
Meaning of the female name Christina. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Christina, Christina. Short name Christina

The name Christina comes from Greek roots - it came to us from Greece along with Christianity and originally sounded like Christina, which meant a Christian, a follower of Christ. During the Soviet era, this name was very rare, but then it underwent a slight phonetic modification, and now it sounds like Christina. This name evokes a feeling of something good and bright.

Of course, it is still very similar to the word peasant, although the essence of the name is the same, in modern world There is a big gap between Christina and the peasant. At the moment in Russia, those parents who are Christina want to distinguish her from other girls, trying to show the chosenness and stylishness of their child. This name suggests a certain imprint of aristocracy and elitism.

Since childhood, Christina has had many talents, especially creative ones, such as artistry and musical abilities. These are very active and cheerful girls. So are they. For parents, she is not a problem child, since mostly girls with this name are obedient and kind children. But parents shouldn’t worry about her if she suddenly wants to live on her own or move to another city for study or work. Because she grows up early.

But in life, Christina will have to try very hard to justify her stylish name, as it can often cause envy. At least these women at first sight They seem shy and timid, with a lot of complexes, but in reality they just watch and analyze the environment and other people all the time. They have great potential inside. a lot of energy and sufficient strength charge. In society, they generally behave relaxed and free, they easily find mutual language with strangers. It is also difficult to confuse Christina, they do not panic, and make decisions very thoughtfully, which takes some time.

The owners of this beautiful names are never left without male attention. When choosing a man, they mainly look more at the inner world than at his well-being. People close to her should be very sensitive, and remember that she is very susceptible to criticism, and at the same time flourishes if she is complimented and praised.

Most likely, Christina, trying to justify the name given to her, will make ambitious plans and achieve them. Look for the most prestigious profession, look for dating with celebrities and influential people. Sometimes, we lose sight of the main thing in life. And if it turns out that she does not achieve all this, then she will consider own life lived unsuccessfully and in vain.

Currently, we have a striking example of a representative of this name, this is Kristina Orbakaite. She began to show her acting abilities from the very childhood, starring in the film "Scarecrow". At first, no one really believed in her musical talents, but with her perseverance and hard work, our heroine achieved good vocal results. And as we now see, she is famous, beautiful, sexy, and does what she loves, despite all the difficulties that she had to overcome.

Now let's talk about the properties of this beautiful name. Is there a secret to the name Christina?
More successful zodiac sign names are: Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Capricorn.
Colors: steel silver and also yellow. Purple is not a very favorable color.
Gems: amber, jasper, diamond, andalusite.
Planet, celestial bodies: Sun, Saturn.
Animal: pigeon
Tree: cypress
Flower: myrtle.
Name day: August 6 (Christina of Tyre - martyr); February 19 (Christina of Kisari - martyr); March 26 (Christina of Persia - martyr).
Diminutive abbreviation: Kristinochka, Kristya, Kristyusha, Kristinka, Chris.

Sooner or later, any person begins to be interested in the meaning of his name. After all, as you know, it and fate are inextricably linked. That is why many parents have recently paid special attention to choosing the name of their unborn child. Today we will tell you not only about the meaning of the name Christina, but also how it is inextricably linked with the character and fate of its bearer.

Christina - what does this name mean?

It came to us from the Latin language. According to legend, in the 3rd century there lived in Rome beautiful girl, daughter of the ruler, whom called Christiania. Her father sent her to serve in the temple, where she was supposed to fumigate the statues of idols. However, the young creature resisted and broke all the statues, first in the temple, and then the house. Long years her father forced her to renounce her faith in Christ and return to idolatry, but Christiania stood her ground. In the end, she was killed by the sword.

If we talk about what the name Christina means, then today it is usually deciphered as “bride of Christ”, “Christian” or “dedicated to Christ”.

It is worth noting that for the first time the years of the appearance of this name in Rus' it was customary to call it only lower class girls, but then they started calling ladies of high society that way too. This is not surprising, because it obliges its bearer to be prudent, principled and honest. Now that you know how it happened and where the name Christina comes from. we can talk about its characteristics, as well as its influence on the fate of its bearer.

