
Holyfield year of birth. Biography. Evander Holyfield now

Evander Holyfield was born on October 19, 1962 in Alabama. He was the youngest, the eighth child in the family. Much was forgiven for the youngest: a curious child, wanting to know how this or that thing works, could make out a clock or a radio with impunity, to which his grandmother, many years later, joked: "If the devil did not appear nearby for a long time, Evander replaced him."

When Evander was 4 years old, the family moved to Atlanta, Georgia. Evander had a gentle personality, yet at the age of 8 he came to box at the Warren Boys Kids Club in southeast Atlanta. Boxing trainer Carter Morgan took over the re-education of the too soft Holyfield. It was here that the career of a great athlete began, here, in the literal sense, excessive softness was squeezed out of Evander. After a few years, Morgan's efforts were rewarded with real hope ...

I will never forget the day when we realized what he was capable of. Evander once fought a guy named Anthony Davis. Evander quickly missed a powerful blow and paused for a second. And then with one stroke he smeared the boy's nose all over his face. Danny (another trainer.) Turned to me and said: "This is the guy we have been waiting for. Right from this moment, we are launching our plan" ...

At the age of 16, Holyfield becomes the champion of the Southeast region and receives the prize as the best boxer in the championship. At the age of 19, Evander represented the United States at the Pan American Games in Caracas, Venezuela, where he won a silver medal; the following year, he became national champion, and in 1984, taking part in the Los Angeles Olympics, won a bronze medal.

Evander Holyfield made his professional debut on November 15, 1984. He defeated Lionel Briams. Throughout Holyfield's professional boxing career, coaches have skillfully exploited two of Evander's personality traits: superior athletic prowess and a rejection of brute strength. Seeking his first big victories, the black boy did not resemble most of his African-American rivals, who tried to seem like typical "fighters from the next yard": "When he was hurt, he became just gorgeous," - Carter Morgan admires.

In 1989, Evander became the WBC heavyweight champion by defeating Michael Dockes, and on October 25, 1990, after defeating James Douglas, he became the undisputed world champion. Holyfield held this title until November 13, 1992, when he was defeated by Riddick Bowe. But already in November 1993, he defeated Bowe in a rematch and became the IBF and WBA champion, and in April 1994 he lost these titles in a fight against Michael Moorer.

The highlight of Holyfield's career was the fight with Mike Tyson in 1996. Their first fight was supposed to take place five years ago, but during training, Mike was injured, and the meeting was postponed. A few months later, Tyson failed again - accused of rape, he could not get out of prison into the ring. However, many, many years ago, Evander and Mike, who had known each other for 15 years, since the days of amateur boxing, were ready to measure their strength. But after the first round, their coach stopped the fight with the words: "In this fight, one of you will definitely kill the other, so I no longer want to see you together in the same ring."

On November 9, 1996, Evander defeats Mike and regains the WBA title. He is offered a rematch and he agrees: "that man gave me the opportunity to beat him, and I give him the same chance." Although Holyfield never doubted his victory. Shortly before the meeting, he said: "I suppose that he will be more aggressive, and it will play into my hands. If this happens, the fight will be easier for me than it was last November, and will end much faster. He beat a lot of people. but I have found a clue to his style. " This confidence of Evander was confirmed by the results of the nationwide sweepstakes: 74 percent against 26 were betting on a guy from Atlanta.

Best of the day

Before the rematch, no one doubted that both boxers, regardless of the outcome of the meeting, would win in money, and very large ones - at least $ 30 million. By the way, the organizers of the match and the TV broadcast were sure of an even bigger “gain” - about 130 million. Just for the opportunity to see the fight at home on a pay TV channel, an ordinary American had to pay $ 50. A ticket to watch the same show in 1,600 special closed venues cost their visitors $ 75. 16 thousand spectators who gathered in the "MGM Grand Garden" in Las Vegas for a "live" viewing of the historical battle, paid one and a half thousand dollars. It was known that in case of victory, Holyfield receives a record fee in professional boxing - 35 million dollars and brings the total amount of "boarded up" bucks in the ring to 160 million.

On June 28, 1997, the broken Tyson did not behave athletic, bit off Holyfield's earlobe and was disqualified. In the last fight in November 1999, Evander lost to the new undisputed world champion Lennox Lewis.

Evander HOLYFIELD - Won BIN: King of the Ring vs. King of Losers

Today in Atlanta, American Evander Holyfield will enter the ring to try to defend his WBA and IBF heavyweight boxing titles against compatriot Vaughn Bean.


