
Glue titanium specifications. Instructions for use of universal adhesive "Titanium

Clay Titan  - This is a very popular and popular polymer adhesive. He has no equal when performing repairs or construction works of any complexity, especially when decorating the ceiling with decorative tiles.

What glues

Glues linoleum, leather, parquet, ceramics, glass, paper, wood. It interacts well with cement, concrete, gypsum and plaster. Ideal for gluing polystyrene or foam ceiling tiles. It has a universal composition that allows you to connect dissimilar materials.


It is resistant to mechanical stress. The glue is elastic, after hardening does not become brittle. Technical characteristics allow its use in high humidity or temperature extremes. It is consumed very economically, dries quickly. Glue "Titan" has no harmful components, therefore it is considered safe and is widely used in the repair of residential premises.

Adhesive Specifications

Types of glue

Glue "Titan" is available in various forms: universal glue, glue-mastic and liquid nails. On its packaging must be printed instructions for use.

Universal adhesive  usually used for bonding polystyrene foam, PVC, parquet, wood, linoleum.  It is squeezed out of a sealed package in a thin layer through a dispenser. After drying, the seam becomes invisible. It is applied on a dry, pre-cleaned surface. The adhesive is transparent, water- and heat-resistant, quickly sets, remains flexible. Drying time less than 1 hour. These characteristics make it particularly popular when installing ceiling tiles.

  Clay mastic "Titan".  Glues concrete and cement, gypsum and brick, wood and gypsum board, fiberboard and chipboard, polystyrene foam and polystyrene, and all materials among themselves, in any variations.  Suitable for leveling surfaces and for gluing decorative tiles. Before use requires mixing.

Liquid nails "Titan".  Available in cylinders with mounts for the mounting gun.  This type of adhesive is allowed to be used in a very wide temperature range, so it is successfully used both indoors and outdoors. Perfectly glues metal, ceramics, polyurethane, PVC, wood.

How to use titanium glue when decorating the ceiling

Designing the surface with different types of decorative tiles will not only give the ceiling an interesting and unique look, but also help maintain its height. It is important to choose the right adhesive composition, because the speed of execution and the quality of the work performed depend on this. The main requirements for the technical characteristics of the adhesive are safety, transparency, viscosity, fast setting speed and versatility. The characteristics of the Titan glue fully comply with these requirements.

Before proceeding with the gluing of the facing material, it is necessary to prepare the surface well, because the final result of the work greatly depends on this. It should be borne in mind that if the ceiling has strong differences in height, then the ceiling tile will not be able to hide such a defect, and it is more advisable to choose a different finishing method, for example, a tension or hinged coating option.

Relatively even surfaces must be treated as follows: first, repair the seams between the plates, then clean the surface of the old coating. To do this, using a spatula, remove the whitewash, and then apply a primer for better adhesion of the adhesive to the surface. Whitening, which is difficult to remove, can simply be deeply primed. A ceiling that does not have whitewash is recommended to be wiped with a damp sponge. If the polystyrene tile is very thin, then it is likely that defects in the ceiling will be visible through it, so you should put a finish putty on it, and then a primer. When the ceiling dries, you can start gluing.

Than to dilute

If the glue has thickened, it should be diluted with medical alcohol. The liquid composition penetrates better into small cracks, but dries longer.

How to apply

  1. Universal glue is applied to the ceiling tiles with a thin dashed line. He is allowed to dry for a couple of minutes, and they press the tile to the ceiling. The glue composition dries in 1 hour, and the seam becomes durable after a day.
  2. Glue-mastic should be applied to the tile with a spatula, point: in the center and 3 points on each side. After application, attach the tile to the ceiling and correct its position within 3 seconds. The glue sets in 20 seconds, and finally dries in 12 hours.
  3. Liquid nails can be applied over the entire surface of the tile in a thick layer. Due to this feature, this adhesive is chosen for work with ceilings that have severe defects.

Universal adhesive

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Glue Titan (Titan) is a good universal adhesive for construction work.

Clay Titan: specifications

Glue has excellent adhesion to many building surfaces. It perfectly interacts with concrete, gypsum, plaster surfaces, PVC, plastic, linoleum, parquet, ceramics, wood, MDF, leather, glass, paper, fabric and carpet. The glue adheres perfectly to surfaces at any temperature, resistant to mechanical stress and UV radiation. The glue has good water resistance and heat resistance.

