
Brain liquefaction. Vascular diseases of the brain. Everything can start with a headache Famous targets of kaschenites

GROUP OF CONSTITUTIONALLY STUPID(...) People of this kind sometimes study well (they often have a good memory), not only in secondary, but even in higher school: when they enter into life, when they have to apply their knowledge to reality, to show a certain initiative, they turn out to be completely fruitless. They know how to “keep themselves in society”, talk about the weather, say stereotyped, banal things, but do not show any originality (hence the expression “Salon blodsinn” - salon dementia) ... They cope well with life only within certain, narrow, long-established limits household items and material well-being. On the other hand, this also includes elementarily simple, primitive people, devoid of spiritual needs, but who cope well with the simple requirements of some kind of craft, sometimes even without major misunderstandings working in trade, even in administration. One of distinguishing features constitutionally limited is their great suggestibility, their constant readiness to obey the voice of the majority, “public opinion” (“what will Princess Maria Alekseevna say!”); these are people of the template, banality, fashion, these are also people of the environment, but not quite in the sense of unstable psychopaths: there people follow a vivid example of this environment, for “vice”, and here, on the contrary, for good manners. Constitutionally restricted psychopaths are always conservative; out of a natural sense of self-defence, they cling to the old, to which they are accustomed and adapted, and are afraid of everything new. These are the "normal" people of whom Culière said that on the very day when there are no more demi-fous people, the civilized world will perish, not from an excess of wisdom, but from an excess of mediocrity. These are the "normal" people that Ferry likens to a ready-made dress from big stores; only the law of imitation operates here. (...) Those peculiar subjects who are distinguished by great conceit and who, with a pompous solemn air, utter commonplaces or ornate phrases that have no meaning, representing a set of pompous words without content (a good example is a good example - however, in a caricatured , in a caricature form - the sayings of Kozma Prutkov). Perhaps here it is necessary to mention some reasoners, whose desire to have their own judgment about everything leads to gross errors, to the statement of absurd maxims as truths, which are based on ignoring elementary logical requirements. It is not superfluous to emphasize that with regard to many types of constitutional stupidity, the saying of the famous German psychiatrist is confirmed that they can, they know more than they know ..., as a result of which, in a grossly elementary life, they often turn out to be even more adapted than the so-called smart people

Candidate of Medical Sciences L. MANVELOV, Doctor of Medical Sciences A. KADIKOV.

Headache, noise and dizziness, memory impairment, increased fatigue, decreased performance - these symptoms occur not only in the elderly, but also in people of middle and even young age. Often, patients and some healthcare professionals do not take such complaints very seriously. Meanwhile, they may indicate chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.

functional areas of the brain.

General scheme of blood supply to the brain. Blood enters the brain through four major main arteries: two internal carotid and two vertebral.

Brain with blood vessels (view from below). The branches of the main vessels of the brain at its base form a vicious circle, called Willis.

Blood clots, thrombi, develop in the area of ​​atherosclerotic plaques that form on the inner walls of the vessel. Thrombi can completely block even large vessels, causing serious cerebrovascular accidents.

Duplex scanning of the internal carotid artery. A formed small atherosclerotic plaque is visible, the lumen of the vessel is slightly narrowed

Later stage of atherosclerosis - the lumen of the vessel of the internal carotid artery is partially blocked by a large plaque

Occlusion - complete occlusion of the lumen of the vessel by a plaque.

Tortuosity of the right and left carotid arteries.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Snapshot of a healthy brain.

