
A story about a good deed from a childhood story. An essay on the topic: how did friendship with a freeloader enrich Alyosha a good deed? (m. bitter. "childhood"). Some interesting essays

In 1913, Maxim Gorky wrote the first part of the famous trilogy. "Childhood" (the content and analysis are given in the article) is a work about the formation of the personality of the protagonist Alyosha Peshkov, the prototype of which was the author himself. The story is told in the first person, which allows you to fully experience the feelings and experiences of a boy who finds himself in an environment that is unusual for him, which nevertheless contributed to his formation and maturation.

Genre Features

"Childhood" of Maxim Gorky is an autobiographical story. It was based on facts from the life of the writer himself, he even leaves the heroes their real names. At the same time, this is a work of art, since the author's task is not just to tell about himself as a child, but to rethink what happened to him from the perspective of an adult, to assess the events. According to the author, his fate is not unique: there are many people who exist in that “close, stuffy circle of impressions” in which Alyosha was in the Kashirins' house. And this truth must be “know to the root” in order to be torn out of the memory and soul of the human, from the very way of the Russian, “heavy and shameful.” Thus, telling about himself and at the same time describing the "lead abominations of life", Gorky expresses the author's position regarding the present and future of Russia.

The beginning of the hero's growth

Alyosha Peshkov was brought up in a family based on mutual respect and love. Father Maxim was engaged in the construction of the triumphal gates, which were erected for the arrival of the king. Mother Varvara was expecting the birth of her second child. Everything changed when my father died of cholera. He was buried on a rainy day, and Alyosha forever remembered the frogs sitting in the pit - they were buried along with the coffin. The boy looked at them and held back tears. Never cry - his parents taught him to do this. And the mother of grief began premature birth. So sadly begins the first chapter of Gorky's work.

Then there was a long journey along the Volga from Astrakhan to Nizhny Novgorod. The newborn died on the way, and the mother still could not calm down from the grief that had fallen. Alyosha was taken care of by her grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, who arrived at a difficult moment for the family. It was she who took her daughter and grandson to Novgorod, from which Varvara left at one time against the will of her father. It was grandmother Gorky who dedicated the best pages of the story. She was a kind, sympathetic person, always ready to help. This was immediately noticed by the sailors on the ship, who found the hero when he got lost on one of the piers. Despite her fullness and age, Akulina Ivanovna moved quickly and deftly, resembling a cat. She often told amazing stories that attracted the attention of others. And it seemed to Alyosha that she was all glowing from within. It is the grandmother who in the future will become a source of good for the boy and the main support, will help to endure the coming hardships. And with their arrival in Nizhny, there will be a lot of them in the life of the hero, which Maxim Gorky will write about in his story.

The work "Childhood" continues with an acquaintance with new heroes. On the shore, the arrivals were met by a large Kashirin family, the main one in which was Vasily Vasilyevich. Small and withered, Alyosha did not immediately like the grandfather, and time will pass before he takes a fresh look at him and tries to understand him as a person.

First spanking

In the big house of the Kashirins, in addition to their grandfather and grandmother, their two more sons lived with their families. Alyosha, who had previously grown up in a completely different environment, found it difficult to get used to the constant enmity and anger that reigned between relatives. Their main reason was the desire of Mikhail and Yakov to quickly divide the property, which the grandfather did not want to do. With the arrival of Varvara, the situation escalated even more, since she, too, was entitled to a share in her father's inheritance. In their desire to annoy each other, adults knew no bounds, and their confrontation extended to children.

Another boy witnessed a terrible procedure for him - every Saturday the children were flogged. The hero did not escape this fate. On the advice of one of his brothers, he decided to paint a festive tablecloth to bring joy to his grandmother. As a result, he ended up on a bench under the rods of his grandfather. Neither Akulina Ivanovna nor her mother could save her from punishment. This is one of the first bitter events in the new life of the hero, which Maxim Gorky introduces to the reader of the story. Alyosha will remember his childhood thanks to Gypsy, who, during the spanking, put his hands up, trying to take on the main force of the blows.

