
A primitive program for drying the body of men. An effective body drying program for men. Drying training program

IN gym and beyond, drying the body is probably one of the most popular topics among athletes, and both boys and girls talk with equal fervor about how to properly dry muscles and how difficult it is. However, it is better to turn to competing bodybuilders for experience in this matter; their results are obvious and most pronounced.

Our expert Dmitry Yashankin talks about how to dry properly.

Where does body drying begin?

Let's be honest with each other. There is no need to indulge yourself with illusions: the average person is unlikely to be able to look like the sculpted and muscular guys on the covers of magazines. They are either young fashion models who have never had problems with dryness, or bodybuilders in competitive shape who use pharmacological special agents, without which it is impossible to achieve muscle stiffness and vascularity.

We are interested in getting rid of fat in a “natural” way, which means initially expect that the result will be, but not like the performing bodybuilders on the podium. For example, let's look at an example of a fat-burning workout.

Preparation for competitions, which is popularly called drying the body, can be divided into two successive stages: fat burning and “eyeliner”. “Eyeliner” is the final stage, during which the athlete begins to manipulate the water balance in the body, achieving a minimum amount of fluid under the skin.

However, “eyeliner” brings only a short-term effect, but we will borrow the experience of fat burning.

What can a 30-year-old man, prone to obesity and regularly training with iron, borrow from the arsenal of athletes? Unfortunately, nothing new. Everything has been known for a long time and works great.

But if everything is so simple, why are there so many overweight people? Firstly, because it is difficult. Not difficult, but difficult.

Gaining mass, working on the relief, drying the body - this is a lot of work and, frankly, not particularly creative or interesting.

How to exercise while drying your body

Many visitors to fitness clubs and “atmospheric” gyms in the basement do things that make no sense. A typical picture: an overweight individual, hungry for relief, with a feverish gleam in his eyes, wraps himself in some kind of miracle belt and goes to the cardio zone.

He returns after 20-30 minutes, lathered, out of breath, and rushes to work out his abdominal muscles, and then, for example, his biceps. What is the logic in this?

First, remember: miraculous belts and shorts for ladies will not bring any practical benefit. And there is also no effect from a local increase in the temperature of problem areas of the abdominal area of ​​the press. On the contrary, you risk overloading your heart, overheating the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity and simply getting a rash.

And the inspiring streams of sweat that are caused by these insulation have nothing to do with fat burning and how to dry properly - especially not.

Secondly, running for people over 30 years old and weighing more than 100 kg is generally not recommended for reasons of the safety of the knee joints and spine.

However, we must remember that during the period of fat burning and drying the body, it is necessary to perform aerobic work and cardio exercises. This is exactly the level of load that allows us to remain in the zone of sufficient oxygen consumption. It is believed that the target heart rate (heart rate) for fat burning is 60-70% of max heart rate.

For example, if you are 30 years old, then: 220 - 30 = 190. Your heart rate should be: 60% -70% of 190, that is, 114-133 heart rate.

If you are suffocating, it means that oxygen starvation occurs and the oxidation process is inhibited. Burning in the muscles means that the load is too great and the energy supply comes from anaerogic glycolysis of glucose and fat is again not oxidized.

Abs workout

During the period of fat burning while drying the body, this is an almost useless exercise, since local lipolysis does not exist (unlike local lipogenesis).

But if the reason is not only subcutaneous fat, but also “sagging” abdominal skin, and you want a toned stomach, know: the transverse abdominal muscle is responsible for this - the deepest of the abdominal muscles and not involved in anatomical movements. You can pump it up using a so-called vacuum (drawing in the abdomen while exhaling).

Abdominal vacuum

In addition, the abdominal muscles are a very small muscle mass and often even a 30-40 minute abdominal workout does not cause significant energy consumption, and in a trained person it does not even bring the heart rate closer to the fat burning zone. The same applies to other conditionally small muscle groups.

  • First of all, strength training for 40–60 minutes.
  • Give preference to large muscle groups, shortening the rest between sets (no more than 1 minute) and arranging auxiliary exercises in three-, giant-, or even. It turns out to be a kind of interval aerobics.
  • For best results, you can try special sports supplements.
  • Use techniques to develop strength kettlebell lifting, weightlifting and wrestling.