Changes in the medulla in Binswanger's disease - rarefaction of the white matter of the brain

Hydrocephalus - accumulation of fluid in the brain tissues - manifests itself in the form of expansion of the sulci and ventricles of the brain (shown by arrows)

Multi-infarction condition - dead nerve tissue looks like small dark spots (shown by arrows)

Magnetic resonance angiography of the arteries. White arrows show: narrowing (stenosis) of the right internal carotid artery

Stenosis of the left internal carotid artery and blockage (occlusion) of the right

Occlusion of the left internal carotid artery

Stenosis of the right vertebral artery

Tortuosity of the right and left carotid arteries


The brain needs a lot of energy to function properly. Nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells of the nervous tissue with the bloodstream. Nature has taken care to create a high degree of reliability of the blood supply to the brain. It is provided by four powerful main arteries: two carotid and two vertebral. At the base of the brain, the branches of these vessels form a vicious circle, called the Willisian circle after the 17th-century English physician and anatomist Thomas Willisius, who first described it. Due to this, the lack of blood supply in one of the main vessels is compensated for by others. It also happens that even with serious violations of blood flow in three of the four main vessels, a person complains only of a slight deterioration in well-being - the compensatory capabilities of the brain are so great. Great, but, unfortunately, not unlimited. A person manages to "shatter" these perfect compensation mechanisms created by nature. It all starts with the most ordinary complaints of headache, dizziness, memory loss and fatigue. After some time, the patient develops more serious neurological symptoms, indicating multiple brain damage. The reason for this is chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, or "dyscirculatory encephalopathy". This term was proposed in 1971 by well-known domestic scientists who worked at the Research Institute of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences E. V. Schmidt and Candidate of Medical Sciences G. A. Maksudov, and it means changes in the brain associated with impaired blood supply.

The main causes of the occurrence and development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy are arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.

More than 40% of the adult population of Russia suffer from hypertension. Men and women, old men and youth are ill. Only in 5% of cases the cause of hypertension is understood. It can be kidney failure, endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis and some other diseases. In 95% of cases, the cause of hypertension remains unclear, which is why it is called essential (literally - hypertension itself). With hypertension, the walls of blood vessels thicken, local narrowing (stenosis) and tortuosity form. All this leads to circulatory disorders, including the blood supply to the brain. Sometimes it comes to occlusion - complete closure of the lumen of the vessel.

Unlike hypertension, the cause of atherosclerosis is known - it is a violation of lipid metabolism. In patients with atherosclerosis, the level of fat-like substances in the blood increases - cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming lipid spots. Then the spots grow into so-called plaques. Due to the deposition of calcium salts, the plaques thicken and eventually narrow or even close the lumen of the vessels. Then they begin to disintegrate, their particles - emboli enter the bloodstream and sometimes clog other small and large vessels.

Sometimes the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy contributes to osteochondrosis, since in this disease, due to deformation of the intervertebral discs, the vertebral arteries that supply the brain with blood can be clamped.

Disturbances in the blood supply lead to the gradual death of neurons in different areas brain, and the patient develops neurological symptoms. For dyscirculatory encephalopathy, emotional and personality disorders are most characteristic. At the beginning of the disease, asthenic conditions are noted: general weakness, irritability, poor sleep. Often, asthenia is accompanied by depression. Gradually, such painful personality traits as egocentrism, periodically arising unreasonable excitement, which can be pronounced and manifested in inappropriate behavior, begin to appear. With the further development of the disease, emotional reactivity decreases and gradually turns into dullness and apathy.

Once started, the disease progresses steadily, although during its course both sharp periodic deterioration (paroxysmal course) and periods of a slow increase in the symptoms of the disease can be observed.

It should not be forgotten that dyscirculatory encephalopathy increases the risk of many severe brain diseases and, above all, stroke (acute cerebrovascular accident) (Manvelov A., Candidate of Medical Sciences; Kadykov A., Doctor of Medical Sciences. Stroke is a social and medical problem// Science and Life 2002, No. 5.). In Russia, strokes are registered in more than 400 thousand people a year. Of these, 35% die in the first three weeks of the disease, and only half of the patients overcome the annual milestone. We should not exclude the possibility of epileptic seizures against the background of developing dyscirculatory encephalopathy.


There are three main types of cerebrovascular accidents.