Evander Holyfield doesn't need to be introduced to anyone. But what is his 25-year-old rival? So far, most experts do not take Bean seriously, calling him a rare lucky one. After all, not every average boxer gets the honor of getting banged by Holyfield himself, and even making $ 1.8 million at the same time. Boxing enthusiasts shouldn't be fooled by Vaughn's impressive track record of 32 wins and one loss. After all, in the figurative expression of the ESPN columnist, he is the man who built his own house of success, outperforming the complete losers. Indeed, the total ratio of victories and defeats of Bean's previous rivals can only bring a smile: 152 wins, 14 draws and 294 (!) Defeats. Bean has made his career on the list led by James Weidler (3-35-1) and James Holly (2-27). His only truly serious opponent was the notorious Michael Moorer, whom Bean successfully lost. On March 29, 1997, Vaughn had a hypothetical chance of winning the IBF world title, but his fight with Moorer, who was then the owner of the gold belt, was downright disappointing. It quickly became clear that Bean had nothing to oppose to a more sophisticated opponent, except for sweeping and sometimes unprepared punches in the vain hope of a knockout. Moorer did not want to risk it either - he easily won the fight, working at long distance and gaining points mainly due to Bean's mistakes. All this led to the fact that by the last, 12th round, the audience began to boo both boxers. Over the past year and a half since then, Bean has not changed himself, having won by knockout against four weak boxers. Only one of them - Isaac Brown - was the fourth contender in Bean's career with a positive balance of wins and losses.

Does Bean have a chance to put up more or less serious resistance to the "man with a lion's heart" Holyfield? Here is what Vaughn himself says about this: "That March defeat by Moorer taught me a lot. Now I will not be scared by a flurry of attacks from any, even the most formidable enemy. I believe that I should bother Evander with my attacks as often as possible. Then maybe I will be able to make him wrong, and he will miss my knockout blow. "

One of the few people who believe that Bean will be able to cope with a formidable opponent is his coach - the legendary ex-world champion Joe Fraser. “I can say with confidence that Vaughn is ready for a duel with Holyfield,” he stated at a pre-match press conference. “Bean may not beat Evander, but I bet he will give him a lot of trouble. The last year my ward has changed a lot. Now he takes boxing much more seriously than before, following all the instructions of our coaching staff. The result is obvious: Bean's strikes have become much more powerful and dangerous, and his speed has noticeably increased. awkwardness and, shall we say, angularity. But it is precisely these qualities that make Bean's manner of fighting incomprehensible to his opponents. Consider me an idiot, but tonight I will go to one of the bookmakers in Las Vegas and bet on my student to win. "


By the way, Holyfield is more than serious about his opponent. “You shouldn't think of Bean as an underdeveloped schoolboy who doesn't have the intelligence to avoid a fight with a hefty high school student,” Evander said at a press conference. “Personally, I see him as a rather dangerous boxer with the potential of a world champion. I hope it's true that Vaughn's time is still did not come. At least I will do everything on Saturday to prove it. "

Nearly every one of 35-year-old Holyfield's recent fights has been touted by promoter Don King as his last. Today, rumors of the legendary boxer's departure are reinforced by the fact that he insisted on fighting Bean in his native Atlanta. Evander fought there on August 12, 1986, when he won the WBA title in the 86.2 kg division, winning a 12-round fight on points against Dwight Kwai. "To be honest, I am still a little ashamed of that fight," says Holyfield. "I fiddled with my opponent for 12 rounds, winning the gold belt largely by accident. Therefore, I consider it my duty to do everything to make my fellow countrymen happy with the upcoming show in Georgia Dome. I invite all Atlanta residents to watch my fight with Vaughn. I think he will not leave anyone indifferent. " Of course, the champion's fellow countrymen could not help but respond to his call. They sold out 26,000 tickets yesterday, and King predicts the remaining 16,000 will be sold out by Saturday night. This all the more can not but rejoice Holyfield, that his earnings largely depends on the number of people who want to enjoy his fight with Bean. According to AP, Evander's royalties should be $ 3.5 million, paid by the showtime TV channel, and $ 5 million, which he will receive if the Georgia Dome is full.

Almost no one doubts that the world champion will beat his rival on Saturday. The question is how he will do it. After all, Holyfield's fight with a Bean-class boxer is being considered by experts with an eye to his possible fight with WBC champion Lennox Lewis (the Englishman, by the way, will have to defend his title in a week against Croat Zeljko Mavrovic) or a match with ex-world champion Mike Tyson. After all, what are the possibilities of Evander today, no one knows. The last time he entered the ring on November 8, 1997, when he won by technical knockout against the same Moorer and won the IBF champion title. Holyfield was supposed to defend the WBA gold belt this summer in a fight against Englishman Henry Akinwande, but he fell ill with hepatitis and their meeting in the ring did not take place. So Holyfield will have to prove to everyone that he is still the amazing fighter that the entire boxing world still admires.

Nikita KIM



Won bin

Height (cm)

Weight, kg)

Arm span (cm)

Breast volume (cm)

Breast volume (on inspiration, cm)

Bicep volume (cm)

Forearm volume (cm)

Waist (cm)

Thigh (cm)

Caviar volume (cm)

Neck volume (cm)

Wrist volume (cm)

Fist volume (cm)

Evander Holyfield was born on October 19, 1962 in Atmore, Alabama, USA.

American professional boxer in the heavyweight category. Silver medalist of the 1981 Pan American Games. Bronze medalist at the 1984 Olympics in light heavyweight. World champion in 1st heavyweight (WBA version, 1986-1988; IBF version, 1987-1988; WBC version, 1988) and heavy (WBC version, 1990-1992; WBA version, 1990-1992, 1993-1994, 1996- 1999 and 2000-2001; IBF version, 1990-1992, 1993-1994 and 1997-1999) weight categories. The only one in the history of professional boxing four-time world champion in heavy weight.

He made his debut in November 1984. In 1986, Dwight Mohammed Kawi was defeated in a 15-round bout with a disagreement in the judges' notes. In 1987 he defended his title in a fight with Henry Tillman. In the same year, Ricky Parks won the unification match. In August 1987 he defended his titles in a fight with Ossi Okassio.

In December 1987, Dwight Mohammed Kawi was more convincingly defeated, this time by a 4th round knockout. In 1988 he completed the unification of the titles by defeating Carlos De Leon. Evander Holyfield became the 1st undisputed heavyweight champion.

After that, Evander Holyfield decided to climb the heavyweight division. Defeated James Tillis in July 1988.

general information


1988-12-09 Evander Holyfield - Pinklon Thomas (USA)

  • Location: Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 7th round in a 12-round bout.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 3:00
  • Judges' score: Rocky Castellani (70-60), Eugene Grant (69-63), Frank Brunetto (70-61) - all in favor of Holyfield at the time of the stop

In December 1988, Holyfield faced former heavyweight champion Pinklon Thomas. Holyfield had a big lead. After the end of the 7th rand, the beaten Thomas made it hard to his corner, and his coach immediately decided to stop the fight.

March 1989 Evander Holyfield - Michael Dokes (USA)

  • Result: Holyfield wins in round 10.

In March 1989, Holyfield knocked out former champion Michael Dokes in the 10th round.

1989-07-15 Evander Holyfield - Edilson Rodriguez (Brazil)

  • Location: Caesars Tahoe, Stateline, Nevada.
  • Result: Holyfield wins by knockout in the 2nd round in a 12-round bout.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 1:29
  • Weight: Holyfield 93.89 kg; Rodriguez 100.20 kg

In July 1989, Holyfield entered the ring against Brazilian Edilson Rodriguez. In the middle of the 2nd round, Holyfield struck a right hook to the temple. Rodriguez immediately collapsed to the canvas. The referee counted to 10 and recorded a knockout. The Brazilian lay on the canvas for more than a minute.

1989-11-07 Evander Holyfield - Alex Stewart (USA)

  • Location: Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • Result: Holyfield by TKO in the 8th round in a 12-round bout.
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Time: 2:51
  • Weight: Stuart 96.60 kg; Holyfield 96.20 kg

In November 1989, a fight took place between two undefeated boxers - Evander Holyfield and Alex Stewart. Holyfield was Stewart's 1st strongest opponent in his career. In battle, Stewart received a cut in his left eye. In the 8th round, the entire area of ​​the left eye was covered in blood. A few seconds before the end of the 8th round, the referee stopped the fight and asked the doctor to examine Stewart. On the advice of the doctor, the battle was stopped.

In 1990 won Seamus McDonough... In the same year, a superfight was planned - Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson. However, Tyson lost to James Douglas. October 1990 Holyfield knocked out Douglas and became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.

In 1991 in the 1st defense, Holyfield met with the legendary George Foreman... In the 2nd defense, he knocked out a not very famous Bert Cooper... Cooper was not listed in the ratings, so the WBC refused to sanction this fight as a championship fight. In 1992, Holyfield defeated another legendary fighter - Larry Holmes.

November 13, 1992 Riddick Bowe - Evander Holyfield

  • Location:
  • Result: Bowe wins 12-round unanimous decision
  • Status: WBC Heavyweight Championship (3rd defense of Holyfield); heavyweight championship fight for the WBA (WBA) title (4th defense of Holyfield); heavyweight champion fight for the IBF (IBF) title (4th defense of Holyfield)
  • Referee: Joe Cortez
  • Judges' score: Chuck Giampa (115-112), Jerry Roth (117-110), Dalby Shirley (117-110) - all for Bow
  • Weight: Bow 106.60 kg; Holyfield 93.00 kg

In November 1992, a spectacular duel took place between two unbeaten world boxing stars who are at their peak. Evander Holyfield faced the ambitious Riddick Bowe. Holyfield chose the wrong tactics for the battle - he got involved in an open battle with a more powerful opponent. In the 11th round, Holyfield was knocked down. After 12 rounds, the judges unanimously awarded Bowe the victory. The fight was named Fight of the Year by the Ring magazine.

