
How many years do geese lay eggs. When do geese start laying eggs and how to prepare for laying. Most Common Causes

Goose farmers know that this is a profitable business. Keeping feathered domestic animals is inexpensive, and care does not involve any particular difficulties. In spring, summer and autumn, geese are on the run, feeding mainly on grass growing in clearings. If you follow simple rules, breeding goslings will become more of a hobby than a necessity. In this case, it is imperative to know when the geese begin to rush in order to create all the conditions for the bird for good egg production.

Domestic geese are large birds. The reproductive qualities of geese are in direct proportion to its size. How often the female rushes during the year is influenced by the conditions in which the geese are kept. On average, about 40 eggs per year should be laid.

If the goal of poultry breeders is to obtain large volumes of egg production, an egg-laying breed should be selected for breeding. Proper maintenance will provide approximately 90 testicles. If you do not know at what age the geese rush, you can skip the peak period, and this is the second and third years of its existence. In the first year of life, the egg production of goose females is low.

The laying of eggs of the goose female begins at 6 months of age, as a rule, this is spring, but can occur during the next six months up to twelve months of goose age. Geese live a long time. Throughout their life there is an increase in egg production. By the age of three, the number of testicles laid increases by 10 or 20 percent. Also, by the three-year experience of the female, the egg product increases in size.

One individual can carry 120 eggs during the year, but there are goose breeds that are limited to 20 pieces. Older females lay eggs first. Geese sit on the nest and rush every other day. The testicle is fertilized two or three days after mating has occurred.

The female can start laying on the 275th day of her existence. Experienced farmers collect eggs from 5 or 6 months. When asked what time of year the geese rush, experts in the field of poultry farming answer that the laying begins in the spring. How many days it takes for goose females to bring egg products worries beginner breeders. The process lasts from 60 to 90 days. The break takes from 30 to 60 days. The female can make the owners happy with laid eggs in the autumn, but always warm, time, if all the conditions for feeding and keeping the bird are met.

Since March, geese usually hatch their chicks. Good maternal individuals pluck their fluffs and feathers, make nests from them. Excellent mother hens defend their nesting area from everyone by hissing and spreading their wings. Before hatching the goslings, the birds do not rush well, but gradually they will completely stop rushing. If the time has come, and the female does not begin to incubate offspring in any way, you can force her by planting her in the nesting place in the evening and covering her with a box, so the geese gradually get used to incubation.

Tip: Finding out that the goose wants to sit on the eggs is easy. She will begin to show restlessness and activity. When a bird begins to make a nest, digs, goes for straw and stones for the nest, it seeks to show that it is ready to rush. External signs: lowered tail, nervous walking.

With the approach of the time when the female will rush, the characteristic behavior manifests itself more and more clearly. The poultry breeder must begin preparations for the period when the geese will rush in advance. For 4 weeks, the laying hen is nutritiously fed so that she gains half a kilo in weight, this will help her easily rush. But obesity also cannot be allowed, otherwise egg production will decrease.

Advice: If bumps of fat are felt under the wing area, the bird has begun the process of obesity, and changes in the goose menu are needed.

In the period when the geese began to rush, they lose weight, at this time they give more feed, then there will be enough food and vitamins for the bird. It is enough to keep the birds on enhanced feed for two weeks or a week and let the bird go for a walk within two weeks.

The correct composition of the diet is very important for the period of egg laying. It is good when farmers make germinated grain, and feed the goose in abundance. Favorably affects egg-laying if females are regularly released to pasture, where fresh grass and leaves will replenish the goose's body useful substances and elements.

When the geese have begun to rush, it is good to feed them with special feed for laying hens, this will add productivity, or the females will start laying eggs a little earlier. It is important how the geese rush, because this process occurs with a certain frequency of 2 sets with a month break. In order for the female to rush again, fresh herbs and multivitamins in a small amount must be present in the bird's diet in abundance. Feeding increases in laying, geese can be given food 4 times: a couple of times they are fed with grain, a couple of times with wet mixtures.

Winter oviposition

Often, poultry farmers are concerned about the question of what to do so that the females rush in the winter. February is considered the best winter time for egg production. Following the recommendations of experienced farmers, you need to take care of certain comfortable conditions in which geese will live in the cold. Be sure to do the warming of the goose coop in advance, there should not be drafts. In cold weather, the room is heated with heaters. The best goose house temperature for winter is indicated by 20 or 25 positive degrees. There should be extra bedding on the floor. If the paws of the female goose periodically freeze, the bird may get sick and stop rushing, or bring very little egg production. You will also need additional lighting, because winter is characterized by short daylight hours. You can use simple electric lamps. It is better that the electricity is turned on for at least 14 or 16 hours a day.

