
Developing lessons on Crimean Tatar literature. Study of Crimean Tatar literature in the integrated course "literature" methodical development on the topic. class. General information

Week of the Crimean Tatar language.

From 15 to 22 February, open contests and events were held. The subject week was opened with a competition of wall newspapers and an exhibition of works of elements of the Crimean Tatar costume.

The following students took an active part in these competitions: Nasurlaeva Mavile (5 grades), Nebieva Alie (9 grades), Podavanova Zarina (10 grades), Beytullaeva Elvina (10 grades), Abduramanova Sevilya (10 grades), Ablaev Alim (7 grades) , Dzhemilova Adile (5th grade), Sadiev Rauf (6th grade), Skidan Tatiana (6th grade), Belyalova Dzhevirie (6th grade), Chapchakchi Aishe (5th grade), Ganieva Aishe (5th grade), Buribaeva Melie (9th grade), Kadyrkulov Alim (grade 10).

On Tuesday, February 16, an open extracurricular event on the Crimean Tatar language took place in primary school (extracurricular activities). Festival of fairy tales "Masallar Aleminde". The event involved 38 students from grades 1 to 5.

Also, on this day, an exhibition-presentation "Bizim karamanlar" was held, which told about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War Alima Abdennanova and Amet Khan Sultan.

On Wednesday, February 17, a reading competition was held, dedicated to the Day of the Mother Language "Ana tilim-gururim". Students read staged poems of famous Crimean Tatra poets about their native language.

Competition results:

1st place- Beytullaeva Elvina - 10 cells, Khalilov Aziz and Khalilova Leila - 7 cells.

2nd place- Dzhemilova Adile - 5 cells, Karamutdinova Rushena - 7 cells, Nebieva Aliye - 9 cells

3rd place- Zayredinov Rashid - 5 cells, Iliyasov Kemal - 6 cells

Primary school students solved crosswords and puzzles that day.

On Thursday, February 18, an open lesson on Crimean Tatar literature was held in grade 7. Extracurricular reading lesson. E. Shemy-zade. "Kart bagchevan akkynda ikle".

On Friday 19 February, the week was concluded with a traditional coffee. The owner of the study of the Crimean Tatar language, Dzhemilova Zera Shevketovna, met the students and teachers with aromatic coffee with national sweets.

Begins publication of lessons "Learn the Crimean Tatar language", prepared by S. Useinov, V. Mireyev, V. Sahadzhiev, for people who have a poor command of their native language. Lessons are presented in an accessible form and will be published from easy to difficult, corresponding to the number of the lesson.

1 lesson. General information

The Crimean Tatar language is the native language of the Crimean Tatar people, whose historical homeland is Crimea.

On May 18, as a result of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from Crimea, the compactness of the language groups was destroyed, and the people were mixed. His exile position for 46 years, the absence of schools with his native language of instruction led to the fact that the language began to be forgotten, the dialectal linguistic environment disappeared, the boundaries between dialects began to blur, and this process, unfortunately, continues.

The Crimean Tatar language is included in the Turkic language group of languages, it has three dialects:

a) northern, or steppe;

b) medium, which forms the core of the modern literary language;

c) southern, or coastal (on the basis of all these dialects, the literary language developed and continues to develop).

The languages ​​of dozens of peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the Volga region and Siberia (Turkmen, Kazakh, Uzbek, Karachay-Balkarian, Kumyk, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Tatar, etc.) are related. There is much in common with the Crimean Tatar language in the vocabulary of Crimean and Azov Greeks, Crimean Gypsies, Karaites, Krymchaks, Crimean and Don Armenians (immigrants from Crimea).

The Crimean Tatar language has ancient written spelling and literary traditions. At the same time, over the centuries, he did not stay away from the influence of other languages ​​that do not belong to the Turkic group. As a result of the influence of the Arabic, Persian, Greek, Italian, Gothic, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian languages, its lexical richness was constantly replenished and expanded.

The formation of the Crimean Tatar literary language has not yet been completed, which serves as some obstacle to the definition of normative word usage.

For seven centuries (until 1928), the Crimean Tatar language, like most of the Turkic languages, used the Arabic script, since 1928 - Latinized, and since 1938 - Cyrillic.

As in all Turkic languages, in the Crimean Tatar language, words and word forms are formed by adding affixes to the root.

