
How long does it take to cook turkey cutlets. How long to fry turkey cutlets to make them juicy? Diet delicious turkey cutlets: a step by step recipe

Fry minced turkey cutlets in a frying pan on each side over medium heat without a lid.

Cook turkey cutlets with baking for 1 hour.

How to fry turkey cutlets

Turkey (fillet) - 400 grams
Mozzarella - 150 grams
chunks white bread- 2 pieces
Onion - 1 piece
garlic cloves - 2 pieces
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
Milk - 0.5 cups
Flour - 3 tablespoons
Pepper, salt - to taste
Olive oil - 100 milliliters

How to cook fried turkey cutlets

2. Peel the onion and rinse in cold water.
3. Peel the garlic and separate 2 cloves.
4. Cut off the crust from slices of white bread. Soak bread in milk for 5 minutes.
5. Pass the chopped turkey fillet, onion and garlic cloves through a meat grinder.
6. Squeeze out the bread and add to the minced meat.
7. Add sour cream, pepper and salt to minced meat.
8. Mix thoroughly.
9. Form cutlets and roll in flour. Place cutlets on a floured tray or cutting board.
10. Heat the pan for 1.5 minutes, pour olive oil Place cutlets 1cm apart.
11. Fry the cutlets on both sides for 5 minutes until golden brown over medium heat without a lid.
12. Put the fried cutlets into a mold.
13. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the form with cutlets in the oven. Bake cutlets for 30 minutes.
14. Grate Mozzarella cheese on a coarse grater.
15. Take out the form with cutlets, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven. Bake 5 minutes.

How to fry turkey cutlets

Turkey fillet - 500 grams
Chicken eggs - 1 piece
Slices of white bread - 2 pieces
Breadcrumbs - 100 grams
Milk - 100 milliliters
Bulb - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 clove
Parsley - half a bunch
Ground dried ginger - 2 teaspoons
Ground dried marjoram - 1 teaspoon
Pepper, salt - to taste
Olive oil - 100 milliliters

Roasting turkey cutlets
1. Rinse the turkey fillet in cold water, cut into pieces.
2. Cut off the crusts from white bread. Soak the crumb in milk for 4 minutes. Squeeze out the bread.
3. Pass the chopped turkey fillet and bread through a meat grinder.
4. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse in cold water, finely chop.
5. Peel the garlic, separate 1 clove. Pass a clove of garlic through a press or chop with a knife.
6. Heat the pan for 1 minute, pour in 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
7. Add chopped onion and garlic, marjoram and ginger. Stir-fry for 3 minutes.
8. Add the frying, salt and pepper to the minced meat, beat in the egg. Thoroughly mix the mince.
9. Form cutlets from minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs.
10. Put the cutlets on a dish or cutting board.
11. Heat the pan for 1.5 minutes, pour in the olive oil, lay out the cutlets so that there is a distance of 1 centimeter between them.
12. Fry cutlets over medium heat until golden brown for 4 minutes on one side.
13. Flip the cutlets to the other side and fry for 3 minutes.
14. Rinse the parsley under cold waste water, dry with a napkin, finely chop.
Sprinkle cutlets with chopped parsley before serving.

Read how

Or chicken - all dry poultry. Now my cutlets are juicy and tasty :) Chefs' tips and housewives' tricks. Questions of bread, butter, eggs, breading. What mistakes do we make every time we fry cutlets. What can not be categorically done, and what is important to remember - the secrets of juicy cutlets. From turkey and not only :)

Cooking juicy turkey cutlets

A good turkey is a bird, but the meat is dietary. How to make cutlets juicy and tender using lean meat. This also applies to chicken, goose and other tasty, but lean birds :)

1. Obvious rules - tricks below. Use parts of the carcass with more tender, juicy meat. Thigh, upper calf fit. Breast, wings - dry.

2. It's all about the skin. For minced meat, use the skin. When cooking, they often remove the skin - this is not right. There is a significant layer of fat. In cutlets, it is needed: crushed, it will give the product lightness. And - will increase juiciness due to non-dense fibers.

3. Not meat alone. Cut off the carcass and add pieces of lard. A lean turkey is a bird, but there is a layer of fat. If not enough - use chicken fat, turkeys.

4. Oil her up :) If the bird is very lean, trick. In minced meat - a piece butter. You can also use lard, but the smell of pork can "kill" the aroma of fried poultry.

