
What is cinnamon. Cinnamon: seasoning, medicine and means for weight loss. Useful properties and contraindications of spices


Detailed information about what is cinnamon, which benefit for health has, contraindications to use, use in cooking and much more you will learn to the site. Few aromas are the same seductive and warming like this seasoning. Cinnamon is one of the highly valued spices, which was used from biblical times due to useful and culinary properties.

What it is

Cinnamon is a spice with a sweet taste, obtained from the inner layer of the Ceylon corticle tree bark, which is dried and tightly folded into thin tubular sticks (rolls) and are used as seasoning in sweet and salty dishes around the world.

This spice is widespread in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking to flavor meat, vegetable, rice dishes, curry and many others. Cinnamon is part of a mixture of spices Garam Masala, widely used in Indian cuisine.

What does cinnamon look like - Photo

general description

Cinnamon tree is a small evergreen shrub plant belonging to the Lavrovy family (Lauraceae or Laurel) of the genus Cinnamomum. This new spice comes from Sri Lanka Island, but also grows in many other countries, such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, China.

There are many different kinds of cinnamon, but the "real" is considered Ceylon (Cinnamonum Verum).

Chinese cinnamon, also known as Cassia also belongs to the Lavrovy family and called Cinnamomum Cassia. It is more rough, spicy and acute, but less fragrant than Ceylon.

How to get seasoning

On each bush of the centenary grows 8-10 side twigs, and after three years they are collected in the rainy season. From the branches remove the leaves. Then the outer layer of the cortex is fed with a copper rod to make it easier to clean. Remove the inner boron - it is this part after drying becomes spice.

In the processing devices, this layer is cut by long strips, which are then manually rolled into the tubes and dried in the sun. So it turns cinnamon sticks. They can be crushed to make powder.

Cinnamon's aromatic essential oil is also extracted from the same tree. In the factories, this inner layer of the cortex is dying, wipe off sea water, and then quickly distilled into the oil. It is widely used in the food industry, in spirits, aromatherapy, drugs (especially Asian drugs), disinfectants.

What smell and taste

The aroma of cinnamon is complex, it is often described as sweet, woody, as well as warm and spicy. It has an absolutely unique gentle and sweet taste.

Cinnamon sticks usually give a thinner taste compared to ground.

How to choose and where to buy

Marking of real cinnamon - Cinnamomum ZeyLanicum or Ceylon Cinnamom (Cinizonskaya). If the seasoning is simply indicated as "Cinnamon", usually it is cassia.

The real cinnamon is a chance to find in major cities in the department of spices of supermarkets and grocery stores. A good cinnamon smells sweetly even at a distance. Sold either in the shape of sticks, or in powder.

Buy whole wands instead of cinnamon's ground, as it can often contain falsified spicy powders or low-quality Cassia. Sticks must be compact, light brown.

You can buy a real Ceylon cinnamon in online healthy food stores, Iherb has a good choice.

How to distinguish cinnamon from Cassia

Cassia is also cinnamon, but from other corners of the world and other type of wood.

A real cinnamon (CINNAMONUM VERUM) is an inner layer of Ceylon corticle. She has a homogeneous light brown color. Produced in Sri Lanka.

Cassia (Cissia Cassia) is an outer layer of Chinese brown corticate. It is also called this fake cinnamon, it is much cheaper than real and produced in countries such as Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

What does Cassia look like:

In the case of ground cinnamon is very difficult at home to distinguish between these two species, if you are not an expert.

However, if these seasonings in chopsticks, the differences between them are easier to identify. The following table highlights some differences that will help you choose the right type.

Ceylon cinnamon Cassia
Soft texture, easy breaks Tough texture
Soft sweet aroma Sharp and very spicy smell
Cumarine content 0.0004% Cumarine content 5%
In general, safe Toxic, if you take a long time
Dear, not everywhere you can find Much cheaper, sold in supermarkets under the type of real cinnamon
Produced in Sri Lanka Produced in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia
Light brown Dark brown or reddish
Soft, crumbly and easily broken into small pieces Hard
A few dense layers, wand twisted as a cigar Twist inside on both sides, like a scroll. Empty

The differences of cassia from cinnamon are clearly represented in the photo:

Harm cassia

A real problem associated with fake cinnamon is that it has a large amount of Kumarin (almost 1200 times higher than that of real), therefore the long-term use of cassia in food can cause serious damage to health, in particular, kidney and liver.

How and how much to store

Cinnamon's whole sticks are stored in a cool, dry, dark place in hermetic glass containers for many months (more than a year). As needed, they can be chopped using a manual mill or coffee grinder.

It is better to store the ground cinnamon in the refrigerator in hermetic containers and use as early as possible (up to 6 months), her shelf life is short, as in the form of a powder it loses its taste and flavor.

Chemical composition

The nutritional value of cinnamon (CINNAMONUM VERUM) for 100 g

Name number Percentage of daily rate,%
Energy value (calorie) 247 kcal 12
Carbohydrates 50.59 g 39
Protein 3.99 g 7
Fat. 1.24 g 4,5
Food fiber 53.1 g 133
Folates 6 μg 1,5
Niacin 1.332 mg 8
Pantothenic acid 0.358 mg 7
Pyridoxin 0.158 mg 12
Riboflavin 0.041 mg 3
Tiamine 0.022 mg 2
Vitamin A. 295 Me. 10
Vitamin C. 3.8 mg 6
Vitamin E. 10.44 mg 70
Vitamin K. 31.2 μg 26
Sodium 10 mg
Potassium 431 mg 9
Calcium 1002 mg 100
Copper 0.339 mg 38
Iron 8.32 mg 104
Magnesium 60 mg 15
Manganese 17,466 mg 759
Phosphorus 64 mg 9
Zinc 1.83 mg 17
Carotine-ß. 112 μg -
Kryptoksanthine-ß. 129 μg -
Lutein Zeaxantine 222 μg -
Likopin 15 μg -

Physiological role

The active ingredients of cinnamon are on the body such an action as:

  • antioxidant;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anesthetic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • stimulating;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic.

Beneficial features

Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant properties in comparison with other natural sources of food, even surpassing such "Superfudi" as garlic and oregano.

The spice contains healthy essential oils, for example, eugenol that gives it a pleasant, sweet fragrance. Eugenol has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties and is used in teeth treatment and gums.

Other important essential oils in cinoon - Ethyl cinnamate, Linalol, Cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon aldehyde), beta-karofillen and methylhavicol.

Cinnamon aldehyde (the main component of cinnamon essential oils) acts as an anticoagulant (dilutes blood) and thereby helps prevent the stroke and disease of the coronary arteries.

Cinnamice active substances increase the intestines motorcy and help in digestion by increasing the selection of gastric juice.

This spiced wand is an excellent source of minerals, such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and magnesium. Iron is important for cell metabolism as a cofactor. Potassium is an important component of cells and organism fluids that help control the heart rate and blood pressure. The human body uses manganese and copper as related factors for an antioxidant enzyme, superoxiddismutase.

Cinnamon also contains a large amount of vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine.

This is a very good source of flavonoid phenolic antioxidants, such as carotes, zeaxanthin, lutein and cryptoxanthine.

For weight loss

One of the most sought-after cinnamon properties is help in weight loss. It reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism. Nevertheless, one spice will not lead to weight loss, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and physical form. Cinnamon simply improves the weight loss program.

This is an excellent seasoning to improve immunity, while it contains all the necessary minerals, vitamins and fibers. Plays a big role in detoxification. Popular as a "cleansing" drink when adding to a glass of water.

One teaspoon cinnamon contains 1.6 grams of fiber, which increases the feeling of satiety.

In diabetes

As new studies have shown, cinnamon controls blood sugar levels in patients with second-type diabetes. It also reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol LDL and triglycerides and increases the level of "good" cholesterol HDL.

Add to this the fact that in cinnamon and without sugar is a natural sweet taste, which makes it an excellent addition to such products as a simple yogurt or kefir. It can be included in diet to patients with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon benefits for women

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a problem with numerous symptoms that need to be controlled, and cinnamon can help with this properties.

Studies have shown that cinnamon reduces insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

This spice also softens heavy menstrual bleeding related to the general states of women's health, such as endometriosis, menorragia and the mioma of the uterus.

Other healthy properties

Here are some more therapeutic properties of cinnamon, which are confirmed by scientific research:

  • Ceylon cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. These means it enhances immunity. Studies have shown that cinnamon enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes, therefore, can prevent or treat certain types of cancer.
  • Cinnamon helps to cope with arterial pressure. All of its varieties contain cortical acid, the anti-inflammatory properties of which helps blood flow and reduce the load on the heart, contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases ...
  • This spice is able to stop the beginning of Alzheimer's disease. It improves the brain reaction to insulin. The metabolic effect also makes useful in neurological problems.
  • Cinnamon helps fight bacterial and fungal infections. Essential oil effectively treats respiratory infections. The antimicrobial properties of this spice also help prevent caries and reduce the unpleasant smell of mouth.

In addition to the ground shape, cinnamon can be purchased in capsules for intake. Some boil cinnamon sticks in water, add honey or lemon and drink like tea. It is also good for cooking useful "cinnamon water."

How many cinnamon can be used

After six weeks, it is better to make a weekly rest before taking it again. During these seven days, curcum can be used, since it has similar useful properties.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects

Pregnant and lactating women, patients with diabetes, as well as persons taking anticoagulants and needing surgical intervention, should avoid cinnamon in excessive quantities.

Contraindicated with food allergies to this spice.

Crude cinnamon is able to cause a sufferet and respiratory distress syndrome (respiratory failure). The use of a large amount of cinnamine stick can cause inflammation of the taste of the tongue, the swelling of the gums and ulcers in the mouth.

Excessive doses of cinnamon threaten difficulty breathing, expanding blood vessels, and drowsiness, depression or even cramps.

To experience any dangerous side effects of cinnamon, you will have to have a very large amount of this spice, and in ordinary culinary doses it is safe and useful.

Application in cooking

Here are some interesting ways, how can you use cinnamon in cooking and where to add it:

  • Like the ingredient in homemade pastries and cookies.
  • Sprinkle baked apples with ground cinnamon for appetizing aroma.
  • Use in the mulled wine recipe.
  • Add to yogurt or ice cream.
  • Sprinkle milk porridge or hot chocolate.
  • Boil cinnamon stick with warm milk in medicinal purposes.
  • Add to sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and rice dishes.
  • Cinnamon tea with honey is a popular drink for the treatment of various diseases.
  • Use indian rice dishes in fried meat dishes or dishes.
  • This is an excellent addition to fruit desserts, in which there are apples, prunes, pears and apricots.
  • French toast with cinnamon is a popular breakfast dish worldwide. Pour this spice to bread, moistened in whipped eggs, and fry.
  • Fried donuts and baked buns acquire an interesting taste if they are soldered with cinnamon sugar.
  • This is a popular marinade for beef or lamb.
  • Cinnamon sticks (entirely or broken) are used in drinks, sauces, stew.
  • In Arab countries with cinnamon pieces or pinch, coffee is boiled.

Cinnamon usually put 7-10 minutes before readiness or finished dish.

Cinnamon Cookies - Recipe

This delightful cookie in combination with a cup of tea will warm you in the cold season and decorate your afternoon tea party.

Ingredients (for 30 pieces):

  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 85 g of chopped almond flakes;
  • 125g wheat flour;
  • 110 g of butter, plus additionally for lubrication;
  • 75g honey;
  • 150 g of brown sugar;
  • half juice of lemon;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C and lubricate the baking sheet with an oil.
  2. Mix cinnamon, salt and almonds in a bowl and sift the same flour.
  3. Melt oil, honey and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then remove from fire and cool a couple of minutes before connecting with flour and lemon juice.
  4. Stir, and then teaspoon decompose the dough on the baking sheet about 5 cm from each other.
  5. Bake until the cookie becomes light brown around the edges. Give a little cool on the tray and shifting into a plate.

Sinabon Bun Recipe with Cinnamon - Video

Than replace cinnamon

If you ended with cinnamon or someone from households allergic to this seasoning, and you are looking for than to replace it, consider alternative options:

  • Allspice. In his aroma, there is a similarity with cinnamon, as well as notes of nutmeg and carnations. It is more acute, so when using fragrant pepper as a substitute for cinnamon, take 1/3 of the amount that is proposed in the recipe.
  • Cardamom - fragrant spice, which is used in many dishes along with cinnamon. For example, both spices can be found as part of Curry powder. Replace cigrian cardamon in a 1: 1 ratio.

So, cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthy spices on the planet. It will help reduce blood sugar levels, reduce the risk factors for heart disease, and also possesses other numerous health benefits. Just make sure that you have purchased a real Ceylon cinnamon, take into account contraindications to use, stick to small doses and enjoy it intoxicating aroma.

Many spices, which are good antioxidants, are enjoying tremendous and in cooking, and in medicine. The most popular seasoning in these industries is considered a cinnamon (hammer or chopsticks): useful properties and contraindications were studied for a long time, find out and what is useful and how to use it.

To date, it is customary to allocate several types of its varieties that can be distinguished to taste and shade. The dried cinnamon strips, like a steady powder, are found in the kitchen of each house, rightly believing the spice of kings.

How to use cinnamon in cooking

Ground spices are conveniently added to drinks, pastries and ready-made dishes, so the question often arises, how to chop cinnamon in chopsticks. The most difficult in the process of creating a powder is the achievement of its homogeneity. If you use ordinary raw cinnamon sticks, then it will not be powder, but uneven pieces.

How to crush cinnamon

Experienced hostesses have long learned the secret, like grind cinnamon without effort.

  • It is necessary to simply suck the sticks on a hot dry pan so that the excess moisture evaporated, and the structure of the cortex became soft. The fragrance at the same time will only increase.
  • Then you need to put the spice in the package and walk on it with a rolling pin or cover a spice in the mortar.

At the last stage, it does not matter how to grind cinnamon. It is equally good for these purposes a blender, a kitchen processor, a coffee grinder, a mill for spices.

Where to add cinnamon

Hammer cinnamon retains smell and tart taste, so many are interesting for which such a spice is needed.

  • To begin with, this is an indispensable product for confectionery, such as cupcakes, gingerbread and cookies.
  • The spice is well combined with such desserts as mousses, jelly, puddings and jams.

By drawing up a list of dishes, which add cinnamon, do not forget about the main menu.

  • This product fits perfectly into fruit salads, cold sweet soups.

In addition, the question that is interested in meatseeds, whose favorite spice is cinnamon: What is the powder or sticks in the case of hot second dishes?

  • In this case, poultry like chicken or turkey, as well as fatty pork and lamb.
  • Cinnamon will remarkably fit into the raw meat dishes with pears and apples.

Than replace cinnamon

Well, and when the spices on the shelf quite a bit, another problem rises: how can I replace cinnamon? It is necessary to immediately decide that such a gentle aroma will not succeed, but give the dish sweet notes and some tartness is quite possible.

  1. In sweet baking, for example, a cinnamon substitute is a nutmeg, cardamom, ground anise and carnation. You can add vanilla sugar.
  2. How to replace cinnamon in the main dishes? In this case, it will also be needed not one seasoning. Perhaps the best option will be turmeric, coriander or ginger.

Cinnamon and pressure

Israeli doctors found that cinnamon reduces pressure. For hypertensive, this is a spice that reduces the figure to three positions in a few days of its regular reception.

Cinnamon lowers pressure and in the long run, gradually normalizing the general state of the person.

In order for the spice to operate efficiently, it is necessary to add it daily into different drinks and dishes, but not more than a teaspoon. Also, with elevated arterial pressure, you can try kefir with cinnamon and ginger or tea with honey and spices.

But for hypotoniki cinnamon and pressure is a frequent stumbling block. Specialists are not advised to completely abandon the spices, because its benefit still remains. In this case, cinnamon, of course, does not increase the pressure, but returns good moods and a high tone of the body. One cup of coffee with a spice per day.

Cinnamon for men

An important factor due to which cinnamon is popular - its useful properties for men. Eastern Lekari have been a lot of centuries for the effects of spices on male strength. Cinnamon can use in the form of natural essential oil, which is sometimes added to food.

To increase the erection, a beverage with honey is also used:

  1. A glass of boiling water accounts for 1 part of powder cinnamon and 2 parts of the honey.
  2. The tool must be insteading for 40 minutes, but to eat twice a day.

It should be noted that regular spices consumption also heals the body due to strong bactericidal and antifungal action. As a result, men can get rid of many diseases of sexual and urinary systems (for example, urethritis, chronic prostatitis, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, cystitis).

Also, cinnamon benefits for men lies in an anesthetic effect: the oil of this spice contributes to the healing of bruises and stretching.

Cleaning vessels cinnamon

Cinnamon and cholesterol - the concept of incompatible, since the spice perfectly destroys the plaques on the walls of the vessels and normalizes blood circulation. This product actively lowers sugar levels, so it is necessary for diabetics.

Cinnamon for vessels is an indispensable assistant, which was officially proven in 2003. A cinnamon from cholesterol in combination with honey especially effectively helps. Cleaning vessels should be carried out regularly based on the reception of various beverages.

  1. For a start, you can destroy cholesterol with a milk cocktail with an incomplete teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of almonds.
  2. 2 large spoons are added to the mixture, and then everything is actively crushed in a blender.

You can also warm up 2 glasses of water and dissolve a teaspoon with mint and lemon in them. Use the tool is an empty stomach. And it is not bad for the blood of the usual cereal bread with a layer of honey and putting in the form of cinnamon.

Cinnamon as laxative

Very effective cinnamon from constipation. In combination with honey, it quickly normalizes the metabolism, therefore such a natural laxative is used to disappear gases and purify the intestines.

Please note that in folk medicine you can also use a spice in diarrhea, and in general, this spice is incredibly useful for the improvement of the overall microflora. The product helps to cope with ulcers, increased acidity and pain syndrome, especially when adding honey or kefir.

Cinnamon and metabolism

Significantly improves cinnamon and metabolism. In this case, the spice action comes down to the energetic fat burning, which is actively used in various weight loss systems. Read in addition to the article.

The effect of cinnamon in this regard is so large that the metabolism is accelerated 20 times. It is especially useful to combine the product to green tea, apples and carrots.

Cinnamon and joints

Folk healers also know some medicinal tricks in which cinnamon for joints can also be a faithful assistant. What helps a spice in this case?