During February or during other winter months, an alternative to green plants, which geese love to eat, should be found. You can make blanks from summer time. Dried nettles are welcome on the winter menu. Food must be given high-calorie and energy-intensive so that the geese can easily endure the cold. You will need a winter norm of salt, about 2 grams is required to feed one bird during the day.

In the winter diet, the presence of beets, steamed carrots, a small amount of potatoes, corn and beans, as well as cake, bone and fish meal is necessary. You should not refuse geese in flour products, for them this is a delicacy.

In the cold season, the bird also needs to be grazed when the weather is calm and not too frosty. Before the birds are released, the walking area is covered with straw and sawdust so that the paws do not freeze. Subject to simple rules, geese tolerate winter well.

Recommendations and observations of farm specialists

Often geese are taken to sit down to rush in the early morning hours, not every breed lays eggs at a different time, the takeoff can be only 15 or 20 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the first egg is laid in the nesting place, and not in any other. Geese always return to the place in which they began to rush, even after walking.

As soon as the eggs are laid, you should not immediately take them out of the nest so that the oviposition process does not end, and the female does not sit on the eggs of the last clutch to incubate goslings. Healthy geese should lay for five or six years.

Morning products are harvested warm. A laid testicle has a temperature of 40 degrees, and a porous shell is easy to clog with germs and dirt. The mother hen is laid from 10 to 13 testicles, she is separated from the rest of the eggs in the clutch. Goslings require heat of 2 degrees.

Tip: It happens that geese bury their masonry. Therefore, each nest should be carefully examined. A leftover testicle shape can stimulate the bird to lay.

A goose egg has a large volume, it is larger than those carried by a chicken. On average, a goose testicle weighs 200 grams. The light calcareous shade of the shell has high strength. Goose egg products have a specific smell, so they need to be cooked, fried and driven into the dough with caution.

The largest goose testicles are the most valuable, they contain a lot of phosphorus, iron and copper, sulfur and vitamin groups A, E, K, B, D. The yolk has an antioxidant lute.

In geese that keep in a flock, the ratio of heterosexual individuals is usually as follows: five females and one gander.

What influences oviposition?

It happens that the geese stopped rushing. Different breeds are characterized by their own characteristics of incubation and masonry. Kholmogory gray geese quickly fatten and carry delicious egg products, but they do not have more than 30 testicles per year, but the gray goose grows quickly, gives a lot of meat and fluff. To understand why geese do not rush, you should pay attention to many factors.

A feature of these birds is a low percentage of fertilization, so getting goslings will not be so easy. First of all, this concerns the size, egg products are large, but there are not so many of them. In the wild, geese form a pair, but when kept on a farm, one gander will need to have several geese so that all are fertilized, otherwise egg products cannot be obtained. In the second place - puberty, the goose is already ready to rush, and the gander has not yet reached the desired maturity.

The egg production of geese is very low in the first year of the bird's life, they reach a peak by the age of three. However, this is not an indicator - for each breed, such a period is purely individual. Females are ready to lay eggs at the age of 275 days after hatching, but the first egg does not appear until six months of age.

What you need to know about the beginning of the egg period

This time falls in the spring and begins in the last days of March. By behavioral features, you can determine the approximation of masonry:

  • the appearance of anxiety in behavior;
  • geese do not find a place for themselves;
  • nest arrangement.

Appearance can also indicate the beginning of an important period. The tail plumage is lowered, an unevenness in the gait appears, the closer the clutch, the more pronounced the signs.

Due to the low fertility, it is not recommended to lay all the eggs under one goose or other bird chosen for the role of a laying hen. When choosing a chicken for hens, it is important to remember that only a true mother can teach the young to swim. Geese lay eggs every two days, to ensure the simultaneous hatching, you need to collect everything, and then deal with lining.

Hatching eggs can only be entrusted to a proven laying hen, which will not often leave the nesting house. The incubation period is approximately 30 days. The mother hen is checked as follows, if a person approaches the nest, and the bird only raises its wings, but does not leave the nest, then it will become an excellent mother.

The goose will sit on the eggs only in the house where she began to rush, otherwise she may refuse to incubate. At high stocking densities, females are separated by partitions so that they cannot see each other.

