
Fried dumplings. How to fry dumplings in a frying pan, boiled, frozen How to fry boiled dumplings in a frying pan

A universal semi-finished product loved by many nations, dumplings do not need to be boiled. There are many recipes for frying dumplings, boiled and raw. For the Chinese, hot dumpling dishes are a national tradition.

How to fry frozen dumplings

When you want to fry a frozen semi-finished meat product, raw or boiled, you need to know how long to fry the dumplings so that both the meat and the dough are completely cooked. For raw ones, you will need three minutes of frying each side. Dumplings turn out very tasty when they are fried frozen, so that they do not tear during the process, do not stick together and do not stick to the bottom of the pan; defrosting them is contraindicated.

In order not to spoil the product, it will not be superfluous to master the intricacies of how to properly fry dumplings. Vegetable oil is poured into a hot frying pan, semi-finished products are laid out so that there is a small distance between them. Salt and pepper and any other spices are sprinkled on top. After the dumplings are covered with a brown crust, you can simmer them a little and eat them. The crust will prevent the meat juices from leaking out of the dough.

There is no need to doubt whether you can fry dumplings by boiling them. Semi-finished products should be stewed over medium or low heat. After pouring in water (50 or 80 milliliters), you can cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the liquid evaporates, then add a small amount of oil and fry on both sides.

Tip: When frying, it is not necessary to use water; semi-finished meat products turn out tastier in sour cream; you will need 2 tablespoons of it.

How to deliciously fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan?

There are many recipes for frying dumplings in a frying pan. If you brought a pack of dumplings from the store (450 or 500 grams), then it is better to put them on a plate for 10 minutes so that they move away a little. Place the semi-finished products in a heated thick-walled container with oil (60 grams), mix lightly, they should be covered in oil on all sides, cover the container with a lid and cook, stirring the product periodically with a wooden spatula until completely browned. You need to simmer the product in boiling water over reduced heat for five minutes. Sprinkle the dish using any spices, stir, fry for a minute, turn over to the other side, turn off the stove, hold with the lid closed for 2 minutes, serve.

Housewives should have a question about how long to fry the dumplings in a frying pan, so as not to overcook them and bring them to optimal readiness. Often exact time depends on the method of frying frozen dumplings, and also affects the size of semi-finished products.

In terms of time, the process turns out to be short; how many minutes to fry also depends on the form in which the dumplings will be present in the frying pan. Most often, the three-step process takes 10 or 20 minutes, 5 or 7 minutes per step if the dumplings are medium in size.

Initially, the raw material is fried for 2 or 3 minutes on one side, and the same on the second. Once browned, the product will simmer in sauce or water for about 7 minutes at medium heat. The steamed product should brown again within two minutes on one side, and the same on the other.

How long it takes to fry the boiled semi-finished product depends on the fire mode, it should be maximum, then the dumplings will be fried in 10 minutes. Miniature specimens need even less, about five or 8 minutes.

Many housewives make dumplings with their own hands; whether they can be fried when they are just made and raw should not raise any doubts. For 400 grams of fresh produce you need 40 grams of vegetable oil and a little salt. Preparing the dough will take 1 minute or a little more. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer. You can add vegetable oil to the dough, then the pan will need to be lightly greased. The filling is added and the edges of the homemade semi-finished product are sealed.

Fry the dumplings over medium heat until browned, until fully cooked, then place them on a plate. IN ready dish sometimes a little mayonnaise is added. You can combine food with vegetables.

The taste of fried dumplings is greatly influenced by spices and seasonings, which are added during the cooking process as a savory dressing. Dry ingredients are poured in at the end of the frying process.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker

A slow cooker can serve as an excellent alternative to a frying pan. Before frying dumplings in a modern unit, it is better to familiarize yourself with the chef's recommendations.

Whether it is possible to fry dumplings raw in a mult is up to the housewife to decide. But it's better to freeze them first. You won’t get a dark crust, but the product will be juicy and have minimal fat content.

For 600 grams of dumplings you will need: 60 milliliters of water and 70 milliliters of oil, sour cream mixed with spices (3 large spoons are enough).

Dumplings in a slow cooker turn out excellent if you know how to fry them. The bowl should be greased with oil and the baking mode should be set. After heating the pan for five minutes, semi-finished products are poured into it, and the lid of the device is closed on top.

What kind of oil it is desirable to fry in depends on tastes and preferences; dumplings are fried well in both butter and vegetable oil.

Recommendations for how long to fry dumplings in a multe state that 40 or 45 minutes is enough. After frying for ten minutes, the dumplings should be stirred with a wooden or plastic spatula, you can add a glass of water and boil for half an hour, but in this case they will not be crispy.

A beautiful golden crust will be obtained if water is not present in the preparation. And to soften the fried product, you should keep it in a closed pan for a while after turning it off. Sometimes sour cream and spices are added. It turns out great if the product is dipped in any sauce during a meal. You can add finely chopped greens.

Fried dumplings in the microwave

At home, you can learn how to fry dumplings in the microwave. The whole process will take no more than 15 or 20 minutes. Step 1 is to boil the semi-finished product. After drying in a colander, pour the products into a special large plate and place in the microwave oven on the “Grill” mode at maximum power.

There is nothing tricky about how to fry frozen dumplings in the microwave. Five minutes is enough. The resulting broth is disposed of by draining it. You can grate cheese on top, fry for four minutes, sprinkle with herbs, pepper, and eat with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Fried dumplings in a frying pan according to this recipe turn out extremely tasty. Many nations have dumplings and there are a great many variations of this dish. Certainly, fried dumplings less common than boiled ones, but don’t be afraid to experiment, because it’s really worth it. Anyone can prepare such a dish, and the entire cooking process will not take you much time. I tried many recipes for making fried dumplings and eventually settled on this recipe, which was appreciated not only by me, but also by my family and many of my friends. So if you want to please yourself or your loved ones with an original dish of dumplings, then try it and they will appreciate it.

Ingredients for making fried dumplings:

  • Dumplings - 250 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Spices - to taste

Step-by-step recipe for making fried dumplings:

In order to cook delicious fried dumplings, you need to put a non-stick frying pan on the fire (slightly less than maximum) and pour in vegetable oil. There should not be a lot of oil; it is enough if it covers the bottom of the pan.

Place frozen dumplings in a slightly heated frying pan. I used ready-made store-bought ones, but you can also use homemade ones. The main thing is not to defrost the dumplings before frying.

Now the dumplings need to be lightly salted; add a very small pinch so as not to oversalt. You can add spices to your taste, but I liked the combination of ground black pepper and dried dill. I also added them in minimal quantities. Fry the dumplings until they reach the desired golden color and stir with a spatula.

As soon as the dumplings are fried, add a little water, 100 milligrams will be enough. Mix.

Disputes about the origins of dumplings never cease, because this product appears in many traditional cuisines of different nations.

Today this is the most popular semi-finished product, which can not only be boiled, but we will discuss how to properly fry dumplings in a frying pan, boiled and raw, in this article.

This hearty treat has a huge army of fans, but before you dig into this delicious treat, it’s a good idea to find out all the facts about this dish.

Is it possible to fry dumplings in a frying pan?

We are more often accustomed to seeing dumplings and their analogues from different cuisines of the world boiled in broth (dushpere, chuchvara, ravioli) or steamed, for example, manti, khinkali, baotzy. However, in China, which is considered to be the ancestor of this dish, fried dumplings are a national treat. They are cooked over high open heat in special frying pans with a curved bottom - woks - with the addition of oil.

However, today, in our country, frying dumplings in a frying pan has become commonplace and is increasingly practiced in kitchens, but at home, and not on street fires, like the Chinese.

How to properly fry dumplings in a frying pan?

To deliciously fry dumplings in a frying pan, you don’t need to complete a cooking course or waste time watching educational videos and recipes with photos. With competent, detailed instructions and clarification of all the nuances, even schoolchildren can master such “high” cooking as fried semi-finished products.

How to deliciously fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan

  • If you are going to fry raw frozen dumplings, then you DO NOT need to thaw them first! This important point recipe, because defrosted dumplings will stick to the bottom of the pan, tear, and as a result will not look so good.
  • Place the semi-finished products in hot oil over high heat and fry over high heat on each side until a thick, brownish crust appears. This same crust will allow us to retain all the meat juice inside the dumpling.
  • The dumplings should lie in the dish in one layer and it is advisable not to allow the “ears” to come into contact with each other so that they do not stick together and are able to bake thoroughly.
  • Then the cooking temperature should be reduced to medium or slightly less than medium. Pour 50-80 grams of water into the frying pan and, closing the container with a lid, simmer the dumplings until cooked and the moisture evaporates.
  • As soon as the water has evaporated, add a little oil to the bowl and fry the dumplings until crispy on both sides.