Astrological characteristics of the name

It is best if Christina is born under the sign of Virgo and under the auspices of the planet Saturn. In this case, she will have a strong inner core, but at the same time she will remain a soft and charming woman.

The most favorable day of the week for Christine is exactly Tuesday. If possible, it is best to devote this day to rest or meditation. Herbs and wild stones will help you balance your inner state and find peace of mind, namely:

  1. and amber. They give vitality and energy, and also help increase material well-being.
  2. Heather and hot pepper will repel all negativity and improve the aura.

If we talk about patronizing animals, then these are a dog and a rooster.

The name Christina for a girl - what it means and how it affects character

From the early age All Christinas are attentive, the ability to note even small details, as well as great artistry and phenomenal memory. They find it easy to study, but only if they are interested in it.

They are much more interested in studying people and the world around them. To some unfamiliar people, they may seem uncommunicative and constrained. In fact, this is far from the case. They allow only the closest and dearest people into their inner world. The fact is that from an early age, all Kristins, without exception, are perfectly able to distinguish lies from the truth. They do not need obvious manifestations of love or sympathy for themselves, because they already know who really loves them and needs them.

The character and fate of which are inextricably linked, leaves its mark on girls from an early age. After all, they are very assertive, always ready to defend their truth. They are also honest and friendly.

The influence of the name in adulthood

Every year, it becomes more and more clear that Christina, in fact, is strong woman. She always and everywhere strives to achieve success. And all the difficulties that arise along the way not only do not stop her, but, on the contrary, encourage her to further actions.

She still has few friends, but those who do exist are truly loyal and reliable, just like herself.

She is not one of those who rush headlong into the pool; on the contrary, Christina carefully thinks through her every action and every step and really doesn’t like it when everything gets out of their control.

One of main distinctive features Christine in adulthood is pragmatism. Empty dreams are not for them. Some may even call them materialists, but this is not so. They just need stability and at least a little financial independence.

All Christina’s women first of all strive to build a reliable and successful career. It is very important for them to realize themselves in society and in their own eyes. Moreover, the more difficulties arise, the more eagerly they strive to cope with them.

More often Christians choose such professions, How:

If we talk about family, then this is the main support of all representatives of this name. Their home is a truly reliable fortress, protected from all unwanted guests. They are wonderful housewives and skilled cooks.

Speaking about relationships with my husband, they can be characterized simply - mutual. If a partner envelops Christina with love and attention, gives her flowers and help in all matters, then she will thank him in kind. In addition, it is in marriage that bearers of this name show the greatest flexibility in relationships.

And also Christina is a wonderful mother. They pamper their children, but at the same time raise them in strictness. From an early age, her offspring are distinguished by their independence and intelligence.

In general, the name Christina is very favorable for girls. His difficult origin will not allow them to do big stupid things in life, and their character traits will allow them to achieve a lot in life.

Everyone knows that the meaning of a name and the history of a name are directly connected. This is exactly the case with the name Christina. We will find the meaning of the name in its history.

The name Christina came to us in the Russian language from Greece, along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. Translated from Greek, Christina (Χριστός) means “of the name of Christ” or “dedicated to Christ.” It sounded like Christina, but later, due to the phonetic features of the Russian language, it changed to Christina. So it can be argued that The name Christina means "of the name of Christ" or "dedicated to Christ".

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl

Christina is growing up to be a good and affectionate girl. She gets along easily with other children and plays well with them. A little timid and shy, Christina, having gotten used to her surroundings, opens up to the fullest. Christina is also characterized by kindness and responsiveness, but if someone uses these qualities of hers, she can be upset for a very long time.

In her studies, Christina shows perseverance and excellent perseverance. She is already a talented child in learning and is endowed with such a pleasant feature. She is better at the humanities and languages, but she also teaches exact sciences well. IN adolescence Problems may arise with her studies, but do not rush to put pressure on her. An attentive approach to your child and an understanding of the complexity of the life stage will allow you to return her former desire to learn.

Christina is no different in health, but she doesn’t particularly complain. She may have problems with her respiratory tract, but climate change and exposure to fresh air will change everything for the better. For Kristina, if she has breathing problems, aerobic exercise is recommended, but of course after consultation with a specialist.

Short name Christina

Chris, Kristya, Christy, Tina, Hristya, Khristyukha, Hristonya, Krestya, Kriska.

Diminutive pet names

Kristinka, Kristinochka, Kristinchik, Kristinushka, Kristyusha, Tinochka, Tinushka, Tinchik, Khristinka, Khristyusha, Khristena, Christosha.

Name Christina in English

IN English language The name Christina has several spellings - Kristina, Christiana and Christina.

Name Christina for international passport- KRISTINA.

Translation of the name Christina into other languages

in Belarusian - Hrystsina
in Bulgarian - Khristiana
in Hungarian - Krisztiána
in Greek - Χριστίνα (read as Christina)
in Spanish - Cristina
in Italian - Cristina
in German - Christiane
in Polish - Krystiana
in Romanian - Cristiana
in Ukrainian - Khristina
in French - Christiane

Church name Christina(V Orthodox faith) - Christina. It is this form of the name that is used when performing church sacraments. Of course, Christina can choose another church name for baptism.

Characteristics of the name Christina

Christina is characterized by a craving for a beautiful life. She draws herself a picture like in a magazine and strives to bring it to life. She can be described as a friendly and sociable person. She easily finds friends and they help her through life. Even if she asks for something, it does not burden them, and they are even happy to help her. Sometimes she seems arrogant and even cold, but this is a characteristic of all Christines.

At work, and in life in general, Christina does not like to make hasty decisions. She must weigh everything and know all the pros and cons. Works great in responsible positions, but only where reaction speed is not required. She won't make a crisis manager. He is also a good team worker and easily finds a common language with the team.

Family means a lot to Christina. She values ​​home comfort very much and therefore does not like to discuss family matters. After marriage, she directs all her energy given by nature to arranging family life and home. This is especially true for the period when children appear.

The secret of the name Christina

Christina has one little secret. Christina, despite her friendliness, has a very touchy character. She hates criticism, even if it is deserved. She can easily be offended by even the most innocuous remark. And most importantly, she remembers this for a long time and will remind you of it when the opportunity arises.

Another secret of Christine is that behind the feigned coldness hides a very ardent temperament. She is forced to assume seriousness so that her suitors will give her at least a little break from them.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Pigeon.

Name color- White.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Myrtle.

Stone- Diamond.

Career, business and money

Christina is a true workaholic. Her ambition allows her to achieve professional heights in the field of diplomat, doctor, politician, teacher, and engineer. Work should bring her real pleasure, success should please her self-esteem.

In building her career, Christina adheres to a clear plan; there is no place for emotions in her work. A woman never asks or listens to the advice of others. Failures do not scare her, but inspire her to go to the top with redoubled strength. Christina is an excellent leader who demands that her subordinates strictly follow her orders.

She doesn’t have to go work for someone at all. An analytical mind, determination and assertiveness will allow her to become a successful entrepreneur. She will not need partners for a profitable business. She knows a lot and is ready to deal with all the unknowns in the process. The woman is not afraid of difficulties; she is used to handling money carefully, but is not afraid of losing it.

The family budget is completely in her hands. She usually earns more than her husband, but she will not stoop to reproach him in case of a quarrel.

Marriage and family

The house is an indestructible fortress. This expression fully reflects Christina’s attitude towards her family. To arrange the “fortress” she spares neither physical nor mental strength. I am not happy with strangers in my home.

Christina is a woman who excels at combining housekeeping and building a successful career. She demands identical organization and dedication from her husband. If this is not the case, conflicts cannot be avoided. Divorce for a woman with that name is an extraordinary decision. She is ready to compromise in almost any situation. Only treason is considered unacceptable. Raises children in strictness, teaching them independence and responsibility from early childhood.

Sex and love

Christina is a girl wise beyond her years. She evaluates each potential contender for her position in terms of prospects. To create a couple with Christina, a young man must have potential. For the sake of perspective, she is ready to forgive her chosen one for minor flaws in appearance and character. In a relationship with a man, he sometimes becomes a tough manipulator. She always has a lot of fans, Christina is not indifferent to compliments, but she cannot always recognize flattery.

Behind the coldness and restraint of a woman with this name hides incredible sensuality and tenderness. She treats sexual relationships with care; throughout her life they remain a sacrament for her. Christina will show her sensual nature only to her legal husband and only after she understands that he is worthy of her complete trust. If troubles begin in the relationship, Christina instantly retreats. She should always feel that her partner needs her. This woman will definitely not run after anyone; she values ​​and loves herself above all else.


In early childhood she often suffered from colds. During adolescence, parents are advised to pay attention to their daughter’s respiratory organs; she may have problems with her lungs. The best prevention is daily walks in the fresh air.

Sedentary work is not suitable for a girl, since with age there will be a predisposition to joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Throughout your life you need to pay attention to your teeth - this is one of the weakest areas.

Interests and hobbies

Christina has two passions in her life: family and work. If she is interested in fulfilling her work duties, she can devote the maximum of her available time to them.

She has no equal in creating a comfortable life; for this she is ready to master all girlish hobbies: from embroidery to remaking old furniture.

The name Christina bears the imprint of aristocracy. Initially it was used by commoners, but later it became popular among the upper classes. The name fell out of use for a long time; later it began to be perceived as foreign.

The origin of the name is interesting, it is derived from the Christian name Christina, which means dedicated to Christ. The meaning of the name suggests that the girl named by him will be very kind and flexible. This is an erroneous opinion, since Christinas are militant and ready to fight back against any injustice.

According to legend, the virgin Christina went against her father’s will and converted to Christianity. She converted many people to her faith, and her father condemned her to torment. But the maiden did not renounce her faith, for which she suffered - she was killed with a sword. In Rus' it found its application after the adoption of Christianity.

In Orthodoxy, women with the name Christina are patronized by the martyrs Christina of Tire and Persia, baptisms are celebrated on the day of the angel - in January 6 and 15, in February - 19, in March - 13 and 26, 13 and 24 June, in August - 6 and 18, in October - 27, in December - 15. Affectionately called Christina Kristya, Chris, Kristyusha, Christy, Kristinka, Kristinochka, Krisya, Tina, Tinochka.

The secret of the name can be recognized by talismans, amulets and lucky numbers corresponding to the name. The ruling planets are Saturn and the Sun, and the zodiac sign is Leo and Virgo. For girls born in July-September this name is the best choice. Summer is a good time of year for Christy, and on Wednesday she can decide on important matters.

Yellow, brown and orange colors will bring success to the girl. Plant amulet - myrtle and cypress. Myrtle has long been considered a symbol of beauty, youth, health and family well-being. It gives peace in the house, attracts love, and eliminates quarrels. Cypress is a symbol of the immortality of the soul, its life after the death of the earthly body.

The totem animal is the toad, it brings wealth, fertility, and good luck. The bird is a dove, a symbol of harmlessness and simplicity; it is associated with motherhood and femininity. The amber talisman gives protection from the evil eye, gives health and happiness, clears consciousness, relieves depression and headaches. Diamond gives courage and fearlessness, relieves irritability, and increases morale. This is a sign of loyalty, honesty and integrity.

Meaning of the name

What does the name Christina mean for a woman? It leaves a certain imprint on the character, giving it both positive and negative traits.


The girl has a very strong character, the main thing positive characteristic- determination. She has high self-control, which allows her to find a way out of any situation. She can always defend her point of view, is reserved and cold, and never allows herself to be rude. To achieve what he wants, he uses only civilized methods.

Worries about herself are alien to her; she is completely confident in her strengths and uniqueness. High self-esteem contributes to the fact that while moving towards the goal, Kristya simply does not notice obstacles. She is always an excellent student at school, and still manages to attend all kinds of clubs. But she is not enough for a long time, plunging into a new interesting business, she quickly loses interest in it and moves on to new creative endeavors. All her life she will strive to find herself in creativity.

Courage, willpower, accuracy and the desire to always get what you want allow Christina to always be the first. Her taste is impeccable and she always looks fashionable. The first impression is made as a modest and shy girl, but only then the person realizes how wrong she was. Kristya will never allow her interests to be infringed upon, and can provoke serious conflicts.

It’s easy to win the favor of a woman with this name; it’s enough to court her in an original way and surprise her. But at the same time, she doesn’t have many friends. True, as a friend, he is a faithful person, always ready to help, no matter how difficult it is. Christina is always sure that she is the best and everyone loves her.

Of particular importance is the characteristic of rancor. She does not forgive insults, remembers them for a long time and, if necessary, will definitely remind you and return the debt. Another negative trait of Christie is laziness. She studies with some laziness, while still remaining ahead of the rest. Having beautiful handwriting, he likes to write down his beautiful name wherever possible.


In general, Christina’s fate is going well. She knows how to make unconventional decisions and will always find a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. She loves life very much, is positive and has a good sense of humor. She is friendly with others and easily gets along with strangers. Many people do not like her arrogance and hot temper, but these traits are corrected by upbringing. She tries to get everything from life, she is confident in herself.

This feeling of panic is unfamiliar to her. She knows how to stand up for herself, but she will have to defend her beauty and her position in society. Christina successfully copes with this task. Her energy carries a charge of strength; a timid and shy girl named Christina can only be met in exceptional cases.

Chris will have a need for recognition throughout his life. This pushes her to implement professional activity. But family is no less important for this woman. She easily falls in love, strives to establish relationships with famous personalities, and dreams of fame. Christina rarely becomes a housewife, preferring a social life. But even if this happens, dreams of glory never leave.

If Christy's life is gray and mundane, she may become depressed and decide that she is living in vain. Often, in the pursuit of success, she simply passes by her human happiness, this is very sad.


Kristochka's strong character does not allow her to be close to a weak man. Therefore, she chooses self-confident and wealthy men. Great importance has and financial position, her chosen one will definitely be rich. Kristya recognizes the social status of a representative of the opposite sex unmistakably, thanks to her natural wisdom, and always correctly assesses his potential.

Her mask of indifference and coldness often hinders relationships, but whoever is able to discern the sensuality and femininity behind her will receive boundless tenderness and love in return. It is quite difficult to reveal Kristinka’s true face; this will require time and perseverance from a man. But at heart this woman is an amazing romantic. She knows how to present herself and will look impressive in any society.

Christy's husband must give her a reliable support and all his love without reserve, this will definitely be appreciated. For such a person, a woman with this name is ready to become the best wife, friend, guardian family hearth and a worthy mother. She has an appropriate approach to raising children; she is a very responsible and kind person, although she tries to be strict and fair, teaching them to be independent from childhood.

He never forgives betrayal. Having decided on the man of her dreams, she forgets about the existence of others and changes radically. Family is very important to Christina, and the house should be full. She doesn't understand the expression " with your beloved paradise in a hut“For Christy, decent housing is a harmonious combination of a cozy and strong home, to which she devotes a lot of time and effort. This woman always protects her family life without allowing anyone to interfere with it.

Christina can have excellent relationships with men named Sergey, Alexander, Dmitry.


Kristochka approaches her choice of profession responsibly, giving preference modern trends. Thanks to her self-confidence and determination, she always achieves what she wants, including in her work. Owners of this name make excellent managers, fair and responsible, with the ability to properly organize the work process. The subordinates of such a boss respect and obey.

It is worth understanding that Christina is used to living with dignity, and she is not interested in work with low pay. She can reach good heights in design and banking. Realization in business is facilitated by her honesty and desire to assert herself; she will become an excellent private entrepreneur. Her business partners are predominantly men, but she is able to reach heights on her own.

Thanks to her natural artistry and creativity, she can successfully try herself as an actress, artist, journalist, or director. Scrupulousness and the ability to find a common language with people allow her to become an excellent teacher or doctor. She can handle the most painstaking work, but she will never choose a profession associated with monotonous, routine activities.

In any case, no matter what Kristya chooses, her main goal is her position in society. She constantly strives to create her own material base; financial independence is the main goal that she pursues in the professional sphere.