
The part of a person's soul that gives life. What is the human soul (assumptions and facts). What does the soul consist of?

It is difficult for a person to believe in something that he cannot perceive with his senses, that he cannot see, cannot touch, hear or smell. That is why it is so difficult for him to imagine the soul.

There is more and more information that scientists are conducting unusual experiments in search of an answer to the question: What does the soul consist of?

In the world of matter, every object has physical and material characteristics. In an attempt to determine the composition of the soul, scientists conduct experiments that make it possible to detect its material characteristics - weight, composition and ability to move.

Most of the scientists' experiments in this field are based on observations of dying patients.

How much does a human soul weigh?

Back in the late 90s, scientist Lyell Watson stated that the soul has at least one physical parameter - weight.

To confirm his theory, he designed a special scale bed on which he placed dying patients. And discovered interesting fact: The human body loses weight after death. Weight loss was from 2.5 to 6.5 grams.

75 years before this experiment, the American Duncan McDougal conducted a similar study. His goal was determine the weight of the soul.He also tried to find out how much lighter the human body becomes when physical death occurs.

Measurements showed that the soul weighs 5.2 spools, that is, 22.4 grams.

How can we explain that two researchers had different results?

Perhaps each person’s soul has its own specific weight?

Scientists have suggested that the weight of a person’s soul directly depends on his thoughts and actions.

Many fellow scientists disagree with the results of both experiments.

The weight that the body loses after dying is associated with the metabolic processes of the body that continue after death. Since the supply of oxygen in the body is very small, and after cardiac arrest it completely stops flowing into the lungs, other energy reserves of the body begin to be consumed.

Therefore, it is not easy to convince people with knowledge of general physiology and anatomy that in the experiments described above it was possible to determine the weight of the human soul.

Is it possible that the soul has no weight at all? Or does it still have it, but so little that it is extremely difficult to determine?

Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolai Zalichev is convinced that the weight of the soul can be calculated.

“I decided to conduct an experiment, albeit cruel, with mice. To do this, I took glass flasks in which I placed one mouse, two, three - up to four mice. The flask was hermetically sealed and placed on the scales. After the mouse suffocated - which is inevitable - its weight immediately decreased by a fraction of a percent. There were ultra-precise scales.”

The result of this experiment showed that after the death of the creature, the weight decreased by one thousandth.

Means, the soul is a very subtle substance that has a tiny weight.

What does the soul consist of?

According to one version, the soul consists of vacuum.

It is known that in the Universe all stars and planets consist of matter. What matter does a vacuum consist of?

Scientists from the USA have suggested that the vacuum is made up of antimatter. Antimatter is a substance whose properties have been little studied.

Russian astrophysicists do not agree with them. They believe that if the vacuum were made of antimatter, it would interact with matter. But the substance that fills the cosmic vacuum does not interact with it at all.

This means that the soul cannot consist of a vacuum, otherwise it could not live in close connection with our body. Therefore, researchers suggest that the soul is a clot of matter that floats freely in space.

If the soul is a clot of matter, then why are scientists still unable to track its movements? Today they have at their disposal very sensitive technology that detects the highest frequency energy bursts. For some reason this equipment cannot detect the frequency of the soul.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vladimir Atsyukovsky, put forward his hypothesis. He believes that the entire space of the Universe is filled with an elusive gas, which by its nature powerful source energy. This is what the human soul can consist of. This gas is called ether.

“There is a biofield that can form a so-called soul. Ethereal dynamics does not deny this in any way. But he doesn’t insist either. Because the subject has not been researched. Let’s say there is a question: I don’t know the exact answer, but I can’t say that it’s not possible.”

The concept of ether appeared in ancient times, and our ancestors called it “empty filler.”

Back in 1618, the French physicist Rene Descartes put forward the first scientific theory about the existence of a luminiferous ether. And many scientists began to look for this invisible gas.

Isaac Newton tried to discover the properties of this gas until he was 75 years old. He understood what needed to be found physical basis for the mathematical law of universal gravitation, but he failed.

At that time there was not enough knowledge physical properties gases have been studied very little. Gas dynamics had not yet been founded.

Lost Soul Element

Some scientists are convinced that once a gas called “ether” occupied the very top line in Dmitri Mendeleev’s table of chemical elements. But then, during the repeated reprinting of textbooks, this line mysteriously disappeared.

If the ether actually exists, all the laws of modern theoretical physics will be untenable. Everything will have to be reviewed, and this is incredibly difficult and not everyone understands. Therefore, it is much easier to use only mathematical laws.

If the ether actually exists, then Albert Einstein's theory of relativity can be completely refuted.

If world science recognizes the existence of ether, then humanity’s ideas about the world around us will change completely. This will confirm that the soul is real.

Scientists are on the verge of creating a soul trap

Scientists in the USA and Japan reported in 2013 that they were able to record the moment when, and they were also able to determine what substance it consists of.

In their opinion, the human soul is a clot of proton-neutron structure. This structure resembles a human figure with a head, arms and legs.

In the world around us, everything consists of colorless protons and neurons. They resemble transparent structures so tiny that the human eye is unable to see them.

Scientists are planning in the near future create a plasma soul trap. It will be a complex installation that will allow them, after the physical death of a person, to retain the energy of the soul in a special container.

The assertion that a person is something much more than a physical body is no longer questioned by anyone today.

Regardless of whether a person considers himself to be a member of any religion or not, each of us sooner or later thinks about what the soul is.

If we do not take into account church ideas, then we can give a more realistic definition of the soul, as a product of the work of the brain, consciousness, but where does it come from?

It is very difficult to accept that everything for which we live, cultivate in ourselves, create - will go nowhere. But what about “thought is material”? It's stupid not to be afraid of death. But you have to live, if not in anticipation afterlife, then at least so that people remember you with warmth, and not with disgust. We come to Earth with a specific mission. Someone enriches their soul, while others waste and burn through their earthly life. Maybe that’s why some people’s souls become smaller and thinner, because they haven’t found their meaning and purpose in this life...

Is the human soul an energy field?

The soul is an ephemeral shell of a living person, however, there is a theory according to which it can be measured in completely earthly units of measurement.

Let us assume that the soul is a product of the radiation of the brain, the stream of consciousness. This means that this is some kind of energy field. But every field, from the point of view of physics, is determined by its parameters, which can be measured.

For example, light is measured in quanta, and the electromagnetic field is measured in power and other parameters. Not all elementary particles, components of the fields, have a rest mass, but have scientists learned how to measure, for example, the flow of electrons or gamma radiation?

“There are many things, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.”

Just because we don’t know something yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or can never happen. This means that there is a high probability that over time they will learn to measure the “mental” quantum!

In the end, if any energy field has energy (and the soul has a very powerful potential), then sooner or later it will be possible to isolate it for measurement. As for the soul, this energy can have a flow that is both positively and negatively directed.

Yes, now there is no definite data convincingly indicating that the soul exists. But this does not mean that there is no soul! Once upon a time, people could not “see and touch” the electromagnetic field or infrared radiation - there was no technical possibility.

Over time, perhaps, people will learn to measure the strength of the human soul not only by sensations, by the impact on others, but also with precise instruments. Progress does not stand still!

But, to be honest, when talking about the soul, I somehow don’t want to think about it from such positions, almost turning a person’s feelings and attitudes towards the living and inanimate world into kilograms and meters. Let's try to prove its presence (or absence) with more human (that is, spiritual) arguments.

Let's turn to the classics. Lomonosov's conservation law says: “Nothing appears from nothing and nothing disappears without a trace.” This means that a person’s soul also does not appear out of nowhere, and after death does not die with him.

What is a person’s soul, and where does it go after his death?

Ideas about the human soul in different theories

For example, the theory of reincarnation of souls. That is, after the death of a person, the soul does not disappear completely, but moves into another body, living or non-living. If the soul enters the human body, then in some cases “gene memory” may be triggered.

For example, a little girl who has lived her whole life in the Russian outback suddenly has dreams in which she sees herself as an English lord, and a man, swimming like a fish, has a dream in which he, being in a woman’s body, is drowning in a shallow river.

There is a theory that explains not only the presence of the soul, but also its “cycle”, that is, its state in each period of time, starting from the moment of birth.

Suppose there is some place in which souls live without bodies. It doesn’t matter their origin: cosmic or divine, or whatever - the important thing is that this place exists (and maybe more than one, according to religious teachings), and the number of these souls is finite. The state of the soul at any given moment in time can be different (again, based on religious teachings):

  • Located in paradise
  • Located in hell
  • Found in the human body
  • Found in any other body, living or nonliving
  • Is in a state of ordeal, testing or awaiting a decision for his sins in earthly life

Since over the many millennia that have passed since the birth of souls, the population of the Earth has increased many times, it is natural to assume that some people “did not get the human soul”, and they live either with some other soul (for example, the soul of a tree or a fish), or completely without a soul. And this can be confirmed by ancient definitions that remain quite modern today: “stone soul”, “soulless man”, “wooden man”, etc.

Some human souls have “worn out” and become smaller; some, on the contrary, have become larger. Why is this happening? Can a soul disappear completely, and can souls multiply?

Where does the soul go after death, and where do new souls come from?

Let believers forgive people for invading such shrines - but in the end, this is only an attempt to confirm the theory of the presence of a soul in every living and inanimate object!

Like any energy field, the soul can also be destroyed, that is, go into some other state. By doing bad things, acting against the laws of God and man, a person hurts his soul. The matter of the human soul is thinning, tearing into pieces, and decreasing.

These wounded souls can and should be treated and integrity restored. But, if this does not happen, these fragments of souls either die, or, if they are viable enough, begin their own existence, going through the path of purification and restoration.

Or, on the contrary, two spiritually close people enrich and perceive each other’s souls so closely that, merging in a single emotional impulse, they give birth to a new soul, which also has the right to exist.

Why can some souls pass from one human body to another quite often, while others have to wait forever to live their earthly life a second time? Why do some people, by doing good deeds, enrich their soul, generously distributing it to others, while others, on the contrary, just as generously share their attitude towards life and people, but only negative, and also feel in spiritual comfort? Maybe the point is that it was originally different souls? And can the soul be reborn?

Humanity does not yet have answers to these questions. But anyone who has a soul can think and reason about this, that is, who is not indifferent to humanity as a whole and to the awareness of their place in this world.

Share your soulfulness generously - enrich your soul!

Let everyone try to give their own answer, which will be close and understandable to them. The main thing is that the question is not in a specific definition, but in the understanding that everyone has a soul! And you can’t forever test its strength, subjecting it to endless torture in the form of offenses that go against your conscience, you can’t step over yourself and break your soul.

But you can generously share your soul, because the more you give, the more you receive in return attention, kindness and simply a positive attitude, and the soul, instead of decreasing from division, miraculously increases.

We must protect and enrich our soul, and not waste it. We are only carriers of the soul, its guides on Earth, and knowing this, it is simply unacceptable to live in such a way that the soul decays. It seems like he rented a house and destroyed it.

Then you will need to answer, first of all, to yourself and your conscience. If there is no way to check whether the answer for this is held “there”, where everyone goes after death.

We must remember that the soul is eternal, and even after the death of the bodily shell continues to live, accumulating in itself earthly life experience. You don't want to be a source of negative experience, do you? Then live according to your conscience, do not desecrate your soul!

