I am even more worried about the question that, perhaps, since I once came into contact with a grandmother - the conductor of devilish power in this world, the consequences of this are not limited to the fact that a certain number of demons came to me at a certain distance and do some kind of glamor and disease. If Satan is the prince of this world, and the information that I have gleaned about him indicates that he is an air prince, a world leader, that he stands everywhere, etc., then this leads me to believe that by visiting my grandmother I violated the alienation and protection of my soul and my entire structure from Satan established by Baptism and that my soul has now come into contact not only with individual demons, but also with Satan, who, apparently, is not only a person, but also an integral part of the present universe, since soon he is a world leader, and so on. And that the protective shell, which until then separated me from the worldly and omnipresent power of Satan and made my soul alien to him, now, as a result of a visit to my grandmother, was destroyed, and now I am in my spiritual being not only in contact with God, but and with Satan, who has now gained direct access to my soul for his destructive influences. It seems that it is the Mother of God that makes a protective shell around a person, and my fears that she was destroyed partially or completely are based on the fact that, as I described above, streams of satanic energy flowed into my soul, producing a feeling of fake sweetness in it. My biggest fear is that streams of satanic energy are flowing into my eyes and head, and that the protective shell has been removed from my eyes. These fears are based on the fact that I got some hallucinations while watching TV, etc. I hope that these my assumptions are incorrect, but you cannot leave it to chance, and if you are competent in these matters, please confirm or refute them. AND.

    Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

    Dear I.! The protective shell that you are writing about is nothing more than our physical body in a certain state of it. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes about this: The divinely inspired writer of the Book of Genesis says that after the fall of the first people, God, having pronounced a sentence on them, even before their expulsion from paradise, make them leather robes and clothe them (Genesis 3, 21). Leather robes, according to the explanation of the Holy Fathers (St. John of Damascus. Exact exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Book 3, Chapter 1), means our coarse flesh, which, when it falls, has changed: it has lost its subtlety and spirituality, has received its true stoutness. Although the initial cause of the change was the fall; but the change took place under the influence of the Almighty Creator, by His ineffable mercy to them, to our greatest good. Among other consequences that are beneficial to us, flowing from the state in which our body is now, we must point out that, by allowing our body to be fat, we have become incapable of sensing the vision of the spirits into the area of ​​which we have fallen. A person has free will and often, unfortunately, abuses it. Consciously turning to evil spirits deprives our body of its ability to be a natural defense. Demons find access to the soul and lead it to a painful state. A person's sincere appeal to God through the sacraments of repentance, communion and unction deprives the demons of their power over a person. Alive in the help of Vyshnyago. In the roof of the Heavenly God it will be settled. The Lord speaks: Thou art my defender, and my refuge, my God, and I hope in Him(Ps. 90: 1). When a person begins to live in the blessed experience of the Church, his will is released from direct dependence on fallen spirits. However, the soul, having gone through the terrible experience of falling, for a long time still experiences the consequences of the violence committed against it.

    Dear I.! We must believe that the Lord wants and can heal you. You do not need to look for any special prayers and think about lifting the "curse". Sincerely and regularly participate in the prayer and liturgical life of the Church, zealously approach the holy ordinances, be sure to observe fasting, and fulfill the morning and evening rules. Prayerfully approach the celibate relics of the saints of God: St. Sergius of Radonezh, Saints Mitrofan of Voronezh and Tikhon of Zadonsk, Blessed Matrona of Moscow and others. Resolutely distance yourself from everything harmful: TV, reading unhelpful books, and so on. Otherwise, the healing of your spiritually weakened soul will be delayed.

    The "hallucinations" that you are writing about are subjective. This is caused by demons who want to make you fear. There is no need to be afraid of them. Spiritually they are nothing. Their apparent strength appears only when we are powerless and attach importance to them. You have a "protective shell", for the sacraments of the Church heal not only the soul, but also the body. Through them, a person is reborn. The devil is not "an integral part of the present universe." He is called the prince of peace (John 14:30), ruler of the darkness of this age(Ephesians 6:12) because he rules over the part of humanity that has fallen away from God.

    With humility and reverence, let us follow the teaching of the Holy Fathers, the tradition of the Orthodox Church! With reverence, let us submit to the ordinance of God, who covered our souls with thick curtains and veils of bodies for the duration of our earthly wandering, separating us from the created spirits with them, overshadowing and protecting us from the fallen spirits. We do not need a sensual vision of spirits to accomplish our earthly, arduous wandering. For this we need a different lamp, and it is given to us: The lamp of my feet is Your Law, and light to my paths (Psalm 119, 105). Those who travel with the constant shining of a lamp - the Law of God - will not be deceived either by their passions or by fallen spirits, as the Scripture testifies.(Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov).