
The influence of magnetic storms on humans. Magnetic storms - impact on humans: how do magnetic storms affect health and well-being? Life in a storm

Bad influence magnetic storms affects almost 50-70% of the population of our planet. Moreover, the onset of such a stress reaction of the body in each person during various storms may shift in time.

For some, the reaction develops 1-2 days before a geomagnetic storm, when solar flares occur, others feel unwell during the peak of magnetic disturbances, while for others, illness manifests itself only after a magnetic disturbance.

If you listen to your own body and observe changes in your own condition, analyze the situation, you can identify a connection between the forecast of the geomagnetic situation and the deterioration of your own health and well-being.

What are magnetic storms?

Magnetic storms most often occur in the middle and low latitudes of the planet and can last from several hours to several days. This occurs due to the shock wave of the high-frequency solar wind. Solar flares provoke the release of a large number of protons and electrons into outer space, which at high speed are directed towards the earth and reach its atmosphere within 1-2 days. Charged particles change the earth's magnetic field. Thus, the phenomenon develops during a period of increased solar activity and ends with a disturbance magnetic field land.

Fortunately, such flares are possible no more than 2-3 times a month, so they can be predicted by specialists who record flares and track the movement of the solar wind. Geomagnetic storms can vary in intensity, from imperceptible to significant. When powerful disturbances developed, such as those observed on September 11, 2005, disruptions in satellite navigation functions occurred, and in some areas North America The connection even went down. In the middle of the last century, about 100,000 car accidents were analyzed, and the study found that the number of road accidents increased on the second day after solar flares.

Magnetic storms are most dangerous for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension or hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia and mental disorders. Healthy young people practically do not feel the effects of magnetic vibrations.

How does the impact of a magnetic storm affect your health?

Geomagnetic storms can seriously affect human activity - an increase in the number of car and plane accidents, workplace injuries, failures in the navigation system, deterioration of communications, destruction of energy systems, and also have a significant impact on the body and human health. Doctors have calculated that it is during the period of sun activity that the number of suicides increases 5 times. Residents of the northern regions, Finns, Norwegians, Swedes, especially suffer from geomagnetic fluctuations; in our country, these are residents of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Syktyvkar.

Therefore, a few days after solar flares, the number of hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks, and suicides increases. According to various data, during magnetic storms their number increases by 15%. The negative impact on the human body is manifested by the following symptoms:

    exacerbation of chronic diseases in older people;

    loss of strength, weakness, poor health;

    blood pressure surges;


    irritability, emotional instability;

    drowsiness, or vice versa, insomnia;

    reaction to sharp sounds, light;

    joint pain, headaches;

Scientists suggest that the deterioration of health in weather-dependent people is associated with changes in the magnetic field of the earth, a slowdown in blood flow is observed in the body, aggregates of blood cells are formed, the blood becomes thicker, cholesterol levels may increase, oxygen starvation of tissues and organs is observed, the brain is the first to experience a lack of oxygen and nerve endings. If the development of geomagnetic storms is observed in a row with a break of a week, the majority of the population begins to adapt to the manifestations, and there is practically no reaction to repeated disturbances.

What should weather-sensitive people do to reduce symptoms?

Weather-dependent persons and people with chronic pathologies should monitor the forecast of approaching magnetic storms and exclude for this period any actions or events that can provoke stress; it is better to ensure peace at this time, get plenty of rest, and reduce emotional and physical overload. You should also exclude or avoid:

    Overeating, physical activity, and stress increase the load on the cardiovascular system.

    Limit foods that increase cholesterol (fatty), eliminate alcohol consumption.

    Avoid getting out of bed abruptly, as this may make your dizziness and headache worse.

    The manifestations of magnetic storms are felt especially strongly on an airplane or subway - it is better to try not to use the subway on these days. It has been noticed that subway drivers often suffer from coronary heart disease, and heart attacks are possible among passengers.

    On the first and second days after a magnetic storm, drivers have a slower reaction (4 times), therefore, when driving on such days, you need to be extremely concentrated and careful, and if possible, you should avoid traveling by personal vehicle.

What can be done to mitigate the negative impact:

    people who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension and pathologies of cardio-vascular system must take care of themselves and prepare medications in advance;

    in the absence of contraindications, you can take half a tablet of Aspirin, which helps thin the blood and reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies;

    Ordinary water perfectly stops the manifestations of magnetic storms - taking a contrast shower and even simple washing will help alleviate the condition;

    if a person has irritability, insomnia, or anxiety during such periods, it is worth resorting to herbal sedatives - peony, motherwort, valerian;

    Tea with strawberry leaves, raspberries, mint, decoctions of lemon balm, St. John's wort, and rose hips also help well;

    among fruits, raisins, bananas, lemon, currants, cranberries, blueberries, and apricots are especially suitable.

As with any other issue, any point of view finds both supporters and opponents, and the theory of the influence of magnetic storms is no exception. Opponents of this assumption argue that the gravitational disturbance that the Sun, Moon and other planets exert on a person is not so significant as to significantly affect the body; much more damage is caused by daily stress, lack of sleep, lack of proper rest, overwork, emotional stress, and loud noise. , shaking and sudden braking of transport, sharp descents and ascents (air flights, attractions).

We all have days when everything goes wrong and we feel unwell. Headaches and incomprehensible anxiety are the consequences of solar activity, which we call magnetic storms. This luminary of ours gives us negative energy. Solar radiation is the basis of life on planet Earth, but it is also disturbances in the magnetic field of our planet under the influence of the arriving solar wind. And one can argue whether there are magnetic storms or not, but scientists have definitely seen a correlation between solar flares and their impact on people’s condition.

What is it

It would be more correct to call the phenomenon a geomagnetic storm - a disturbance in the planet’s magnetic field that lasts from a couple of hours to several days. The radiation belts (spheres) of our planet, in which protons and electrons that reach them from outer space are captured, enhance the ring current of the planet (current in the equator region at an altitude of 10-60 thousand kilometers). As a result of their interaction with the Earth's magnetic sphere, disturbances arise - these are magnetic storms that form space weather on the planet. And this is an incredibly beautiful magnetic-optical phenomenon - the northern lights.


The sun is quite unstable. The types of solar activity that lead to the occurrence of magnetic storms are:

  • Solar flares are the release of billions of kilotons of energy (plasma) in terms of TNT equivalent. Magnetic energy is formed from rotational energy.
  • Coronal mass ejection - in this case, the energy is not converted into magnetic energy, but all is spent on accelerating the substance (protons and electrons) that will fly into outer space.
  • Coronal holes are areas of the Sun's corona with reduced density and temperature. It is in these places that the magnetic lines open, and the plasma of the star flows into space.

All these phenomena provoke the appearance of a huge number of charged particles that scatter in cosmic space. Some of them, flying at a speed of about a thousand kilometers per second, reach our planet on the second or third day, and we call this flow cosmic wind. They are the ones who change the parameters of the Earth's magnetic field.

Life in a storm

With the beginning of the space age and with the advent of the possibility of observing the Sun with the help of extraterrestrial objects, scientists found out the nature of this phenomenon and learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms. These are hourly, two-day, weekly and 27-45 day forecasts. Moreover, only the hourly forecast gives an accuracy of 95%, while all the others still leave much to be desired. In addition, it has been reliably established that magnetic storms are associated year by year with the solar activity cycle of 11 years. When the activity is maximum, we experience up to 50 magnetic storms per year, versus 1-2 in the years of minimum activity of the star. On average, every inhabitant of the planet spends about 20% of his entire life under the influence of a magnetic storm. This is quite a lot, considering their effect on the state of the body.

We don't see it, but we feel it

We sense changes in the magnetic field using a “sensor” built into the vestibular apparatus. This is part of the inner ear with special receptor cells. This “sensor,” like all other senses, is connected to the brain and can become tired. For example, with prolonged exposure to sound or electromagnetic radiation, we may experience headaches or vestibular disorders. The development of scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that we live in constant magnetic smog - we are constantly surrounded by many different radiations, ranging from mobile devices to an airplane jet engine, which we do not seem to hear.