The Crimean Tatar language differs from Russian in the following main structural features:

- with inflection, the root of the word does not change:

lion - lions (arslan - arslanlar);

- with a few exceptions, there are no prefixes and prepositions, instead of them affixes and postpositions are used:

school - at school (mektep - mektepte); holiday - with a holiday (bayram - bayramnen hayirlaiym);

- almost every affix has, as a rule, only one definite meaning and is attached to the root or to another affix one after the other, for example:

yaz - write;

language - written (text);

yazydzhy - a writer;

yazycilar - writers;

yazydjilarim - my writers;

yazydjilarymyz - our writers;

yazydzhylarymyzg'a - to our writers.

It is easy to see that the affix -ji forms the name of the doer, the affix -lar- plural; affix -ga- dative-directional case, etc.

- most of the affixes have sound variants, the choice of which depends on the composition of the preceding syllable:

azbar - in the yard, azbarda - in the yard;

ozen - the river, ozende - in the river;

dolap - wardrobe, dolapta - in the wardrobe;

jep - pocket, jepte - in your pocket.

It can be seen that the affixes - yes, - yes, - that, - that mean being somewhere, i.e. local case;

shair is a poet, shaire is a poetess;

saip - the owner, saibe - the mistress;

oja — teacher, ojapche — teacher;

Kerim - Kerime, Selim - Selime;

- adjectives do not change by gender, number, case:

bizim mouse - our cat; bizim miceyklarga - to our cats.

The sounds of the Crimean Tatar language

Most of both vowels and consonants of the Crimean Tatar language are close to the corresponding sounds of the Russian language.

However, there are also specific ones. These include four consonant sounds:

- sound [j] is a voiced pair of sound [h] and is pronounced not separately, as in the Russian words "jam", "jazz", but completely together (in the alphabet the letter combination j stands after the letter h, not after the letter d).

Examples: jan - soul, jenk - war, oja - teacher, ajjy - bitter taj - crown, crown.

- sound [gb] resembles the Ukrainian sound [г] (in the alphabet the combination of letters гъ is after the letter г).

Examples: dag - mountain, forest; sag - alive, right; yagmur - rain; bagca — the garden; g'arip - poor, unhappy; gayrydan - again, again.

- sound [къ] can be compared with the sound combination [kx] in the word "bacch" (this sound is close to the hard Russian sound [x]).

Examples: kar - snow; kart - old; vakyt - time; bashka - another; k'ayik - boat; k'aytmak - to return.

In the alphabet, the combination of letters to stands after the letter To.

Note. If you find it difficult to pronounce, then this sound can be pronounced as a solid [x].

- sound [ny], which was previously depicted by the combination ng. This sound can be present only in the middle of a word or at its end (in the alphabet, the combination of letters nb takes position after the letter n).

Examples: yany - new; mana - to me; olunyz - be, become; en - the most, the most; tan - dawn, dawn; aldyn - (you) took.

Note. In addition to specific sounds, in the Crimean Tatar language there are sounds that differ in pronunciation from the sounds of the Russian language, denoted by the same letters. So, usually briefly, like a ringing sound, sounds are pronounced s, and, at, Yu.

For example: word sonyf- class - approaching [s'n'f], til - language - close to [t], otur! - sit down! - close to [from´r], rev.i - silver - close to [to´m´sh].

As in Russian, the consonants of the Crimean Tatar language can be divided into three groups:

a) sonorous: p, l, m, n, n;

b) voiced noisy: b, c, d, h, g, g, g, j;

c) deaf noisy: n, t, f, s, w, h, k, b, x, c, sch.

most voiced and voiceless noisy consonants are opposed in pairs: b - p, v - f, d - t, j - h, z - w, z - s, g - k, z - b.

Their couples do not have sounds X, mf, SCH.

Sounds c, SCH are found only in borrowed words (from Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​or through Russian from other languages).

Sound f in literary speech is rare.

Consonant sounds depicted in writing in combination with subsequent e, O, and, Yu, th, I am, somewhat softened, although to a much lesser extent than in Russian: chel - steppe, pendzhere - window, biri - one of ..., smb., syut - milk.

Softened consonants form the so-called soft syllables (in Russian there is no such term and concept). Soft syllables also form combinations with a vowel e: ev - house, et - meat, es - consciousness, reason, mind.

Sounds always sound soft To, G: feeding - to see, gedzhe - night.

We, people of different nationalities living in the neighborhood, are obliged for the common good to strive for mutual understanding and learn to respect each other. Studying the life and culture of the people living next to you, you understand, as far as possible, its national flavor. Literature is a striking example of culture.



Study of

Crimean Tatar literature

in an integrated course


Creative work

Russian language teachers

and literature

Seit Yagya

Lily Serverovna


  1. Literature lesson and reading activity of teenage schoolchildren.
  1. Perception, awareness and comprehension of new material.
  1. The stage of generalization of knowledge and skills formed in the lesson, and comprehension of homework.
  1. Lessons in preparation for the analysis of a work of art.



We, people of different nationalities living in the neighborhood, are obliged for the common good to strive for mutual understanding and learn to respect each other. And the way to this lies through the knowledge of history, culture and, of course, the literature of all peoples, united by the polysemantic word - fellow citizens.

And indeed, studying the life and culture of the people living next to you, you understand, as far as possible, its national flavor. Literature is a striking example of culture.

In the course of my work, I want to touch upon the issue of studying the Crimean Tatar literature in the integrated course "Literature". Turning to this topic, I want to reveal some aspects of literature as a lesson and the relationship between teacher and student in the process of cooperation.

A lesson in literature today is a lesson permeated from beginning to end by modernity. Whatever the teacher speaks about, whatever he devotes his classes to - the literature of the distant past or our days, he pursues the goal of educating a person who is active for our today and tomorrow. This is not about the notorious artificial "links" between the past and the present, but about the ability to highlight in any work of art problems and conflicts that are organic for it and important for the reader.

New in literature class today is freedom of planning. You can, for example, study the folk tale "Altyn bashnen khyyar bash" ("Golden-haired and green-haired") one lesson, limiting your lesson and your work to a cursory conversation, class in the theater with real actors, artists and spectators who came to the performance.

When deciding how to organize the study of Crimean Tatar literature, the teacher has the right to turn to any of the options provided by the program or look for some new option:

  1. you can organize your work in the lesson as a discussion of home reading (if there is a text);
  2. you can organize retelling and discussion in the lesson.

The preferences of the teacher, the mood of the class, the interests of the students - everything determines the time that will be spent on studying the work, and the forms of work that will be used.

What is the most important thing in classroom work when studying Crimean Tatar literature? I think that this is the ability to organize the study of a work in such a way that the student can experience the joy of studying and, together with the author, solve (or at least pose) problems that are equally important for people of all nations and generations.

The main tasks of literary education are to familiarize with universal human values, foster aesthetic taste and interest in reading. One of the specific tasks of teaching Crimean Tatar literature at school in the integrated course "Literature" is the study of the works of poets and writers.

The program includes the most interesting works of art by Crimean Tatar authors of different eras, modern writers, legends, fairy tales, myths, legends, jokes and other genres of oral folk art. The texts of fiction are selected taking into account the age characteristics of the students.

  1. Literature lesson and reading activity

teenage schoolchildren.

In literature lessons, the teacher solves the important task of familiarizing students with the riches of domestic and world artistic culture, the development of artistic perception and aesthetic views.

Naturally, the student cannot realize such broad goals of education, upbringing and development facing the school. But he goes to a literature lesson to gain new knowledge. It would seem that the motives of the student's and the teacher's activities are close to each other. And yet they differ significantly, first of all, in that the teacher seeks not only to transfer knowledge to his pupils, but also to teach the children that reading activity, the possession of which contributes to a deep perception of the world of literature.

Characterizing reading activity in their research, psychologists convincingly prove that for a full-fledged perception of a work of art, uniform development and an optimal structure of the cognitive processes of the lesson are necessary.

And whatever the content of the lessons of the study of works of art (whether it is an initial acquaintance, or a generalization of ideas, or an awareness of one's attitude to what has been read), in each lesson it is necessary to prepare for the perception of the topic of the lesson and comprehend with the students the results of their independent reading.

  1. A stage of perception, comprehension and comprehension of the new material is required;
  1. The stage of generalization of knowledge and skills formed in the lesson;
  1. Finally, the stage of comprehending homework.

Let us consider what the nature of the work on each of the selected structural elements of the lesson can be in the process of studying the Crimean Tatar literature.

  1. Preparation for the perception of the topic of the lesson and comprehension with the students of the results of their independent reading of the work.

An analysis of a number of methodological works shows that they provide a preparatory stage mainly for the first lesson on the topic. At the same time, an article about the writer is usually retold. If this is another lesson, then it often happens that the teacher defines the beginning of work with the phrase: "So, where did we stop in the previous lesson?"