5. Bread question. Up to 40% of bread - the canons of cooking so define the product "cutlet". It is a mistake to think that bread is for volume. It holds liquid i.e. meat juice.

Attention! Bread for cutlets is important not to soak. This is not right - say modern culinary experts. Products will be loose, irregular in shape. And dry - bread should retain moisture.
When kneading, he will have time to get wet. And take over the meat juice. Minced meat is evenly kneaded, do not worry. Just try it - and remember Cook-ku:) Crumble a piece of soft (!) Or a little dried bread into minced meat. Knead well - and you will understand what I mean :)

6. Egg question. Lots of eggs make the cutlets tough. For 400-600 g 1 pc. enough. It is a fact. The folded protein during heat treatment is to blame. Some cooks are protesting against eggs in cutlets - in any. Another for them - but in small quantities.

7. Breading is a friend of cutlets. Especially large. Not for beauty, the form of decaying products. Its dense layer partially reduces the temperature.

If you look into the lens, a fried cutlet on crumbs is like on an air cushion. They raise it, due to which the temperature is lower.

Protein coagulation (folding) occurs at a slower rate. The cutlet has time to fry, but the fibers do not have time to coarsen, retain juiciness. We paid attention that cutlets in several layers of breading inside are extremely tender - here. For greater effect, they are breaded in several layers: the cutlet is dipped in an egg, then in breadcrumbs - and so on a couple of times.

Attention! The egg is mixed with a few (3-4) tablespoons of water. Just an egg - 1 pc. for a couple of meatballs. This is not economical and not tasty: too thick batter will burn. Without beating, just mix the egg with water.

8. Oil issues. Fats are divided into refractory (melting slowly, i.e. do not burn out in a pan) and non-refractory (burn out). Olive dense, refractory. Products during frying do not give up moisture - on the contrary, they take part of the oil on themselves, absorb it.

And sesame, corn, rapeseed have a high density. No wonder Europeans plant rapeseed on an industrial scale - both eco-fuel and cutlets.

Grape seeds are more liquid. Different types of sunflower oil have different refractoriness. As we say: bad - burns out. Frying on a bad one is not economical (believe the economical Cook-ke). And not tasty. You have to add it - it's cinder, a carcinogen, overdried products floating in oil.

You can also fry on lard, lard. But. Whether it's just meatballs. That's what I do - I never fry pork cutlets in vegetable oil. But a bird is a delicate matter. The aroma will suffer.

Therefore, the trick: a little lard - and a piece of butter in a pan. Literally on the tip of a knife. Butter has an interesting ability to interrupt the aroma of other oils, betraying the creamy taste. Try it.

By the way, when sautéing vegetables for soup, throw a piece of butter into the pan. Carrots will instantly give a bright orange color - the soup will turn out amber :)

9. Temperature. Do not fry over high heat. And do not constantly change its strength - this is important. A change in temperature is worse than a high one. You can check: 2-3 minutes at maximum heat, then at low heat. And cover with a lid - for the full effect.

You will see a lot of liquid in the pan. This is meat juice. All. Cutlets will not be juicy. We start on medium heat, try not to change the temperature. The second side can be under the lid (I do this).

Advice! Natural fluff. When frying under the lid, wet the palm of your hand, and sprinkle some water into the pan. And so a couple of times. Or just abruptly throw a teaspoon - but you can pour over the cutlet :)

The steam will fluff up the cutlets, lift them to the very lid :) It's a childish joke, but seriously, the cutlets will be lush. 2-3 tablespoons of water added to minced meat will do the same. Evaporating, they both loosen the cutlet and lower the temperature a little - we are thinking about protein coagulation :) No, minced meat will not be wet or raw, you don’t need to pour so much. Just a couple of tablespoons - verified :)

These are the cutlet secrets. Simple - I'm sure, or all, or part of the known. But I will be glad if they come in handy - these tips were very useful to me at one time :) Come again - for new simple secrets, questions and answers. On the delicious recipes, simple and not only :)

Ground turkey is not as popular as ground pork, chicken, or even ground beef. Nevertheless, cutlets from it turn out to be what you need! Very tender, juicy, lush, fragrant, with golden brown. In a word, the dream of a hungry man! Let me tell you how I cook classic version- minced turkey cutlets in a pan. A recipe with a photo step by step and as detailed as possible will introduce you to the technique of their preparation. Absolutely nothing complicated or incomprehensible. A simple, "on the board" homemade dish without quirks!

