
Scenario for a tea party with a woman on a teapot. Game class hour in elementary school. International Tea Day. Performance of the song “Our handsome Samovar”

Educational game hour "Drink some tea - you'll forget the melancholy" (dedicated to Tea Day) for primary school students

Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU School No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers to celebrate Tea Day (December 15) at primary and secondary levels.
Target: Getting to know the history and traditions of the holiday;
- to form students’ ethical ideas about tea;
- generalize and systematize knowledge about tea;
- to develop interest in the historical past and folk traditions of tea drinking.
1 Presenter:
In cold December there is a magical holiday,
when we honor the best drink,
after all, a cup of hot tea gives us,
There is a lot of heat, well, even excess!

When the whole planet celebrates tea day,
tell all your friends that you are inviting them,
for a cup of tea, for a spiritual miracle,
on such a warm day you congratulate them all!

It can be black, it can be green,
or maybe red, and white for sure,
how many varieties do we know for tea,
so we’ll put the kettle on urgently!

Meet, greet
Smelly tea.
Fragrant, fragrant
Tea leaf.
Who should drink tea?
That's why we should praise it.
Everyone knows
Tea with milk.
We've been drinking since birth
No coercion.
Would you like it with mint?
Who needs what, with what?
What does anyone get along with?
There is one with lemon too.
With raspberries, with honey,
With boiling water.
And we want
Let's sweeten it with sugar.
Event at the table -
Tea party.
2 Presenter
-So, we invite you to a tea party! Our dear guests! We dedicate today's meeting to a wonderful, healthy drink that came to us from ancient times - His Majesty TEA! Tea, tea, tea... The ancient medicinal books say: “It refreshes the body, strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, stimulates thought and drives away laziness.” For many peoples, it is also necessary and cannot be replaced by anything, like bread.
Tea is one of the oldest drinks on earth, and tea drinking for Russians is a symbol of hospitality.
Nowadays, tea drinking, when friendly communication takes place, is a mandatory attribute of birthdays and other holidays.
Tea drinking is a special ritual in Rus'.

What can we say about the East, from where tea spread throughout the world! There, people not only drink the aromatic drink, but also follow the rules of tea drinking. According to Eastern tradition, tea brings spiritual and physical cleansing. If you follow these rules, then tea helps a person achieve a state of inner harmony.

But it is the Russian tea party that is organized for a heart-to-heart conversation. That's why an evening spent at the samovar is a wonderful reason to spend time together. Over tea you can talk about your own things, have fun, and learn a lot of interesting things.

There's a song about tea
Alexey Novikov “Drink some tea”
Traffic jams in thoughts are disturbing
And a general loss of strength.
You shouldn't be sad
There is a much simpler recipe
Drink the drink, king of drinks,
The world calls it tea,
From income and loss
Every mind will instantly awaken.
Drink some tea, you'll feel better
After all, science notes -
The heart is not angry with tea.
We exude wonderful tea
The aroma is unusual
We don't like tea.

Red, black and green -
Myriads of different tastes.
If you need an extended day,
Then cheer up, don't listen to cowards.
And about everyday troubles
Forget for a minute
Let them not make the weather
Tea drinking is no joke!

Like the nectar of the gods of Olympus,
This drink is a gift from heaven,
And philosophers from limbo
They approve of this song.
Teaphiles, tea lovers
We are greeted with a standing ovation,
Let the dashing troubles go away,
We will perform a hymn about tea.


When you are sad, missing summer,
There is the best, surest way:
Get together with friends over a cup of tea,
Like a sunny, wonderful and affectionate childhood.
Just run in and exclaim from the doorway:
“Come on, quickly get out the candy!
Lemon wedges, some cookies
And the best fun colored cups!”
And blow on all your cheeks into a flower saucer,
Laugh in pleasant and idle joy,
And smile at new friends from the heart,
Over a cup of tea chatting about different things.
1 Presenter
You should never refuse a cup of tea under the following circumstances:
if it's hot outside;
if it's cold outside;
if you are tired;
if someone thinks you are tired;
if you feel uneasy;
before leaving the house;
if you are not at home;
if you have just arrived home;
if you want some tea;
if you don't really want some tea, but you could;
if you haven’t drunk tea for a long time;
if you just grabbed a cup.
2 Presenter
The legend of the appearance of tea
Chinese legends say that the first person to drink tea was the legendary Emperor Shen Nong, who experimented with various herbs. One day, the emperor, having tried a hundred herbal poisons in one day, lost consciousness. The emperor was revived by a drop of dew that fell into his mouth from a tea bush.

1 Presenter
In 1638 To the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the ambassadors brought from the Mongolian ruler Altan Khan what they thought were useless packages with the inscription “melon”. It was translated as “tea for brewing.” The Khan claimed that the king would like the drink. The ambassadors presented the king with expensive khan gifts. The doctor was instructed to try the effect of a decoction of dried leaves on a sick courtier. He drank and confirmed that he felt better. So they began to treat the king and his entourage with this drink. Tea was very expensive at that time. It is simply inaccessible to the poor. And the Russian people didn’t even know how to brew it.

2 Presenter
in the 18th century, tea was 110 times more expensive than caviar. In noble houses, housewives cherished and valued tea. They stored it not in the pantry with other products, but in their own bedroom in special caskets-teapots.

Therefore, among the people, drinking tea for a long time remained a symbol of prosperity and wealth, and the familiar expression “give a tip” meant a manifestation of special generosity. It was only in the 18th century that tea entered Russian life and became a national drink.

Without this drink it is now impossible to imagine the life of a Russian person, as well as Russian culture as a whole. That is why the expression “to drive tea” appeared in Rus'.
Real Russian teahouses began to appear. They quickly became favorites among our people.

After a long time, tea began to be grown in Russia. Tea is grown in Crimea.

The most extensive tea plantations are located in Sri Lanka, Japan, China, India, and Taiwan.

2 Presenter
The Chinese believed that only women should pick tea.

After all, the aroma of women's hands does not spoil the smell of tea. Only girls under the age of 16 collected tea for the Chinese emperor.
It is customary to drink only freshly brewed tea. If you store tea for a long time, it will lose its aroma.
1 Presenter
Let's listen to tea ditties
We have a pie on the table,
Donuts and cheesecakes.
So sing along to some tea
Tea ditties!

Don't spare your shoes while dancing!
Offer tea to your friends
If there are tea leaves in the cup,
So they write letters to us!

The samovar shines, boiling,
The tea foams in it.
Look at yourself
What a reflection!

Give me a cup of tea.
After all, I love Russian tea.
I don't like tea,
Pour hot tea!

Let's heat up the samovar,
Let's make some tea with grass.
Who will get sick
Come, let's get drunk!

Sit at the samovar
Everyone's happy for sure.
Bright solar fire
His sides are on fire!

The samovar sings and hums.
He just looks angry.
Steam is blowing up to the ceiling
Our handsome samovar!

The samovar puffs and sparkles
Generous, round, golden.
Lights up our faces
He with his kindness!

Better than any doctor
Treats boredom and melancholy
A cup of delicious, cool
Samovar tea!

Steam is already flowing,
The samovar is boiling,
It's time to bring it to the table,
Serve tea to guests!

