
Sports leisure "trip to the winter forest" for children of primary preschool age. Sports leisure for children of junior and middle groups "winter fun with a snowman" Physical education leisure in the first junior group


for children of primary preschool age

"Journey to the Winter Forest"

MDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 20

"The Scarlet Flower"

Physical education instructor

Filippova Tatyana Borisovna


    To develop children's attention, coordination of movements, basic motor skills;

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter;

    Promote the development of creative imagination and friendliness.


          Bushes and trees;

          Logs for crawling and stepping;

          Garlands of snowflakes;

          Snowballs according to the number of children;

          Multi-colored steering wheels according to the number of children;

          Gymnastic bench;

          Bunny hats and masks according to the number of children;

          Arches for climbing;

          Toy Bear;


Progress of sports leisure

The children's entrance to the hall is decorated with garlands of snowflakes, winter bushes and trees in the snow are placed on the floor, fallen trees lie (logs for climbing), snowballs are scattered according to the number of children, and there is a snow bank (benches) at the entrance.

Presenter - Winter time is a pleasant time for everyone: trees decorated with sparkling snow delight with their extraordinary beauty; people go to the forest to admire the winter landscape, go skiing, play snowballs.

What wild animals can you see in the winter forest? (children's answers)

So you and I have gathered here to go to the magical winter forest. Want to? To do this, you need to take the steering wheel and go sit in the magical forest (to the music, children take the steering wheels, imitate, start the engines, move along the edge of the hall, one after another, step by step, then run)

Wow, so much snow! You and I won’t be able to travel by car, we’ll have to walk (walking one after another, snaking between bushes and trees, stepping over logs, crawling on a bench).

We found ourselves in the forest in a wonderful clearing. What do you see on it? ( a lot of snowballs). Let's collect them and do a warm-up with them.

Exercises with snowballs:

    “Lift up” I.p.: o.s. On 1 - lift the snowball up, on 2 - lower it down (4-5 times)

    “Hide the snowball” I.p.: the same. On 1, hide the snowball behind your back, on 2, extend your straight arms forward (4-5 times)

    “Turn around” I.p. Same. On 1st turn to the right, extend your arms, on 2nd turn to the left (3-4 times each)

    “Put down the snowball” I.p. Same. On 1st - sit down put a snowball, on 2nd - stand up, 3rd - sit down take a snowball, 4th - stand up (4-5 times)

    “Jump” - jumping on two legs in place.

Chanterelle enters to cheerful music.

Fox: Hello guys.

Leading: Hello, Lisichka. Tell us how you live in the forest in winter: is it cold and hungry in winter?

Fox: I quickly, quickly run after different animals. Do you want to run and play in the snow with me?

Snowball game"

The children say goodbye to Lisa, Lisa leaves.

Children continue their journey (walking like a snake, between bushes and trees, walking with high knees)

Leading: Here we are in a clearing of bunnies. How do hares hide from foxes and wolves in winter? What do they do to keep warm? (children's answers)

Do you want to turn into bunnies? Then you need to wear magic bunnie hats (children wear hats and masks) Let's play a game that hares love to play.

Game “The little white bunny is sitting”

Children move one after another (walking after each other, crawling under arches, walking with high knees)

Leading: Here we are. But for some reason Mishka is nowhere to be found? Where did he go? It’s so beautiful in the forest, but he’s hiding somewhere? Where do you think Mishka is? (children's answers) Let's look for him.

Game "Find the Bear"

(the children find a bear in a den, he is sleeping under a Christmas tree)

Leading: Let's not disturb the little bear, let him sleep soundly, and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Get in the cars and let's head back.

Children take the steering wheels in their hands and move one after another

(walking and running one after another)

Leading: So we returned to kindergarten. Did you enjoy traveling through the winter forest? Who did we meet there? How do these animals live in the forest in winter? (children's answers)

Children leave the hall to cheerful music.

Physical education in the 1st junior group.

Target: Create a good emotional mood in children; consolidate various types of walking and running; develop correct posture in children. Teach children to jump easily.

