
Prayers for acne on the face. Strong conspiracies against acne on the face and body. Plot for acne with water

In this article:

We all want to have beautiful and healthy skin, we want to look good and leave only a positive impression, but just a few small pimples on the face can easily ruin the whole look. There are a huge number of special ways to combat the problem, these include special ointments, tablets, and various cleanings. But many still trust ancient means of combating such a scourge.

An anti-acne spell is a time-tested way to heal your skin from rashes and cleanse your face without using harmful medications.

Features of conspiracies

At its core, a conspiracy is an oral form magical influence, which, with the help of special words, allows us to influence the world around us, ourselves and other people.

You can believe or not believe in the power of magic, this is a personal matter for everyone, however, practice shows the high effectiveness of rituals, especially in matters of treatment and cleansing.

Before using one of the spells, you need to learn a few basic rules that all magicians follow without exception:

  • the conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper, but in a firm voice;
  • any conspiracy must be read by heart;
  • you cannot read the words of the conspiracy in front of witnesses;
  • before performing any magical ritual, you should fast, give up alcohol and smoking;
  • you must believe in the power of the conspiracy used and believe in the end result;
  • the most suitable days for light conspiracies are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday;
  • You should not perform magical rituals on Sunday, except for special cases;
  • If you are faithful to the Orthodox tradition, then before reading the conspiracy you need to read one of the prayers you know, for example, “Our Father.”

Anti-acne ritual

In order to cleanse your face, you need to speak pure spring water. Conspiracy words:

“May my face be like a mirror surface, like mother water, pure and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day forward and for all the bright ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The water charmed in this way should be poured in a thin stream onto the palm of your left hand and washed. The ritual must be performed every night for three days.

Rite against facial spots and freckles

This powerful ritual can last for seven years if performed correctly. The ritual is performed during the waning moon. You need to take a steam bath in a well-heated bath, then dry yourself with your undershirt and read the spell over it. Words:

“Just as the Lord God, the Heavenly Father, expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, so I drive away and burn the white from my body (freckles, pimples, spots). Light up the fire, devour what I give you. Just as the Son of God Jesus Christ ascended to the crucifixion, by his will and blood, just as he cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin, so I cleanse myself with sacred fire from uncleanness and dirt. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple conspiracy

If you have a large number of blackheads or pimples on your body, you can try to get rid of them with a simple magical ritual.

To carry it out, you need to take warm baths with horsetail.

Horsetail is very useful plant for your skin

This plant contains silica, which has healing properties that are excellent for acne, acne, ulcers and lichen.

In one bath you need to add about 500 grams of horsetail, evaporated in two liters of boiled water.

Before taking a bath, you need to read the “Our Father” three times, and while in the water, read the spell:

“I take a cleansing bath, rid my body of infection, rid my skin of (acne, ulcers or other problem). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful ritual for acne

“Voditsa, my sister, red maiden, you run under the sand, you flow under the water, in the fields, and along the forest, along the steep banks, and around people’s houses. Everyone, little vodka, honors and loves you, everyone drinks you, sister, and praises you. Just as you, water, are clean, so am I (name) clean. White girlish beauty. What is said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Winter ritual for acne on the face

To carry out the ritual, you will need icicles from the street, so the ritual can also be carried out in early spring. So, you need to take seven small icicles, bring them into the house and on the waning moon, read the plot:

“Saint George the Victorious, Saint Panteleimon the Healer, and Saint Michael the Liberator. Help me, overcome my illness, take away my sadness. Free my body from all pimples, blackheads, freckles, and blackheads. Just as water descends from God’s sky, as in winter it turns to ice, so let the pimples from my body descend and turn into nothing and never return. Let it be so".

Now you need to melt the icicles and add them to the water for washing.

Current page: 18 (book has 38 pages total) [available reading passage: 25 pages]

Acne conspiracy

From the letter:

“I have acne constantly appearing on my body (on my back, chest and shoulders). Could you tell me how to get rid of them?

To clear your face of acne, wash your face at sunrise while reading the following plot:

Voditsa-sister, red maiden,
You are running underground, under the sand,
In the fields, forest,
Steep banks
Between people's houses.
Everyone loves and honors you, water,
Everyone praises you and drinks,
So everyone would love and praise me.
The water is clean, so am I,
Pure girlish beauty.

How to talk to acne

From the letter:

“I beg you to write spells for treatment acne».

On Maundy Thursday, pour the water and blessed salt consecrated in the temple on this day into a jug or basin for washing, lower any silver object (spoon, ring) and, while washing, say:

My Mother Theotokos,
bless me
For the purity of Thursday.
How holy and pure this water is,
It would be so clean
My beauty.
How much silver is this
Clean, radiant,
It would be like this all year
To be me, God's servant,
In full health and beauty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Or ask the patient to bring some water in his bosom. Then wash the patient with this water, saying:

Wash yourself, soul,
Wash yourself, body.
I know my stuff.
How were you born with clear skin,
Be like that now too. Amen.