Grandfather flogged his grandson half to death, and the boy lay in bed for several days. During this time, Vasily Vasilyevich visited him and talked about his youth. It turned out that once the grandfather was a barge hauler, and suffering, mental and physical, hardened his heart. It was, in fact, a new acquaintance with his grandfather, which made it clear that he was not as scary and cruel as Alyosha had thought before. Be that as it may, according to the author, the first flogging seemed to expose Alyosha's heart and made him take a different look at everything that was happening around.


Ivan was a foundling in the Kashirin family. The grandmother told her grandson that she gave birth to eighteen children, of whom only three survived. The best, in her opinion, God took to himself, and in return sent Gypsy. The story "Childhood" Gorky continues with a story about his bitter fate.

Ivan was found at the gate, and his grandmother took him to be brought up. Unlike his own sons, he grew up kind and caring. He also showed himself to be a good worker, which became another reason for the enmity of Mikhail and Yakov: each of them dreamed of taking Gypsy to himself in the future. Often, for the amusement of everyone, Ivan arranged entertainment with cockroaches or mice, showed tricks with cards. Alyosha also remembered the evenings when grandfather and Mikhail left home. During these hours, everyone gathered in the kitchen. Yakov tuned the guitar, and after the songs, the merry dance of the Gypsy began. Then Akulina Ivanovna joined him, who seemed to be returning at that moment to her time of youth: she became so younger and prettier during the dance.

Grandmother prophesied a bad future for the young man and was afraid for him. The fact is that Tsyganok went every Friday for groceries and, in order to save money and please his grandfather, he stole. Akulina Ivanovna believed that someday he would be caught and killed. Her fears came true, but in part: Gypsy was killed not by strangers, but by Mikhail and Yakov. The latter beat his wife to death, and as a repentance he vowed to put an oak cross on her grave. Three of them carried him, and Ivan was put under the butt. On the way, he stumbled, and he was crushed by the cross, which the brothers released at that moment, - Maxim Gorky notes.

“Childhood” in abbreviation introduces only the main points from the life of the protagonist, but it is impossible not to mention that Tsyganok, whose painful death was also deposited in the mind of the boy, along with his grandmother, became for him a source of light and kindness and helped to survive the first trials in a new life .


Alyosha liked to watch Akulina Ivanovna pray in the evenings. In front of the icons, she told about everything that happened during the day, and asked for everyone. And the boy also liked stories about what he, God. At these moments, my grandmother was getting younger, and her eyes radiated a special, warm light. Sometimes Akulina Ivanovna saw devils, but they did not frighten her. Only cockroaches caused fear in my grandmother, and often at night she woke Alyosha and asked to kill them. But the image of the grandmother is especially vivid in the scene of the fire, which continues (it is described in detail by Maxim Gorky) “Childhood”.

Grandmother was praying when grandfather ran in shouting: “We are burning!” The workshop was on fire, and Akulina Ivanovna threw herself into the flames to prevent an explosion. She took out the bottle and began to give orders what to do next. She calmed the horse, which the grandfather himself was afraid of. And then, with burned hands, she gave birth to Aunt Natalia. And only when it was all over (Mikhail's wife died after all), Alyosha heard the groans of his grandmother, caused by severe burns. All this leads to the thought: only a broad-minded person can fight the fire so fearlessly, and then, tormented by pain, find words of comfort for others. This is exactly what Akulina Ivanovna was, who played a decisive role in Alyosha's life, which Maxim Gorky emphasizes more than once. “Childhood” (the characterization of the grandmother confirms this) is a work about how generosity and love can withstand anger and hatred, preventing the sprouts of good and good that were originally embedded in a person’s character from dying.

New house

Kashirin nevertheless divided. Alyosha moved with his grandparents to a stone house with a garden. Rooms, except for one, rented out. Her grandfather left for himself and the guests. Akulina Ivanovna and her grandson settled in the attic. Grandmother was again at the center of all events: tenants constantly turned to her for advice, and for everyone she found a kind word. The grandson was constantly next to her, as if rooted. Sometimes a mother appeared, but she quickly disappeared, leaving no memories of herself.

Once the grandmother told Alyosha about her life. She was born from a crippled lace-maker who threw herself out of a window when her master frightened her. Together they walked the world until they settled on Balakhna. Akulina learned to weave lace, and then her grandfather spotted her. He was famous at that time. And he chose a beggar girl as his wife, he decided that he would be submissive all his life.

And grandfather also decided to teach Alyosha letters. Seeing the cleverness of his grandson, he began to whip him less often and looked at him more and more attentively, sometimes telling fables from his own life. This is how Maxim Gorky's childhood passed.

And again hostility

The misfortunes of the Kashirins did not end. Once Yakov came running and said that Mikhail was going to kill his grandfather. Similar scenes began to be repeated often. And again, the main burden fell on the grandmother. One evening, she stuck her hand out the window, hoping to reason with her son, and Michael broke it with a stake. Watching all this, Alyosha began to think more and more about his mother. The fact that she refused to live in such a family markedly elevated her in the eyes of her son. And he represented Varvara either in the camp of robbers, or in the form of the prince-lady Engalycheva, about whom his grandmother told him. And sometimes the boy's chest seemed to fill with lead, and he felt stuffy and cramped in this room, reminiscent of a coffin. Bitter thoughts and feelings aroused in the hero, as Maxim Gorky shows, childhood. Their analysis leaves the same heaviness on the soul of the reader.


There is another hero in the work, whom Alyosha met immediately upon arrival in Novgorod. This is Grigory Ivanovich, a master who worked for his grandfather. He was old and blind, and the boys, like their uncles, often mocked him. For example, they could put a red-hot breastplate under the arm. When the Kashirins shared and grandfather moved to Polevaya Street, the craftsmen were simply kicked out into the street. It was excruciatingly embarrassing: to see how Grigory was begging, because Alyosha avoided meeting with him and hid every time he appeared, - Maxim Gorky recalls. "Childhood", the heroes of which are people of different social strata, shows how dissatisfaction with the life that he saw gradually matured in the boy. And the merit of the writer is that he made it clear that a person does not always go with the flow. Many find the strength to resist evil, thereby gradually changing the world for the better.

As for Gregory, his grandmother often called him to her and tried to somehow belittle the troubles that befell the one who devoted her whole life to her family. One day she told Alyosha that God would severely punish them for this man. Years later, when Akulina Ivanovna was no more, the grandfather himself went to beg, repeating the fate of his master.

Good Deed

And again, Vasily Vasilyevich changed his place of residence, Gorky continues the story "Childhood". On Kanatnaya Street, where the Kashirins now settled, fate brought Alyosha together with another amazing person. Good Deed - that was the name of the tenant for the words that he invariably used in speech - was considered a freeloader and constantly conducted some experiments in his room, which caused his grandfather's displeasure. One evening, according to tradition, everyone gathered at my grandmother's, and she started a story about Ivan the Warrior. This story made an extraordinary impression on Good Cause. He suddenly jumped up and shouted that this must be written down. And later he gave advice to Alyosha: by all means study. And yet - write down everything that Akulina Ivanovna says. From this, perhaps, the writer's love for literature began.

But soon the Good Deed left the house, and Gorky wrote about this in his story: thus ended the friendship with the first (best) person from "an endless series of strangers in his native ... country."

Meeting with mother

Varvara appeared at the Kashirins' house unexpectedly. Alyosha immediately noticed that she had changed, but still did not look like her brothers and father. And again I thought: I won’t live here for long. The mother began to teach her son to read and even decided to take up his upbringing. But during the time spent away from each other, they no longer understand each other. The boy was also oppressed by the constant quarrels between his grandfather and mother, especially since Varvara was not going to change to please anyone. And yet she broke Kashirin. After refusing to marry an old watchmaker, whom her grandfather looked after, Varvara practically became the mistress of the house, - Maxim Gorky continues "Childhood". The chapters dedicated to the hero's mother introduce how she, against the will of her father, married Maxim, who was completely different from her family. How young people came to bow to the old man-Kashirin, but refused to live in his house, which caused a new anger of the old man. How the sisters Mikhail and Yakov disliked their husband, dreaming of snatching her share in the inheritance. How, finally, the Peshkovs left for Astrakhan, where they lived together and happily.

