
Fortune telling for compatibility

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Remember that cards cannot be played. Buy a custom deck of cards for these purposes and try your luck.

Concentrate your attention on the person you are telling fortunes about. Imagine him: face, clothes. If you have recently met, then try to direct your thoughts in his direction as much as possible. What if this is fate?

Your subject must know about your existence. You can repeat his name during the process. We shuffle the deck of cards, and then remove them with our left hand and arrange them into piles. The number of stacks is equal to the number of letters in the name of your fortune telling object.

We lay out the entire deck into piles until the last card falls. We will get a certain number of stacks. Now we place the stack with the last card among the remaining stacks. Again the last card fell onto one of the piles. We scatter this pile over the rest.

We repeat the whole process until we get a full deck. For example, there are two piles left, on which the last card fell, put it on the second pile. We have a deck of cards assembled from stacks - the answer to the question that concerns you is hidden in it.

Now we lay out the cards face down. If we hit two or more cards of the same value, we put them aside. All that remains is to read the interpretation:

  • Sixes: you start a relationship hard, but then - eternal love;
  • Sevens: Your couple is not afraid of any obstacles;
  • Eights: relationships that consist of quarrels and bickering;
  • Nines: he or she does not show sympathy for you - emptiness;
  • Tens: he or she sympathizes with you - a good prospect;
  • Jack: He or she remembers you, but very little. You need to hurry up with actions so that thoughts about you do not disappear from your subject’s head;
  • Ladies: he or she mistook you for something completely different from the person you really are;
  • Kings: the object of fortune telling is attracted to a relationship – your character traits;
  • Aces: You are loved to the point of memory loss - all thoughts, feelings and dreams are about you.
In this simple way it is easy to find out the compatibility of partners and affection for each other

This is how, with the help of an ordinary deck of cards, it is easy to find out the compatibility of a couple and the prospects of a relationship.

Fortune telling with matches

Using this simple method, you can predict the outcome of a relationship between two people. Are we compatible? Will we love each other or will we remain indifferent?

You can find out the prospects of compatibility, and other people - just name the matches after the names of these subjects. Fire always speaks the truth.

Take two matches, give one the guy's name, the second the girl's name. Light them up and stick them somewhere. This could be a railing or a bench; it is important that they stand firmly.

We wait for the matches to burn out and look at the result - how they stand. If they are turned towards each other, it means that the partners are not indifferent to their other half. When the match is directed towards the partner, then he likes him.

If the match is straight - indifference. Turned away - beware, the partner begins to hate the other one.

Fortune telling on paper is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal preparation requirements. In order to do this, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. The accuracy of the prediction depends on how much you believe in this method of finding out your fate.

Fortune telling on paper and a pen is most often used to tell about the feelings of the person of interest. To check your love compatibility with your partner, take a piece of paper and draw a daisy on it. There should be exactly as many petals as there are letters in the name of your loved one. On each petal, clockwise, you need to write the letters of the name of your chosen one. After this, write the letters of your name on the petals in order. If your name is longer in number of letters than your partner’s name, then simply do not enter the remaining letters anywhere.

If there is 1 petal, your union has a future. Even if the feelings fade away, you will still have a warm and kind attitude towards each other.

If there are 2 petals, the union is unsuccessful. Feelings can quickly fade, followed by disappointment.

If there are 3 petals, you have very good love compatibility with each other. You not only have feelings, but also common interests that bring you even closer together.

If there are 4 petals or more, the union is strong and successful. You are two halves who somehow miraculously found each other. Appreciate each other and take care of your feelings.

You can check your compatibility with your partner in another, more accurate way. To do this, you need to write the full last name, first name and patronymic of your chosen one on a piece of paper. You need to write your full name under his name. After that, cross out the repeated letters in your name and his. Count the number of remaining letters and bring it to a single digit number if required. For example, if you have 12 letters left, then you need to add 1 and 2 to get the fortune telling result. The number 3 in this case will be the result of fortune telling. Once you know the number, you need to decipher it.

Number 1 – you are a good couple, a happy future, warmth and love awaits you.

Number 2 - you are not suitable for each other, disappointments await you ahead.

Number 3 - you are in love, but soon the scales will fall from your eyes, and you will understand that this chosen one is not what you need.

Number 4 – you don’t love your partner enough. If he makes every effort necessary to be with you, then your future with him is possible.

Number 5 – you are united only by mutual benefit. Most likely, such relationships will soon fade away.

Number 6 – you are a great couple. In your union there is love, respect, and care. If you manage to maintain these feelings, then your future with this person will be long and happy.

Number 7 – you are united rather by friendship and interest in each other, but not by love. You could be great friends for each other.

