
Project on the theme of the country of high inspirations. VII Festival of Russian Literature and Culture “Land of High Inspirations. Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge

Objective of the project: To organize network interaction of students in order to enhance cognitive activity, develop skills in project and teaching and research activities, gain experience in creative interaction and cooperation, and increase interest in national culture.

While working on the project, students:
- will have an idea about the work of A.A. Akhmatova, S.A. Yesenina, N.M. Rubtsov, about the originality of their poetic skill;
- form their own attitude to the poetic word of the poet;
- master the skills of writing reviews about the poem read;
- learn to create their own illustrations for the poems of poets, find figurative and expressive means of language in a poem and determine their role, analyze the poem.
The duration of the project is 7 weeks.
The topics of this project correspond to the age of the students.
Working in the project, children will have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, deepen their knowledge and develop the skills necessary for a person of the 21st century, such as:
- communication skills,
- creativity and curiosity
- critical and systemic thinking, - interpersonal interaction and cooperation.
Subject area The project is aimed at mastering standards in literature for 6th grade students. Intersubject communications Fine arts, Russian language. Age of participants 13-14 years Approximate duration of the project 7 weeks Basis of the project Educational standards
The project "Country of High Inspirations" can be implemented within the framework of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the subject area "Literature" (Fine Arts, Russian language) in 6 classes.
Participation in the project will help to reveal more deeply the topics from the section "Native Nature in Russian Poetry of the 20th Century".
Relevance this project is that it gives the child the opportunity to learn to know the world, to pose problems, to seek and find their own solutions; learn to interact with other people on the basis of tolerance, learn to work safely on the Internet.
During the project, the basics of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one's activities will be improved - the ability to formulate goals and follow them in educational activities, plan one's activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process. Expected results Upon completion of the project, students will acquire the following skills:
Personal results:
- enrichment of vocabulary, broadening of horizons, development of students' memory;
- development of the ability to competently express one's thoughts and emotions, analyze the thoughts and emotions of other people;
- formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice;
- formation of aesthetic perception of poems, drawings.
Metasubject results:
- the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, their own ability to solve it;
- the ability to consciously use speech means to express their feelings, thoughts and needs for planning and regulating their activities;
- possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;
- formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies;
- the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;
- work individually and in a group; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;
- possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities;
- the ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result.
Subject Results:
- formation of one's own attitude to works of literature, their assessment;
- understanding of the author's position and his attitude to it;
- understanding of the Russian word in its aesthetic function, the role of figurative and expressive language means in creating artistic images literary works;
- possession of elementary literary terminology in the analysis of a literary work;
- understanding the connection of literary works with the era of their writing, identifying in them moral values and their modern sound;
- the ability to analyze a literary work: to determine its belonging to one of the literary genres; understand and formulate the theme, idea, moral pathos of a literary work.
After completing the project, students will be able to:
- to analyze the poem;
-create an illustration for a poem;
- analyze their activities at different stages of the project;
- Conduct research and draw conclusions.
Questions guiding the project A fundamental question How does poetry decorate our lives? Problem questions:
1. Why does the world need poetry?
2. How did poetry affect the life of society?
3. How does poetry develop the imagination?
4. Why is poetry not in demand in modern society? Private questions of the educational topic 1. What is intonation?
2. What is the rate of speech?
3. What does it mean to "read with expression"?
4. What is the theme and main idea of ​​the poem?
5. What are the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and what is their role in the poem?
6. what is rhyme, rhythm and meter?
7. What is the main task of an illustrator?
8. What brings the artist and the poet together?
9. Can an illustration help to understand the poet's intention?
10. What is a survey?
11. How to write a questionnaire correctly?
12. What is motivation?

MBOU "Kolontaevskaya secondary comprehensive school»

Lgovsky district, Kursk region

Development of a lesson on the topic: "Project" Poetry Evening "- presentation of a collection of poems by poets 19-20 centuries "Land of high inspirations", dedicated to landscape lyrics"

Prepared and conducted

teacher of Russian language and literature

first category Kurbatova G.N.


The task of the teacher: contribute to the formation of ideas about the life and work of poets of the 19th-20th centuries, masters of landscape poetry, about the significance of creativity in Russian literature.

Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge.


    Cognitive sphere: to have an idea about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, N.A. Nekrasov as masters of landscape lyrics of the 19th century; A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.A. Akhmatova, N.M. Rubtsov as poets of the 20th century, about the originality of their poetic skill;

    Value-oriented sphere: to formulate one's own attitude to the poetic word of the poet; to join the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian literature;

    Communicative sphere: to possess the skills of expressive reading, writing reviews about the poem read; be able to create their own illustrations for poems by poets, an electronic presentation on a specific topic.

Personal: to realize the personal meaning of the teaching; show readiness for self-development.