Oh, tea, strong tea,
Drink some tea,
To bring joy
Every day is a day

2 Presenter
You can play while drinking tea.
Game "Samovar"

The host helps the players choose a driver by drawing lots - this will be a “samovar”. Like a real samovar at this holiday, it will become the main thing in the game. “Samovar” stands with its back to the players. And they, using gestures, discuss who will check whether the samovar has “boiled”, that is, touch the driver with their hand (to save time, the decision can be made by the leader).
When the “chef” checks the readiness of the samovar, the rest of the players chant in unison: “The samovar is puffing, the owner is sleeping.” Having completed the inspection, the “chef” returns to his place, and the “samovar” must guess who disturbed him.
If he guessed correctly, then the “chef” turns into a “samovar”, and if a mistake occurs, the players shout: “The samovar ate the frog and wanted more” - and the game continues with the same driver.
“Samovar” has three attempts, after which the presenter finds a replacement for him.
Game "Drink tea - don't be bored"

The presenter, one by one, hands one bagel to the competition participants and says the phrase: “Drink tea.” The participant must continue it with a selected rhyme. For example, drink tea - don’t be bored, drink tea - don’t be angry, drink tea - have fun, etc. The one who was able to come up with a rhyme takes the steering wheel for himself. The one who collects the most bagels wins the competition.
1 Presenter
We didn’t know such a holiday
And we didn’t celebrate tea day,
But that's how it used to be
Now let's forget about business.
We'll make the tea stronger,
Open it up to your friends soon,
Let the jokes be more fun
Pour some sweeter tea for everyone!
Sugar Casino Game
To play this competition game you will need a dice and one or more packs of refined sugar. The conditions are very simple: the player rolls the dice and receives from the “sugar bank” as many sugar cubes as there are dots on the top side of the cube. The most dexterous and luckiest participant who collects the most sugar cubes wins.

Game "Let's make tea"

Participants are divided into teams. In front of each team, place a large sheet of paper with a cup drawn in the center. Participants are blindfolded and, one by one, approaching a sheet of paper, draw a triangle (a tea bag) on ​​it. The winner is the team whose participants were more accurate and placed more drawn bags inside the cup.
Blueberry tea, black tea,
Treat me to tea more often!
Celebrate the holidays with tea,
Don't get bored with tea!
Tea while fishing, tea in the forest,
Tea at noon
When it's hot, pour it
Warm your soul with this!
Take note, take note!
Take note, take note!
How to brew tea
How many spoons are in the pot?
How to infuse this tea,
Hello, hello!
Tea with lemon and crackers
At noon we drink, at noon we drink.
And with raspberry jam
Another half cup.
Tea with cookies with passion
We'll have a drink while we talk.
And having collected a basket of berries
On a hot day we’ll pour it like this
Tea with blueberries, strawberries,
With currants, lingonberries,
With chocolate, marmalade,
With pie, cake and cheese
Let's taste tea for the whole world!
How to make tea - learn!
This is the secret of ceremonial vestments.
Music can be heard in the country
It was not called Celestial for nothing...
Ritual, and marriage, and tea
Meet with enthusiasm.
If the music sounds
Life will be unusual.
Pour the tea soulfully,
Warm your soul with this!
Tea in the wards and in the hut,
In the Kalahari and Sahara,
Tea in the north, in the taiga
During blizzards and blizzards.
Warms, refreshes,
Tea gives birth to us again.
If you are tired from the road,
Tea is always here to help.
It is golden, fragrant,
Black, long and clean,
Vitamin and fruity,
Tea with ethers is special,
Herbal and unusual –
Tea is offered personally.
Invitation to tea
Celebrate like a holiday!
Tea tastes better
You won't find anything.
Sweets maybe
More in compote
Coffee, probably
More invigorating
Juice is more beautiful
Looks a lot
Well, kefir,
They say you're healthier
Just some tea
It still tastes better than everyone else.
Just over tea
So it turns out
In the evening our
The family is gathering.

We drank tea with crackers,
We drank tea with pies,
With dryers, cheesecakes,
With pies, buns,
Tea with lemon
Simple tea
Sweet tea
And the tea is empty...
Drank, drank, got drunk,
They lay down on the feather beds,
We slept sweetly until dawn...
The tea bubbled inside.

Game “I prefer with tea...”
The host announces a letter of the alphabet, and the tea party participants take turns naming a dish or product with that letter, which they usually eat with tea. For example, the letter “B” - cheesecakes, jam, waffles, etc. The funniest thing begins when, for lack of others, the most original options are used. The one who offers them the most wins.
What types of tea do you know?
(Children call)
It can be red and white,
With milk and ginger.
And you boldly welcome any guests
You can treat me to some tea.
Although a lot has been said about tea
(It couldn’t have been any other way!)
After all, everyone will have a connection with him
Joy, happiness, comfort and warmth.
Game "Do you believe..."
Participants can agree with the fact in the form of a question or give a negative answer.
1. Do you believe that Japan is the birthplace of tea?
(No, China.)
2. Do you believe that a glass of strong tea contains about the same amount of caffeine as a headache pill?
3. Do you believe that the most tea-drinking people in the modern world are the British?
(Yes. One Englishman accounts for 5 kg of dry tea per year, and in our country it is less than 250 g.)
4. Do you believe that tea served as a bargaining chip in many countries?
(Yes, in Asian and African countries.)
5. Do you believe that green tea has 10 times more vitamin C than black tea?
6. Do you believe that in Ancient Rus', at the princely court, the most honored guests were treated to tea? (No, we’ll knock it down; tea began to be used much later.)
7. Do you believe that the samovar is a German invention?
(No, it appeared in Rus' at the beginning of the 18th century, and the Germans called it the Russian tea machine)
8. Do you believe that most people prefer to stir their tea with their left hand?
(No, it’s best to stir tea with a spoon.)
9. Do you believe that the expression “to indulge in some tea” arose in the Russian language because for a long time only the nobility drank this drink, and the townspeople and merchants drank it on special occasions?
(Yes, but for the poor, tea was very expensive; they could not afford to buy it.)
10. Do you believe that previously in China only children were trusted to pick tea?
(No, on the contrary, only women collected tea: it was believed that women’s hands did not spoil its aroma.)
11. Do you believe that tea bushes are a fairly hardened and relatively unpretentious plant that can grow on poor, rocky soils and rocks?
(Yes, also withstand tropical heat and cold temperatures down to -20 degrees)
12. Do you believe that the Chinese believe that tea leaves should not be poured with your hands?
(Yes, they are very sensitive to the tea aroma, so they must thoroughly wash their hands, brush their teeth, and women must wipe off lipstick from their lips).
13. Do you believe that the tea bag was not invented by the famous Lipton?
Eastern invention -
It is advisable to have jam with it.
But if there is none,
A couple of sweets will do.
There is no better drink in the heat,
And in the North in winter:
He will ease your soul in the heat,
Will warm you up in winter.
Tea is known to everyone in the world,
Tart, tasty, sweet tea,
Adults and children like it too
Celebrate tea day soon.
We will celebrate the holiday in December,
A good day - tea day,
Let's treat everyone to sweet tea,
It's not too lazy to receive guests!
For Russians there is no better drink,
We love tea with all our hearts!
International tea holiday
Celebrate with us today!
A Russian proverb says: “Drink some tea and you’ll forget your melancholy!”
You can't live without tea, friends,
He is very useful, period,
So let's drink a full cup,
And mom, dad, son, and daughter!
Today we will celebrate tea together,
Let's pour it to each other casually,
And we will treat our friends, neighbors and relatives,
Let the lovers drink for two!
Let's continue drinking tea.

"Did you know?":

125 years ago, tea was introduced into the diet of the Russian army. The Russian soldier began to warm himself with tea with the highest command of Alexander II. It was this sovereign, preparing for the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, who ordered the inclusion of an invigorating drink in the army allowance.