And although the mother always evoked only warm feelings in Alyosha, she never became for her son a person who helped him overcome the first hardships of life, withstand the blows of fate.

Change again

And Varvara, meanwhile, was getting prettier and came to see her son less and less. Then she remarried and moved out. Now life in the house has become even more painful - Maxim Gorky makes it clear. Childhood (an analysis of the work leads to this thought) for the hero was gradually ending. Alyosha increasingly spent time alone, became unsociable. He dug a hole in his garden and made a comfortable seat there. The grandfather often came here, fiddling with plants, but his grandson's stories were no longer interesting. Yes, and Vasily Vasilyevich himself, after the departure of his daughter, became embittered, often cursed and drove his grandmother out of the house. He became even greedier than before. At the same time, he taught his grandson: “We are not a bar. We need to do everything ourselves.” And in the autumn he sold the house altogether, telling Akulina Ivanovna that she should now feed herself. The next two years, according to the author, passed in a terrible shaking, which he felt from the moment he sat in the cart when moving to the basement.

"Lead abominations of life"

Such a definition appears in the story "Childhood" by Maxim Gorky after the story of how Alyosha almost stabbed his stepfather. A mother with a young son and her husband appeared in the basement of the Kashirins shortly after they moved there. She said that the house burned down, but it was clear to everyone that Maximov had lost everything. The hero's brother turned out to be a sick boy, Varvara herself became noticeably uglier and was pregnant again. Her relationship with her young husband did not develop, and one day Alyosha witnessed their quarrel: Maximov was heading to his mistress, and his mother screamed heart-rendingly. The hero grabbed a knife and rushed at his stepfather, but the benefit only cut his uniform and slightly hooked the skin. These memories, along with all the others described above, made the author think about whether it is necessary to talk about these abominations? And he confidently answers: yes. Firstly, this is the only way to uproot evil “from the memory, from the human soul, from our whole life, heavy and shameful” (quote from Gorky’s work). Secondly, such baseness shows (this has already been noted in the article) that the Russian person is nevertheless “still so healthy and young in soul that he overcomes and overcomes them.” And this "bright, healthy and creative", embodied in the story in the images of a grandmother, a Gypsy, a Good Cause, gives hope that the revival of mankind is possible.

The people

After the incident with his stepfather, Alyosha again ended up with his grandfather. Vasily Vasilyevich insisted that he and his grandmother cook dinners in turn, and each with his own money. However, he always saved money. The hero had to earn money himself: after school, he went to collect rags and sold them cheaply. He gave his earnings to his grandmother and once spied how she was crying over his nickels.

School was tough. Here Alyosha was called a rag-maker, and no one wanted to sit with him. But he nevertheless passed the exams for the third grade, for which he received a certificate of merit and several books as a reward. The boy took the last ones to the shop when Akulina Ivanovna fell ill and there was nothing to live on.

Another memorable event in the life of the hero of the story "Childhood" by Maxim Gorky is the death of his mother. Varvara returned to the Kashirins quite ill, dried up, and soon died of consumption. A few days after her funeral, her grandfather sent Alexei "to the people" so that he himself would earn his own bread. From this moment, childhood ends, and the second story of Gorky's autobiographical trilogy begins.


The ability for spiritual self-development in the conditions of tragic reality is, perhaps, the main thing that Maxim Gorky wants to draw the reader's attention to. Childhood (the theme of the work, stated in the title, emphasizes this) is the main time in a person's life. A child usually remembers forever what made a great impression on him. And it is good that during this period Alyosha witnessed not only inhumanity and cruelty, but also met people who were infinitely kind and open to others. This helped him resist the "lead abominations" and grow up as a bright person who does not put up with evil, which can become an example for everyone else.

Images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good deeds in M. Gorky's story "Childhood". "Bright, healthy, creative in Russian life"
1. The story of M. Gorky "Childhood". 2. The image of Alyosha, the main character of the story. Autobiographical character. 3. The image of a grandmother. 4. Gypsies. 5. Good deal.

Russian writer, publicist and public figure Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov) can be called one of the key figures in Soviet literature.

