
Sisters of the Moon. Sisters of the Moon Sisters of Elune

The Sisters of the Moon are the former guardians of the Tomb of Sargeras, who for centuries guarded it and the terrible evil that was buried in the depths of the Temple of Elune. They continued to serve after their death, but the dark influence of the Fallen Titan left its mark...

Now driven mad and without purpose, these elves cannot distinguish friend from foe. They only know that they must destroy anyone who enters the sacred chambers!

Location of the Sisters of the Moon

The Sisters of the Moon are ethereal, mad guards doomed to serve in the tomb forever. They have a common health reserve, and the three of them only have enough strength to maintain one single physical shell.

The battle begins with Huntress Casparia, at 70% health she is replaced by Captain Yata Moonstrike, who at 40% health is replaced by Priestess Moonflame.

On Mythic difficulty, Astral Cleanse deals damage to the entire raid whenever a player moves to the other side of the moon.

  • Fighters– Being targeted by Dark Oversaturation Rapid Fire. Becoming a target for Moonburn Astral Cleansing. Defeat Moonclaw before Death Shriek's damage becomes fatal.
    If you have accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation or Lunar Oversaturation charges
  • Doctors– When targeted by Rapid Fire, move to the light side to remove the effect of Dark Oversaturation. When targeted by Lunar Burn, move to the other side to trigger Astral Clearance Dark Oversaturation or Lunar Oversaturation, move to the other side to reset them.
  • Tanks– Choose a location so that the Moon Glaive hits at least 3 players. When targeted by Disembodiment, move to the other side to trigger Astral Purge. Don't get too many Moonfire charges. If you have accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation or Lunar Oversaturation charges, move to the other side to reset them.

2. General information

The fight with the Sisters of the Moon consists of three phases. It tests the raid's ability to handle multiple mechanics at once. The battle involves three bosses with a common supply of health, but at any given time only one boss opposes the raid. The other two are present on the battlefield in ghost form at this time, and players cannot interact with them. Bosses change during each phase. Additionally, players must constantly change locations due to changes to the Font of Elune.

The floor in the room constantly changes throughout the fight.

Font of Elune

The floor of the room constantly changes throughout the fight, reflecting the different phases of the moon.

  • While standing on the light side, players receive Lunar Oversaturation, which increases Arcane damage taken by 3%. The effect is cumulative.
  • standing on dark side, players receive the Dark Oversaturation effect, which increases damage taken from dark magic 3%. The effect is cumulative.

When moving from the dark side to the light side and back, all satiety effects are removed from players (due to Astral Cleansing).

  • When Astral Cleanse is triggered, the player receives moderate damage from Shadow and Arcane magic. It also gains the effect of Astral Vulnerability, increasing the damage from Astral Cleanse by 50% for 2 sec.
  • Astral vulnerability prevents players from constantly moving from the dark side of the Font of Elune to the light side and back.
  • The phases of the moon change automatically, and players are forced to reckon with them. Astral cleansing is also used
  • In all other cases, you should not pay too much attention to the number of Lunar Supersaturation / Dark Supersaturation charges - automatic changes in the phases of the moon, as a rule, provoke Astral cleansing with the required frequency.
  • When the floor becomes completely dark or completely light, the Font of Elune buffs bosses, giving them the ability to use a powerful ability (depending on the phase of the fight).

Phase 1: Huntress

In the first phase, players fight Kasparia the Huntress, while other bosses use their abilities but do not directly engage in combat. In other words, during this time you cannot damage Priestess Moonflame and Captain Yata Moonstrike.

Kasparia's Huntress abilities don't interact very well with each other, so they can be dealt with as they appear.

Huntress Casparia

Moon Glaive.

  • The boss launches a glaive at the active tank, which bounces on two additional targets and deals moderate physical damage to them.
  • Before each Lunar Glaive, tanks need to use spells to actively absorb damage.
  • The first target of the Lunar Glaive also receives the Disincarnate effect, reducing the effectiveness of incoming healing and damage absorption by 75%. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
  • The Disincarnation effect can be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • Tank without Disembodiment Astral cleansing.
  • If Astral Cleansing is not available, i.e. the entire floor in the room is light or dark, the second tank must hold the boss until the Disincarnation on the first tank dissipates by itself, or until the desired light or dark area appears in the room.

Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive!

Huntress Casparia also casts Twilight Glaive on random players. She turns to the target and points an arrow at it.

  • A few seconds after the arrow appears, a glaive flies towards the target. When colliding with a player, the glaive flies back to Huntress Casparian (in a straight line).
  • All players hit by the glaive take moderate shadow damage.
  • Players targeted by Twilight Glaive must run away from allies and catch the glaive alone.
  • All other players must dodge the glaive, thereby reducing the total damage.
  • If the Glaive's target has accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation charges, they may need a personal protective cooldown to reduce Shadow damage.

Priestess Moonflame

  • She selects a random player and shoots a beam of light at them. After 8 sec. The target receives crushing damage from dark magic. Damage is divided among all players standing in the beam.
  • The Ether Shot's target should go to the center of the room, and all other players should stand in the beam to share the damage.
  • If the raid has accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation charges, healers will need powerful healing cooldowns.

Don't forget to split the damage from Ethereal Shot.

Phase 2: Arrows of Night

When Huntress Casparia reaches 70% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At the same moment, Captain Yata Moonstrike enters the battle.

Captain Yata Moonstrike

During the second phase, the captain continues to use Twilight Salvo. Ranged players should still stay away from melee players and move out of range.

  • When fired, the boss targets a random player and deals moderate Shadow damage to them every 0.5 sec. within 5 sec.
  • This player requires active healing, especially with a large amount of Dark Oversaturation stacks.
  • If possible, this player should remove the effect of Dark Oversaturation as quickly as possible.

Kill Moonclaw before Deadly Screech kills you!

The captain's most notable ability is Summon Moon Claw. Moonclaw is a huge owl who fights for the Sisters of the Moon.

  • Moonclaw needs a tank. Moonclaw doesn't use any special abilities until he reaches 25% health.
  • He then begins to cast Deadly Shriek, which deals heavy Shadow damage to all nearby players.
  • Each time Deadly Screech is cast, the damage from the next screech is increased by 25%, the effect stacks.
  • All fighters should switch to Moonclaw and kill him using offensive cooldowns on the last 25% of his health.
  • Additionally, the raid can use defensive cooldowns to reduce the damage from Deadly Screech.

Huntress Casparia

During the second phase, Huntress Casparia continues to use Twilight Glaive. The mechanics of the ability remain the same, i.e. it must hit no more than one player.

  • In the second phase, dealing with the Twilight Glaive will be a little more difficult, because... in ghost form, the huntress will teleport throughout the site.
  • Players should carefully monitor the Hunter's movements and the direction of flight of the Twilight Glaive.
  • The phantom glaive flies towards the player, bounces on 3 additional targets and deals minor Shadow and Arcane damage.
  • Spectral Glaive cannot be avoided, so healers will need to target players hit by Spectral Glaive.
  • It is important to remember that if you have a large number of charges of Lunar Oversaturation or Dark Oversaturation, the damage of the Wraithglaive increases, and the raid requires more active healing.
  • Ranged players can try to reduce the damage from Spectral Glaive by spreading out across the area to reduce the number of targets.

Priestess Moonflame

During the second phase, Priestess still uses Lunar Burn and Lunar Strike. Their mechanics remain the same - damage from Lunar Strike is neutralized by healers, and Lunar Burn is removed using Astral Cleanse.

Knock off the captain's shield from the Embrace of the Eclipse!

During the second phase, the priestess gains a new ability, Embrace of the Eclipse. She can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced

  • Embrace of the Eclipse places a shield on the captain that absorbs incoming damage, and a shield on all players in the raid that absorbs incoming healing.
  • After 12 sec. all shields explode and deal damage based on remaining strength. The captain's shield deals damage in a radius of 70m, player shields - in a radius of 8m.

Players must quickly knock down the captain's shield. To do this, you need to inflict more damage on her. Healers need to use healing cooldowns to quickly remove shields from themselves and their allies.

  • If healers cannot remove shields, players must stand at least 8m apart from each other. In this case, shield explosions will not harm anyone.
  • If fighters cannot remove the boss's shield, they should use offensive cooldowns at the moment the boss casts Embrace of the Eclipse.

Phase 3: Wrath of Elune

When Captain Yata Moonstrike reaches 40% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At the same moment, Priestess Moonflame enters the battle.

Priestess Moonflame

Priestess continues to use Moonburn. Compared to the first and second phases, the Moonburn mechanics remain unchanged, i.e. it must be removed as quickly as possible using Astral cleansing.

  • This ability applies to tanks and applies an effect that deals moderate Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. The effect is cumulative.
  • Thus, tanks must be changed after each Moonfire

In addition, the priestess acquires a new ability, Lunar Mark.

  • The Mark is placed on a random player and deals moderate Arcane damage over 6 sec.
  • When the mark dissipates, the player is hit by Lunar Barrage, which fires once every 1 sec. for 2 sec.
  • Lunar Barrage deals heavy Arcane damage and silences all targets hit.
  • Players with Moon Mark
  • Healers should actively heal targets with Lunar Mark, especially with a large number of Lunar Oversaturation charges.
  • Ranged players should position themselves further away from melee players to protect them from Twilight Barrage, and healers should heal targets with Shadow Barrage.

Huntress Casparia

During the third phase, Casparia the Huntress is still using Twilight Glaive and Spectral Glaive from the second phase.

  • She also gains a new ability, but can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced, i.e. when the floor in the room is completely light or completely dark.
  • The ability is called Hail Glaive. The huntress throws a glaive into the center of the room, which splits into several small fragments that form a straight line.
  • After this, the fragments begin to move towards the edges of the platform. Having reached the edge, the fragments disappear.
  • A player caught by a shard takes heavy arcane damage.
  • Before Glaive Hail, all players must stay away from the center of the room. After the glaive splits, they should look for free gaps in the line of fragments and pass through them without taking damage.

3. Heroism / Bloodlust / Time Warp

Many raids use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp at the beginning of the fight, along with offensive cooldowns when the fighters barely need to move.