Example of word training.

Strength training for cutting

* - The service is in beta testing

It could be any physical activity, ranging from banal walking on a treadmill with a maximum incline to working on a bag or group strength training with pretty ladies.

If you want to make the fat burning process more intense and the result of body drying more obvious, you can add aerobics in the morning before breakfast.

Nutrition for drying the body

If, having lived to the age of 30, you have never had the opportunity to count the cubes on your stomach, then you will have to count calories.

Common recommendations like “Eat less!” they won't help you. Advice not to eat after 6 pm, not to eat after training, or even worse - to starve, is applicable for girls who want to wear fashionable new clothes for the holiday, but not for serious adult men.

Our task during drying the body is to destroy fat as much as possible with minimal loss of muscle tissue. And since we do not use special means from the arsenal of hormones that help preserve muscles, we must be extremely precise and careful.

Your body cutting is worthless if, as a result of losing 20 kg, you do not change your body composition - muscle / fat ratio. Moreover, you will look even worse than before the execution began: before you were big and fat, but now you are small and fat.

To avoid this, gradually reduce your daily diet every week by no more than 500 kcal (or better by 200-300) until we reach 2000 kcal.

How and what to eat while drying

To calculate the required quantity useful substances in the daily diet during the period of drying the body, we take the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) for a low-carbohydrate diet as a percentage of calories.

Remember: you should never feel hungry. Meals should be fractional, eat a small portion every two hours.

For example, you started drying your muscles and planned to switch to 2500 kcal/day:

  • B - 50% = 1250 kcal. 1250/4 = 312.5 grams
  • F - 20% = 500 kcal. 500/9 = 55.5 grams
  • U - 30% = 750 kcal. 750/4 = 187.5 grams.

It is clear that all these tenths of grams are very arbitrary. To be honest, I personally find so many carbohydrates too much. So, if your metabolism is similar to mine - clearly slow, then gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add protein by the same amount.

There is also the option of a carbohydrate-free diet, but I do not recommend it for those who do not take hormonal medications, otherwise the catabolism of muscle tissue will be enormous.

Consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, make sure they are low. Proper sources of carbohydrates:

  • oatmeal,
  • buckwheat,
  • Brown rice,
  • pearl barley porridge.

It’s not without reason that they say about weak people: “I ate little porridge!”

As for fruits, you can eat green apples (or better yet, half an apple) and grapefruits. Green vegetables rich in fiber are allowed to be consumed without restrictions: greens, different types cabbage, cucumbers, salad.

Try not to mix carbohydrates with fats, but limiting your fat intake as much as possible is a big mistake. Just divide them into “good” and “bad” for simplicity.

“Good” fats are vegetable fats (except palm oil) and fish oil, that is, all those that are liquid at room temperature.

In a healthy diet, and even more so when cutting muscles, they should be up to 70% of the total fat, so you may have to additionally introduce them into the diet. For example, in the form of a couple of tablespoons of linseed oil.

We often receive “bad” fats in excess during the day, so choose low-fat cottage cheese and chicken (or turkey) breasts. Without skin, of course.

Consume proteins mainly in the afternoon. Sources of protein during the period of drying the body will be: chicken breasts, low-fat sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites.

We do not count protein obtained from plant foods. Taking into account that “protein” products contain about 20% protein, we calculate: 1.5 kg of products to obtain only the treasured 300 grams of protein.

So an athlete definitely won’t have to starve while cutting, and if you add the carbohydrates included in the diet, you may even have a problem with consuming such an amount of food. This is where sports nutrition comes to the aid of those who want to dry out their muscles.

Sports nutrition and body drying

You must understand that supplements are only a small help and it is unwise to base your entire fat loss strategy around them. On the other hand, drying the body is precisely the period when the consumption of supplements is most justified.

I tried both with and without additives. With additives it tastes better and is psychologically easier. I can recommend: vitamins, glutamine, fat burners, pre-workout supplements.


While drying, you can take sports or pharmacy vitamins, or do injections. In any case, remember that the dosage should be increased and adequate to the load.