Number 8 – everything in your couple is harmonious, you complement each other. You feel comfortable and comfortable with your partner.

Number 9 – you have good compatibility. However, in order to maintain a relationship, you will have to constantly work on yourself and try to surprise each other. If there are no emotions, love will disappear.

These, at first glance, simple and quick tests for love compatibility with a partner give accurate and specific results of the future with a particular person. These fortune tellings are based on numerology, the ancient science of numbers and their meanings, which makes them accurate and truthful. Useful article? Then be sure to put

Personal life worries adults and teenagers. Love is strength, advantage, sometimes hard work. Souls tired of betrayal, skeptics and romantics are drawn to her. Is character compatibility important for love? As soon as the ardent love passes, problems appear that the couple did not think about during the bouquet and flower period.

Love is strength, advantage and even hard work. Fortune telling will help prevent the suffering and pain of separation at the very beginning of a relationship.

Fortune telling by first and last name for the compatibility of lovers is an opportunity to prevent the suffering and pain of separation at the very beginning of a relationship. How do you know if you are a good fit for each other?

Why do you need fortune telling for compatibility?

Fortune telling, predicting the future by hand or Tarot cards worried people about how long the earth rotates.

Forecasts for the future seem ridiculous to skeptics, sinful to believers, and people with open views on the world are happy to receive any help, no matter how inexplicable and otherworldly.

Who should guess? If a person has a question or a situation has arisen that cannot be solved by conventional methods, then the answer is positive - you can and even need to guess. No one forces anyone to believe in the prediction. It is a purely personal matter how to perceive the information received.

Fortune telling about the compatibility of lovers' names is especially popular, because you really want to know the future of a new relationship. The resulting forecast cannot be called accurate, but fortune telling will work as a hint, a marker of what you should pay attention to right now.

Various Internet resources are full of online predictions. One click and a detailed description of what the couple will agree on appears on the screen. Online fortune telling shows dangerous moments that open up later when the couple moves to a new level. You can find out compatibility at home without logging into the Internet. Ingenuity, courage and openness to everything new will help you achieve your plans.

The principle of fortune telling on paper

To make a prediction, you don’t have to be a magician or a hereditary witch. There is also no need to study esotericism for decades. Quick home fortune telling is a special part of magic. Safe, accessible and only takes a few minutes. To determine compatibility you will need:

  • a regular sheet of paper;
  • pen.

For fortune telling you only need a piece of paper and a pen

There are only two attributes that can be found in any home. Before starting the experiment, you should make sure that no one will disturb you during an interesting activity.

It is best to find a secluded, quiet room and carve out half an hour without calls or messages. By concentrating on one single desire, you need to let go of worries.

A tense person, burdened with his own problems, cannot see beyond his own nose. People say that important matters should be approached with a calm soul and a clear mind. When the questioner feels at peace, you can begin to draw a sheet of paper.

How to guess

Sequence of further actions:

  1. Write down your full name, surname and patronymic on the piece of paper. All letters must fit on one line.
  2. If any letters are repeated in a name or patronymic, they are not written down again. Repeated letters are signed under those already written in the first line.
  3. The second stage follows a similar principle. The full name, surname and patronymic of the chosen one is signed.
  4. You need to output a numeric code. To do this, under each column of letters a number is written that corresponds to the number of a particular letter. If “A” or “B” (any letter) was duplicated in the full name, then the code will be 0, if the letter appeared more than once its code is 1.
  5. The resulting numbers are added (summed up until a simple single-digit number is obtained).

The result obtained is the degree of compatibility on a 10-point scale. If you have no desire to tinker with numbers for a long time, you can try other types of fortune telling.

Playing Card Compatibility

It is unlikely that you will be able to find a deck of Tarot cards lying around at home, but buying new playing cards will not be difficult. Instead of playing the fool or playing solitaire, you can find out how compatible your partners are.

Playing cards will help you find out compatibility with your partner

Before fortune telling, you should concentrate on an exciting issue, then mix the cards well. The girl needs to say the name of her chosen one several times and remove the deck with her left hand. Next, the number of letters in the lover’s name is counted. The resulting number will correspond to the number of stacks of cards on the table.