During the egg-laying period, geese need good diet. Every day, the bird must spend about 20 minutes outside the nest in order to find food for itself. If it is not possible to allow the livestock to the aquatic environment, then the eggs must be regularly moistened with non-cold water, which will subsequently greatly facilitate the birth of young animals.

How to organize egg laying in winter

Some farmers want to receive egg products not only in the summer months, but also in winter. Here you need to create special conditions. Geese are heat-loving birds that do not like frost and cold, and that is why the room must be equipped with a heating system. The optimum temperature for planting a goose on eggs is not lower than +20 degrees.

Domestic geese are provided with a warm layer of bedding to prevent frostbite on their paws, which negatively affects the number of eggs laid. It is important not to forget to take care of additional lighting, it is best to use eclectic lamps that are used up to 16 hours a day.

Problems with egg production

If the timing suggests that egg-laying should be in full swing, but there are still no eggs, you need to carefully look at the conditions in which the bird lives. Most often, the following nuances correct the situation:

  • revision of the diet;
  • daylight adjustment;
  • setting the desired temperature.

In this case, regardless of the season, the birds should start laying eggs.

The following aspects affect the problems with the appearance of eggs:

  1. Lack of vitamin or mineral complexes. You can stimulate the process by analyzing the diet, introducing vitamin supplements.
  2. Scarcity of the diet. Geese need a variety of foods.
  3. Lack of food. An emaciated bird will not lay eggs.
  4. Temperature instability.

At the end of the material, it remains to highlight one question - how many eggs does a goose carry? For the most part and depending on the breed, you can get up to 120 pieces in 365 days, with an average weight of one egg of 140 grams.

When do domestic geese start laying eggs? What breed is better to choose? This question is asked by novice farmers. Our short review will help determine the ideal age and create optimal living conditions for birds.

Goose in the nest

Egg laying period for domestic geese

Domestic geese are birds that are sometimes comparable in size to a turkey. On average, a female is capable of carrying 40 eggs per year. The number of clutches depends only on the conditions in which the bird is kept. If main goal is the egg production of geese, then attention should be paid to breeds that will carry about 80-90 eggs per year.

The fertility rate of eggs is 50-80%, so it becomes clear that the probability of hatching chicks is low. The reasons for such a low egg production of geese lie in the characteristics of domestic geese. The first reason is the size of the birds. Given this fact, they carry large and not so numerous eggs. In nature, geese live in pairs, and at home, 2-3 geese need to be bred for one gander, otherwise they will remain unfertilized and will not be able to rush. And another significant reason is the difference in puberty. At the moment when the geese are rushing, the males are not yet ready in terms of maturity.

Domestic geese differ from other birds in that at the initial stage of life, the level of egg production is very low, and the peak comes only at 2-3 years. However, everyone is individual, as this period will become a lot of stress.

In what period are geese ready for laying: on average, a goose matures for laying eggs 275 days after birth, but this moment comes at the age of 5-6 months.

Geese egg production peaks between the second and third years of life.

Features of oviposition

The laying period is in the spring months. This is the end of March - the beginning of April. The behavior of the goose will be an indicator of the onset of egg production:

  • become restless;
  • they begin to run, not finding a place for themselves;
  • make their own nest.

The changes also affect appearance: the tail becomes lowered and the bird's gait becomes uneven. When the moment of laying eggs approaches, the signs are more pronounced.

Since the fecundity is not so high, no matter how many eggs there are, they are laid to one laying goose, and to a bird of another breed. However, remember that only a goose will be able to follow her chicks into the water in the future. Eggs are laid every other day, therefore, in order for hatching to occur at the same time, you must first collect them, and then put them all together under the laying hen or in the incubator. One farmer writes:

Do not forget to immediately pick up the laid eggs, otherwise the bird will finish laying eggs, and the instinct of incubation will appear.

Store eggs 7-10 days. With each subsequent day, the chances of breeding viable offspring decrease.

Eggs must be collected no later than 10 days from the date of laying

Hatching trust only a good hen who will not leave the nest, as incubation should last up to 28-30 days. How to check a hen: if, when a person approaches, the goose only raises its wings and does not get up from the nest, it is suitable for incubation.

Hatching of a bird takes place in the nest in which they rush. Sometimes, when the eggs are transferred to another place, the goose refuses to incubate them. If several hens are planted close to each other, then they must be separated by partitions, so that they do not see each other. Otherwise, the birds become restless and hatch eggs poorly.

During this period, the female should eat well, but the gander should not be allowed to the nest. The bird should spend at least 20 minutes feeding and walking. Moisten the eggs with lukewarm water or let the goose swim. If there is no special reservoir for these purposes, then it is necessary to build special ditches for swimming. The walls of these ditches are made flat and ribbed, so that it is easy for the birds to climb in and out easily.

A goose hatching chicks should walk regularly

Preparing for laying eggs

Preparation for laying is carried out in advance. A month before the goose begins to rush, you need to pay attention to adjusting her diet so that she has time to gain half a kilogram. However, obesity should also be avoided, as this factor affects the quality of oviposition. Sometimes in such situations, females completely lose their ability to lay eggs.

When the female begins to rush, she rapidly loses weight. During this period, you need to give more food so that the bird does not starve.

Ration is a criterion that directly affects productivity. At the time of laying, emphasis should be placed on adding germinated grain to food. The presence of fresh grass in the “menu” is important, so a walk in the pasture will benefit the goose. Today there is a special compound feed for laying hens, which will also be useful. Add to food according to directions.

Fresh grass in the diet increases egg production

Egg laying in winter

Sometimes it becomes necessary for the bird to rush not only in summer, but also in winter. In this case, the organization of special conditions is required. The goose is a heat-loving bird, afraid of frost and cold, so you need to provide a heating device in the goose house. Regarding the question of how many degrees to maintain, it is worth saying that the optimal indicator is 20-25 C.

On the floor, you need to build a layer of additional bedding, since freezing of the paws is the result of diseases that can negatively affect how the birds rush and the number of eggs in the clutch. There is little natural light in this case, so additional lighting is required. In this case, electric lamps are suitable, which must be used for 14-16 hours a day.

In winter, the paws of geese freeze, so you should take care of good bedding.

You should immediately think about an alternative option for obtaining vitamins, because no matter how much they are received in the summer, there will definitely not be enough for the winter. It is best to make all preparations during the warm season, prepare nettles, and in winter, when food is served, add it there. The feed is distinguished by its calorie content and energy intensity, so that it is easier for birds to survive the cold season. It is also important to remember about adding salt to the diet, there are 2 grams of this element per day for one bird.

Be sure to include boiled vegetables in the list of served "dishes":

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • potato;
  • beans;
  • corn.

And legume hay will become a treat for geese in the winter. Birds also love all kinds of flour products, so they will not refuse them either.

In winter, geese need fresh air, so they are taken for walks and released outside when there is no wind and frost.

Cover the ground with sawdust and straw, otherwise the birds will freeze their paws, and this, as mentioned above, should not be allowed. How many birds should walk depends primarily on weather conditions. The endurance of geese is characterized as very high. If you create suitable conditions, then winter will be nothing to them, egg production will not decrease.

Carrots - a source of natural vitamins in winter

The appearance of the brood

At the time of the appearance of the brood, the mother shows extreme anxiety. Goslings are not taken until they dry out and the umbilical cord is completely retracted. Subsequently, it must be treated with a solution of iodine. The shell is removed along with the little goslings. If the chicks are not able to get out of the shell themselves within two days, they need help. To do this, the eggs are treated with warm water.

Dried goslings are kept warm, so they are placed in baskets or boxes and left in a well-heated room.

The boxes in which the content is carried out are pre-lined with dried clean straw. To keep the goslings warm, a portable lamp with a power of 200-300 watts is installed. A tin circle with a diameter of at least 60 cm is attached to the lamp. The circle evenly distributes heat within a radius. After hatching is completed, the young are placed under the bird. Here you need to make sure that the mother accepts all the chicks.

Goslings must be kept warm


The main breed that is popular is the Kholmogory. These geese can be quickly fattened and obtained delicious eggs. However, they give 20-30 pieces. in year.

Toulouse, Rhine geese are considered heavy breeds. These breeds are used for breeding goslings, which grow quickly. In our country, Vladimir, Pereyaslav, Tula, Pskov and other domestic breeds are mainly bred.

Geese are quite large birds. In terms of weight, they are second only to turkeys. Also interesting is the fact that often its productivity depends on the weight of the female. Although these birds cannot be called highly productive in terms of laying eggs. On average, for 1 year, an adult goose is able to carry up to 40 pieces. It is also worth mentioning that the productivity and start of egg laying also directly depends on and on their diet.

So, with a certain diet, the average annual egg production of some breeds can reach 80 pieces. It should also be remembered that, unlike first-year hens, they are not very productive, and the peak of egg production falls on the second and third year of their life. Also, one-year-old birds begin to rush later than others. This is due to the fact that the beginning of oviposition is accompanied by stress in geese. Therefore, while the body of the goose is not fully developed, eggs should not be expected from it.

Start of egg production

Generally speaking, the young goose should start laying between the 275th and 375th day of her life. But when creating the right conditions, some poultry farmers manage to achieve the laying of the first egg at the age of 5-6 months. If you have both young and older birds, then finding out who laid the egg is not difficult. Young birds have much smaller eggs than older birds.

There is an interesting opinion according to which one can easily determine the purity of the breed of geese. It says that only pure breeds of geese begin their first egg-laying at the beginning of their second year of life. The opinion of poultry farmers about this interesting fact diverge. Therefore, it is up to you to believe it or not.

How to find out about the beginning of egg laying?

It is very easy to learn that the goose will soon begin to rush by their behavior. Before oviposition, they are very restless. Geese trampling on the spot is also observed. External signs are still lowered tail and uneven walking. The closer the time of intercourse of the first egg, the more restless the bird behaves.

They begin to spin near the nests, carry straw into the nests and sit first near them, and then in the nests themselves. Also, the goose can tear the nest completely or bury itself in the straw with its head. You can also start talking about the approach of egg production if geese collect and carry pebbles in their beaks.

Preparing the bird for oviposition

Experienced poultry farmers recommend a month before the start of the laying period is good. The fattening diet should be designed so that they gain about 0.5 kg in weight and do not get fat. To check if the bird has become fat very easily, it is enough to hold the palms under its wings, if fatty tubercles are clearly palpable - this is obesity. Fattening is done in order to increase egg production, but if overdone in an obese bird, all eggs will be infertile.

The influence of diet on egg laying

During oviposition, geese can decently lose weight, so they should not experience a lack of food. But we must remember that the diet also directly affects the laying of eggs. It is best to feed the geese with sprouted grain during it. An excellent condition for the start of early egg-laying will be the presence of a large pasture and the ability to release geese on it in early spring. There they will feast on the first greens.

To increase productivity, you can also feed the bird with compound feed for laying hens. Such compound feed is also capable of causing earlier egg laying. It is worth recalling that this bird rushes in 2 periods, the interval between which is on average 1 month. To make them rush again, you need to resort to enhanced feeding with greens, and also start adding some multivitamins to the feed.

  1. It is important that the first eggs are laid in the nest. Then even a bird that is on the run will definitely return to the nest to nest.
  2. If the goose wants to go down, and the entrance to the goose house is closed, then she will simply stand quietly under the door or scream loudly and walk near it.
  3. Usually geese rush in the morning at the same time. The difference can be up to 20 minutes. Only in some breeds the time of demolition is not standardized.
  4. Laid eggs should always be removed from the nest. If you leave 5 or more eggs in it, this will cause the instinct of incubation in the bird and lead to the cessation of socks.
  5. Fertilized, as a rule, is considered an egg laid on the third day after the fertilization process.
  6. Geese can bury their eggs very deeply. So sometimes you have to be very careful to find them.

Video "Live House Program - Breeding ducks and geese"

In this video, you will learn about the features of keeping and breeding ducks and geese in the household. Using an example, they will tell you what to feed the birds, what conditions they should have and how they live in general.


Breeding geese is not only a profitable business, but also a pleasure. If you are a beginner poultry farmer, then you have to study the features of keeping these birds. The egg production of geese deserves close attention.

When does the female start laying? How many eggs will the goose lay? How to plant goslings for hatching? How long to wait for the appearance of the first chicks? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

What are goose eggs?

Geese are birds that have been grown in the household for a long time. Not only poultry meat is eaten, but also its eggs. The size of the product depends on the breed and age of the bird: rather large in appearance, goose eggs reach up to 200 grams of weight. Two-yolk can be more. The eggs of young geese are easy to distinguish - they are smaller.

goose eggs

The advantages of goose testicles are undoubted:

  • high energy value;
  • the content of the powerful antioxidant lutein in the yolk;
  • composition rich in vitamins and microelements (a lot of iron, phosphorus, copper, vitamins A, D, E, K).
  • Regular consumption of goose eggs helps cleanse blood vessels, improve memory and remove toxins from the body.

When does oviposition start?

At 8-10 months of age, geese complete their main growth and development, and puberty sets in. Around this time, young females begin to show excessive anxiety, they can sit down not far from the nest, carry straw and pebbles into it. This is a clear sign of the start of laying. Geese rush mainly in the morning. Usually in a day.

The laying process

Geese are long-lived. They live a little over 20 years. Recorded life expectancy of 80 years!

How many eggs to expect?

From one goose for a year you can get from 30 to 150 eggs. Several factors affect the number of eggs laid:

  • age;
  • breed of birds;
  • season;
  • content features;
  • diet and diet.

Brood geese and free-range geese have reduced egg production.

The egg production of geese increases by an average of 15% every year. In the third - fourth year, the peak of egg production occurs, after which it declines.

The dependence of egg production on the breed.


Average egg weight, gr.

Average number of eggs per year, pcs.

Maximum number of eggs per year, pcs.







Large gray











Feeding geese during laying

The high productivity of geese directly depends on proper nutrition. How to increase the egg production of geese?

About a month before the start of laying, it is necessary to increase the nutritional value of the feed: add good meadow hay, silage, dried nettles and root crops (potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins) to grain feeds.

Sprouted oats, corn grains and legumes go well. In addition, vitamins, for example, Trivit or Eleovit, should be mixed into the daily diet of geese. A good result can be achieved by adding fortified fish oil to the feed.

Modern industry produces premixes for birds that protect birds from many diseases, including metabolic disorders. The premix is ​​mixed with the main feed in accordance with the instructions.

In fortified supplements, the amount of trace elements is balanced, which has a positive effect on the number of eggs laid. On average, a properly selected diet can increase egg production by 10-15%, and hatchability by 8-10%.

How to prolong the laying cycle?

During the year, one cycle of oviposition takes place, which is replaced by incubation of chicks. The duration of this period is 2-3 months. How to increase the egg production of geese? Some species have two or even three laying cycles. If the goose is not allowed to incubate, then in a month and a half it will begin to lay eggs again. Abundant feeding and the addition of vitamins to the diet also contributes to the resumption of egg laying.

Do not remove all the eggs from the nest during the laying period. Geese begin to get nervous, they may start building a new nest or stop rushing.

A number of conditions contribute to increased egg production:

  • Increase in daylight hours.
  • Maintaining a favorable temperature in the room (6-8 degrees Celsius).
  • Well-balanced diet.
  • Dry and clean room, without drafts.

Hatching goslings

The egg-laying period ends when the goose begins to pluck its fluff and cover the nest with it. These are the first manifestations of maternal instinct. The female is preparing to hatch the chicks. The ideal time to start hatching goslings is the end of March - the beginning of April.

A good mother hen will turn out from a goose that does not leave its nest for two or three days under any pretext. And when danger appears, it furiously hisses and flaps its wings, trying in every possible way to protect the future brood.

For successful incubation for a goose, you need to create conditions:

  1. If possible, the female is left in the nest in which she rushed.
  2. The place of the hen should be in the twilight, without extraneous smells and sounds.
  3. The room temperature should be comfortable, not lower than 10 degrees Celsius.
  4. It is necessary to provide access to food and water (with the help of water throughout the time the goose wets the wings and cools the eggs).
  5. Provide complete peace.

When several females sit down at the same time, they are fenced off from each other. The optimal number of eggs in the nest is 10-14.

When will the chicks appear?

During the month, the mother hen occasionally leaves the nest to take food and water. During the incubation period, it is advisable to inspect the eggs twice. By the end of the second week, eggs light in the light are selected, they are without an embryo. They throw out eggs with a frozen embryo - when viewed along the axes, dark rings are clearly visible. At the end of the month, just before hatching, eggs with a dead embryo are removed (solid dark mass).

The appearance of goslings begins no earlier than 28 days and no later than 32. The chicks begin to hatch almost simultaneously. Some cannot break the shell on their own and leave it. A day after the moment of biting, they need to be helped.

First chick

Dried goslings are taken away and returned to the goose only after the appearance of the entire brood. At this point, you can add other chicks.

If the goose does not sit down?

As a hen, it is preferable to choose an experienced goose or a young female, showing the instinct of motherhood. It happens that for some reason the goose is in no hurry to sit down.

What to do in this case? First of all, try to trick the female into sitting on the nest:

  1. Put copies of eggs in the nest and do not remove them for 2-3 days.
  2. Forcibly plant a goose and cover it with a box, perhaps in a few days the instinct will wake up.
  3. Create a comfortable temperature - 15-15 degrees (you can put a heater).
  4. If none of the methods helped, there is hope for the incubator.


A private farmer talks about how geese rush.

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