Fat burners

It is difficult to evaluate how good a fat burner is, because the most effective fat burner does not work without the right diet, but a diet without “burners” can be effective.

You can try consuming fat burners - or fat burners, as professional athletes call them - there will be no harm from this, but it is possible that there will also be benefit. Typically, fat burners have a dual effect: they enhance lipolysis processes and stimulate the nervous system.

It is convenient to use fat burners precisely because of this “vigor” effect, since a low-carbohydrate diet while drying the body can cause a loss of strength, and sometimes it is difficult to motivate yourself to workout without an additional incentive. Pre-workout complexes are also used for the same purpose.

Be careful when combining fat burners and pre-workouts to avoid overdosing on the caffeine that both products may contain. Carefully study the composition or consult a specialist. If in the total basket of dietary supplements that you consume, the total amount of BCAAs, glutamine, arginine and other amino acid components is 5-10 grams more than planned - this is only beneficial when you are drying out your muscles. However, if you get an overdose of caffeine, guarana, green tea extract and other stimulants, this is fraught with negative consequences for your body and, first of all, for your heart.

Protein is necessary if, due to circumstances, you sometimes have to skip meals, or because you can no longer look at low-fat cottage cheese. In this case, consume concentrate during the day, drink isolated hydrolyzate after training, and before bed - casein-based protein, multi-component or prolonged action.


I was always skeptical about it and took it on strong recommendation. And it just so happened, or is it really the merit of glutamine, but during the last two cuts I didn’t get sick, despite the flu epidemic and the fact that usually after 3-4 weeks of diets and aerobics I’m guaranteed to catch a cold. So try it. Effective dosage is 20 grams per day

Next, all you have to do is monitor and adjust the process of drying the body according to objective and subjective criteria. Make it a rule to weigh yourself once a week at the same time and take anthropometric measurements.

The most objective criterion is the percentage of body fat through bioimpedance analysis, however, unfortunately, such an accurate measurement method is not available to all amateurs.

Capiperometry (pinch fat folds) and scales using BES, available at home, show very approximate results, and the calculation of this indicator using formulas generally has little relation to real figures.

Therefore, to track dynamics, weigh yourself regularly and monitor changes in girth of the chest, waist, pelvis, shoulder, thigh and lower leg.


During drying, the psycho-emotional state worsens, nervousness, irritability and lack of desire to do anything appear - here side effects strict diet and grueling training.

Remember: drying the body in bodybuilding is a serious test for an athlete.

However, relief training improves blood circulation, and therefore muscle nutrition. Plus, you can finally show off the results of those grueling hours at the gym! To go through this period correctly, listen to the experience of professionals.

Train always and everywhere, dry your muscles wisely and good luck in building an ideal body.

A four-day circular program for “drying” the body. Read on to learn how to lose weight without spending a lot of time going to the gym.

Purpose of the program

Fat Burning

Type of training

Split, circuit training

Level of training

For beginners

Duration of the program

12 weeks

Number of workouts per week

Duration of training


For men, for women


Dumbbells, barbell

Do you want to lose weight, but don't want to spend a lot of time on it? Circuit training with barbells and dumbbells will allow you to do a lot of work in a short time 15 minutes or less.

These workouts are harder than classic circuits like 3x10. But with proper dedication, they will give excellent results.

15 Minute Strength Training to Burn Fat

Our training program includes 4 workouts per week. All of them follow the principle of circuit training, without rest between sets and with minimal rest time between rounds. Rest days are on Wednesdays and weekends.

Day 1: Upper body circuit training


Number of approaches

Execution duration


1 min.


1 min.

Bent-over dumbbell row

1 min.

Standing Dumbbell Press

1 min.

Day 2: Leg strength training


Number of approaches

Execution duration

Deadlift with dumbbells on straight legs

1 min.

Front squats with dumbbell

1 min.

Bodyweight Lunges

1 min.

Lateral lunges with body weight

1 min.

Day 3: Upper body strength training – a set of basic exercises


Number of approaches

Execution duration

Bent-over barbell row with reverse grip

1 min.

Bench press

1 min.

Horizontal pull-ups

1 min.

Bench press

1 min.