The cards are laid out alternately from left to right. The stack containing the last card drawn will help you predict the future. The required number of stacks is formed from it. The action is repeated until several cards remain. The cards are revealed with the suit facing up. If you roll two identical suits, they will answer the question of interest:

  • Two aces. In a couple, the young man is sincerely in love and idolizes his chosen one.
  • Two kings. A beloved man is glad to meet a girl, he likes her behavior and character.
  • Duet of ladies. You cannot trust your chosen one 100%. The man is unsure of his own feelings. He is either deceiving the girl, or he himself does not know what he wants.
  • Both cards are jacks. Harmony and prosperity await the couple.
  • 2 tens. A sign of a little excitement on the part of the guy, but this is not love, but rather a passing infatuation.
  • Two nines. The combination of playing cards promises indifference on the part of a man. There will be no love in the couple; the only option is feelings without reciprocity on the part of the young man.
  • Two eights. Symbols of future quarrels that will be constant in a couple.
  • Duplicated sevens. The difficulties that arise on the path of lovers are surmountable if there is a desire on the part of the girl and the guy to be together.
  • Two sixes. The lowest suits of the deck promise obstacles that can be overcome together.

Two sixes promise obstacles that can be overcome together

If there are no double cards in the layout, then the last remaining symbol is deciphered.

Compatibility Chart

You can find out how suitable the lovers are for each other from the compiled schedule. If geometry lessons are a thing of the past, you won’t need any special knowledge to construct axes. For fortune telling, you will need a sheet of paper (it is advisable to take a piece of paper from a notebook, lined with a checkered pattern) and a pen.

The first line contains the girl's full name, and below it the guy's full name. Checking letters starts from the bottom line. If any letter is repeated in the first name, last name or patronymic, then it is safely crossed out. Then you should go to the first line. The last step will be to check the remaining letters in the two lines.

A graph is drawn up with two axes with a single starting point. To work out the lines, it is best to choose two pens of different colors, otherwise it will be easy to get confused. From the starting point, a line is drawn for the girl’s name: if the letter is not repeated, then the line moves diagonally by one cell, and if it is duplicated, the graph rises vertically.

When the name of the first line is finished, draw a graph corresponding to the guy. In the end, the compatibility of two people will not even have to guess, because the intersection of multi-colored lines will speak for itself. Fortune telling of this type is not a final solution, so if you receive a bad chart, you should not despair.

According to the results

Compatibility of names, dates of birth and zodiac signs is something that worries mainly the fair sex. Men are not at risk of becoming addicted to this kind of fortune-telling. Looking into the future is a desire that embodies the essence of female nature. Curiosity, interest and mystery.

You don’t want to waste time on a person unworthy of attention or a person with whom you won’t have a harmonious union. The simplest fortune telling on paper, playing cards or using the digital code of the date of birth will help you check compatibility. Try your luck and not be afraid of the consequences - safe divinations are available to everyone.

There comes a time in every girl’s life when she thinks about starting a family seriously and for a long time. Often this moment does not come when you expect it. It happens that it is not from the person from whom the girl’s heart expects a marriage proposal. Then another ritual will come to your aid - online fortune telling for name compatibility. A simple event that can dispel doubts and confirm your decision to say “Yes” or “No”. Shall we begin? Then in the given windows you need to enter your name and the name of the intended chosen one in turn, and then click on the “Check” heart.

While the computer is analyzing the meanings of your names, think about whether you are ready to abandon your chosen one if the ritual predicts complete apathy of your characters and incompatibility in family life? If you have already given yourself the answer, try to compare it with the results of fortune telling. Are you satisfied with the result? Congratulations, you are doing more than great. You love each other, you are ready to go through life together, hand in hand. Such feelings only cause envy (of course, white envy), so no longer doubt yourself and your loved one, feel free to accept his offer and begin the pleasant chores of preparing for the wedding. Everything will be fine with you, only happiness awaits you ahead.

If the result, unfortunately, discourages or upsets you, you need to think it over again. Is it only the name whose meaning was revealed to you that prevents you from starting to build a life together with this particular person? It is possible that you are tormented by doubts not only because of the result of fortune telling, but for deeper reasons. Why did you do this test - do you want to test your own feelings or still make sure that the young man is really not suitable for family life? If you can answer these questions honestly and openly, that's good. This means that before you hid your feelings, moreover, you disguised them under a kind mask when communicating with your lover. Now they are open to you, and you are ready to receive them. Well, as they say, a negative result is also a result.

The main thing is not to despair. You should talk frankly with your chosen one, and you will see that it will become easier not only for you, but also for him. Honesty and openness in discussing problems brings people together. You may not be husband and wife, you may not live happily ever after, but you will remain good friends for many years. Believe me, men appreciate open conversations, they will not be scared or upset by your refusal to marry if you are really not ready for it. They will be very pleased with your conversation, because in the end you will dot all the I’s and stop being burdened by relationships that have already outlived their usefulness.

If you are disgusted by the rejection of your loved one when the outcome of fortune-telling is not very satisfying, this is especially pleasing. You believe so much in your love and the feelings of your boyfriend that nothing in this world can upset you. Then, go ahead, have a romantic dinner and let love spread its wide wings over you. Trust your heart, everything will be just fine.