
Causes of early childhood caries. Stages of dental caries: photos, symptoms, treatment. The consequences of advanced forms of the disease

In children, tooth enamel is thin and fragile, making it vulnerable. The carious process develops very quickly. If it is not stopped in time, the baby will not have the most pleasant consequences. Premature removal of milk teeth threatens with underdevelopment of the permanent root and the formation of malocclusion. With proper care of the oral cavity, caries of milk teeth in young children can be prevented.

Features of the pathology

Caries is a pathological process that affects the hard tissues of the tooth. Under the influence of various factors, the coronal part is gradually destroyed. At the initial stages, there are practically no obvious symptoms, the child does not notice any discomfort. As caries develops, there is increased sensitivity and soreness.

Depending on the depth of destruction, pathology is divided into several types:

  • initial;
  • superficial;
  • average;
  • deep.

The sooner treatment begins, the easier it is to get rid of the problem. Initial caries is characterized by damage to only the surface of the enamel, with deep caries, all layers of the outer coating and dentin are destroyed. A neglected disease is rarely amenable to correction, and in this case the tooth has to be removed.

Caries on the front teeth of a child

The disease most often affects the anterior milk teeth, which is associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the children's dentition. There is also such a thing as "bottle caries", which is characterized by damage only to the anterior crowns. It is they who first of all come into contact with sweet foods - juices and milk mixtures - which negatively affect the condition of the enamel. In the absence of treatment, the process progresses rapidly and begins to spread to neighboring teeth.

If caries on the front teeth of a child affects the cervical region, a pathology of the circular type can be diagnosed. It begins on the frontal surface of the tooth in the cervical area, gradually covering the entire crown part, which can result in the destruction of the affected area. It will be followed by inflammation of the nerve and will require removal.

Causes of caries in children

Often, dental caries begins in a child as early as 2 years old, immediately after the crowns begin to erupt. This can be triggered by various factors - from diseases suffered by the mother to a lack of vitamins in the first months of a baby's life.

The following causes of caries in children can be distinguished:

Visiting a pediatric dentist is advised immediately after the appearance of milk teeth. Regular visits are necessary for prevention and will prevent the development of oral diseases.

While the milk crowns appear, the permanent teeth are being formed. As they grow, they push out the temporary ones, taking their place. If the process occurs under the influence of adverse conditions, and milk teeth fall out ahead of time, the main ones become vulnerable to diseases of the oral cavity.


Initial caries

Symptoms of caries are quite specific, but parents may not always notice them. The lesion often begins in hard-to-clean areas that are difficult to inspect without special dental instruments. Therefore, if there were no preventive visits to dentistry, they turn to the doctor only at the stage of deep caries.

Symptoms depend on the depth of the dentin lesion. The initial stage is called superficial caries. Barely noticeable yellowish spots appear on the enamel, different in size and shape. They do not cause discomfort to the child. Gradually, the formations become darker, acquiring a brown or black tint.

Medium caries

When the cavity goes deep into the enamel, the sensitivity of the tooth increases. The process of eating is accompanied by pain, there is a reaction to sweet or sour foods.

At the stage of medium caries, acute pain appears during contact of the tooth surface with hot or cold. Remains of food accumulate in the cavity, an unpleasant odor is added.

When the destruction reaches the nerve or root, pulpitis joins - the pain becomes more acute and is not associated with food intake. Signs of intoxication may be observed:

If the affected tooth is not treated, the crown part can completely collapse and lose its chewing function. In this case, deletion is recommended.

Possible Complications

At the initial stage, caries is not particularly dangerous, and curing it is quite simple. As the cavity deepens, the tooth becomes a source of infection. A slight decrease in immunity is enough to cause complications.

The following negative consequences are possible:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the bone marrow and bones;
  • periostitis of the periosteum.

The transition of the infection deep into the soft tissues provokes gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, which gradually transforms into periodontitis. The gums become painful and loose, bleed and hold the root worse. The lesion affects the tissues of adjacent healthy teeth, which affects their condition. If you do not begin to be treated, the result will be loosening and loss of the tooth.

Treatment of caries of milk teeth in young children

Treatment of caries of milk teeth in young children is carried out exclusively in a dental clinic; it is impossible to do it yourself at home. For a small child under three years old, a visit to the doctor is a great stress, and it is almost impossible to explain to him that the doctor will simply cure a sick tooth.

In the treatment of caries in children 5 years of age and older, local anesthesia may be used. During the procedure, a special anesthetic gel is applied to the gums so that the child does not feel an injection with an anesthetic. If the baby is very small and will not be able to sit through the whole process in the chair, it is recommended to use nitrous oxide - “laughing gas” that does not harm the small body.

At the initial stage

It is up to a specialist to decide how to treat caries in children from 2 to 6 years old. If the therapy starts at the spot stage, one of the painless firming procedures can be performed.

The following treatments are used:

  • ozone therapy;
  • remineralization;
  • silvering.

Ozone therapy does not require anesthesia and does not affect appearance teeth. This method is suitable for the treatment of caries in children under 3 years of age. During the procedure, a small silicone cup is attached to the tooth, through which ozone is supplied to the enamel. It makes the surface sterile in a few seconds, all bacteria, disease-causing are destroyed. The tooth is treated with a strengthening composition.

Remineralization is advised for children of primary school age, if caries does not look very advanced. This procedure is suitable for preventing the development of caries on a “difficult” surface with large quantity fissures - grooves that are difficult to clean on their own, which makes them a breeding ground for bacteria.