Delicious minced turkey cutlets in a pan, fried in breadcrumbs

List of required products:

How to fry minced turkey cutlets in a pan (recipe with photo - in detail and step by step):

Bite the crusts off the bread. Cut the crumb into small cubes. Put in a bowl. Pour in slightly warmed kefir so that it completely covers the bread slices. Instead, you can use milk or milk cream. The only thing to consider is the density of the product so that the minced meat does not turn out to be too liquid in the end. I've had yeast-free bread with a fairly tough crumb that doesn't get sticky when soaked, even when it's fresh. But it is advisable to take the usual bread, a roll or a loaf of yesterday's baking. Leave the bowl of bread for 15-25 minutes to soften and swell.

Mix the mass with your hands so that it turns into a large wet crumb. .

Blend almost until smooth.

Put the minced meat in a deep spacious bowl. I had a store-bought one, but homemade is also suitable (it will even taste better). The main thing is to make minced meat from medium-fat turkey meat so that the cutlets turn out juicy. It is also advisable to turn the pieces of poultry through a meat grinder twice. Once - through a grate with large holes, the second - with small ones. The mass will turn out to be more homogeneous, tender and viscous enough so that the workpieces do not disintegrate during heat treatment.

Add pre-ground bread with onions, chopped herbs, crushed garlic to the minced meat. I had some grated cheese left after baking the Ossetian pies, so I put that in as well. If there is no cheese, no big deal. Add salt and dry spices.

As you can see, there are no eggs in the recipe. I don’t add them to traditional cutlets at all, because the protein tightens the minced meat, makes it more dense, firm. To achieve the desired viscosity, I knead the cutlet mass for a long time, and then put it in the refrigerator so that the fat freezes. If you did not calculate the ratio of moisture and dry ingredients, and it turned out to be watery, add a couple of tablespoons of crushed crackers of medium grinding (preferably homemade). A properly mixed mass will be pliable. Perhaps it will turn out slightly sticky to the hands. Therefore, before forming each cutlet, moisten your palms in cold, clean water.

Roll each piece in breadcrumbs. I make them myself from yesterday's white bread. I dry it in the oven or microwave. Then I grind with a blender.

Place a portion (3-5) of cutlets in hot oil and fry over medium heat until crispy. Approximately it takes 3-4 minutes.

Then turn the blanks over. Continue frying for another 2-3 minutes. Bring to readiness in a preheated oven (about 7 minutes at 180 degrees). Or put the turkey patties back in the pan, add some water or broth to the bottom and simmer over low heat.

Very juicy, soft and satisfying cutlets are obtained - you can’t immediately say that they are made from minced turkey. Delicious and easy!

Turkey cutlets with oatmeal in tomato sauce

Required Ingredients:

turkey fillet (ready minced meat) - 700 goatmeal (hercules) flakes - 0.7 tbsp.
milk - 70 mlturnip - 2 onions (1 each in cutlets and sauce)
garlic - 2-3 clovesground pepper, coriander seeds - to taste
rock salt - 1 tsp (incomplete) + pinch (for sauce)wheat flour - 5-7 tbsp. l.
refined sunflower oil - for fryingcarrots - 1 pc.
concentrated tomato paste - 50 gdrinking water (broth) - 200-300 mlsugar - as needed

How to cook delicious turkey cutlets in a tomato pan:

We need flakes of the finest degree of grinding (they usually write “No. 3” on the box). Then in ready dish oatmeal will not be felt. Larger flakes, designed for long-term cooking, must first be ground in a blender.

Pour the hercules with slightly warmed milk. Stir. Wait 20 minutes for the flakes to absorb moisture and swell.

Twist the turkey into a homogeneous minced meat. Put it in a deep container. Add soaked oatmeal, as finely chopped onion, chopped garlic. Season with pepper and crushed coriander.

I propose to cook today. I recently cooked stuffed turkey fillet , and today I wanted cutlets.

In terms of value, turkey meat can replace veal or beef. Delicious dietary meat. And the meatballs are delicious and soft.


  • 400 g turkey fillet
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 medium potato
  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1 egg
  • 50 ml milk
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • A pinch of ground coriander


For turkey cutlets, we need a piece of fillet, which must be cut into pieces and twisted in a meat grinder or blender.