    Cognitive: navigate in reference literature; answer teacher's questions; compare and draw conclusions; find the necessary information in the textbook, various reference books, Internet resources;

    Regulatory: to master the ability to understand the learning objectives of the lesson, evaluate their achievements in the lesson:

    Communicative: have the ability to pronounce a monologue, conduct a dialogue, work individually and in a group; use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings and thoughts; to formulate and defend one's opinion; show respect for another person, his opinion, civil position.

Methods and forms of education:

frontal, individual (expressive reading), group.

Internet resources:

    List of songs on the verses of Sergei Yesenin. - Access mode:http//ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ List of songs on poems by Sergei Yesenin.

    Poems of poets of the 19th-20th centuries. - Access mode:http:// www. stihi- xix- xx- centuries. en

Equipment: electronic presentation "Country of high inspirations"; the epigraph to the 1st part: “And the world, the flourishing world of nature, is intoxicated with an abundance of life ...” (F. Tyutchev), the epigraph to the 2nd part: “... Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the edges!” (A. Blok); musical accompaniment of the evening: songs and romances based on poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries.

Basic concepts and terms: the main theme of the poem, the genre of the poem, the plot of the poem, the main motives of creativity.

Lesson script.

Slide 1.

The name of the poetry evening, the cover image of the collection of poems, the names of the authors of the presentation. The picture shows the garden of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Lead 1.

Good afternoon, dear friends: participants and guests of the poetry evening-presentation of the collection of poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries "Country of High Inspirations", dedicated to landscape lyrics. Students, participants and organizers of this evening worked on the collection, which will feature the best poems by the most eminent masters of Russian poetry.

Slide 2.

The words of the epigraph to part 1: “And the world, the flowering world of nature, is intoxicated with the excess of life” (F. Tyutchev).

Lead 2.

The first part of the poetry collection is dedicated to landscape lyrics of the 19th century.


"Annotation". The poetry collection “The Land of High Inspirations” includes masterpieces of landscape lyrics by poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. These are real revelations of the classics of national poetry: A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov, F. Tyutchev, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova, S. Yesenin. the poems give an idea of ​​the development of the theme of nature in the poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries, of the perception of the world, of the relationship between man and nature. The collection contains children's drawings illustrating poems by famous poets, showing a lively response of a sensitive soul to beautiful poems, and critical reviews, an authoritative opinion about the authors and their works of landscape lyrics.

Slide 3.

Portrait of A.S. Pushkin. inscription: "The sun of Russian poetry."

Reader 1.

"The Word about Pushkin". We have known and loved the name of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin since childhood. This is the "sun of Russian poetry." Pushkin's poems about nature are a song of love, delight, charm. Pictures of nature in Pushkin's lyrics, depicted from deep love to all the native, national, near and dear heart of a Russian person, are the response of the soul of many people. Pushkin's pictures of nature are simple and perfect, they influenced the landscape skill of all our poets.

slide 4.

Portrait of N.V. Gogol and an excerpt from a quote.

Reader 2.

"Authoritative Opinion" N.V. Gogol warns that to perceive the artistic richness of Pushkin's lyrics, one needs a delicate taste: “There is no eloquence here, there is only poetry: no external brilliance, everything is simple, everything is decent, everything is full of inner brilliance, which does not reveal itself suddenly; everything is laconism, as is pure poetry. There are few words, but they are so precise that they mean everything. In every word there is an abyss of space; every word is boundless, like a poet.

Slide 5.

Autumn and winter landscapes of central Russia.

Expressive reading of poems “A sad time! Eyes of charm! ..”, “Winter Morning”, “Winter Road” (readers 3,4,5).

slide 6.

Portraits of composers A.E. Varlamov, S. Rakhmaninov, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.


With the development of Russian poetry, with the appearance at the beginning of the century of new literary names and talented works, a response wave of romance lyrics arose, which was created by gifted composers. Musicians paint bright landscapes with sound paints, reflecting the relationship between man and nature, expressing joy, sadness, tenderness, charm. The language of music is special. It purifies a person, elevates his soul, inspires. Today we will hear 3 romances written to famous poems by your favorite poets, A.E. Varlamov’s romance “The lonely sail turns white” to the verses of M.Yu. Lermontov sounds.

Slide 7.

Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov. Caption: “Lermontov is a phenomenon in poetry…” (S. Narovchatov).

Reader 1.

"The Word about Lermontov". Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov was an extremely gifted man. He played the violin, was a good chess player, had mathematical abilities, painted pictures, knew several foreign languages. But most importantly, he was a poet. According to K. G. Paustovsky, each mature poem of his can be called a masterpiece. Lermontov gave us poems about the Caucasus. The image of the Caucasus appeared in the works of the poet in different years. And it has always been a revelation. He conveyed his love for the Caucasus as a symbol of free, original nature to readers. Among the masterpieces of Lermontov's landscape poetry are such poems as "Three palm trees", "Clouds", "When the yellowing field is agitated ...".

slide 8.

Portraits of N. Dobrolyubov and I. Andronikov, excerpts from quotes.