See also: Which tile adhesive is better? We answer   Before deciding which tile adhesive is best to work with, you should consider the type of base and determine the appropriate composition of the mixture. The most durable connection is observed when the elasticity and hygroscopicity of the binder composition and surface coincide.

The glue is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, does not lose performance over a wide temperature range from -30 to +60 degrees, quickly sets, has excellent elasticity, does not exfoliate and does not become brittle after drying. The glue is environmentally friendly, safe, does not contain toxic solvents.

You need to know that glue Titan has many types, distinguished by their specialization.

Types of glue Titan

Universal adhesive Titanium: specifications  This popular adhesive includes high heat and moisture resistance. This is a polymer glue that, when bonded, forms a transparent seam.

Its drying time is 30-40 minutes. Glue for work must be applied to a clean and dry bonded surface, leave for 2-3 minutes to dry and connect. Porous surfaces must be treated 2 times. Glue when mixed with methylated spirits can be used as a primer.

Glue mastic Styrofoam titanium  Designed for bonding polystyrene and polyurethane products. It glues well with concrete, cement-lime, gypsum, plaster surfaces, bricks, wood, drywall, plywood, fiberboard and particleboard. Perfect for leveling surfaces and gluing ceiling tiles. When applied, the adhesive is mixed. applied with a narrow spatula to the tile with nine points. The tile must be applied to the ceiling, a little bit will shift a couple of cm and squeeze. Grasps within 20 seconds, the position of the product can be adjusted within 3 seconds. Dries completely in 12 hours.

Titanium Liquid Nails glues metal, ceramics, PVC, wood, polyurethanes. White paste has a high setting speed. The glue is available in cylinders with ears for using the mounting gun, is applied with a dotted line or stripes, glued with a clip.

The glue is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, does not lose performance over a wide temperature range from -30 to +60 degrees, quickly sets, has excellent elasticity, does not exfoliate and does not become brittle after drying.

Wallpaper glue Titan  according to technical characteristics, it is produced in three types for gluing paper, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers. Diluted with stirring, pouring dry glue powder into water. the amount of which is indicated on the instructions for use. 5 minutes, glue must be mixed. The glue is applied to the inner surface of the wallpaper and thoroughly smeared. Antiseptic additives are added to the glue to protect surfaces from the appearance of fungus.

In modern construction, a large number of processes during repair and finishing works are performed by gluing two different materials. For this purpose it is necessary to use special glue.

When choosing an adhesive, the type of surface to be bonded is taken into account, because certain adhesive compositions have different specializations. However, the most popular are universal compositions that provide reliable bonding.

One of these adhesives is Titanium. In this article we will consider its composition, technical characteristics and for which decorative materials it is used.

Purpose and types

Titanium adhesive is universal and is used for different surfaces.

For example, there is Titanium for polystyrene foam, adhesive for tiles, for polystyrene foam and the like. The adhesive itself is multi-component. This material has excellent technical characteristics, among which it is resistant to temperature extremes, is not afraid of a humid environment, is frost-resistant and so on.

Universal adhesive titanium is available in various forms:

  • Liquid Nails.
  • Glue mastic.
  • Universal adhesive.

Consider all its features and properties.


It is mainly used for gluing linoleum, wood, parquet, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene foam.

The glue itself is in a sealed package, which is squeezed out of it by means of a special dispenser. Once the material has dried, the seam is almost invisible.

It must be applied on a previously cleaned and prepared surface. Universal Titan dries in the region of one hour. It is very popular for wall decoration with tiled material.

Glue mastic

It is used for gluing materials with all kinds of surfaces, for example, chipboard, fiberboard, drywall, wood, brick, gypsum, cement, concrete. Used for special ceiling tiles. Before using it, the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

Liquid Nails

It is made in small cans. Glue is squeezed out using a special construction gun. It is used for a variety of purposes. It is operated at various temperature ranges.

It can be used both outside and inside the room. Few adhesives as good as this type of glue Titanium. So, it is used for gluing wood, PVC, polyurethane, ceramics and even metal outdoors.


Below, we consider the technical characteristics of transparent glue Titanium.

  • Does not create any load on the surface to be coated.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Heat resistance up to a temperature of + 100 ° С.
  • Minimum seam area.
  • Excellent viscosity.
  • It has excellent adhesion to various surfaces.
  • Universality.
  • Resistance to frost.
  • A waterproof seam is created.

