
Presentation in Russian this amazing question mark. Presentation: Presentation for the project work “This amazing exclamation mark”

“Connection of words in a sentence” - Collocation in a sentence Teacher: Vershinina T.A. Russian language 4th grade according to the program "School of the XXI century". Check it out. Municipal educational institution "Krutinskaya gymnasium". Remember! The cat will climb onto a warm bed, curl up in a ball and fall asleep. Rate yourself! Write down the phrases: X Noun + adjective. Textbook p.102 exercise 2 Additionally!!!

“Sentences with direct speech” - Maxim Gorky wrote Good book- just a holiday. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Classwork. How do you understand the meaning of the words of the epigraph? I'm changing clothes. Lesson Objectives: The doors were locked. Place punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech (check). Know: what direct speech is. A.N. Fersman, stone museum, library-museum.”

“Dash between subject and predicate” - I.p- noun. noun IP: Five five is twenty five. IP: Our friendship is the bright light of the sun. Inf. - inf.: Protecting nature means protecting the homeland. Russian language lesson 8th grade Teacher: Vorontsova E.G. Siverskaya secondary school No. 3. A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero connective. Noun Number A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

“Incomplete sentences” - Place punctuation marks, indicate incomplete sentences. Russian language lesson 11th grade. Students should. Be able to: distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences, use incomplete sentences in speech. Full. Incomplete. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya stood in front of the commander of the partisan detachment. Zavarukhina Galina Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2.

“Appeal Lesson” - You can safely address people, stars or birds. Hello, Kolechka. An address can express the affection, kindness of the speaker and, conversely, dissatisfaction. Sentences are projected onto the board. Lesson summary. Appeal. Fixing the material. After analysis, a slide with punctuation marks is superimposed. Explanation of new material.

“Dash in a non-union sentence” - When the rain stopped, we hit the road. Lesson No. 18. No one will be home. A dash must be placed in a non-union complex sentence. There is nothing to heat with. 2) I wanted to go to the cinema. Rewrite, omitting the highlighted words and adding the necessary punctuation. Theoretical material. Everyone had a rest during the night, so we could move on.

There are 10 presentations in total

Presentation on the topic “Why do we need punctuation marks” Completed by student 4 – B class MBOU Balashikha “Gymnasium No. 2” Sofia Malkova Teacher Elena Leonidovna Podobina 2015

Goal: Explain why punctuation marks are needed and teach how to use them correctly. Objectives: Find out the role of punctuation marks in oral speech and in writing. Learn to use punctuation marks correctly. Give examples of correct punctuation marks. Give a presentation.

Punctuation marks Why do we still need punctuation marks? Punctuation marks are necessary in order to correctly format the text, highlight meaningful parts of the text and complete the sentence according to its meaning. Punctuation also helps to color the text emotionally and make it as clear and clear as possible. There are 10 punctuation marks in the Russian language. There are 10 punctuation marks in the Russian language. PERIOD (.) COMMA (,) SEMOLON (;) ellipsis (…) COLON (:) QUESTION MARK (?) EXCLAMATION MARK (!) DASH (-) BRACKETS ((_)) QUOTATION MARKS (“_”)

PERIOD This is the oldest punctuation mark. It completes sentences and is used in contractions. For example: The sun was shining brightly in the sky. COMMA This is the most common punctuation mark. Used when listing and to connect parts of a complex sentence. Also, if you are addressing someone in a sentence, you need to highlight the address. For example: The girl Vika was kind, smart, sympathetic.

SEMOLON Used to separate parts of a complex sentence where there are already many commas. For example: The rooks flew away, the forest was exposed, the fields were empty; only one strip is not compressed (Nekrasov). ellipses Placed if the thought is not completed. For example: Ivan Petrovich was silent... Suddenly he raised his head and looked out the window.

COLON The colon separates the author's words from direct speech. Placed with homogeneous members of the sentence. For example: There are animals in our forest: moose, wild boars, squirrels, hares. QUESTION MARK We put it at the end of a sentence with a question. For example: What is your name?