Reader 2.

"Authoritative Opinion" N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote: “Lermontov's poetry is especially to my liking. I not only like his poems, but I sympathize with him, I share his convictions. It sometimes seems to me that I myself could say the same thing, although not as strongly, correctly and gracefully. There are few poems by Lermontov, which I would not want to read ten times in a row, without losing the strength of the initial impression. I. Andronikov wrote: “Everything captivates us in Lermontov: the strength of fiery passions, and the cold and deep mind, his extraordinary directness and honesty, high demands on himself and on others. He did not know how and did not want to put up with vice, wherever and under what mask he met him.

slide 9.

Illustration for the poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...".

An expressive reading of the poem “When the yellowing field is agitated ...” (reader 3).

slide 10.

Portrait of F.I. Tyutchev. inscription: "Tyutchev is a strong and original talent." (N.A. Nekrasov).


"The Word about Tyutchev". Poetry Tyutchev F.I. - one of the most precious assets of Russian classical literature. Tyutchev's poetry is music that excites the soul, filling it with boundless love for man, for nature, for the Motherland. The language of poetry tunes in to a deep understanding and inner comprehension of what is happening around. Tyutchev's language is striking in its colorfulness and liveliness. It is not for nothing that Tyutchev is called the singer of nature. The beauty of Russian nature with young years entered the heart of the poet precisely from the fields and forests that surrounded his dear Ovstug. Sometimes the poet even deifies nature, trying to unravel its mysteries.

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has language.

Slide 11.

Types of summer landscape.

Expressive reading of the poems “Reluctantly and timidly ...”, “Noon”, “Summer Evening” (readers 2, 3, 4).

slide 12.

Portraits of Vl. Solovyov, N.A. Nekrasov, A.A. Fet and excerpts from citations.

Readers 5.

"Reviews of contemporaries". Vladimir Solovyov in the article “The Poetry of F.I. Tyutchev” writes: “... In a small area of ​​Russian literature, there are also such treasures that we almost do not know. I consider Tyutchev's lyric poetry to be the most precious of these treasures. N.A. Nekrasov about the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev: “Each of his verses is a pearl worthy of any of our great poets.” Afanasy Fet expresses confidence that "the bright poetic fire of the city of Tyutchev is destined for an enviable future not only to illuminate, but also to warm future generations."

S. Rakhmaninov's romance "Spring Waters" to the verses of F. I. Tyutchev sounds.

slide 13.

Portrait of N.A. Nekrasov. Caption: "A lyric of extraordinary power." (N.Brown).

Reader 1.

"The Word about Nekrasov". In the words of the poet N. Brown, Nekrasov was "a lyricist of extraordinary power." It is argued that Nekrasov has almost no “pure” landscape lyrics: he perceives nature not in itself, but without fail in unity with human life. In Nekrasov, nature is closely connected with human labor, with what it gives to a person. Everything that the poet writes about, experiencing closeness with the natural world, is easy to imagine, see, hear. His landscape is concrete, detailed, the image of Russia is whole and majestic.

slide 14.

Portrait of Yu.V. Lebedev, doctor of philological sciences, professor, and his words about Nekrasov.

Reader 2.

"Authoritative Opinion" Yu.V. Lebedev wrote about Nekrasov: “But the main question that tormented Nekrasov throughout his life and especially acutely in recent days was not the formal problems of “skill”. As a Russian writer, he was faithful to the Russian understanding of the art of the word, noted by the French writer Prosper Merimee in a conversation with Turgenev: “Your poetry seeks, first of all, truth, and then beauty appears by itself; our poets, on the contrary, follow a completely opposite path: they are primarily busy with effect, wit, brilliance ... ". The Russian road posed one main question for Nekrasov: how much his poetry can change the surrounding life and get a warm response from the people.

slide 15.

Russian landscapes.

Expressive reading of the poems "Green Noise", "Uncompressed Band" (readers 3,4).

Slides 16-20.

Illustrations of sixth graders.

A group of artists of the 6th grade (6 people) comes out. Presentation of illustrations for poems by poets of the 19th century.

The romance of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The flying ridge of clouds is thinning” to the verses of A.S. Pushkin sounds.

Slide 21.

Names and portraits of poets of the 20th century.

Presenter 1. We open the 2nd part of the poetry collection "Country of High Inspirations". It presents new names of the new 20th century: A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Voloshin, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov and many, many others. In their poems - a reflection of the era, the pace of the new time. But there is a place for landscape lyrics.


Songs, romances, ballads - these and other genres of musical and poetic creativity have been and remain an indispensable part of Russian artistic culture. They are accessible to the widest circles of society. Everyone will find in the boundless song world what the soul will respond to. Every great Russian poet has many such verses that, being set to music, sounded and sound in concert halls and houses ordinary people. Few poets wrote poetry meant to be sung. There are many more such poets, whose poems have become popular songs, romances, although the authors themselves did not predict a song fate for them. In their best examples, the songs of Russian poets are of great artistic value. Composers, actors, choir conductors, heads of ensembles and vocal groups have made their contribution to the song culture of the Russian people. The song is the soul of the people.