To perform this or that work, the correct selection of Titanium adhesive composition is necessary. One of the popular ones is polyurethane. They can glue glass and plastic surfaces. It dries quickly and has a good viscosity.

Due to this, it is convenient to use when gluing material to the ceiling. Unlike its counterparts, it has a rather pungent odor. Therefore, when working with it, the room should be well ventilated.

Advice! When bonding one or another surface, drafts are not recommended. This can adversely affect the bonding quality and the drying process of the composition.

It dries very quickly. This eliminates the likelihood of peeling off the surface and shifting the material to the side. Before using it, it is best to read the instructions from the manufacturer.

This is important, because in the recommendations for use should be polystyrene foam or polystyrene, if not, then remember that some compounds have solvents. Their presence will provoke deformation and corrosion of plastic. Therefore, you can use glue Titanium for tiles. With this composition, you can stick the ceiling tiles without much difficulty.

It is especially practical to use if accidentally glue stains the adhesive material. To remove it from the ceiling, use diluted solvent. The use of this composition dissolves the glue and even spots and traces are completely removed.

Bonding technology

In addition to choosing the appropriate adhesive composition, it is necessary to produce high-quality preparation of a particular surface. After all, this greatly affects the quality of the entire work. So, the ceiling or wall must have a solid base. If there are areas with stucco stucco, then it is removed and the resulting pits are smeared.

The bonding feature is one important action. To set the quality of adhesion, apply Titanium glue to the material and firmly press the product to the base. After carefully tear off and wait about one minute.

During this time, the glue thickens a little and dries. After that, the panel, tile or other material is firmly pressed to the surface. Performing such manipulations will ensure a secure grip.


If the glue has stained the glued material, then before removing it, wait for it to dry. This is especially effective if the glued material is durable like a tile. If you stick the ceiling polystyrene foam tile, you need not to hesitate.

To do this, you need a rag. Before removing glue from the surface, the rag is moistened. Although the composition used is transparent, it can still be seen by light.

  So, we examined all the features of transparent glue Titanium. The description provided will help you determine the scope of its application and how long it takes to dry. We hope you find the answers to your questions. If you have already worked with this team, you can leave comments on this article and share your experience.

All the details about what glues Titanium glue - video

The company Sot-Combi is a leading supplier of adhesive products throughout Russia, due to the sale of high quality products at an optimally low cost under its brand name RUSSIAN TITAN. Glue is packaged in 0.25 liter, 0.5 liter, 1.0 liter bottles.

Where to buy RUSSIAN TITAN glue?

The company "Sot-Combi" offers to get acquainted with the selection of products sold and buy glue "RUSSIAN TITAN"  in packing 0.25l., 0.5l., And 1.0l.  in bulk, on favorable terms. The necessary information is indicated on the company website



Glue "RUSSIAN TITAN" - a universal adhesive for construction work. Due to its properties, it is used for gluing ceiling tiles and borders, linoleum, carpets, parquet, ceramic tiles. Compounds of various materials from wood and polystyrene, glaze and PVC, glass, leather and others, both among themselves and in various combinations, as well as for gluing these materials to concrete ,   brick, cement-lime, gypsum, plaster surfaces.

Mode of application

  1. Russian RUSSIAN TITAN glue is applied in a thin layer (otherwise the setting time will increase significantly) exclusively on a flat, non-greasy surface. When gluing ceiling tiles, apply glue dotted.
  2. After application, the glue is allowed to dry for 3-5 minutes;
  3. After that, the glued surfaces are connected.
  4. The RUSSIAN TITAN glue will completely dry in less than an hour, and the glue line will remain transparent.

Main advantages

  1. Optimally suited for bonding polystyrene to any surface;
  2. Applicable to almost all materials;
  3. A wide range of applications due to increased resistance to moisture and temperature. It can be used for both outdoor and indoor use;
  4. It is spent economically;
  5. The seam has no color and is characterized by increased elasticity and water resistance;
  6. Glue "RUSSIAN TITAN" is ready to use;

Today, sealants and adhesives act as important and fixed assets for construction and repair. They found their application in fixing floor, ceiling, wall tiles, when gluing surfaces with wallpaper and in the process of other work. You, too, can follow the successful experience of many consumers and acquire a similar composition, especially since it is available in several varieties.