Milk teeth after silvering

In the process of remineralization, special solutions with phosphorus, fluorine and calcium are applied to the teeth, which treat the dentin. Electrophoresis, vacuum or ultrasound helps to enhance efficiency. The process does not last long, but it is necessary to do at least four sessions. The final decision on what to do with caries on baby teeth in a child is made only by a doctor.

Silvering is one of the most affordable and painless ways to treat caries in children 4 years of age and younger. The surface of the teeth is covered with a silver solution, which has antibacterial properties and prevents the development of caries. The process has a significant drawback: the enamel is painted in a dark color, and it is impossible to get rid of the shade.

Therapy of moderate and severe caries

If the enamel is already destroyed, and caries has penetrated the dentin, more serious procedures must be carried out. A problematic tooth needs deep treatment, the most gentle way of correction is depophoresis. A solution of calcium and copper hydroxide is introduced into the cavity, which allows cleaning and disinfecting the dental canals.

As an alternative to depophoresis, preparation is used - the impact on the tooth with a powerful thin jet of water or a special liquid.

After cleaning, the “hole” is sealed. For this, special materials are used - silicophosphate or glass ionomer cements. Some clinics in large cities, for example, in Moscow, offer to make a special filling with fluorine. It gradually penetrates into the dental tissue and strengthens it.

The impact of the drill can be quite painful and prolonged, so it is important to prepare the child for the procedure. It is necessary to explain to the baby why he will have to sit in a chair for a long time. It is not worth giving up anesthesia: it reduces the stress from therapeutic manipulations, and the harm from it is minimal.

Preventive measures

Prevention of children's caries should begin during pregnancy. The quality of the formation of the rudiments of teeth and their mineralization largely depends on the future mother. Unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, diseases and severe toxicosis - all these factors disrupt the development of the baby's future teeth.

To avoid the development of caries in the child's front teeth, the mother needs to monitor her diet after childbirth - during lactation. Any food eaten affects the quality and composition of breast milk. Maximum attention to the diet will help to avoid many problems with the child's teeth in the future.

Brushing your teeth should begin as soon as the first incisor appears. To do this, there are special toothbrushes for the smallest. They are made of soft materials and come in the form of a fingertip. Wipe your teeth with it every time after eating.

Photo: this is what a children's toothbrush looks like

By the age of four, your child should be able to brush their teeth on their own. Brushes for children of this age have soft bristles and can be of different shapes and colors. Pasta should be taken for children - such products have a softer composition and are available with different tastes.

Parents need to ensure that there are fewer carbohydrates in the child's diet. Foods with a high content of them provoke tooth decay, as they are a good breeding ground for bacteria. Rich sweets are best replaced with hard fruits, which guarantee self-cleaning of teeth from plaque.

The best prevention of caries is visits to the dentist, which should become regular after reaching the age of five. Only a specialist should tell how to treat a child's teeth at 2 years old and later. The main thing is to start therapy at the initial stage of the lesion so that the harm from the disease is minimal.

The sooner you start treating the disease, the greater the chance of success in its therapy. This statement fully applies to such a disease as caries. Early caries or caries in the form of a spot is the first stage in the progression of the carious process. In order to take action as early as possible, it is advisable to learn how to independently determine its signs.

This article will acquaint you with such concepts as "caries initial stage", " pathological anatomy early carious process” and “remineralization of tooth tissues”.

Signs and symptoms

Early caries can be acute and chronic.

Acute initial caries is not accompanied by sensitivity to thermal, chemical stimuli and the presence of a cavity. A stain can attract attention only if it is located on visible parts of the tooth: on the neck, on the vestibular surface. If the stain is localized between the teeth, on the palatine and lingual surfaces, or in the fissures of the molars, only a dentist can detect it.

After brushing your teeth, a carious stain looks like a lighter area of ​​​​enamel without irregular luster. You can see the affected teeth in more detail in the presented pictures.

Initial caries: photo

At a dental appointment, the doctor examines the surface of the spot with a probe to clarify the diagnosis. Enamel in this area usually has a slight roughness. Spot staining may also be performed to distinguish caries from non-carious lesions. First, the doctor will clean the surface of the tooth from plaque, treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Then the dye is applied, and after a few seconds it is washed off with water. If the enamel is decalcified and its pores are open, the dye will remain in them and the carious area will turn into the color of the dye.

If caries has a chronic course, the stain does not turn into a cavity for a very long time and acquires a brown and yellow tint. Early caries is an area of ​​hard tissues depleted in minerals, so the enamel in these areas has an increased permeability to various substances, including dyes. There are a lot of pigments in the food that a person consumes. Over time, these pigments, getting into the decalcified enamel, linger in it, accumulate and stain it in a dark color.

Usually, a chronic process rarely passes into the stage of superficial caries, although structural changes in the form of sclerosis are found in the deep layers of hard tissues. Unlike acute caries, it is easily detected by patients, especially if the lesion is located on the visible surface of the tooth. This area is usually mistaken for plaque or tartar.

Early caries on milk teeth

Particular attention should be paid to milk teeth. The enamel of temporary teeth is less mineralized, therefore, all pathological processes in it occur much more intensively. The carious process rarely stops on its own and in most cases has an acute course. Very often on the same tooth there can be initial and superficial caries at the same time, against the background of white spots there are already cavities.

