
Tale of the princess snake summary. snake princess

Aesop the Snake Princess - Theano Northern Workshop.

One storyteller told me an old Russian fairy tale...

In every fairy tale where people keep the news of a miracle,
A lot of good fiction, but the hero is not invented,
And his fate, and meetings! Yes, that's what fairy tales are about ...

Once I went by the way, dear Cossacks, I was a little tired,
Yes, I stopped by to rest in a grove in order to continue the journey.
He lit his pipe, but got carried away in earnest,
And I hit a spark in a stack that was collected on a meadow,
As in the custom of the country, of deep antiquity ...
The flame flared up great, the haystack burns, it burns dashingly,
And in the midst of that fire - a red maiden - praying,
Tells him:
- Cossack, help me out!
- But how? -
He exclaims to the maiden, - The heat of fire from all sides!

Stick your pike, you'll find out, you're helping out the princess!
So she prays to him, and the Cossack hurries to help.
He put the pike into the fire, - the maiden came out!
The horse shuddered
The wind immediately rustled, managed to extinguish the fire,

And the princess suddenly ... turned into a snake ...
- Stay with me!
And already around his neck ... He is wrapped in three rings with her ...
Our Cossack was frightened, but there was no way to get rid of it!
The snake has bitten its tail, to know that there is an evil force in those rings ...
What to do here, how to be? He doesn't want to live anymore.

And the snake tells him this with verses of light ...
- Do not be afraid, well done, even a slave of the rings,
Yes, wear me around your neck for seven years, not daring to take off.
Seek out such a realm of pewter wealth,
And if you find it, stay in it, and seven more years later
Live in it!
You will serve, I will repay this friendship,
You will be happy, trust me.
Get on the road now!

The tail grabbed the head and fell silent forever.
There is nothing to do, the Cossack set off. So,
Looking for the kingdom like tin, only it is now desirable.
It took a long time, as the water swam away.
Now in flowers, fogs of the forest, now in smoke without interest ...
A dashing force drove the Cossack along seven dales ...

In the seventh year, he reached the mountain, but how he climbed
On this steep mountain, he sees a castle - there is no more beautiful.
Tin and shiny behind the nearby wall ...
Suddenly the wall in front of him opened up, he drove in, and it closed.
And around is a wide courtyard, the eyes are intoxicated with beauty.

At that moment, I call attentively, the snake broke and into the ground
She fell like a stone, rose as a virgin, an unearthly queen.
And already the girl's soul turned into a bird.
It flew away, disappeared from my eyes ... as if it had never happened at all.

And the Cossack put the horse in the stable and forced
Again, reconcile yourself with the fact that it is not given for good.
Our experienced fellow began to inspect the palace.
Mirrors from the walls shine, and pictures change their faces,

Everywhere velvet and porcelain, only the conversation is not heard.
No one outside, no one inside, no matter how you look.

Oh, where did I go! - Only an echo echoes ...
- What will I eat and drink if there is no one to talk to?

He just thought, looking at the floor, there was already a full table in front of him.
The Cossack ate and drank, winked at the portrait faces.
- So we will live together, we will be alive - we will not die.
Long or short - I don’t know, but the Cossack counts the days.
Although he lives on everything ready, but alone, without the caress of a word ...
The tin castle suddenly became a prison that the spirit fettered.
The walls are deaf, high, at least shoot yourself out of boredom.
There is no one to say a word to, how could it be to suffer?
And his longing for the breasts took him down
I began to torment, burn my soul, you live and do not cross.
But no exit, no entry, no salvation, that's the misfortune ...

He endured, where to go, no rings, but no heart ...
Once the Cossack grabbed a club, went out into the halls, into the middle,
He began to beat mirrors, furniture, walls, that's it ...
Silver threw and tore velvet to shreds and metal
Chairs directly to the ceiling, so that the owner could see.
The owner of the house swam away, as if he did not live here at all ...

He lay down, tired, he went to sleep, and in the morning he began again
Thinking is useless. Don't run away and disappear...
I wanted to eat, but there was no ... the table was already gone, lunch was gone.
The house is destroyed, the horse is not fed, he is already unwilling by himself.
So he thinks to himself, well, what did he achieve in fate ...
The slave will beat himself, if he lives by wickedness.
I raged yesterday, and now there is not even kvass.
And the Cossack repented that he was angry, a fool.

Look, out of nowhere, a table, food, wine and lard!
And three more days passed, and the next morning it dawned,
He gets out of bed, and the horse at the door neighs,
And saddled and drunk ...
How strange the world is!

He took a pike, went out through the door to the wide courtyard, not believing
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the beautiful girl appears!

Hello, good man, the time has passed, not a long century,
You disenchanted me, but saved me from the flame,
And now I am free, and noble by blood.
Know that Koschey the Deathless wanted to take me as a faithful wife,
I laughed at him, he is dashing from mockery
He bewitched me with witchcraft and called me a snake ...

You served me, so let's ride a horse
To my father, my mother, there we will reward you.
Father father will bring you a casket,
Refuse and do not take, but ask for a keg,
What's in his cellar, there's magic wine.
As you roll them to the right, so eat and drink well
You are in a golden tent that will appear before you.
And if you roll them to the left, everything will disappear. - Says the maiden.

Well, - the Cossack said, at least he wanted to marry ...
I understood that they would not give up ... the one who had been waiting for centuries.
For a long time, for a short time, I don’t know, now they’re driving up to the house,
To the beautiful palace, the daughter runs to her father.
He saw and rejoices, the queen's mother kisses her daughter,
A holiday in the kingdom, a feast by the mountain, the daughter returned home!
So many tears were shed, so many good fellows were ruined
His life - Koshchei in joy, in the dust they gave their youth.
No one could win, because the Immortal is that pledge.
Twice seven is the result of searching, the most difficult trials.
And the princess again says to him:
- Praise that
Who endured their occupation, removing the seal of the curse from me.
You saved me, not knowing why, but who you are ...

The tsar rewards the Cossack, hands a dish of gold,
He shakes his head.
- Thank you, dear,
But I do not need any gold, or what is in the chambers,
Reward me with a barrel, which is in the basement under the liver.

You want too much! - The king says, - and brings a whole chest!
But the Cossack does not take it, but he is waiting for that barrel.

All right, - said the king, - my daughter is dear to me, go away
You with the barrel that you asked for, take it, if you have enough strength.
The Cossack took the gift and went to the gate,
Well, and there in the wide world already went to seek advice.
How should he be now, how to return to the court ...
To find your happiness, there is nothing more to wish for ...
Suddenly, with bowed head, the old man walks barefoot,
Here the Cossack stopped, bowed to his grandfather from the waist,
- I treat, respecting your old age.
I see, hungry, tired, so eat, drink a glass.
I rolled the barrel to the right - a table appeared to the glory,
Yes, in a golden tent, with a painted tablecloth,
Servants feed, stand in a row, clean and look ...
They had dinner and lay down to rest.

And then the old man says to him:
- I'm not big
And not a king, and not rich, but glad to meet you.
Thank you, son, my path is hard and far,
I'm looking for someone to whom the gift of knowledge would be any.
Otherwise, I have to walk, I can’t see the end of the world ...

The Cossack got up and bowed:
- You showed up just in time!
I need knowledge now, otherwise, believe, do not believe,
My life is already useless ... The daughter of the king is not up to the shoulder,
He will not give me a virgin as a wife, although he saved her from captivity,
After all, he listened to the advice, took a keg ... I'm for it ...
Drink and eat, of course, it is necessary, but a welcome reward
I would be the daughter of the king, giving a clear sun.

And the Cossack sighed deeply, going far away ...
Rolled the barrel to the left - everything disappeared without a trace.
The old man says in response:
- My secrets
I will exchange for a barrel, how to help you - I know.

The Cossack is glad that:
- Father, teach me, finally,
I agree to exchange. How can I get to the goal?
Here the old man sat down a little, and stamped his foot behind him,
He clapped three times and jumped - he took out a huge sword from the sky.
And he gives this sword to the Cossack and makes a speech:

This treasurer is the most ancient, damask sword, faithful to the cause,
Strikes evil enemies in battle, take it, I give it to you.
And in exchange I give advice for a barrel - fortunately years.
My advice is both simple and old: use the gift for the soul.
And selfish acts are only a barrier to knowledge.

You go back to the kingdom, I know, by the state
The enemy army stands now, the greedy beast is thirsty for blood,
Hungry to seize the kingdom, but live in false laws.
Only you are able to give salvation to the kingdom, go, dear.

Thank you father! - And he takes Kladenets,
He gallops to the royal borders, sees - the army is standing, marveling ...
Indeed, those forces are incalculable!
The army of the kingdom is unanswerable,
It’s ready to surrender in weakness, even though it’s great in uniforms ...
The king looks from the city wall, he was killed by defeat ...
But the Cossack is already in place, he will fight for the bride.
Here, with the entire Cossack article, he went out to fight with the army.
The horse flies under him like an arrow with a raised head,
Dust swirls around in a column, the enemy system is standing, mocking,
He laughs at the desperate, but the Cossack with a spear does not bend,
Here is a warrior galloping nearby, worthy of military glory,
Once he swung his sword, another ...
The enemy has been beaten!
Runs down...

Heads remained in the field, that they said goodbye to the shoulders ...
Not even an hour has passed, not even the sun has set,
The king hurries to meet him, hugs his strong shoulders,
Saying: - Now I will give my daughter to you, and reign yourself.

Loud trumpets blew, wines, sweet meads drank
For the health of the young and for the valor of the daring,
And they congratulated each other, wished happiness, joy,
The wedding was glorious, it brought glory to the kingdom.

I sang at that feast, it was not more beautiful in the world.
The fairy tale of life has become a song,
know that there is a lot of wisdom in it ...


E the Cossack halted along the way and drove into a dense forest; in that forest on a glade there is a haystack. The Cossack stopped to rest a little, lay down near the stack and lit his pipe; smoked and smoked and did not see how he planted a spark in the hay. After a rest, he mounted his horse and set off; before he had time to take ten steps, a flame flared up and lit up the whole forest. The Cossack looked around, looked: a haystack was on fire, and a red-haired maiden stood in the fire and said in a loud voice:

Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death.

How can I save you? All around the flame, there is no approach to you.

Throw your pike into the fire; I will choose it.

The Cossack thrust his lance into the fire, and turned away from the great heat.

Immediately, the red maiden turned into a snake, climbed onto a pike, slid onto the Cossack's neck, wrapped herself around the neck three times and took her tail in her teeth. The Cossack was frightened, he would not figure out what to do and how to be. The snake proclaimed in a human voice:

Don't be afraid, good fellow! Carry me around your neck for seven years and look for the kingdom of tin, and when you arrive in that kingdom, stay and live there for another seven years without a way out. Serve this service, you will be happy!

‎ The Cossack went to look for the tin kingdom, it took a lot of time, a lot of water flowed under the bridge, at the end of the seventh year he reached a steep mountain; on that mountain stands a tin castle, around the castle is a high white stone wall. He galloped up the mountain, the wall parted before him, and he rode into a wide courtyard. At that very moment, a snake broke from his neck, hit the damp earth, turned into a girl-soul and disappeared from his eyes - as if she were not there. The Cossack put his good horse in the stable, entered the palace and began to inspect the rooms. Everywhere there are mirrors, silver and velvet, and nowhere to see a single human soul. “Oh,” the Cossack thinks, “where did I go? Who will feed and water me? Apparently, I had to die of starvation!

‎ Just thought, lo and behold - the table is laid in front of him, on the table and drink and eat - just enough; he ate and drank, strengthened his strength and took it into his head to go to see the horse. He comes to the stable - the horse stands in the stall and eats the oats. “Well, this is a good thing: you can, therefore, live without need.”

For a long, long time the Cossack remained in the tin castle, and mortal boredom took him: is it a joke - he is always alone! There is no one to throw a word with. From grief he got drunk drunk, and he decided to go to the free world; only wherever he rushes - everywhere the walls are high, there is no entrance or exit. It seemed to him out of annoyance that the good fellow grabbed a stick, entered the palace and let's break mirrors and glass, tear velvet, break chairs, throw silver: “Maybe the master will come out and set him free!” No, no one is. The Cossack lay down to sleep; the next day he woke up, took a walk, walked around and took it into his head to have a bite to eat; looks back and forth - there is nothing for him! “Oh,” he thinks, “the slave beats herself, if she reaps uncleanly! You messed up yesterday, and now starve!” As soon as he repented, as now both food and drink - everything is ready!

Three days have passed; waking up in the morning, the Cossack looks out the window - his good horse saddled is standing at the porch. What would that mean? He washed, dressed, prayed to God, took his long lance and went out into the wide courtyard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red maiden appeared:

Hello, good fellow! Seven years have ended - you delivered me from the final death. Know this: I am a king's daughter; Koschei the Deathless fell in love with me, took me away from my father, from my mother, wanted to marry me, but I laughed at him; so he became embittered and turned me into a fierce snake. Thank you for your long service! Now let's go to my father; he will reward you with a golden treasury and semi-precious stones, you do not take anything, but ask for a barrel that is in the cellar.

And what is the profit in it?

If you roll the barrel to the right, the palace will immediately appear, if you roll it to the left, the palace will disappear.

Well, - said the Cossack, mounted his horse, put the beautiful princess with him; the high walls themselves parted in front of him, and he set off on his way.

‎ How long, how short - comes to the said kingdom. The king saw his daughter, rejoiced, began to thank and gives the Cossack sacks full of gold and pearls. The good fellow answers:

I don't need gold or pearls; give me that barrel that is in the basement as a keepsake.

You want a lot, brother! Well, yes, there is nothing to do: my daughter is dearest to me! For her, and the keg is not a pity; take with God.

The Cossack took the royal gift and set off to wander around the world.

‎ He was driving, he came across an ancient old man. The old man asks:

Feed me, good fellow!

The Cossack jumped off his horse, untied the barrel, rolled it to the right - at that very moment the wonderful palace appeared. They both went up to the painted chambers and sat down at the laid table.

Hey, my faithful servants! shouted the Cossack. - Feed-drink my guest.

I didn’t have time to say - the servants are carrying a whole bull and three cauldrons of beer. The old man began to write and praise; ate a whole bull, drank three cauldrons of beer, grunted and said:

Not enough, but there is nothing to do! Thanks for the bread and salt.

‎ They left the palace; the Cossack rolled his barrel to the left, and the palace was gone.

Let's change, - the old man says to the Cossack, - I'll give you a sword, and you give me a barrel.

What's the use of a sword?

Why, this is a self-cutting sword; you just have to wave it - even if there is an innumerable force, it will beat everything! You see - the forest is growing; do you want to try it?

Then the old man drew his sword, waved it and said:

Go, self-cutting sword, cut down the dense forest!

The sword flew and, well, cut down trees and put them in sazhens; chopped and returned to the owner. The Cossack did not hesitate for a long time, gave the old man a barrel, and took a self-cutting sword for himself; brandished his sword and killed the old man to death. After he tied the barrel to the saddle, mounted his horse and decided to return to the king. And a strong enemy approached the capital city of that king; the Cossack saw an uncountable army, waved his sword at her:

Self-cutting sword! Do a service, chop down the enemy army.

Heads flew, blood flowed, and in less than an hour the whole field was covered with corpses.

The king rode out to meet the Cossack, hugged him, kissed him, and immediately decided to marry the beautiful princess to him. The wedding was rich; I was at that wedding too, I drank honey-wine, it flowed down my mustache, it was not in my mouth.

(Russian folktale)

The Cossack rode along the road and drove into a dense forest; in that forest on a glade there is a haystack. The Cossack stopped to rest a little, lay down near the stack and lit his pipe; smoked and smoked and did not see how he planted a spark in the hay. The Cossack mounted his horse and set off; before he had time to take ten steps, a flame flared up and lit up the whole forest. The Cossack looked around, looked - a haystack was on fire, and a red maiden stood in the fire and said in a loud voice:

- Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death.

- How can I save you? All around the flame, there is no approach to you.

“Put your lance into the fire, I’ll get out on it.”

The Cossack thrust his lance into the fire, and turned away from the great heat.

Immediately the red maiden turned into a snake, climbed onto a pike, slipped onto the Cossack's neck, wrapped herself around the neck three times and took her tail in her teeth. The Cossack was frightened; does not figure out what to do and how to be.

- Do not be afraid, good fellow! Carry me around your neck for seven years and look for the kingdom of tin, and when you arrive in that kingdom, stay and live there for another seven years without a way out. Serve this service, you will be happy!

The Cossack went to look for the tin kingdom.

A lot of time has passed, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, at the end of the seventh year I reached a steep mountain; on that mountain there is a tin castle, around the castle there is a high white stone wall.

The Cossack galloped up the mountain, the wall parted in front of him, and he rode into a wide courtyard. At that very moment, a snake broke from his neck, hit the damp earth, turned into a girl-soul and disappeared from his eyes - as if she were not there.

The Cossack put his good horse in the stable, entered the palace and began to inspect the rooms. Everywhere there are mirrors, silver and velvet, and nowhere to see a single human soul. “Oh,” the Cossack thinks, “where did I go? Who will feed and water me? Apparently, we will have to die of starvation!”

Just thought, lo and behold - the table is set in front of him, on the table and drink and eat - just enough; he ate and drank and decided to go and see the horse. He comes to the stable - the horse stands in the stall and eats oats.

- Well, this is a good thing: it means that you can live without need.

For a long, long time the Cossack remained in the tin castle, and mortal boredom took him: is it a joke - always alone! There is no one to throw a word with. It occurred to him to go to the free world; only wherever he rushes - everywhere the walls are high, there is no entrance or exit. It seemed to him out of annoyance that the good fellow grabbed a stick, entered the palace and let's beat mirrors and glass, tear velvet, break chairs, throw silver: “Maybe the master will come out and set him free!” No, no one is.

The Cossack lay down to sleep. The next day I woke up, took a walk, walked around and took it into my head to have a bite to eat; looks back and forth - there is nothing for him! “Oh,” he thinks, “the slave beats herself, if she reaps uncleanly! You messed up yesterday, and now starve!” As soon as he repented, as now both food and drink - everything is ready!

Three days passed; the Cossack woke up in the morning, looked out the window - his good horse, saddled, was standing at the porch. What would that mean? He washed, dressed, took his long lance and went out into the wide yard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red maiden appeared:

— Hello, good fellow! Seven years have ended - you delivered me from the final death. Know that I am a royal daughter. Koschei the Deathless took me away from my father, from my mother, he wanted to marry me, but I laughed at him; so he became embittered and turned me into a fierce snake. Thank you for your long service! Now let's go to my father; he will reward you with a golden treasury and semi-precious stones, you do not take anything, but ask for a barrel that is in the cellar.

- And what is the profit in it?

“If you roll the barrel to the right, the palace will immediately appear; if you roll it to the left, the palace will disappear.”

"Good," said the Cossack.

He mounted his horse and took the beautiful princess with him; the high walls themselves parted in front of them, and they set off on their way.

How long, how short - the Cossack arrives with the queen to the king. The king saw his daughter, rejoiced, began to thank and gives the Cossack sacks full of gold and pearls.

Good fellow says:

“I don’t need neither gold nor pearls; give me that barrel that is in the basement as a keepsake.

- You want a lot, brother! Well, yes, there is nothing to do: my daughter is dearest to me! For her, and the keg is not a pity. Take it.

The Cossack took the royal gift and set off to wander around the world.

He rode, rode, he came across an ancient old man. The old man asks:

- Feed me, good fellow!

The Cossack jumped off his horse, untied the barrel, rolled it to the right - at that very moment the wonderful palace appeared.

They both went up to the painted chambers and sat down at the laid table.

“Hey, my faithful servants! shouted the Cossack. - Feed and drink my guest.

Before I could say it, the servants were carrying a whole bull and three cauldrons of beer. The old man began to eat and praise; ate a whole bull, drank three cauldrons of beer, grunted and said:

- Not enough, but there is nothing to do! Thanks for the bread and salt.

They left the palace; the Cossack rolled his barrel to the left, and the palace was gone.

“Let’s change,” the old man says to the Cossack, “I’ll give you the sword, and you give me a barrel.”

"What's the use of a sword?"

“Why, this self-cutting sword; you just have to wave - even if there is an innumerable force, it will beat everything! You see - the forest is growing; do you want me to try it?

Then the old man drew his sword, waved it and said:

- Go, self-cutting sword, cut down the dense forest!

The sword flew and, well, cut down trees and put them in sazhens; chopped and returned to the owner.

The Cossack did not hesitate for a long time, gave the old man a barrel, and took a self-cutting sword for himself, mounted a horse and decided to return to the king. And a strong enemy approached the capital city of that king; the Cossack saw an uncountable army, waved his sword at her:

- Self-cutting sword! Do some service; cut down the enemy army.

Heads flew... And an hour did not pass, as the enemy force was gone.

The king rode out to meet the Cossack, hugged him, kissed him, and immediately decided to marry the beautiful princess to him.

The wedding was rich; I was at that wedding too, I drank honey-wine, it flowed down my mustache, it wasn’t in my mouth.

Once a Cossack was driving along a road and drove into a dense forest; in that forest on a thawed patch there is a haystack. The Cossack stopped to rest a little, lay down beside him and lit his pipe; smoked and smoked and did not see how he planted a spark in the hay. The Cossack mounted his horse and set off; before he had time to take ten steps, a flame flared up and lit up the whole forest. The Cossack looked around, looked - a haystack was on fire, and a red maiden stood in the fire and said in a loud voice:

Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death.

How can I save you? All around the flame, there is no approach to you.

Put your pike in the fire, I'll get out on it.

The Cossack thrust his lance into the fire, and turned away from the great heat.

Immediately the red maiden turned into a snake, climbed onto a pike, slipped onto the Cossack's neck, wrapped herself around the neck three times and took the tail in her teeth.

The Cossack was frightened; does not figure out what to do and how to be.

Don't be afraid, good fellow! Carry me around your neck for seven years and look for the tin kingdom, and when you arrive in that kingdom, stay and live there for another seven years without a way out. Serve this service, you will be happy!

The Cossack went to look for the tin kingdom. A lot of time has passed, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, at the end of the seventh year I reached a steep mountain; on that mountain there is a tin castle, around the castle there is a high white stone wall.

The Cossack galloped up the mountain, the wall parted in front of him, and he rode into a wide courtyard. At that very moment, a snake broke from his neck, hit the damp earth, turned into a girl-soul and disappeared from his eyes - as if she were not there.

The Cossack put his good horse in the stable, entered the palace and began to inspect the rooms. There are mirrors everywhere, silver and velvet, and nowhere to be seen a single human soul.

"Oh," the Cossack thinks, "where have I gone? Who will feed and water me? Apparently, I will have to die of starvation!"

Just thought, lo and behold - the table is set in front of him, on the table and drink and eat - just enough; he ate and drank and decided to go and see the horse. He comes to the stable - the horse stands in the stall and eats oats.

Well, this is a good thing: you can, therefore, live without need.

For a long, long time the Cossack remained in the tin castle, and mortal boredom took him: is it a joke - always alone! There is no one to throw a word with. It occurred to him to go to the free world; only wherever he rushes - everywhere the walls are high, there is no entrance or exit. It seemed to him out of annoyance that the good fellow grabbed a stick, entered the Palace and let's beat mirrors and glass, tear velvet, break chairs, throw silver: "Maybe the master will come out and set him free!" No, no one is.

The Cossack lay down to sleep. The next day I woke up, took a walk, walked around and took it into my head to have a bite to eat; looks back and forth - there is nothing for him!

“Oh,” he thinks, “the slave beats herself, if she reaps uncleanly! Here she messed up yesterday, and now starve!”

Just repented, as now and food and drink - everything is ready!

Three days have passed; the Cossack woke up in the morning, looked out the window - his good horse saddled was standing at the porch. What would that mean? He washed, dressed, took his long lance and went out into the wide yard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red maiden appeared:

Hello, good fellow! Seven years have ended - you delivered me from the final death. Know that I am a royal daughter. Koschei the Deathless took me away from my father, from my mother, he wanted to marry me, but I laughed at him; so he became embittered and turned me into a fierce snake. Thank you for your long service! Now let's go to my father; he will reward you with a golden treasury and semi-precious stones, you do not take anything, but ask for a barrel that is in the cellar.

And what is the profit in it?

If you roll the barrel to the right, the palace will immediately appear, if you roll it to the left, the palace will disappear.

Good, said the Cossack. He mounted his horse and took the beautiful princess with him; the high walls themselves parted in front of them, and they set off on their way.

How long, how short - the Cossack comes with the queen to the king.

The king saw his daughter, rejoiced, began to thank and gives the Cossack sacks full of gold and pearls.

Good fellow says:

I don't need gold or pearls; give me that barrel that is in the basement as a keepsake.

You want a lot, brother! Well, yes, there is nothing to do: my daughter is dearest to me! For her, and the keg is not a pity. Take it.

The Cossack took the royal gift and set off to wander around the world.

He was driving, he came across an ancient old man towards him. The old man asks:

Feed me, good fellow!

The Cossack jumped off his horse, untied the barrel, rolled it to the right - at that very moment the wonderful palace appeared. They both went up to the painted chambers and sat down at the laid table.

Hey, my faithful servants! shouted the Cossack. - Feed-drink my guest.

I didn’t have time to say - the servants are carrying a whole bull and three cauldrons of drinking. The old man began to eat and praise; ate a whole bull, drank three cauldrons, grunted and said:

Not enough, but there is nothing to do! Thanks for the bread and salt.

They left the palace; the Cossack rolled his barrel to the left, and the palace was gone.

Let's change, - the old man says to the Cossack, - I'll give you a sword, and you give me a barrel.

What's the use of a sword?

Why, this is a self-cutting sword: just wave it - no matter how innumerable strength, it will beat everything! You see - the forest is growing; do you want me to try it?

Then the old man drew his sword, waved it and said:

Go, self-cutting sword, cut down the dense forest!

The sword flew and, well, cut down trees and put them in sazhens; chopped and returned to the owner. The Cossack did not hesitate for a long time, gave the old man a barrel, and took a self-cutting sword for himself, mounted a horse and decided to return to the king. And a strong enemy approached the capital city of that king; the Cossack saw an uncountable army, waved his sword at her:

Self-cutting sword! Do some service: cut down the enemy army.

Heads flew... And an hour did not pass, as the enemy force was gone. The king rode out to meet the Cossack, hugged him, kissed him, and immediately decided to marry the beautiful princess to him.

The wedding was rich; I was at that wedding too, I drank honey, it flowed down my mustache, it was not in my mouth.

Once a Cossack was driving along a road and drove into a dense forest; in that forest on a thawed patch there is a haystack. The Cossack stopped to rest a little, lay down beside him and lit his pipe; smoked and smoked and did not see how he planted a spark in the hay. The Cossack mounted his horse and set off; before he had time to take ten steps, a flame flared up and lit up the whole forest. The Cossack looked around, looked - a haystack was on fire, and a red maiden stood in the fire and said in a loud voice:
- Cossack, good man! Deliver me from death.
- How can I save you? All around the flame, there is no approach to you.
- Put your pike into the fire, I'll get out on it.

The Cossack thrust his lance into the fire, and turned away from the great heat.
Immediately the red maiden turned into a snake, climbed onto a pike, slipped onto the Cossack's neck, wrapped herself around the neck three times and took the tail in her teeth.
The Cossack was frightened; does not figure out what to do and how to be.

The snake proclaimed in a human voice:
- Do not be afraid, good fellow! Carry me around your neck for seven years and look for the tin kingdom, and when you arrive in that kingdom, stay and live there for another seven years without a way out. Serve this service, you will be happy!

The Cossack went to look for the tin kingdom. A lot of time has passed, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, at the end of the seventh year I reached a steep mountain; on that mountain there is a tin castle, around the castle there is a high white stone wall.
The Cossack galloped up the mountain, the wall parted in front of him, and he rode into a wide courtyard. oskazkah.ru - site At that very moment, a snake broke off his neck, hit the damp earth, turned into a girl-soul and disappeared from his eyes - as if she were not there.

The Cossack put his good horse in the stable, entered the palace and began to inspect the rooms. There are mirrors everywhere, silver and velvet, and nowhere to be seen a single human soul.
"Oh," the Cossack thinks, "where have I gone? Who will feed and water me? Apparently, I will have to die of starvation!"
Just thought, lo and behold - the table is set in front of him, on the table and drink and eat - just enough; he ate and drank and decided to go and see the horse. He comes to the stable - the horse stands in the stall and eats oats.
- Well, this is a good thing: you can, therefore, live without need.

For a long, long time the Cossack remained in the tin castle, and mortal boredom took him: is it a joke - always alone! There is no one to throw a word with. It occurred to him to go to the free world; only wherever he rushes - everywhere the walls are high, there is no entrance or exit. It seemed to him out of annoyance that the good fellow grabbed a stick, entered the Palace and let's beat mirrors and glass, tear velvet, break chairs, throw silver: "Maybe the master will come out and set him free!" No, no one is.

The Cossack lay down to sleep. The next day I woke up, took a walk, walked around and took it into my head to have a bite to eat; looks back and forth - there is nothing for him!
“Oh,” he thinks, “the slave beats herself, if she reaps uncleanly! Here she messed up yesterday, and now starve!”
Just repented, as now and food and drink - everything is ready!

Three days have passed; the Cossack woke up in the morning, looked out the window - his good horse saddled was standing at the porch. What would that mean? He washed, dressed, took his long lance and went out into the wide yard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red maiden appeared:
- Hello, good fellow! Seven years have ended - you delivered me from the final death. Know that I am a royal daughter. Koschei the Deathless took me away from my father, from my mother, he wanted to marry me, but I laughed at him; so he became embittered and turned me into a fierce snake. Thank you for your long service!

Now let's go to my father; he will reward you with a golden treasury and semi-precious stones, you do not take anything, but ask for a barrel that is in the cellar.
- And what is the profit in it?
- If you roll the barrel to the right side - the palace will immediately appear, if you roll it to the left - the palace will disappear.
"Good," said the Cossack. He mounted his horse and took the beautiful princess with him; the high walls themselves parted in front of them, and they set off on their way.

How long, how short - the Cossack comes with the queen to the king.
The king saw his daughter, rejoiced, began to thank and gives the Cossack sacks full of gold and pearls.

Good fellow says:
- I do not need neither gold nor pearls; give me that barrel that is in the basement as a keepsake.
- You want a lot, brother! Well, yes, there is nothing to do: my daughter is dearest to me! For her, and the keg is not a pity. Take it.

The Cossack took the royal gift and set off to wander around the world.
He was driving, he came across an ancient old man towards him. The old man asks:
- Feed me, good fellow!

The Cossack jumped off his horse, untied the barrel, rolled it to the right - at that very moment the wonderful palace appeared. They both went up to the painted chambers and sat down at the laid table.
- Hey, my faithful servants! shouted the Cossack. - Feed-drink my guest.

I didn’t have time to say - the servants are carrying a whole bull and three cauldrons of drinking. The old man began to eat and praise; ate a whole bull, drank three cauldrons, grunted and said:
- It's not enough, but there's nothing to do! Thanks for the bread and salt.

They left the palace; the Cossack rolled his barrel to the left, and the palace was gone.
- Let's change, - the old man says to the Cossack, - I'll give you a sword, and you give me a barrel.
"What's the use of a sword?"
- Why, this is a self-cutting sword: just wave it - no matter how innumerable force, it will beat everything! You see - the forest is growing; do you want me to try it?

Then the old man drew his sword, waved it and said:
- Go, self-cutting sword, chop the dense forest!

The sword flew and, well, cut down trees and put them in sazhens; chopped and returned to the owner. The Cossack did not hesitate for a long time, gave the old man a barrel, and took a self-cutting sword for himself, mounted a horse and decided to return to the king. And a strong enemy approached the capital city of that king; the Cossack saw an uncountable army, waved his sword at her:
- Self-cutting sword! Do some service: cut down the enemy army.

Heads flew... And an hour did not pass, as the enemy force was gone. The king rode out to meet the Cossack, hugged him, kissed him, and immediately decided to marry the beautiful princess to him.

The wedding was rich; I was at that wedding too, I drank honey, it flowed down my mustache, it was not in my mouth.

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