
Political elite and political leadership. presentation for a history lesson (grade 11) on the topic. Presentation "Political elite and political leadership" Political elite security presentation

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Political elite and political leadership

Food for thought All-Russian Center Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) conducted a poll “Politician of the Year” in December 2010

Food for thought “The difference between a statesman and a politician is that a politician is focused on next elections, A statesman- for the next generations." Winston Churchill Winston Churchill

The political elite is an internally cohesive, minority social community that acts as the subject of preparation and adoption of the most important strategic decisions in the field of politics and has the necessary resource potential for this. It is characterized by the closeness of attitudes, stereotypes and norms of behavior, unity (often relative) of shared values, as well as involvement in power (regardless of the method and conditions of its acquisition). The term "elite" comes from the French word elite - which means the best, chosen, chosen, "chosen people."

Theories of the elites Gaetano Mosca (1858 -1941), Italian lawyer, sociologist about B E S H T S O V P U A R E V Y A L E Y M Ruling Mosca G. considered the domination of the minority inevitable, because it is the domination of an organized minority over unorganized majority.

Theories of elites about B E SH T S o V P U A R E V Y A L E Y M Ruling Pareto Vilfredo (1848-1923), Italian economist and sociologist. Opposition elite Change of elites History is a process of constant “circulation of elites”, which occurs during periods of revolutionary upheavals.

Along with the similarity of the initial positions of Pareto and Mosca, there are also differences in their concepts: Gaetano Mosca Vilfredo Pareto the gradual penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite the replacement of one type of elite by another the action of the political factor absolutely the elite rules because it inculcates political mythology, rising above ordinary consciousness elite - political class; elite is anthropological, i.e. there may be an elite of economic, military, religious, party, information, administrative, scientific, etc.

Circulation of elites Economic elite (owners of the largest corporations, banks, funds, etc.) Oligarchic rule Political elite (heads of state and government, ministers, leaders political parties) Corruption EE + PE = oligarchy corruption

Circulation of elites Military elite (high generals, district commanders) Military coup Political elite (opposition to power, ministers, leaders of political parties) Change of state power VE + PE = military coup change of state power

Circulation of elites Information elite (owners and editors of large-circulation newspapers and magazines, TV, leading political commentators) Information war Political elite (leaders of ruling and opposition parties, officials) Influence on political decision-making IE + PE = information war influence on political decision-making

How is the political elite formed (recruited)? Closed selection system Open selection system Narrow circle of top leaders Age, education, successful career at the lower levels of power are taken into account Characteristic of authoritarian-dictatorial, totalitarian political systems Separation of the elite from the people Great importance elections to various government bodies Possibility of promotion to power of people from any social strata Characteristic of a democratic political system High competitiveness, importance of personal qualities, actions for the benefit of the social group represented

Political leadership This is any influence on the part of a certain person on society, organization, social group. The influence must be permanent. Unidirectional action from the leader to the object. Covers an entire society or large group of people. 4. Influence is based on the authority of the leader.

Role functions of a political leader Integration of society, unification of the masses. Finding and making optimal political decisions. Social arbitration and patronage, protection of the masses from lawlessness and tyranny. Communication between the authorities and the masses, strengthening the channels of political and emotional communication. Initiating renewal, generating optimism and social energy, mobilizing the masses to realize political goals. Legitimation (validity, justification) of power, political system.

Types of leadership Max WEBER (1864 - 1920) German philosopher and sociologist. Traditional Legal (based on law) Charismatic

Determine your leadership type

Homework § 16, source analysis pp. 188-189 Provide an example (characterize) a famous political leader of the past or present.

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The political elite is a relatively small social group that concentrates in its hands a significant amount of political power, ensures integration, subordination and reflection of the interests of various sectors of society in political attitudes and creates a mechanism for the implementation of political plans. A small, fairly independent social group; Having a high status; Significant amount of state and information power; Taking direct part in the exercise of power; Having organizational skills and talent Character traits political elite Society is naturally divided into a ruling minority and a controlled majority. This division is based on natural inequality. The main purpose of the political elite is to make important political decisions. The development of any society is directed and depends on the political elite

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Political leadership Political leadership is the personal ability to influence the political behavior and political activities of people, determined by the system of socio-political and psychological relationships and orientation in a group, organization, society.

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Modern concepts of leadership 1. “Trait theory.” Leadership is a phenomenon generated by the special traits of the leader (intelligence, strong-willed qualities, etc.) 2. “Situational theory.” Leadership is a function of the situation, the current situation. 3. Psychological concepts(for example, according to Z. Freud). Leadership is based primarily on unconscious sexual attraction. 4. The theory of constituents. Leadership is a function of the expectations of followers who accept or reject the leader. 5. Integrative analysis is an attempt to carry out a comprehensive study of leadership using all its components.

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Leading signs and essential characteristics of a political leader. Having your own political program or innovative strategy and policies. The ability to express and defend the interests of a particular social group. Certain character traits that manifest themselves in the implementation of the program and the unification of their supporters (persistence, will, courage, etc.) The required level of political culture. The image of a leader that meets the moral standards accepted in a given society or group. Popularity, oratory skills. Having a “team” of assistants and performers. Availability of support from the masses and government structures. The ability to be like your supporters or voters.

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Typology of political leadership By type of authority -Traditional -Traditional-legal -Charismatic By leadership style Authoritarian Democratic By the nature of influence Constructive Destructive By the form of influence Formal Informal



The term "elite" comes from the French word elite - which means the best, chosen, chosen, "chosen people." In political science, elite refers to individuals who have received the highest index in their field of activity. Equivalent concepts to the concept of “elite” are “ruling elite”, “ruling stratum”, “ruling circles”.

The elite is the highest part of a social group, class, political public organization.

Persons with the highest performance indicators

in his field of activity (V. Pareto).

Charismatic personalities (M. Weber).

The most politically active people are power-oriented; organized minority of society (G. Mosca).

People who occupy the highest places in society due to their

biological and genetic origin.

Persons who have a high position in society and thereby influence social progress (Dupré).

People who have received the greatest prestige and status in society (G. Lasswell).

Persons with intellectual

and moral superiority over the masses, regardless of their status.

Persons receiving material

And intangible values

V maximum size

Political elite

The political elite is a small, relatively privileged, fairly independent, superior group (or set of groups), more or less possessing certain psychological, social and

political qualities necessary for

management of other people and directly involved in the exercise of government power.

Gaetano Mosca (1858 - 1941)

Mosca tried to prove the inevitable division of any society into two groups unequal in social status and role. In “Fundamentals of Political Science” (1896) he wrote: “In all societies, from the most moderately developed to modern advanced and powerful societies, there are two classes of persons: the class of managers and the class of the governed. The first, always smaller in number, carries out everything political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys its inherent advantages, while the second, more numerous, is controlled and regulated by the first and supplies ... material means for the sustenance of the political body."

Mosca G. considered the rule of a minority to be inevitable, for it is the rule of an organized minority over an unorganized majority.

Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923)

The inevitability of dividing society into a governing elite and the controlled masses was derived from the inequality of individual abilities of people, manifested in all spheres of social life.

He first of all singled out the political, economic, military, and religious elite.

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Voslensky M. Nomenklatura - the ruling class of the Soviet Union. - M., 2005. Kryshtanovskaya O. Anatomy of the Russian elite. - M., 2005.

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Main questions

1. The essence and nature of the political elite. 2. Typology of the political elite.

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1. The essence and nature of the political elite.

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    Political elite -

    A relatively independent, privileged group of political figures and senior leaders of the state and society, possessing outstanding professional, social and psychological-personal qualities that provide the opportunity to implement fundamental, cardinal decisions.

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    The main characteristics of the elite:

    Relative independence in relation to society; - highest social status in the political sphere and prestige of social position; - political power and power orientation;

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    Relative coincidence of goals and interests, group consciousness; - willpower and charisma, attraction to a leadership role; - ability to make the most important government decisions and willingness to bear responsibility for them;

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    Unidirectional vector of career aspirations; - a sense of belonging to the chosen caste.

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    2. Typology of the political elite.

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    Elite types:

    Totalitarian - liberal - dominant - democratic

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    Totalitarian elite:

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    Liberal elite:

    Elite of democratic power sharing. Most often, it is unitary in its qualitative composition, open in its forms, but corporate in its principles of forming its ranks.

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    Dominant Elite:

    The elite is democratically oriented, pluralistic and mobile in its composition, open in its mechanisms for recruiting its ranks, dominant in its ideological attitudes and consensus in its methods of political and managerial activity.

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    Democratic elite:

    The elite of a civilized democratic society with strong legislative, executive and judicial powers, pluralistic in its composition and ideological orientations.

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    The presentation is used in an 11th grade lesson when learning new material.

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    "Presentation "Political elite and political leadership."


    Political elite and political leadership

    History and social studies teacher, GBOU “School No. 810"

    Kozyrenko V.I.


    • Form ideas about the political elite and become familiar with the theories of elites
    • To study the issue of recruiting the political elite and the peculiarities of the formation of the Russian political elite
    • Highlight the main features of political leadership
    • Compare Various types political leaders
    • Analyze the results of a sociological survey on the rating of representatives of the Russian elite and the success factors of political leaders


    The concept of the political elite

    • Elite is:
    • persons who received the highest index in the field of their activity (V. Pareto).
    • the most politically active people oriented towards power (G. Mosca)
    • persons enjoying the greatest prestige, wealth, status in society (G. Lasswell)
    • people who have intellectual and moral superiority over the masses, regardless of their status (L. Boden)
    • people with the highest sense of responsibility (J. Ortega y Gasset)
    • creative minority opposing the uncreative majority (A. Toynbee), etc. .

    Political leader

    Political elite (from several hundred to several thousand people)


    Definition political elite

    • Political elite - a small, relatively privileged, fairly independent, superior group (or set of groups), to a greater or lesser extent possessing certain psychological, social and political qualities necessary to manage other people and directly involved in the exercise of state power.

    Three main methods for identifying the political elite

    • positional analysis - definition of the elite by positions (positions) held in the formal political structure;
    • reputation analysis - identifying those groups of politicians who, regardless of their formal positions, have a real influence on the political process;
    • decision analysis - identifying those politicians who actually make the most important political decisions.

    Elites influencing government policy




    Recruitment political elite

    An open selection system is inherent in democratic states

    A closed selection system is characteristic of traditional, authoritarian-dictatorial, totalitarian regimes

    Photos from Vybrov

    Photo of Hitler

    POLITICAL LEADERSHIP - this is influence

    • Firstly, constant
    • Secondly, unidirectional, from the leader to the object
    • Third, broad, covering the entire society or large groups of people
    • Fourthly, based on the authority of the leader.


    The scope of leadership

    Leaders of political parties


    National leaders


    Typology of leadership according to the theory of the German scientist M. Weber






    1. V. Putin

    1. V. Putin

    2. S. Shoigu

    2. S. Shoigu

    3. V. Zhirinovsky

    3. D. Medvedev

    4. G. Zyuganov

    4. G. Zyuganov

    5. G. Yavlinsky

    5. V. Zhirinovsky



    2006 2016

    • Mind, intelligence, knowledge
    • The constructiveness of his program
    • Professionalism
    • Will, determination
    • Support from ordinary people
    • Media support

    Do you see leadership potential in yourself?


    But remember that a political leader can become one whose ability to lead people will be developed, who will learn to deeply understand politics and creatively solve social problems.

    In conclusion, remember the words of the American president of the early 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt.

    “The leader acts openly, the boss acts behind closed doors. The leader leads, and the boss controls.”