In Binswanger's disease, due to thickening of the walls and narrowing of the lumen of small arteries, diffuse damage to the internal structures of the brain - the so-called white matter - occurs. Multiple small lesions are areas of dead neurons. In patients, there is a violation of circadian (daily) fluctuations in pressure: at night it either drops too sharply, or, conversely, increases, although the pressure should decrease slightly at night. One of the main symptoms of the disease is sleep disturbance. The patient falls asleep badly or sleeps with frequent awakenings. Other typical signs are the slow progression of memory and intelligence disorders up to dementia (dementia); increasing gait disorders, urination and defecation disorders. It is known that Binswanger's disease can overtake even at a relatively young age - up to 35 years.

Another type of dyscirculatory encephalopathy - the so-called multi-infarction conditions - is characterized by multiple small heart attacks in the brain (microstrokes). This means that in a certain area of ​​​​the brain, due to blockage of the vessel, necrosis of the nervous tissue occurs. This affects both superficial (gray matter) and deep (white matter) structures of the brain.

The main reason for the development of multi-infarction conditions is the narrowing and compaction of the intracerebral arteries in arterial hypertension. Another common cause is heart disease, accompanied by atrial fibrillation. In such patients, blood clots form in the cavities of the heart - blood clots, which can clog the vessels supplying the brain with blood. Increased blood clotting also contributes to the formation of blood clots. Another reason for the occurrence of multi-infarction conditions is atherosclerotic damage to the intracerebral arteries.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy also develops when the main (carotid and vertebral) arteries are damaged, which are not inside the brain, but provide blood flow to the brain. Lesions can have a different nature and causes - thrombosis, stenosis, bends and kinks of various etiologies.

There are three stages of discirculatory encephalopathy. The duration of each of them may be different. Much depends on the degree of hypertension or atherosclerosis, lifestyle, habits, heredity, concomitant diseases, etc. At the initial stage of the disease, people often complain of headaches, dizziness, noise in the head, memory loss (unprofessional) and performance. Patients are absent-minded, irritable, tearful, their mood is often depressed. They usually find it difficult to switch from one activity to another.

At the next stage of the disease, memory impairments progress, including professional ones. The circle of interests narrows, viscosity of thinking appears (looping on some problem), quarrelsomeness, intellect suffers, a change in personality occurs. These patients are characterized by daytime sleepiness and poor night sleep. Neurological symptoms intensify, movements slow down, their coordination is disturbed, slight speech disorders appear, staggering when walking, and performance is significantly reduced.

At the last stage of the disease, gross changes in the brain tissue make neurological symptoms even more pronounced, mental disorders intensify up to dementia (dementia). Patients completely lose their ability to work, stop recognizing loved ones, perform inappropriate actions, and can get lost when going for a walk.


When examining the vast majority of patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, characteristic diseases or physiological characteristics and habits are revealed. These risk factors include:

Arterial hypertension (blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg and above);

Heart diseases (ischemic disease, rheumatic lesions, heart rhythm disorders, etc.);


Excess body weight;

Sedentary lifestyle;

Hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol above 6.2 mmol / l);

Prolonged and frequent neuropsychic overstrain (stress);

Burdened heredity for cardiovascular diseases (stroke, myocardial infarction or arterial hypertension in the next of kin);


Alcohol abuse.

Men with rapidly progressive dyscirculatory encephalopathy usually have a history of psycho-emotional overstrain, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, lack of regular treatment, and the presence of two or more comorbidities. In women, in addition to these factors, overweight often contributes to the unfavorable course of the disease.

If patients with arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis (or representatives of other risk groups) complain of headache, dizziness, decreased performance, memory impairment, then the initial stage of dyscirculatory encephalopathy can be suspected. Patients with such symptoms should, first of all, constantly monitor blood pressure, undergo an electrocardiographic study, pass general analyzes blood and urine, blood tests for sugar and lipids. A psychological study will also help to assess the state of memory, intelligence, attention and speech.

Harbingers of cardiovascular diseases, manifested in a violation of the blood circulation of the brain, can be even small non-specific changes in the electrocardiogram. By the way, normal electrocardiograms or echocardiograms do not exclude the presence of the disease, since changes can be noticeable only at the time of ischemia (anemia) of the myocardium or an angina attack. Important information is provided by an electrocardiogram taken during exercise. Daily monitoring of the work of the heart also allows you to identify violations.

Important for the diagnosis is information about the state of the fundus (back wall of the eye), the cells of which are directly connected with the neurons of the brain. vascular changes and nerve cells the fundus of the eye allow us to judge the violations of the structure of the brain tissue. In patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, hearing is often reduced, the swallowing reflex and sense of smell are disturbed. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an otoneurological examination that reveals violations of the vestibular apparatus, auditory, olfactory and taste perceptions.

Useful information is provided by the study of the rheological properties of blood - its fluidity. The main factor affecting the liquid properties of blood and the degree of its saturation with oxygen is hematocrit - the ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to the volume of plasma. Its increase contributes to an increase in blood viscosity and deterioration of blood circulation. There is a direct link between high hematocrit and cerebral infarction.

After conducting preliminary studies, the patient is usually sent for an x-ray examination of the vessels of the brain - angiography. Doctors consider angiography to be the "gold standard" against which the results of other research methods are compared. After the introduction of a special contrast agent, X-ray images of the vessels of the brain are obtained. Angiography provides information about the duration and sequence of filling blood vessels, about the formed "bypass" circulatory pathways in case of blockage or narrowing of cerebral vessels. The results of the study are important in deciding whether the operation is appropriate.

Electroencephalography is an old and very common method for studying the brain, based on recording its electrical potentials. Changes in the encephalogram indicate organic changes in the brain tissue, therefore, at the initial stage of the disease with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, encephalography may not reveal any violations.

A real revolution in brain research was made by the appearance of the method of computed tomography, which combines the achievements of radiography and computer methods of data processing. With its help, you can get not indirect, but direct data on the structures of the brain and their changes. The method allows you to determine the location and size of brain lesions and their nature.

Recently, magnetic resonance methods have been used to diagnose cerebral circulatory disorders: nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography. Nuclear magnetic resonance provides information about physical and chemical properties structures of the brain, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish healthy tissues from altered ones. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to get images of the brain, determine the location, size, shape and number of foci, and study cerebral blood flow. Magnetic resonance angiography is a modification of magnetic resonance imaging. It can be used to explore the passage and "caliber" of extracranial and intracranial arteries and veins.

At present, highly informative methods for obtaining a three-dimensional image of brain structures have been created and are being successfully applied: single-photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography.

Ultrasound methods are widely used to examine patients not only in the hospital, but also on an outpatient basis: dopplerography and echotomography, duplex scanning and transcranial dopplerography. Doppler ultrasound is used to detect lesions of the carotid and vertebral arteries. It makes it possible to obtain information about the profile of blood flow in the vessels. With duplex scanning, color flow contrasting allows you to more clearly distinguish between moving (blood) and stationary (vessel walls) objects. The main vascular lesions detected by transcranial dopplerography are blockages, stenoses, spasms, and aneurysms. The most complete status information vascular system brain can be obtained by comparing the data various methods ultrasound research. Recently, a new method of ultrasound diagnostics has appeared - transcranial sonography with color Doppler coding. With it, you can "see" the structures of the brain through the bones of the skull.


Doctors have long known the so-called law of halves, based on the results of large epidemiological studies. Its essence lies in the fact that half of the patients do not know about their disease, and of those who know, half are not being treated. Of those who are treated, half take medications irregularly, that is, they are treated ineffectively. Consequently, only about 12% of patients receive treatment. Such a depressing picture is formed because, as the French writer François de La Rochefoucauld said, "we do not have enough character to meekly follow the dictates of reason."

Meanwhile, it is known that arterial hypertension and the dyscirculatory encephalopathy caused by it are quite well treatable. Conducted both in our country and abroad, research programs to combat arterial hypertension have shown that with their help it is possible to reduce the incidence of stroke by 45-50% in five years. If the hypertension control program worked on the scale of the entire healthcare system in Russia, then in five years it would be possible to save the lives of more than two million people dying from a stroke. And this is not counting the loss of patients with other lesions of the brain, heart, kidneys, eyes and other organs caused by hypertension.

1. To reduce the possibility side effects the antihypertensive drug is prescribed in minimal doses, and with insufficient reduction in blood pressure, the dose is increased.

2. To achieve the maximum effect, combinations of drugs are used (a low dose of the other is added to a small dose of one).

Patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy against the background of severe hypertension should not strive to reduce blood pressure to normal (below 140/90 mm Hg), as this can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain; it is enough to reduce it by 10-15% of the initial level.

Apart from drug treatment patients with hypertension must follow simple rules: limit the use of table salt (up to 5 grams per day - 1/2 teaspoon); for a long time, almost for life, take antiplatelet agents (drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots); take vitamins and vitamin complexes containing ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

With dyscirculatory encephalopathy caused by atherosclerosis, the treatment has its own characteristics and involves a low-calorie diet (up to 2600-2700 kcal per day) with restriction of animal fats. With persistent indicators of total blood cholesterol (above 6.2 mmol / l), which persist for at least six months on the background of a strict diet, cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are prescribed.

Combined antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy is used to prevent the progression of multi-infarct states of the brain. Anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting) are selected in accordance with the indicators of blood clotting and prothrombin and are recommended to be taken almost for life. In this case, it is necessary to control the level of blood prothrombin once every two weeks. Patients taking anticoagulants should report any signs of bleeding to their doctor.

In addition to treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, patients are prescribed symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms. To prevent memory deterioration and decrease in intelligence, drugs that improve brain metabolism are used. For motor disorders, therapeutic exercises, massage and other methods of rehabilitation therapy are recommended. With dizziness, vascular drugs and drugs that affect the autonomic nervous system are prescribed.

Often, dyscirculatory encephalopathy manifests itself in the form of astheno-depressive syndrome. With his symptoms, doctors prescribe psychotherapy, psychological assistance, drug therapy: antidepressants, sedatives. But first of all, you should take care of creating a friendly environment in the family and at work. After all, the outstanding physician of the Middle Ages Paracelsus noted: The best medicine from illnesses - a good mood.

In patients with severe narrowing of the main vessels of the head (over 70%), the question of surgical intervention is being decided. It includes three types of operations: stenting (expansion of the lumen of the vessel using a special frame - a stent), reconstruction of the vascular system (connection of various vessels to each other, formation of branches) or removal of a part of the vessel and replacing it with a prosthesis.

For the prevention of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, it is of no small importance healthy lifestyle life: compliance with the work regime, a diet with limited salt, liquids (up to 1-1.2 liters per day), products containing animal fats (fatty meats, liver, sour cream, butter, eggs, etc.), and high-calorie foods. High-calorie foods in addition to fats include alcohol and confectionery. It is good that vegetables and fruits predominate in the diet. You should eat at least four times a day, distributing food by calorie content as follows: breakfast before work - 30%, second breakfast - 20%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 10%. Dinner is recommended no later than two hours before bedtime. The interval between dinner and breakfast should not exceed ten hours.

Patients need to monitor their weight, but it should be reduced gradually. In a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, energy costs average 2000-2500 kcal per day. If a woman reduces the calorie content of food to 1200-1500 kcal, and a man to 1500-1800 kcal, then in a week they will lose 0.5-1 kg. This rate of weight loss is considered optimal. A good preventive effect is an increase in physical activity. Training increases the resistance of the cardiovascular system to physical stress, which is expressed in a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. As a result, mood improves, self-confidence appears, depression, fears, headaches, dizziness, and sleep disturbances decrease or completely disappear. Patients become physically stronger, more resilient. A significant improvement in the condition is noted when conducting classes 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. However, even after short workouts (15-20 minutes each), the patient gets better.

Physiotherapy exercises should be carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in load. The intensity of exercise is calculated using the indicator of the maximum heart rate (subtract the patient's age in years from 220). For patients leading a sedentary lifestyle and not suffering from coronary heart disease, choose such an intensity of exercise at which the heart rate is 60-75% of the maximum. Of course, before you start doing physical therapy, you should always consult with your doctor.