Unlike permanent teeth, decalcified areas of enamel on temporary teeth occupy a much larger surface area. For milk teeth, early diagnosis of caries is even more important, since they do not produce replacement teeth. This feature contributes to the very rapid development of complications such as pulpitis and periodontitis.

Pathological anatomy of initial caries

Conventionally, doctors divide the initial caries into three types, depending on the size of the lesion. Separately, spots up to 2 mm in size, up to 2-3 mm and spots larger than 3 mm are considered. The growth of the demineralized zone is usually accompanied not only by an increase in the area covered by the pathological process, but also by the degree and depth of changes in the enamel.

Main structural components enamels are calcium and fluorine hydroxyapatites, fluorine compounds are stronger. Under the influence of acids produced by cariogenic microorganisms, calcium leaves these compounds. As a result of this process, hydroxyapatite crystals lose their orientation in space, their bonds with each other are broken, and the enamel microhardness decreases.

If the carious spot reaches a size of more than 3 mm, the destructive processes deepen to the border between enamel and dentin. The enamel crystal lattice cannot remain in an unstable state for a long time. If remineralization of hard tissues does not occur, the most decalcified areas begin to chip off, leaving behind defects that merge into the cavity.


Treatment of initial caries

The main advantage of the treatment of early caries is the absence of the need to use a drill. Comprehensive treatment of initial caries includes in-office procedures at the dentist and the independent use of mineral-rich gels and pastes. The goal of therapy is enamel remineralization, that is, its saturation with calcium and fluoride ions.

To achieve this result, methods such as electrophoresis of fluorine and calcium preparations, applications of the same preparations, but in the form of gels or liquids, and coating spots with fluorine-containing varnishes can be used. Medicines for restoration of enamel in the office usually contain fluorine, since fluorine is more active than calcium, it integrates faster into the crystal lattice of enamel, therefore, it takes less time for the first results to appear.

Stages of early caries treatment:

At home, the patient may be recommended to wear special mouth guards with a remineralizing gel. Most often, preparations for the restoration of enamel at home contain calcium, since it is safer for the body if swallowed. Anti-caries toothpastes are also recommended.

Remineralizing therapy can be periodically used as one of the ways to prevent caries. pleasant side effect after such procedures, there is a decrease in sensitivity to cold and hot. As a rule, after several sessions of therapy, the white spot disappears. If the stain is pigmented, then it can be sanded off beforehand to improve the aesthetic effect.

The effectiveness of the therapy can be confirmed by numerous photos of the initial stage of caries before and after treatment on the websites of various dental forums and dental magazines.

Differential diagnosis of early caries

Early caries is important to distinguish from diseases such as enamel hypoplasia and fluorosis. Because their treatment is different. Non-carious lesions of the teeth are also accompanied by the presence of spots of various colors.

Hypoplasia and fluorosis appear on the teeth immediately after eruption, since the pathological process in the enamel begins even at the stage of laying these teeth. Caries is formed under the influence of environmental factors, so the patient can roughly remember the time when the lesion appeared. Hypoplasia and fluorosis are usually found on the vestibular and lingual surfaces of the teeth, and caries chooses the weakest less mineralized ones - fissures, blind pits, necks, interdental spaces.

Initial caries manifests itself in the form of several areas of demineralization on one or more teeth. Hypoplasia usually has the appearance of a single white spot, fluorosis appears as many small spots on several teeth, usually symmetrically. With a carious process, areas of decalcification increase in size over time if left untreated.

Hypoplasia and fluorosis remain stable over time. An important factor for distinguishing between caries and non-carious lesions is the area in which a person was born and lives. If a person was born in an area where the concentration of fluorine in drinking water exceeds the maximum allowed values fluorosis is more likely to occur. Fluorine in high concentrations has a toxic effect on the human teeth and skeletal system.

If the concentration of fluorides in the water is less than necessary, then conditions for the occurrence of caries arise. Hypoplasia is absolutely not related to the concentration of fluorine. Outwardly, the stain with hypoplasia and fluorosis differs from the carious one by the presence of a glossy sheen and impermeability to pigments. In the dental chair, the differential diagnosis of initial caries consists in the use of dyes - caries markers.

Treatment of the initial forms of caries will avoid mechanical interventions, the need for drilling teeth. It is closer, rather, to prevention. The filling material tends to age, it needs to be changed periodically, there is a risk of caries under the filling, which can develop into pulpitis unnoticed by the patient. Timely detection of the initial stage of caries will help save your teeth from the discomfort associated with preparation, the need for anesthesia and subsequent monitoring of restorations.

The word "caries" is translated from Latin as "decay" - this complex destructive process proceeds for a long time, passing through several stages. Due to the action of various external and internal factors, there is a process of gradual and consistent destruction of teeth, while the stages of caries differ in their characteristics, have characteristic signs and can be amenable to various methods of treatment.

Important! According to statistics, more than 90 percent of the world's population suffers from this insidious disease, to one degree or another. The trend in the development of caries is so rapid that it makes dentists around the world sound the alarm: even small children, whose age is barely 3 years old, are susceptible to the disease and seriously risk not only losing their milk bite faster than expected, but also getting problems with a permanent one.

What is the essence of the problem

The peculiarity of dental caries lies in the fact that this disease affects the hardest of all tissues of the human body - enamel, and the scale of its distribution is such that 9 out of 10 inhabitants of our planet suffer from this disease to one degree or another. But do not be upset, because, currently, there are various ways enamel restoration - read more about them.

