
Why is it important to remain yourself? Why is it important to be yourself and never pretend? Why can I be myself?

A fall is not a failure. Failure in the desire to stay and live where you fell.

Appreciate a person not for his appearance, but for his attitude towards himself.

Don't take negativity to heart. Until you accept it, it belongs to the one who brought it.

Don't be afraid to say goodbye to what doesn't make you happy.

Do not forget that position comes from the word “duty,” work comes from the word “slave,” and dismissal comes from the word “will.”

It is not difficult to believe people, but it is difficult to believe again.

Don't be afraid to show your feelings.
The people you love and appreciate need to know how important they are to you.

We get offended, quarrel and get angry only at those whom we are so afraid of losing, whom we sincerely love...

Everything will be as you dream, just wait.
Remember, sugar is at the bottom...

Over time, you get tired of reaching out to people who don’t take a single step towards you.

A horseshoe will never bring you happiness and good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing like a horse!

To respect or not to respect a person is your choice. Being respectful is your upbringing.

We must remain faithful. Loyalty to your word, obligations, others, yourself. You have to be one of those people who never let you down.
Erich Maria Remarque

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

You can’t imagine what a person who has finally realized that he has no other choice is capable of.

Don't try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all their junk.

True beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of brains!

Those killed by words are finished off by silence.

A man should be a calm lion, not a noisy mongrel.

Act like it's a dream. Act boldly and don't look for excuses.

When everything in life seems to be falling apart, start thinking about what you will build in the vacant space.

Sometimes in some strange way in life everything works out on its own.

There are no lazy people. There are worthless goals - those that do not inspire.

Discipline is the decision to do what you really don't want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.

The person who needs you will always find a way to be there.

Strong people speak to their faces. Weak people open their dirty mouths behind their backs.

My beloved, I am Archeia Faith, I am mercy and compassion, I am the Light and Love of God.

My dears, let's talk to you today about how important it is to be yourself and follow your own personal, individual and priceless path in life.

Being yourself is the most important thing in your life, it is the true experience and path of the soul.

To be yourself is real inner freedom, it is the boundlessness of spiritual manifestation and creativity, a unique “inspired flight” in the vastness of life.

To be yourself is the true value, integrity and Unity of matter and Spirit.

There is not a single identical person on earth, not a single same soul, but there are unique and priceless creations of God. Each of you has your own important and necessary place in the huge plan of the Creator, your own individual role and purpose.

You are all very necessary and important to this world, my beloved, and among you there are neither the first nor the last. Each of you has enormous creative potential, unique abilities, amazing qualities, and by believing in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities, you can reveal them in yourself.

Everything is inside you, my dears, believe it... Don’t look at the path of other people, at their lives, but pay attention to yourself, how many priceless gifts are hidden within you.

By setting yourself the goal of being like others and living like everyone else, you close off the opportunity for yourself to fully reveal yourself in all your beauty, in all your splendor.

You don’t know how beautiful and unique you are, how priceless and capable... You see the great abilities of others, the great path of others, the great lives of others... but you often forget to see your uniqueness...

And today, my beloved, I ask you to pay attention to yourself, to see your spiritual qualities, your abilities, your gifts... in order to help yourself open up and one day bloom like a magical Divine Flower - to reach the true purpose of your life, to bring great help and support, your true Divine Light and Love...

Take a piece of paper now, my dears, and write on it all the spiritual qualities that you have. Write on a piece of paper all your inner riches of the soul that you have already seen and revealed in yourself.

And now write on a piece of paper all your creative abilities, everything that you know how to do best and what you really enjoy.

Then write down on a piece of paper all your subtle feelings that you have revealed in yourself(premonition, intuition, subtle vision, ethereal hearing... subtle feelings and sensations).

All that you wrote down are your gifts today, which you were able to see in yourself, discern, but try it, my dears, there are much more, much more...

And every day, when you look into yourself, into your true essence, improve and open up to meet your soul more and more, showing your true bright qualities, creative and subtle abilities, your list of gifts will increase infinitely.

These new spiritual gifts, like new petals, will transform your Divine Soul every day, and one day it will bloom and illuminate everyone around with its unique, boundless and unconditional Light.

With love to you,

your Archeya Vera.

Accepted by Magda, 04/13/2017

My beloved, I am Archeia Faith, I am mercy and compassion, I am the Light and Love of God. My dears, let's talk to you today about how important it is to be yourself and follow your own personal, individual and priceless path in life. Being yourself is the most important thing in your life, it is a true experience and path...

What does it mean to “be yourself” and why is it necessary? Scientist, theologian, translator Marina Zhurinskaya reflects.

Fewer beautiful phrases

The impetus for this reasoning was my theft. I must state this immediately and publicly. In an interview with a priest, I heard the words: “The main thing is to be yourself.”

Later, these words were repeated by some other people somewhere. Of course, this idea has not existed for the first century, or even the first millennium, but here it has somehow become fresher.

I explained to that priest that this idea needs to be developed - and in what direction. He listened to me, agreed, but said that he would not do this himself. Thus, my theft, one might say, has a “license.”

What does it mean to “be yourself”? It is very important how we understand this phrase and what we do in order to “be ourselves.”

I think the priest had in mind some kind of zero cycle of self-knowledge. Before you go, it would be good to figure out who you are and what you intend to repent of. It often happens that we repent of sins that we invent for ourselves. It seems that some kind of heresy that arose in the 5th century died out completely in the 6th century, and now you are so conscientious that you discovered it in yourself, for which you repent.

This is boring for the priests, and we ourselves generally understand that, roughly speaking, this is driven by the devil. But come on... For some reason I’m drawn to theological delights. And in general, it’s clear why: if you yell at a child in a terrible voice, then how can you repent of it? Unpleasant...

In fact, it would be nice to treat yourself more simply, to see yourself as you are, and not to imagine yourself as some kind of superman who is exactly three millimeters away from complete spiritual transformation.

This is the most universal thing - to see yourself not as you are, but more sublime, more refined, and to repent of your sublimity and sophistication.

I once heard a priest repent during a sermon that in the past year he had not led his flock to salvation. This father is very good, he has really been doing a lot for the church, the community and for individuals for many years.

But a question immediately arises. Guys, how could he do this? First of all, we must not forget that Christ leads to salvation. And the priest, even if he is at least wonderful, is still not Him. He himself says: “I am an unworthy priest”...

A very beautiful phrase - “did not lead to salvation.” What claims could there be against him after this? One can only feel sorry for the priest, who repents so passionately and ardently. But these words fly past the ears, past the mind and heart. Everyone just nods: “God save you, father.”

But if he said: “Forgive me, dear ones, for sometimes I was careless with you. I answered your questions poorly, without going into the essence. Yes, I had no time, I felt bad, but that didn’t make it any easier for you. And this is what I repent of. Forgive me for not giving each person as much attention as he deserves. You yourself understand that this is impossible. The parish is large, but you have to try, and I didn’t always try hard enough to do it. Sometimes you are walking, in a hurry to give communion to a dying person, suddenly some lady comes up, says something incomprehensible, and you brush her off. But auntie would also need to be patient, and at least try to understand what she wants from you.”

Having heard such repentance from the (beloved!) priest, the parishioners themselves would understand how and what to repent of. because these are completely typical sins. We are all rude and careless with each other. A friend calls you, sniffles, and you wave it off: “Be patient, humble yourself and generally leave me alone, I have a headache.” And we can no longer even talk about the treatment of children and relatives. These sins, sins against our neighbor, distort our immortal soul.

There is also no need to talk about purely formal proofreading - I hate the word “proofreading”. Auntie comes to confession, hands at her sides: “I read the rule.”

My dear, how did you read it? You counted the pages, you counted the prayers on your fingers. “Yeah, ten prayers. I’ve read six, which means there are still four left, glory to You, Lord.” This is what our sins are, and not at all subtle questions of some little-known ancient rules.

In this sense, it would be good to understand “who I am.” Who am I at this moment? And is this good? To be yourself means to understand this. Then the zero cycle of self-knowledge ends. And we begin to see what a gigantic distance there is between the way we are now and the way the Lord intended us to be. After all, it is said: “Before I created you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.”(Jer 1:4-5).

This is the whole meaning of our life - to go from the state in which we are at the moment to that heavenly heavenly state that the Lord foresaw in us when he created us. And He wants us to be like that.

That is why it is very important to realize what we are. And that is why if we, roughly speaking, “show off” before His all-seeing and all-understanding gaze, nothing good will come of it.

Many people, in order to please their interlocutor, try to adapt to him in every possible way. When applying for a job, during an interview, we often try to appear smarter than we are in real life. When looking for a companion, we (especially guys) try to show ourselves from a more advantageous side. We are trying to look more status in the eyes of the subject of our attention. Girls are trying to show their ideality and thriftiness, which perhaps does not exist.

What does this lead to? Only to disappointment and depression. I don't know people who can be actors 24/7. Any role can only be played for a certain time. Sooner or later you stop playing the role, revealing a personality that may be significantly different from the role you played.

Why you shouldn’t pretend and you need to be yourself when communicating with people.

It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl. The guy wants to seem a little richer, more independent and cooler. In his opinion, this will speed up the process of establishing the relationships that he thinks he needs. The girl wants to attract attention young man, who seemed to her a high-status, reliable person who could provide her with high level. In my opinion, everyone loses in this situation. There will be no relationship here. It's not even about the money.

A beautiful girl is attracted to cheerful guys who are the center of attention. She liked one guy who is not cheerful by nature. The guy tries to appear to the girl the way she wants to see her companion. He succeeds. They start dating, but over time the guy does not have the patience to endlessly play the role of a cheerful, merry fellow. The girl does not understand why and when the guy changed so much. She met a completely different person. Who needs such a relationship now? There is no love in this relationship. Read about it. Even if there is some kind of relationship, it will be mired in a pit of mistrust. You will spend more time on, than on generating pleasant moments together.

Appear smarter than you are in real life

When applying for a job, we always want to appear better than we are. On the one hand, this is pretty standard. On the other hand, this brings a lot of inconvenience to both you and your potential employer. You are asked about your goals for life, your expectations from digging. You give memorized but rather competitive answers. But in reality, your answers are at odds with your internal position. And it is quite possible that this work will not bring you exorbitant income, and over time, every working day will turn into torture. If you are forced to lie during an interview, then this is clearly not the case.

“I'm afraid to be alone. No one is interested in me.”

This is one of the reasons most people use to justify themselves. Pretend and not be yourself in order to be surrounded by people who don’t understand you and don’t know what’s in your soul? This will make you even more lonely. There are always a lot of people around us. Especially if you live in a city with a population of over a million. You can just as easily run to the nearest metro station and enjoy not only communication, but also physical interaction with people.

There are so many people in the Moscow metro that you will be groped no matter what. No, not because someone wants it or because your body is too attractive. There are just a lot of people and not enough space. You must like it =)

Be yourself. Accept yourself as the person you are. You are no better, but you are no worse than anyone else. There are always those who are able to understand and love you with all their hearts. Be open to meeting new people. Life is like the stripes on a zebra: after the black there is always white.

Many people cannot imagine their day without one or more cups. And it turns out that drinking coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy! If you do not complain of serious health problems, then you can drink a few cups of this delicious drink without remorse and enjoy its benefits.

Laziness is a character trait that each of us has to a greater or lesser extent, so this article is dedicated to all readers without exception.

Self-pity is difficult to notice immediately, from the beginning of its appearance. It penetrates a person’s life very slowly, and it is very difficult to remove it later. And only at the moment when the first alarm bell rings does understanding come. Despite the fact that it appears when the situation already requires an immediate solution. Therefore, it is important to know and understand in advance what self-pity is and how it manifests itself.

10 truths of life that everyone should remember

Perfectionism is the belief that an ideal can and should be achieved. A perfectionist always strives for perfection, whether appearance, work task or environment. In this article we will talk about 5 lessons taught by perfectionism.

No one questions the progress of science in modern world. If you asked our distant and not so distant ancestors about psychological problems, they would simply throw up their hands - they say, what is this? Modern psychology easily juggles with definitions: Oedipus complex, excellent student complex, inferiority complex, victim complex... How to get rid of complexes and various psychological problems, from everything that prevents you from living a harmonious life, from being a strong and free person?

There are often times when excessive nervousness makes it impossible to think and reason sensibly. To protect yourself from unnecessary worries, you need to learn to remain calm in any situation. Some have the innate ability to remain calm in critical moments, while others need experience and time to do this.

Sometimes life teaches us lessons that are difficult to find in manuals and textbooks. Life experience does not depend on what kind of education we have or what kind of scientific dissertation we write.

The author of the world bestseller “The Richest Man in Babylon,” Clayson George, revealed the secrets that anyone who wants to realize their most ambitious plans needs to know. They are the key to success and wealth. According to the author, and it is difficult for us to disagree with him, it is money that is the measure of a person’s success.