Patients in the 1st and 2nd stages of dyscirculatory encephalopathy are shown sanatorium-and-spa treatment. It is better if it is a cardiovascular type sanatorium in a familiar climate.

Timely diagnosed dyscirculatory encephalopathy and properly selected complex treatment prolong an active, full life.

Kashchenite activities

The activities of the Kashchenites may resemble network trolls and);

  • inciting disputes that do not have a clear solution (AMD vs Windows vs Holy Wars);
  • provoking interlocutors to indignation and flame messages of defiantly stupid content.
  • exposing the interlocutor as an anti-Semite.
  • The process of provoking an individual is called bullying. So, the writer Sergey Lukyanenko became a victim of the Kashchenites at one time (it was after the meeting with the Kashchenites that S. Lukyanenko appeared in the book a parody of the Kashchenites - a well-known episode from the novel "Spectrum" (2002), and the phrase "Zoychem you are after all" was added to the everyday life of the Kashchenites poison Peisatel?” (Why are you poisoning the Writer?)).

    Phobic moods of some forum members are used to incite flames and bullying. For example, for bullying anti-Semitic sentiments can be used (a grotesque parody of a Jewish accent is used, the use of words from Hebrew, frequent references to the Torah), the intransigence of football fans, religious and esoteric teachings, the fanaticism of fans of certain areas of music, performers (thus, musicians whose names were actively used in provocations , turned out to be Viktor Tsoi, Decl, Mikhail Krug, were also invented as parodies of the musical "style" "pusi-black metal" and the pseudo-religion "pusi-sotonism").

    In principle, Kashchenites may not indicate their activities in any way, they can arrange any provocation on the forum, but the fact that it was a provocation, the rest of its participants will not understand soon, and perhaps they will never understand. For example, on a forum dedicated to political issues, immediately after the terrorist attacks, a virtual with a pseudo-Chechen name and patronymic may appear, publishing jokes or other materials that run counter to the general point of view.

    The moderators of the most famous fido-conferences memorized kaschenites and turned them off "preventively", using their own modified rules - a specially introduced item "Any subscriber can be permanently disabled without explanation." This was the only effective measure against the Kaschenites.

    Famous memes

    Some Kashchenite memes have become widely known outside of the Russian FIDO subculture. First of all, they include a comic group HELL SOTONA and fictional creature shushpanchik.


    The concept of shushpanchik originated in the Fidonet network in 2001, its origin is associated with the name of one of the (points) of this network, Alexander Shushpanov, who often criticized the Kaschenites (subscribers of the su.kaschenko.local echo conference).

    As a means of persecution of Kashchenites, the appeal "Oh, Shushpanchik!" later used against other Fidonet members. It is interesting that Shushpanov, who began with the rejection of Kashchenism, later joined the Kashchenites.

    There were also collections of short maxims about shushpanchiks - shushpanishads. The very name "Shushpanishads" is similar to the name of the Indian epic "Upanishads".

    Shushpanchiki also penetrated the military-historical environment of the Russian blogosphere. The prefix "shushpan-" is used to denote a unique, strange or non-standard military equipment with a predominantly Germanic ending (“shushpangever”, “shushpangeshutz”, “shushpanlafett”). The most striking example is the LiveJournal community shushpanzer (a combination of parts "shushpan-" and "panzer" (type of tanks)), dedicated to unusual or rare tanks.

    Vocabulary of the Kaschenites

    One of the signs of Kaschenism is the use of a peculiarly designed vocabulary. Unlike the so-called. “The language of bastards”, the main task of which is to distort words as much as possible according to the principle “as it is heard, so it is written”, the construction of word forms among the Kaschenites is a creative and unconventional process. So, one word is formed from several others, or some part of it is given a resemblance to one or another term or phenomenon.


    Toragoy, wait, space, wait, goylov, pacemaker, sevenfold, medspace anal
    (dear, watch, list, expect, head, excellency, symmetrical, medical staff).

    Some words and phrases frequently used by Kashchenites

    There is a very wide range of characters, phenomena and idioms used by Kaschenites to increase the variety of messages. Here are the main ones:


    • Patient (distorted patient) (a reference to the Jewish curse "pots") - a person who has become the object of ridicule of the Kashchenites. In addition, the Kashchenko forum. Ru calls his participants "patients", which is a typical manifestation of Kashchenite self-irony.
    • Medpers-anal - comes from the original wording of the subject of su.kaschenko.local as a psychiatric hospital for "patients".
    • Phimosis of the brain (abbreviated as FGM) - the name of the "disease" for which "patients" are treated, is characterized by "narrowing of the thought channels of the brain." Antikaschenizm is one of the symptoms of the disease.
    • Boklanopoctitis of the skull is a complication caused by running FGM, “the terminal stage of phimosis of the goil brain, characterized by necrosis of the cerebral cortex, followed by its calcification and fusion with the bones of the skull”.

    Qualitative beings

    • Dyatl (woodpecker) - an allegorical symbol of Kaschenism. The phrase behind the authorship of Yozha is known: "a woodpecker on a concrete pillar."
    • Boklan is a militant anti-kaschenite. It comes from the name of Anton Baklanov, the founder of the fidosh echo conference su.kaschenko.local.must.die (SKLMD).
    • Shushpanchik - comes from the name of Alexander Shushpanov, one of the subscribers of the su.kaschenko.local conference, who was once an opponent of Kaschenism.
    • Bobrudav - a character "invented" in the process rounding fido-conferences ru.sex.text, the hero of many provocative pseudo-erotic stories.
    • Horse, LASHATKA - a derisive nickname for the anti-kaschenite Alexander Konosevich.


    • Interaural ganglion (interaural ganglion) - a derogatory name for the brain
    • Life-giving euthanasia is a “medicine” that is “treated” for phimosis of the brain. The very concept of "life-giving euthanasia" is an oxymoron.
    • Puzi- (for example, puzi-blackmetal, puzi-sotonism, Kashchepuzia) - comes from the name of the program "Teletubbies", which became the object of Kashchenite ridicule
    • SKL is short for fido-conference SU.KASCHENKO.LOCAL
    • Sotonizm - derisive name for Satanists
    • Sothona is an ironic name for Satan.
    • Non-illusory furnace of the Holocaust - a method to expose the interlocutor as an anti-Semite, a reminder of the genocide of Jews by the German Nazis
    • Toraga (dear) - an ironic appeal, emphasizing the words "Torah" and "goy" to enhance the Jewish entourage and disguised irony over the interlocutor
    • Why? (why) - emphasis on the word "pots"
    • "EmpTiVi" (MTV) - emphasis on the word empty (empty)


    • APVS? - Why are you asking for it? (But why are you asking?)
    • APPLOAD? Why are you answering a question with a question? (Why are you answering a question with a question?)
    • VA? - Are you an anti-Semite? (Are you an anti-Semite?)

    The last abbreviation is often encapsulated in words containing these letters (examples: "VAs", "respected"). In this case, such appeals, as a rule, contain a hidden mockery of the interlocutor.

    Abbreviations Kashchenites are characterized by ironic forms of distortion and abbreviation, for example:

    Also, the surnames and nicknames of the most prominent Kashchenite figures can be shortened, for example:

    • P-tr P-trovich; PPK - Pyotr Petrovich Kashchenko
    • P-r - Pulver

    Some personalities

    Known "targets" of kaschenites


    • Padonki (in terms of constructing the so-called "language of bastards")
    • me_semenovka_global (Google Groups)
    • Learn (separate communities)