Meanwhile, it is important that the stage of preparation for the perception of the topic of the lesson should be at each educational lesson and would be built not only on the basis of information familiar to the teacher about the writer, about the era depicted in the work, about the history of the creation of works, etc., but also on the material, enriching the life experience of students.

This orientation of the preparatory stage of the lesson contributes to the fact that the student realizes the importance of literature lessons for himself: they help him navigate both in the world of art and in life, in relationships with others.

For example, telling children that the folk tales "Kush tilinden anlagan bala" (A boy who understood the language of birds) and "Altyn bashnen khyyar bash" ("Golden-haired and green-haired"), passed down from generation to generation, constantly improving, withstood the test of time, you can report on the various versions of these tales that have survived to our time.

After the introductory speech, you can read or tell one of the tales close to the text. The teacher's first reading or narration is a template for students. That is why it is important that the fabulous opening (in a leisurely, melodious pronunciation), repetitions and ending, a description of the heroes' skills are clearly pronounced.

A frontal conversation after listening to a particular fairy tale will reveal how correctly the meaning of it is understood, and will set the students up for further work - mastering the skill, this time, of artistic retelling of individual fragments of the text.

Discussion of the questions posed by the teacher, exchange of opinions and impressions are not only means for the teacher to control the process of perception, but also arouse additional interest in the work among schoolchildren. Naturally, the teacher assumes the role of organizer at this stage of the lesson.

  1. Perception, awareness and comprehension

new material.

The study of a work of art in the classroom can be called secondary, conscious perception, which is carried out under the guidance of a teacher and involves the analysis of the work from a certain angle of view. In this case, the initial stage of the analysis is the selection of artistic material (chapters, episodes, various situations), which allows students to focus on a particular problem of the work.

I believe that the selection and classification of material is the most important, but not the main content of the stage "perception, comprehension and comprehension of new material." The textual analysis is of decisive importance - the most significant in terms of time and purpose of the lesson, since the teacher here seeks to deepen the comprehension of the ideological and artistic meaning of the work.

Let's consider the textual analysis of one of the works of the outstanding Crimean Tatar writer Asan Chergeev "Takdir" ("Fate"). This poem shows the disenfranchised position of a Tatar woman in the family and in society. The main heroine of the poem, Esma, does not obey the will of her father, refuses to marry the unloved. But he is dying in this battle with old traditions.

The introduction should arouse interest in the work and its author. This could be a retelling of the introductory article. Another option is to recall the works of Asan Chergeev, known to the guys ("Ayvangar is not aytalar", "Tilki ve koyan" - "What animals talk about", "The Fox and the Hare"), and think together what the writer appreciates in people and what he rejects.

The poem can and should be analyzed by the teacher in the classroom. The tension of the plot awakens a desire to find out what will happen next, imbued with sympathy for the main character, the schoolchildren are eagerly awaiting the denouement. It is not worth destroying the integrity of the impression by asking questions, talking in the course of the analysis, or detailed comments. And one should not spare time analyzing the work, because the teacher directs the attention of the children to the main thing, helps them to correctly understand the work.

And most importantly, the teacher's reading should give students aesthetic pleasure, emotional shock. Without this, there is no study of literature.

  1. The stage of generalization of knowledge and skills,

formed in the lesson,

comprehending homework.

The generalization stage in the lesson presents special difficulties. At first, it is difficult to give yourself an account of a number of questions:

What were the tasks of the lesson and were they solved? How much material did the guys have to master in the process of working on the topic and did they cope with it? What reading skills should you focus on, and were the assignments planned well?

Teenagers in literature lessons, like accumulators, accumulate knowledge, skills, a certain moral experience. That is why it is so important that every student who has shown the initiative, who has revealed his potential, is supported and noted by the teacher at the stage of generalization, so that a creative atmosphere reigns in the class, responsibility for the work is formed not only among the teacher, but also among the students themselves.

This is the kind of creative atmosphere that reigns at the stage of generalization when studying the Crimean Tatar literature of the 13th - 19th centuries, especially the works of the famous poet Ashyk Umer.

It should be noted that from the point of view of the content and characteristics of poetics in the Crimean Tatar medieval poetry, three directions are usually distinguished.

The first is the so-called sofa poetry (from Arabic "sofa "In the meaning of" a collection of poetic works of one author ") - the poetry of the khan's court.

The second direction ispoetry of religious and mystical content or Sufi (Sufism - the mystical-ascetic trend in Islam).

Finally, the third direction is ashik poetry (from the Arabic "ashik "- in love; poet). Representatives of this trend accompanied their performances by playing the musical string instrument saz (which is why there is another name for this poetry - poetry saz) and, combining in one person the many talents of a poet, composer, singer, musician-performer, were very popular among the people. This poetry is characterized as folk poetry, however, in the process of its development, it assimilated many elements of the sofa. Ashik poetry gave the Crimea, as well as all the Turkic-language literature in general, the famous poet Ashyk Umer, as well as many other bright names.

A feature of Ashik poetry was the reflection of the whole gamut of human feelings and experiences: joy, grief, sadness, jealousy, hope, longing, etc. So at the generalizing stage of the lesson, when studying the lyrics of a famous poet, you can try your hand at composing a quatrain in size and rhyme similar to his poems.

The stage of the lesson, at which the homework is comprehended, without exaggeration can be put in the first place in terms of its importance for the organization of the entire subsequent learning process. The teacher constantly uses various types of homework in his work. He invites the children to prepare retellings of individual episodes (close to the text, briefly, selectively), make a plan, prepare expressive reading, oral drawing, answer the proposed questions, etc. It would seem that the homework palette is rich and varied. However, it is difficult to formulate them as tasks of a specific work.

The difficulty lies in the fact that if in any other subject the children in the conditions of homework consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson, then advanced homework is characteristic of literature.

And for homework on Crimean Tatar literature, another special difficulty is inherent: it is very difficult to find certain works of authors translated into Russian, and some are not possible at all. And among the translated literature there are works that do not reach the artistic level of the original.

  1. Analysis preparation lessons


The lesson of preparation for the analysis of a work of art, being relatively complete and independent (it has its own topic, its own specific tasks, etc.), at the same time is organically linked to the construction of the entire system of lessons on this topic. The internal connection of lessons on a given topic, which is based on the general tasks of studying the topic, is sometimes replaced by an external one. So, when studying a large epic work, such a semblance of interconnection can be created by considering a literary text in the course of the development of the plot.

In the system of lessons for the study of a large epic work, three types of lessons are usually distinguished (according to the main stages of its study): an introductory lesson, a lesson in the analysis of a literary text, and a final generalizing one.

Below, two of them will be considered based on the material of the historical novel "Alim" by Yusuf Bolat: an introductory lesson and the following initial lesson in a chain of lessons (usually there are several of them) on the analysis of a literary text. Although these lessons are of different types, they acquire some functional similarities as they enter the lesson system.

The task of the introductory lesson is to prepare students to comprehend the work in the process of the upcoming analysis, to awaken their interest in studying it, to create the necessary emotional mood in the class.

A special task of the initial lesson in the analysis of a literary text is to familiarize students with the artistic manner of the writer. After all, the study of each new epic work is a meeting of students with a new creative personality, an original artistic manner, which students must master in order to comprehend the richness of the content of the work, to introduce them to new aesthetic experiences.

There are a wide variety of options for the introductory lesson of preparation for the analysis of a literary text, even when studying the same epic work.

Usually in school, the novel "Alim" is analyzed in the context of the conflict between Alim Aydamak'a as a robber and a wealthy society. Thus, the study of the novel concentrates mainly on the historical content.

Sometimes, when analyzing a work, the question arises: "So, who is Alim Aydamak (or Alim Azamat oglu)?"

And here, in the analysis of a work of art, the main character is considered as Alim - a robber who took part of the property of the rich and gave it to the poor. Or Alim the protector and Alim the savior. After the artistic analysis of the work and the historical era, students come to a solution to this issue.


Solving problems to improve the learning process dictates the need to tirelessly refer to the main "cell" of the educational process - a lesson, the correct organization of which is fraught with inexhaustible opportunities to increase the effectiveness of learning.

The teacher needs to clearly realize what the activity of schoolchildren in literature lessons is. The terminological phrase "cognitive activity" in the learning process is widely known. And when a teacher is confronted with the concept of "reading activity", he, vaguely representing the content of this concept, interprets it as educational (cognitive) activity of students.

Meanwhile, a full-fledged process of artistic perception presupposes the ability to comprehend not only the content of a literary work, but also to recreate in the imagination the paintings depicted by the writer, to perceive the world of feelings and experiences of literary heroes, to see the author's position (attitude, assessment) in all components of the work.

In my work, I tried to show some of the stages of the lesson in the study of Crimean Tatar literature, the tasks of a modern lesson and their implementation.

But I want to note a common feature of the history of Crimean Tatar literature - these are significant losses. The works of Crimean Tatar poets and writers have been carefully preserved for centuries in the libraries of Turkey, Romania, Germany, France, England, the USA and other countries. But in their homeland, alas, they were periodically destroyed: hundreds of thousands of volumes of Crimean Tatar literature perished in the maelstrom of military and political events of the 18th - 20th centuries. And now in Crimea it is very difficult to find certain works of Crimean Tatar authors, and some of them are impossible at all.

As for their translations into Russian, the task of searching and collecting is complicated by the fact that there were initially few of them, and in the last 60 years these works have not actually been translated or republished.

monitoring of the state of teaching the Crimean Tatar language in schools of the Bakhchisarai region 2017-2018 academic year

District Teachers Workshop

On February 26, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Plodovskaya Secondary School", a regional seminar for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature was held on the topic:» . Within the framework of the seminar at a high level, the teacher Kamalova E.N. an open lesson was held in grade 4 on the topic: “R. p. № 6 Compilation of the text "Winter" (N. and. № 6 "K'ysh" serlevala metin tizyuv). Through the efforts of A.M. Muzhdabaeva and learnersschoolsan extracurricular event dedicated to the International Mother Language Day was held.

The theoretical questions on the topic of the seminar were considered. Kurtumerova N.R., teacher of MBOU "Kashtanovskaya secondary school" - "Implementation of innovative technologies in the lessons of the Crimean Tatar language and literature" and Muzhdabaeva A.M., teacher of MBOU "Plodovskaya secondary school" - "The method of reading Ilya Frank and mnemonics at the lessons of the Crimean Tatar language and literature."

Young teacher's schoolCrimean Tatar language and literature

January 23, 2019 on the basis of MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school №2" was held a school for a young teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature on the topic "Modern lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard".

The teaching staff of the school warmly welcomed the guests.I presented the school business card to everyoneDeputy Director for OIA Khalilova E.D., who, being also a teacherof the Crimean Tatar language and literature and the head of the RMO, shared her work experience, held a master class on the analysis of a modern lesson, relying on her pedagogical experience, using presentations, talked about a modern lesson, project activities, presented her research work.

The teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature Murtazaeva Z.S. held an open lesson in grade 8 on the topic: “Jumlenin bash ve ekinji dereje azalara. Tekrarlav "(" Major and minor members of the proposal. Repetition "), accompanied by a presentation. Teacher MBOU "Kholmovskaya Secondary School" Khalilova M.S. made a presentation on the topic of self-education, presented everyone with a variety of visual material.

The participants of the ShMU expressed their deep gratitude to the administration of the NGO for the opportunity to visit the school, the methodological assistance provided, and a warm welcome.

The event was held on an emotional upsurge.

Young teacher's schoolCrimean Tatar language and literature

November 13, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Sokolinskaya NOSH" was held the School of the young teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature on the theme "Designing a modern lesson".

The teaching staff of the school warmly welcomed the guests. The teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature Osmanova G.Kh. presented to all the participants of the event a presentation, held an open lesson in the 4th grade "Travel to the country of the native language".

Muradova LA, teacher of MBOU "Pochtovskaya Secondary School" shared with young teachers her experience in designing a modern lesson.


October 23, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Kuibyshev secondary school named after Khrustaleva N.T. " a regional workshop for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature "Designing a modern lesson Crimean Tatar language and literature».

History teacher Sorokina N.N. a fascinating excursion along the Belbek Valley was held. The teachers visited the monument to S. Emin, where through the efforts of the librarians of the Kuibyshev library of branch No. 19 named after S. Emin Vasilyeva S.P. and Klimchuk I.I. an extracurricular event dedicated to the life and work of S. Emin was organized. The event was accompanied by musical accompaniment, performance of students MBOU "Kuibyshevskaya secondary school them. Khrustaleva NT ".

School director Pasha S.N. acquainted with the successes and achievements of the teaching and student collectives. An open lesson in grade 3 on the topic: "Yangyravuk ve sagy tutuk sesler" was conducted by the teacherCrimean Tatar language and literature Mamedova U.E. Moral values ​​of Islam ”was conducted by the primary school teacher Mamedova E.F. The theoretical questions on the topic of the seminar were considered. The report, based on their own pedagogical experience, was made by teachers of the highest category Mamedova U.E. and Murtazaeva Z.S.

The school's surprise for teachers was a video about the work of teachers Crimean Tatar language and literature on the day of the seminar.

The event was held on an emotional upsurge.

Workshop materials

IX April student readings were held at the Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum

On April 24, 2018, in the Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum, the next April student readings took place on the topic: “135th anniversary of the“ Translator-Terdzhiman ”newspaper. The main goal of this cultural and educational event is to form an active civic position among schoolchildren in the field of knowledge of their native language, the history of their region.The event was attended by 29 students from 13 educational organizations of the region.The students showed good knowledge of the native language, bibliographic material, showed creative and research abilities. Informative reports were prepared, accompanied by multimedia presentations, works were presented that differed in diversity, originality, and a high level of artistic performance.

The jury, which consisted of leading teachers and museum staff, noted the rather in-depth study of the selected topics of all the participants of the event and especially noted the training of students of MBOU "Tankovskaya OOSh" Y. Zeylulaev and M. Abduramanova, who presented the work in the form of a news program using the material of the newspaper " Terjiman "1906. The museum staff, for an extraordinary and creative approach to the preparation of students, especially noted the mentoring work of IS Sayfullaeva, teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature MBOU "Tankovskaya OOSh" and presented memorable prizes.

At the end of theIX April student readings all participants of the event were awarded certificatesDepartment of Education, Youth and Sports of the Administration of the Bakhchisaray District of the Republic of Crimea and the Memorial Museum of Ismail Gasprinsky GBU RK BIKAMZ.

Young teacher's schoolCrimean Tatar language and literature

April 17, 2018 On the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" in Bakhchisaray, the School of the young teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature on the topic "Modern lesson" was held.

The teaching staff of the school warmly welcomed the guests. The teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature Asanova F.M. conducted a speech development lesson in grade 7 on the topic "Traditional Medicine". Participants, together with the methodologist and the head of the RMO, discussed the methodological foundations of a modern educational lesson, the requirements for its implementation.

Workshop for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature

The regional workshop for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature on the topic: "The use of innovative technologies in the lessons of the Crimean Tatar language and literature" was held on January 31, 2018 on the basis of the MBOU "Krasnomak secondary school".

The business card of the school was presented by Deputy Director for Water Resources Management Gerasimova G.Yu., teachers had the opportunity to visit the school museum. Open lesson in grade 6 on the topic: “ Cherkez-Ali "Otmeknin qadiri" ”Was conducted by the teacher Abkirimova L.D. Through the efforts of the teaching staff and students of the school, an event dedicated to the memory of Alima Abdennanova "To the feat of living for centuries" was held, a fragment of the event "Festival of the peoples of Crimea" was shown. The teacher of the highest category MBOU "Bakhchisarai school №1" Dzhemilova LS shared her experience of work. and a teacher of the first category MBOU "Plodovskaya secondary school" Kamalova E.N.

The seminar discussed the issue of the municipal competition "Modern Lesson", as well as the upcoming competition for the best essay "My contribution to the future of the Russian Crimea", the All-Crimean competition "Language is the soul of the people."

The event was held on an emotional upsurge.

We offer seminar materials for use in work.

Municipal competition for the best methodological development of a lesson in the Crimean Tatar language and literature "Modern lesson"

From 17 to 26 January 2018, a competition "Modern Lesson" was held among teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature. 20 works were presented at the Competition: 16 of them were in the nomination "Crimean Tatar language", 4 works in the nomination "Crimean Tatar literature". 12 educational organizations of the region took part in the Competition. The jury members noted the originality of the pedagogical ideas, as well as the universality and applicability of other teachers.

The winners of the competition are:

in the nomination "Crimean Tatar language"

1st place - Khalilova E.D., MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school No. 2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction";

2nd place - V.R. Azizova, MBOU "Uglovskaya Secondary School";

3rd place - Kurtseitova A.Sh., MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school №2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction".

in the nomination "Crimean Tatar Literature"

1st place - F.M. Asanova, MBOU "Secondary School No. 5", Bakhchisarai;

2nd place - IS Sayfullaeva, MBOU "Tankovskaya OOSh";

3rd place - AM Muzhdabaeva, MBOU "Skalistovskaya secondary school".

Competition materials published in the methodological bulletin "To help the teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature."

School of the young teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature

01 November 2017 on the basis of MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2" was held the School of the young teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature on the theme "Development of the creative abilities of students in the lessons of the Crimean Tatar language and literature."

The teaching staff of the school warmly welcomed the guests. Teacher of the Crimean Tatar language and literature Mamutova Z.S. made a presentation to all the participants of the event, made a report and held an interesting game with young specialists.

Using electronic presentation in their speeches, they presented works on the development of students' creative abilities, head of the RMO of teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature, teacher of MBOU "School No. 5" in Bakhchisaray Asanova FM, teacher of MBOU "Skalistovskaya secondary school" Muzhdabaeva AM, teacher MBOU "Pochtovskaya secondary school" Muradova L.A.The event was held on an emotional upsurge.

Workshop for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature

On October 24, 2017, on the basis of MBOU "Turgenevskaya Secondary School", a regional seminar for teachers of the Crimean Tatar language and literature "Using interdisciplinary communication as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of teaching" . Within the framework of the seminar at a high level, the teacher Dulgerov Sh.Sh. was organized and conducted a master class "The use of interdisciplinary communication in the lessons of the Crimean Tatar language and literature." Also, through the efforts of the teaching staff, incl. teacher Dulgerov Sh.Sh., director Sattarova A.R., Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Useinova L.E., teacher-organizer Ismailova S.K. Rustem Dzhelil. Students of MBOU "Turgenevskaya Secondary School" performed dances at the event, recited poems, sounded songs written by Rustem Dzhelil. The guests got acquainted with his life and work, had the opportunity to ask questions and received instructions from the master of the word.

The theoretical questions on the topic of the seminar were considered. With a report, using electronic presentations, relying on their own pedagogical experience, were made by: teacher of the highest category MBOU "School No. 5" in Bakhchisaray Asanova F.M. - "Using interdisciplinary communication as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of training"; teacher of the first category MBOU "Uglovskaya secondary school" Azizova V.R. - “History knows the pain of the heart”; teacher of the first category MBOU "Sokolinskaya NOSH" Osmanova G.Kh. - “Let go of the wing of humility for them and you will comprehend wisdom”; teacher of the highest category MBOU "Golubinskaya Secondary School" Useinova E.D. - "Idris Asanin is a fighter for justice."

The seminar addressed the issue of preparing for the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Crimean Tatar language and literature , which will be held on the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" in Bakhchisarai.

VIII student readings were held at the Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum

The Ismail Gasprinsky Memorial Museum on April 29, 2017, together with the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Administration of the Bakhchisaray District of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held traditional student readings.

The event was attended by 18 students from 16 educational organizations in Bakhchisarai and Bakhchisarai region.

ProgramVIIIstudent readings:

  1. The story of one exhibit: the secrets of the gift cane of Ismail Gasprinsky(Museum staff introduced the children to the history of the object; told about the meaning of the texts engraved on the edges of the gift cane).
  2. Children's periodicalsXIX- the beginning of the twentieth centuries. from the funds of GBU RK BIKAMZ(With employees of the Museum told and showed the participants of the readings what the children's periodicals of the last century looked like).
  3. Student speech(this year, students prepared speeches, performances dedicated to the life and work of Umer Ipchi - writer, actor, director, follower of I. Gasprinsky).
  4. Awarding the participants of the readings with certificates.

Works were staged, poems, stories, reports sounded, students prepared interesting slide presentations about the life and creative path of U. Ipchi.

Substantive and interesting works and performances were prepared by the students of the following teachers: Murtazaeva ZS, MBOU "Vilinskaya school №2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction", Useinova E.D. MBOU "Golubinskaya secondary school", Kurtumerova NR, MBOU "Kashtanovskaya secondary school", Saifullaeva IS, MBOU "Tankovskaya secondary school", Khalilova MS, MBOU "Kholmovskaya secondary school", Emiralieva Z.A., MBOU " Verkhorechenskaya secondary school ", Muzhdabaeva A.M., MBOU" Skalistovskaya secondary school ", Mamutova ZS, MBOU" Bakhchisarai secondary school №1 ", Khalilova GS, MBOU" secondary school №5 "Bakhchisarai, Dulgerova Sh.Sh ., MBOU "Turgenevskaya secondary school", Abkerimova LD, MBOU "Krasnomakskaya secondary school", Azizova V.R., MBOU "Uglovskaya secondary school", Dzhemilova LS, MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 1".