  • However, if you are struggling with the Eclipse Embrace or Moon Claw Summon mechanics, you can cast those spells during the appropriate phases.

4. Tactics for the Sisters of the Moon

All phases:

  • Lunar Supersaturation and Dark Supersaturation.
  • Astral cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • The Font of Elune will periodically power up, allowing bosses to use special abilities.

Phase 1: Huntress Casparia, 100%-70%

  • Tanks should stand together and share the damage from Lunar Glaive.
  • The tank without Disincarnation must take over the boss so that the tank with Disincarnation can go and trigger Astral Purge.
  • Don't stand in the way of Twilight Glaive
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • Twilight Salvo. After Twilight Salvo
  • When enhancing the Font of Elune target Ether Shot
  • Lunar Strike and Dark Barrage.

Phase 2. Captain Yata Moonstrike, 70%-40%

  • Healers should restore the health of players caught under Rapid Fire.
  • Rapid Fire Dark Supersaturation
  • If Deadly Screech is a threat to your raid, use offensive cooldowns to quickly finish off the owl.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • When strengthening the Font of Elune, quickly knock down the captain's shield from Eclipse's Embrace. Healers need to remove shields from allies by healing them.
  • Healers should target the health of players with Lunar Strike and Lunar Glaive.

Phase 3: Moonfire Priestess, 40%-0%

  • Tanks need to change after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Players with Lunar Mark should run away from the raid so that the fire does not harm their allies.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Players should not stand in the center of the room when facing the Hailglaive. After the glaive splits into fragments, players should look for free spaces and walk through them without taking damage.
  • Healers should target the health of players with Dark Barrage and Lunar Glaive.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.

Special instructions for different roles


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Oversaturation and Dark Oversaturation.
  • Additionally, they can trigger Astral Cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • Keep the boss in the center of the room so other players can move around freely.

Phase 1

  • Stand together and share the damage from Lunar Glaive.
  • The tank without Disincarnation must take over the boss so that the tank with Disincarnation can go and trigger Astral Purge.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • When empowering the Font of Elune, share the damage of Ethereal Shot with your allies.

Phase 2

  • Moon Claw needs to be tanked and killed as quickly as possible.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • When strengthening the Font of Elune, help the fighters knock off the captain's shield from Embrace of the Eclipse.

Phase 3

  • Change after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Before the City Glaive, take the boss to the edge of the room. After dividing the glaive into fragments, look for free spaces and walk through them without taking damage.


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Oversaturation and Dark Oversaturation.
  • Additionally, they can trigger Astral Cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • Have healing cooldowns ready when the Font of Elune buffs, allowing bosses to cast special abilities.

Phase 1

  • Healing and absorb efficiency for a tank with Disembodiment will be reduced by 75%.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • A target with Ethereal Shot should run to the center of the room so that all allies can share the damage.
  • Lunar Strike and Dark Barrage.

Phase 2

  • Target players caught under Rapid Fire.
  • Rapid fire should quickly reset the effect of Dark Oversaturation to reduce incoming damage from Shadow magic.
  • When Moonclaw reaches 25% health, apply healing cooldowns to save the raid from Death Shriek.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing. Replenish the health of targets with Moonburn as quickly as possible.
  • After buffing the Font of Elune, quickly heal your allies to remove their shields that are absorbing incoming healing.
  • Target players with Lunar Strike and Lunar Glaive to restore health.

Phase 3:

  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing. Replenish the health of targets with Moonburn as quickly as possible.
  • Players with Lunar Mark should run away from the raid so that the fire does not harm their allies.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss in front of

The fourth encounter of the Tomb of Sargeras raid - Sisters of the Moon. There are three sisters - the huntress Casparia, the captain Yata Moonstrike and the priestess Moonflame. The object was guarded back in the days when the building was the Temple of Elune. Then the Avatar of Sargeras was buried here, but even after death the guards continue to keep their watch, not distinguishing between enemies and friends.

Tactics is a translation from the MMO Champion website. Original.

Review of the fight with the Sisters of the Moon

Boss Abilities
              • Lunar Mark – Marks an enemy with lunar energy, inflicting 500000 damage. damage once every 1 sec. for 6 sec. After the duration of the “Moon Mark” effect expires, once every 1 sec. for 4 sec. the target's location is hit by Lunar Barrage. Each Lunar Barrage deals 500,000 damage. Arcane damage every 500,000 sec. and applies a silence effect to targets in the bombardment area.

                Lunar Burn – Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 429000 damage. Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. When the “Astral Cleansing” effect is triggered, the “Moonburn” effect dissipates.

            • Huntress Casparia

              • Hail Glaive – Throws a glaive that shatters, dealing 611000 - 675000 damage. Arcane damage to all affected targets.

                Twilight Glaive – Throws a glaive at the target, dealing 1,020,000 - 1,130,000 damage. damage from dark magic to all enemies in its path and returns to the caster.

                Spectral Glaive – Throws a spectral glaive that ricochets between targets, dealing a total of 348000 - 366000 damage. damage from dark spells. The glaive can hit up to 3 targets.

            Tactics for fighting the Sisters of the Moon

            Sisters of the Moon is a “consular” type encounter where players face several bosses. The three Sisters of the Moon - Huntress Kasparia, Captain Yata Moonstrike and Priestess Moonflame - have one health for all. The battle consists of three phases. Casparia starts, Yata becomes 70% active, and Moon Flame becomes 40%.

            In addition, the floor of the room changes its color from light to dark and vice versa as the battle progresses. On each of the “sides” a debuff is applied to the players. On the “dark” side it is Dark supersaturation, on the “light” side it is Lunar supersaturation. To remove the debuff you need to run to the other “side”. The debuff is removed at 10-12 stacks.

            Normal and Heroic Tactics

            Raid positioning:

            • The boss is tanked at the spawn point;
            • The raid is distributed throughout the room
            • Changing parts of the room is critical for the following mechanics:
              • If you stand on the light side of the room, this increases the stacks from Lunar satiety;
              • If you stand on the dark side of the room, this increases the stacks from Dark satiety;

            All roles:

            • If you've been targeted Twilight Glaives, then run to the edge of the room so that other players don’t get it;
            • Avoid Twilight Volley, since it causes damage from dark magic;
            • During the 2nd phase, stand between the players being hit by Aether Shot and the boss to split the damage (in heroic mode);
            • If you are affected by Moonburn, then you need to go through Astral cleansing- run to the opposite side of the room;
            • Under Rapid fire use personal protective CDs;
            • Don't stand in the same place Lunar mark otherwise you will be stunned and suffer serious damage from arcane magic;
            • Avoid Grad Glaive in the 3rd phase ( in heroic mode);


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This guide contains tips and tactics to defeat the Sisters of the Moon in normal mode. Features of the Raid Finder mode, as well as Heroic and Mythic modes, including new complex combat mechanics, are discussed in the corresponding sections.

You can get to the Sisters of the Moon immediately after defeating Goroth. After them, players get the opportunity to fight the Host of Suffering.

1. Loot from the Sisters of the Moon

The Tomb of Sargeras drops items of the following levels: 885 - Raid Finder, 900 - Normal, 915 - Heroic, or 930 - Mythic.


  • Textile: Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight, Slippers of Everlasting Vigilance
  • Leather: Headband of the Moon's Wrath, Moonfire Stranglers
  • Chain mail: Mantle of Fading Radiance, Waistband of Eternal Unity
  • Plate: Breastplate of the Dazzling Dawn, Gauntlets of the Gloombreaker
  • Rings: Yata's thumb ring
  • Accessories: Chalice of Moonlight, Tarnished Sentinel's Medallion, Lunar Glaives of the Eclipse


  • Arcane: Mote of Astral Supersaturation
  • Fire: Fury of the Pious
  • Iron: Starlight Cluster
  • Life: Moonclaw Feather

The Sisters of the Moon are ethereal, mad guards doomed to serve in the tomb forever. They have a common health reserve, and the three of them only have enough strength to maintain one single physical shell.

The battle begins with Huntress Casparia, at 70% health she is replaced by Captain Yata Moonstrike, who at 40% health is replaced by Priestess Moonflame.

On Mythic difficulty, Astral Cleanse deals damage to the entire raid whenever a player moves to the other side of the moon.

  • Fighters– Becoming a target for Rapid Fire Dark Satiation. Becoming a target for Moonburn Astral Cleansing. Defeat Moonclaw before Death Shriek's damage becomes fatal.
    If you have accumulated too many charges of Dark Saturation or Lunar Saturation
  • Doctors– When targeted by Rapid Fire, move to the light side to remove the effect of Dark Saturation. When targeted by Lunar Burn, move to the other side to trigger Dark Saturation or Lunar Saturation Astral Cleanse, move to the other side to reset them.
  • Tanks– Choose a location so that the Moon Glaive hits at least 3 players. When targeted by Disembodiment, move to the other side to trigger Astral Purge. Don't get too many Moonfire charges. If you have accumulated too many Dark Saturation or Lunar Saturation charges, move to the other side to reset them.

3. General information

The fight with the Sisters of the Moon consists of three phases. It tests the raid's ability to handle multiple mechanics at once. The battle involves three bosses with a common supply of health, but at any given time only one boss opposes the raid. The other two are present on the battlefield in ghost form at this time, and players cannot interact with them. Bosses change during each phase. Additionally, players must constantly change locations due to changes to the Font of Elune.

Font of Elune

The floor of the room constantly changes throughout the fight, reflecting the different phases of the moon.

  • While standing on the light side, players receive Lunar Oversaturation, which increases Arcane damage taken by 3%. The effect is cumulative.
  • While standing on the dark side, players receive the Dark Oversaturation effect, which increases Shadow damage taken by 3%. The effect is cumulative.

When moving from the dark side to the light side and back, all satiety effects are removed from players (due to Astral Cleansing).

  • When Astral Cleanse is triggered, the player receives moderate damage from Shadow and Arcane magic. It also gains the effect of Astral Vulnerability, increasing the damage from Astral Cleanse by 50% for 2 sec.
    • Astral vulnerability prevents players from constantly moving from the dark side of the Font of Elune to the light side and back.
  • The phases of the moon change automatically, and players are forced to reckon with them. Astral cleansing is also used
  • In all other cases, you should not pay too much attention to the number of Lunar Supersaturation / Dark Supersaturation charges - automatic changes in the phases of the moon, as a rule, provoke Astral cleansing with the required frequency.
  • When the floor becomes completely dark or completely light, the Font of Elune buffs bosses, giving them the ability to use a powerful ability (depending on the phase of the fight).

Phase 1: Huntress

In the first phase, players fight Kasparia the Huntress, while other bosses use their abilities but do not directly engage in combat. In other words, during this time you cannot damage Priestess Moonflame and Captain Yata Moonstrike.

Kasparia's Huntress abilities don't interact very well with each other, so they can be dealt with as they appear.

Huntress Casparia

Moon Glaive.

  • The boss launches a glaive at the active tank, which bounces on two additional targets and deals moderate physical damage to them.
  • Before each Lunar Glaive, tanks need to use spells to actively absorb damage.
  • The first target of the Lunar Glaive also receives the Disincarnate effect, reducing the effectiveness of incoming healing and damage absorption by 75%. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
  • The Disincarnation effect can be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • Tank without Disembodiment Astral cleansing.
  • If Astral Cleansing is not available, i.e. the entire floor in the room is light or dark, the second tank must hold the boss until the Disincarnation on the first tank dissipates by itself, or until the desired light or dark area appears in the room.

Huntress Casparia also casts Twilight Glaive on random players. She turns to the target and points an arrow at it.

  • A few seconds after the arrow appears, a glaive flies towards the target. When colliding with a player, the glaive flies back to Huntress Casparian (in a straight line).
  • All players hit by the glaive take moderate shadow damage.
  • Players targeted by Twilight Glaive must run away from allies and catch the glaive alone.
  • All other players must dodge the glaive, thereby reducing the total damage.
  • If the Glaive's target has accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation charges, they may need a personal protective cooldown to reduce Shadow damage.

Priestess Moonflame

  • She selects a random player and shoots a beam of light at them. After 8 sec. The target receives crushing damage from dark magic. Damage is divided among all players standing in the beam.
  • The Ether Shot's target should go to the center of the room, and all other players should stand in the beam to share the damage.
  • If the raid has accumulated too many Dark Oversaturation charges, healers will need powerful healing cooldowns.

Phase 2: Arrows of Night

When Huntress Casparia reaches 70% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At the same moment, Captain Yata Moonstrike enters the battle.

Captain Yata Moonstrike

During the second phase, the captain continues to use Twilight Salvo. Ranged players should still stay away from melee players and move out of range.

  • When fired, the boss targets a random player and deals moderate Shadow damage to them every 0.5 sec. within 5 sec.
  • This player requires active healing, especially with a large amount of Dark Oversaturation stacks.
  • If possible, this player should remove the effect of Dark Oversaturation as quickly as possible.

The captain's most notable ability is Summon Moon Claw. Moonclaw is a huge owl who fights for the Sisters of the Moon.

  • Moonclaw needs a tank. Moonclaw doesn't use any special abilities until he reaches 25% health.
  • He then begins to cast Deadly Shriek, which deals heavy Shadow damage to all nearby players.
  • Each time Deadly Screech is cast, the damage from the next screech is increased by 25%, the effect stacks.
  • All fighters should switch to Moonclaw and kill him using offensive cooldowns on the last 25% of his health.
  • Additionally, the raid can use defensive cooldowns to reduce the damage from Deadly Screech.

Huntress Casparia

During the second phase, Huntress Casparia continues to use Twilight Glaive. The mechanics of the ability remain the same, i.e. it must hit no more than one player.

  • In the second phase, dealing with the Twilight Glaive will be a little more difficult, because... in ghost form, the huntress will teleport throughout the site.
  • Players should carefully monitor the Hunter's movements and the direction of flight of the Twilight Glaive.
  • The phantom glaive flies towards the player, bounces on 3 additional targets and deals minor Shadow and Arcane damage.
  • Spectral Glaive cannot be avoided, so healers will need to target players hit by Spectral Glaive.
  • It is important to remember that if you have a large number of charges of Lunar Oversaturation or Dark Oversaturation, the damage of the Wraithglaive increases, and the raid requires more active healing.
  • Ranged players can try to reduce the damage from Spectral Glaive by spreading out across the area to reduce the number of targets.

Priestess Moonflame

During the second phase, Priestess still uses Lunar Burn and Lunar Strike. Their mechanics remain the same - damage from Lunar Strike is neutralized by healers, and Lunar Burn is removed using Astral Cleanse.

During the second phase, the priestess gains a new ability, Embrace of the Eclipse. She can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced

  • Embrace of the Eclipse places a shield on the captain that absorbs incoming damage, and a shield on all players in the raid that absorbs incoming healing.
  • After 12 sec. all shields explode and deal damage based on remaining strength. The captain's shield deals damage in a radius of 70m, player shields - in a radius of 8m.

Players must quickly knock down the captain's shield. To do this, you need to inflict more damage on her. Healers need to use healing cooldowns to quickly remove shields from themselves and their allies.

  • If healers cannot remove shields, players must stand at least 8m apart from each other. In this case, shield explosions will not harm anyone.
  • If fighters cannot remove the boss's shield, they should use offensive cooldowns at the moment the boss casts Embrace of the Eclipse.

Phase 3: Wrath of Elune

When Captain Yata Moonstrike reaches 40% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At the same moment, Priestess Moonflame enters the battle.

Priestess Moonflame

Priestess continues to use Moonburn. Compared to the first and second phases, the Moonburn mechanics remain unchanged, i.e. it must be removed as quickly as possible using Astral cleansing.

  • This ability applies to tanks and applies an effect that deals moderate Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. The effect is cumulative.
  • Thus, tanks must be changed after each Moonfire

In addition, the priestess acquires a new ability, Lunar Mark.

  • The Mark is placed on a random player and deals moderate Arcane damage over 6 sec.
  • When the mark dissipates, the player is hit by Lunar Barrage, which fires once every 1 sec. for 2 sec.
  • Lunar Barrage deals heavy Arcane damage and silences all targets hit.
  • Players with Moon Mark
  • Healers should actively heal targets with Lunar Mark, especially with a large number of Lunar Oversaturation charges.
  • Ranged players should position themselves further away from melee players to protect them from Twilight Barrage, and healers should heal targets with Shadow Barrage.

Huntress Casparia

During the third phase, Casparia the Huntress is still using Twilight Glaive and Spectral Glaive from the second phase.

  • She also gains a new ability, but can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced, i.e. when the floor in the room is completely light or completely dark.
  • The ability is called Hail Glaive. The huntress throws a glaive into the center of the room, which splits into several small fragments that form a straight line.
  • After this, the fragments begin to move towards the edges of the platform. Having reached the edge, the fragments disappear.
  • A player caught by a shard takes heavy arcane damage.
  • Before Glaive Hail, all players must stay away from the center of the room. After the glaive splits, they should look for free gaps in the line of fragments and pass through them without taking damage.

4. Heroism / Bloodlust / Time Warp

Many raids use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp at the beginning of the fight, along with offensive cooldowns when the fighters barely need to move.

  • However, if you are struggling with the Eclipse Embrace or Moon Claw Summon mechanics, you can cast those spells during the appropriate phases.

5. Tactics for the Sisters of the Moon

All phases:

  • Lunar Supersaturation and Dark Supersaturation.
  • Astral cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • The Font of Elune will periodically power up, allowing bosses to use special abilities.

Phase 1: Huntress Casparia, 100%-70%

  • Tanks should stand together and share the damage from Lunar Glaive.
  • The tank without Disincarnation must take over the boss so that the tank with Disincarnation can go and trigger Astral Purge.
  • Don't stand in the way of Twilight Glaive
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • Twilight Salvo. After Twilight Salvo
  • When empowering the Font of Elune, the target of Ethereal Shot should run to the center of the room so that all allies can share the damage with it.
  • Lunar Strike and Dark Barrage.

Phase 2. Captain Yata Moonstrike, 70%-40%

  • Healers should restore the health of players caught under Rapid Fire.
  • Rapid Fire targets should quickly reset Dark Oversaturation to reduce incoming Shadow damage.
  • If Deadly Screech is a threat to your raid, use offensive cooldowns to quickly finish off the owl.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.
  • When strengthening the Font of Elune, quickly knock down the captain's shield from Eclipse's Embrace. Healers need to remove shields from allies by healing them.
  • Healers should target the health of players with Lunar Strike and Lunar Glaive.

Phase 3: Moonfire Priestess, 40%-0%

  • Tanks need to change after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Players with Lunar Mark should run away from the raid so that the fire does not harm their allies.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss before Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly get out of the affected areas.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Players should not stand in the center of the room when facing the Hailglaive. After the glaive splits into fragments, players should look for free spaces and walk through them without taking damage.
  • Healers should target the health of players with Dark Barrage and Lunar Glaive.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing.

Special instructions for different roles


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Oversaturation and Dark Oversaturation.
  • Additionally, they can trigger Astral Cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • Keep the boss in the center of the room so other players can move around freely.

Phase 1

  • Stand together and share the damage from Lunar Glaive.
  • The tank without Disincarnation must take over the boss so that the tank with Disincarnation can go and trigger Astral Purge.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • When empowering the Font of Elune, share the damage of Ethereal Shot with your allies.

Phase 2

  • Moon Claw needs to be tanked and killed as quickly as possible.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • When strengthening the Font of Elune, help the fighters knock off the captain's shield from Embrace of the Eclipse.

Phase 3

  • Change after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Before the City Glaive, take the boss to the edge of the room. After dividing the glaive into fragments, look for free spaces and walk through them without taking damage.


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Oversaturation and Dark Oversaturation.
  • Additionally, they can trigger Astral Cleanse to counter some other mechanics.
  • Have healing cooldowns ready when the Font of Elune buffs, allowing bosses to cast special abilities.

Phase 1

  • Healing and absorb efficiency for a tank with Disembodiment will be reduced by 75%.
  • Don't stand in the way of the Twilight Glaive. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the glaive's flight path.
  • Moonburn should be removed using Astral Cleansing. Replenish the health of targets with Moonburn as quickly as possible.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss in front of

The Sisterhood of Elune is the highest echelon of priesthood that serves the moon goddess, Elune.

Faction members

Once upon a time, all the priestesses who served Elune were night elves. However, following the devastation of the Third War, traditional gender roles were revised to allow night elves to choose the most desirable professions. As a result, while the top priestesses of Elune are still made up of women, the order now welcomes men into its ranks. Since the night elves emerged from their social isolation, the priestesses of Elune have begun to accept priests of other races into their ranks.

Also, the Sisters of Elune sometimes recognized priests of another race. Although to this day there is a widespread belief that only a woman can understand the deepest mysteries of the changeable moon goddess. Therefore, until recent times, the Sisterhood consisted exclusively of women.

History and organization

For thousands of years, the priestesses of Elune have been both spiritual leaders and powerful fighters for their society. As the night elves entered the battle, the Sisters of Elune fought alongside the soldiers, singing songs to Elune and calling upon her strength. Often the moon goddess would respond by sending her wrath upon the night elves' enemies. It is said that the priestesses could even manifest the image of the moon in the midday sky, lending some of Elune's power to the nocturnal night elves. After the victory, the priestesses prayed over the wounded and healed them.

Victory eventually brought peace to the night elves, and the Sisters of Elune decided to retreat into the shadows of society. As time passed, their fighting skills became distant memories. If necessary, priestesses could treat wounds, but since there was peace and the elves were immortal, the intervention of the Sisterhood was rarely necessary.

Then the War of the Ancients began, and the priestesses rushed into battle again. Tyrande Whisperwind's extraordinary fighting and healing abilities especially reminded the night elves of what the Order once was, and indeed never ceased to be. After the Great Schism, Tyrande carried out a general purge that changed night elf society. Part of these changes was the dissolution of the army, most of which did not want further battle, and the organization of the Sentinels.

The Sisterhood of Elune was one of the few major organizations that survived and was slightly battered by the war, and membership in its ranks was never dependent on origin. Moreover, members of the Order intensively trained in the art of combat, tactics and treatment. But despite all their knowledge and experience, the priestesses have become somewhat aloof from the rest of night elf society.

Tyrande believed that the disastrous war was partly to blame for this alienation, and she decided that their Order would take on the duty of leading the Sentinels. The High Priestess of Elune became both the leader of the Sentinels and the head of the night elf government. Never again will the Sisterhood fail the night elf people.

Beliefs and customs

Elune has many different sides, so the Sisterhood must provide a broad and varied education. The goddess's teachings are most sympathetic to love and tolerance for all creatures of Azeroth. Many newcomers to the Order test their faith through trials and meditate regularly, recognizing and overcoming their prejudices.

Even so, Elune is not an advocate of pacifism at any cost. In fact, new recruits to the Sisterhood are intensively trained in tactics and combat, as these abilities are essential to military leadership.

The Sisters of Elune never approved of the way the higher caste elves used arcane magic due to the chaotic nature of that magic. Therefore, novices must follow a rigorous training course that includes both history and spellcasting. The first, in particular, was considered a potential source of danger. Indeed, long before the Highborne's misuse of the Source's magic nearly resulted in disaster, the Source was the subject of intense discussion in Sisterhood classes.


Dungeon Journal

The Sisters of the Moon were guardians of the temple long before the Avatar of Sargeras was buried under it. Even after death, they continue to serve, but over many thousands of years, the sisters have forgotten how to distinguish friends from enemies. Madness gradually consumed them, and now death awaits anyone who enters the sacred chambers.


Players will face off against three Moon Sisters: Priestess Moonflame, Huntress Casparia, and Captain Yata Moonstrike. Each sister uses their own unique abilities.

Are common

Phase 1: Huntress

Phase 2: Arrows of Night

Phase 3: Wrath of Elune


Sisters of the Moon have total stock health. The battle consists of three phases. Each phase pits players against one of the sisters. Huntress Casparia begins the battle: when the sisters have 70% health left, Captain Yata Moonstrike takes her place, and at 40% health Priestess Moonflame enters the battle.

The floor of the room in which the battle with the sisters takes place is a projection of the moon. And as the battle progresses, the floor surface slowly changes its color from dark to light and vice versa. While on one side, players receive a cumulative negative effect. On the dark side - the effect of Dark Supersaturation (increases damage received from dark magic by 5%), and on the light side - Lunar Supersaturation (increases damage received from arcane magic by 5%). When moving from one side to the other, the effects of supersaturation are removed and Astral cleansing occurs (the player receives medium damage).

Phase 1

Huntress Casparia is active and available for attacks.

Tanks keep the boss in the center. Healers and ranged fighters stand scattered on the dark side of the room.

From the beginning of the battle, all players are on the dark side and accumulate the negative effects of Dark Oversaturation. Players need to move to the light side of the room when receiving 10-12 negative effects.

The Huntress throws a Lunar Glaive at the active tank, which ricochets at the inactive tank and divides the damage between them. The active tank is also subject to the Disincarnate debuff, which reduces incoming healing and the effectiveness of defensive abilities. Tanks need to either move to the other side of the room and dispel this effect, or switch (if it is not possible to move to the other side).

Periodically, Kasparia throws a Twilight Glaive at a random player (the red arrow shows where Kasparia is aiming). The Twilight Glaive flies in a straight line to its target and returns back to the huntress upon contact with the targeted player. The rest of the raid participants need to move away from the glaive's flight path.

Captain Yata's Moonstrike projection uses the following abilities:

  • Ethereal Shot - a white beam is directed at the selected player, the rest of the raid members must enter it and share the damage from the Ethereal Shot.
  • Twilight Volley - players need to quickly move away from the place where the arrows fall (applies only to healers and ranged fighters).
  • Dark Volley - deals small damage to random players.

The projection of Priestess Moonflame attacks random players with Lunar Strike, causing minor damage and the ability Lunar Burn (puts a negative effect on affected players) - this effect can be dispelled using Astral Cleanse by moving to the other side of the room.

As soon as Hunter Kasparia's health level drops to 70%, Captain Yata Moonstrike will enter the battle and the second phase will begin.

Phase 2

Entering the battle, Captain Yata summons Moon Claw to his aid. It is not necessary to switch to it, but the creature is worth killing with area-of-effect spells. The owl only hits with automatic attacks, but when its health is low, it uses the Deadly Screech ability, initially dealing little damage. With each subsequent screech, the damage from this ability increases by 25%, so it is advisable for players to finish off Moon Claw with a small remaining health as quickly as possible.

Yata herself, as in the first phase, uses the Twilight Volley ability and attacks a random player with Rapid Barrage (this player must use their own defensive abilities and go to the light side of the room).

In addition to Lunar Burn and Lunar Strike, a copy of the Priestess uses Embrace of the Eclipse, covering Captain Yata with a shield that absorbs 3 million damage. At this time, it is advisable to use Heroism and knock down the shield as quickly as possible. At this time, healers must intensively heal all raid participants, since they are affected by an aura that absorbs 1 million incoming healing. After 12 sec. the aura will disappear from all players and inflict as much damage to nearby allies within a radius of 8 m as is left to heal. Players must keep a distance of 8 m from other players.

Kasparia's Huntress projection will continue to throw Twilight Glaive and will use the Spectral Glaive ability. The Phantom Glaive, like the Lunar Glaive, ricochets, but deals much less damage and does not disincarnate the active tank.

When Yata's health level drops to 40%, the priestess Moonflame will become active and the third and final phase of the battle will begin.

Phase 3

A copy of Captain Yata's Lunar Strike uses Twilight Barrage and Dark Barrage.

A copy of Kasparia the Huntress throws a Hail Glaive in addition to the Twilight Glaive and the Phantom Glaive. When using Glaive Hail, three glaives fly at once from the center of the room in random directions in a straight line (players must be careful and move away from their flight paths).

The active sister, Moonflame Priestess, continues to attack with Moonburn and uses two new abilities: Moonfire and Moonmark.

The priestess attacks only the active tank with moonfire. Tanks need to change when receiving 3-4 negative effects of Moonfire. The boss applies the lunar mark to a random player, who must run to the edge of the room, use his own defensive abilities, and after 6 seconds. run away from this place from the Lunar shelling.

Note: Use Heroism either in the second phase to knock down Captain Yata's shield, or at the beginning of the third phase.


Intro Huntress Kasparian yells: Sisters! On your guard! My arrows are always ready, Kasparian. Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Defilers! They must be purged from Elune's sacred temple! Aggro Huntress Kasparian yells: I claim first blood, sisters! Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Goddess guide your hand! Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You are ever impetuous, Kasparian. Spells
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Retribution rains down!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My mark is upon you!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You are in my sights!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: I never miss!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You cannot evade my volley!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My arrows strike true!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: Right on target!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: You are in my way!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: The keenest cut!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Elune's light reaches its zenith!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Goddess, burn the faithless!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Behold her glory!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Pay the price of heresy!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Mother Moon, reveal their sins!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Confess! Repent!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: You are unworthy!
Phase 2 Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: No more dawdling, Kasparian! Victory shall be mine! Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Let your talons taste on their flesh, my pet! Phase 3 Priestess Lunaspyre yells: I will dismiss these heretics, Yathae! Killed a player
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: A bit slow on that kill, sister!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My quarry falls!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Ineffective... but effective.
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: Your hunt is over!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: A worthy kill, sister!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: You serve the goddess well, sister!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: The goddess is pleased, sister.
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Your foe is blessed, sister!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: You should have believed!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: I get to strike first next time!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: The temple is secured. Well done, sisters.
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Mother Moon has granted us victory!
Death Priestess Lunaspyre yells: We"ve failed... the goddess... Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: No! I... should have... won... Huntress Kasparian yells: Elune... forgive us... Unused
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You waste too much time! Destroy them!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Too much preaching! Just kill them!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: Most impressive aid, sister!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: Mother Moon is pleased, Lunaspyre!
  • Huntress Kasparian yells: I respect you, sister. Time for my blade to sing!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: The night warrior guides your hand, sister!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Goddess bless your arrows!