Day 4: Leg strength training in the gym


Number of approaches

Execution duration


1 min.


1 min.

Lunges with a barbell

1 min.

Deadlift with a barbell on straight legs

1 min.

The last two will be the hardest workouts in the program. For convenience, it is better to take several barbells at once (yes, the whole gym will hate you for this!). Exercises must be performed at a fast pace. Select a weight that you can handle using the correct technique.

Recommendations for using the training program

Exercises are performed at a fast pace, but without sudden movements. Don't use weights that are too heavy. The weight should be above average, exercises should be done at an explosive pace. The weight should be lowered down smoothly to better control the movement. All repetitions must be quality, and there must be a lot of them.

You should rest between sets according to how you feel.

Ideally, after completing each circuit, you should rest for 30 60 seconds, but we are all different from each other.

Understand what you are capable of and train accordingly, gradually trying to improve your results.

The third and fourth workouts are more difficult, as they require the use of additional equipment. If you're training in a crowded gym and can't get into multiple racks and benches at once, you can replace these workouts with the first and second ones on our list. This will also bear fruit.

This training program, likehigh-intensity interval training for fast weight loss (link to article “The 5 best high-intensity interval training for fast weight loss”), perfect for those who want to get a lot of work done in a short time. It is designed for those who work from morning to night or exercise simply to maintain health during their lunch break.

If you have more time at your disposal, you can train with longer rest intervals. This will allow you to lift heavier weights and burn more calories in your workouts.

Working out in the gym is only part of your “drying” body. To improve fat burning, you need to get your diet in order. Use the calorie calculator to calculate your daily value.

Subtract 250 from this amount 500 calories and consume that amount of calories daily. Very convenient to use for counting mobile applications. Track your results and see how your form changes.

Sound sleep and protection from stress are also important when fighting excess weight.

Try to sleep at 7 9 hours every night and devote 5 10 minutes of meditation during the day will help you collect your thoughts.

Extra cardio outside of the gym won't hurt your calorie deficit. You don't have to do it alone. If you have a family, try to combine exercise and spending time with them. Family hikes or activities in the pool are “two in one”. You spend time with your family and burn calories at the same time.

Bottom line

The four-day body cutting program is a great way for those who want to lose weight but have limited time for exercise. The process is built around circuit training and barbell complexes. This way you get more work done in less time.

Dozens of fashionable glossy magazines promise young girls weight loss by drying at home in almost a week. Is it that simple? Alas, dreams of toning your body do not come true so quickly.

However, you can give your muscles definition and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat if you follow two important rules. By the way, in addition to acquiring attractive forms, the girl will discover that the method is harmless to her own health.

What is drying?

Drying results last for several weeks

The concept came into use from bodybuilding. Bodybuilders call cutting the process of getting rid of subcutaneous fat in order to give aesthetic relief to the muscles. the main objective for bodybuilders - gaining a toned body; for most girls who decide to try drying on themselves - getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. Another important plus is that you can get in shape at home.

  • professional athletes who practice training in “mass gain - cutting” cycles;
  • men or women with acceptable muscle mass and body fat of 20% or more.

There are two groups of people for whom drying is strictly contraindicated:

  • overweight men or women(in their case, you first need to establish nutrition, increase physical activity, and only then move on to drying);
  • people who are underweight (or underweight) body weight), who first need to adjust their diet.

Cutting is a complex process that involves following a special low-carbohydrate diet and performing special physical exercises over several weeks or months.

The second component needs to be considered in more detail.

Body drying exercises for girls at home

You need to perform the exercises with light weight, at a fairly fast pace

Professional bodybuilders dry under the strict supervision of a trainer. They record the amount of food they receive, follow their diet to the minute, and subject themselves to grueling physical activity almost every day.

Girls who want to lose weight using the bodybuilder method for the first time will not have to make such sacrifices. You just need to adjust your diet and add a few useful exercises for certain muscle groups.

There is no need to sharply load the body or change the usual diet - the body may react negatively.

Physical activity is an essential component of proper drying of the body. Experts recommend performing the following exercises for the following muscle groups 4-5 times weekly:

  • hands ( , )- , ;
  • - lifting legs while hanging on the bar;
  • buttocks- (with and without load);
  • legs- at a moderate pace and .