The story "Childhood" was created in the period between two revolutions: after the failed revolution of 1905-1907 and before October. This story is autobiographical, in it the writer offers the reader a description of his own childhood in literary processing. The most important, in our opinion, images in this work are the images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good deed. All of them are united by one thing: positive coloring and warm attitude of the author towards them. Among other things, these heroes influenced the formation of Alyosha's character.

Alyosha, of course, is to a certain extent the prototype of Gorky himself in childhood. At least for this reason, the image of Alyosha needs careful consideration. What he really is?

We meet Alyosha on the pages of the story at a dramatic moment in his life: his father died, and the boy cannot understand what is happening, why his mother, disheveled, is crying, his father is sleeping and seems to be smiling: “... my father is lying, dressed in white and unusually long ... a kind face is dark and frightens me with badly bared teeth.

After the death of his father, Alyosha moved with his mother and grandmother to Novgorod, where his mother's family lives. In his grandfather's house, Alyosha encountered the dark life of a "stupid tribe": "Grandfather's house was filled with a hot fog of mutual enmity between everyone and everyone, it poisoned adults, and even children took an active part in it." Living in my grandfather's house was not easy. Grandfather, a cruel and greedy man, was also domineering and not very happy. Alyosha hardly finds a common language with him. Uncles are needlessly cruel. And it was easy for the boy only with his grandmother.

Grandmother, “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose; she is all black, soft and surprisingly interesting, ”attracted the boy to her from the first meeting. He immediately reached out to this kind woman. The appearance of his grandmother made an indelible impression on Alyosha. As Gorky talks about himself, a little one: “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me to the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread ... and immediately became a lifelong friend, the most close to my heart." Grandmother - kind and affectionate - will always help and sympathize. “... She singsongly said:

Lord, Lord! How good everything is! No, you look how good everything is!

It was the cry of her heart, the slogan of her whole life. The master, Gregory, spoke of her like this: “... she does not like lies, she does not understand. She looks like a saint... And Alyosha agreed with this point of view.

Grandmother instilled in the boy a love of folk tales, hope for a good and bright life.

Another important person in the life of the hero - Ivan, nicknamed Gypsy. Gypsy is an apprentice in Alyosha's grandfather's house. This is a "square, broad-chested, with a huge curly head" cheerful guy. The first acquaintance with him as a person happened to Alyosha under dramatic circumstances: his grandfather decided to flog him. Tsyganok, seeing that "grandfather went into a rage", began to put his hand under the rod. Tsyganok admits that he is "roguish". In the perception of Alyosha, Tsyganok was associated with Russian heroes folk tales: "I looked at his cheerful face and remembered my grandmother's tales about Ivan Tsarevich, about Ivanushka the Fool." Alyosha learned from his grandmother that Tsyganok was "a foundling, in early spring, on a rainy night, he was found at the gate of the house on a bench."

The gypsy was indeed a swindler. He stole not out of poverty or greed, but because of the gallant prowess. It was interesting to him, and from the side of Alyosha's grandfather he did not meet with censure. Only Alyoshin's grandmother said that Tsyganok was acting badly, she was afraid that he might be caught and beaten.

The gypsy died, he was crushed with a cross.

Grandmother and Tsyganok were Alyosha's outlet in his grandfather's gloomy and cruel house. These two people helped him learn to love and pity people, to see evil and distinguish it from good. Both are kind and affectionate, with an open soul and good heart, they greatly facilitated the boy's life by their very existence.

And I would like to tell about one more person who played a role in the formation of Alyosha as a person. Alyosha met a man called Good Deed when his grandfather sold the old house and bought another one. There were many people in the house, but the boy was most interested in the Good Deed. This man got his nickname for the habit, whenever he was invited to drink tea or dine, to say: "Good deal." The Good Deed room was full of books and bottles of colorful liquids. “From morning to evening, he, in a red leather jacket, in gray plaid pants, all smeared with some kind of paint ... melted lead, soldered some copper things ...”. Good deal was a strange man. They did not like him in the house, they called him a sorcerer and a warlock. But Alyosha was interested in this man.