First of all, from arthritis and arthrosis of varying degrees. Treats cinnamon inflammatory processes in the articular tissues when adding honey. So, compresses with camphor oil and gelatin are very effective. As evidenced by feedback, it is not bad to add salt to such mixtures so that the pain in the joints decreases.

Damage cornight

Please note that cinnamon has its own contraindications.

  1. The spice is not recommended at the moment of acute stage in pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases, with elevated excitability and inclination to internal bleeding.
  2. Feeling the harm of the product can also people passing the course of antibiotics, or possess an increased intestinal sensitivity.
  3. When using spices with honey, allergic is also possible, manifested with redness and burning skin.

Many are interested in what will happen if you eat a spoon of cinnamon. In fact, for health, the abuse of spices is not too useful. So, an overdose leads to the dullness of taste receptors and a strong meteorism.

Consumption of a whole spoon with cinnamon very often leads to inflammation of the respiratory tract and choking. At a minimum, such an act will lead to nausea, a lot of reflex and strong cough ridge, since the dry caustic powder in large quantities is not perceived by the organism.

But perhaps the most harmful use of cinnamon will be buns and baking, which we eat without thinking about your health.

Cinnamon in the nutrition of pregnant and nursing

Beautiful sexes are often wondering than useful for women cinnamon wand or hammer spice.

First, it helps to hold their weight normally, and secondly, improves the mood and helps to cope with depression. Women can eat drinks with cinnamon with menstruation to remove pain.

Cinnamon pregnant

During pregnancy, not everyone is resolved for the admission of spices, because much is determined by the individual features of girls. Folk Lekari believe that cinnamon during pregnancy helps reduce toxicosis, like every other spice. Competent doctors answer the question, but a cinnamon is allowed to pregnant, "you can, but carefully." Indeed, accurate adherence to the dosage in this case is very important.

In large quantities, the spice does not affect pregnancy. In particular, it causes a sharp cut in the uterus, from which some pregnant women may suffer due to premature genera and miscarriages.

Cinnamon nursing mothers

After the birth of the baby, the question arises, and whether the cinnamon needs nursing mothers. Some experts warn that with breastfeeding, any spice can provoke an allergic reaction in the infant.

In addition, each nursing mother knows that many products substantially change the taste properties of milk, and the cinnamon is not an exception in this case. Therefore, it must be included in the diet very carefully. If breastfeeding will pass as usual even after the cinnamon reception, you can not worry. In addition, you should not forget that during the GW, the spice is able to strengthen the digestive mothers, and the baby helps to cope with viruses.

Like all unusual products in our diet, cinnamon has beneficial properties and contraindications. To follow them or not - this is a personal matter of everyone, but it is always important to observe the measure and try to make your own menu diverse even during diets and diseases.

With warmth and care, Ravila.

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Inhaling the aroma of fresh baking with cinnamon, we do not think about what passions were boiled around tropical trees with fragrant crust a few centuries ago, when we were valued by the weight of gold, and for them they went to the long unknown path the whole expeditions.

The raw materials for cinnamon mining are several types of plants from the genus Cinnnamomum, belonging to the Lavrov family.

The real Ceylon cinnamon is obtained from the bark of evergreen tree called Cinnnamomum ZeyLanica, which grows on the island (Ceylon). This tree in the natural habitat reaches 10 m, has a leathery sheet and small non-sparkling flowers. Its bark, rust-brown, has a strong specific aroma. The name of the plant translated from Greek denotes the "perfect spice", which is associated with the diverse use of cinnamon and its thin peculiar aroma. The aroma of cinnamon provides essential oil (2-3.5%), which includes cinnamal, cinnamon aldehyde.

Ceylon cinnamon was collected from rarely encountered wild trees, so it was always very highly appreciated. The process of manufacturing spices was time consuming, which also influenced the distribution rate of cinnamon on the world market. The first plantations were laid on Sri Lanka only in the second half of the 18th century with one of the Dutch settlers. Over time, plantations came out and began to ensure the satisfaction of demand in the global market. For a long time, the main importers of cinnamon were the Dutch. To keep high cinnamon prices, they from time to time destroyed reserves of the finished spices right in warehouses. In the summer of 1760, 8 million pounds of spices were burned in Amsterdam, among which there were a lot of cinnamon.

On the plantations, the cinnamon tree looks like a bush, since the branches are constantly cut off from it, and new shoots are constantly growing from the base, which for two years reach up to two meters.

Cinnamon is collected twice a year during the rainy season. At this time, the bark is easier separated from the branches. The inner tender part of the bark is most likely.

From cut shoots removed the bark, clean it from the upper layer (flolam and primary bark), and everything else is dried. When drying, a thin layer of purified bark is twisted into the tube. Then these dried cortures fold 10 pieces and cut on particles of the same length. The resulting sticks are sold as a spice. Often cinnamon is also sold in the form of powder. Corn trimming is used to produce cinnamon oil.

Recently, this cinnamon is also grown in southern India, in the Seychelles, Madagascar, Jamaica, in Guiana. Big plantations of Ceylon cinnamon tree are in Brazil. The source of Indonesian or "fake" cinnamon is a Chinese or cassia corticist (C.aromaticum - C.CASSIA).

Unlike Ceylon, Chinese cinnamon is much cheaper. Her homeland is the southern regions of China. In China, cinnamon was used as spices and as a medicinal plant 5,000 years BC.

Cinnamon gets cutting off the bark with seven-year branches. The fragrance of this cinnamon is gross and not so strong as Ceylon, but the taste is more acute and not so spicy as the cinnamon is real.

In industry often use cinnamon substitutes. This is a corticist laurel, Burmese corticle. The bark of these species is much thicker, rougher, but has a pleasant fragrance. From the Antille Islands sometimes enters the crust of the so-called white cinnamon, the source of which serves as a white (from the cannel family).

Nowadays, world cinnamon production is about 8,000-10000 tons per year, and 80-90% squeaks Sri Lanka.

World Cassia production is several times more than 20,000-25,000 tons per year, two thirds of which are grown in Indonesia.

Application of cinnamy

Cinnamon is the wider application in cooking. Interestingly, in the east, it is more often used as seasoning to meat, while Europeans traditionally apply this spice to flavoring baking and sweet dishes.

Cinnamon leaves are often added to for aroma.

Cinnamon is also famous for its. Preparations of it contribute to digestion, improve blood circulation. Cinnamon essential oil is used in. It is believed that cinnamon fragrance stimulates the brain's work.

Cinnamon and Cassia are used in the production of liquors, perfumes and cooking. However, as part of cheap Chinese cinnamon (cassia), scientists have discovered the health of Kumarin. While in Ceylon cinoon it contains only 0.02 g / kg, in a false cinnamon - 2 g / kg.

How to grow a cinnamon tree in the room?

Cinnamon tree is not difficult to grow in room conditions. Spank it with seeds or semi-resistive cuttings, which root in the wet sand at a temperature of 20 s. Seeds for sowing need to take fresh, since when stored, they easily lose their germination. They are sown in land, cooked from the same parts of the turf, deciduous earth and sand.

After the second sheet appears, the seedlings are picked to one in the pots with a diameter of 7 cm into the plugness of the same composition. Foreened cuttings are planted in the same burf. For growth plants need good lighting.

For summer, plants can be reached on a balcony or shook along with a pot in a fellow in the garden. Watering in the summer is abundant, winter is moderate. In the summer, the plants are fed by a solution of organic or mineral fertilizers.

Cinnamon tree is well tolerating the haircut and easily succumbes to the formation of the crown. In the room of the plant they are shown before the onset of autumn frosts and put in a well-lit place.

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Cinnamon can be called a sphere of favorites, because in antiquity it was used exclusively during the preparation of dishes for crowned persons. The spice is obtained from the cortex of cinnamy trees - the trees of the Lavrovy family. It can be found on sale both in the hammer form and in the form of tubes (folded pieces of the cortex).

In Russian, its name cinnamon received due to its brown.

Cinnamomum Verum is an evergreen cinnamon tree whose cortex is obtained. To obtain spices take the inner layer of tree bark.


Cinnamon trees are evergreen shrubs. Green cinnamon flowers have a rather unpleasant smell.

Plants are violet berries. Cinnamon tree leaves are like a bay leaf, but thinner and small.

Real or Ceylon Cinnamon

The place of gravity of cinnamic trees of this species is not only Ceylon, but also Guiana, Martinique Island, states of Indonesia, Brazil, India and Malaysia. This cinnamon is valued higher than other types of her gentle odor and sweet taste. It differs fragility.

In addition to Ceylon cinnamon there are another 3 species that are valued much less.

Other species

Chinese (Cassia)

It is also called fragrant, Indian or simple cinnamon. The famous title of this type of seasoning is "Cassia". We wrote about it in detail in another article.

Trees are grown, of which this spice is mined, in Indonesia, China, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. Such a spice has a less gentle fragrance, it is sharper, tart and burning.


It is also called Cinnamon. This cinnamon is obtained from a bush, which is divorced in Indonesia and Molukskie Islands. She is very fragile, with a graininess on a break, sharp cinnames, as well as a rather spicy taste.


It is also called wood and drow. Such cinnamon is mined from the bark of trees growing in Burma and India. Difference of this spice from other species is a sharp bitter taste and a dark brown-brown color.

Where it grows

The birthplace of real cinnamon is South China. This is mentioned in Chinese letters dated 2800 a year before our era. The taste qualities of the spices were described by the Pole senior in the first century of our era.

Cinnamon is the highest quality produced on Sri Lanka - it is distinguished by a warm sweet taste and a very pleasant smell. Such cinnamon is obtained from a thin bark of trees. Also, the production of this spice has been established in places and countries as Brazil, Egypt, Western India, Vietnam, Madagascar Islands, Sumatra and Java.

Method of manufacturing spice

Corra is removed from the shoots of the cinnamon tree, the age of less is less than three years (usually shrubs are about two meters high). To obtain a crust use copper knives, since cinnamon is rich in tanning substances, oxidizing other metals.

The boron is mined from one tree twice a year. Usually the collection is carried out after the rain period - at this time the bark is easier to remove, and her aroma is higher.

Corre is cut off with strips of 1-2 centimeter wide and up to 30 centimeters long. These strips scrape the upper skin, after which the inner part of the cortex is sent to dry in a shady space, waiting for it to darken and turn into the tube. Ceylon spice is characterized by very thin bark, so after drying the thickness of the walls of the tubes can be up to 1 mm. Before selling the tube cuts on a part of 5-10 centimeters long.

From cinnamon wood, not only bark, but also immature fruits, which are called brown "kidney". They are collected immediately after flowering. The appearance of these "kidneys" are similar to the carnation. They are characterized by smaller aroma, but have a sweet and rather soft smell. Especially appreciated by these "kidneys" in India and China.

About how the real Ceylon cinnamon makes, see the following video.

How to choose and where to buy

  • Get cinnamon in powder in small quantities, as the crushed spice quickly loses the aroma.
  • In the sticks taste more resistant, but it is difficult to grind them.
  • When choosing cinnamon powder, skip it - the fragrance should be strong enough.
  • Check, bought you cinnamon or cassion, can be using iodine solution. On cinnamon, this test almost does not work, but Cassia will acquire a dark blue color.


  • In Ceylon type, cinnamon has a gentle fragrance, very peculiar.
  • The taste of spices is a little burning and sweetish.
  • The structure of seasonings crumbly and not too dense.
  • It combines well with other tart and sharp seasonings.
  • You can add cinnamon to any dish where sugar is used.

Nutritional value and calorie

In 100 g cinnamon contains:

Chemical composition

Valuable substances in the composition of core of cinnamic trees are:

  • essential oil (1-2%) consisting of cinnamon aldehyde and tanning substances;
  • fatty acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • minerals;
  • mono and Disaccharides;
  • vitamins.

Beneficial features

The most Ceylon cinnamon and essential oil produced from it have such properties:

  • Strengthening blood supply and metabolic processes.
  • Confront cellulite.
  • Improving digestive processes.
  • Facilitating the state with influenza and colds.
  • Warming effect, thanks to which the oil is in demand for massage.
  • Help with nausea, dizziness or fainting.
  • Elimination of unpleasant smell of mouth.
  • Neutralization of poisons falling into the body in the bite of insects.
  • Strengthening sexuality.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • Assistance for asthenia, fears, depressive, melancholic and disturbing sentiments.
  • Facility facilitation.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Prevent cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Improving memory.
  • Strong antioxidant action.
  • Antimicrobial properties.

More about cinnamon and its useful properties you can from the following video transmission "1000 trifles".


  • Chemotherapy cancer.
  • Pregnancy (Spice stimulates the cuts of the uterus).
  • Increased individual sensitivity.

Wanting to use spice externally, it must certainly be mixed with the base oil.

Cassia use is harmful to health. Purchase only a real Ceylon cinnamon. About how to distinguish cascia from Cassia, read another article.


Both aroma, and the taste of spices is associated with aromamasl in its composition. This oil in the tree cortex contains approximately 0.5-1%. It is possible to obtain aromamaslo from spices after the crust is crushing - it is soaked in seawater and distilled. The resulting oil mark the yellow-golden shade, a burning taste and a characteristic cinnamon smell. These characteristics are due to a cinnamine aldehyde, which is the main component of cinnamon aroma. Gradually, the oil is oxidized, its structure becomes more resinous, and the shade is darker.


In cooking

Cinnamon's bark is actively in demand in cooking:

  • It is added to lollipops, chocolate and various desserts.
  • Cinnamon in the form of sticks is used to prepare liquid dishes.
  • With the help of cinnamon you can get an unusual taste of kefira and prokobyvashi.
  • The spice is added to marinades for meat, mushrooms or fruits.
  • The spice in the crushed (grinding) is added to the dough and second dishes.
  • Cinnamon, connected to sugar often combined with porridge and fruit. Especially often added to apples.
  • Cooking Transcaucasia and Central Asia provides for the addition of this spices when making lamb, other meat or poultry.
  • This spice includes dry seasonings in different mixtures.
  • Adding cinnamon helps flavory drinks, such as PUNS, grog or liquor.
  • Cinnamon is well combined with carrot salads, spinach, young corn, red cabbage.
  • This spice can be added to fruit soups that are served cold.
  • In England, crackers sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and served on tea drinking.
  • The French love the stove with cinnamon cupcakes.
  • In some European countries, cinnamon is added to homemade beer.
  • Cinnamon buns perfectly complement pumpkin or tomato soup.
  • Cinnamon is remarkably combined with coffee and cappuccino. You can stir hot drink with a stick or sprinkle with a hammer spice.
  • In Thai and Indian cooking, cinnamon leaves are added to curry.

Adding spices in dishes is recommended for completion of cooking to avoid the appearance of a bitter taste. The average number of cinnamon on the dish will be 0.5-1 chain. Spoon on a kilogram of a product or a liter of fluid, although in the eastern cooking this spice is used in much larger quantities.

Add 1-2 wands of seasonings and other ingredients to taste. Heat fluid on low heat.

Slices of bread Fruit on the one hand, and the other side (not roasted) Lubricate the other side, then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture. Finger on the other side before grazing.

Cook fruits (apples, nectarines, pears, peaches) in syrup. Sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar, then put it in the oven and bake until goldenness. Serve such fruits are needed hot, complementing the sour cream.

Watch the following video from the TV shows "1000 and 1 Spice Sherryzada." From it you will learn a lot about Cinnamon.

In medicine

  • The external use of oil involves mixing it with vegetable oil based. On 10 ml of vegetable oil take two or three drops of aromamasla. The mixture is used for rubbing and massage.
  • Mixing one or two drops of oil with a chain. A spoonful of honey and adding in herbal tea, such a drink is recommended when delayed menstruation, Malgias, weaknesses, impotence, diarrhea, colds, flu.
  • A few drops of aromamasl drip in hot water and make inhalation that helps get rid of depressive mood and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  • By adding cinnamon in hot wine, such a drink is recommended for influenza state and supercooling. Also, with a flu, you can make a drink, dissolving in hot water honey and lemon juice, and after adding a pinch of cinnamon and 1 carnations, the liquid is adjusted to a boil, then insist for 20 minutes.
  • The prophylactic means for influenza will be boiled cinnamon, into which black pepper and honey add a pinch. Drink such a means every three hours.
  • If, with a cold, headaches appeared, the cinnamon is stirred by water before getting thick cashem and put on the forehead.
  • Strong infusion cinnamon helps with diarrhea, meteorite and vomit.

More about therapeutic qualities of cinnamon you can learn from the transfer "Live Great!"

When weight loss

Cinnamon through a large number of dietary fibers prevents constipation (frequent losing weight) and stimulates the intestinal work. Also, the plus of the use of cinnamon during weight loss is its positive effect on the mood and decrease in appetite. It is also known that this seasoning has a property to accelerate the splitting of sugar. Use cinnamon for weight loss in different ways:

  • Add this spice to tea and coffee as a sugar substitute.
  • Do cinnamon Massage against cellulite.
  • Wrap.
  • Making unloading days, using a whole day kefir, arched by cinnamon.

At home

Cinnamy aromamaslo is added to the perfume "eastern" compositions.


Cinnamon trees are unpretentious and easily carry adverse conditions. Not cultivated trees are capable of growing up to 6-12 meters in height, but on plantations that are processed, the plant is usually represented by low shrubs. After the cultivation of the tree for 2 years it is trimmed by almost under the root, in order for the third year of cultivation to get new shoots (about ten appears), from which the bark cuts off.


It is important for storing cinnamon to hermetically close the dishes in which the spice is placed. Optimally keep cinnamon in glassware. Charming wands can be stored up to 12 months, and powder - up to six months. It is best to keep a spice in a dark cool cabinet.

According to the testimony of Herodotus V c. BC,, to the one who wanted to find a gems of cinnamon, had to go through a lot of tests: a battle with monsters, searching for her at the bottom of the lakes and in the nests of huge birds of prey - this is not all obstacles to the most valuable spices. Talking about such nonfires, the Arab merchants spun their business. That is why in Europe cinnamon for a long time was considered an inaccessible specialist, which only chosen.

In the ancient times and the medieval cinnamon used more as Aromaspation, incense. In the way at that time, the cook most often used the Indian laurel, which possessed a similar aroma. But to give a special taste to honey liver and sweet guilt with spices, she was just necessary.