Materials: chicken headbands, jumping bars, slant board, cord.

Leisure progress.

Children enter the hall, each wearing a headband with a picture of a chicken.

Educator: And who came? Where's your mom?

A mother hen runs in, played by an adult.

Chicken: Where, where, where, where,

Where are you from and where?

Come with me to the lawn by the pond,

I will take you to a wonderful place.

Children follow each other, stepping from foot to foot.

Educator: The crested hen came out,

There are yellow chickens with her,

Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Don't go far.

Children run after their mother hen, scattered. At the teacher’s signal, the children line up behind the teacher. They walk with their legs raised high.

Educator: To deceive the fox,

Let's run back.

The children walk one after another.

Educator: The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

Children raise their legs high and flap their “wings.”

Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Don't go far.

Row with your paws,

Look for grains.

Children do squats.

Ate a fat beetle

An earthworm.

We drank some water

A complete mess.

Children, together with the teacher, perform pull-ups and turns to the side. Bend forward and squat.

The grains are not visible

It's a shame for the kids.

Children sit on the mat, legs wide apart, leaning forward.

Began to have fun

Jump and spin.

Children perform the “spring” exercise: they spin around, bending their legs, then jump.

Educator: Oh, chickens, look, obstacles have appeared in front of us. Look: here is a ditch, we will jump over it.

Children perform jumps on two legs, jumping over slats lying on the floor.

Educator: To get to the river, everyone needs to climb up the hill and quietly go down.

Children perform walking on an inclined board.

Educator: Here is the pond, but what a shame.

Lots of bushes, oh well.

We'll go around the bushes

Let's crawl on our knees.

First, children step over the “bushes” (obstacles), then crawl under the cord.

Educator: The boys became naughty and began to run away from the mother chicken.

A game of hide and seek is played.

Chicken: Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Where are my boys?

Yellow chickens?

Children run to their mother hen. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Chicken: Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Don't go far.

It's time for you to listen to mom,

Come on over, kids.

Where, where, where, where,

You run here!

What is this in my hands?

The children waddle importantly behind their mother hen. They run in different directions, then run up to the mother hen and see a spikelet in her hands.

Chicken: Spikelet, spikelet, please give me a gift for my children, little yellow chickens.

Mother chicken gives gifts to children.

Goal: develop interest in physical activity

Objectives: develop dexterity, speed and attention; improve children's positive emotional response to sports exercise;

Host: Guys, we received a letter (shows an envelope with a picture of a snowman). Who is it from? (children's answers). Listen: "Guys! I got into trouble: I fell into a snowdrift, I was buried in the snow. I can’t get out, help the Snowman!”

Host: Guys, should we help the snowman? (Children's answers). Where do you think the snowman lives? (Children's answers). Yes, the snowman lives in the snowy kingdom. Let's go there. Oh, so much snow, big snowdrifts, It’s hard to walk, my legs are sinking (walk slowly, raise their legs high). Let's move on, don't stop. Is it difficult to walk? We need to put on our skis! (the children stop, "putting on skis" ) . They walk at a sliding pace. It's much easier this way. And all around is white - white - beauty! To get into the winter forest, we cannot be lazy. Now we are going to run, we must hurry!

(Children run around the “winter meadow”) at an average pace.

Host: So we got to the winter forest. How fresh and clean the air is here! Let's take a deep breath (children breathe). And who is that hiding behind the stump?

Riddle about the squirrel

Skilfully jumps through the trees,
And he hides nuts in the hollow.
What kind of animal is this?
Guess quickly, my friend! (children's answers)

(finds a squirrel toy). What happened to you, squirrel? Guys, the squirrel asks you to help her collect cones into baskets. (Scatters cones in front of the children, they collect them in baskets). Squirrel thanks the children.

Host: Let's move on. In front of us are fallen trees (arcs), you have to crawl under them (children crawl under the arches). There's a swamp ahead (gymnastic bench), you need to cross it on a fallen tree (children walk along the bench). Finally, we are at our destination - a snowman lives here. But where is he? (Snowman's voice is heard).