If you don't have dumbbells, 1.5 liter water bottles will do.

The given exercises are basic set for a girl who rarely came into contact with sports. As you grow muscle mass, professionalism and self-confidence, additional exercises are added.

Sample training programs

Jumping rope, if intense enough, can replace cardio training

The duration of classes for beginners is 30-40 minutes. Training is carried out 3-4 times weekly (preferably Monday - Thursday - Saturday or Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday).

The lesson is based on the principle that is, a set of exercises is performed as quickly as possible and repeatedly with minor rest breaks.

Circuit training for beginners

  • push-ups from the floor - 15 times;
  • lifting legs while hanging on the horizontal bar - 15 times;
  • dumbbell rows, standing bent over - 15 times;
  • squats without load - 20 times;
  • jumping rope - 30 seconds.

Between repetitions, allow 3-5 rests.seconds to change projectile, the break between approaches (circles) for a beginner is 2 minutes, gradually decreasing to 30-45 seconds.

The ideal result would be to perform the scheme 9 times, but for a beginner in drying, it is enough to limit yourself to 3-4 approaches.

As the complex progresses, it becomes more complex, and training is carried out 5 times a week (weekends are Monday and Sunday).

How to properly dry your belly? Video lesson:

Workout for advanced weight loss enthusiasts

When running, all the main muscle groups of the body work and a large amount of energy is consumed, which leads to weight loss

  • Incline dumbbell rows - 15 repetitions;
  • squats with dumbbells - 15 times;
  • push-ups - 15 times;
  • jump rope - 1 minute;
  • hanging leg raises - 15 times;
  • dumbbell bench press - 15 repetitions;
  • pull-ups - 5 reps;
  • jump rope - 1 minute.

It is better to add exercises than to double the number of repetitions of existing ones.

Jogging twice a week can be helpful as a way to actively recover. Running at an easy pace for 30-45 minutes will burn extra calories and give you a great mood. The other two days off you just need to rest from physical activity.

A few words about nutrition

counting calories, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates is required

The second component of successful drying is the quantity and quality of food consumed. Proper nutrition When losing weight using the bodybuilder method, it is based on the following principles:

  • It’s better to eat a little 5 times a day than a lot three times a day;
  • drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2 liters daily);
  • 2 hours before and after training, do not eat;
  • focus on lunch (40-50% of food taken per day), breakfast and dinner - light;
  • 2/3 of food is absorbed in the first half of the day (before 14-15 hours);
  • the total calorie content drops by 300-500 kcal compared to the usual.

To the permitted and the right products include boiled meat, lean white or red fish, egg whites, vegetables, and cereals. During drying, girls are strictly prohibited from eating fast carbohydrates (baked goods, flour, pizza, chocolate), dairy products (except low-fat cheese), and fatty foods (including those cooked in vegetable oil). It’s easy to create a menu based on the recommendations given.

Drying food:

Every time summer is just around the corner, the word “drying” comes to mind more and more often. It doesn’t matter whether you want to give shape to the mass that you gained over the winter, or just want to get rid of fat - you need an effective training program for cutting and relief. It is also very important to preserve as much of your hard-earned muscle as possible while cutting.


In some programs, for example those aimed at developing strength, the rest time between sets is 2-3 minutes. Here you will have to stick to high intensity, reducing the rest time between sets to 30-45 seconds.

Now it's time to consider your training options. One of them is circular, which is considered more of a cardio workout with elements of strength training. The second is a program aimed at hypertrophy, using basic movements and focusing on large muscle groups.

Circuit training

This type is good for burning fat and giving relief for 2 reasons: it is an intense cardio load and heavy strength training. Consists of 5-8 exercises that pump the whole body. Once you've done all of them, one by one, that's 1 circle. You need 2-3 of these to complete the workout. The most seasoned and seasoned athletes should perform all exercises without rest. Those who are weaker can take 10-20 seconds of rest as needed. Or, instead of resting, you can jump on the spot or jump rope to keep your heart rate at the desired level.