The samovar (a purely Russian invention) was already more than a hundred years old by this time. People even went swimming in the river with a samovar!

The more samovars there were in the house, the richer the family was considered.

They learned to grow their own tea in the Russian Empire under Nicholas the First - for the first time, cuttings imported from China successfully took root in Georgia back in 1847. But the harvest was meager, and before the October Revolution, tea in Russia was predominantly of Chinese origin.

The first to try tea in Rus' was Peter the Great’s father, Alexei the Quiet. The very first mug of tea in Rus' was drunk by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In the mid-seventeenth century, the Mongolian Altyn Khan brought him four pounds of tea leaves as a gift. The tsar liked the drink, but, alas, neither he nor his son Peter the Great managed to establish tea trade with China.

Only in 1727 did the Russians finally conclude the desired agreement, and the first caravans with tea went through the Irkutsk province.

Tea in Russia was mercilessly adulterated. In St. Petersburg, for example, they liked to mix in the herb Ivan tea. Such a surrogate was called “koporka” - after the name of the village of Koporye, where an entire underground syndicate worked. Koporka did not pose a health hazard, but it harmed the wallet and the quality of the product.

And another fake was a leaf of Caucasian lingonberry. The swindlers collected lingonberry leaves and put them in tubs. In the heat, fermentation occurred, causing the leaf to acquire an aroma similar to that of tea. Then the “product” was dried and mixed with tea. The only thing that gave away the surrogate was the sour taste of the lingonberry leaf. Traders even invited certified chemists to beat off the acid, but science was powerless.

But the most offensive thing was to get drunk under the guise of good tea. Meanwhile, this fake was in wide circulation, and the “chemists” did not spare the dark color to give it a “natural” color...

In the old days, tea in Rus' was poured into cups - earthenware, porcelain. The glass glass was introduced into use by innkeepers.

And it was like this. If you believe the legend, earlier in St. Petersburg taverns tea was served in cups, inside of which the Kronstadt Cathedral was painted on the bottom. If the waiter brought liquid, clear tea, the client grumbled dissatisfiedly: “What tea - you can see Kronstadt! So the tavern owners replaced the cups with glasses - the strength of the tea in them was much more difficult to criticize. But in St. Petersburg, even in Soviet times, the characteristic of weak brewing remained in use: “Kronstadt is visible!”

At the beginning of the 10th century, the fashion for glasses migrated from taverns to bourgeois homes. Moreover, glasses in cup holders were placed only in front of men, and for women, tea was poured into a porcelain cup and saucer...

(Article in Komsomolskaya Pravda “In a cup of velvet tea, friends, I don’t have a soul!” by Tatyana Maksimova)

Scenario for the holiday “We don’t miss tea”

1st: Hello, dear guests! Guests are invited and welcome. There are a lot of folk holidays in Rus'. But there is one holiday, bright, cheerful, this is “Russian tea”. Russian tea is the basis of Russian hospitality.

2nd: Today, according to tradition, we all gathered together, like one big family, at the “Russian Tea” holiday, and it will be held under the motto “We don’t miss tea.”

1st: Today you will learn about the healing properties of a wonderful drink - tea. But tea is not just a drink, it is also a traditional element of communication and friendly meeting.

2nd: And also a culinary duel related to tea awaits you.

1st: Tea has long been revered in Rus'. Tea is a wonderful, healthy drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, gives vigor, and lifts your spirits.
For many peoples, it is as necessary and irreplaceable as bread.

The tea is hot and aromatic.
And it tastes very good,
He heals illnesses
And fatigue drives away,
Gives new strength,
And he invites his friends to the table.
With gratitude the whole world,
Glorifies the miracle - the elixir.

2nd: Guys, where do you think tea came to us from?
One of the ancient Chinese legends says, “long ago, a Chinese emperor, resting in the forest, ordered water to be heated for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose, and several leaves from a tea bush fell into the water - and the water darkened, and a subtle, pleasant aroma began to emanate from it. We tried the infusion and admired it. This was the world's first tea party.

1st: So, the birthplace of the tea that we are used to drinking is China. "Tea" means "new leaf" in Chinese. Indeed, tea was first drunk in China, where it has been known since ancient times.

2nd: Tea was highly valued. Emperors gave it to nobles for special merits. And at court they drank this aromatic drink during solemn court ceremonies.

1st: Growing and making tea in China has become as secret as the production of silk, porcelain, paper and other Chinese inventions. Tea plantations were strictly protected from foreigners. This is how tea began its triumphal march around the world from China; Chinese merchants sold tea in many countries.

2nd: When did tea appear in Russia? Who knows?
In Russia, the first tea party took place in 1638. The Russian Tsar sent his ambassadors to Siberia with rich gifts to the Mongol Khan. In turn, the khan passed on the famous Chinese tea through the ambassadors.

1st: They began to drink it at the royal court and in the boyars' mansions every day. Until the 18th century, tea could only be bought in Moscow. They drank tea on major holidays, since it was not grown in Russia, but was brought from abroad.

2nd: Tea was very expensive, so for a long time it was a property of the nobility. Peasants rarely had the opportunity to drink tea, which is how the expression “indulging in tea” arose. For poor people, tea was almost inaccessible. Tea was very expensive. Many ordinary people did not even know how to brew tea.

1st: A funny incident once happened to one of the peasants. Listen "Curious case"

Once the master sent me some tea,
And he ordered it to be cooked.
And I don’t know when I was born
How to brew damn tea.

I took everything in a hurry,
The tea was all poured into the pot.
Seasoning with peppers and onions
And a parsley root.

My tea came out - delicious.
I boiled it twice
And in addition to pleasure
I poured oil on top.

He poured the brew into bowls,
Stirred well
After cooling it down a little,
Served to the master's table

I hear the master was leaving,
He called me to the upper room,
He grabbed my hair,
And he dragged me and dragged me.

“Why are you such an idiot?
What have you cooked?
Oh, Pawn, you are a cudgel!
So that the jester can catch you!"

I thought for a long time, I was surprised,
What could I have done?
And then, I guessed it!!!
What did I forget, please tell me!!!

2nd: Until the 19th century, tea was exclusively Chinese; at the end of the 19th century, Ceylon and Indian teas began to appear. Then tea began to be cultivated on five continents. In Russia they also began to plant tea bushes. Tea is a southern plant, it needs a hot and humid climate, and it grows in the Krasnodar region.

1st: A tea factory is being built near a tea plantation. The entire clearing is planted with low, dark green bushes. The tea bush is an evergreen plant that requires a lot of care.

2nd: Aromatic tea is obtained only from the youngest, freshest shoots - the top three leaves of each branch. The tops of fruit shoots with 2-3 leaves are plucked from tea bushes and placed in special baskets. Leaves are plucked from May to October. During this time, you can pick fresh leaves from each bush 10-12 times.

1st: Leaves are collected by hand or by machine and sent to a factory, where they are sorted, rolled in special machines and dried. Ready tea is packaged in bags, jars, and boxes. And only after that the tea goes to stores.

2nd: Tea is revered in all countries, so in the USA, there is a city called Tea (Tea). All residents are fans of this drink. They celebrate a holiday - Teapot Day, with carnivals and parades. On this day, Mom and Dad Teapot are chosen among the adult residents of the city, and Miss Teapot and Mister Saucer are chosen among the children.

1st: And in Russia they communicate over tea, sing songs and ditties, hold games and competitions.
You and I will also compete today, it’s time to move on to culinary competitions. They will be evaluated by the most honored guests, our jury.

2nd: 1 competition is called “Delicious cake” From the finished shortbread dough you need to make a basket using molds. The sequence of making the baskets is given in the instruction card. When performing work, do not forget to observe safety regulations.
(the song “Tea Russian tea” is performed (Galya…….)

1st: There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about tea among different peoples. For example:
Tea tastes better in good containers. (Japanese proverb)
If you drink tea, you will gain more strength. (Chinese proverb)
Don't rush to drink tea - you'll burn your tongue. (Turkish proverb)

2nd: The next competition is called “Proverbs and sayings about tea.”
Assignment: You need to write as many proverbs and sayings about tea as possible.

1st: There are many poems, songs, ditties, poems about tea. Poets and writers praised this wonderful elixir in their works with warmth and trepidation.

2nd: The time has come for us to show off our skills, that’s what our competition is called "Competition of ditties". Now the guests will hear funny folk “tea” ditties. Each family prepared ditties about tea, this was your homework, let's listen to them together.

1st: There is a proverb: “Drinking tea means maintaining health.” What healing properties do you think tea has? (children's answers)
In Rus', people have long loved tea and knew how to brew it deliciously. And for this purpose, especially fragrant herbs and berries were added to tea. Who can list these herbs and berries? (children's answers)
Scientists have found that tea contains useful, biologically active substances: mineral salts, almost all vitamins, essential oils. It strengthens the blood vessels of the brain, improves heart function, metabolism, and increases a person’s mental and physical performance.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are easily digested with tea.

2nd: Tea with lemon quenches thirst especially well and restores strength faster. Tea increases resistance to colds, infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes.
In case of poisoning, an infusion of strong tea is given. In case of clogged eyes or inflammation of the eyelids, the eyes are washed with a strong, chilled solution of black tea.

1st: This miraculous drink has magical properties only when brewed correctly. Who can tell me whether it is possible to use boiled water repeatedly?
You should not add fresh water to boiled water, or boil water repeatedly. All useful properties are lost in it.

2nd: Guys, do you think it’s possible to drink brewed tea the next day?
Tea becomes aromatic, tasty and healthy in the first 8-10 minutes after brewing. Eastern wisdom says: “Fresh tea is like a balm, but tea left overnight is like a snake bite.” AND The next competition is called “Fragrant Tea”. One representative from the family must brew the tea correctly.

Method of brewing tea:
1. Boil water until the first bubbles appear
2. Take a teapot for brewing tea (porcelain or clay), with a volume equal to the volume of cups for the number of people.
3. Warm the kettle with boiling water.
4. Pour dry tea leaves into a heated teapot for brewing.
5. Tea is poured with boiled hot water.
6. Leave for 3-4 minutes and immediately pour into cups.

2nd: While our tea is brewing, we will continue our performance.

1st: The custom in Rus' of visiting each other for tea dates back many thousand years. And how great it is that this wonderful custom has survived to this day! An indispensable attribute of Russian tea drinking was the samovar.

2nd: The samovar was invented in Russia in 1679. Inside the samovar there was a special “jug” into which dry lumps and pine cones were poured for aroma, and a pipe was put on top. They fan the fire, the water boils - the pipe is removed and the jug is closed with a lid. The coals go out without access to oxygen, but retain heat for a long time - the samovar does not cool down.

1st: The samovar was considered a luxury item. It was taken care of and passed down from generation to generation.
The custom of drinking tea led to the appearance of such items as: porcelain cups, saucers, sugar bowls, teapots, sugar tweezers, and glass holders. A special “holiday” service is kept in the house for guests, which does not take part in everyday tea drinking.

2nd: Tea has long been revered in Rus'. They preferred to take soft spring water for tea. The tea made with this water was aromatic and fresh. They drank not hastily, but with feeling. Conversations were leisurely. If a guest, after drinking several glasses, put the glass aside, this meant that he had not yet drunk tea, he was simply taking a break.

1st: But when the guest, having turned the glass upside down, put the rest of the sugar on it and thanked him, this meant that the tea party was finally over.

If the glass was not filled to the top, then the guest asked to add more so that “life would be fuller.”
2nd: They drank tea with honey, lemon, jam, sweets, pancakes, cookies and various pastries. You can’t even list everything. And our pastry is already ready, all that remains is to fill it with delicious filling. The next competition is called “Stuff the Cake” 2 participants from each family are invited to complete this task.

1st: The whirlwind of events and the fast pace of life these days is exciting and makes you gradually forget, lose the thread of traditions and established images.

2nd: Once fashionable items, without which it was difficult to imagine a home, are becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays, the samovar has replaced the electric kettle, but the tradition of tea drinking miraculously connects the past and the present, and in our dynamic times creates the conditions for a calm, intimate conversation.

1st: And today, if you want to meet with friends, have a heart-to-heart talk, see your whole family gathered, invite your dear people for tea.

2nd: Here, dear guests, our holiday ends. Of course, in one meeting it is impossible to tell about all the traditions and customs of the Russian people related to tea. Today we had a good time, learned a lot of interesting and useful things, and showed off our culinary skills.

1st: And now we move on to the most delicious part of our holiday.
We treat all guests
Fragrant strong tea.
Those who eagerly drink tea,
The table, set, has been waiting for a long time,
Pour, don't be shy
Have fun with sweet tea!
We invite you to the samovar!
We treat you to delicious tea!
Both as an overlay and as a bite.
Drink tea, friends, in Russian!
(tea drinking at the samovar)


If you don't drink tea, where do you get your strength?
After tea it feels like summer.
Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.

The samovar is boiling and doesn’t tell me to leave.
Drinking tea is not cutting wood.
Don't be lazy, but distinguish between straw and tea!

2nd presenter. Proverbs about tea from different nations:
Drink tea and enjoy.
We don’t miss drinking tea - we drink seven cups each.
If you don’t drink tea, you can’t live in the world like that.
Drinking tea is not cutting wood.
I’m sitting, drinking tea - and you come in and drink tea!
If you drink tea, you will live to be a hundred years old.
Nobody choked on tea in Rus'!
Our tea is Chinese, the sugar is the owner's.
Tea is stronger if it is shared with a good friend.
I didn’t drink tea - what a strength, I drank tea - I was completely tired.
Tea tastes better in good containers.
If you drink tea, you will gain more strength.
With a brawler samovar, tea is more important and conversation is more fun.
Don't rush to drink tea - you'll burn your tongue.
In the city, tea is a treat for guests, in the countryside it is a pleasure for yourself.
If they treat you to tea, it means they respect you.

Scenario of the holiday "Visiting tea"

Design and equipment:

    A table set in Russian folk style. It contains everything you need for tea drinking.

    Tablecloths, napkins, cups, teaspoons, sockets.

    Posters with humorous wishes for tea ceremony lovers

(“Everyone drinks tea, few know how to drink”,

“Yesterday’s tea is worse than a poisonous snake”

“Such tea, you can see right through Moscow”,

“If you drink tea, you fly like an eagle”).

    Teapots, samovar,

table with teaware,

outlets for jam, sweets.

    Treats: bagels, cakes, gingerbreads, sweets, pies, jam.

    A bunch of dryers for rewarding; drying in bags for prizes.

    Tray with tea-miracle leaves.

    Kettle, water, tea, pepper, onion, parsley root.

    4 brooms, 4 buckets, cubes, 2 hoops.

    5 teapots: black, green, red, herbal, fruit tea are brewed in them.

    Collage "Tea"

    Stands-boxes with teas

Three presenters come out in Russian folk costumes.

(Children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.)


Good afternoon, dear guests!


Hello boys and girls!


Hello ladies and gentlemen!


Guess the riddle. Slide 1-2-3

Was a green leaf

Became black, languid;

The leaf was tubular;

He was on Lozin-

He stood in the store. Tea.

Black, hot,

And everyone loves it. Tea.


What will we talk about at our holiday?


We have been waiting for you for a long time, we haven’t started the holiday.

Leading. We have a place and a word for everyone,

and we have stocked up some fun things for every taste.


Welcome to tea!

1st reader.

Dear guests!

You are welcome to our room.

There is no need to pay, and there is no need to be timid.

Whatever you are rich with, you are welcome!

2nd reader.

Don't be shy, come on in

To our room, friends,

And capture the smiles

After all, it’s impossible without them.

3rd reader. Slide 4

The tea is hot and aromatic

And it tastes very good,

He heals illnesses

And fatigue drives away.

4th reader.

Gives new strength

And he invites his friends to the table.

With gratitude the whole world

Praise the miracle elixir!


Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.


And at least more familiar

We're flying to the moon,

Let's remember Russian customs,

Let's remember our old days.


Of course, in one meeting we will not be able to talk about all the traditions and customs of the Russian people. But we still follow many of them today.

(Addresses the presenter). So what are we going to tell our guests about today?


How about what? About tea . Slide 5-6


Yes, needless to say, our grandparents loved to drink aromatic tea after a hard day.


Or after a bath...


Tea brought us together for this meeting.

Tea is a healthy drink that came to us from ancient times. It quenches thirst, gives vigor,


It lifts your spirits. For many peoples it is necessary, like bread. One of the ancient Chinese legends tells about the origin of tea.


Long ago, shepherds noticed that as soon as sheep nibbled the leaves of an evergreen plant growing in the mountains, they began to frolic and easily climb the steep slopes.


The shepherds decided to try the miraculous power of the leaves. They dried them, brewed them in boiling water, as they did with other medicinal herbs, and began to drink the aromatic infusion, feeling an instant surge of strength.


So what are the benefits of tea? Our doctor will tell you about this. Slide 7

Doctor. Slide 8

I want to reveal a secret and useful

give advice.

If illness happens to someone,

You can use tea for treatment.

Tea is the most beneficial of all medicines, it helps

from diseases.

Tea refreshes us in hot weather, and in cold weather


And the drowsiness will overcome,

and will argue with fatigue.

Will crush any illness

Tea is health's best friend!


Scientists have long established that tea contains useful, biologically active substances. They strengthen blood vessels, improve heart function, and increase mental and physical ability.


Tea strengthens the body's resistance to colds, infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes. For sunburn and eye inflammation, compresses and lotions made from warm tea infusion help. Slide 9


Do you know where tea came from, where is its homeland? A doctor of tea sciences will tell us about this.

Doctor of Tea Sciences. Slide 10-20

Tea culture is the oldest, five thousand years old. The origin of tea is still considered controversial. For a long time it was considered China, then India, and according to the latest version, Vietnam.

Tea entered the international arena from China.

Chinese word cha means leaf. Tea in China was highly valued. Emperors gave it to their nobles for special merits. The aromatic drink was drunk during solemn court ceremonies. Poets sang tea in poetry.

During the reign of Chinese Emperor Kieng Lon, tea porcelain ware was produced. On the cups was written a poem he composed, praising tea. It was considered indecent not to know the emperor's poems. The cups sold out, and the fame of the drink glorified on them grew.

In China, crushed tea leaves, pressed into briquettes, cakes or one and a half kilogram “boards” have long been used as money. Officials collected special taxes from the population - “tips”.

The cultivation and production of tea in China was surrounded by the same mystery as the production of silk, porcelain, and paper. Tea plantations were strictly protected from foreigners. Chinese merchants sold tea in many countries.


Competition “Who knows the most names of tea” Slide21

For the correct answer, for winning the competition, participants receive drying tokens.

Slide 22-25

Answers:“Akhmat”, “Lipton”, “Lisma”, “May”, “Indian tea”, “Akbar”, “Ceylon”, “Vivacity”, “English favorite”, “English aristocratic”, “Flowers of Ceylon”, “Tess” ", "Greenfield", "Twinnings", "Dilma", "Edwin"

Reader. Slide23

Both Ceylon and Indian,

Both Chinese and Georgian,

Black, yellow and green.

And there are many different names.

"Liptone", "Dilmah" and "Ahmad-

Just a whole garden of stamps.

But there are no limits for tea,

The whole world is friends with tea.


Starting from the 8th century, tea began its triumphal march around the world. It reaches Japan, then Korea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia, Southeast Siberia and Central Asia.

Leading. Slide 26

At first, not all Europeans knew how to handle tea. There is a funny story about an English sailor who sent his mother a valuable gift at that time - a pound of tea (approximately 400 grams).


Mother invited the guests to an exquisite overseas dish. Having boiled the tea in a bowl, she poured out the brown, bitter water that was unnecessary, in her opinion, and divided the boiled tea leaves into portions, then seasoned them with sour cream and served them to the table.


All this is interesting. But how did tea get to Russian soil?

Doctor of Tea Sciences.

Be patient. My story is designed for two hours.


Our guests will get bored. Maybe shorten the story?

Doctor of Tea Sciences.

If you want something quicker and more interesting, then watch “The Tale of the First Russian Tea Party.”

Staging. Slide 27

On stage there is a throne with inscription "king". On the board there is an inscription: “1638 Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov”


Hey ambassadors! You, my ambassadors, go,

You will get to Altyn Khan,

Give sables, black-brown foxes

Yes, be sure to grab precious stones.


The ambassadors agreed with the order

And they left with a bow.

The king became, as everyone understands,

Wait for the ambassadors to return.


I have many valuable curiosities

Altyn Khan prepared it.

How will Altyn Khan respond?

What will he send me as a gift?


Days and months have passed...

The ambassadors are returning.

The king feeds and waters them

And he orders you to keep the answer.


How did Altyn Khan respond?

What did he send me as a gift?

Ambassadors. Slide 28

We've been to foreign countries,

We've seen a lot of wonders

Visited Altyn Khan

Everything about him seems to be flawless.

But with the weirdo, however...

Look, here's a gift!

On the tray there is a pile of leaves with the inscription “Tea”. Slide 29


As the king-father saw,

What did the messenger bring him?

Out of grief he began to perform miracles

And he wanted to hang the ambassadors.


Look, boyars!

After all, the Khan is laughing at us!

Oh, what a mocker he is!

The king stops and examines the gift.


But, having softened this time,

He gave the following order to the servants:

“Brew miracle leaves

And bring it to the boyars.”


So that you are not afraid,

I'll drink the first cup myself.


I took one sip, then another...

I liked the tea!



Our king marvels at the miracle.


If only I'm alive,

I'll be tired of not knowing

Make tea every day.


Oh, you honest guests,

You people are my family!

If I lie, may God forgive me

But the story goes

What without tea since then?

They cannot live in Rus'.

Presenter. Slide 30

In 1638 In 1960, Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov sent his ambassadors to Siberia with rich gifts to the Mongol ruler Altan Khan. He greeted them with honors. During a noble dinner, the guests were given some kind of tart, bitter drink.

Leading. Slide 31

The ambassador reported to the king: “I don’t know whether it’s the leaves of some tree or grass; they boil them in water, adding a few drops of milk, and then drink them, calling them tea.”


Seeing off the Russian envoys, the khan presented the tsar with a bundle of furs - sable, beaver, leopard fur, amazing black satin embroidered with gold and silver, as well as 200 bags with the inscription “melon”. “Tea for brewing” - this is how these words were translated to the king.

Leading. Slide 32

Russian ambassadors delicately tried to refuse packages that were, in their opinion, useless, citing the long journey. But those close to the khan insisted on their own, claiming that the king would like the drink made from the leaves they sent.

Presenter. Slide 33

Returning to Moscow and presenting the Tsar with the Khan’s expensive gifts, the ambassadors cautiously handed over bags of dried leaves, citing the Mongols’ claim about their healing powers.


The doctor tried the effect of the decoction on a sick courtier. He drank and confirmed that he felt better. So they began to treat the king and his entourage with this drink.

Presenter. Slide 34

This is how the first tea party took place in Rus'. Russia paid for tea with China in furs and gold. Tea was brought to Moscow eleven thousand kilometers away. This journey lasted from one and a half to two years.

Leading. Slide 35

For a long time, this drink was rare, was very expensive and was considered a privilege of the nobility. It was inaccessible to poor people. They drank it only on special occasions.


That’s why the expression “indulging in tea” arose. And many ordinary people did not even know how to brew tea.


Listen to the story that happened to the servant in the manor's house.

1st reader. Slide 36

Once the master brought me some tea

And he ordered it to be cooked.

And I don't know

How to brew damn tea.

2nd reader.

He took it and poured some water.

I threw all the tea into the pot

Yes, seasoned with pepper and onions

Plus a parsley root.

3rd reader.

The guests and the master spat.

He himself seemed to go wild

And, sending him to the stables,

He ordered me to be flogged.

4th reader. Slide 37

I thought for a long time and was surprised:

How could I not please?

And then I realized -

I forgot to salt the tea.

Leading. Slide 38

To prevent such funny stories from happening, our parents will share the secrets of brewing tea.

Reader. Slide 39

Morning in bright freshness

Don't sleep on your side

And with good brewing

Have a cup of tea

Let's get down to business

Find virgin soil there,

So that the matter hurts

There is a strong string in my heart.


Riddles competition. Slide

Now tea has become our national drink.

Here's the proof. The best tea machine was invented in Russia. This is a samovar. With the advent of the samovar, a good custom was born: the whole family would gather at the table near the samovar to “sip tea.” Over tea they discussed the news and decided on family matters.

Readers ( in chorus). Slide 40-42

We are always happy to sit at the samovar.

His bright solar fire

sides are burning.


The samovar hums and makes noise, only in appearance

he's angry

Our steam is blowing to the ceiling

handsome samovar.


The samovar puffs and sparkles -

generous, round, golden,

He lights up our faces with his kindness.

Leading. What would a gathering at a samovar be without ditties?

Ditties. Slide 43

We have a pie on the table,

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing along with some tea

Tea ditties!

Oh, tea-gulls, drink tea-gulls,

To make it go better

Every day is a day!

There are bagels on the table,

The samovar is already boiling.

Black tea in a dry tin,

It rings like carnations!

We, rustling tea leaves,

We jingle like carnations.

There are enough of us for a hundred brews -

We don't want to be dry!

When dancing, don’t spare your shoes,

Offer tea to your friends.

If there are tea leaves in the tea,

So they write letters to you.


And now I offer you solve folk riddles.

    There's a hole on top, a hole on bottom,

In the middle there is fire and water. Samovar. Slide 44

    White as snow, in honor of everyone,

He got it in his mouth and disappeared. Sugar. Slide 45

    Four legs, one hat,

Needed if the whole family starts drinking tea. Table. Slide 46

    There is a bath in the belly,

There's a sieve in the nose,

On the head there is a navel,

Just one hand

And the one on the back. Kettle.

    Four legs and an ear,

One nose and belly. Samovar. Slide 47

    She has a big head and a slender figure,

That he likes to dive headfirst into a glass. Teaspoon. Slide 48

    It’s black, it’s hot, and everyone loves it. Tea.

    From him health, strength,

And the cheeks are always flushed.

White, not whitewash.

Liquid, not water. Milk. Slide 49

    Small, tasty,

Edible wheel

I won't eat it myself

I'll share it with all the guys. Baranka.

    What do you pour into a frying pan?

Bend four times

Yes, they dip it in sour cream? Crap. Slide 50

    First they put him in the oven,

How will he get out of there?

Then they put it on a dish.

Well, now call the guys -

They will eat everything one piece at a time. Pie.

    Sweet, tender and airy.

You all need it sometimes.

Not a single celebration

Doesn't work without him. Cake. Slide 51

    It's shaking on the table

And it’s called…. Jelly.

    Small, tasty

The ear is edible.

I won't eat you alone -

I'll share it with all the guys. Kalach. Slide 52

    Wrapped this tile

In a silver sheet.

Everyone is happy to eat a bar.

What is this? Chocolate.

    Crushed and rolled, hardened in the oven,

And then at the table they cut it with a knife. Bread. Slide 53

    Grandmother cooks from berries

Something tasty for the year.

Oh, what a delight -

Fragrant….. . Jam.

    Unapproachable in appearance

He stands with his arms akimbo.

And look inside, -

Treats inside. Sugar bowl. Slide 54

    Never eats

But he just drinks

And how it makes noise,

It will attract everyone. Samovar.

    Yellow in color and fragrant,

They put it in tea and the tea is pleasant.

It's just very sour

And his name is... Lemon. Slide 55, 56-57

Parents. Slide 58

In many works you can find descriptions of tea drinking.

Remember What work is this excerpt from and who is its author?

    And on a white stool and on an embroidered


The samovar stands as if the heat is burning,

And he puffs and glances at the woman.

K. Chukovsky. Fedorino's grief.

2. A fly walked across the field, the fly found some money,

The fly went to the market and bought a samovar.

“Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea!”

K. Chukovsky. Fly-Tsokotuha.

3. But the pot-bellied one ran away from me like from fire.

K. Chukovsky. Moidodyr.

It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought a parcel for your boy, but I won’t give it to you because you don’t have documents.

And the cat says to him:

It's okay for you to be angry. Better go and drink tea. I have pies on the table.

E. Uspensky. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.

    “I need to go to bed immediately, because I am the most seriously ill patient in the world,” he exclaimed and threw himself on the sofa.

Do you have any medicine? - asked the Kid.

No, didn't you take it? After all, you promised that you would be my own mother!

There is no medicine, but I took a jar of raspberry jam with me.

Wonderful, because this is the best medicine in the world!

A. Lindgren. Baby and Carlson.


Competition “Collect words” Slide 59

From the letters of the word " SAMOVARCHIK” in a minute you need to make up all kinds of words.

Whoever composes the most words will win.

Answers: yourself, cook, cooking, samovar,


Have you ever been invited to tea?

It's safe to say that you weren't invited to a cup of tea.


We are a “tea country,” and people drink a lot of it, but the culture of tea drinking has been lost.

Very few people are familiar with the traditions of tea drinking.

Leading. Tea drinking is one of the paths to a healthy lifestyle.

Presenter. Slide 60, 61-63

The tea ceremony is a ritual that originated in China before our era.

Currently in Japan there are special tea houses for tea drinking.

Entering the house, a person leaves all the worries of the day behind its walls.


After drinking tea, people's stress is relieved, they calm down and become healthier and more cheerful.

Leading. Slide 64

Tea is power! No wonder tea is revered. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about tea. Now we will find out who will be called our honorary teapot.


Today one of you will be the winner. Which of you will be awarded the title “Tea Connoisseur”.

Leading. Slide 65

Everyone has people who know this drink, there are many proverbs and sayings about tea that we need to remember. What proverbs did you pick up at home?

Competition of proverbs and sayings. Slide 66--68

    Chicks and chicken drink tea on the street.

    It's nice to drink tea.

    Drink tea, don't chop wood

    Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.

    Where there is tea, there is paradise under the spruce tree.

    Tea is sweet if a friend is nearby.

    The samovar is boiling and doesn’t tell me to leave.

    We don’t miss drinking seven cups of tea.

    You don’t drink tea, where will you get your strength?

    If you don't drink tea, you can't live in this world.

    Honor to the guest and honor to the host.

    Although he is not rich, he is glad to have guests.

    A guest in the house is a joy in the house.

    Drink tea, don't get sad.

    A man is not satisfied with tea alone.

    I’m sitting, drinking tea, and you come in and drink tea.

    Don't be lazy, but distinguish between straw and tea!

    Our tea is Chinese, and the sugar is the owner's.

    Tea is stronger if it is shared with a good friend.

    After tea it feels like summer.

    Drink tea, don't chop wood.

    A man is not satisfied with tea alone.

    If you don't drink tea, where do you get your strength?

Leading. Slide 69

Russian tea drinking is different from Japanese.

It is associated with the noise of a boiling samovar.


In Russia, tea began to be consumed in 1638. It was brought from Mongolia.

At first they used tea like medicine, then like drink, which relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Presenter. Slide 70

And although now in many families the samovar has replaced the kettle on the holiday table, just like 100 years ago, not a single folk festival is complete without tea.

It sounds like “Russian Dance”.

The buffoons run in.

The first buffoon.

Attention! Attention! Attention!

A fun party opens up.

Hurry up, honest people!

Fun awaits you.

The second buffoon.

Dear guests

Lots of things to do:

You can play games

Show strength, dexterity,

Have fun from the heart

Have some delicious tea!

Presenter. Which of you will take part in the competition?


Well, friends, let's do this:

My question, and your answer,

Whether you answer or not:


Who can guess the questions?

He will play with the Skomorokh.

Parents. They ask questions.

The one who answers correctly is given a drying token.


    Who opened the tea?

Answer. They say that goats, after eating tea leaves, began to behave strangely, more lively than usual.

    What are the benefits of tea for the human body?

Answer. Restores strength, calms the heart, protects against colds.

    The birthplace of tea?

    Which tea is better: with or without additives?

Answer. Real tea should not have any additives.

    How is tea stored?

Answer. It is better in a glass container with a tight lid.

    In what container should you brew tea?

Answer. In porcelain or earthenware, because it kind of softens the water.

    What plants and flowers can you make tea from?

Answer. Rose, Ivan-tea, St. John's wort, linden, chaga, carrots, currant leaf, raspberry leaf, etc. Blueberries (leaf, fruit), rose hips, Ivan-tea, currant leaf.

    What can replace tea?

Answer. Blueberries (leaf, fruits), rosehip, fireweed, currant leaf.

    Name the varieties of tea with medicinal herbal additives.

Answer. “Elegy”, “Ideal”, etc.


Well done to us guys.

What about the girls? And the girls!

Well, they didn’t give in to anything,

All the questions were answered.


And now I invite

Winners rise

Yes, compete with dexterity.

Presenter. You all know that before filling the samovar, you need to go get water.


Hurry to the well - get some water,

Run to the table - pour the samovar!


So, competition “Pour the kettle”! Slide 72--73

There are teapots and cups of water on the tables. Participants pour glasses of water into the kettle. The one who finishes it faster and doesn't spill a drop wins. The buffoons watch and give a token to the winner.

First reader.

I want to reveal a secret

And some useful advice:

Second reader.

If illness happens to anyone,

You can use tea to treat yourself.

Third reader.

Tea is the healthiest of all medicines,

Helps against diseases

Fourth reader.

Tea refreshes us in the heat,

And in cold weather it warms you,

Fifth reader.

And the drowsiness will overcome,

And he will argue with fatigue,

Sixth reader.

Will crush any illness

Tea for health is your best friend!

Leading. Herbal tea is very beneficial for health.

(Tea with thyme. Tea with thyme and oregano. Herbal tea.)

Parents. Competition “Recognize the grass” (4 – 5 people)

Consider dry tea.

What kind of tea is this?

Why do you think so?

What does it taste like?

What color?

Sockets: 1. tea with thyme

2. cloudberry tea

3. mint tea

4. tea with lingonberries

5. tea with raspberries.

6. tea with chamomile.

(Put medicinal herbs that are brewed into tea into the sockets and place them on the table. Place a beautifully designed napkin with a number under each socket. Prepare cards, marking the number of all sockets on each. Distribute the cards, and within 5-7 minutes each of them must guess the name of the herb.)

The reward will be drying tokens.

Presenter. Slide 74

While the samovar keeps pace,

The housewives are cleaning the house.

Come on, take a broom,

Run here

Clean it up!


Competition for girls Slide 75

There are two hoops on the floor with cubes in them.

They need to be swept one at a time onto a dustpan and placed in a bucket.

Leading. Slide 76

The samovar is heating up,

It's about to boil.

It needs to be on time

Our table was set.

Buffoons and several children are setting the tables for tea.


Well, what would tea be without ditties.

Ditties Slide 77

We have a pie on the table,

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing along with some tea

Tea ditties!

When dancing, don’t spare your shoes!

Offer tea to your friends

If there are tea leaves in the cup,

So they write letters to us!

The samovar shines, boiling,

The tea foams in it!

Look at yourself -

What a reflection!

Give me a cup of tea

Don't you feel sorry, tea?

I don't like tea,

Pour hot tea!


Steam is already flowing,

The samovar is boiling!


Now let's make some tea. And what kind of tea this is, you have to guess.

What kind of teas are there?

Slide 78 black tea

Slide 79-green tea

Slide 80 red tea

Slide 81 - yellow tea

Slide 82-blue tea

Slide 83 - non-tea tea

Slide 84-85 herbal tea

Slide 86-89 tea with additives

Slide 90


Competition “Guess what kind of tea” Slide 91

I have brewed tea of ​​different varieties.

(On the table, various teapots are brewed teas - lemon, raspberry, currant, rosehip, with mint, etc. - each teapot is numbered.)

What kind of tea is this?

Why do you think so?

What does it taste like?

What color?

A-tea with lemon, black tea

B-tea with jam, green tea

T-tea with honey, red tea

G-tea with milk, herbal tea

D-green tea, fruit tea

E-red tea.

Participants take turns tasting the tea and determining which tea it is.

The winner receives a drying token.


And now, dear guests, I ask you to come to the table!


Name the types of tea. Slide 92


And we reward the guys who win our competitions with a bunch of bagels!


Now we'll see

dramatization of Daniil XAPMCA’s poem “Ivan Ivanovich Samovar”.

Ivan Ivanovich Samovar

There was a pot-bellied samovar,

Three-bucket samovar.

Boiling water was swaying in it,

Angry boiling water,

Poured into a cup through the tap,

Through the hole straight into the tap,

Directly into the cup through the tap.

Came up early in the morning,

He approached the samovar,

Uncle Petya came up.

Uncle Petya says:

“Let me have a drink,” he says, “

“I’ll have some tea,” he says.

I approached the samovar,

Aunt Katya came up

She came up with a glass.

Aunt Katya says:

“I, of course,” he says, “

“I’ll have a drink too,” he says.

So grandpa came.

A very old man arrived.

He yawned and said:

“How about a drink,” he says.

“Is it tea,” he says.

Then grandma came.

A very old one arrived.

She even came with a stick.

And, after thinking, he says:

“What should I drink,” he says, “

“What about some tea,” he says.

Suddenly a girl came running,

She ran to the samovar.

“Pour it,” he says, “

A cup of tea,” he says.

Then the Bug came running,

She came running with the cat Murka,

I ran to the samovar,

To be given to them with milk,

Boiling water with milk,

Boiled milk.

Suddenly Seryozha came,

He came unwashed

He came later than everyone else.

“Serve,” he says, “

A cup of tea,” he says.

They tilted, they tilted,

They tilted the samovar,

But I got out of there

Just steam, steam, steam.

We tilt the samovar,

It's like a wardrobe, a wardrobe, a wardrobe,

But from there it came out

Just drip, drip, drip.

Samovar Ivan Ivanovich!

Ivan Ivanovich is on the table!

Golden Ivan Ivanovich!

Doesn't give me boiling water

Does not give to those who are late,

Does not give to couch potatoes.

The song “Ah, the aromas of tea” is performed to the tune of “The Bending of a Yellow Guitar”

The bend of a yellow guitar

You hug gently.

We are sitting by the samovar,

The smoke goes up.

In an intimate conversation

Suddenly someone quietly says:

We've gathered today!

Ah, the aromas of tea!

And, you know, it's no coincidence

Fun, songs, jokes

They lit up in my soul.

All the battles will recede,

And then someone exclaimed:

« It's great that we're all here

We've gathered today!

Hospitable hostesses

The table was richly set:

Pie, pancakes, cookies

And there were sweets.

We'll have a cup of tea

Let's all say together:

“It’s great that we’re all here.

We've gathered today!


Our samovars boiled. What will we do next?


Let's start drinking tea.


Yes, but it needs to be brewed. How to do this?


Tea should be brewed with freshly boiled water, but the boiling water should not boil violently - such water can kill the aroma of the best tea! The water should be removed from the heat at the moment when bubbles begin to rise from the bottom and it turns white, that is, boils white.


It is advisable to leave chlorinated tap water for several hours. If you brew tea with boiled water again, it will not taste good.


The teapot, preferably porcelain, is rinsed with boiling water; Having poured the tea, pour boiling water to two-thirds, close the lid, leave for 3-5 minutes, then top up the kettle with boiling water.


If foam is released during brewing, it means the tea is brewed correctly. You should not skim off the foam - this tea is the most aromatic. The best tea after the first mood.

Reader. Slide 95--98

In previous years they loved tea,

We drank with sugar and honey

And in the bite, and in the overlay,

And it happened, and at a close glance.


We make long speeches,

Let's drink some tea ourselves!

All to the table!


Thank you all for your attention,

For the game, poetry and laughter.


We say: “Goodbye!”

We look forward to seeing you all again.


And now we invite everyone to the table to taste this healthy, pleasant drink.


Competition "Cheerful Artist"

Five people are participating.

In front of you are sheets of Whatman paper and markers. You must draw a teapot. Draw one by one:

1st participant - main part;

2nd participant-handle;

3rd participant - spout;

4th party-cover;

5th participant paints the teapot.

Get started!

Teacher. Slide 99

You are welcome for a cup of tea.

This is how we live:

We chew gingerbread, drink tea,

We invite everyone to visit!

Leading. Slide 100

Thank you, hosts, for the invitation. Look at the rich table the hosts have set for the guests.


Rusks are in the sugar bowl.

Where is the bread? V ……..

The sweets are in……..


Milk is poured into…..

Salt poured into…..

Sugar in…..

The jam is in….

Leading. Slide 101-103

In Rus', tea was brewed by the owner, the head of the family, and the hostess poured it.


Tea was brewed in a teapot and water was boiled in this vessel. What is it called?


In many of the paintings by the Russian artist you can see people drinking tea from a samovar.

Help yourself! Feast!


Competition "Sweet Tooth".

Name as many sweets as possible that people drink tea with.

Answers: sugar, candy, honey, cake, pastry, cookies, marshmallows, roll, gingerbread, jam, bagel, pancake, bagels, crackers, rolls, cheesecakes, donuts, gingerbread, jelly, chocolate, waffles, ….

Tea party scenario

To hold a tea party (party), you will need a good script in the good old Russian traditions.

The table must be prepared in advance - choose the table setting according to traditions. This means that for a feast you need sets of cups and saucers, teapot warmers, sugar bowls and a milk jug, a vase with crackers, a dish with bagels. And also the head of the tea ceremony - the samovar. You will also need to prepare images with different models of samovars.

Who was crowding around the door?
Come quickly!
The tea has been brewing for a long time.
It is for adults and children!

While guests pass:
Tea is a drink that is famous for its good properties. It has existed among people for many years. It will help quench your thirst. This was proven by people who wandered through the deserts. In the East, it was used to lift people's spirits. And in Russia it is an ancient symbol of home warmth and comfort, which, moreover, will warm you up in the cold Russian winters. Is everyone seated? Let's see what we have on the table.

Everyone is watching.

Presenter: Tea drinking had to be carried out according to certain rules. No country had such a device as a samovar. Who knows what the samovar was used for?

The answer is to boil water.

Presenter: Correct. Let's see what types of samovars existed.
Pictures are passed around the table.

Presenter: The sbitennik had a similar effect. This is a teapot with a pipe with a blower installed inside it. It was necessary to pour cones or special shavings with charcoal inside the pipe. This fuel was set on fire with a torch and it flared up. The fire had to be fanned. Then the water was heated. At the top, the samovar was supplemented with a device in which a teapot could be placed. These days they are hardly used. He turned into a symbol of Russian culture. You were told to prepare poems about the samovar. Let's read them.

There are poems about the samovar and tea drinking. You can find them yourself or take blanks.

Blank 1.

The samovar puffs angrily.
He was tired of waiting for guests.
Sit down, tea is a gift from nature!
The drink has become valuable.

And we hurry to him.
He invites us to visit!
We know one truth:
The samovar brings peace.

Blank 2.

There are benefits from a samovar.
Everyone around knows this.
And don’t become an old habit.
After all, everyone in the world drinks tea.

All friends are gathered today.
The samovar is already ready.
And let's forget sadness and grief.
Tea is for the lucky ones!

Blank 3

If you serve tea to guests -
So, you are a guardian of traditions!
If you serve tea to the enemy -
Expect more friends in the circle.
Tea brings comfort to homes,
And it’s not for nothing that everyone drinks it.
Let him warm us too,
What a good dream!

Presenter: Wonderful poems. What do we have on the table besides the samovar? We have this wonderful tray. It is needed for a reason. Water is dripping from the vent. To prevent it from ending up on the table, the samovar is placed on a stand, that is, on our tray. There were special types of painting for trays and dishes. The masters painted beautiful images. What types of such styles do you know?

Answers: Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo painting.

Presenter: Correct. The samovar had to stand on a special bedside table. You could put it on the table. They made sure to place saucers with cups and spoons. According to customs, the tea was poured by the mistress of the house. It was necessary to pour strong tea leaves into the cups. And boiling water was added to it if desired. The spout of the teapot was decorated with a strainer. With its help, they made it so that tea leaves were poured into the cup, without its components. It is believed that, despite all the ancient traditions, Russia has come up with the most effective way to brew tea. And this was achieved with the help of the invention of the samovar.

After the theoretical part, the presenter invites you to start drinking tea.