The song "You are my fallen maple" on the verses of S. Yesenin performed by N. Babkina and the ensemble "Russian Song".

slide 22.

The words of the epigraph to part 2: “Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the edges” (A. Blok).

Lead 2.

It is no coincidence that we took these words, which belong to the great poet of the 20th century A. Blok, as an epigraph to the 2nd part of our poetry collection. Yesenin could also say them. And Klyuev, and Mayakovsky, and Akhmatova ... The feeling of love for the Motherland - that's what they have in common.

slide 23.

Portrait of A. Blok.

Reader 1.

"A Word about Blok". All Blok's lyrics are a poetic diary of the life of a Russian person at the turn of the century. The poet lives with a sense of anxiety, anticipating great changes. Emotional experiences are also reflected in the poems of landscape lyrics. For example, the poem "Summer Evening" resembles a simple landscape sketch, in which the change of day in the evening and the approach of night are lyrically conveyed. But the epithet "pink" means peace, tranquility, dreaminess, a sublime system of feelings. The combination "red disk of the moon" is not so much a designation of the color of the moon as a feeling of anxiety reflected in this color. This means that Blok writes a poem that the day with its anxieties, anxiety, vanity has departed and given way to high feelings and thoughts, high peace of mind, when you can think about the eternal, imperishable.

slide 24.

Portraits of M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky and excerpts from quotes.

Reader 2.

M. Gorky said: "Believe Blok, this is a real - by the will of God - a poet and a man of fearless sincerity." V. Mayakovsky: "The work of Alexander Blok is a whole poetic era."

slide 25.

Summer. Chess.

Expressive reading of the poems “Summer Evening”, “Oh, how crazy it is outside the window ...” (readers 3.4).

slide 26.

Portrait of A. Akhmatova.

Reader 1.

"The Word about Akhmatova". The poetry of Anna Akhmatova is an integral part of Russian and world culture. In Russian poetry of the 20th century, the lyrics of Anna Akhmatova are a unique, peculiar phenomenon. Her voice became the voice of a woman. Almost for the first time, love was spoken of by the one that was customary to worship, but which was not customary to listen to. The poetess appears to the reader as a subtle lyricist. But the most important love in Akhmatova's life was love for native land, about which she writes later that “we lie down in it, and become it, that’s why we call it so freely ours.” A. Akhmatova spoke about the renewal of a person in a different way in the poem “Before spring there are such days ...”. Spring is coming and everything is changing. What, it would seem, every day before your eyes - a house, a song - is renewed by the breath of spring, thoughts of feeling are fanned by spring freshness, everything around becomes light and unrecognizable.

slide 27.

A collection of poems by A. Akhmatova.

Reader 2.

"Authoritative Opinion" V.I. Vlashchenko wrote: “Many of Akhmatova’s poems sound to us like prayers or like the sounds of good news that fill our souls, like a melody that inspires our everyday life, our monotonous everyday life, like good, joyful news.”

slide 28.

The coming of spring.

An expressive reading of the poem “There are such days before spring ...” (reader 3).

slide 29.

Ryazan expanses.

The song “Above the window is a month. There is a wind under the window ”to the verses of S. Yesenin performed by the State Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov.

slide 30.

Portrait of S. Yesenin.

Reader 1.

"The Word about Yesenin". Sergei Yesenin is a Russian singer. In his sincere and frank verses we hear something dear and close. The poet's poems are full of warmth, tenderness, sincerity. “The feeling of the motherland is the main thing in my work,” Yesenin wrote. From childhood, wonderful pictures of his native nature opened up before his eyes. He admired them, absorbed the people's poetic sense of the world. Yesenin's Russia is a constant feeling of beauty, harmony, expanse. Sergei Yesenin painfully loved everything native: “No other homeland will pour my warmth into my chest.”

slide 31.

Portrait of N.I. Shubnikova-Guseva, N. Tikhonov and excerpts from quotes.

Reader 2.

"Authoritative Opinion" N.I. Shubnikova-Guseva: “Yesenin is a great Russian national poet of the 20th century. His unique talent is rooted in the depths of the people's worldview, Russian culture and history. The uniqueness of Yesenin's gift is in the boundless love for all living things, in tenderness and mercy. N. Tikhonov: “The man of the future will read Yesenin in the same way as people read him today. The strength and brightness of his verse speak for themselves. His poetry cannot grow old. Eternally young blood, eternally living poetry flows in their veins.

slide 32.

Russian nature.

Expressive reading of poems “It's already evening. Dew…”, “You are my abandoned land…”, “Low house with blue shutters…”, “The feather grass is sleeping, dear plain…” (readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Slides 33-39.