EXCLAMATION POINT An exclamation point ends sentences that must be given emotional coloring: anger, surprise, joy. An exclamation mark can be used to highlight references that are inside a sentence. For example: What a beautiful morning! DASH A dash is usually placed inside a sentence and replaces some conjunctions and words. The dash is also used when writing direct speech. For example: Astronomy is the science that studies the Universe.

BRACKETS Paired punctuation. They are used when it is necessary to highlight inserted structures in a sentence. For example: Everyone came to visit us except Olya and Tanya (my sisters). Quotation marks are used for direct speech, quotations and words that are not used in their usual meaning. Also, the names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, cartoons, etc. are highlighted in quotation marks. For example: “How beautiful!” "- said Nikita.

But if a person does not know punctuation marks well and does not know how to use them correctly, then he ends up with a “mess” of words that is impossible to understand. We see how the meaning of what is said can change when in different ways use of punctuation marks.

Let's analyze an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin's NANNY Friend of my harsh days, My decrepit dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests For a long, long time you have been waiting for me. You are under the window of your little room, You are grieving, as if on a clock, And the knitting needles hesitate every minute In your wrinkled hands. We see that in this passage the following punctuation marks are used: 2 periods, 4 commas and 1 exclamation point.

Conclusion Punctuation plays a huge role in the Russian language and makes our speech and writing emotionally charged and literate.

Thank you for your attention!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Yudin Artyom 5th grade Municipal educational institution "Basic comprehensive school No. 4 of the city of Belovo” Head Svetlana Vladimirovna Morozova

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Noteworthy punctuation marks! Everyone needs punctuation marks very much, Punctuation marks are very important to us all: You can’t write a poem without them And you can’t sing a song. And you and I need to master punctuation.

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Goal: to prove that punctuation marks are worthy of attention. Objectives: - to study the history and system of Russian punctuation; -consider the meaning and use of punctuation marks in the Russian language; - summarize the material on punctuation studied in fifth grade.

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The history of the emergence of punctuation marks Pushkin: “Punctuation marks exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase lightness and correct sound.” Punctuation appeared much later than writing words using alphabetic signs. Until the end of the 15th century, the text was written even without spaces between words. The period was introduced first (in the 15th century), then the comma (in the 16th century). After them a semicolon appeared, which was used both as a question mark and as an intermediate sign between a colon and a comma. With the advent of printing, there was a need to streamline punctuation marks. In books of the 16th century, commas, semicolons, and question marks were already used (a little later the exclamation mark also appeared). By the end of the 18th century, dashes, quotation marks and ellipses became known. The Russian writer N. Karamzin was the first to use dashes. True, he called him “the devil,” and the linguist A. Barsov, a student of M. Lomonosov, called him “the silent one.” Other punctuation marks also did not immediately receive the names we are accustomed to: the semicolon was called a “semi-dot”, the exclamation mark was a “surprising” mark, the quotation marks were a “preclusive” or “cancel” sign, the hyphen was a “unit” sign (or “unit” mark). "), brackets - a "capacious" sign (which "contains a word or a whole mind in speech"). As you know, in the system of modern Russian punctuation there are 10 punctuation marks: period, comma, semicolon, ellipsis, colon, question mark, exclamation mark, dash, parentheses and quotation marks.

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The oldest sign is the dot. It is already found in monuments of ancient Russian writing. The period can rightfully be considered the ancestor of Russian punctuation. This word (or its root) is included in the name of such characters as semicolon, colon, ellipsis. In grammatical works of the 16th century, the doctrine of punctuation marks was called “the doctrine of the power of points” or “the point mind.” The most common punctuation mark in the Russian language is the comma. This word is found in the 15th century. V.I. Dal connects this word with the verbs wrist, pyapyat, stapin - “stop”, “delay”. This explanation, in our opinion, seems legitimate. The names of most punctuation marks in the Russian language are originally Russian, and the term punctuation marks itself goes back to the verb punctuation - stop, “to hold in motion.” The names of only two signs were borrowed. Hyphen (dash) - from German and dash (dash) - from French

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Chapter 4 ABOUT SIGNS § 109 In addition to letters commonly used in the Russian language, they are placed with them different signs in lines and above lines, and for this reason the first are called lowercase, the others - superscripts. § 110 Lowercase characters are: comma, question mark? dot. amazing! two dots: singular - semicolon; capacious () In 1755, M. Lomonosov’s “Russian grammar” was published in St. Petersburg, which contained information on spelling and punctuation. The second instruction provides a list of all punctuation marks and gives the rules for their use.

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Classification of punctuation marks Completion. ! ? Divisions, ; : Discharge, "" It's raining outside. Below, in the ravine, a stream roared. Guys, help me remove the trash.

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Questionnaire results Knowledge of punctuation marks - 100% History of the origin of signs - 6% Difficulties in placing marks - more than 50% The greatest difficulties in placing punctuation marks for students are caused by: - ​​commas in complex sentences; with homogeneous members of the sentence; when applying; punctuation marks for direct speech.

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Punctuation marks play a very important role in our speech. One incorrectly placed sign can even take a person’s life (Execution cannot be pardoned). - Punctuation marks help the writer to express his thought, and the reader to understand it, that is, they serve the purposes of communication between people. - Without punctuation marks it would be difficult for us to understand each other. - The ability to correctly place a sign is an art that we learn in Russian language lessons. - A literate person is not only one who does not make mistakes in words, but also one who can correctly put this or that punctuation mark. conclusions

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ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF PUNCTION MARKS “The man lost the comma, began to be afraid of complex sentences, and looked for simpler phrases. Simple phrases were followed by simple thoughts. Then he lost the exclamation mark and began to speak quietly, with one intonation. Nothing pleased or outraged him anymore; he treated everything without emotion. Then he lost the question mark and stopped asking questions; no events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they happened - in Space, on Earth or even in his own apartment. A couple of years later he lost his colon and stopped explaining his actions to people. By the end of his life he had only quotation marks left. He didn't express any own idea, and he was always quoting someone - so he forgot how to think and reached the point.” Watch out for punctuation! Thank you for your attention!

Avdeeva Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature
Voronezh region, Khokholsky district

1.Development of students' research skills. 2.Students acquire skills independent work with a small amount of information.

Prepared by a student of the 5th "A" class of the MCOU "Khokholskaya Secondary School" Sofya Kirilova, Supervisor Valentina Nikolaevna Avdeeva Project on the topic: This amazing exclamation mark

Questions requiring answers1. What is the role of the exclamation mark in language?2. What is the history of the exclamation mark?3. What distinctive features exclamatory sentences?

Project goals1. Development of research skills.2. Acquiring skills for independent work with a small amount of information.

Project objectives1. Strengthen knowledge of the correct reading of exclamatory sentences.2. Develop the ability to correctly read exclamatory sentences.3. Improve your ability to use the exclamation mark correctly.

History of the appearance of the sign The history of the appearance of the exclamation mark goes back to the not so distant past. In world literature, the appearance of the exclamation mark dates back to the 16th century, in the Russian language - to the 17th century. Moreover, it was not called exclamatory, but surprising. And since there was no need to be surprised regularly and in large quantities in writing, the exclamation mark appeared on the pages of ancient manuscripts and the first printed editions infrequently.

Features exclamatory sentences Exclamatory sentences are those sentences that express the speaker’s emotional attitude to the actions taking place. These are anger, joy, admiration, horror and other emotions. The peculiarity of an exclamatory sentence is that at the end there is an exclamation mark, indicated by a dot with a vertical stick, and not a period. For example: It’s so nice in the village in the summer! The strength of the voice in such a sentence is increased, the tempo is fast or slow.

The role of the exclamation mark in language We all know that sentences sometimes contain an exclamation mark. It serves to emphasize the exclamation in a sentence. An exclamation mark is used at the end of all exclamatory sentences - declarative, interrogative and imperative. It indicates not only the emotional nature of the message, but also emphasizes the categorical nature of the motivation, draws up emotionally charged formulas of speech etiquette with the meaning of gratitude, greeting, farewell, apology, etc., as well as addresses expressing emotions (joy, surprise, reproach, fear and so on.)

And now a little game! There will be text on the screen without punctuation marks. TASK OF PARTICIPANTS: 1. Read the text, pointing with your voice to punctuation marks at the end and middle of sentences. 2. Avoid grammatical and punctuation errors when reading sentences.

Good girl It was a harsh winter, everything was covered with snow, it was hard because of this the poor sparrows could not find food anywhere, the sparrows flew around the house and chirped pitifully, the kind girl Masha felt sorry for the sparrows, she began to collect bread crumbs and sprinkled them every day at her porch, the sparrows flew to feed and soon They stopped being afraid of Masha, so the kind girl fed the poor birds until spring.

ButterflyIt was spring, the sun was shining brightly, flowers were growing in the meadow, a yellow butterfly was flying above them, suddenly a large black bird flew in, it saw the butterfly and wanted to eat it, the butterfly got scared and sat on yellow flower The bird flew around, but didn’t see the butterfly and flew away with nothing.

Snow White Snow White prepared breakfast for the dwarves in the morning, she cooked everything very tasty. Snow White poured them tea with milk, baked pancakes with condensed milk and jam, but she never allowed them to sit at the table with with dirty hands The gnomes got used to it and began to wash their hands before eating without being reminded.

Airplane It was spring, the snow was melting, streams were flowing, Sasha was floating paper boats on the water, suddenly something buzzed above, Sasha thought that a bird was flying, now it was already overhead, it was an airplane, Sasha stared at the airplane and the boats floated away.

RonzhaAniska walked through the clearing; the forest grass stood waist-deep and suddenly swayed spruce branch Aniska raised her eyes; a wonderful bird was sitting on a tree; it was a ronja bird; it was like a bright flower; it was hanging on a branch and looking at the little girl; the bird’s head was black and its breast was green; its wings and tail were red as fire; the bird quietly glided over the clearing and disappeared into the woody foliage of the trees.



“Connection of words in a sentence” - Collocation in a sentence Teacher: Vershinina T.A. Russian language 4th grade according to the program "School of the XXI century". Check it out. Municipal educational institution "Krutinskaya gymnasium". Remember! The cat will climb onto a warm bed, curl up in a ball and fall asleep. Rate yourself! Write down the phrases: X Noun + adjective. Textbook p.102 exercise 2 Additionally!!!

“Sentences with direct speech” - Maxim Gorky wrote A good book is just a holiday. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Classwork. How do you understand the meaning of the words of the epigraph? I'm changing clothes. Lesson Objectives: The doors were locked. Place punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech (check). Know: what direct speech is. A.N. Fersman, stone museum, library-museum.”

“Dash between subject and predicate” - I.p- noun. noun IP: Five five is twenty five. IP: Our friendship is the bright light of the sun. Inf. - inf.: Protecting nature means protecting the homeland. Russian language lesson 8th grade Teacher: Vorontsova E.G. Siverskaya secondary school No. 3. A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero connective. Noun Number A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

“Incomplete sentences” - Place punctuation marks, indicate incomplete sentences. Russian language lesson 11th grade. Students should. Be able to: distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences, use incomplete sentences in speech. Full. Incomplete. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya stood in front of the commander of the partisan detachment. Zavarukhina Galina Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2.

“Appeal Lesson” - You can safely address people, stars or birds. Hello, Kolechka. An address can express the affection, kindness of the speaker and, conversely, dissatisfaction. Sentences are projected onto the board. Lesson summary. Appeal. Fixing the material. After analysis, a slide with punctuation marks is superimposed. Explanation of new material.

“Dash in a non-union sentence” - When the rain stopped, we hit the road. Lesson No. 18. No one will be home. A dash must be placed in a non-union complex sentence. There is nothing to heat with. 2) I wanted to go to the cinema. Rewrite, omitting the highlighted words and adding the necessary punctuation. Theoretical material. Everyone had a rest during the night, so we could move on.

There are 10 presentations in total