Snowman. Hello guys!

Children. Hello, Snowman!

Children look at the Snowman.

Snowman. Guys, today I want to invite you to the winter forest. A lot of interesting and unusual things await you in the forest.

A game "Hit the Snowman with a Snowball" .

From the same "snowflakes - boxes" take out balls made of foam rubber - "snowballs" . The snowman runs away from the children, and they throw snowballs at him.

A game “Roll the ball to the Snowman” .

Children and the bunny roll foam balls towards the Snowman, and he rolls them back:

We rolled snowballs together

And they put it in the box.

Children with Snowman put snowballs back in "snow box" .

Come to the sled boldly, my friend,
I'll give you a ride once.

A game "Let's go - let's go" .

Children pretend to be sleighs and, together with the Snowman and the bunny, ride each other to cheerful music.

Snowman. It's time to say goodbye, kids, to the winter forest. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Sports leisure scenario for the first junior group

"Journey to the Winter Forest"

Compiled by: physical education instructor of GBDOU No. 93 Gishyan E.G.

St. Petersburg 2013



  1. Enrich kids with environmental knowledge about winter, winter forest and forest animals;
  2. Develop attention, memory, thinking of preschoolers;
  3. Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate movements with the text of a poem;
  4. Develop children's physical qualities: agility, balance, spatial orientation;
  5. Foster a sense of mutual assistance. Arouse a positive emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it.


GBDOU No. 93 of Krasnogvardeisky district

Inventory and equipment: 2 wooden paths, tunnel, soft modules, cotton wool snowballs.


Presenter, Bunny.

Leading: Hello guys! Today I want to invite you on a journey through the winter forest. Do you know who lives in the forest?

Children: Bear, hare, fox, wolf.

Leading: Right! Let's hit the road, maybe we'll meet some of them!

Children walk along paths (bridge), climb through a tunnel (fox hole), walk in a snake between soft modules (hemps).

Leading: So we came to a forest clearing! Let's stand in a circle.

A little white snow has fallen, we gather in a circle. We'll stomp, we'll stomp! (Stomp)

We will dance merrily, we will warm our hands, we will clap, we will clap! (Clap)

Let's jump more fun to make it warmer, We'll jump, we'll jump! (Jumping)

The guys sit down on chairs.

Leading: Guys, do you hear, it seems like someone is jumping into our clearing. I'll tell you a riddle, and you guess who it is.

A ball of fluff is jumping towards us

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Eating carrots.

Children: Hare.

Bunny jumps around the clearing to cheerful music.

Bunny: Hello guys! How fun you are! And I'm completely frozen! Can I play with you? (The bunny is shaking).

Leading: The bunny is frozen, he is cold in winter. Guys, let's play with the bunny, he will warm up.

Game "Bunnies"


Description of movements

Girls and boys, Imagine that you are bunnies. One, two, three, four, five, the bunny began to jump. Paws up and paws down, pull yourself up on your toes. Left, lean right, lean and rise.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm up my little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump.

Girls and boys, Imagine that you are bunnies. Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away.

Jumping forward and backward.

Perform movements according to the content of the text.

Squatting and rubbing hands.

Performing jumps while standing still.

Half squats with a left-right turn.

Turn your back, squat down, wrap your arms around yourself, lower your head down.

Leading: Well done boys! The bunny has warmed up! Now let's play snowballs with the bunny.

Game "Snowballs". The bunny helps the children collect snowballs.

Leading: I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far

And the kids will collect snowballs

And they will bring it to my basket.

/The game is played 2 times./

Leading: Bunny, our guys can also dance. Let's dance with the Bunny!

Dance to the song “Once in a frosty winter...”

Bunny: I really liked your dance, guys! But it’s time for me to return home to the hole. My bunny mother is waiting for me there. Goodbye, guys!

The children say goodbye to the Bunny.

Leading: It's time for us guys to go back to kindergarten.

Children walk in a snake between soft modules (stumps), climb through a tunnel (fox hole), and walk along paths (bridge).