How to fry boiled dumplings in a frying pan

  • Pre-cooked dumplings should be kept in a colander before frying to remove all the liquid from them, otherwise drops of water will splash very strongly upon contact with hot oil.
  • If the boiled dumplings are left over from yesterday’s lunch and have already dried out, then you can start frying them right away.
  • Pour oil into a thick-walled frying pan and heat it over maximum heat. You need to cook the dumplings at a high temperature so that the dough does not have time to absorb a lot of fat, and the products themselves are covered with a beautiful reddish-brown, deliciously crispy crust.
  • So, as soon as the oil starts to smoke, place the dumplings in one row on the bottom of the frying pan and fry them for 3-5 minutes. Then turn it over and cook the same amount more.
  • Place the finished mini-chebureks on a paper blotter and then on a serving plate.

How to fry delicious small dumplings in a frying pan

A step-by-step recipe for making miniature dumplings looks like this:

  1. Take a large, thick-bottomed, preferably cast-iron frying pan, and set it to heat over medium or slightly above medium heat.
  2. Throw 50 g of butter into a hot bowl and wait until it melts and sizzles, signaling the desired heat.
  3. Now pour small dumplings into the container and fry them, under a closed lid, without adding heat for about 8 minutes, stirring regularly.
  4. Salt, spices, eggs or grated cheese can be added to taste a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

How long should you fry dumplings in a frying pan?

The dumplings fry very quickly. Everything takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on the size.

  1. Frozen dumplings need to be fried in 3 stages, each of which takes 5-7 minutes for standard medium-sized products:
    • First, over high heat, fry the semi-finished products for 2-3 minutes from one barrel, then turn them over and fry for the same amount.
    • After a dense, ruddy “shell” has formed, the heat under the frying pan is reduced and the dumplings are steamed under the lid over medium heat with the addition of water for 5-7 minutes.
    • When the dumplings are steamed from the inside, the temperature under the frying pan should be increased again and at this stage the dumplings just need to be cooked until crispy for 2 minutes on each side.
  2. Boiled dumplings are fried for only 7-10 minutes at maximum heat.
  3. Small dumplings will be ready even faster, in 5-8 minutes.

How many calories do dumplings fried in a frying pan have?

The energy value of any dish primarily depends on its composition, as well as on the cooking technology. So:

  • Fried chicken dumplings have a calorie content of 550 kcal per 100 g when fried in vegetable oil. If you prefer butter for heat treatment of products, then in this case the energy intensity indicator increases to 660 kcal.
  • Fried semi-finished products with ground beef in caloric equivalent they weigh 690 kcal.
  • Fried pork dumplings are the fattest and hardest to digest - 750 kcal in vegetable oil and over 850 kcal in butter.

If you are a fan of dumplings, but care about your figure, then take a closer look at the method of preparing semi-finished products by steaming or in water. And as a filling it is best to choose:

  • Chicken white meat. Such dumplings will have only 106 kcal per 100 g.
  • Dumplings with turkey or fish – 200-250 kcal.
  • Dumplings with rabbit meat – 170 kcal.

Fried dumplings in a frying pan with onions

Make it with your own hands, quick, satisfying and most importantly - tasty dish Lunch can be done in just 20 minutes. This is the best option for those who have their entire day scheduled down to the minute.


  • Any dumplings – 0.4 kg;
  • Perk – 0.2 kg;
  • Table rock salt – 1/3-1/2 tsp;
  • Any vegetable oil – 25-40 ml.

How to cook fried dumplings in a frying pan

  1. Place dumplings in an even layer in a frying pan heated over high heat with hot oil and fry them for 6 minutes until the semi-finished products are completely covered with a crispy crust.
  2. Now turn down the flame under the frying pan and add just a little water so that the bottom is just covered. Simmer the semi-finished product under a tight lid for 7 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, we raise the cooking temperature again, as soon as the remaining liquid has evaporated, add a little more oil, salt the dish and pour the onion, cut into thin quarter rings, into a container.
  4. Fry the dumplings with onions for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. This time is enough for both the onion and the dumplings to become appetizingly delicious.

