
Do-it-yourself gasification of a private house: Device, project + Video

Most of the owners of private houses prefer to install gas equipment.

The reason for this is the price - gas is the most inexpensive fuel. Of course, the gasification process itself is an expensive pleasure. But savings in heating bills will quickly cover the cost of installing gas equipment.

In the event that you have firmly decided to gasify your house, you need to know what is needed for this: permits, what work is ahead, the price of this issue.

  • They have increased resistance to the negative influence of various chemical compounds, as well as environmental factors.
  • Their strength is combined with sufficient plasticity, which makes it possible to lay a gas pipeline in settlements with a particularly harsh climate (at temperatures down to minus 45 ° C, such pipes retain their impact strength).
  • Because plastic does not conduct electric current, polyethylene pipes are insensitive to the action of stray currents, which means they have reliable protection against electrochemical damage. It is for this reason that such pipes do not require additional protection when laid in;
  • The mass of polyethylene pipes is seven times less than that of steel. What is important, they are delivered in special compact bays, which greatly simplifies transportation;
  • Installation of these pipes is easy and convenient
  • The service life of polyethylene pipes exceeds that of steel pipes by two, and sometimes three times, and reaches 50 years or more.

Remember! The introduction of pipes into the house and their distribution in the house is carried out only with steel pipes.

As with all goods, polyethylene pipes have certain limitations:

  • In areas where the air temperature drops below 45 ° C, as well as in areas with seismicity exceeding 6 points, it is prohibited to use polyethylene pipes when laying a gas pipeline;
  • It is prohibited to use polyethylene pipes when laying a gas pipeline both above the ground and on the ground, in channels, tunnels and collectors, as well as in buildings;
  • It is forbidden to lay a gas pipeline from such pipes in the area where it is planned to arrange crossings over artificial or natural barriers.

Types of boilers or how to make the right choice?

Heat exchangers in boilers are made of cast iron or steel. A cast iron heat exchanger has a long service life (approximately 20 to 25 years, compared to a steel one from 10 to 15 years), which provides a high rate of corrosion resistance.

A cast iron heat exchanger usually consists of sections, this gives an advantage in case of an accident. Those. Not the entire boiler is dismantled, only damaged areas are insulated. It must be remembered that such a boiler is characterized by high mechanical and thermal sensitivity. In this regard, it is possible to recharge with cold water only if the heat exchanger has completely cooled down.

A gas boiler with a steel heat exchanger, in comparison with the above-mentioned boiler, has cost advantages and is lighter in weight.
A distinctive feature of a boiler with a steel heat exchanger is resistance to mechanical stress, but a negative feature is susceptibility to corrosion. The weight of a boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger is 114 kilograms, and the weight of the same boiler with a steel heat exchanger is about 60 kilograms.

Another type of boilers are non-volatile and volatile.

Non-volatile boilers are characterized by natural circulation, but at the same time they have an impressive list of disadvantages:

  • the pipeline itself has a large diameter,
  • there is an open expansion tank,
  • special installation of the system is required to ensure the desired slope,
  • the largest - there is no possibility of adjusting the air temperature in the house.

At the same time, the room in which it is supposed to install a boiler with an open combustion chamber must be provided with a tidal and exhaust, as well as a chimney.

If we talk about volatile boilers, then they are equipped with a closed expansion tank, circulation pumps and full electronic boiler control. In this regard, they can undoubtedly be called a mini-boiler room... But at the same time, an important fact should be taken into account that ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the entire heating system depends on a stable mains voltage of 230 ± 10% in the presence of a voltage stabilizer.

For boilers with a natural prerequisite for the smooth operation of heating gas equipment, a chimney becomes. They are internal, passing through the ceiling and roof of the house itself, as well as external, which are mounted along the outer surface of the wall.

Only a specialist can choose the optimal chimney

The consumer only needs to know a few simple rules:

  • the diameter of the boiler neck must not exceed the inner diameter of the chimney;
  • the minimum number of all kinds of bends and elbows in the path of flue gases;
  • it is imperative that when installing the chimney, it is necessary to provide conditions that exclude the formation of condensation.

Chimneys made of stainless steel are optimal in terms of quality and price ratio.

They can be single-layer or double-layer. Single-layer are used for laying the chimney inside the building. Their significant drawback is the formation of abundant condensate, which is formed when using modern heating gas installations to remove flue gases.

Two-layer chimneys are made of two layers of steel, the space between which is filled, such a device provides a reduction in the amount of condensate formed.

It must be remembered that the choice of a chimney depends on the boiler power, the temperature of the flue gas outlet, the material of the shaft and its insulation, as well as other factors affecting such indicators as draft, safety, durability and reliability.

When we have decided on the equipment, we proceed to the development of the project

This issue is dealt with either by Gorgaz employees or design engineers of any specialized organization.

The development of the project includes drawing up a scheme for laying pipes to the house, determining the place of entering the highway into the house.

The cost of the procedure depends on the length that will be used to connect your house to the gas pipeline.

In case of autonomous gasification, which is carried out with the help of a gas holder, the place of its installation is determined in the project.

Choosing a site for installing a gas tank, you need to take into account the following requirements:
it is located no closer than 2 meters from the fence of the site and no closer than 5 meters from the building itself.