
Gas pressure in the gas pipeline at home - for domestic needs and heating

Gasification of the private sector is the norm today, although some ten years ago many could only dream of it. However, the use of gas by a wide range of consumers raises a number of problems that should be known in advance. This knowledge will be useful to you when choosing a home or buying expensive gas boilers and other equipment that consumes blue fuel.

1 Gas veins - how does gas circulate through the system?

Before gas turns into a blue flame on your stove, it travels hundreds and thousands of kilometers through gas pipelines. The most important artery of the gas transmission system is the gas pipeline. The pressure in such lines is very high - 11.8 MPa, and is completely unsuitable for private consumption.

However, already in gas distribution stations (GDS), the pressure drops to 1.2 MPa. In addition, at the stations, additional gas purification takes place, a specific smell is given to it, which is perceptible to the human sense of smell. Without odorization - this is the name of this process - we would not feel the presence of gas in the air when it leaks, since methane itself has neither color nor smell. Ethanethiol is often used to impart a smell - even if there is one part of this substance in the air for several tens of millions of parts of the air, we will feel its presence.

From the gas distribution stations, the gas route runs to the gas control points (GRP). These points are, in fact, the point of distribution of blue fuel between consumers. At hydraulic fracturing, automatic equipment monitors the pressure and recognizes the need to increase or decrease it. Also, at gas control points, another stage of gas filtration takes place, and special devices record the degree of its pollution before and after cleaning.

2 Low or Medium - Which Pressure Is Better?

Previously, most residential buildings were supplied with a low-pressure gas pipeline (0.003 MPa), since a medium-pressure pipeline (0.3 MPa) requires more extensive installation work and the purchase of special equipment that reduces the pressure directly at the gas inlet to the pipes inside the house.

However, with an increase in the number of consumers in a low-pressure gas pipeline, fuel may simply not be enough for everyone - this becomes especially noticeable in winter, when most of them turn on gas boilers at full capacity. In a medium pressure system, this problem is virtually eliminated. The high requirements of modern ones should also be taken into account. With insufficient pressure, many units, at best, give out less power than indicated by the manufacturer, and in the worst case, they turn off until the required pressure appears in the system.

Purchasing expensive boilers for low-pressure consumers is like throwing money away, since such a purchase will not justify itself at all. Consumers themselves have to solve the problem of gas interruptions. Alternatively, you can purchase a combined one, which can be loaded with solid fuel during the absence or too low gas pressure. In the kitchen, you can use a liquefied gas cylinder by setting one burner for this type of fuel.

With increased pressure, the situation is no better - if no distribution devices are installed in the houses, the risk of emergencies increases. Since low pressure gas is considered safer, its use is prescribed in public institutions such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, as well as factories and enterprises of various types where gas is used for heating purposes. Also, gas pipelines with low rates are laid to small settlements.

In large cities with a high social status, a high pressure gas pipeline is being laid. This decision is made based not only on the number of consumers, but also on their financial ability to pay for the purchase of more expensive and powerful equipment. By and large, consumers do not choose which gas pipeline to use, except when choosing a place of residence.

3 The difference between gas pipelines by type of laying

The gas pipeline can be laid in different ways. Most often today they use the annular and dead-end method of laying. In the case of a dead-end network, gas enters the user only from one side, while in a ring line, gas enters from both sides and moves further in a closed loop manner.

There is a big drawback in a dead-end system - when gas services carry out repair or maintenance work, they are forced to disconnect a huge number of consumers from the gas. If you live in such a zone, then when choosing a gas boiler, you should take into account the presence of automatic shutdown of equipment in the absence of pressure, otherwise the unit will run idle.

There is no such disadvantage in the ring system - gas comes from both sides. Due to this, the pressure is evenly distributed among all consumers, while in a dead-end system, the further the house is from the hydraulic fracturing, the less pressure will be in the pipe. Again, this factor should be taken into account when buying a house - the further the house is from the gas control point, the more the quality of gas supply is leveled.

4 Reasons for gas shutdown - repair or prevention?

Breakdowns in the gas supply system are quite rare. Most often, the gas is turned off for the reason that some of the consumers needed the services of the gas service to replace or reinstall gas equipment. Only a specialist can carry out such procedures, and it is desirable that this be a master with extensive experience in such work. The gas pipe is de-energized if trimming is necessary.

In the private sector, this is much easier than in a multi-storey building. If a private owner can simply turn off the tap, then a resident of a high-rise building must first obtain a special permit from the appropriate authority.

You should consult with specialists and, if necessary, install or change one or another device that will be connected to the gas main. As noted above, different equipment is designed for different states of the gas itself in the network. It is because of the ignorance of consumers that they subsequently have to redo entire projects. Therefore, always select the equipment first, and only then proceed with the preparation of the project. In no case should the gas pressure in the system be neglected, otherwise it can turn into very deplorable situations.