Words to get rid of acne

Spit on your thumb and, touching the patient’s face with it, say:

I do a big job with my thumb,
I will cleanse your body.

And another way to help get rid of acne

This method may seem unpleasant to some, but believe me, it is very effective and has been proven by more than one generation of healers. Catch a tree frog, hold it to your face (or wherever you have pimples) for a second and say:

I'll give you another skin for your body,
Good for you too.

After this, you need to remove the skin from the frog and bury it in the ground. By the way, using this method you can get rid of wen and scabs.

How to cleanse facial skin of blemishes

From the letter:

“The fact is that I have problem skin. In your books I found spells for acne. What spells can be used to cure the scars on my face that I still have after visiting a cosmetologist? For three years I regularly had facial cleansing, and after that I was left with deep scars on my face that are visible even from afar. To be honest, it’s unpleasant to even look in the mirror, and I’m only twenty-one years old. Help me please".

People turn to masters of white magic for everything. It may happen that a young girl comes to you and asks you to get rid of acne on her face. Such a request may seem insignificant to you, but don’t be angry with her for taking up your time; treat someone else’s misfortune with understanding. After all, all people have a different mental organization, and some girls will not leave the house if they have even one pimple: they will sit within four walls or sob into their pillow. You, as a master, should know the conspiracies that help in this case. In this book I will publish several very effective ways that allow you to clear your face of acne.

I wash my face with the milk of a black cow,
I get rid of acne and blackheads forever.

Of course, for those who live in the city, it will not be easy to get such milk, but for villagers better way and it’s impossible to imagine. However, many people have relatives and friends living in their villages who will definitely help you in your trouble and get you miraculous milk.

If you still cannot get the milk of a black cow, then proceed as follows. Light three candles, pour water into a basin and wash yourself, reading the following plot three times in a row:

Just as a holy face is pure, so is my face pure.

Then pour this water into a jar and pour it at three intersections.

Another conspiracy to help clear your face of acne

Let the girl clean the fish of scales (the fish can be any kind, but it must be fresh), put the scales in one bag, and the fish in another. Then she needs to bury different places first the scales, and then the fish. When burying fish, you should read the following plot:

Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
So my face is without a blemish.
How will this fish rot?
This will remove all the nastiness from my face. Amen.

How to get rid of acne once and for all

From the letter:

“Please tell me a plot for acne on the back. I've had them for several years now. Recently I started treatment, there are improvements, but they do not go away completely. Help if you can. I believe that you can advise something.”

The following plot helps get rid of acne:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I am coming, servant of God (name),
From the bathhouse to the east,
Behind me is a river of fire,
Copper shores, iron tyn.
The Mother of God is walking with me,
With God's servant (name).
She met me from the bathhouse and asked: -
Have you, servant of God (name), washed away everything?
Be the servant of God (name) pure,
Strong for all time
For all eternity, for infinity.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Plot for purulent acne

From the letter:

“I am writing to you asking you to help me. I am twenty-six years old, and for the past four years I have been tormented by acne all over my face - inflamed and sometimes painful. I tried a bunch of methods from traditional and alternative medicine, but nothing helps. Please tell me the most reliable and reliable way to help for sure.”

Bend an aspen branch and, with your left hand, tear off as many leaves as possible. Then count the plucked leaves and then immediately say:

Here you are, leaf, you were the last one,
So that the last pimple goes away
From my face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

However, there is probably no universal method that helps everyone. All methods are good, and all conspiracies are time-tested, it’s just that something different suits everyone. After all, this is what happens with medicines: the same drug can be useful to someone, have no effect on someone, and even harm someone. In addition, I would advise you to go to a specialist and get tested: it is quite possible that your acne is a consequence of some internal diseases, and not just a cosmetic defect. In this case, it is necessary to treat the disease itself, and not its manifestation.

Plot for acne

From the letter:

“Could you write some very strong spell for pustular acne on the face and body, which could be used in urban conditions?”

Touch the affected areas of skin with your ring finger and say:

Go to where they are waiting for you
Go there,
Where bread is baked from the earth,
Go where they were waiting for you
Where in the field the unsown crops were reaped.
Go there, don't say goodbye
Go and don't come back.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for subcutaneous abscesses

From the letter:

“I have boils popping up here and there on my body. Is not diabetes: I checked - my sugar is normal. How can you get rid of this scourge?

Middle finger right hand circle the knot on the door or window frame, saying:

How the branch dries up and dries up,
So dry and dry the bodetop.
There is no fire from a finger, and no kernel from an abscess. Amen.