In 1993, Evander Holyfield fought his 2nd fight with Alex Stewart and won without difficulty.

Exactly one year after the defeat, Evander Holyfield took revenge against Riddick Bowe... Bowe had by then been stripped of his WBC title. This time Holyfield guessed right with tactics. He acted on the defensive, but this might not be enough to win. The fight was equal. After 12 rounds, the judges declared Holyfield the winner by a majority vote. Evander Holyfield is the 2nd World Heavyweight Champion.

In 1994, Holyfield met with an unbeaten Michael Moorer- Former light heavyweight champion of the world. By a majority vote of the judges, Holyfield lost the fight.

In 1995, he won a stubborn 10-round duel Rhea Mercer.

In the same year, the final fight of the Evander Holyfield trilogy took place - Riddick Bowe... The fight went according to the scenario of the first fight. In one of the rounds, Holyfield knocked Bow down, after which he tried to knock him out for 2 minutes. However, it didn't work out. In the 8th round, Ridick Bowe caught Holyfield, who went sharply forward, with an oncoming blow, as a result of which Holyfield was knocked out without getting up at the expense of 10. This was Holyfield's 1st defeat by knockout.

May 10, 1996 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Bobby Chaz

  • Location:
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in 5th round in 12-round bout
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Referee: Ron Lipton
  • Weight: Holyfield 95.71 kg; Chez 95.70 kg

In 1996, he went into battle against little-known former light heavyweight Bobby Chez. Holyfield dominated the entire fight. Most of his strikes were on target. At the beginning of the 3rd round, Holyfield pinned Chaz to the ropes and launched a powerful attack. Chaz struggled to stay on his feet. The referee intervened and decided to count the standing knockdown. The hall buzzed with displeasure. Between the 5th and 6th rounds, Chaz complained of eye pain. He was examined by a doctor. On the advice of the doctor, the fight was stopped.

November 9, 1996 Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield

  • Location: MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in 11th round in 12-round bout
  • Status: WBA Heavyweight Championship (Tyson 1st Defense)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Dalby Shirley (92-96), Frederico Vollmer (93-100), Jerry Roth (92-96) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Time: 0:37
  • Weight: Tyson 100.70 kg; Holyfield 97.50 kg

In November 1996, Evander Holyfield entered the ring against the WBA World Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson... At the end of the 6th round, Holyfield made a counter left hook. Tyson collapsed onto the canvas. He went up to the score 5. Holyfield tried to finish him off, but the boxers got stuck in the clinch. At the end of the 10th round, Holyfield performed a right cross to the jaw. Tyson staggered. Holyfield threw out a few more crosses. Tyson tried to clinch but couldn't. Holyfield struck exactly the oncoming right cross. Tyson was led back. He leaned on the ropes. Holyfield unleashed a barrage of blows at the enemy. The champion was in a groggy state and did not answer. At this time, a gong sounded. Showtime commentators said the gong saved Tyson. At the start of the 11th round, Holyfield delivered a left jab to the head, then a left jab again. After that, he made a right cross to the head and then a left hook. Then he threw a short left hook to the chin. Then another left hook and a right cross to the chin. After that, he delivered a left hook and a right uppercut. All the blows hit the target. Tyson did not answer. Then the challenger played two hooks - left and right past. Tyson got away from the blows, going to the ropes. Holyfield dashed after him and threw a long left cross to the chin. The referee intervened and stopped the fight. Tyson did not dispute the decision.

June 28, 1997 Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Location: USA GM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins as a result of an opponent's disqualification in the 3rd round in a 12-round bout
  • Status: WBA Heavyweight Championship (Holyfield 1st Defense)
  • Referee: Mills Lane
  • Judges' score: Jerry Roth (26-29), Chuck Giampa (26-29), Duane Ford (26-29) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Time: 3:00
  • Weight: Tyson 98.90 kg; Holyfield 98.90 kg

In July 1997, the 2nd battle took place between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson... At the end of the 3rd round, during the clinch, Tyson bit off the back-upper part of the right auricle (Darwin's tubercle) to the opponent. Holyfield jumped in pain. Referee Mills Lane has suspended the fight. The doctor examined the champion and said that he could continue the fight. The referee fined Tyson two points. After the fight resumed, the challenger tried to bite the champion's left ear. In the interval between the 3rd and 4th rounds, the fight was stopped. A scuffle began. Security and police stopped the riots in the ring. Tyson was disqualified. In a post-match interview with Showtime, Mills Lanes said that he stopped the fight because Tyson broke the rules twice: the first time he fined him two points, the second time he was disqualified.