Peel the onion, wash and grate.

Wash potatoes, peel and grate. Soak a piece of white bread in milk, squeeze out the liquid and put in a salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Add an egg to them, salt, pepper, add ground coriander and mix thoroughly.

We get prepared minced meat for cutlets.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

We form meatballs with our hands. I love when turkey cutlets are round. You can give them the shape you like.

We beat the cutlets from one hand to the other.

No need to roll in either breadcrumbs or flour. A well-beaten cutlet will not stick to a well-heated pan.

And fry on one side first. Then turn over and fry on the other side.

When the cutlets are fried on both sides, add a little water to the pan, cover and simmer the cutlets for 10 minutes.

If you are wondering what else to cook new and how to diversify the daily diet for the whole family, we will help you! Turkey dishes are tasty, dietary and healthy. Even the fat of this meat is tender and its presence in dishes does not affect the figure in any way. One of these delicacies is turkey cutlets in a pan. An excellent hot dish that is suitable for lunch and dinner. Complement them with a side dish of fresh herbs and vegetables, boiled cereals or pasta. As a sauce, take any sour cream or mayonnaise mixture. We will talk about other nuances of cooking such cutlets, and how to make them even tastier. So, here is the recipe we have prepared for you.


  • Minced turkey - 500 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Table mustard - 1-2 tsp;
  • Curry seasoning, turmeric, black pepper, Provence herbs - to taste;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • White bun - 120 g;
  • Milk - 90-100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.


Cut off the crust from wheat bread, white bread or loaf. This recipe does not use crusts. Fill the bread with milk. But if you scroll turkey meat for minced meat on your own, bread crusts will not interfere. Grind them in the same way as meat.

Put the minced turkey in a bowl and add seasonings, salt and pepper, and a little mustard. You can replace the usual dining room with Dijon - then the cutlets will be a little sharper.

Peel and grate garlic and onion. Add vegetables to mince. Send bread squeezed from milk there. If you have dried garlic at home, you can use it - a third of a teaspoon is enough.

Mix the mass well until smooth. Then take it all out of the bowl and carefully toss it back. So beat the minced meat two more times, no more is needed, otherwise moisture will be released from the meat. Then let stand for a couple of minutes - you can cool a little.

Place a frying pan with oil on the stove to heat up. In the meantime, start shaping the cutlets. Turn on the tap cold water. Dip clean hands in water and pinch off a piece of minced meat - minced meat will not stick to wet cold hands. Roll the ball in your hands and give it a slightly flattened shape. Place on hot skillet. So blind all the cutlets. This method is very convenient, because breading is no longer needed and fried turkey cutlets do not fall apart in a pan.

When you notice that the bottom side has already browned, turn the patties over to the other side, wielding a spatula or two forks. Cutlets will have a slightly creamy flavor if you now add a piece of butter to the pan. Then reduce the heat of the stove and cover the pan with a lid. After 4-5 minutes, turn the cutlets over again and fry for a couple more minutes under the lid.

Lay the cutlets out immediately to serve on a plate. As a side dish, take boiled pasta or pasta, as well as fresh vegetables or greens.

Hostess Tips:

  • for cooking, you can use not ready-made minced meat, but fillet or pulp from the thigh of a turkey; scroll the meat through a meat grinder, and so that the mass is not dry, add lard - raw, salted or smoked;
  • as another cooking option - minced meat and all the components of the cutlets can be scrolled through a meat grinder, using a nozzle not with small cells, but for minced meat - you get chopped cutlets;
  • for the dish can be combined different types meat for minced meat; Pork, chicken or veal are best suited for turkey;
  • if there was no milk at hand, take ordinary boiled water, cream or sour cream for soaking bread;
  • cutlets will be tastier if you add some of the liquid in which the bread was soaked to the minced meat;
  • you can diversify the dish in a simple way- put additional ingredients into the minced meat according to your taste: chopped greens, chopped vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, sweet or hot peppers), a little prunes or mushrooms, boiled cereals or mashed potatoes;
  • according to our recipe, you can also cook turkey zrazy, then additional components will be in minced meat as a filling, and you will get cutlets stuffed with chopped herbs, fried mushrooms or grated hard cheese of the hostess's choice;
  • you can cook cutlets according to our recipe not only fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven or steamed.