Fried dumplings in a frying pan with sauce

To surprise your household with an original presentation of an old, familiar dish, you don’t have to spend hours on end in the kitchen. Dumplings with classic Chinese spicy garlic-soy sauce are prepared quickly, and are so delicious that you will be asking for more more than once.


  • Dumplings – 1 pack;
  • Unflavored vegetable oil 1 glass;
  • Universal seasoning – 1-2 tsp;
  • Soy sauce – 80 ml;
  • Chilled water – 1 glass;
  • Wine vinegar – 30 ml;
  • Olive oil – 15 ml;
  • Finely chopped hot chili pepper – 1 tsp;
  • Finely ground dark pepper – ½ tsp;
  • Tobasco sauce – ½ – 1 tsp;
  • Small garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh green cilantro – ¼ bunch;
  • Onions – ¼ head;

How to cook fried dumplings with sauce

  1. Place the dumplings in hot oil over high heat. To fry semi-finished products, you should choose a thick-bottomed steel, ceramic, granite or cast-iron frying pan, and the cooking temperature should be the maximum so that the oil does not have time to be deeply absorbed into the dough and the dumplings themselves do not stick to the bottom of the container.
  2. Fry the semi-finished products on one side and the other for 3 minutes. Then reduce the heat, pour a little water into the pan, about 50 ml, also add universal seasoning and cook the dumplings under the lid for 7 minutes.
  3. During this time, the water will evaporate, and then pour a little oil into the bottom of the dish and, adding heat, fry the dumplings until crisp and golden brown. Place the finished dumplings on a plate.
  4. Now let's prepare the sauce. Chop the garlic, cilantro and chili pepper very finely. Grind the onion into a puree. Mix all ingredients (except cilantro) with Tobasco sauce and set aside.
  5. Pour water (50 ml), vinegar, olive oil and soy sauce into a saucepan, heat until boiling, cook for a minute, then add hot dressing with pepper, garlic and Tobasco sauce to the sauce, mix everything and boil for another 1 minute.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add black pepper and chopped cilantro to the sauce, mix everything again and leave until completely cooled.

To serve, place the fried dumplings in a circle on a large dish, and place a bowl with sauce in the center. Spicy lovers will definitely like this treat.

Fried dumplings with sour cream and cheese in a frying pan

Sour cream and cheese are two ingredients that can turn the most simple treat into a real royal dish. And it’s not for nothing that dumplings in this sauce are called “Royal Dumplings.”


  • Frozen dumplings – 0.5 kg;
  • Fresh mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Sour cream of any fat content – ​​0.2 kg;
  • Parmesan cheese - 0.15 kg;
  • Ghee butter – 100 g;
  • Finely chopped dill greens – 3 tbsp.

How to make fried dumplings in a frying pan

  1. Heat a frying pan over high heat, melt and heat the oil in it and place the dumplings in one layer for frying. In such temperature conditions Fry the semi-finished products until they are crispy on both sides.
  2. Then reduce the heat by half and place the finely diced onion into the frying pan, and after 3-5 minutes, when the onion becomes transparent golden, add the mushrooms cut into small slices into the container.
  3. Fry all the ingredients in the pan for another 5 minutes, then pour in a shot of water, sour cream, salt and any spices you like, mix everything, cover the container with a lid and reduce the heat to very low.
  4. As soon as the sauce boils under the lid, simmer the dumplings for a couple of minutes and add finely chopped dill and fine cheese crumbs to them. Mix everything and simmer the dish again under the lid for another 3-4 minutes.

You can cook fried dumplings on speed with sour cream and cheese in the oven. To do this, after adding sour cream to the dumplings with mushrooms and onions, immediately sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and put it in the oven for baking for 20 minutes. The cooking temperature must be at least 180°C.

Everyone is used to the fact that classic recipe Preparation of dumplings involves boiling them. To diversify your menu, you can prepare this dish in a non-standard way. I guarantee that the result will exceed all your expectations. These fried dumplings can be quickly prepared and placed on the table with beer if guests arrive unexpectedly. Or you can serve it on the holiday table as an unusual hot appetizer. Main condition instant cooking What makes this dish so special is the presence of delicious frozen preparations in the freezer. I bring to your attention a recipe with photos of preparing fried dumplings.