November 8, 1997 Michael Moorer - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Location: Thomas and Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in 8th round in 12-round bout
  • Status: Champion fight for the WBA heavyweight title (2nd defense of Holyfield); champion fight for the IBF heavyweight title (3rd defense of Moorer)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Jerry Roth (69-78), Glen Hamada (70-78), Stanley Christodolu (69-78) - all in favor of Holyfield at the time of the stop
  • Time: 3:00
  • Weight: Moorer 101.20 kg; Holyfield 97.10 kg

In November 1997, Holyfield met Michael Moorer for the second time in a unification match. Holyfield beat Moorer, knocking him down in the 5th round, then twice in the 7th and twice in the 8th rounds. After the 8th round, on the advice of doctor Flip Homanski, the fight was stopped.

In September 1998, he beat the not-so-famous on points Won Bina.

March 13, 1999 (UK) Lennox Lewis - Evander Holyfield

  • Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York (state), USA
  • Result: Draw by split decision in 12 rounds
  • Status: Champion fight for the WBC heavyweight title (5th defense of Lewis); champion fight for the WBA heavyweight title (4th defense of Holyfield); champion fight for the IBF heavyweight title (2nd defense of Holyfield)
  • Referee: Arthur Mercante Jr.
  • Judges' score: Stanley Christodolu (116-113 Lewis), Eugenia Williams (113-115 Holyfield), Larry O "Connell (115-115)
  • Weight: Lewis 111.10 kg; Holyfield 97.50 kg

In March 1999, a fight for the title of undisputed champion took place between Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis... Despite the tangible advantage of Lewis, the judges unexpectedly gave a draw.

November 13, 1999 (Great Britain) Lennox Lewis - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Location: Thomas and Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Lewis wins 12-round unanimous decision
  • Status: Champion fight for the WBC heavyweight title (6th defense of Lewis); champion fight for the WBA heavyweight title (5th defense of Holyfield); champion fight for the IBF heavyweight title (3rd defense of Holyfield)
  • Referee: Mitch Halpern
  • Judges' score: Chuck Giampa (116-112), Bill Graham (117-111), Jerry Roth (115-113) - all in favor of Lewis
  • Weight: Lewis 109.80 kg; Holyfield 98.40 kg

In the same year, a revenge took place. This time the advantage Lewis was less, but it was enough for the judges to recognize him as the winner.

After the fight, Lewis was ordered to meet with mandatory challenger John Ruiz. He refused, for which he was stripped of the WBA title by a court decision.

August 12, 2000 Evander Holyfield - (USA) John Ruiz

  • Location: Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins 12-round unanimous decision
  • Status: Champion fight for the vacant WBA heavyweight title
  • Referee: Richard Steele
  • Judges' score: Duane Ford (114-113), Dave Moretti (114-113), Fernando Viso (116-112) - all in favor of Holyfield
  • Weight: Holyfield 100.2 kg; Ruiz 101.6 kg

In August 2000, a fight for the vacant WBA heavyweight title took place between Evander Holyfield and John Ruiz... The battle took place at medium and close range. None of the boxers had an advantage. Following the results of the 12th round, the judges declared Holyfield the winner of a close decision, who became the 4-time world heavyweight champion. In a post-match interview with Showtime, Ruiz said he believed he was robbed by the judges. Holyfield said that he would give revenge to the enemy without any problems.

March 3, 2001 John Ruiz (USA) - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

  • Location:
  • Result: Ruiz wins 12-round unanimous decision
  • Status: Champion fight for the vacant WBA heavyweight title (1st defense of Holyfield)
  • Referee: Joe Cortez
  • Judges' score: Stanley Christodoulou (116-110), Chuck Giampa (115-111), Patricia Morse German (114-111) - all in favor of Ruiz
  • Weight: Ruiz 103.0 kg; Holyfield 98.4 kg

In March 2001, the 2nd battle fought between Evander Holyfield and John Ruiz... Most of the fight was similar to the 1st fight. At the beginning of the 11th round, Ruiz shot a right hook to the opponent's head. Holyfield collapsed to the canvas. He went up to the score 6. After the fight resumed, Ruiz rushed to finish him off. Holyfield immediately conjured up and did not let go of the enemy for several seconds. After the referee was able to separate them Ruiz began to attack again. Holyfield tried to clinch, but it didn't always work out. He barely responded, while the challenger was getting successful streaks in the head. The entire round of Holyfield was on the verge of a knockout. At the end of the fight, the judges unanimously announced the winner of John Ruiz.

In December 2001, Holyfield met with John Ruiz for the 3rd time. A controversial draw was recorded in the battle.

June 1, 2002 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Hasim Rahman

  • Location:
  • Result: Holyfield wins via 8th round split decision in 12-round bout
  • Status: WBA Heavyweight Title Qualifier
  • Referee: Tony Orlando
  • Judges' score: John Stewart (69-64 Holyfield), Melvina Leuthen (66-67 Rahman), Steve Weisfeld (69-64 Holyfield)
  • Time: 1:41
  • Weight: Holyfield 98.0 kg; Rahman 101.6 kg

In June 2002, Evander Holyfield met with Hasim Rahman... In the battle, a collision of heads occurred as a result of which Rahman developed a hematoma over his left eye. In the middle of the 8th round, the referee stopped the fight and took Rahman to the doctor. The doctor said that he could continue to fight if he could only see. Rahman said that everything blurred before his eyes. The fight was ended. Since the hematoma was formed as a result of a head collision, the winner was determined based on the score of the judges. When the assessment in favor of Rahman was announced, the audience buzzed with displeasure. Holyfield won by split decision.

December 14, 2002 (USA) Chris Bird - Evander Holyfield

  • Location: Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
  • Result: Byrd wins 12-round unanimous decision
  • Status: Champion fight for vacant IBF heavyweight title
  • Referee: Randy Newmann
  • Judges' score: John Stewart (116-112), Eugene Grant (117-111), Steve Weisfeld (117-111) - all in favor of Bird
  • Weight: Bird 97.10 kg; Holyfield 99.80 kg

In 2002, Lewis was ordered to meet with Chris Bird... He refused and the IBF title became vacant. Byrd and Holyfield were nominated as contenders. Bird ran away from Holyfield and became world champion.

October 4, 2003 (USA) James Toney - Evander Holyfield

  • Location: Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Result: Tony won by TKO in the 9th round in a 12-round bout
  • Status: Qualifying for the IBF World Heavyweight Championship
  • Referee: Jay Neidy
  • Time: 1:42
  • Weight: Tony 98.40 kg; Holyfield 99.30 kg

In 2003, Evander Holyfield met with James Toney. After a knockdown in the 9th round, Holyfield's seconds stopped the fight.

In 2004, Holyfield lost unconditionally to the famous Jabber L arry donald... After that, he retired from boxing.

However, in 2006 he made the decision to return. First defeated the little-known Jeremy Bates then a former challenger Fresa Oquendo.

March 17, 2007 Evander Holyfield - (USA) Vinnie Maddalone

  • Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
  • Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in the 3rd round in a 10-round bout
  • Status: Rating battle
  • Referee: Rubben Carrion
  • Time: 2:48
  • Weight: Holyfield 98.00 kg; Maddalone 106.00 kg

In March 2007, Holyfield met with Vinnie Maddalone. At the end of the 1st round, a head clash occurred, as a result of which Maddalone received a cut in the forehead. The referee paused the fight, allowing the doctor to examine the wound. After that, the battle continued. In the middle of the 2nd round, the situation repeated itself: the referee again stopped the fight, and again the doctor examined the wound, after which the fight was resumed. At the end of the 3rd round, Holyfield pinned the opponent to the ropes and made several series of powerful hooks from both hands. Maddalone was able to get out and tried to escape in a clinch. The referee separated the boxers. Immediately, Maddaluona's coach signaled the referee to end the fight. Maddalone's wound was bleeding profusely at the time.

In June 2007 Holyfield won Lou Savariza.

In October 2007, Holyfield in Russia met with an unbeaten Sultan Ibragimov... Ibragimov gave the center of the ring to Holyfield, and due to the speed he tapped him on the points. At times, Holyfield was good at accurate shots. But that was not enough. Holyfield lost for the 9th time in his career.

December 20, 2008 (Russia) Nikolay Valuev - Evander Holyfield

  • Location: Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Result: Valuev wins 12-round majority decision
  • Status: Champion fight for the WBA heavyweight title (1st defense of Valuev)
  • Referee: Luis Pabon
  • Judges' score: Pierluigi Poppy (116-112 Valuev), Guillermo Perez Pineda (114-114), Michael Hook (115-114 Valuev)
  • Weight: Valuev 141.0 kg; Holyfield 97.2 kg

In December 2008, a fight took place between Evander Holyfield and Nikolay Valuev... For most of the fight the American “danced” around the Russian, occasionally punching precise and clear hooks. Valuev tried to hit the jab, but it didn't always help. There were practically no active actions on the part of the boxers. In a close fight, the judges gave the victory to the champion by a majority vote. The hall booed the decision. Among boxing experts, opinions on the winner of the fight were divided: most of the Russian journalists believed that the Russian won, while Western analysts expressed the opinion that Holyfield was "robbed" by the judges

Holyfield's 5 craziest fights (video)

On October 19, one of the best boxers in the world, Evander Holyfield, celebrates his 51st birthday. In connection with this event, the site recalls the five best fights of the great American heavyweight.

Evander Holyfield / Photo: Associated Press

On October 19, one of the best boxers in the world, Evander Holyfield, celebrates his 51st birthday.

In connection with this event, the site recalls the five craziest fights of the great American heavyweight of his career.

Evander Holyfield Achievements

Amateur career

1983 - US National Championships. Bronze medalist.

1983 - Pan American Games. Silver Prize

1984 - Won the Golden Glovers National Tournament.

1984 - Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games.

Amateur record: 160-14

Professional career

Absolute world champion in the first heavyweight division (1988).

World champion in the first heavyweight according to the versions of the WBA (1986-1988), IBF (1987-1988), WBC (1988).

The absolute world champion in the heavy weight category (1990-1992).

World Heavyweight Champion WBC (1990-1992), IBF (1990-1992, 1993-1994, 1997-1999), WBA (1990-1992, 1993-1994, 1996-1999, 2000-2001), WBF (2010-2011).
Three times became the "Boxer of the Year" according to the magazine "Ring" (1987, 1996, 1997).

The only four-time world heavyweight champion in the history of professional boxing, as well as a boxer who managed to win the title of absolute world champion in two weight categories: the first heavy and heavy weight.

Five of Holyfield's best fights from the site


Evander Holyfield - Michael Dokes

Location: Nevada, USA

Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in 10th round in 12-round bout

Status: Continental America WBC title fight

In March 1989, Holyfield faced former world champion Michael Dokes for the Continental American WBC title. The opponents constantly exchanged blows. In the ninth round, both boxers shook each other several times. In the middle of the tenth round, Holyfield caught Dokes with an accurate hit. Holyfield dashed after him and threw a long left cross to the chin. Dokes walked away and fell. People jumped out of the corner of Dokes and stopped the fight. The bout received Fight of the Year status in 1989, and Fight of the Decade in the heavyweight division.


Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Result: Holyfield wins by TKO in 11th round in 12-round bout

Status: WBA Heavyweight Championship (Tyson 1st Defense)

In November 1996, a fight took place between Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield, preparation for which began even before Tyson went to prison. Tyson was the favorite in this fight. The first five rounds passed with varying success, but there was a slight advantage of Tyson. In the fifth round, Iron Mike unleashed fierce combinations on Holyfield, but Holyfield was not shocked. In the sixth round, Holyfield hit Tyson with his head, and Tyson opened a cut above his left eye. In the same round, Tyson threw out the side and stood on straight legs. Holyfield made a counter left hook to the body. The blow did not hit the jaw, and Tyson was not shocked, only lost his balance. He went up to the score "5". 15 seconds before the end of the seventh round, Tyson rushed to Holyfield, Holyfield went head first; as a result of a hard collision of the heads, Tyson opened a dissection under his right eye. Tyson cried out in pain, and his knees buckled, but again the referee counted the headbutt as unintentional. At the beginning of the 11th round, Holyfield had a series of blows to the head. Tyson did not answer. Then the challenger played two hooks - left and right - past. Tyson got away from the blows, going to the ropes. Holyfield dashed after him and threw a long left cross to the chin. The referee intervened and stopped the fight. Tyson did not dispute the decision. The fight received the status of "fight of the year" according to the Ring magazine.


Mike Tyson - Evander Holyfield (2nd fight)

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Holyfield wins as a result of an opponent's disqualification in the 3rd round in a 12-round bout

Status: WBA Heavyweight Championship (Holyfield 1st Defense)

In July 1997, the 2nd fight took place between Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. The first round was an equal fight. In the second round, Holyfield hit Tyson with his head in a big way, Tyson got a cut, Tyson scorched from pain and the referee separated them. Tyson turned to the referee, but he did not react. At the end of the round, Holyfield began to knit Tyson's hands at the ropes and just leaned on him. Holyfield hit Tyson in the back of the head and tried to do it again. The referee spread the boxers. The enraged Tyson went on the attack, but the round ended and remained with Holyfield. The third round began with Tyson's furious attack. Holyfield started knitting Mike's hands and hit him with his head at 41 seconds. Tyson, 40 seconds before the end of the round, bit off the back-upper part of the right auricle to the opponent. Holyfield jumped in pain. Tyson pushed him in the back. The doctor examined the champion and said that he could continue the fight. The referee fined Tyson two points. The fight was resumed and 30 seconds were added to the third round. Tyson immediately carried out a series of punches to the body. At the twentieth second, Holyfield hit Tyson's eyebrow from the side with his head. The challenger bit Holyfield in the left ear. Holyfield started jumping, but the fight was not stopped. Holyfield didn't make it to the fourth round. A scuffle began. Guards and police held Tyson, who beat everyone in a row, trying to approach Holyfield. The guards stopped the riots in the ring. Tyson was disqualified.


Lennox Lewis - Evander Holyfield

Location: New York, USA

Result: Draw by split decision in 12 rounds

Status: Champion fight for the WBC heavyweight title (5th defense of Lewis); champion fight for the WBA heavyweight title (4th defense of Holyfield); champion fight for the IBF heavyweight title (2nd defense of Holyfield)

In March 1999, a fight for the title of absolute champion took place between Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis. Lewis dominated the entire fight, hitting more punches than Holyfield even threw, but the judges unexpectedly gave a draw. It was one of the most scandalous decisions in boxing history. A revenge was appointed. Renowned promoter Don King said after the fight that if no one was knocked out, then it was a draw. Holyfield stated that his performance was hampered by stomach problems and leg cramps.

Evander Holyfield - Hasim Rahman

Location: New Jersey, USA

Result: Holyfield wins via 8th round split decision in 12-round bout

Status: WBA Heavyweight Title Qualifier

In June 2002, Evander Holyfield met with Hasim Rahman. At the beginning of the battle, a head clash occurred as a result of which Rahman developed a hematoma over his left eye. In the middle of the 8th round, the referee stopped the fight and took Rahman to the doctor. The doctor said that he could continue to fight if he could only see. Rahman said that everything blurred before his eyes. The fight was ended. Since the hematoma was formed as a result of a head collision, the winner was determined based on the score of the judges. When the assessment in favor of Rahman was announced, the audience buzzed with displeasure. Holyfield won by split decision.

Today marks 52 years of one of the brightest heavyweights in the history of boxing.

10/25/1990 Evander Holyfield knocked out James Douglas (USA) in the 3rd round and won the world titles in the weight category over 90.9 kg according to WBC, WBA, IBF and The Ring.

In this fight, Douglas, who had previously sensationally knocked out Mike Tyson in Japan, looked helpless. Holyfield was much faster, delivering sharp and accurate punches. In the 3rd round, he hit Douglas with a side kick and sent him to the ring floor. The referee started counting down to ten and Douglas decided - no mas.

04/19/1991 Evanedre Holyfield defeated George Foreman (USA) by unanimous decision and defended the world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg according to WBC, WBA, IBF and Lineal.

The best years of Foreman, who at that time already turned 42, were far behind, but he performed much better than experts predicted. He took the heavy punches from Holyfield and butted throughout the fight. In the 7th round, he even shook the opponent with a blow with his right hand and forced him to step back, while delivering a series of awkward but terrible punches. Holyfield managed to recover and struck a combination of quick and sharp side kicks. By the end of the fight, Foreman was so tired that he could barely keep his hands to his chin.

11/13/1992 Evander Holyfield was defeated by unanimous decision to Riddick Bowe (USA) and lost the WBA, WBC, IBF and Lineal world titles in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

The fight began without reconnaissance: by the end of the first round, the boxers were already exchanging heavy punches and did not give up a centimeter of the ring. Toward the middle of the fight, Bowe seized the initiative, but Holyfield continued to snap back. In the 10th round, which was named "Round of the Year" by the influential publication The Ring, Bowe landed a good uppercut on his way out of the clinch. Holyfield “swam”, and Bowe smelled blood, attacking the opponent with the hardest unanswered blows. Holyfield re-initiates the clinch to give him time to breathe. One minute before the end of the round, Holyfield delivers a series of punches that shake Bow, then proceeds to beat Bowe with straight lines and uppercuts. In the next round, Holyfield goes forward, but meets resistance and after hitting from the right at the ropes, falls to the floor of the ring. At the end of the fight, Holyfield had to knock out his opponent in order to win, but this happened.

11/06/1993 Evander Holyfield defeated Riddick Bowe (USA) by majority decision and won the WBA, IBF and Lineal world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

Exactly one year later, the rematch ended again with a decision, but this time Holyfield won. Bowe started the fight actively, taking the first three or four rounds, but then the opponent managed to regain the initiative in his own hands. In the 7th round, Holyfield managed to strike a right side, after which he received a combination of the hardest punches. This fight was also notable for the fact that in the 7th round a parachutist landed in the ring. Bowe's pregnant wife, who was sitting in the audience, fainted and confusion began. Due to the incident, the meeting had to be interrupted for 21 minutes. Before the final bell, the rivals went all-in.

06/06/1997 Evander Holyfield knocked out Mike Tyson (USA) in the 11th round and won the WBA world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

By June 1997, Tyson was considered completely invincible (by then he had already regained his reputation after a sensational defeat to Douglas in Japan), knocking out four opponents after his release from prison, and was the favorite. The first half of the meeting passed with varying degrees of success. In the 5th round, Iron Mike struck a strong side to the body, and then an uppercut to the head and shook Holyfield, but already in the 6th Holyfield managed to send his opponent to the ring floor with his left side. In the same round, Holyfield butted Tyson, after which he received a cut. In the 11th round, Holyfield struck a series of serious punches at the ropes, after which the referee felt it was time to go home. In a rematch a year later, Holyfield again defeated Tyson. There was also a scandalous incident with a bite.