On a note! The development of caries can take place at a fairly high speed, leading not only to problems of an aesthetic nature, but also to physical pain, from which a person cannot find a place for himself.

Do not forget that harmful bacteria, the activity of which just becomes the cause of the development of the disease, can also adversely affect the digestive processes. And the destruction of teeth can lead to difficulties with nutrition, with the appearance of complexes regarding being in society, the desire to hide your smile from others, to serious inflammation in the oral cavity, in periodontal tissues, and so on. That is why it is important to start the fight against the disease as soon as possible so as not to bring the matter to serious health problems.

Problem development stages

The most understandable classification of the development of the disease is one that is based on several successive stages associated with the degree of tissue damage:

  1. : a characteristic feature is a change in the color of the enamel. It still remains solid, but the process of destruction, violation of its structure and integrity, its demineralization is already beginning, therefore, it is so important to start treatment as early as possible so that the disease does not spread further. Enamel at this stage of the disease becomes pale whitish, dull (and not transparent). It can be quite problematic to notice it with the naked eye, especially on the chewing elements of a smile. That is why dentists insist on annual preventive examinations, because for professionals to notice pathology is not a problem,
  2. : the process of enamel demineralization begins and a person experiences discomfort from cold, hot, sweet or sour food, manifested by painful sensations,
  3. (medium caries): pain sensations not only increase, but also become more and more prolonged in time, and more intense. The lesion penetrates deeper, the damage becomes more and more noticeable, the carious area increases. Here we are already talking about the appearance of a fairly large “hole”, in which pieces of food begin to get stuck. Tellingly, this stage can develop rapidly and, in the absence of proper measures, lead to pulpitis,
  4. (deep caries): the result is. The peripulpal dentinal region is affected by the disease, and this stage is dangerous even with the complete loss of a tooth or the removal of its nerve.

Features of the initial stage of the disease

The main symptom of the initial stage of the development of the disease is clearly shown in the photo. As you can see, it is the spots that “report” in this case about problems with the tooth. They can be matte, subtle, brown, dark, and even almost black. But most often, white demineralized pigmented areas appear on the enamel. The main reason for their occurrence is the lack of calcium salts, leading to a weakening of the protective functions of enamel.

But do not forget that among the classic causes of any caries, the palm still belongs to the accumulation in the oral cavity of a large number of harmful microorganisms that settle on different types plaque and deposits (hard stone and soft plaque). This state of affairs is often accompanied by insufficient oral hygiene, neglect of professional hygiene procedures, long-term treatment (taking antibiotics and potent drugs) and weakening of the immune system after illness.

Interestingly, this stage proceeds imperceptibly and painlessly for a person, sometimes hypersensitivity may manifest itself, but this rarely happens.

Important! To cure caries with such symptoms is not difficult. Moreover, here it will be possible to do without boron and anesthesia. Enamel remineralization procedures, fluoridation, fissure sealing will help to effectively solve the problem. Naturally, you need to strengthen the body from the inside, for this it is important to adjust the diet, including vitamins and foods containing calcium and fluorine.

Over time, if no action is taken, the stain begins to darken, which is a sign of tissue damage and their gradual decay, if this is not responded to in any way, this can lead to damage to the upper layer of the tooth and to the development of superficial caries.

Second stage of tooth decay

Here, due to demineralization processes, painful sensations begin to manifest themselves as a result of various kinds of influences, primarily hot and cold, as well as sour and sweet. Discomfort also occurs with mechanical pressure on the tooth (in the process of cleaning it with a brush and paste, with pressure). This is already a superficial caries and it is impossible to delay treatment any more.

Middle stage of the disease

The stage of medium caries is manifested by the fact that a hollow is formed in the tooth, since the moment of destruction of the dentin comes, and the painful sensations are characterized by increasing intensity. It may, however, be that the symptoms will not appear if the dentin layer is thick enough, but this is not common.

Interesting! Owners of yellow teeth by nature can boast of an extraordinary strength of dentin - this is confirmed by recent studies. The yellow shade of a smile from birth is not always a reason to be upset. This may mean that your dentin is rich in minerals and is less prone to decay. True, in this case there is one minus - it will not work to whiten the yellowness using traditional methods, the problem will have to be solved with the help of veneers, lumineers or crowns.

If a cavity forms in the affected area, then food remains begin to fall into it, which provoke the appearance of a strong unpleasant odor due to its decay and accelerate the development of the inflammatory process. At the stage of medium caries, the disease can behave unpredictably. It can develop for a long time or rapidly (it all depends on the provoking factors), after which it will turn into a deep lesion of the dentin.

Deep tooth damage

At this final stage, the pathology process provokes severe pain, which, however, does not last a very long time and usually manifest itself after food, drinks or other irritants enter the cavity. If the remnants of food linger in the cavity for a long time, then the pain can become longer.

A companion of this stage in the development of the disease will be halitosis, that is, an unpleasant and rather strong smell from the mouth arising as a result of decay and decay of tissues. If the treatment is ignored here too, then the patient risks getting additional problems as a result of one or another.

When choosing a treatment method, the dentist, first of all, relies on diagnostic measures, on how quickly the disease develops, on the depth and speed of the spread of carious tissue damage.