How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan

To prepare this dish, you need to use a high-quality semi-finished product, which you can make and freeze yourself, or you can simply buy in a store. I bought a tray of Malyutka dumplings weighing 400 grams. The recipe will only use half the packet.

ATTENTION: It is very important that the dumplings are positioned freely in the pan.

Place frozen dumplings in a frying pan with added vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

Turn on the heat to maximum and quickly fry the raw dumplings until golden brown.

Pour fried dumplings hot water so that the water covers them halfway. As soon as the liquid boils, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to medium. No need to salt!

After 5 minutes, open the lid and turn on maximum heat. Now you need to evaporate the excess liquid.

As soon as the liquid has almost evaporated, we begin to gently stir the dumplings so that they fry evenly and dry slightly.

The secret to making dumplings with a crispy crust is making the right choice frying pans. The non-stick coating should be without damage or chips, perfectly smooth. Then the dumplings will not stick and tear.

Place the finished, still crispy, fried dumplings on plates and serve immediately before they become limp.

Prepared this way in an unusual way The dumplings turn out very tasty and beautiful. I advise everyone to try to cook and treat their family to such an appetizing and unusual dish.

If you have unexpected guests, frying dumplings is an ideal option. It will take very little time. The outside is crispy and the meat inside is juicy. Delicious

Don't forget that dumplings are very high in calories, and fried ones are especially high. Therefore, you should not abuse it. This is a good option for some rare cases. But not for every day. The calorie content of 100 grams of dish, depending on the minced meat, is 200-300 kcal.

  • To make fried dumplings less caloric. Before eating, place the finished product first on a paper towel. This will drain off excess fat.
  • If you fry the product from frozen, let it thaw a little. Place the dumplings on the table and leave for 10-15 minutes. When the dough has softened a little, press them lightly with your hands to flatten them a little. Then the product will be fried very well.
  • I also recommend trying to fry dumplings in a deep fryer. They turn out to look like chebureks or belyashi in miniature. Very original.
  • When buying dumplings in a store, pay attention to their category. It is indicated on the packaging. It is best to choose category “A”, this product contains 80% meat. Category “B” is also not bad - from 60% to 80% meat.

There are also categories “B”, “G”, “D”. But I don't recommend buying them. The quality of such a product is questionable, as is its taste. There is more dough than meat. May contain various additives: soy, semolina, flavorings. The best thing, of course, are the dumplings made by yourself. Nothing compares to them. Do you agree?

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan

You can fry both frozen and boiled foods. In the first case, the crust will be crispier, in the second - softer. As the brownie Kuzya said: “This way and that is good.” Therefore, do as you like. And I will share with you recipes that I have tried myself.

Let's figure out how long to fry dumplings in a frying pan. This usually takes 15-20 minutes. You need to fry in a hot frying pan with heated vegetable oil. The fire needs to be medium. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. Frying times may vary slightly depending on the size of the product. Readiness can be determined by the browned crust on the dough.

How to fry frozen dumplings

Dumplings are easy to prepare without cooking. Lovers of crispy crust believe that this is tastier than frying boiled ones.

Heat a frying pan, pour in oil. Place frozen dumplings in a frying pan so that they do not lie too tightly together. Otherwise they may stick together. Salt, pepper, you can add your favorite spices. Turn down the heat a little.

Fry for about three minutes on each side. A crust should appear. Then pour a small amount of water into the pan. Water should cover the bottom by about half a centimeter. You can add a couple of bay leaves and black peppercorns to the water.

Cover the pan with a lid and increase the heat. In order for the minced meat to be fried, you need to steam the dish being prepared well.

Simmer for about five minutes until all the liquid has evaporated. At the end, open the lid to dry the dumplings slightly. Then turn them over to the other side and fry them again to get a golden brown crust.

Instead of water, you can use sour cream, you just need a couple of spoons. The dough is soaked in sour cream, it turns out delicious. To do everything correctly, watch the video.

How to deep fry

Homemade products are more suitable for deep-frying. They can be made larger in size and you will get something like mini chebureks. It's a good idea to add vodka to the dough. Thanks to this, it will not absorb much oil during frying.

Pour more vegetable oil into a deep saucepan and heat over high heat. To check if the oil is ready for frying, dip the edge of the dough into it. If the oil is hot enough, it will begin to bubble with small bubbles. This will tell you it's time to cook.

Place the dumplings in the oil in small portions so that they do not touch each other. They should be completely covered with oil. Stir to avoid sticking. Fry until golden brown. This usually takes 5-7 minutes. Remove the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon. Place on a paper towel to drain the fat. After a few minutes you can put it on a plate.

The following sauce goes great with fried dumplings. Mix a couple of spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise. Add finely chopped dill and two grated pickled gherkins. It turns out amazingly delicious.

Fried dumplings with cheese

The cheese recipe is very simple, but allows you to add variety. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add salt and throw the dumplings into the water. Boil until half cooked. It will take no more than five minutes. Then drain in a colander and let the water drain.

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Heat a frying pan, add a little butter and lay out the finished dumplings. If you like, add your favorite spices. Fry until browned. If the oil is not enough, then add a little vegetable oil.

Place the finished dish on plates. Sprinkle pre-grated cheese on top. While hot, the cheese will melt slightly; before serving, you can also sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

In Chinese

For this method, it is better to make the dumplings yourself. The seam should not be completely closed, this will allow the meat to cook better.

Heat a frying pan and add a couple of tablespoons of oil. Place the items seam side up. Fill with water and cover with a lid. Wait for the liquid to boil away, and then add water again. The liquid should boil away again.

Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, cover with a lid and fry for 3-5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. Serve while still hot. If you have chopsticks, try eating with them. And don't forget a small bowl of soy sauce. By the way, at the end of the article I wrote several options for sauce for dumplings.

Take a couple of large onions, peel and cut into half rings. Heat a frying pan with a little oil and add the onion. Fry until soft. The heat is medium, do not fry too much. You can cover the pan with a lid.

Place frozen dumplings in a frying pan with onions. Stir and add salt. If necessary, add oil to prevent burning. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat for 10-12 minutes. The color of the dough should turn golden.

Then turn the dumplings over to the other side, add salt again, and add oil if necessary. Fry until golden brown. Serve immediately after cooking. It’s a good idea to sprinkle the dish with dill or parsley.

In vegetable sauce

To prepare dumplings in vegetable sauce you need the following ingredients:

  • bell pepper - 2 yellow and 3 red;
  • half a kilo of dumplings;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • olive oil;
  • red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • dry red wine.

Boil the dumplings in salted water, stirring constantly. Cook for no more than five minutes. Place in a colander and wait for the water to drain.

Peel the onion and finely chop into cubes. Peel and chop the peppers. Divide the red pepper into thin strips using a knife. Place everything in a preheated olive oil frying pan Fry for five minutes over low heat. Salt the resulting sauce and add spices. Add more wine. Wine can easily be replaced with vinegar. Simmer briefly and place in a separate bowl. Fry the dumplings in the vacated frying pan. Serve along with steamed vegetables. You can add sour cream.

What to serve with - sauces for dumplings

You can serve dumplings with herbs, sour cream, ketchup, and mayonnaise. A substitute for mayonnaise can be sour cream mixed with mustard. It won't be as high in calories.

  1. Garlic - a simple recipe for aromatic gravy. For it you will need two spoons of mayonnaise, a clove of garlic and parsley. Pour mayonnaise into a bowl, finely chop the greens and add to the mayonnaise. Squeeze the garlic using a press. Stir well.
  2. Cheese - a very tasty spicy sauce with mayonnaise, sour cream and cheese. Mix 15% fat sour cream and mayonnaise in equal quantities. Add chopped greens and grated pickled cucumber. Take hard cheese and grate it on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a fork in a bowl. The sauce is ready.
  3. Cognac - take 200 ml of cream 20% fat, 50 ml of cognac, a spoon of soy sauce, spices. Bring the cream with soy sauce and spices to a boil over medium heat. Add cognac, stirring. Cook until thickened.
  4. With apple and horseradish - mix 250 grams of mayonnaise, 50 g of applesauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and finely grated horseradish. Wonderful sauce.

Almost any spices for dumplings suit your taste. The dish is best combined with pepper, fresh herbs, bay leaves, cloves, and basil.

I recently learned that since 2015, World Dumpling Day has been celebrated in Izhevsk. At the celebration you can try all sorts of variations of this dish according to the recipes of various national cuisines. And also take part in competitions, games, master classes.

Is there anyone from Izhevsk who has been to such an event or are you planning to? Tell me - interesting