The words of the poem by N. Zabolotsky:

So here it is, the harmony of nature,

So that's what they make noise in the darkness of the water,

About what, sighing, the forests whisper!


So, we visited the “country of high inspirations”. The presentation of a collection of poems dedicated to the landscape lyrics of poets of the 19th-20th centuries took place. May today's meeting encourage you to open collections of poems with new names. Let poetic creativity and literary heritage be an important part of your spiritual life. Good luck, dear readers, for new emotions and sensations that you will definitely experience when re-reading world-famous works!

The song sounds on the verses of S. Yesenin “Golden Grove Dissuaded” performed by VIA "Orera".


To all participants of the poetry evening - words of gratitude for creativity, search, expressive reading, artistry, for unforgettable emotions, for a wonderful poetic evening!


MBOU "Kolontaevskaya secondary school"
Lgovsky district, Kursk region
Development of a lesson on the topic: “Project “Poetry Evening” - presentation of a collection of poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries “Country of High Inspirations”, dedicated to landscape lyrics”
Prepared and conducted
teacher of Russian language and literature
first category Kurbatova G.N.
The task of the teacher's activity: to contribute to the formation of ideas about the life and work of poets of the 19th-20th centuries, masters of landscape poetry, about the meaning of creativity in Russian literature.
Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge.
Cognitive sphere: to have an idea about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, N.A. Nekrasov as masters of landscape lyrics of the 19th century; A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.A. Akhmatova, N.M. Rubtsov as poets of the 20th century, about the originality of their poetic skill;
Value-oriented sphere: to formulate one's own attitude to the poetic word of the poet; to join the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian literature;
Communicative sphere: to possess the skills of expressive reading, writing reviews about the poem read; be able to create their own illustrations for poems by poets, an electronic presentation on a specific topic.
Personal: to realize the personal meaning of the teaching; show readiness for self-development.
Cognitive: navigate in reference literature; answer teacher's questions; compare and draw conclusions; find the necessary information in the textbook, various reference books, Internet resources;
Regulatory: to master the ability to understand the learning objectives of the lesson, evaluate their achievements in the lesson:
Communicative: have the ability to pronounce a monologue, conduct a dialogue, work individually and in a group; use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings and thoughts; to formulate and defend one's opinion; show respect for another person, his opinion, civil position.
Methods and forms of education:
frontal, individual (expressive reading), group.
Internet resources:
List of songs on the verses of Sergei Yesenin. – Access mode: http//ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ List of songs on poems by Sergei Yesenin.
Poems of poets of the 19th-20th centuries. – Access mode: http://www.stihi-xix-xx-vekov.ru Equipment: electronic presentation “Country of High Inspirations”; the epigraph to the 1st part: “And the world, the flourishing world of nature, is intoxicated with an abundance of life ...” (F. Tyutchev), the epigraph to the 2nd part: “... Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the edges!” (A. Blok); musical accompaniment of the evening: songs and romances based on poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries.
Basic concepts and terms: the main theme of the poem, the genre of the poem, the plot of the poem, the main motives of creativity.
Lesson script.
Slide 1.
The name of the poetry evening, the cover image of the collection of poems, the names of the authors of the presentation. The picture shows the garden of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Lead 1.
Good afternoon, dear friends: participants and guests of the poetry evening-presentation of the collection of poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries "Country of High Inspirations", dedicated to landscape lyrics. Students, participants and organizers of this evening worked on the collection, which will feature the best poems by the most eminent masters of Russian poetry.
Slide 2.
The words of the epigraph to part 1: “And the world, the flowering world of nature, is intoxicated with the excess of life” (F. Tyutchev).
Lead 2.
The first part of the poetry collection is dedicated to landscape lyrics of the 19th century.
"Annotation". The poetry collection “The Land of High Inspirations” includes masterpieces of landscape lyrics by poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. These are real revelations of the classics of national poetry: A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov, F. Tyutchev, A. Blok, A. Akhmatova, S. Yesenin. the poems give an idea of ​​the development of the theme of nature in the poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries, of the perception of the world, of the relationship between man and nature. The collection contains children's drawings illustrating poems by famous poets, showing a lively response of a sensitive soul to beautiful poems, and critical reviews, an authoritative opinion about the authors and their works of landscape lyrics.
Slide 3.
Portrait of A.S. Pushkin. inscription: "The sun of Russian poetry."
Reader 1.
"The Word about Pushkin". We have known and loved the name of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin since childhood. This is the "sun of Russian poetry." Pushkin's poems about nature are a song of love, delight, charm. The pictures of nature in Pushkin's lyrics, depicted with deep love for everything native, national, close and dear to the heart of a Russian person, are a response from the soul of many people. Pushkin's pictures of nature are simple and perfect, they influenced the landscape skill of all our poets.
slide 4.
Portrait of N.V. Gogol and an excerpt from a quote.
Reader 2.
"Authoritative Opinion" N.V. Gogol warns that to perceive the artistic richness of Pushkin's lyrics, one needs a delicate taste: “There is no eloquence here, there is only poetry: no external brilliance, everything is simple, everything is decent, everything is full of inner brilliance, which does not reveal itself suddenly; everything is laconism, as is pure poetry. There are few words, but they are so precise that they mean everything. In every word there is an abyss of space; every word is boundless, like a poet.
Slide 5.
Autumn and winter landscapes of central Russia.
Expressive reading of poems “A sad time! Eyes of charm! ..”, “Winter Morning”, “Winter Road” (readers 3,4,5).
slide 6.
Portraits of composers A.E. Varlamov, S. Rakhmaninov, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
With the development of Russian poetry, with the appearance at the beginning of the century of new literary names and talented works, a response wave of romance lyrics arose, which was created by gifted composers. Musicians paint bright landscapes with sound paints, reflecting the relationship between man and nature, expressing joy, sadness, tenderness, charm. The language of music is special. It purifies a person, elevates his soul, inspires. Today we will hear 3 romances written to famous poems by your favorite poets, A.E. Varlamov’s romance “The lonely sail turns white” to the verses of M.Yu. Lermontov sounds.
Slide 7.
Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov. Caption: “Lermontov is a phenomenon in poetry…” (S. Narovchatov).
Reader 1.
"The Word about Lermontov". Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov was an extremely gifted man. He played the violin, was a good chess player, had mathematical abilities, painted pictures, knew several foreign languages. But most importantly, he was a poet. According to K. G. Paustovsky, each mature poem of his can be called a masterpiece. Lermontov gave us poems about the Caucasus. The image of the Caucasus appeared in the works of the poet in different years. And it has always been a revelation. He conveyed his love for the Caucasus as a symbol of free, original nature to readers. Among the masterpieces of Lermontov's landscape poetry are such poems as "Three palm trees", "Clouds", "When the yellowing field is agitated ...".
slide 8.
Portraits of N. Dobrolyubov and I. Andronikov, excerpts from quotes.
Reader 2.
"Authoritative Opinion" N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote: “Lermontov's poetry is especially to my liking. I not only like his poems, but I sympathize with him, I share his convictions. It sometimes seems to me that I myself could say the same thing, although not as strongly, correctly and gracefully. There are few poems by Lermontov, which I would not want to read ten times in a row, without losing the strength of the initial impression. I. Andronikov wrote: “Everything captivates us in Lermontov: the strength of fiery passions, and the cold and deep mind, his extraordinary directness and honesty, high demands on himself and on others. He did not know how and did not want to put up with vice, wherever and under what mask he met him.
slide 9.
Illustration for the poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...".
An expressive reading of the poem “When the yellowing field is agitated ...” (reader 3).
slide 10.
Portrait of F.I. Tyutchev. inscription: "Tyutchev is a strong and original talent." (N.A. Nekrasov).
"The Word about Tyutchev". Poetry Tyutchev F.I. - one of the most precious assets of Russian classical literature. Tyutchev's poetry is music that excites the soul, filling it with boundless love for man, for nature, for the Motherland. The language of poetry tunes in to a deep understanding and inner comprehension of what is happening around. Tyutchev's language is striking in its colorfulness and liveliness. It is not for nothing that Tyutchev is called the singer of nature. The beauty of Russian nature from a young age entered the heart of the poet precisely from the fields and forests that surrounded his dear Ovstug. Sometimes the poet even deifies nature, trying to unravel its mysteries.
Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has language.
Slide 11.
Types of summer landscape.
Expressive reading of the poems “Reluctantly and timidly ...”, “Noon”, “Summer Evening” (readers 2, 3, 4).
slide 12.
Portraits of Vl. Solovyov, N.A. Nekrasov, A.A. Fet and excerpts from citations.
Readers 5.
"Reviews of contemporaries". Vladimir Solovyov in the article “The Poetry of F.I. Tyutchev” writes: “... In a small area of ​​Russian literature, there are also such treasures that we almost do not know. I consider Tyutchev's lyric poetry to be the most precious of these treasures. N.A. Nekrasov about the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev: “Each of his verses is a pearl worthy of any of our great poets.” Afanasy Fet expresses confidence that "the bright poetic fire of the city of Tyutchev is destined for an enviable future not only to illuminate, but also to warm future generations."
S. Rakhmaninov's romance "Spring Waters" to the verses of F. I. Tyutchev sounds.
slide 13.
Portrait of N.A. Nekrasov. Caption: "A lyric of extraordinary power." (N.Brown).
Reader 1.
"The Word about Nekrasov". In the words of the poet N. Brown, Nekrasov was "a lyricist of extraordinary power." They say that Nekrasov has almost no “pure” landscape lyrics: he perceives nature not by itself, but certainly in unity with human life. In Nekrasov, nature is closely connected with human labor, with what it gives to a person. Everything that the poet writes about, experiencing closeness with the natural world, is easy to imagine, see, hear. His landscape is concrete, detailed, the image of Russia is whole and majestic.
slide 14.
Portrait of Yu.V. Lebedev, doctor of philological sciences, professor, and his words about Nekrasov.
Reader 2.
"Authoritative Opinion" Yu.V. Lebedev wrote about Nekrasov: “But the main question that tormented Nekrasov throughout his life and especially acutely in recent days was not the formal problems of “skill”. As a Russian writer, he was faithful to the Russian understanding of the art of the word, noted by the French writer Prosper Merimee in a conversation with Turgenev: “Your poetry seeks, first of all, truth, and then beauty appears by itself; our poets, on the contrary, follow a completely opposite path: they are primarily busy with effect, wit, brilliance ... ". The Russian road posed one main question for Nekrasov: how much his poetry can change the surrounding life and get a warm response from the people.
slide 15.
Russian landscapes.
Expressive reading of the poems "Green Noise", "Uncompressed Band" (readers 3,4).
Slides 16-20.
Illustrations of sixth graders.
A group of artists of the 6th grade (6 people) comes out. Presentation of illustrations for poems by poets of the 19th century.
The romance of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The flying ridge of clouds is thinning” to the verses of A.S. Pushkin sounds.
Slide 21.
Names and portraits of poets of the 20th century.
Presenter 1. We open the 2nd part of the poetry collection "Country of High Inspirations". It presents new names of the new 20th century: A. Blok, V. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Voloshin, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov and many, many others. In their poems - a reflection of the era, the pace of the new time. But there is a place for landscape lyrics.