  • Bench press (barbell or dumbbells)
  • Pull-ups
  • Seated press (barbell or dumbbells)
  • Squats
  • Standing on straight legs

Try to do everything without rest. Once you have completed the first exercise, immediately move on to the next one. If it's hard, take a 10-20 second break or do cardio for 25-45 seconds. Your heart rate should be high. But don't overdo it! If you give your all in the first exercises, you will not be able to perform the remaining ones well. And vice versa - if you are freeloading, you will not be able to burn enough calories.

  • One cycle means completing all the exercises. Most people can handle 3 of these laps. Try to do at least 2 laps.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to do 12-15 reps. You can also reduce the weight a little and do about 20 repetitions.
  • It is enough to perform circuit training no more than 2 times a week.
  • Don't forget to change some of the exercises to similar ones every 2 months. Otherwise, you risk experiencing a plateau.
  • Between cycles you can take a long break of 2-3 minutes.

Classic training program for drying the body

Like circuit training, strength training will be aimed at pumping the entire body at one time. It consists mainly of compound exercises, which makes it very difficult, but at the same time very effective in burning calories and fat for both men and women. For large muscle groups we will do 2-3 exercises, and for biceps, triceps and calves - one each.

Cutting training program
is a comprehensive training and nutrition regimen designed to reduce the level of subcutaneous fat and improve the quality of muscle mass. There are several options for this training program, there are schemes for men and women, it can be taken by both “natural” bodybuilders and athletes taking anabolic steroids. It goes without saying that the training scheme will be different, but it will be based on the same principles. In this article, they will all be scrupulously examined and, on their basis, specific training programs for and for will be drawn up. For those athletes who are already using “pills”, only the principles should be enough, since at this level of training, when it makes sense to “take a course”, adequate training programs are already very individual. However, you can use our scheme, simply increasing its intensity.

Key points in the drying program are: the rate of fat burning and the preservation of muscle mass and strength indicators. The problem is that these two processes are antagonists! The process of burning fat is a catabolic process, the process of destruction of organic structures. And building muscle mass is an anabolic process of protein synthesis. These processes cannot occur simultaneously, but the ratio of the quality of destroyed tissues may be different. The athlete’s task is to maximize and accelerate the destruction of fat structures and minimize muscle loss. Is it possible? Yes, it's possible! But for this you will need the will and desire to follow a diet and exercise regime. If this is your first drying program, then, most likely, it is better for you to use the relief scheme, since it is the safest; in fact, it will partially be included in this training system, but this method of “drying out” is more difficult.

The mechanism of fat burning and cutting diet

Nutrition is the most important factor influencing the processes occurring in our body. Whether you will lose weight or, conversely, gain weight, depends on whether your calorie balance is excessive or deficient. If calories are systematically lacking, the body will be forced to compensate for them with subcutaneous fat. Actually, subcutaneous fat accumulates in order to compensate for this deficiency during a calorie deficit; this is its evolutionary task. Fat can accumulate if there is a calorie surplus, then the body accumulates excess calories in the form of subcutaneous fat, and this, from an evolutionary point of view, is very good! That's why people like to eat fatty foods, lie on the couch and accumulate energy that will help them survive during the “hungry time”. But, if you do not plan to spend the next winter in the harsh northern forest, then this survival mechanism becomes useless, and in this case you can safely allow yourself not only to “dry out”, but also, in general, to monitor the correctness of your diet.

So, to reduce your own weight, you need a caloric balance deficit, that is, your energy expenditure must exceed the calorie content of your diet. But the cutting training program involves not just reducing your own weight, but specifically the targeted burning of subcutaneous fat. In this regard, the athlete must use carbohydrate diet , which will provide the body with the necessary macroelements, which will increase the share of the fat layer in the total volume of burned organic tissue. The main role here will be played by protein and its amino acid profile. The fact is that in order to extract energy in the short term, it is easier for the body to destroy muscle structures than fat structures, so it is important to provide it with the macroelements that it extracts from muscles. You can read more about this in the article about protein diet . Let's move on to training issues!

Why do you need drying training?