Features of pathology in children

Children's teeth are also prone to caries, and by no means to a lesser extent than adults. The main causes of its occurrence in children are:

  • insufficient attention to oral hygiene,
  • features of the composition of children's saliva: it does not yet contain the necessary enzymes that provide the oral cavity with a balance of harmful and beneficial microflora,
  • the frequency of consumption of carbohydrates, which become the main breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria in the mouth: it is natural that we are talking about sweets, about the lack of rinsing after eating them. This also includes the so-called development of bottle caries, when the risk of getting a problem occurs even in children under one year old. parents arrange snacks for babies with sweet mixtures and juices at night,
  • lack of essential minerals and vitamins in the proper amount.

Symptoms, as well as stages, are no different from permanent ones, moreover, the disease can cover several teeth at the same time. Today, many methods of combating the disease are used, of which the most common are:

  • : this is relevant only when it comes to the middle and deep stages of the disease. The previously affected area is drilled with a burr and cleaned with high quality,
  • silvering: the procedure stops the development of initial caries, but these days it is performed less and less due to the aesthetic component. The fact is that in the process of treatment, the doctor applies a special composition enriched with silver ions to the baby's teeth - it is a prevention of the development of the disease - but the child's smile in this case darkens, which causes a lot of anxiety at an older age,
  • remineralization: enrichment of enamel with minerals, calcium and fluorine is indicated for those children who are prone to the constant appearance of carious formations. The procedure will be useful not only as a treatment for caries in the stain stage (and, by the way, not only for children, but also for adults), but also as a preventive measure (several times a year on an ongoing basis).

Read more about caries treatment methods in the corresponding article.

Possible Complications

Of all the possible complications of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and granuloma are the most dangerous:

  1. : sharp and sharp pain is a classic sign of this disease. It occurs haphazardly and does not depend on the time of day (it often disturbs patients at night) or on food intake. It is often not easy to determine which tooth is affected, since it can give into the jaw or into the ear,
  2. : if pulpitis is not treated, then advanced deep caries turns into periodontitis, which is most often localized at the top of the root. Symptoms are halitosis, a reaction to temperature changes, the appearance of an abscess on the gums and swelling of the periodontal tissues, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and general weakness. Treatment depends on the type and classification of periodontitis: it can be therapeutic or surgical. In some cases, the tooth must be extracted
  3. granuloma: the symptoms of a granuloma may not manifest themselves for quite a long time, but if the disease worsens, severe pain appears. The main danger of granuloma lies in the development of various pathological processes. After all, an infection with blood can spread throughout the body, leading to cardiological and neurological disorders, as well as the appearance of a flux, cyst or phlegmon, osteomyelitis, and blood poisoning.

Do not forget that these are not all the complications that a person may face as a result of an advanced form of the disease. He may lose a tooth, then he will have to restore it with the help of prosthetics with bridge structures or implantation. Here we will talk about significant costs. And if the problem is ignored, then this will result not only in various complexes against the background of a disturbed smile aesthetics, but also in difficulties with chewing food, with health: it will suffer gastrointestinal tract, spine, headaches will appear, articulation and facial symmetry will be disturbed.

Prevention principles

It is much easier to prevent caries than to treat it later. With the aim of effective prevention the following steps should be followed:

  • carefully care for the oral cavity: it is important to purchase yourself, in addition to a brush with medium hard bristles and paste, and additional devices. These include floss, irrigator, rinses,
  • reduce the amount of sweets consumed: try to finish the meal with a piece of solid vegetables or fruits, and not carbohydrates. This will help to naturally clean the surface of the enamel from plaque, bacteria and deposits,
  • use fluoride pastes: here you should be careful, and use these compounds only after consulting your doctor. In some regions of Russia, the water contains increased content fluorine, which is fraught for people with the development of fluorosis. The use of prophylactic pastes in this case can only aggravate the situation,
  • brush your teeth correctly: no horizontal and sharp movements with a brush - this will harm the integrity of the enamel, cracks will appear on it, where bacteria will happily penetrate
  • apply conditioners,
  • regularly undergo examinations at the dentist: adults - several times a year, children 3-4 times a year.

Full information on caries prevention is also available in a separate article, click and get ready for healthy teeth!

A late visit to the doctor means that the risk of tooth extraction is very high, so it is necessary to start treatment at the earliest stages, when the first spots appear on the surface of the teeth.

Diagnosis and treatment

As for diagnostic measures, this can be a visual examination of the patient using a special mirror, determination of the area of ​​demineralized enamel using dyes, radiography, palpation.

Treatment is based on the removal of those tissue areas that the disease has “captured”. This is done in most cases (except for the stain stage) using a drill. Naturally, this procedure violates the shape of the tooth, its aesthetics and anatomical features. Accordingly, after such a removal, it must be restored using a filling material.

The spot stage is the easiest to treat, when demineralization can be stopped with drugs that have a high content of calcium and fluorine. For the subsequent stages, more serious intervention by the dentist, the use of anesthetics, a drill and other means of treatment is already required.

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According to statistics, today only 20% of children do not know what caries and a dental chair are. Parents do not take this disease too seriously because of its high prevalence. And really, why worry if all children equally walk with damaged teeth. In fact, early caries is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution. Today we will talk about the causes and prevention measures, as well as the available treatment options. This information will be extremely important for all parents, as it will help to avoid a number of troubles.

What is caries

This is the process of destruction of hard tissues of the tooth. There are many reasons for this, we will analyze them in detail today. These can be both external and internal reasons, that is, the general state of the body, immunity in the first place, also affects.

