
The most original DIY photo frames - design ideas. Making a picture frame with your own hands: three simple ways Crafts from frames

Tatyana Kerbo

Hello, friends. Many people are faced with the problem of how to decorate a children's creativity corner. I want to tell you about a simple and budget-friendly way to make frames for children's drawings or photographs. I made these in my group frames in two formats: for kids A5 (half a landscape sheet, for older preschoolers A4 (landscape or standard copy sheet) It’s labor-intensive to do for the whole group at once, so I advise you to involve parents. You can organize a joint master- class Children will draw, and parents will make frames for them drawings!

For work you will need: a piece of wallpaper, cardboard, glue, a large ruler, scissors.

Apply drawing(sheet of paper of the required size) for wallpaper

Trace along the contour with a pencil or felt-tip pen. If you are making a large number of frames, you can use a sheet of cardboard, then you can draw the sheet without a ruler.

We remove the template and draw another smaller one inside the rectangle (we deviate from the original one by about 1 cm, we also need to draw diagonals in the inner rectangle

Then you need to cut the wallpaper diagonally from the center to the corners (not reaching the larger rectangle).

Then bend the resulting triangles

We bend the outer part of the wallpaper, trying to ensure that the resulting sides of the frame are the same in width, and glue it.

All that remains is to glue the backdrop. I use cardboard from packages of colored paper sets. Then in the finished frame, even if it is empty, you can see a cute drawing. You can use cardboard from regular boxes. Then the frame will be very rigid.. Important: We apply glue on three sides so that you can change works. In the center around the hole for drawing Apply strips of glue on the long and short sides. They are needed to the drawing is not"fell through" inside the finished framework. I showed the gluing lines with a marker. If it’s hard to see, I duplicated it in the center on a napkin

IMG]/upload/blogs/6bc1a82914e9567de04fa91f93f407bb.jpg.jpg That's it. The house for your masterpiece is ready!

You can glue a loop of braid at the back and attach frame with a picture straight to the wallpaper using a simple sewing pin. In our locker room we use ceiling plastic cornices as shelves.

In this master class you will learn how to make a paper frame with your own hands. This is a very simple step by step lesson that can be learned in just a few minutes. The main advantage of homemade paper photo frames is the simplicity of the materials (we will even make them without glue!) and technique. The craft will turn out beautiful and original, it will look very decent.

If you need to give a photo to someone, make this DIY photo frame to go with it. You will spend 5-10 minutes of your time, and the presentation will look completely different. The same goes for the idea of ​​decorating a wall with photographs: in order not to go broke on ready-made options, it’s easier to make a lot of paper frames at home and arrange them beautifully on a convenient surface. By the way, these frames can also be made hanging - it’s not at all difficult to thread a thread through them.

What do we need?

  • template for frame
  • cardboard or thick colored paper (A4 size will be enough)

How to do it?

First you need to print out the frame template. It looks like this.

If you don't have the opportunity to make a printout, then make a template for a homemade paper frame with your own hands. To do this, you need to place a photograph in the center of the sheet and trace its outline (or simply draw a rectangle of the appropriate size in the center of the paper). Then set aside strips of different sizes (alternating strips 1.5 cm and 1 cm wide). Make indentations at the top and bottom as shown in the template.

The short sides are folded first, followed by the long ones. We need to insert the corners of the long sides of the paper frame into the corners of its short sides to secure the structure tightly.

If the paper is very thick and glossy, it makes sense to insert the photo first, and only then fold the sides. This way it will “sit” tighter. If you are worried about the design, you can drop a little glue or use double-sided tape.

Paper photo frames often also include drawings or cards with your favorite motivational quotes.

Each thing in the house, made independently, brings a special mood and flavor to the design of the rooms.

Therefore, if you want to create a unique interior, do not be lazy and create original masterpieces to decorate your home.

This kind of thing includes do-it-yourself photo frames, which today can be made from the simplest materials.

Someone will say, why make frames with your own hands if you can buy almost the same thing in a store.

We, of course, cannot disagree with you, but we still remind you that by making cute crafts for the home with the whole family, you put a special aura into them, which will always emit positivity and wonderful memories.

The Ideal Style team will offer you amazing ideas on what kind of frames you can make for photos with your own hands, surprising you with unexpected solutions.

The presented photo frames will not only enrich your interior, but will also preserve the most valuable thing - the memories associated with a particular photograph.

After reading our review, you will see 50 examples of photo frames, representing different ways to design this item.

Original and unusual do-it-yourself photo frames 2020-2021: ideas, design, current decor trends

In order to make frames with your own hands, you will need a base, auxiliary materials in the form of tools, glue, etc., and of course, materials with which you will decorate the photo frames.

Human imagination is limitless, which gives us the greatest opportunities in any business.

When making photo frames with your own hands, you can use cardboard, colored paper, fabric, vinyl records, matches, ceiling plinths, tree branches and dried plants, window frames and much more.

It all depends on your idea and desire to create a unique thing for a unique interior.

Let's take a closer look at the great ideas on how to decorate your own photo frames, and which DIY frames will successfully complement your captured memories.

DIY frames: photo frames made from shells - ideas and finishing options

For many, going to the sea is a dream that may never come true. Some people, on the contrary, go on vacation to the sea every year, bringing amazing shells of different shapes, sizes, and types from the resort.

If you don’t have shells collected from the sea, but you really like this decor, you can easily purchase shells at a decor store, creating wonderful frames with your own hands from shells in different interpretations.

In order to make frames with your own hands from shells, you will need a base (cardboard, wood, plastic) and shells.

You can also make frames with your own hands, using not only shells, but also other decor that harmoniously combines with seafood, for example, rope, pebbles, twigs, etc.

It is noteworthy that the more chaotically you lay out and stick the shells, decorating the frames with your own hands, the more interesting your product will be.

Making a DIY photo frame with embroidery or beads

Truly masterpiece examples include do-it-yourself frames decorated with hand embroidery or beads.

Beautiful photo frames of this type can be made using special stencils, which determine what kind of thread or bead embroidery will decorate your creative frame.

DIY frames with embroidery can be bright and multi-colored, or they can be made in a single color, laconically complementing the shades of your interior palette.

You can improve embroidered photo frames with your own hands by adding buttons, old jewelry, pearls, etc. to the craft.

If you choose beads for decoration, you can not only embroider with them, but also stick them in the shape of a photo frame.

Original do-it-yourself frames made of wood, twigs, dried flowers

Each interior has its own characteristics, so DIY frames can be completely different, and sometimes very unexpected.

Wood products are one of the elements of many types of interior, so if you make frames with your own hands from rough and uneven pieces of wood, old boards, dry branches, tied together with a thick rope, or carefully glued and varnished, you will get something incredibly interesting .

Also, a do-it-yourself frame for a frame is often made from vine branches using a special weaving technique.

DIY frames look no less creative when dried branches are glued to the base of the photo frame in combination with pebbles, ropes, burlap, etc.

DIY frames look tender and sensual when you glue dried flowers or leaves onto the finished base.

Beautiful do-it-yourself frames made of fabric, thread, burlap

We have already named many interesting ways to decorate a frame with your own hands. But that, of course, is not all.

The next unique ideas for decorating your interior will be DIY photo frames made using different pieces of fabric, burlap, coarse threads, and yarn.

Our collection shows do-it-yourself photo frames made of denim, photo frames made of fabric flowers, exclusive do-it-yourself frames made of several types of fabric.

Of course, to make such a frame you will need a little patience and time, but the result is worth it.

Also, do-it-yourself frames made of thread, burlap and other types of fabric can be supplemented with pebbles, twigs, shells, and unexpected objects found somewhere in a box of trinkets.

Super fashionable DIY frames using decoupage, quilling, origami techniques

Using colored paper and paints, ribbons, etc., you can create truly unique frames with your own hands that will remain relevant after a long time.

These include photo frames made using the decoupage technique, which involves painting the surface of the frame in a certain style.

Using the decoupage technique, you can create frames with your own hands in a vintage style, draw flowers and pictures on the frame, and cover the frame with special decoupage paper.

Frames made in the style of origami and quilling are not far behind in originality. Both techniques involve the creation of certain details from paper, with which photo frames will be decorated, or rather pasted over.

Cute curls, delicate flowers and leaves, strict figures and unusual shapes - these are exactly the kind of frames you will get with your own hands by using these techniques.

Unusual DIY frames made from coffee, cereals, pasta

When you need to create cool frames with your own hands for a gift to a friend, but you don’t have any special materials in the house, pay attention to coffee, cereals, pasta, which incredibly interestingly transform from cooking products into material for a photo frame.

In our review you will see beautiful DIY coffee frames. See how unusually you can arrange coffee beans and what you can combine them with.

Play with buckwheat, peas, pasta, rice, etc. You can create unique frames with your own hands.

In addition, these materials can also be combined with other types of finishes. Let us note that pasta, due to its variety of shapes, is a godsend for those who want to surprise everyone with their product.

How to make frames with your own hands: extraordinary photo frame ideas

You can only create something unique if you approach this process in the same way.

You can make your own photo frames unconventional if you cover the base with keys from a calculator or an old keyboard, take colorful pencils for decoration, and use parts of an uncorrected watch mechanism as material.

Professionals also suggest gluing multi-colored skeins of thread, old newspaper, corks from wine bottles, buttons and old keys onto the base for the frame, or creating frames with your own hands in completely unusual shapes.

But that is not all. How do you like DIY frames made from jewelry? As they say - expensive and angry.

50 DIY photo frame ideas

As you can see, each idea is unique. If you bring at least a few ideas to life, you may end up with a unique collage that will decorate and transform your room with pleasant memories.

Dare, because everything impossible is possible!