    GROUP OF CONSTITUTIONALLY STUPID (...) People of this kind sometimes study well (they often have a good memory), not only in secondary, but even in higher school: when they enter into life, when they have to apply their knowledge to reality, to show a certain initiative, they turn out to be completely fruitless. They know how to “keep themselves in society”, talk about the weather, say stereotyped, banal things, but do not show any originality (hence the expression “Salon blodsinn” - salon dementia) ... They cope well with life only within certain, narrow, long-established limits household and material well-being. On the other hand, this also includes elementarily simple, primitive people, devoid of spiritual needs, but who cope well with the simple requirements of some kind of craft, sometimes even without major misunderstandings working in trade, even in administration. One of the distinguishing features of the constitutionally limited is their great suggestibility, their constant readiness to obey the voice of the majority, “public opinion” (“what will Princess Maria Alekseevna say!”); these are people of the template, banality, fashion, these are also people of the environment, but not quite in the sense of unstable psychopaths: there people follow a vivid example of this environment, for “vice”, and here, on the contrary, for good manners. Constitutionally restricted psychopaths are always conservative; out of a natural sense of self-defence, they cling to the old, to which they are accustomed and adapted, and are afraid of everything new. These are the "normal" people of whom Culière said that on the very day when there are no more demi-fous people, the civilized world will perish, not from an excess of wisdom, but from an excess of mediocrity. These are the "normal" people that Ferry likens to a ready-made dress from big stores; only the law of imitation operates here. (...) Those peculiar subjects who are distinguished by great conceit and who, with a pompous solemn air, utter commonplaces or ornate phrases that have no meaning, representing a set of pompous words without content (a good example is a good example - however, in a caricatured , in a caricature form - the sayings of Kozma Prutkov). Perhaps here it is necessary to mention some reasoners, whose desire to have their own judgment about everything leads to gross errors, to the statement of absurd maxims as truths, which are based on ignoring elementary logical requirements. It is not superfluous to emphasize that with regard to many types of constitutional stupidity, the saying of the famous German psychiatrist is confirmed that they can, they know more than they know ..., as a result of which, in a grossly elementary life, they often turn out to be even more adapted than the so-called smart people

    GROUP OF CONSTITUTIONALLY STUPID (...) People of this kind sometimes study well (they often have a good memory), not only in secondary, but even in higher school: when they enter into life, when they have to apply their knowledge to reality, to show a certain initiative, they turn out to be completely fruitless. They know how to “keep themselves in society”, talk about the weather, say stereotyped, banal things, but do not show any originality (hence the expression “Salon blodsinn” - salon dementia) ... They cope well with life only within certain, narrow, long-established limits household and material well-being. On the other hand, this also includes elementarily simple, primitive people, devoid of spiritual needs, but who cope well with the simple requirements of some kind of craft, sometimes even without major misunderstandings working in trade, even in administration. One of the distinguishing features of the constitutionally limited is their great suggestibility, their constant readiness to obey the voice of the majority, “public opinion” (“what will Princess Maria Alekseevna say!”); these are people of the template, banality, fashion, these are also people of the environment, but not quite in the sense of unstable psychopaths: there people follow a vivid example of this environment, for “vice”, and here, on the contrary, for good manners. Constitutionally restricted psychopaths are always conservative; out of a natural sense of self-defence, they cling to the old, to which they are accustomed and adapted, and are afraid of everything new. These are the "normal" people of whom Culière said that on the very day when there are no more demi-fous people, the civilized world will perish, not from an excess of wisdom, but from an excess of mediocrity. These are the "normal" people that Ferry likens to a ready-made dress from big stores; only the law of imitation operates here. (...) Those peculiar subjects who are distinguished by great conceit and who, with a pompous solemn air, utter commonplaces or ornate phrases that have no meaning, representing a set of pompous words without content (a good example is a good example - however, in a caricatured , in a caricature form - the sayings of Kozma Prutkov). Perhaps here it is necessary to mention some reasoners, whose desire to have their own judgment about everything leads to gross errors, to the statement of absurd maxims as truths, which are based on ignoring elementary logical requirements. It is not superfluous to emphasize that with regard to many types of constitutional stupidity, the saying of the famous German psychiatrist is confirmed that they can, they know more than they know ..., as a result of which, in a grossly elementary life, they often turn out to be even more adapted than the so-called smart people