However, the main reason why early caries develops is plaque, or to be more precise, the bacteria that live in the oral cavity. How do they get there? Everything is very simple, mom becomes their carrier. They licked the nipple, gave the crumbs to eat from their spoon, and so the teeth began to deteriorate, not having had time to really grow. But that's not all. If the mother did not treat her teeth before pregnancy, then early caries is guaranteed for the baby, because he will be initially infected.

How does tooth decay progress?

We have already figured out that there are bacteria in the oral cavity that are responsible for the development of this disease. But the products of their vital activity cause early caries. It turns out a classic food chain. Bacteria eat sugars and produce acids. As a result, the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is disturbed.

This is the answer to the main question of why early caries develops so quickly. Enamel of milk teeth is very weakly mineralized, this is especially noticeable in the first 2 years and 5 months of life. It is because of this that dentists recommend giving up sweets at least during this period of a child’s life, not giving him too cold or hot food.

So, the resulting acid leaches minerals from the enamel, which means that the process of destruction is very fast. Early caries in just a few months turns into complicated forms, in which dentists remove teeth. Imagine that the child at this point may still be only a year old. At the age of 2 to 3 years, these processes slow down, but most often by this time it is too late, and most of the teeth are in a deplorable state.

Causes of early caries in children

Let us now discuss in detail why such a disease develops. Many parents think that if they do not give the baby sweets, then they are completely protected from the development of caries. In fact, it's too early to relax. The list of reasons is much longer:

  • Improper oral hygiene. Even if the teeth are just erupting, they immediately need proper care. This is wiping the gums with a damp cloth, and later brushing with a wet brush without paste. When a child erupts 6-7 teeth, you can start using the first paste without fluoride.
  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms. We've talked about this before, but it's worth repeating. It is impossible to eat with a child from one spoon, especially if you have carious teeth in your mouth.
  • genetic predisposition. This is a violation of the development of enamel, which is laid even during intrauterine formation, due to the mother's smoking or taking certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular fluorine and calcium in the child's diet.
  • long breast-feeding no matter how strange it may seem. By the time the milk teeth are formed, the baby will be transferred to five meals a day. But if the baby continues to breastfeed without restriction, at any time of the day or night, without performing oral hygiene after that, plaque and carious cavities form.
  • Mixtures and juices, milk, sweet compotes - all this contributes to the development of caries. This factor is especially serious if the child does not part with the bottle day and night. After a year at night, he should receive only water. In the afternoon after each feeding it is necessary to carry out oral hygiene.
  • The cookies and muffins, sweets and marshmallows that are given to the child are also an important factor, since there is always food for bacteria in the mouth. It is not necessary to completely deprive the child of sweets, but convey to him that after the candy you need to chew gum, rinse your mouth, or at least drink water.

It is important for everyone to know

Once again, summing up, I would like to note that early caries in children occurs largely due to fractional and frequent feedings on demand, as well as unlimited access to snacks during the day and, most importantly, at night. Replace all sweets with fruits. The fructose they contain does not pose any danger. In addition, the diet should have enough calcium, the main source of which is cottage cheese and cheese. Equally important is vitamin D, which we get from fish. In addition, the body can produce it on its own under the influence of sunlight. The third required component is fluorine. You can buy special water filters enriched with this element.

Preventive actions

Early caries of milk teeth is much easier to prevent than to treat. And first of all, hygiene will help you. All the activities described above (rinsing the mouth, rubbing the first teeth and their subsequent cleaning) are also aimed at reducing the risk of developing the disease. If you notice bright white stripes on your child's teeth, then you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Soon enough they will turn into dark spots.

Early childhood caries can be stopped in the early stages by using drugs that increase the mineral composition of tooth enamel. From birth to six years, doctors prescribe special gels, such as "ROKS Minerale". Mom will rub it into the gums, and the minerals will effectively strengthen the tooth enamel. After six years, "Remars Gel" is prescribed, which also gives very good results.

The consequences of advanced forms of the disease

Often parents believe that nothing terrible is happening. These are milk teeth, they will fall out and that's it. Photos of early caries in advanced stages are a rather unpleasant picture, but you need to think not only about the aesthetic side of the issue. If the disease is not treated, then there is a general decrease in immunity. And how could it be otherwise, when a breeding ground of bacteria grows in the cavity of the tooth, which tend to capture the rest of the organs. As long as the immune system is strong, it will keep the bacteria in check, but once it fails, hostile microorganisms take over.

The child is often sick

What causes uncontrolled bacterial growth? First of all, these are constant problems of ENT organs. Closest are the tonsils, followed by the bronchi and lungs. In this case, parents are faced with endless sore throats, coughs and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections.

Gastrointestinal diseases are rarely associated with caries, but there is also a direct relationship here. The child swallows a large number of streptococcal bacteria along with waste products. It is clear that this does not affect the digestion process in the best way.

Moreover, all this along the chain pulls orthodontic problems with it. Since the teeth hurt, and the respiratory organs are constantly in an inflamed state, the wrong bite gradually develops, the habit of breathing through the mouth. This is reflected even in the formation of specific facial features. See how much an untreated tooth means.

What can be done

In fact, parents can, if not completely cure, then significantly stop early caries. How to get rid of a rapidly progressing disease at home, we will talk with you now. The first thing to remember is that home treatments can be effective only in the early stages.