The solution of the problem

Glue is used in everyday life, with its help it is possible to connect parts of a broken toy or restore interior items, as well as eliminate furniture defects. However, in order for the work to succeed, you must correctly approach the choice of glue. As one of the best stands the composition, produced under the brand name "Titan". It will be discussed in the article.

Application area

Glue "Titan" can be used in many construction works. This should include the repair of insulation systems, the installation and installation of thermal insulation boards made of polystyrene foam. This mixture is suitable for fixing products from almost all building materials. Between the layers of thermal insulation with the help of the composition, you can correct the cracks, repair cracks that could occur outside or inside the building. This applies to false ceilings, roofs, walls and more. Glue "Titan" after application and drying can be masked using various finishing materials such as plaster and paint.

Key Features Reviews

The composition described in the article is an effective material that has been distributed not only among builders, but also ordinary users. The latter claim that the Titan has pretty good specifications. With its help, it is possible to ensure the durability and tight fastening of materials made of wood, foam and polyvinyl chloride. You can stick the above materials on cement, gypsum or concrete.

The adhesive is characterized by excellent adhesion with many building surfaces, this should include:

  • plaster;
  • linoleum;
  • plastic;
  • parquet;
  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • skin
  • paper;
  • carpet;
  • glass;
  • the cloth.

Adhesive, according to customers, perfectly adheres to surfaces at different temperatures, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical stress. The composition is heat and moisture resistant. It is suitable for external and internal works, while the product does not lose its operational characteristics, even if the use is carried out at an impressive temperature range in the range from -30 to +60 ° C.

Glue "Titan" quickly sets, it retains high elasticity, and after drying does not become brittle and does not delaminate. Consumers also like the composition for the reason that it is safe, environmentally friendly and does not contain toxic solvents among the ingredients. On sale, you can find this glue in different versions, each of which differs in its properties.

Reviews on the universal adhesive "Titan"

If you intend to use glue produced under the brand name "Titan" in your work, then you must first deal with its main varieties. For example, "Universal", the composition of which is distinguished by moisture and heat resistance, is a polymer mixture formed by gluing transparent seams. Drying time varies from 30 to 40 minutes.

To carry out the work, according to consumers, the mixture is applied to a dry and clean surface, and then left for several minutes to dry. After that, according to customers, the details must be interconnected. If you have to work with porous surfaces, then they are processed twice. Customers especially emphasize that when mixed with methylated spirits, Titan glue can be used as a primer.

Reviews about the glue "Styroporov": features of its use

This composition is a mastic adhesive, which is used to connect parts from polyurethane and polystyrene foam. It glues perfectly with the following surfaces:

  • gypsum;
  • concrete;
  • plaster;
  • cement-lime base;
  • brick;
  • tree;
  • plywood;
  • drywall.

According to consumers, this mixture can be used for leveling the bases and gluing ceiling tiles. Glue "Titan", the operating instructions of which must be studied before starting work, must be mixed, and then applied to the tile with several points using a narrow spatula.

The tile at the next stage is applied to the ceiling, moves a few centimeters and is well pressed. Within 20 seconds, according to consumers, a set must occur. This period is enough to adjust the product. The composition will completely dry in 12 hours. Reviews confirm this.

Do it yourself glue "Titan"

To make glue "Titan" at home is quite real. For this, old linoleum and acetone are usually used. Using this method, you can get a universal adhesive that has a high level of bonding. Linoleum at the first stage is cut into separate pieces, the dimensions of which are 3x3 cm. The material is placed in a container that can be sealed.

The amount of acetone used should exceed 2 times the volume of linoleum. Acetone is poured into a container with pieces and placed in a place that is protected from direct sunlight. It is necessary to withstand glue within 12 hours. If you decide to use "Titan" glue, which glues this composition, you need to know before the acquisition of such a mixture. Some home craftsmen make such tools on their own. If linoleum dissolves in 12 hours, then the glue can be used for its intended purpose, otherwise you need to leave it for a while.

Making slime from glue

Slime from the Titan glue can also be made at home. For this, only two ingredients are used. Among them are Titan glue and hair shampoo. In a plastic bag, you must add two parts of shampoo and three parts of glue. The bag is tied and shaken well. Then the composition must be mixed until thickened. On this we can assume that the slime is ready.