People and the Sun

In many religions of the peoples of the world, the Sun is a symbol of goodness and goodness. But not everything is so simple, because the ancients did not know about magnetic storms on the Sun. The benefits we derive from the sun's ultraviolet radiation are colossal, but it can also kill us. The influence of magnetic storms on the health and well-being of people has been questioned for quite some time. But maybe soon they will give us sick leave diagnosed as a victim of solar activity? Research conducted by the Institute of Comic Research at Peoples' Friendship University has confirmed the effect of magnetic field changes on the functioning of cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). The impact of magnetic storms that arose after the outbreak was assessed on the state of rabbit cardiomyocytes. It showed that with such exposure, blood viscosity and coagulability increase, the amount of adrenaline (stress hormone) and swelling of the heart muscle increase.

What to fear

It is assumed that in healthy people, magnetic storms on the Sun do not cause deterioration in well-being. But such disturbances can still disturb everyone. One way or another, the influence of magnetic storms affects the body. Symptoms may vary:

  • During such periods we produce large quantity white blood cells (lymphocytes), but their activity is reduced. And this leads to a decrease in the overall immunity of the body.
  • Melatonin is also responsible for the immunity and daily biorhythms of our body, the production of which is disrupted, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • The quality of our blood also changes - it becomes more viscous, which increases the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, this leads to disruptions in the oxygen transport process. The brain is the first to suffer from oxygen starvation, hence headaches, insomnia and decreased performance.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system may occur: unstable blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

The influence of storms on the formation and conduction of nerve impulse. But during such periods there was an increase in road traffic accidents, work injuries and exacerbation of mental disorders.

How to reduce risks

  • Try not to use the subway - its powerful ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic fields can increase the negative impact of a geomagnetic storm.
  • You should not fly by airliner - at an altitude of 10 kilometers, the protective layer of air decreases by 2 times. In addition, the load on the vestibular apparatus may be excessive.
  • Introduce into your diet foods that reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood: apples, dried apricots, cranberries, raspberries, bananas. Avoid alcohol and heavy foods: fatty, spicy and very sweet.
  • Try not to be nervous, drink tea or tinctures of medicinal plants: valerian, peony, strawberry.
  • Monitor your prognosis and, if your symptoms bother you, contact your doctor for qualified help.

How addicted are you?

It is easy to check the degree of your dependence on the magnetic field. To do this, you will need a stopwatch and an observer who will film the test. You need to stand on one leg and close your eyes for 15 seconds. After this, talk to mobile phone and repeat the test. If you managed to maintain an even position in the second case, you are not dependent or slightly dependent on electromagnetic radiation. If you are pumped, then read the previous section - it was written just for you.


Our body is a fragile system. Millions of years of evolution have prepared man for existence on this planet. We can protect ourselves from a lot, but there remain forces that are beyond our control. According to NASA, the strongest of all recorded storms occurred in November 2003, and all upcoming ones are expected to be weaker. And while scientists are struggling to invent a magnetic radiation compensator device, our health and well-being are in our hands. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, be healthy!

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Often in life we ​​encounter inexplicable conditions when, it seems, nothing particularly hurts, but the body feels like a citrus fruit that has been put through a meat grinder. We explain these conditions in different ways, without even thinking that they are related to the influence of the Sun on our planet. Or more precisely, with magnetic storms, the consequences of which for weather-dependent people (and not only) can be very serious.

How exactly do magnetic storms affect our health, and is there a way to protect ourselves from their effects?

Magnetic storms - impact on humans: how do magnetic storms affect health and well-being?

Throughout life, a person is influenced by 2000-2500 magnetic storms – each with its own duration (1-4 days) and intensity. Magnetic storms do not have a clear schedule - they can “cover” during the day or at night, in the summer heat and in winter, and their influence affects absolutely everyone and everything.

More than 50 percent of the world's inhabitants feel the effects of magnetic storms.

How exactly do magnetic storms affect the human body?

  • According to solar activity changes occur in the number of leukocytes : their concentration decreases with high solar activity and increases with low solar activity.
  • High magnetic activity “extends” the menstrual cycle , and the intensity of changes in geomagnetic field disturbance directly affects the beginning and end of labor. It is an established fact that premature birth is often provoked by magnetic storms.
  • The entire body is exposed to magnetic storms . And the more chronic diseases there are, the stronger the effect of storms.
  • The risk of blood clots increases.
  • Changes in the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes in the blood , blood clotting slows down.
  • The “delivery” of oxygen to tissues and organs is disrupted , the blood thickens.
  • Headaches, joint pain, dizziness appear.
  • Heart rate increases and overall vitality decreases.
  • Insomnia and pressure surges are noted.
  • Progression of chronic diseases occurs , especially concerning the nervous system.
  • The number of myocardial infarctions and strokes is increasing.
  • Fibrinogen concentration increases and the release of stress hormones.

More often than others, those inhabitants of the planet who live closer to the poles suffer from magnetic “disturbances”. That is, the closer to the equator, the lower the influence of magnetic storms. For example, if in St. Petersburg suffers from the consequences of magnetic storms 90 percent of the population , then near the Black Sea - no more than 50 percent .

A magnetic storm always strikes the most vulnerable points of the body, affecting depression in one, exacerbation of chronic ailments in another, migraine in a third, etc. It’s the hardest of all heart patients and people suffering from VSD and excess weight .

How to protect yourself from a magnetic storm - measures to prevent the harmful effects of magnetic storms on humans

Of course, there is nowhere to hide from a magnetic storm. But it will not hurt to know that the strongest impact of the storm will be:

  • On high– on an airplane (the air blanket – the Earth – does not protect at altitude).
  • In the northern regions of our country and in the northern countries(Finland, Sweden, etc.).
  • In the underground. Low-frequency magnetic fields generated in the underground, combined with disturbances in the electromagnetic field of our planet, form a source of powerful negative influence on the human body.

How to protect your health from the influence of a magnetic storm?

Before the storm (during this period the body experiences the most serious “overload”) and during the storm follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • Eliminate alcohol, nicotine and high physical activity.
  • Have on hand medicines “emergency response” in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially for heart patients).
  • Don't jump out of bed in the morning (this is especially true for hypotensive patients).
  • Take aspirin to avoid the formation of blood clots (do not forget to consult a doctor - for example, aspirin is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and gastritis).
  • For insomnia, nervousness, increased feelings of anxiety - infusion of eucalyptus, valerian, lemon balm, motherwort and aloe juice (this plant will not hurt anyone who is weather dependent).
  • Diet for the storm - fish, vegetables and cereals . The food load is moderate.
  • Provide full, sound sleep.
  • Increase your intake of natural antioxidants (replace coffee with green tea).
  • Drink more fluids to reduce blood viscosity.
  • Take baths with herbs/oils and contrast showers .

If your healthy body reacts to a magnetic storm by displaying any symptoms, this is a reason see a doctor for examination and detection of chronic diseases.

Most often in low and middle latitudes of the Earth. As a result of solar flares, large amounts of matter are ejected into space, consisting mainly of protons and electrons, moving at speeds of up to 1000 kilometers per second. The Earth's magnetic field captures these charged particles from space. With their large number and strong flux, the magnetic field greatly changes its characteristics over a short period of time. These phenomena occur approximately two to four times a month.

Scientists have learned to predict the appearance of magnetic storms a day or two in advance. In this case, a flare on the Sun is recorded, and then the movement of the solar wind towards the Earth is monitored.

Magnetic storms can affect some activities: they can cause communication disruptions and failures in various navigation systems spaceships. These phenomena can provoke the appearance of charges on the surfaces of transformers and pipelines and cause destruction of energy systems.

How magnetic storms affect human health

Magnetic field fluctuations have a great impact on health and general health. First of all, they have a negative effect on those who suffer from heart disease, high or low blood pressure. On days of strong magnetic storms, the number of strokes, heart attacks, and hypertensive crises increases by an average of fifteen percent. Magnetic field disturbances cause headaches, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, pressure changes, and decreased vitality in people. According to scientists, this is due to a slowdown in capillary blood flow, which causes hypoxia (oxygen starvation of tissues).

It has been established that at a young age people almost do not feel the effects of geomagnetic storms.

50-75% of the population are exposed to the negative effects of magnetic field fluctuations. The moment at which the body's stress response begins may be delayed by certain dates for some people. A person can react not to the disturbance of the magnetic field itself, but one or two days before these phenomena, that is, at the moment of a solar flare. Up to 50% of the population is able to adapt, that is, people’s body’s reaction decreases to magnetic storms occurring one after another, with an interval of six to seven days. For people sensitive to magnetic storms, doctors strongly recommend reducing physical activity for three to four days and trying not to plan any important things that could result in stress. If possible, it is necessary to spend the entire dangerous period in maximum peace.

The negative impact of magnetic storms is felt by the majority of the world's population, and the onset of a stressful period occurs individually. Troubles with health and well-being can begin a couple of days before the expected storm and continue until it ends.

"Magnetic storms affect the Earth's magnetic field, as well as the well-being of many weather-dependent people."

A magnetic storm begins when a solar flare occurs. The electrons and protons ejected by the luminary with a stream of light reach the earth and destabilize its magnetic environment. The closer a person is to the north or south pole, the more noticeable the dependence on magnetic storms and the more suffering from this phenomenon.

Impact of magnetic storms on health

It is unlikely that stories about plane and car accidents, the increase in equipment failures and cases of injuries at work will convince anyone that they are caused by magnetic storms, and yet this is often the case. They most actively affect older people, as well as anyone who has the misfortune of being familiar with vascular and heart diseases. Even mild diseases of civilization, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia and hypertension, which are practically meaningless to humans, can loudly remind themselves during magnetic storms.

In addition, being on an airplane, subway, or other place where there is a pressure difference, it is more difficult to tolerate a magnetic flash. Mentally unstable people also have a hard time withstanding magnetic storms. These cosmic blizzards have only a negative impact on health.

Symptoms of the influence of magnetic storms:

  • Aches in the knees, elbows, ankles and other joints.
  • Headaches - from small annoying background to real migraine.
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders, anxiety.
  • Depression, mental disorders. Most often, these are ordinary irritability, nervous behavior, and rapid mood swings.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Complete loss of energy, reluctance to work, apathy.
  • Also, during magnetic storms, chronic diseases often worsen.

How to deal with the effects of magnetic storms

In order to feel good on the days of magnetic storms (and not only!), you should follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol, nicotine, and other harmful substances.
  • Don't let yourself get overtired, get plenty of rest.
  • Take care of active rest, spend more time outdoors, if possible, harden yourself (this will improve the condition of your blood vessels).

But sometimes the tension needs to be relieved immediately at the current moment, and you will have to wait for more than one month for the effect of hardening and sports life. Follow these tips to reduce pain and irritability.

1. Do acupressure . From the small bump on the back of your head, run your fingers to your earlobes. Squeeze them and start massaging. The procedure can be repeated. The same applies to palm massage - pressing on the central convex point, expand the massaging movements in concentric circles, completing the massage at the tips of the little fingers, which should also be pressed.

2. Don't get out of bed abruptly or quickly - or at all. avoid jerks and pressure changes . Lie down on a bed or chair and stretch properly. Stretch your oblique muscles by stretching upwards one at a time right hand(lying on your left side) and vice versa. Stretch your neck by making 5-7 smooth bends forward, backward, left and right.

3. Use simple ones yoga exercises . Sit in lotus position. Holding your left nostril closed, begin to breathe deeply through your right. Every 10-15 breaths, try to hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. Then repeat on the second nostril. Focusing on breathing will enrich the brain with oxygen and help relieve spasms.

Magnetic storms do not affect healthy people in any way, so the most The best way To avoid their consequences is to harden yourself, play sports and eat rationally.