You can also define it yourself. If the damaged tooth still does not hurt, even when it gets too cold or hot water, there are no black dots, and caries itself looks like a whitish strip, then a number of measures should be taken to prevent further development of the clinical picture. In principle, this is the prevention that was described above. If you realized it at this stage of the development of the disease, then a photo of early caries in children will practically not differ in any way from a healthy smile, with the exception of bright white spots. So:

  • Urgently choose a special paste and use it twice a day.
  • Additionally, treat your teeth with gels and compounds to strengthen the enamel.
  • Use conditioners.
  • Follow your diet. That is, replace sweets with vegetables and fruits and enrich the diet with fermented milk products.

Folk recipes

First of all, this is the use of medicinal herbs and decoctions from them:

  • For these purposes, dentists recommend using sage. It destroys microorganisms and normalizes the acid-base environment in the oral cavity. To do this, 100 g of dry grass is poured with the same amount of vodka. After two weeks, the product can be used in the form of applications.
  • For rinsing, they often take an infusion of finely chopped roots. This will require a glass of raw materials, cut into pieces. They are poured with a liter of vodka and insisted for 7 days. After that, the tincture is used for evening rinsing, diluted with water.
  • Mint strengthens tooth enamel. To do this, the leaves are cut and put in a water bath for several minutes. You can add a little wine vinegar to them for better preservation. Used for rinsing.
  • A decoction of onion peel effectively kills bacteria.
  • Simple soda and salt perfectly inhibit the development of caries. To do this, 40 g of a substance is added to a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this solution every time after eating.

Further development of the disease

So far, we have only talked about early caries. It will not be possible to get rid of deeper lesions at home. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Even the superficial stage is characterized by the appearance of defects on the enamel, which creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The middle stage is associated with the destruction of not only enamel, but also dentin. Here, painful sensations already arise when in contact with cold and hot, when consuming sour and sweet. The deep stage of caries is the defeat of the internal cavities of the tooth. Now the disease is approaching the nerve endings. Accordingly, the pain becomes more and more pronounced.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, caring for the oral cavity is by and large the task of parents. It is you who can create all the conditions for making trips to the dentist rare and enjoyable. In our article, we provide a photo of early caries of milk teeth, so that you have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it all starts. No need to wait until black spots or holes appear on the teeth. If you start acting now, the chances of stopping the disease are much higher. And of course, without consulting a professional doctor, at least once every 6 months, you can’t do without it.

The joy caused by the appearance of the first teeth in a baby is very often overshadowed by the appearance of signs of a carious lesion. Mothers do not always attach importance to the manifestations of caries in young children, because they are sure that it is pointless to treat bad temporary teeth, since they will be replaced by permanent ones at a certain age.

Why treat temporary teeth? Caries of milk teeth can provoke the development of pathologies of permanent dental units and deprive the child of a beautiful smile. In addition, the microflora of the oral cavity affects the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Why does cavities occur in young children?

Some parents mistakenly believe that caries in early childhood can occur solely due to excessive consumption of sweets. However, sometimes, limiting the consumption of sweets and chocolate, they still find bad teeth in babies. Why can this pathology occur and what are the causes of carious lesions in children? Among the factors that can provoke the formation of carious foci, experts distinguish the following:

Types and stages of childhood caries, concomitant symptoms

There are several types of childhood caries. The disease is classified according to the place of localization and degree of development. Dentists distinguish the following stages of the carious process:

  1. Elementary. At this stage, it is still very difficult to visually determine the presence of pathology. On the enamel of the tooth, you can see a white spot, which gradually changes color, becomes yellow, and later acquires a brown tint. If the diagnosis is carried out at this stage, you can limit yourself to conservative treatment.
  2. Surface. With this variant of damage to the units of the dentition, children feel acute pain in the process of eating sweets or sour foods. On examination, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of the pathology is visualized, which has a light shade and does not go beyond the enamel.
  3. Average. This type pathology is determined when the carious area passes into the tooth structures located under the enamel. By this time, the enamel has already been destroyed, and the internal structures of the tooth begin to suffer. Soreness with this degree of damage is felt in the tooth when chilled foods or hot drinks enter the oral cavity.
  4. Deep. When the inflammation penetrates into the deepest tissues of the tooth, it destroys the dentin and even the pulp. In this case, treatment should be completed as soon as possible, as the risk of complications increases.

At the place of localization, caries is cervical, circular, fissure, planar. In the first case, the carious cavity is located in the lower part of the crown on the border with the gum. With further progression, the carious cavity usually goes deeper towards the root.

Circular caries captures the area of ​​the neck of the tooth along the entire perimeter, it encircles the crown, which gradually leads to its loss. If timely assistance is not provided with a circular lesion, then only the root of the tooth may remain in the gum.

Most often, dentists diagnose fissure caries in children, which affects the depressions on the surface of the enamel. The planar appearance of a carious lesion is characterized by coverage of the entire surface of the crown, especially often it occurs on the posterior chewing teeth.

According to the number of dental units affected by the disease, specialists divide caries into single and multiple. At an early age, there is often a lesion of 2 or more dental units at the same time.

To prevent the spread of the disease in a child, parents should consult a dentist when the first symptoms appear, including:

  • stains on enamel of unknown origin;
  • persistent odor from the mouth;
  • sore teeth when eating, drinking.

Diagnostic methods

Caries of milk teeth in children is usually detected during a visit to the dental office. Examination with the help of medical devices and a mirror allows you to diagnose the presence of carious lesions even at an early stage of development. What a carious lesion of the anterior incisors looks like can be seen in the photo. The sensations experienced by the child may indicate the degree of damage, but to make a final diagnosis, the doctor must conduct an additional examination.

To determine the depth of the cavity and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spread of the disease, a specialist may prescribe an examination of the oral cavity using x-rays. If the doctor suspects the presence of initial caries, he dries the surface of the crown and stains it with a special dye. After that, the dentist evaluates the color intensity of the stains.

Features of the treatment of children's caries at different stages

Treatment of caries in children 1, 2 and 3 years old requires the use of sparing methods. The main task of the doctor is to make the process as comfortable and painless as possible for the child. This will avoid psychological trauma, and in the future the baby will not be afraid of visiting the dentist.

The use of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry is different from anesthesia in adult dentistry. Babies are given a smaller amount of anesthetic. The site of the proposed injection of an anesthetic substance is pre-treated with a spray so that the introduction of the needle into the gum tissue does not cause pain.

The doctor tries to use the drill as little as possible so as not to cause fear in the kids. To install a seal, special preparations are used that are designed to work with temporary teeth.

There are several treatment options for caries in baby teeth. The initial stage of the disease allows therapy using technologies such as remineralization, fluoridation, ozone therapy, silvering, ICON (see also: fluoridation of teeth in children: photos before and after the procedure). In the presence of deep carious cavities, depophoresis, filling and preparation are used.

Silvering teeth

Early caries is successfully treated by silvering. This technology is based on the antimicrobial properties of silver, it is safe, painless, inexpensive. The crown of the tooth is treated with a silver solution. In this way, you can stop the carious process at the initial stage of development.

The disadvantage of this method is that silver contributes to the darkening of tooth enamel. It is no longer possible to return the tooth to its previous whiteness after treatment.

Removal of dental units

It is necessary to resort to tooth extraction in the case when the destruction has reached the internal structures of the tooth, and the diagnosis has shown the presence of a deep lesion. Sometimes not the entire tooth is removed, but only its destroyed part. After that, the doctor conducts treatment aimed at restoring the damaged part of the tooth.

After removing the affected area, it is important to return the crown to its previous shape so that the child can fully chew food. If a small part of the crown needs to be restored, the dentist uses a filling material. When the entire tooth is removed, the child is sent for prosthetics.

Remineralization of enamel and dentin

Children's caries in the early stages can be treated well with the help of enamel remineralization technology (we recommend reading: how is teeth remineralization performed in children?). Doctors usually prescribe this procedure for children aged 6-7 years, if during the examination they are found to have an early stage of fissure caries. In some babies, the fissures on the crown of the tooth are excessively deep. Because of this structural feature, they are often affected by caries.

When the doctor sees characteristic spots on the enamel grooves, he recommends remineralization as soon as possible so that the process does not spread further. For this technology, special compositions with fluorine, calcium and phosphorus have been created. The substance is applied to the surface of the teeth, after which ultrasonic waves are used to help the minerals penetrate into the tooth tissues.

ICON Technology

The new ICON technology is increasingly being used in the treatment of superficial carious lesions. Its advantage is high efficiency and no need to undergo a long course of treatment. To get rid of the first signs of pathology, a child needs only one procedure.

During the appointment, the doctor cleans the surface of the tooth from plaque, then he smears the enamel with a gel containing acid, which removes its upper mineral layer. After that, a material is applied to the area of ​​caries, to fix which the dentist must use a special lamp. During this procedure, the polymer fills the wide pores of the enamel and hardens under the influence of a lamp. A tooth treated with the ICON method becomes more protected and gains additional strength.

This technology can be used for the prevention and treatment of disease in the stain stage both on milk and permanent teeth. This method can treat carious spots in babies from 3 years old. The procedure is very popular as it is completely painless.

Other Methods

Medium and deep caries in children involves the use of more serious therapeutic measures. With the complete destruction of the enamel and the penetration of pathology into the inner layers of the tooth, the following treatment methods are used:

Possible Complications

The most common complications that occur in young children with advanced forms of caries are pulpitis and periodontitis. With inflammation of the pulp, the child experiences acute pain in the area of ​​​​the affected tooth.

If the baby has complaints of toothache while eating, you should consult a dentist to find out how deep the caries has spread. If the pulp is damaged, urgent dental care is required.

Prevention of dental diseases in young children

If parents do not pay enough attention to the prevention of children's caries, then the child may develop other pathologies of the dentition. Subsequently, when changing the dentition in children, caries of permanent teeth occurs, which affects the crowns immediately after eruption.

Bad teeth in a child often cause diseases of the digestive organs. To preserve the health of the baby, parents should know the basic rules for the prevention of oral diseases in childhood:

  • hygiene procedures should be carried out from the moment when the first milk teeth appear until they erupt, the mother should clean the gums of the baby with a silicone brush;
  • ensure the intake of essential minerals and vitamins with food; during the period of active tooth growth, foods high in calcium and vitamin D should be present in the child's diet;
  • do not use feeding bottles for a long time;
  • it is necessary to limit the amount of sweets and carbohydrate foods consumed;
  • after eating, you need to give the baby some water to clear the mouth of food debris and restore the natural balance of microflora;
  • if you notice symptoms of dental disease, you should consult a dentist.