A good deed was engaged in chemical experiments, was smart "and incredibly lonely. A strange friendship struck up between the boy and Good deed. Good deed gave Alyosha advice: "Real strength is in the speed of movement; the faster, the stronger."

Soon Alyosha's grandfather kicked Good Deed out of the house, the boy was upset by this, angry at his grandfather and grandmother. Main character he spoke of friendship with a Good Deed: “Thus ended my friendship with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my native country, her best people.”

So, thanks to the fact that, in addition to evil, greedy and unfortunate people, stagnant in prejudice, Alyosha saw kind, smart, loving people, he was able to become a Man with a capital letter. As a child, he had a very acute perception of evil and injustice, and thanks to those around him loving people this feeling did not develop into an insult to the whole the world. Alyosha was able to see that in any circumstances a person can remain a person without bending under a complex and cruel world.

In the story "Childhood" Maxim Gorky portrayed his own image. The writer lost his father early and was forced to live in the house of his relatives, where a gloomy and bleak atmosphere reigned. Grandfather was distinguished by cruelty, other relatives - by greed and cowardice. In such an environment, the personality of the classic Russian and Soviet literature However, in this house he also found love and understanding. The characterization of Alyosha from the story "Childhood" by Gorky is the topic of this article.

From an early age, the writer learned the harsh truth of life. The reality of the life of the Russian people tormented him throughout the years. But still, even against the backdrop of an unsightly picture, he found something beautiful. Invincible faith in man guided him both in life and in creativity.


Before Alyosha got to the house of his relatives, he knew nothing about violence. His grandfather - his mother's father - was a man not only cruel, but also extremely unfair. He kept the whole house in fear. Children were punished here for any offense. And even if the child's guilt was not proven, he was severely beaten.

What is the characteristic of Alyosha from the story "Childhood" by Gorky? After analyzing the boy's actions, we can conclude that he differed from his relatives in his desire for justice and compassion for the grief of others. The atmosphere in my grandfather's house was unspiritual. The person and his experiences were not taken into account. Alyosha had every chance to become like one of the inhabitants of this gloomy dwelling. However, the injustice that he faced resulted in the desire to fight for his rights, contributed to the development of the best human qualities.

Grandfather was an outright tyrant. For any reason, he was furious. And over the years, greed began to develop in him more and more, taking into last years pathological forms. The man in this house had no value. Material values were above all else. But, despite this, life next to such people has become a good school of life for Alyosha Peshkov.


The characterization of Alyosha from the story "Childhood" by Gorky would be incomplete without a description of his attitude to this character. A blind master lived in his grandfather's house. And his uncles, who had an extremely meager intellect, regularly made fun of him. The ridicule of his blindness amused them. And their sons - Alyosha's cousins ​​- quickly adopted a similar way of entertainment from their fathers. The protagonist of Gorky's story not only did not imitate adults in this ugly business, but from an early age began to understand how low his relatives were behaving. He felt compassion for Gregory. The characterization of Alyosha from the story "Childhood" by Gorky suggests that this hero had a beautiful noble soul that was not crippled even in a dark, soulless world.

Akulina Ivanovna

The author of the story describes the grandmother as "round, big-headed, with big eyes and a funny nose." This woman almost replaced his mother and became a person, thanks to whose kindness the boy's soul did not harden. Akulina Ivanovna was a poorly educated person, but gifted in her own way. She told many fairy tales and stories to her grandson. The tendency to use mythological plots and romantic motifs, which can be seen in Gorky's early work, may have been laid down in the writer's childhood. In addition, this woman had an extraordinary artistry. “She didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something,” the author recalls in her work. Faith in God helped her overcome life's difficulties. And most importantly - the grandmother had fearlessness and courage, as evidenced by the fragment in the story, which depicts a fire in the grandfather's house.

Alyosha Peshkov is a personality in whose formation the struggle between good and evil played a special role. She was not open-minded. His wife did not respond to the cruelty and stupidity of his grandfather with such. But the boy, using the example of his grandmother, understood that evil can only be overcome with love and kindness. Alyosha Peshkov kept the image of this woman in his heart for the rest of his life.


In the grandfather's house, in addition to his wife, sons and grandchildren, Ivan lived - a foundling, for whose appearance he was endowed with a characteristic nickname. He was handsome, dark-haired, like a gypsy. Everyone in the house treated him in a special way. Surprisingly, Gorky remembered his childhood to the smallest detail. The description of the events in the story and the people who influenced the formation of his inner world is proof of this. The image of the Gypsy is presented quite vividly in the story. It should be said that he received this nickname not only because of his external data, but also for his tendency to steal. Yet, oddly enough, Alyosha loved him precisely for his honesty. Ivan was a sincere person and became a true friend to our hero during his stay in his grandfather's house.

Good Deed

There was another person who played a significant role in shaping Alyosha's personality. It was a strange man called the Good Deed. He lived in a new house, which his grandfather bought after the old one burned down, he was distinguished by learning and disinterestedness. The boy liked to talk with him for a long time. And he was very upset when the Good Deed was expelled from the house. In the book, he called him one of the close ones from an endless series of strangers.

One of the main images in the writer's work was Alyosha. Gorky "Childhood" wrote in adulthood. But the bright and lively depiction of the boy's experiences suggests that the events of this period in the author's biography became decisive in his life and writing.

The author even calls him a freeloader, but then says that he rents a room located near the kitchen. Residents find it difficult to find a common language with him, and his silence and calmness allow him not to shine and not to attract additional attention to his person.

Initially, no one knows how his first and last name actually sounds, the author of the narrative does not consider it important to indicate at least some mention of his current name.

He gets his nickname because in his conversation he often uses the phrase “good deed”, which is assigned to him as a key one. Now all the inhabitants of the house call him that way, they don’t even remember when he appeared in their house and now, out of habit, they call him by the most common phrase in everyday life. It seems that he himself does not remember what brought him to this house and what his real name is.

The author describes his appearance, a little awkward. A round-shouldered man whose face, somewhat pinkish, often broke into a smile. He was a rather kind and sympathetic person, capable of good deeds, which people around him regularly called him. He laughs sweetly and quietly enough so as not to attract undue attention to himself from the people around him. Even his pleasant look betrays his kind attitude towards others. He is even capable of sacrificing himself.

He is used to being silent, but at the same time, all his statements are clear and always get right to the point. Therefore, they used to consider him a quiet and rather inconspicuous person who, in his spare time, is engaged in experimenting and experimenting.

At the same time, he often experiences loneliness, and in the house where he lives he cannot find a common language with anyone except Alyoshka. Alyoshka subconsciously reaches out to him, he wants to help him share his loneliness, which becomes absorbing and can lead to a rather contradictory way out of the situation. Only friendship with a young man keeps him, but at the same time, his kind nature allows him to help others and be quite a useful person, but at the same time totally lonely and not attracting attention.

Option 2

The work "Childhood" tells readers about the life of good people, namely the main characters of the grandfather with his sons, grandchildren, grandmother, Gypsy and about the amazing hero, nicknamed the Good Deed, who became a ray of light among all the other characters.

The character Good Deed in Maxim Gorky's story "Childhood" is undoubtedly a bright and positive hero. The author presented him as an intelligent person, whom many simply could not understand because of their illiteracy, lack of education and stupidity. Kindness, justice and honesty are the exceptional features of the best friend of the protagonist of the story.

The main character Alyosha and his friend Good Deed met at the very beginning of the story. Alyosha felt the kindness and wisdom of the Good Deed and reached out to him in the hope of gaining the same understanding of the world that animated this hero. They were both lonely, and it was the advice of a Good Deed that helped Alyoshka feel supported and use them for the benefit of himself and those around him.

Maxim Gorky constantly maintains a positive image of this character. His kind eyes attract Alyosha, since he believes that it is the eyes of a person that are the mirror of his soul and a reflection of his inner world. Why is the hero called the Good Deed? He got his nickname because of his constant favorite phrase, which was said everywhere and wherever it was appropriate, “Good Deed!”.

But, as in the whole world, there were those who disliked the hero everywhere. In the Kashirins' house, almost everyone was hostile to him. And the reason for this was the opinion of the Good Deed - most considered him a sorcerer and an evil wizard, sometimes even a pharmacist who tamed the people around him with his potions, including everyone's beloved Alyoshka.

The character understood this and at first forbade the main character to come to visit him. He was not only afraid of harming him, but also did not want to aggravate his position in environment and among his close people, including grandfather.

At the end of this story, the Good Deed is expelled from the Kashirins' house for one single reason - because he is not like all of them.

The Good Deed is one of the most goodies story "Childhood", where the author tried by all means to tell the reader about the existence of such people who can be kind to everyone else around, wise and give valuable advice for free along with all the enmity and evil people that surround young people in childhood.

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He figured out right away - who is evil and who is good. In his opinion, the real good people are Gypsies and Good Deeds. He remembers them very often, as he talked a lot with them. As the boy sees, Tsyganok occupies a special place in the house. Grandfather is not angry with Him as he is with his sons, he says that Ivanka has golden hands. The uncles do not make fun of him, they talk in a friendly way, but they mock him behind his back, call him a thief and a lazybones. This surprises Alyosha, but the grandmother explained everything: “Both of them want to take Vanyushka to their place when they have workshops, here they are in front of each other and find fault with him: they say, a bad worker! They are lying, they are cunning. And also to be afraid that Vanyushka will not go to them, that he will stay with his grandfather, and the grandfather is wayward, he can start a third workshop with Ivanka - it will not be profitable for the uncles. On Saturdays, nineteen-year-old Ivan put on performances with cockroaches and trained mice, tricks with cards, money, “shouted more than all the children and was almost no different from them,” he seemed to Alyosha the hero of a fairy tale. Ivan danced "tirelessly, selflessly." Alyosha, who felt like a stranger in the house, became friends with Gypsy. When grandfather seized Alyosha, Tsyganok put his fingers under the rods, taking some of the blows on himself. Alyosha finds out that Ivan is stealing when he is sent to the market and asks him not to risk it. The gypsy replies that he does it out of boredom. But soon Tsyganok died in an accident. It was necessary to carry the cross to the grave of Uncle Yakov's wife, he fell under his weight, and he was crushed. The uncles dropped the cross, effectively killing Ivan. It seemed to Alyosha that Tsyganok would get up, wake up ... Grandfather and grandmother experienced grief each in their own way. Grandmother mourns for the fact that she lost her adopted child, and grandfather - a worker. They buried him quietly. Grandfather sold the house and bought another, after moving Alyosha became friends with a freeloader, whose name was Good Deed, because with these words he answered an invitation to eat or drink tea. This is "a thin, round-shouldered man, with a white face in a black forked beard, with kind eyes." Silent and inconspicuous, no one likes a Good Deed, except for Alyosha, who always talks to him for a long time, asking for advice. Sometimes Alyosha just sits next to him in silence. A Good Deed melts lead, solders, writes something in a notebook. Grandfather calls him a "farmason", a warlock, says that he spoils the upper room, Uncle Peter calls him a pharmacist and a sorcerer. According to Alyosha, who trusts good cause, he is poor, therefore not dangerous. At first, Alyosha is repulsed by the fact that the Good Deed offers him to make Alyosha a bat so that he does not go to him. But then, seeing his lively reaction to his grandmother's fairy tale, enthusiastic, tearful eyes, Alyosha is surprised, he feels sorry for the freeloader when he hears that he is lonely. Since then, the boy has been sharing with him his thoughts, childhood secrets, learning from the old man of life. He becomes "necessary for him ... in the days of bitter insults and in the hours of joy." Affectionate cat, which does not go to the call of a Good Cause, the boy strokes, and his grandfather beats him after each visit to the freeloader. Finally, the freeloader is evicted under the pretext that Alyosha's mother needs a room. Then Alyosha finds out that Good Deed suggested not to go to him then because the boy would be scolded for it. He is a stranger, and Kashirins do not like strangers. “Thus ended my friendship with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my own country, her best people.” According to Alyosha, he imagines himself to be a hive into which “different simple, gray people carried, like bees, the honey of their knowledge and thoughts about life, generously enriching my soul, who could do anything ... this honey was dirty and bitter, but all knowledge - still honey.