Regardless of whether there is a soul or not, whether there will be a resettlement or not, I want our descendants to remember us with a kind word, not only because they don’t speak badly about the dead. The memory that our children, grandchildren and future generations will judge us by our actions is a serious motivator to “behave well.”

The song “Mysterious Russian Soul” has a deep meaning. Perhaps it will bring us closer to understanding what the human soul is?

Modern esotericists offer their own version. For a deeper understanding, let's give some definitions:

Soul of man− this is an information structure, an installed “package” of higher feelings and laws that make us people, and not robots with a cold mind, a kind of repository of vital energy (the Light of God).

The human soul is energy, it is some part of the consciousness of God (the Creator, the Supreme Mind), it is life itself, continuing, changing, transforming. She is immortal and indivisible.

Assumption. It is assumed that when a person develops his soul, he develops the consciousness of God, thereby drawing closer and reuniting with him. The connection between the consciousness of God and the soul of man is never broken. The ultimate goal of a person is to achieve enlightenment and connect with his deity, to connect so much as to become the same, that is, to return to his original source. And this assumption is not far from the truth.

The soul is you and is within yourself. A person thinks and feels inside himself as he is, but cannot express it in words, he is afraid that others will not understand him. It is she who defines a person as a person.

She is the source of eternal life, she is its meaning. It is the Soul that motivates a person to develop, not to stop there, to look for new ways of functioning and reproduces itself, thus creating an absolute self-sustaining system of life. Life in the body and Soul is necessary for accelerated development, which can accelerate hundreds of times.

Outlines (characteristics) of the Soul

Soul− this is energy in the form of a small ball, with a diameter of 30 to 150 mm, consists of 12 chakras, and has a very complex energy structure. This energy consists of invisible silver threads, in the center of which there is a luminous point.

American scientists have established through a series of experiments that at the moment of death a person immediately loses weight from 3 to 7 grams. Therefore, we can conclude that the “weight” of the Soul is 3-10 grams. Such a concept as a “big Soul” can be taken literally.

Scientists also discovered, using special, sensitive equipment, that at the moment of human death (separation of the Soul from the body) a significant jump in energy occurs. Many scientists recognize the fact of the existence of the human Soul.

The soul is created by God (the Supreme Mind, the Creator). The human soul can be defined as a higher essence, a given, which cannot exist without a temporary physical shelter, and, with the completion of the circle of human life, inevitably finds a new embodiment for the further development and transformation of the previous accumulated experience.

By its nature the Soul:

  • Light and pure, consists of light divine energies;
  • on Earth it develops more rapidly, through the physical body, compared to the subtle world (much slower);
  • has unlimited potential for development i.e. The Soul potentially contains great possibilities and is given to it to realize its purpose.

You can even say that the Soul is a cosmic substance that either connects with the physical body or separates again in order to summarize all the diversity of thoughts, changes, experiences, accumulation of knowledge and reach a new level of energy and self-reproducing life. The purity of the Soul is determined by which experience is greater - light or dark.

Here there is an identification of the physical image of a person with the Soul inhabiting him in this life. It has already been mentioned that the Soul is not omnipotent and uses the material shell of the body temporarily, because in our dimension it cannot exist and develop as pure consciousness.

She requires constant search, movement, development, and therefore is tied to the body that she chose for these purposes. But she does not determine the vector of this movement, she can only try to direct it and give the opportunity to choose. In addition to the Soul, there are thoughts, intentions, the desire for comfort and achieving a prosperous status, according to the norms accepted in a given society.

And not in every body the Soul can fully live and develop. For a complete spiritual development you need to learn to “hear” your Soul, listen to your inner voice (intuition) - have a connection with It. Thus, the Spiritual path of development is important for each of us and is not possible without real knowledge of ourselves (our inner world of feelings and thoughts).

What is the Spiritual path of development, read

What is the Human Soul from the point of view of philosophy?

Ancient philosophers initially viewed the human Soul as a physical substance consisting of fiery atoms, which are driven by other atoms emanating from external material objects. Further philosophical reflections consolidated the concept of the Soul as something ethereal, independent of physical existence. Meanwhile, the undoubted connection between the physical and the spiritual was emphasized.

The soul enters the human body to seek new experience and further improvement, but sometimes it falls into physical captivity and reduces its desire for development due to everyday, everyday life needs that overwhelm the body. Some of the philosophers gave it three abilities: 1-cognition, 2-reason, 3-will.

History of the development of the concept

By modern ideas the concept of the soul goes back to animistic concepts about a special force that exists in the body of humans and animals, and sometimes even plants. Since ancient times, people have wondered about the difference between living and nonliving things. In the course of the development of mythological thinking, the concept of the soul as a certain attribute of a living being was formed. Observation of the breathing of a living person, which disappeared after his death, contributed to the emergence of ancient ideas about the soul as breathing occurring from the outside. Corresponding observations of blood and the cessation of life with great loss led to the fact that blood was seen as the bearer of the soul. Dreams led to the idea of ​​the soul as a substance existing independently of the body.

Due to the fact that the soul is understood as a substance, the properties of the finest substance found in the blood are first attributed to it, as was the case with most Pre-Socratics in Greek philosophy (Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus). According to Plato, the soul is immortal and immaterial and precedes existence in the physical body. Before a person is born, the soul contemplates ideas in the immaterial world, and after it moves into the body, it “forgets” them. Hence Plato’s judgment that all knowledge is only a memory of forgotten ideas known by the soul before birth. Aristotle calls it the first entelechy of the viable body; only the rational soul of a person (spirit) can be separated from the body and is immortal.

The concept of soul in philosophy

The focus of a person’s mental life is self-awareness, awareness of oneself as a unique human being, individuality.

The soul began to be considered as a philosophical concept, accessible to rational analysis, among the ancient Greeks. All pre-Socratics wondered about the soul and especially about the connection between it and the body - two fundamental dimensions of human existence. From Plato's point of view, the soul and body exist separately from each other, while for Aristotle they are inextricably interconnected. “The soul is the first entelechy of the natural body, potentially possessing life. (...) So, the soul is inseparable from the body; It is also clear that any part of it is inseparable if the soul by nature has parts, for some parts of the soul are entelechy of bodily parts,” writes Aristotle, for whom “all natural bodies are instruments of the soul.”

Soul in Abrahamic religions


According to the understanding of some Christian writers (for example, Tertullian), the soul is material (treatise De anima), others - the Fathers of the Church, (for example, Augustine) consider it spiritual, just as in classical patristics the understanding of the soul as a non-spatial, immaterial substance prevails.

Immanuel Kant opposed such an understanding, which is dominant in Christianity. The appeal to an immaterial principle in the name of resolving the question of the soul is, according to Kant, “the refuge of lazy reason.” For him, the soul is an object of internal feeling in its connection with the body, and not a substance; the theory of the substantiality of the soul must give way to the theory of its actuality.

Immortality of the soul

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul is integral part the creeds of all Christian denominations, with the exception of Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses and some few denominations.

The main idea of ​​this doctrine is that the soul continues to consciously exist in the period of time between death and the general resurrection. She either immediately goes to heaven or hell, or remains for some time in some intermediate place. This can be either the so-called womb of Abraham, or purgatory (for some souls, teaching catholic church). According to these views, the fate of the soul is decided in the so-called private court, immediately after the death of a person. And after the general judgment, the soul is united with the resurrected body and either eternal life or eternal torment in hell (fiery Gehenna) awaits it.

Denial of the immortality of the soul

The denial of the unconditional immortality of the soul (as inherent in human nature itself) is sometimes found in early patristics. In particular, Tatian wrote in his “Speech against the Hellenes”:

The soul itself is not immortal, Hellenes, but mortal. However, she may not die. A soul that does not know the truth dies and is destroyed along with the body, and receives death through endless punishment. But if it is enlightened by the knowledge of God, then it does not die, although it is destroyed for a while. By itself, it is nothing more than darkness, and there is nothing light in it. This includes the words: “the darkness did not embrace the light.” For it was not the soul that preserved the spirit, but itself was preserved by it, and the light embraced the darkness. The Word is Divine light, and darkness is the soul alien to knowledge. Therefore, if she lives alone, then she turns to matter and dies along with the flesh; and when it is united with the divine spirit, it is not without help, but ascends to where the spirit leads it. For the abode of the spirit is in heaven, but the soul is of earthly origin. (Tatian. Speech against the Greeks 1:17)

Ideas about the conditional immortality of the soul are contained in the work of Theophilus of Antioch “Epistle to Autolycus”:

But someone asked us: was man created mortal by nature? No. So, immortal? Let's not say that either. But someone will say: so, he was created by neither one nor the other? And we won’t say that. He was created by nature neither mortal nor immortal. For if God had created him immortal at the beginning, he would have made him God; if, on the contrary, he had created him mortal, then he himself would have been the culprit of his death. So, He created him neither mortal nor immortal, but, as they said above, capable of both, so that if he strives for that which leads to immortality, fulfilling the commandment of God, he would receive from Him as a reward for this immortality, and would become God; if he deviates from the works of death, disobeying God, he himself would be the author of his own death. For God created man free and sovereign. So, what a person brought upon himself through his negligence and disobedience, God now forgives him out of His love for mankind and mercy, if a person obeys Him. Just as by disobedience a person brought death upon himself, so by obedience to the will of God, anyone who wishes can achieve eternal life for himself. For God gave us the law and the holy commandments, by fulfilling which everyone can be saved and, having achieved the resurrection, inherit incorruption. (Theophilus 2:27)

During the Reformation, denial of the immortality of the soul was found among some Anabaptists. A famous proponent of the notion of the conditional immortality of the soul (the "sleeping soul" view) was Martin Luther, for which he was criticized by John Calvin.

Currently, some religious movements, including Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, have different ideas about the nature of the soul from other Christian denominations. The main feature of these ideas is that the soul itself does not have an immortal nature; the soul is mortal.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the soul ceases to exist when a person dies. These views are substantiated by the following verses from the Bible: “The living know they will die, but the dead know nothing”(Eccl.); “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it according to your ability; because in the underworld, where you will go, there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom."(Eccl.), “The soul that sins will die”(Ezek.),

Soul Salvation

In Christianity, the concept of “soul” is inextricably linked with the concept of salvation. The salvation of a person’s soul is understood as the salvation of the person himself both from death, which is also considered a consequence of sin, and from eternal punishment for sin (in hell or fiery gehenna). Most Christians believe that after the resurrection of the dead, the souls of the saved will be reunited with their bodies and in these bodies the saved will be guaranteed eternal life.

About the soul in the Bible

In theology, the following meanings of the word “soul” in the Bible are distinguished:

  1. Human.

    And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

    Gen.2:7 (akin to Pet.3:20; Rom.13:1; Acts 2:41)

  2. Creature.

    And God said: Let the water bring forth living things; and let the birds fly over the earth, across the firmament of heaven

    Gen.1:20 (akin to Gen.1:24)

  3. Life.

    He who saves his soul (life) will lose it; and he who has lost his soul (life) for My sake will save it

    Matthew 10:39 (akin to Lev. 17:11; Matthew 2:20; 16:25; John 13:37; 15:13)

  4. Human inner world.

    The multitude of those who believed had one heart and one soul; and no one called anything of his property his own, but they had everything in common

    Acts 4:32 (akin to Ps. 103:1)

  5. One of the three essences of man.

    May the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved completely without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  6. The spirit (life force) gravitates towards God, and the soul (man) - towards material principles:

    For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

  7. The immortal spirit of man. The soul, as a spirit, is thought of without a body:

    I know a man in Christ who, fourteen years ago (whether in the body - I don’t know, or out of the body - I don’t know: God knows) was caught up to the third heaven.

    2 Cor.12:2 (akin to: 2 Pet. 1:14)

The soul, as a spirit, is eternal and immortal:

Therefore we do not lose heart; but if our outer man is decaying, then our inner man is renewed from day to day... the visible is temporary, but the invisible is eternal.

2 Cor.4:16,18 (akin to Matt.22:32)

And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.

Attitude to the death of the Apostles:

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If life in the flesh brings fruit to my work, then I don’t know what to choose. I am attracted by both: I have a desire to be resolved and be with Christ, because this is incomparably better; but remaining in the flesh is more necessary for you.

Phil.1:21-23 (akin to: 2Cor.5:8)

Soul and King Solomon

The book of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) in the Bible is unique in its kind, since it gives many intermediate and limited reasoning, views on the life of a carnal man-skeptic, who accepts only what is “done under the sun”, experiences everything, relying solely on his own mind . The initial premises of Ecclesiastes about the soul are pessimistic and down-to-earth: And I praised the fun; because there is nothing better for a man under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry (Eccl. 8:15). There is one thing for everything and everyone: one fate for the righteous and the wicked, the good and the [evil], the pure and the unclean (Eccl. 9:2). The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and there is no longer any reward for them, because the memory of them is forgotten (Eccl. 9:5).

And yet, after philosophical reflection, the final conclusions that Ecclesiastes comes to are the following: Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and let your heart taste joy in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart and according to the vision of your eyes; just know that for all this God will bring you to judgment (Eccl. 11:9). Let us hear the essence of everything: fear God and keep His commandments, because this is everything for man (Eccl. 12:13). And the dust will return to the earth as it was; and the spirit returned to God, who gave it (Eccl. 12:7).

Soul in other religions and teachings



Attempts to discover the material manifestation of the soul

In 1854, the German anatomist and physiologist Rudolf Wagner came up with a hypothesis about the existence of a special “substance of the soul” at the physiological congress in Göttingen. (English) Russian , which, however, had no consequences in the scientific world.

In 1901, the American physician Duncan McDougall conducted a series of experiments on direct weighing of the soul, in full accordance with the scientific methodology of his time. McDougall used a floor lever scale that could weigh loads ranging from one ounce (28.35 g) to 250 pounds (113.4 kg). The doctor performed 6 measurements of the souls of dying people with their consent. In five measurements, he found post-mortem weight loss ranging from 15 to 35 g. Once he was unable to accurately record the moment of death and the experiment was rejected. McDougall later repeated his experiment on dogs 15 times - and this time with zero results. McDougall concluded that during life a person has a material soul, while animals do not have a soul. McDougall published the results of his experiments only 6 years later. They were published in famous journals such as American Medicine and the American Journal of the American Society for Psychical, and later these publications were retold by the Washington Post and the New York Times. At the same time, McDougall emphasized that a large number of new, accurate experiments are needed to scientifically evaluate his findings. However, no new scientific experiments in this area have been published.

About the soul in works of art

Victor Hugo, in The Man Who Laughs, wrote:

The approach of a storm was felt in the air... The moment of that anxious premonition had come when it seems as if the elements are about to become living beings and before our eyes the mysterious transformation of the wind into a hurricane will take place... The blind forces of nature will gain will, and what we take for a thing will turn out to be endowed with a soul. It seems that all this is to be seen with your own eyes. This is what explains our horror. The human soul is afraid of meeting the soul of the universe

Victor Hugo, collected works in 10 volumes, M.1972, T.9, pp. 55-56

see also

  • Plato's Dialogue Phaedo
  • Cold Souls with Paul Giamatti, 2009


Sources used in the article

  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky). Spirit, soul and body. Brussels, 1978.
  • Positive teaching Orthodox Church and the Holy Fathers The human soul. Her God-like essence, infinity, abilities, actions and the afterlife / Blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna. - Kostroma: Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Monastery, 1992. - 160 p.

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Special types of shower

There are special types of showers:

  • Contrast shower - alternately hot and cold water
  • Shower used for massage purposes (Hydromassage)
    • Charcot shower - a strong stream of water from a hose
    • Circular shower - a cabin that sprays water from all sides at the same time.
    • Alekseev's shower is a high-pressure needle hydromassage.
    • Underwater shower (also see jacuzzi)
    • A rain shower is a water supply system for washing the body, in which water comes from a special grate, and not from a hose, as in a regular shower. LEDs are usually built into the grille, allowing you to adjust the lighting (chromotherapy). Luxury hotels are often equipped with rain showers.
    • Thermal wave shower is a shower that provides a massage of the body with a thermal wave moving along it with modulated average temperature, contrast and speed.
  • Hygienic shower is a compact replacement for a bidet, designed for washing. This is a shower hose mounted near the toilet. At the outlet of the wall, a tap or built-in mixer is usually installed, and at the working end of the hose there is a small watering can with a valve. Very popular in Islamic countries, where water is preferred to toilet paper.



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


see also

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Electronic digital engine control system

    See what “Shower” is in other dictionaries:

    Shower - get an active termokit coupon on Akademika or buy a profitable shower at a low price on sale at termokit shower - shower/ …

    Shower - get an active termokit coupon on Akademika or buy a profitable shower at a low price on sale at termokit Morphemic-spelling dictionary - a, m. douche f. 1. A device for pouring small streams of water over the body. BAS 2. Bathing cabinet with artificial rain or continuous water jet for soaking. Pavlenkov 1911. I have two new pieces of furniture: a lovely wardrobe with a shower, made by a carpenter...

    Shower - get an active termokit coupon on Akademika or buy a profitable shower at a low price on sale at termokit Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language - noun, m., used compare often Morphology: (no) what? soul, what? soul, (see) what? shower, what? shower, what about? about the shower 1. A shower is a device for washing the body with water. Take a shower. | Fix the shower. | I got into the shower and turned on the water. 2. Shower is... ... Dictionary

    Dmitrieva SHOWER - (French douche, Italian doccia water pipe). A stream of water directed in small splashes onto the human body. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SHOWER artificial rain or a strong jet for... ...

    Dmitrieva- a therapeutic and hygienic water procedure that involves exposing the human body to a stream of water of various shapes, temperatures and pressures. For therapeutic showers, special installations and a shower “cathedra” are used, which make it possible by... ... Concise Encyclopedia household

    Dmitrieva- SHOWER, soul, husband. (French douche). A dousing device that supplies water in small streams. || The most dousing from this device. Take a shower. Hot shower. Cold shower. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Shower - get an active termokit coupon on Akademika or buy a profitable shower at a low price on sale at termokit- A; m. [French] douche] 1. A device for pouring water over the body. Take a shower. Turn on, let in. Manual (with flexible hose). Stand under the d. // Frequent thin streams of water flowing from the holes of such a device. Hot … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dmitrieva- in veterinary medicine, a hydrotherapy procedure based on the effect on the animal’s body of water in the form of a jet of a certain pressure, shape and temperature. D. can be general and local, cold, warm, hot, with variable temperature.... ... Veterinary encyclopedic dictionary

    Shower- I m. 1. A device for dousing the body with small and strong jets of water. 2. The dousing itself. 3. A hygienic or therapeutic procedure that involves applying such a douche to the human body. II m. The room where they take a shower... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Dmitrieva- SHOWER, ah, husband. A device for pouring small streams of water, as well as the dousing itself. Flexible (on the hose). Accept the medical village | adj. shower, oh, oh. D. pavilion. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary