
Hot smoked wings recipe. Cooking smoked chicken wings. Temperature and time

It is also worth noting that when smoking at home, you can be sure that no harmful substances or artificial concentrates have been added to the products.

Such an appetizer as smoked wings in a smokehouse can be made quite quickly, the main thing is to adopt the chosen recipe. Don’t overdo it with spices and then you will delight yourself and your loved ones with juicy and aromatic smoked wings.

Set of products for the dish:

  • 1.5 kg chicken wings;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • allspice (5-6 peas);
  • ground black pepper (a few pinches);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • mustard (100-150 grams);
  • olive oil (2-3 tablespoons).

Stages of preparing smoked wings

You should buy fresh chicken or turkey wings. They should not have unpleasant odors and yellowness on the skin, since these two factors mean that this product has been lying on the counter for a long time and may have already deteriorated.

To prepare hot smoked wings in a few hours you need:

  • wash them thoroughly and remove any remaining feathers (this is convenient to do with special tweezers because with its help you will definitely pull out the feather completely and not even a small part of it will remain under the skin);
  • dry the wings with napkins;
  • prepare the marinade (grate the garlic or press it through a garlic press and mix with salt, pepper and olive oil. Then you need to add mustard little by little to obtain a pasty consistency of the marinade);
  • marinate the wings (each one must be coated with marinade on all sides. In order for it to be better absorbed into the meat, and not just into the skin, small cuts should be made on the wide parts of the wings. Then you should place a 3-liter jar on top of the container with the pickled product with water and put everything in the refrigerator for 2 hours).

The smokehouse also needs to be prepared in advance:

  • wet sawdust should be placed on the bottom deciduous trees(you can use alder, cherry, apple wood chips);
  • It is better to cover the tray with foil so that the dripping fat and juice do not burn on it (it is necessary to place a tray, it prevents the fat and juices of the meat from getting into the sawdust).

If you are going to cook outdoors, then apart from the steps described above, nothing else is required. And if you smoke food in an apartment, you also need to install a special hose on the smokehouse lid to remove the smoke (the hose can be routed out the window).

When you remove the wings from the marinade, you need to remove excess spices from them and place them on a wire rack in the smoker. After 30 minutes, you can check the degree of doneness of the meat for the first time. To prepare this hot smoked product, 1 to 1.5 hours is enough. Turkey wings are cooked in 1.5 - 2 hours, since they are much larger in size and turkey meat is tougher compared to chicken.

You and your loved ones will appreciate original snacks and dishes from various meats or fish, which are prepared in the smokehouse. Once you try them, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of preparing homemade smoked meats according to your own recipes!

It's summer... Everyone is eager to go to nature, where there is a sea of ​​​​fresh air, they want to stay at least a couple of days away from the dust and noise of the city - you must agree, this is very good for health, and most importantly, it’s just pleasant.

What’s so delicious you can cook on the go? I suggest making smoked mackerel and smoked chicken wings. Difficult? Not at all! Smoking food at home and, especially in camping conditions, as it turned out, is easy and simple. The main condition to get a hot smoked product is to buy (or maybe make it yourself) a smokehouse. In principle, a smokehouse is a tightly closed metal container. For those with skillful hands, any bucket, large saucepan or small metal barrel will do. The only thing is that the item chosen for the smokehouse must close tightly and not itself release harmful substances into the container.

For smoking we need:

Actually mackerel and chicken wings;
- rock salt;
- sawdust;
- firewood;
- dry leaves of grapes and cherries.

First wash the fish and wings, dry them, salt and pepper to taste. I recommend tying the mackerel with threads so that it does not open during the smoking process.

We prepare sawdust (you can make it yourself from fruit varieties of trees, or you can buy it in stores). According to experts, alder sawdust is especially good.

You can also use dried grape and cherry leaves along with sawdust; they will give smoked products a unique aroma.

We make a fire on a regular barbecue grill; we used firewood Pine cones. They tend to burn quickly and maintain heat in the grill for a long time.

While the pine cones are burning, let’s prepare the smokehouse: put a layer of sawdust down the smokehouse, and put some dry leaves on top of it. During the cooking process, when the smokehouse heats up and there is no air, they will smolder, releasing a lot of smoke.

Now it’s time to install the tray; it must be present in the smokehouse. It is slightly smaller in size than the base of the smokehouse itself; the free distance ensures the unhindered passage of smoke.

The purchased smokehouse includes the tray itself and fastenings for it. IN homemade design it is necessary to provide fastenings, the tray must be located closer to the source of smoke, under the food. It serves to collect fat dripping from food, so it will not get into the sawdust and spoil their original aroma.

I recommend putting a layer of salt on the bottom of the pan. During the cooking process, salt will absorb fat dripping from food and will also serve additional source, saving heat.

Place the food on the rack and place it over the tray.

When the cones are thoroughly burned,

Place the smokehouse on the grill and close the lid tightly.

It is not recommended to open the smokehouse lid for 30 minutes so that the aroma does not evaporate and is not disturbed. temperature regime. We must remember that the food must not only be covered in smoke, but also cooked, and for this you need a decent temperature inside the smokehouse. If there are unscheduled discoveries (before 30 minutes have passed), then for “every curiosity” you will have to add an additional 10 minutes of smoking.

In general, the products are cooked quite quickly, since the temperature in the smokehouse reaches 100-120 degrees; during smoking, the wings and fish are imbued with a characteristic wonderful “smoked” aroma.

After the allotted time has passed, you can open the lid and check the readiness of the products. If necessary, leave them in the smokehouse with the lid closed for another 10-15 minutes.

This is such a delicious thing we got!

Empirically, that is, in the process of tasting smoked products, it was found that both chicken wings and fish taste better when eaten cold.

In conclusion, I would like to add that literally everything can be smoked in such home/country conditions: meat of all types, including lard, fish and vegetables. If you haven’t gotten around to smoking before, then while the summer season is just around the corner, it’s time to start this process. You will have a real chance to diversify your menu with tasty treats. Bon appetit!

Throwing a fun picnic with smoked meats has never been easier. Smoked chicken wings in a summer cottage form are good for thrifty housewives. The most convenient way to cook hot smoked wings is on the grill. There are options for smoking in an apartment, but, in my opinion, this is a slight “perversion.” Nothing can be tastier than home-cooked smoked meats in the fresh air. And there will undoubtedly be no less benefits from such a dish. No liquid smoke, which is already super.

To prepare smoked chicken wings, ingredients are taken according to the list. Ideally, apart from chicken and salt, nothing extraneous. We stock up on chilled wings. For convenience, take in the packaging tray.

So, here's the recipe. The wings are well salted.

After which they are sent to a towel and covered with it. The towel should absorb excess moisture.

At this time, the smoking chips are soaked in cold water for 30 minutes. This summer has been hot, and all the material for frying is quite dry. You don't want your wood chips to catch fire, do you?

The salted wings are sent in two rows to the smokehouse shelf. The structure is closing. Smoked chicken wings are cooked over fairly good coals for 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the heat. The cooking process is, of course, controlled, but opening the smokehouse earlier than 30 minutes is not recommended. A tightly closed smoker box with good smoke inside is the key to delicious smoked wings.

Oh, while I was telling you how everything is done here, our wings seemed to be nicely browned.

Let's quickly remove them from the smokehouse and leave them for a few hours to cool. We will cool the wings that are too pale right in the smokehouse, and let them reach their proper condition.

Our “smoked” picnic is in full swing! If you are not with us yet, join us soon. Homemade smoked food is a thing. I won’t say that it’s too healthy, but one chilled chicken wing won’t do any harm. Are we checking?

Smoked meat products have always been considered an exquisite delicacy. Nowadays there is a huge selection of such meat delicacies in stores. But their quality and price leave much to be desired. If you have a home smokehouse, you can cook delicious meat yourself, for example, chicken wings. In addition, at home they will be without dyes, flavor enhancers and other harmful substances. Absolutely natural product.

Benefits, harms and calorie content of smoked wings

Smoking is one of the methods of preparing food, known since ancient times. Also very useful. During the smoking process, the main percentage of fat is melted out of the food, so the dish becomes less caloric compared to fried meat.

The mineral composition of chicken wings is quite rich: iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, fluorine. The presence of vitamins A, E, B, D, PP is necessary for any organism. Protein will give the body energy and strength.

There are no special contraindications to eating the dish. But you should take into account the calorie content of the product for people who are overweight.

  • The calorie content of smoked wings is 290 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Proteins – 29.9.
  • Fats – 19.5.
  • Carbohydrates – absent.

Smoking chicken wings in a hot smoker

To make smoked chicken wings tasty, you need to smoke only fresh product. Don't buy frozen meat. When frozen for a long time, it loses its taste. Choose larger wings for smoking.

There are two ways to marinate wings for smoking – in brine or with dry spices.

Marinade for wings in brine:

Combine all the brine ingredients and place the chicken in it. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Another recipe for a simple and tasty marinade:

  • 1 kg chicken wings.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Black peppercorns – 7-8 pcs.
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, place the wings in the brine and leave to marinate for a day in a cool place or refrigerator.

After the wings have been marinated, you need to prepare them for smoking. Remove from brine and hang in air to dry. Leave the wings to dry for 12 hours. Afterwards, you can start hot smoking.

How to marinate dry. To prepare a dry marinade, you can use the following spices: salt, ground black and red pepper, any meat seasonings. It is necessary to thoroughly rub the wings with spices, wrap them in cling film and place them in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. This type of marinade will save your time.

How to smoke chicken wings?

  • Place chips of any fruit trees (apple, cherry, grape) at the bottom of the smokehouse.
  • Place foil on top of the wood chips or place a special tray to drain the fat.
  • Place the grill and place the wings on it, leaving some space between them.
  • Place the lid on the smoker and light a fire or put the smoker on gas.
  • Once smoke appears from the lid, turn the heat to medium. The temperature in the smokehouse should be maintained within 100⁰.
  • Hot smoked wings will be ready in 60 minutes. Let them cool for 2-3 hours, and you can start tasting.

How to cold smoke wings

The cold smoking process differs in cooking time. But wings in a hot smoked smokehouse are slightly inferior in taste to raw smoked ones. For the marinade, use the brine recipes above.

Once the wings have marinated and dried, hang them in the smoker and close the door tightly. In a cold smoker, food is cooked using cold smoke. While the smoke enters through a long chimney (within 4-5 m), it has time to cool. Therefore, the wings will take at least 12 hours to cook.

After 12 hours of smoking, remove the wings from the smoker and let them sit in the air for a couple of hours. Afterwards you can enjoy delicious dish. Cooked wings at home will turn out much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. Bon appetit.

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It’s unlikely that anyone will be left indifferent to smoked chicken wings. We are not talking about a product from a store, but about a homemade delicacy, the recipe for which is offered to housewives.
People started smoking over fires back in ancient times. They began to cook meat and fish over fire, noticing that the taste of the product improved and changed significantly when the product was processed with smoke. However, progress has proven that even the most great product can be spoiled by adding preservatives, flavor improvers and other dangerous components during smoking. We offer everyone who has a home smokehouse to cook smoked chicken wings without using liquid smoke. How to do this, read on and look at the photos that whet your appetite.

Grocery list

A smokehouse and wood chips are a must, and you will also need the following ingredients:
  • 1.5 kg chicken wings;
  • a set of your favorite spices;
  • 2-2.5 tbsp. l. salt.

How to cook hot smoked wings

It is better to buy fresh chicken wings for smoking that have not been frozen. Having brought the product from the store, you need to rinse it thoroughly and dry it with napkins.

The hostess chooses her own set of spices. Some people prefer pepper without other additives. This recipe requires a mixture of various peppers, ground paprika, and dill seeds. Salt is added to them. The resulting spicy mixture is poured over the wings, as shown in the photo. To better salt the meat, it is stirred.

Semi-finished products will marinate in a dry way for 3-4 hours. They will add the amount of salt and seasonings required.

Then you should wash the wings thoroughly under the tap and dry again.

It's time to go out into the yard where the smokehouse is installed. You will have to choose the right wood chips or sawdust. They must be taken from deciduous trees. In this case, beech wood chips are used to smoke chicken wings at home. It is distributed evenly at the bottom of the box. Layer height is about 0.5-1 cm.

You will definitely have to install a tray on the sawdust to collect liquid and fat released during smoking. If there are no special utensils, you can use any unnecessary utensils. Old cast iron pans that have been used in the kitchen will do.

The grille is secured to special hooks. The wings unfold freely on it. They should not touch each other, which can be seen in the photo.

All that remains is to close the smokehouse with a lid, build a fire from below and wait until 1 hour has passed. The fire should not reach the bottom of the box. The cooking time of the meat depends on the intensity of burning wood or smoldering coals. Sometimes it has to be increased to 1.5 hours. The indicator of readiness is the beautiful golden color of the smoked product.

It is recommended to keep the wings for a few more minutes in the smokehouse with the lid open. However, most often they have to be removed immediately, because the next batch is prepared. Agree, a wonderful delicacy without smoke and preservatives is obtained if you follow the recipe.

Hot smoked wings cooked at home in a smokehouse are much tastier than store-bought ones. You can serve them with vegetables and herbs. They go perfectly with beer. Housewives also cook soups with smoked meats. Bon appetit!