Songs, romances, ballads - these and other genres of musical and poetic creativity have been and remain an indispensable part of Russian artistic culture. They are accessible to the widest circles of society. Everyone will find in the boundless song world what the soul will respond to. Every great Russian poet has many such verses that, being set to music, sounded and are still being heard in concert halls and in the homes of ordinary people. Few poets wrote poetry meant to be sung. There are many more such poets, whose poems have become popular songs, romances, although the authors themselves did not predict a song fate for them. In their best examples, the songs of Russian poets are of great artistic value. Composers, actors, choir conductors, heads of ensembles and vocal groups have made their contribution to the song culture of the Russian people. The song is the soul of the people.
The song "You are my fallen maple" on the verses of S. Yesenin performed by N. Babkina and the ensemble "Russian Song".
slide 22.
The words of the epigraph to part 2: “Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the edges” (A. Blok).
Lead 2.
It is no coincidence that we took these words, which belong to the great poet of the 20th century A. Blok, as an epigraph to the 2nd part of our poetry collection. Yesenin could also say them. And Klyuev, and Mayakovsky, and Akhmatova ... The feeling of love for the Motherland - that's what they have in common.
slide 23.
Portrait of A. Blok.
Reader 1.
"A Word about Blok". All Blok's lyrics are a poetic diary of the life of a Russian person at the turn of the century. The poet lives with a sense of anxiety, anticipating great changes. Emotional experiences are also reflected in the poems of landscape lyrics. For example, the poem "Summer Evening" resembles a simple landscape sketch, in which the change of day in the evening and the approach of night are lyrically conveyed. But the epithet "pink" means peace, tranquility, dreaminess, a sublime system of feelings. The combination "red disk of the moon" is not so much a designation of the color of the moon as a feeling of anxiety reflected in this color. This means that Blok writes a poem that the day with its anxieties, anxiety, vanity has departed and given way to high feelings and thoughts, high peace of mind, when you can think about the eternal, imperishable.
slide 24.
Portraits of M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky and excerpts from quotes.
Reader 2.
M. Gorky said: "Believe Blok, this is a real - by the will of God - a poet and a man of fearless sincerity." V. Mayakovsky: "The work of Alexander Blok is a whole poetic era."
slide 25.
Summer. Chess.
Expressive reading of the poems “Summer Evening”, “Oh, how crazy it is outside the window ...” (readers 3.4).
slide 26.
Portrait of A. Akhmatova.
Reader 1.
"The Word about Akhmatova". The poetry of Anna Akhmatova is an integral part of Russian and world culture. In Russian poetry of the 20th century, the lyrics of Anna Akhmatova are a unique, peculiar phenomenon. Her voice became the voice of a woman. Almost for the first time, love was spoken of by the one that was customary to worship, but which was not customary to listen to. The poetess appears to the reader as a subtle lyricist. But the most important love in Akhmatova’s life was love for her native land, about which she writes later that “we lay down in it and become it, that’s why we call it so freely ours.” A. Akhmatova spoke about the renewal of a person in a different way in the poem “Before spring there are such days ...”. Spring is coming and everything is changing. What, it would seem, every day before your eyes - a house, a song - is renewed by the breath of spring, thoughts of feeling are fanned by spring freshness, everything around becomes light and unrecognizable.
slide 27.
A collection of poems by A. Akhmatova.
Reader 2.
"Authoritative Opinion" V.I. Vlashchenko wrote: “Many of Akhmatova’s poems sound to us like prayers or like the sounds of good news that fill our souls, like a melody that inspires our everyday life, our monotonous everyday life, like good, joyful news.”
slide 28.
The coming of spring.
An expressive reading of the poem “There are such days before spring ...” (reader 3).
slide 29.
Ryazan expanses.
The song “Above the window is a month. There is a wind under the window ”to the verses of S. Yesenin performed by the State Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov.
slide 30.
Portrait of S. Yesenin.
Reader 1.
"The Word about Yesenin". Sergei Yesenin is a Russian singer. In his sincere and frank verses we hear something dear and close. The poet's poems are full of warmth, tenderness, sincerity. “The feeling of the motherland is the main thing in my work,” Yesenin wrote. From childhood, wonderful pictures of his native nature opened up before his eyes. He admired them, absorbed the people's poetic sense of the world. Yesenin's Russia is a constant feeling of beauty, harmony, expanse. Sergei Yesenin painfully loved everything native: “No other homeland will pour my warmth into my chest.”
slide 31.
Portrait of N.I. Shubnikova-Guseva, N. Tikhonov and excerpts from quotes.
Reader 2.
"Authoritative Opinion" N.I. Shubnikova-Guseva: “Yesenin is a great Russian national poet of the 20th century. His unique talent is rooted in the depths of the people's worldview, Russian culture and history. The uniqueness of Yesenin's gift is in the boundless love for all living things, in tenderness and mercy. N. Tikhonov: “The man of the future will read Yesenin in the same way as people read him today. The strength and brightness of his verse speak for themselves. His poetry cannot grow old. Eternally young blood, eternally living poetry flows in their veins.
slide 32.
Russian nature.
Expressive reading of poems “It's already evening. Dew…”, “You are my abandoned land…”, “Low house with blue shutters…”, “The feather grass is sleeping, dear plain…” (readers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Slides 33-39.
The words of the poem by N. Zabolotsky:
So here it is, the harmony of nature,
So here they are, night voices!
So that's what they make noise in the darkness of the water,
About what, sighing, the forests whisper!
So, we visited the “country of high inspirations”. The presentation of a collection of poems dedicated to the landscape lyrics of poets of the 19th-20th centuries took place. May today's meeting encourage you to open collections of poems with new names. Let poetic creativity and literary heritage be an important part of your spiritual life. Good luck, dear readers, for new emotions and sensations that you will definitely experience when rereading world-famous works!
The song sounds on the verses of S. Yesenin “Golden Grove Dissuaded” performed by VIA “Orera”.
To all participants of the poetry evening - words of gratitude for creativity, search, expressive reading, artistry, for unforgettable emotions, for a wonderful poetic evening!
Read expressively the poems of G. Tukay (optional).

MBOU "Kolontaevskaya secondary school"

Lgovsky district, Kursk region

Development of a lesson on the topic: "Project" Poetry Evening "- presentation of a collection of poems by poets 19-20centuries "Land of high inspirations", dedicated to landscape lyrics"

Prepared and conducted

teacher of Russian language and literature


The task of the teacher: contribute to the formation of ideas about the life and work of poets of the 19th-20th centuries, masters of landscape poetry, about the significance of creativity in Russian literature.

Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge.


Cognitive sphere: to have an idea about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev, N.A. Nekrasov as masters of landscape lyrics of the 19th century; A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin, A.A. Akhmatova, N.M. Rubtsov as poets of the 20th century, about the originality of their poetic skill;

Value-oriented sphere: to formulate one's own attitude to the poetic word of the poet; to join the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian literature;

Communicative sphere: to possess the skills of expressive reading, writing reviews about the poem read; be able to create their own illustrations for poems by poets, an electronic presentation on a specific topic.

Personal: to realize the personal meaning of the teaching; show readiness for self-development.


Cognitive: navigate in reference literature; answer teacher's questions; compare and draw conclusions; find the necessary information in the textbook, various reference books, Internet resources;

Regulatory: to master the ability to understand the learning objectives of the lesson, evaluate their achievements in the lesson:

Communicative: have the ability to pronounce a monologue, conduct a dialogue, work individually and in a group; use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings and thoughts; to formulate and defend one's opinion; show respect for another person, his opinion, civil position.

Methods and forms of education:

frontal, individual (expressive reading), group.

Internet resources:

List of songs on the verses of Sergei Yesenin. - Access mode: http //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki / List of songs on poems by Sergei Yesenin.

Poems of poets of the 19th-20th centuries. – Access mode: http ://www .stihi -xix -xx -vekov .ru

Equipment: electronic presentation "Country of high inspirations"; the epigraph to the 1st part: “And the world, the flourishing world of nature, is intoxicated with an abundance of life ...” (F. Tyutchev), the epigraph to the 2nd part: “... Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the edges!” (A. Blok); musical accompaniment of the evening: songs and romances based on poems by poets of the 19th-20th centuries.