Even more historical facts:

  • About cinnamon and its properties learned in ancient times. She often served as a gift of high-ranking individuals.
  • In ancient Egypt, the spice was covered from China. The Egyptians used this spider for embalming.
  • Cinnamon is mentioned in the Old Testament. On lines it can be understood that this spice is valued above the gold.
  • Ancient Romans considered cinnamon with a plant of Jupiter, representing the element of fire. The Romans used this spice on the burial bony.
  • Up to 17 centuries, cinnamon was collected from trees grown in a wild. Later, the trees began to cultivate the trees.
  • In the Victorian Epoch Austrian lovers gave each other bouquets with cinnamon, which was a symbol of love and tenderness.

Cinnamon is considered a real natural treasure. This spice is often used in confectionery and various culinary dishes. In addition to the exquisite fragrance and incredible taste, it has a number of useful properties that should be known about. It is rich in vitamins and useful elements. The spice is also known for its antioxidant effect, which is actively used in cosmetology.

Useful properties of cinnamy

This red-brown spice has the healing properties that are known from antiquity. In the Middle Ages, doctors used cinnamon to treat arthritis, cough and throat pain. Cinnamon adds energy and vitality, is an excellent source of calcium, iron and manganese. It stimulates digestion, provides a fiber body, helps in the fight against diarrhea.

The spice has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • anesthetic;
  • and diuretic action.

It should be noted that cinnamon stimulates the work of the gallbladder, as well as the kidneys, liver, the entire digestive system, which is positively reflected in the functioning of the body. It also stimulates the nervous system, helps to treat depression and improves the mood.

This spice improves the blood supply of the brain, due to which the brain cells receive more oxygen and nutrients. This allows you to improve concentration and visual memory.

Cinnamon essential oil is widely used. It tones the body, relieves convulsions, is an painful tool. Oil favorably affects the cardiovascular system and has an antiseptic effect. It is often used for treatment:

  • meteorism;
  • colitis;
  • acne;
  • colds;
  • influenza;
  • relief of rheumatic pain;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Types of this spice and its composition

There are two main cinnamon types: Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia. Ceylon spice is considered more useful and has been widely used in Western Europe. The Motherland Cassia is considered to be South China, so it is often referred to as Chinese cinnamon. It is much cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon.

These two main types differ in appearance, color and taste. Their main differences:

  1. Ceylon cinnamon has a gentle and sweet taste and a thinner aroma. It is brighter in color (light brown), and the product itself has a thin crust (which is so soft that it can be even chew). In appearance, it looks rolled, like a roll.
  2. Cassius is characterized by a spicy taste and more sharp aroma. The color is reddish-brown, and the sticks are thick and curved on both sides.

In addition to distinguishing in taste and aroma, Ceylon cinnamon has a very significant advantage - it contains about 1000 times less kumarin. This is very important because the kumarine is toxic for the kidneys and liver, and when consumed in large quantities, it may be seriously harmful to health.

Composition 10 g cinnamon:

  • energy value: 24,7 kcal;
  • fats: 0.12 g;
  • carbohydrates: 8.06 g;
  • proteins: 0.4 g.

In addition, cinnamon is rich in basic minerals, such as manganese, iron and calcium, and also contains a large amount of fiber.

Dosage Cornica

The exact dosage of cinnamon is a controversial issue. According to studies conducted, it is enough to use about 3-5 grams per day to obtain therapeutic effects. The exact amount depends on many factors, including age, health condition, body weight, etc.

But consumption of more than 6 grams of spice per day is strictly contraindicated. This is due to the fact that the composition of the spices is contained by Kumarin. This substance in large doses is very toxic for the liver.

This spice helps to fight with various diseases. In most cases, it is enough to simply use it into food by adding to tea or dishes. Sometimes rubbing with the use of cinnamon essential oil.

Cinnamon against influenza and stomach disorders
With influenza and stomach disorder, tea will be very effective with the addition of this spice. It can be drunk 3-4 times a day. It is best to drink it after eating. For making tea, you can use powder or wands.

Cinnamine recipe:

  1. The kettle is taken, in which tea falls asleep. 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon is added to it, after which boiling water is poured.
  2. A drink in the kettle need to insist for a few minutes, after which it should be mixed.
  3. Pour tea into a cup and wait until it cools down and becomes warm. A little honey is added. You need to drink a drink while it is warm.

Cinnamon with diabetes
According to scientific data, the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet can help improve the level of glucose and lipids in patients with type 1 and type diabetes 2. The authors of the study claim that eating from 3 to 6 grams of spice per day leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels and triglycerides . At the same time, the level of poor cholesterol LDL and total cholesterol in the blood is reduced.

Cinnamon use reduces risk factors associated with diabetes. In addition, cinnamon extract can prevent a sharp decline in blood sugar level on an empty stomach, which will prevent the emergence of symptoms such as fainting or dizziness.

Cinnamon for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease
More and more evidence suggests that the accumulation of soluble oligomeric β-amyloid polypeptide (Aβ) plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, it was found that the natural substance detected in cinnamon extract (CEPPT) has the ability to inhibit the formation of toxic Aβ-oligomers. This makes this spice with a powerful ally in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

In the study of experimental mice with an aggressive form of Alzheimer's disease, a significant improvement in cognitive behavior and survival was recorded. Moreover, their disease has not progressed, as usual. This means that cinnamon extract can also be used to treat Alzheimer's disease. However, for this purpose, the spice should be taken in large quantities, which can be very harmful to the body.

Cinnamon against arthritis and osteoporosis
Many patients in recent years have got rid of joint pain due to regular cinnamon consumption and brown massage. This is explained by the fact that the spice contains a significant amount of manganese - mineral necessary for the formation of bone tissue and functioning of blood cells. The body needs manganese to maintain the optimal state of the bones, so people with a deficit of this mineral are more inclined to the development of osteoporosis.

Cinnamon against fungal infections
Cinnamon contains a substance called Cinnamaldehyde, which has bactericidal and painful properties. It showed exceptional efficacy in the suppression of some resistant fungal and bacterial infections. This is especially true of intestinal sticks and golden staphylococcus.

The most expressed antibacterial properties in cinnamon oil. It is used for outdoor local applications, with the exception of the region of genital and mucous membranes. The most effective recipe is a mixture of 2-3 drops of Ceylon cinnamon oil with 2 tablespoons of almond or olive oil.

Cinnamon and weight loss
This spice is considered an ally for all those who want to reset extra kilograms. It accelerates the metabolism, improves the digestive process and regulates the activities of the kidneys. Regular use will improve the processes of metabolism. This leads to the fact that fats received from food are more efficiently derived from the body.

Since cinnamon helps get rid of excess weight, it is often a component of anti-cellulite creams. Very useful for weight loss will be such a cocktail: one cup of kefir or yogurt is taken. It should add a 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger, as well as chili pinch. Everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk. It is worth noting that the cocktail is effective only if it contains all of the listed ingredients. However, do not forget that the best means for weight loss is the right nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

All the useful properties of cinnamon are additionally enhanced by mixing it with honey.

  1. With inflammation of the throat. This is one of the most pleasant home tools. For the treatment of inflamed throat, the spoon of honey is mixed with the same cinnamon. It is necessary to turn the resulting mixture into a thick suspension, which is then needed. Slightly coarse consistency of the mixture helps effectively clean the throat.
  2. Use for the immune system. Cinnamon contains antioxidants and flavonoids, like cocoa. Each morning an empty stomach is recommended to eat a spoonful of honey with cinnamon. It is better to dissolve them in a glass of milk. This will improve the immune system and will prevent the influenza disease.
  3. Unpleasant smell of mouth. Every morning, rinsing with honey and cinnamon should be carried out, which are stirred in the glass of water. This will effectively get rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth.

Cinnamon tea

One of the most pleasant ways to eat cinnamon in large quantities is an aromatic tea. For its preparation, you can use the following recipes:

  1. The easiest and most effective method is to put a kinnamon stick (preferably Ceylon) in 200-300 ml of boiling water. After the drink will cool a little, you should add a spoonful of honey to it.
  2. If there are no cinnamon sticks, you can use cinnamon powder. In 300-400 ml of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon is added. Further, water should be boiled for about 5 minutes, after which the drink is filtered through a small filter or gauze.

Such tea is especially effective in irritable intestinal syndrome. A very good addition to cigarette tea will be a piece of ginger.

You can make cinnamon tea even more fragrant and attractive:

  1. You need to wash as many apples as how many tea cups are planned to be prepared.
  2. A sharp and short knife (for fruits) is taken and the inside of each apple is cut into the inside to get an empty container.
  3. The tea is prepared one of the above mentioned methods and poured into apples.

How to add cinnamon to your diet

Aromatic spices can be widely used as a supplement to various dishes and drinks. It can be added to tea, coffee or cocoa (for this, cinnamon sticks are suitable), liquor, wine, punch.

Cookies and various desserts will be very tasty and unique when adding this spice. Sometimes it is added to oatmeal or baked apples. You can also cook a drink from honey and cinnamon, or just mix them for direct use.

A recipe for a very tasty drink: a glass of fresh milk, honey and cinnamon. The amount of ingredients is selected individually to taste, but it should not exceed the recommended dose. In addition to powder and chopsticks, cinnamon can also be taken in the form of tablets.

As a rule, cinnamon use is safe for most people. But in addition to all the useful properties of cinnamon, some risks that may arise, especially with excessive spices consumption, should be specified.

  1. Since cinnamon is a powdered bark of wood, it has a high cellulose content. As a result, it is difficult to digest that some people may cause unpleasant sensations and formation of gases in the abdominal cavity. This means that patients sensing to cellulose should not consume a spice in large quantities.
  2. Cinnamon should not be used to people with ulcers and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It should limit its consumption of pregnant women, as a large amount of this spice can lead to premature birth.
  3. Spice is contraindicated to people having allergies to this product.
  4. It is undesirable to include it in the menu of the babies.

Taking a larger number of cinnamon is not recommended under the following conditions:

  • breast-feeding;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • some forms of cancer depending on hormones, such as breast cancer;
  • serious heart problems;
  • hormonal anomalies;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hypoglycemia.

When applied to the skin cinnamon may cause irritation and allergic skin reactions.

A huge risk is an attempt to swallow a whole teaspoon of cinnamon powder! It is very dangerous to consume spice without it dissolving in food or some drink. It causes coughing and choking, as well as a feeling of burning in mouth, nose and throat. At the same time, other effects can be manifested, including nausea and bleeding from the nose.

Inhalation of cinnamon powder can cause a suffocation! In addition, there is a serious danger of what part of the powder falls directly into the lungs. It may have serious consequences, such as lung inflammation, thickening of pulmonary fabric (fibrosis), scarring, pneumonia, lung collapse.

Patients with asthma or other respiratory problems when taking cinnamon are at risk of breathing.

Unwanted interactions

As already mentioned, the coumarin contained in cinnamon can cause damage to the liver. Therefore, the combination of spices with medicines that have an effect like Kumarin is undesirable. It is not recommended to use too much cinnamon if a person takes any of the following medicines:

  • acetaminophen;
  • amiodaron;
  • carbamazepine;
  • isoniazid;
  • methotrexate;
  • methyldop;
  • fluconazole;
  • itraconazole;
  • erythromycin;
  • phenytoin;
  • lovastatin;
  • rTustatin;
  • simvastatin.

The combination of drug treatment of diabetes may have a risk of excessive reduction in blood sugar levels, so cinnamon should be taken with extreme caution when using the following means:

  • glimpiride;
  • glyibenklamide;
  • insulin;
  • metformin;
  • pioglitazone;
  • rosiglitazone;
  • chlorpropamide;
  • glipisid;
  • tolbulamd.

You should also be careful when combining spices with alpha-lipoic acid and chrome.

A large number of cinnamon should not be taken together with some natural means and herbs that potentially negatively affect the liver, for example:

  • dubrovnik;
  • kava Cava;
  • mint oil;
  • red yeast rice.

You need to be careful when combined with the following herbs that can reduce blood sugar levels:

  • bitter melon;
  • fenugreek;
  • garlic;
  • horse chestnut;
  • ginseng;
  • plantain.

Guar gum used as a stabilizer and thickener in the food industry also has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Therefore, in diabetes, avoid the use of products containing guar gum, together with a large number of cinnamon.

Video: Useful properties and harm cinnamics