From clubroot on the body

From the letter:

“I’m forty-five years old, I work on a rotational basis and probably caught a cold, because clubroot has appeared on my body. They are red at first and then turn blue. Surgeons cut them, and they reappear in various places. When I last visited the surgeon, he said to me: “Do you believe in God?” I remained silent, and then this surgeon advised me to turn to a healer, saying that from experience, he knows from people that cutting keels is useless, the larger they are you cut them, the more they grow. Of course, I was surprised by his words, but at home I told my wife. She shared it with her mother-in-law, and she brought your book. I liked your book, it contains life situations, and it teaches a lot. I believe in God, I just didn’t tell the doctor about it.”

Take your saliva on your little finger and circle it around the keel, not forward, but counterclockwise. At the same time, read the plot:

The God of Hosts is coming,
And where will it go?
For people, any illness will go away.
Lord, save, preserve and free
From painful, red, blue, and painful keels.
Come out of Bela's body
From God's word and my work.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

For those who are tormented by boils and boils

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, for a year now I have not been able to get rid of boils and boils. Doctors cut them open, treat them, and they reappear in other places. I beg you, tell me how I can help me?”

I remind you that all remedies related to the treatment of boils, boils and pimples, regardless of whether they are prayers, compresses or ointments, should be used only during the waning moon and on odd numbers.

Take strawberry soap and grate it on a fine grater. Add three tablespoons of unboiled whole milk to the powder prepared in this way. Milk from tetra bags is not suitable, since it is usually prepared from a composition close to milk. Stir the soap powder in the milk and boil, while constantly stirring the mixture so that it does not burn and is homogeneous. After cooling the finished mass to body temperature, apply it to sore spots and leave for a day. After a few hours you will feel itching. Remove the frozen mass from the boil, and with it you can easily remove all the diseased crusts, and most importantly, the core of the boil. The skin will be clean and shiny. In another day, the slight redness will go away forever, and you will forever forget that you suffered from boils.

Conspiracy from boils

I'm walking through a smoky window,
I'm walking along a basement log,
I'm crawling through a mouse hole,
I'm crawling along a snake's path,
I’ll come to an open field, to an aspen forest,
I'll look around in all directions.
Chirey-Viriy lives there,
I'll whisper it, I'll trample it.
Perish, Chirey-Viriy, perish,
Leave God's servant (name).
You shouldn't be here
Your century will not last forever.
As the grass dries, dries,
How she disappears before winter,
So you die and disappear,
Get away from the white body.
And be, my words, sculpted, quick,
Stronger than damask steel, stronger than spruce resin.
For now, for centuries, for all time.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Strong conspiracy against boils

Swing my leg, come forward
Wave, my hand, wave.
Get rid of my body
Everything that has taken root with him
It hurt.
Everything that has begun to rot and has matured.
Like my ring finger
No name
Same on my body
There is no place for Chiryu-viriya.
Don't be sick, boil-viriy,
Don't turn red, don't turn yellow,
Boil-virii, not blue.
So that you wither away
It turned black, dried out and did not hurt.
Like the right foot to the ground
Sticks tightly
It's so true that from this time
The boil-virium on my body will heal.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

From boils

When you speak boils, remember the following rule. If there is one head on a person’s body, that is, one boil, then they say it on an odd day; if it is multi-headed, that is, there are many boils at once, then in this case you need to speak on an even day. Find a knot on the tree and circle the knot three times with the ring finger of your right hand. At the same time, say this:

Your grandfather Vasily.
Where did you come from?
Go there
Don't sit on my body.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen.

Boils to treat

Move your index finger around the boil and say:

Like a knot on a tree
It dries, fades,
So the boil would dry up and fade,
I didn’t blush or get sick. Amen.

Or find a board with a knot. Move your finger first along a knot, sometimes along a boil and say the following words:

Like a branch dries up, dries up,
So the servant of God (name)
Let the boil dry up, dry up.

Or make a cross with two fingers and move around the boil and read:

Come down from the servant of God (name)
On an animal, on a leaf,
On a low bush,
On a swamp hummock,
To an empty barrel.
Cleanse the body of God's servant (name). Amen.

From subcutaneous abscesses

The patient should see a dog feeding puppies. Looking at her, you need to say:

You have it on your belly,
Take mine too.

From a boil in the nose

They slander sour cream or butter and smear it on the nose.

In the black stable,
In a dead chamber,
On a dry branch,
On an old broom
Voron Voronovich is sitting.
He doesn’t give butter or sour cream,
Doesn't milk, doesn't have a cow's udder.
Where does he look?
Then everything will wither from his eyes.
I would dry up like that
The boil in my nose withered and died,
In the black forest, in the black stable,
In a dead stone chamber.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

For subcutaneous boils and ulcers

From the letter:

“My letter is a cry from the soul. I've been struggling with boils for six months now and I can't do anything. Some leave, while others appear. I was given a blood transfusion, took hormones, and was injected with strong antibiotics. What didn’t I do! And if you consider how painful it all is, then you can’t even find words...”

Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating in a jar, pour urine onto it. Having done this, say:

How my urine dries on a bitch,
Same on my body
The boil father will die.
They will die, they will wither
His children are with him,
Godmothers, matchmakers,
Matchmakers and sons-in-law,
Daughters-in-law, granddaughters, grandchildren,
All pimples and pimples.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Heal ulceration

From the letter:

“I ask you for help. Please tell me strong spells to cure trophic ulcers. Medicines I don't get much help."

Take some blood from a sick person, make a hole in the egg on the blunt side, drain the white and yolk through the resulting hole, and pour blood in there instead. Seal the egg and place it under the hen. When the egg begins to rot, take it out, mix it with bran or some other food and give it to the pig.

Important: do not stop drug treatment under any circumstances!

Conspiracy for boils and papillomas on a hollow spot

From the letter:

“I want to ask, with the help of what spell can you get rid of papillomas on the hollow?”

Pinch off chips from the aspen while reading a special spell, and then burn these chips. The plot is as follows:

Not from kernel firewood,
Not a spark of good.
The deceased has no offspring,
And you, chiryak,
There is no place and kind.

Speak to scabies

From the letter:

“How can you get rid of scabies? The whole body itches at times and red spots form. When using the ointment, everything returns to normal, but after a while the itching appears again.”

Go to the crossroads and pour millet from hand to hand, saying:

The one who pecks the millet
He will take away the disease.

Having said that, leave without looking back.

How to talk about ringworm and eczema

From the letter:

“Natalya Ivanovna, you can’t even imagine how your books help us all. If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to all of us. I will always pray for you and remember you. Let me disturb you. Last year my sister went to the seaside, and after this trip she developed either lichen or eczema, which she can’t do anything to get rid of. And she has been suffering from this illness for a year now.”

You still need to determine exactly whether your sister is suffering from ringworm or eczema. After all, these are different diseases that are treated differently. Therefore, before you start reporting, consult a specialist so that he can make an accurate diagnosis. Just in case, I will teach you two conspiracies that help in treating both ailments.

Conspiracy against deprivation

On a moonless but not rainy night, read the following conspiracy over a sleeping patient:

Ringworm, don’t interfere with your life.
Go to hell
To a shaggy dog,
On a cat with a mustache,
To a dry forest, to an empty ravine,
There you have freedom,
There's plenty for you there.
Get off God's servant (name)
From now on and forever.

For eczema

Use a new clay pot to draw water downstream, read the prayer and immediately break the pot. Read like this:

You, water of God, living water,
You come out of the earth and go into the earth,
So my illness would go away,
She went from water to land.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Conspiracy for dry eczema

Read the spell over water, which then wash the affected areas of the skin. The spell words are as follows:

There are three dawns in the sky.
One is clear, the other is red, the third is (name).

By the way, the master should also wash himself with such enchanted water, so as not to drag the disease onto himself.

How to get rid of deprivation

From the letter:

“I haven’t been able to get rid of shingles for about eight years. If possible, please advise what I should do.”

With the help of this conspiracy, I managed to cure a woman who was covered in lichen in just seven days. If elderly people are being treated, the plot is read in the evening dawns; if young - in the morning. His words are as follows:

Chur, my word,
Not your word.
The lichen lies in the ground,
Guards the worm.
Go to hell
To the old plow
On bitter onions
Wooden gates,
The damned ones deserve their share,
On a pig's snout.
Your place was first
And now the last thing.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen.

Dark spots

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am sixty years old.

In my youth, I was a fashionista, I sewed and knitted myself and always took care of myself. I was always given less years than I was, but recently I was very ill, literally crawled out of the other world, and my appearance became terrible. I am especially concerned about pigment spots on the face, neck and hands. Could you tell me how to deal with them? Thank you in advance for your kind advice.”

My readers often write to me about this. Even very old ladies cannot come to terms with the loss of youth and beauty. I will give good, proven recipes that will help you, my dears, hold back the inexorable ugly old age and rejuvenate not only your health, but also appearance. Age spots are also called senile freckles, as they gradually sprinkle on the elderly skin of the hands, neck, face, etc. They usually appear after fifty years and most often occur in those who like to work personal plot, under the sun. Take this into account and try to carefully cover your body with clothes, but it will be better if you stop walking in the heat altogether.

Age-related pigment spots do not degenerate into malignant neoplasms, but if you continue to show off in the sun in open dresses, then gradually the number of spots may increase so much that they merge with each other into entire “islands.” When there are a lot of stains, it is no longer possible to completely remove them, but these stains can be “lightened” with water with lemon juice, fresh kefir, as well as clay diluted with mint water. Mint water is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of mint herb with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, cool and dilute the clay with mint water. Apply the mask to the areas where age spots are located and leave for 10-15 minutes. After removing this mask, wipe your face, hands and chest with acidified lemon water or curdled milk. Don't forget to wipe problem areas with an ice cube every day. Buy vitamins E and A and take them regularly.

Anti-pigmentation lotion

Violet flowers and roots – 10 g Linden flowers – 10 g

Calendula flowers – 3 g

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon

Glycerin – 15 ml Alcohol (or vodka) – 50 g

Leave for 3 days, shake before application.

Conspiracy for a clean face

At night, cook and eat black chicken. Not the whole thing, but as much as you want. In the morning, collect her bones and, tying them in a bundle, go to the cemetery. Leave this bundle there and, before leaving, say:

How was this chicken
And now she's gone
Not in the yard
Not in the nest
And not on the roost,
So there are no spots on my face,
From now on there is no room for any bumps.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

When leaving the cemetery, you cannot look back all the way to the house.

Senile warts

Many people complain in their letters about warts that have appeared. There are many remedies for this problem. But now in every pharmacy there is a special product “Clandestine” on sale; it costs little, but it helps to get rid of not only warts, but also papillomas. One drop of this product is applied to a papilloma or wart, and after a couple of days it falls off and dries out.

This remedy also helps with warts. On Thursday, buy one apple without haggling or taking change from your purchase. Standing on the bridge, cut the apple into two halves and throw it on both sides of the bridge, while saying:

Eve's apple will be carried away by the water,
The white wart will disappear from the body.
And until one half comes to the other,
The wart won't come back
White will not grow to the body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

As soon as these words are spoken, you must immediately turn around and leave the bridge. If necessary, you can find other conspiracies and spells in my book series that will get rid of warts forever.

How to make facial hair speak

From the letter:

“I am forty-eight years old and have developed hair on my face, above my lip and on my chin. I remove them, and they grow again. What can you tell me about this?”

There are many reasons for the appearance of facial hair in women. It is generally accepted that this deficiency is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, hereditary hairiness, and also damage. So, for example, I know from my patients cases when a rival did damage in revenge and even openly declared to the rival that she would soon look like a shaggy dog. And indeed, a month after the threat, the woman noticed severe facial hair. The more she struggled with this, the more the hair above her lip and chin thickened. According to her, the coarse hair grew very quickly, much faster than her husband’s beard. It ended with her husband running away from her, not wanting to have a bearded wife. I helped her

get rid of the damage, and soon her hair began to thin out, fall out, and eventually she had it again clean face. Today I will teach you spell words that will help you find a face free of hair. The plot is read on the waning moon on Friday at midnight. Here are his words:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Have mercy on God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the sea, in the water, at its depths,
There is a wooden ship,
On that sunken boat
There is a glass casket,
The bones of drowned women lie on the boat,
Three queens
Three beautiful girls, three young women.
There are no whiskers or hair on their bones,
Three centuries ago from them
The sea crayfish took it away.
I open the depths of the sea,
And I throw my misfortune at them.
You, three drowned queens,
Three young, beautiful maidens,
Take a hair from my face
And divide yourself into three faces.
My hair should be there
It’s my place to live.
Like the sun cannot shine in the night,
So no one will defeat my conspiracy.
The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Acne on the face and other parts of the body is the most common pathology. Accordingly, there are a huge number of ways to combat the problem in the world. Medications for internal and external use are certainly the most effective method. Folk remedies and natural products are also often used for treatment. But there are also completely non-standard methods, which are turned to even when it seems that nothing can help. An anti-acne spell is one of these options. If you believe that such treatment will help you get rid of the problem, feel free to use the recommendations below.

When trying to recover with this method, think adequately. If you have the slightest suspicion that you are faced with a serious pathology that causes inflammation on the skin, immediately go to the hospital. In this case, relying on conspiracies and prayers is strictly prohibited. As long as you use non-standard recommendations, the infection can reach a serious level. Depending on the specific disease, the outcome can be fatal. Please note that turning to specialists is the most reliable and safest method of getting rid of the problem.

The most popular conspiracies for acne:

1. Plot against acne using coniferous plants

To carry out you will need a bath and several branches coniferous plant. Horsetail is the most suitable option. First, evaporate the plant in plain water. After this, pour the liquid into a bath of warm water and add the branches themselves. Before getting into the bath, read the “Our Father” three times (preferably as a keepsake).

After the prayer, say the following words:

“I take a cleansing bath, rid my body of infection, rid my skin of (acne, ulcers or other problem). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Advantages of the method:

  • First of all, it is worth noting the healing properties of the coniferous branches. Basics active substance– silica. It restores damaged skin and increases elasticity.
  • The prayer itself for acne, according to many real patients, has the main effect.

The method is intended for the treatment of pimples and blackheads different types. The only exception is acne, which is accurately diagnosed in the body. If you are sure that you are faced with this pathology, you can use a spell, but do not forget about standard treatment. Otherwise, the disease can quickly progress to later stages of development. In this case, conspiracies will definitely not help you if you neglect to go to the dermatology department.

2. The simplest conspiracy against acne

The method is often used to eliminate skin problems in adolescence. It only helps if you are faced with small rashes that have appeared on the skin due to a disorder in the body.

The conspiracy is considered the simplest because no additional materials, products or actions are required. It’s enough just to wake up before dawn and, while washing your face, say the following words:

“Voditsa, my sister, red maiden, you run under the sand, you flow under the water, in the fields, and along the forest, along the steep banks, and around people’s houses. Everyone, little vodka, honors and loves you, everyone drinks you, sister, and praises you. Just as you, water, are clean, so am I (name) clean. White girlish beauty. What is said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Advantage of the method: the emphasis is on the healing properties of the water itself. This substance has been proven to have certain magical aspects.

For this method, do not use any soap while washing your face. The whole point is that you trust the water itself and the right words to cleanse and heal. It is advisable to carry out the ritual on the street at dawn.

3. Anti-acne spell for the winter season

The previous method, based on the recommendations, is not entirely convenient to use in winter. When the temperature outside is below zero, washing cold water at dawn can lead to the development of even more diseases, so it’s not worth the risk. Better pay attention to the possibility of using other conspiracies.

In addition, to perform this ritual you will need icicles. Collect seven small icicles in the morning, bring them into the house and place them on a towel. Next, say the following words on the waning moon:

“Saint George the Victorious, Saint Panteleimon the Healer, and Saint Michael the Liberator. Help me, overcome my illness, take away my sadness. Free my body from all pimples, blackheads, freckles, and blackheads. Just as water descends from God’s sky, as in winter it turns to ice, so let the pimples from my body descend and turn into nothing and never return. Let it be so".

Fill a deep container with some warm water and place the icicles in it. Once the ice has melted, use all the cleanser.

Advantages of the method:

  • Saint George the Victorious, Saint Panteleimon the Healer and Saint Michael the Liberator have healing abilities. According to legend, by addressing them in this way, you have a great chance of recovery.
  • Much attention is paid to melted ice. There is an opinion that this particular water has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, the number of pimples and blackheads. According to reviews from real patients, just one such ritual is enough to get a certain result. If you are reading this in winter time years, be sure to try this method.

How to properly carry out acne spells

Carefully study the principles proposed below to get the maximum result from each plot. Remember that just saying the words is not enough. These are quite serious rituals that need to be treated as such. And under no circumstances do them if you do not believe in their effectiveness. Your energy is needed here first of all. Prepare yourself psychologically before the event.

Principles of performing acne spells:

  • Any prayers and conspiracies are always read strictly from memory. Be sure to learn the prayers word for word before performing them. Test yourself several times and make sure you are 100% sure that you know the right text.
  • In a state of any intoxication, performing such rituals is strictly prohibited. This also includes the effect of nicotine. Even if you have been smoking for a long time and do not feel any effect from cigarettes, give them up at least a day before the ritual.
  • Sunday is the most inappropriate day for performing magical rituals. In some cases, exceptions can be made, but under normal circumstances, it is better to choose another day.
  • Orthodox people are advised to read the Lord's Prayer before performing any such rituals.

You may make exceptions to any of the above principles. But to achieve the best effect, it is better to strictly adhere to each of them.

Experts in the field of esotericism sometimes make entire training videos to eliminate acne. Watch one of these videos below:

Use acne spells if you think this method can help you, but remember that seeing a doctor is never a bad idea.

Every person wants to have clean and beautiful skin, always look fresh and well-groomed. A healthy-looking face without acne or blackheads attracts attention. And skin defects cause inconvenience, a person develops complexes. The problem of acne plagues a large number of young people. Even in mature age many people face this problem. There are a lot of remedies against acne: creams, therapies, diets, mechanical and vacuum cleansing, peelings, injections. These procedures are expensive. Many people forget that skin problems are the result of stress and disruptions in the body. have existed for a long time traditional methods to combat this problem, such as an anti-acne plot. It will help cleanse the body, put both body and spirit in order.

Acne can be eliminated with a spell

Preparation for the ceremony

Many people mistakenly think that white magic can only affect other people. There is magic that can There are spells that you can perform for yourself. Many rituals are simple and can be performed at home. You may not believe in magic, but numerous experiences prove that it is aimed at yourself.

A spell for acne and blackheads on the face is an oral magical ritual, the implementation of which affects the person himself and the world around him.

  • There are a number of rules that you need to remember and strictly follow:
  • words should be spoken confidently;
  • read the spell from memory, and not from a piece of paper;
  • there should be no strangers near you;
  • you must believe the power of conspiracy;
  • a week before the ceremony, you should stop using tobacco and alcoholic beverages;

preparation for the ceremony should

The spell should be memorized

Water spell

The simplest and most popular conspiracy against acne is water. It can be performed even by those who have not previously dealt with magic. For this you will need clean spring water. It is poured into a vessel, over which the words are pronounced:

“Let my face be a mirror-like surface, like a spring fresh and clean, brighter than light, brighter than snow, now and forever. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Use for washing, expressing the stream onto the palm of your left hand. Do this three nights in a row. Drain used water into the same container. On the street, pour it out at three different intersections.

You can wash your face with water charged with light and good energy. The spell for acne should be read aloud over a bowl of water:

“Just as the faces of saints shine with purity, so my skin will be clean from now on! Amen".

Repeat these words three times. In the morning and before going to bed, wash your face with this water and the healing effect of the enchanted water will not be long in coming.

For a conspiracy against acne and blackheads, you will need half a kilogram of horsetail. It must be boiled first. Horsetail has both magical and healing properties. When taking a bath, it is added to the water. Before starting the procedure, protect yourself. Immerse yourself in the bath, start reading the anti-acne plot:

“Water cleanses me, fills my body with purity, and relieves my skin of acne and blackheads. She will be smooth, bright, young. May it be so. Amen".

You will feel the benefits of such a herbal bath very soon.

Food conspiracies

There are conspiracies for acne and blackheads, in which, in addition to water, healers also used various products.

Take a slice of bread and touch it to all the problem points on your face, then throw it to the dog, preferably a stray, saying:

“A hungry dog ​​ran past and ate all my problems. She didn’t leave anything, she took everything off my body. Amen".

There is a conspiracy about potatoes. Cut the fruit into two parts, rub all the acne and problem areas with them, imagining how all the bad things leave you and are absorbed into the potato. Combine the potato parts, place them on white paper, add salt and make a closed package. It is necessary to throw it into the fire and repeat the text of the plot three times:

“Burn with a bright flame, burn away your flaws. Pimples go away, my beautiful skin returns. Amen".


Magic is an integral part of our lives. Using it for good does not promise punishment from higher powers, therefore, if you want, you can safely use the conspiracies that were invented by our ancestors. The main thing is to follow all the rules and believe in the power of the conspiracy.

Beauty and health of the skin require proper care. Under certain conditions, acne may appear on it (for example, due to improper care, any malfunctions in the internal organs). In addition to visiting a cosmetologist and traditional skin care products and to get rid of problems with it, you can use a spell for acne. When turning to magic for help, it is important to remember that you should not stop caring using various ointments, creams and lotions. Rituals and spells are only auxiliary means, thanks to which getting rid of the problem will happen faster.

An anti-acne spell will help you cope with the disease

A spell for pimples and blackheads on the face in combination with care products will help you quickly get rid of acne and acne. In order for a conspiracy against acne to bring the desired effect, it is important to follow certain recommendations and take into account the nuances when turning to magic:

To get the effect, you must follow all instructions exactly.

  1. The right choice of ritual. You should choose only one ritual option. In the opposite situation, you can not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but also achieve the opposite result.
  2. Memorize the text. If it is too long or difficult to learn, you can read the acne plot from a piece of paper, but without hesitation, pronounce all the words clearly and distinctly.
  3. It is important to read the plot for acne on the face when arriving alone. Also, you should not brag or share with anyone about what you want to do or how you managed to cure skin defects.
  4. In order for the anti-acne plot to bring the desired result, it is important to choose the right time for it. To combat blackheads and acne, you cannot cast a spell in large quantities. church holidays, on Sunday. The white rituals that magic offers must be performed on the waning moon.
  5. A few days before the ceremony, you should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. All actions are carried out with a fresh mind, giving an account of their actions.
  6. To make your facial skin clearer, to get rid of the spots that acne leaves behind, the text is pronounced in a very firm voice, with a confident intonation. Don't shout, but speak in a whisper.
  7. It is important to believe in the power of magical actions. Such influence will certainly be effective if there is sincere faith. You should not perform rituals just for the sake of interest; magic does not tolerate disrespect.

Proven conspiracies to get rid of the problem

Using spring water

To perform the ritual, only spring water is required.

The water spell is carried out during the period when the moon is waning. With its help you can restore the beauty of your face. To carry out the ritual, you need to draw spring water, place the glass on the table, then say the following words:

“Like a mirror surface is clean, like a clear sky, like a fresh flower, so let my face be beautiful, clean, whiter than snow, purer than water.”

Repeat the words seven times, then wash your face with the charmed water. This powerful anti-acne ritual is performed in the morning, after waking up. Over the next two days, repeat the ritual every morning.

There is also another option for performing a ritual using water. Collect water during the waning moon, place the container with it on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls directly on it. Stand next to the window, looking at the moon, say the following text:

“I look at the clear moon, admiring its beauty. She is pure with her light and face. And I want the same clean face for myself, let my face be just as clean. Let the beauty and purity of the moon be transmitted to me through water. I’ll drink some water and my body and soul will become clean. I will no longer be ashamed of my appearance, I will only admire myself and praise myself. May I forever be so beautiful, my beauty and purity shine like the moon.”

After reading the spell, you must drink the charmed water in one gulp. After this, for seven days after the ritual, in order to be sure to get rid of acne, drink holy water on an empty stomach. Be sure to say at the same time: “Holy water, my helper. Pure water, beauty and purity in the body.”

Ritual with horsetail

Horsetail can help treat skin problems

With the help of magical rituals you can cleanse your skin. When you take any action, you need to believe in its power. This ritual involves the use of horsetail. This is a healing plant with which you can get rid of the problem.

If you have a large number of blackheads or pimples on your body, you can try to get rid of them with a simple magical ritual. Fill the bath with water, then add pre-steamed horsetail to the water (for one bath of water, about a liter of strong horsetail infusion). Before taking a bath, read the Lord’s Prayer and then cross the water.

While plunging into the water, say:

“I’ll take a cleansing, healing bath. Yes, with her help I will rid my body of evil spirits and infection. May health and beauty accompany me everywhere.”

Ritual when visiting the bathhouse

The ritual in the bathhouse can be performed once every seven years.

You can carry out conspiracies for people who are suffering big amount defects on the surface of the skin, in the bath. A visit to the bathhouse is very beneficial. The ritual in the bathhouse is very powerful and can be performed once every seven years. You can buy a new broom to use in the bathhouse. Such actions need to be done during the waning moon. Take a good steam in the bathhouse, dry yourself with a nightgown or pajamas, saying:

“I cast out, cast out and burn all my impurities from my body and skin. Let the fire and flame flare up and devour everything that is displeasing to me. May my words be strong, the forces of nature, cleanse her of dirt, may the evil eye never come to spoil my beauty.”

On icicles

The icicle ritual takes place late in the evening.

You need to use a spell for acne using icicles in the winter, when it is possible to get seven small pieces of ice and bring them into the house. For a magical ritual, choose late evening. Having brought home the icicles, put them in front of you and say:

“Saints, I turn to you, asking for help and support in getting rid of my trouble. Help me eliminate my illness. Get rid of acne, blackheads and pimples. Just as clean water from the heavens of the Lord descends to earth, just as in winter it stops in transparent ice, so let the pimples leave me, turn into God knows what, but never return to me. I'll lock the magic words in a steel lock. I will hide the key under the treasured stone. Nobody will find him. Let it be so".

The effectiveness of the spell is great, so it is pronounced only once, there is no need to repeat it. Next, melt the ice and use it over the next few days for morning washing. If you firmly believe in the power of such a magical effect, then the effect will come quickly. After a month, the procedure can be repeated.

Other conspiracies and rituals for acne and blackheads on the face

The following ritual can help get rid of the problem, for which you will need soap without fragrances and preservatives. Talk to him and wash his face every day. Read on soap:

“Among the plains of expansive meadows and fields, among the wide steppes, among streams and rivers and lakes there is a clear spring. The water in it is transparent, clean, clear. No one muddies that water, there is no dust in it, no sand gets in. I dip my magic soap into that water, let it be saturated with purity and help me cope with my problem!”

Repeat the spell three times, leave the soap overnight on the windowsill. Wash your face in the morning, do not wipe your face after washing, let it dry naturally. It is also necessary to read the following words while washing with charmed soap:

“My magic soap, help me get rid of acne. May my skin be clean, smooth and beautiful.”

Regular soap will help you deal with acne.

When the ritual takes effect, with the help of magic you will be able to get rid of acne and comedones, you must definitely throw away the soap at the crossroads at midnight, saying:

“They leave this remnant at the crossroads of four roads, now let the devils take it and wash themselves. And not a single pimple will appear on my face anymore, they will all go away.”

Return home without ever looking back or talking to anyone.

Another ritual is also very powerful. Read on the water, then wash your face at dawn, with the first rays of the sun:

“Voditsa, my sister, beautiful maiden, you will flow underground, into fields and forests, along steep banks, into people’s houses. Everyone reveres and loves you, little sister, everyone drinks you and praises you. Just as you, my water friend, are pure, so am I (name) pure. May my beauty return, may it always be with me, and may there never be pimples, blemishes, or freckles again. May I be young and radiant.”

Using the variants of rituals, prayers and conspiracies that white magic offers in the fight against various skin defects, you can quickly eliminate them. But do not forget that contacting a dermatologist or cosmetologist is mandatory, since when such problems appear, you must first find out the cause.