A cutting program can solve three problems: preserve muscle mass, speed up the process of burning subcutaneous fat, and speed up fat reduction in target areas. Can the program solve all problems at once? Maybe! But it should be taken into account that the maximum result for each goal can be achieved only if the program is tailored exclusively to solve one problem. Accordingly, solving all problems at once, the athlete will alternate Various types training programs for cutting and, thanks to such microperiodization, maintain a balance between the rate of fat burning and the preservation of muscle mass. There is one more benefit that you will get from training! Whatever scheme you follow, the training will boost your metabolism, and metabolic rate is one of the most important factors influencing both the process of burning subcutaneous fat and its accumulation in the future.

Strength training for cutting - This is a way to preserve muscle mass. During such a workout, the athlete uses the usual working weights, performing 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions, with a minute of rest between sets. Basic exercises like the bench press and squats with a barbell can be performed in a very strong style in 5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. The essence of this scheme is that strength training forces the body to maintain muscle volume, since it needs it to perform constant hard work. It is this drying scheme that is recommended for athletes who do not use anabolic drugs, as well as for those athletes who are trying to “dry out” for the first time. We examined this training scheme in detail in the training program for relief. Therefore, we will not consider it in detail here, but will move on to another drying training scheme.

In short, in the process of muscle acidification, lactic acid is formed, which breaks down into lactate and hydrogen ions. At the same time, you should not acidify the muscles too much, since in this case lactic acid will destroy more organic structures than hydrogen ions will help to recreate, and under drying conditions this is especially critical. Another advantage is the high amount of energy consumption during training. You already know that the catabolism of organic tissues, and fats in particular, occurs during a calorie deficit. On the one hand there are calorie intake, on the other they are spent. With the help of a cutting diet, the athlete reduces the intake of calories, and with the help of training, he increases their expenditure. Strength training also increases energy expenditure, but pumping increases energy expenditure much more.

The main advantage Pumping training for cutting is the production of stress hormones that lead to fat breakdown. Adrenaline and norepinephrine cannot influence the organic tissues of the body directly, but do so through receptors. Alpha type receptors stimulate lipolysis, that is, they reduce fat cells in size, and Beta type receptors, on the contrary, prevent fat burning, trying to preserve nutrients. Some parts of the body have more Alpha receptors and others have more Beta receptors, so some parts of the body are more difficult to lose weight than others. Pumping leads to the activation of Alpha receptors, which, together with the increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, leads to even faster fat breakdown. Please note that we're talking about specifically about fat breakdown, and not about fat burning, since all the processes listed above only simplify fat burning, but the body will only utilize subcutaneous fat if it lacks energy.

You should use the pumping technique in your drying program in any case, at least during abdominal training. If you pump up your abs at the end of your workout, you can speed up the reduction of fat in this area. Yes, you won’t be able to lose weight only in the abdominal area, but it is possible to relatively speed up fat burning in this area! You already know what this process involves, but you can read how best to build your ab workout Here. In addition, you can add aerobic cardio exercise to your training complex for drying. This load can be running, cycling or walking. We recommend that you walk, since such training will “eat” the least muscle and utilize the most fat.

If you add cardio to your cutting program, then such workouts should last 40-60 minutes. It is best to carry out such training immediately after training in the gym, in order to remove lactic acid and start the process of recycling subcutaneous fat. The fact is that the body begins to break down and utilize fat after it has used up its entire glycogen reserve. The least glycogen in the body is after strength training, as well as in the morning. Therefore, such training is recommended to be carried out precisely at this time, and this is why walking is preferable to running, since you can walk longer than run, and fat is utilized during long work.

Pumping drying program for men

Monday - legs and chest

Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 12 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Romanian Deadlift – 4 sets of 15 reps
Calf raises – 4 sets of 20 reps
Bench Press – 4 sets of 12 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Dumbbell Incline Press – 4 sets of 12 reps
Dumbbell flyes – 4 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday - arms and abs
Superset (2 exercises):
Close grip press – 4 sets of 15 reps
Biceps curls – 4 sets of 15 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Standing French Press – 5 sets of 15 reps
Superset (2 exercises):
Hanging leg raises – 5 sets maximum
Exercise bike – 5 sets to the maximum

Friday - back and shoulders: