
The magic of numbers. Why do you dream of a gallows according to the dream book Gallows according to Nina Grishina’s Dream Book

Gallows - Luck // trouble, deceitful friends, sadness, danger; hanged man - wealth; to be one is joy, success, fulfillment of desires, recovery // danger; removed from the gallows - loss of honor; to sentence someone to hanging means a quarrel with him. Gallows - If you had a dream in which you witnessed the execution of a friend by hanging, you will have to make a firm decision in some very difficult matter, otherwise a misfortune will happen.

If a young woman sees her lover executed by hanging, she will be married to an unprincipled man. Hanging an enemy in a dream means success in all matters. Seeing yourself on the gallows is a sign that you will suffer from the maliciousness of imaginary friends. Getting rid of the gallows means long-desired acquisitions, as the dream book Gallows interprets.

Why do you dream about the Gallows (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Gallows - A dream in which you see a gallows symbolizes the choice you face: you will have to make a decision that will further affect the development of your relationship with your partner. If you see a loved one on the gallows, it means that you will soon hear unpleasant gossip about him from the lips of your ill-wishers. Seeing a gallows in a dream means good luck; to be hanged is a success (the higher above the ground, the greater), this is the interpretation of what you dreamed at night.

Gallows – Having false friends; seeing yourself on the gallows is a danger; this is an interpretation of what this dream means. Gallows – In general, a free-standing gallows in a dream is a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will. Seeing a gallows means accusations, false friends; building it means unexpected changes; to see someone hanging - to victory over an enemy, to hang oneself - to joy, high honor, great happiness; to hang an enemy - to success in all matters; to hang oneself in a dream - to the cessation of current activities and affairs. For a sick person to be hanged in this way is to get rid of the disease.

Why does the dreamer dream of the Gallows (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

Gallows - Seeing a friend executed by hanging - predicts that if you do not want misfortune. You must make a firm decision in some desperately difficult matter. Seeing yourself on the gallows is a sign that you will suffer from the maliciousness of imaginary friends. If a young woman sees her lover executed by hanging, this dream means that she will marry an unprincipled man. If you get rid of the gallows in any way, the desired acquisition awaits you. Seeing that you are hanging an enemy means success in all matters, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Gallows – Empty – wait for punishment. With the dead - a meaningless event that at first seemed significant. You are being hanged - empty fears, pay attention to the liver. Someone - you have a persecution mania or a phobia. You need to see a doctor, this is how the dream book interprets your dream. Gallows - If a person you don’t know is hanged, then there is a high probability that serious changes are coming in the highest levels of the administration of the state or your hometown. If you see yourself on the gallows in a dream, and also note a fair number of onlookers who have come to watch how they will hang you, know: in reality you are destined for glory and honor! Just keep in mind: your rapid rise will provide you with a lot of envious people, so don’t let your guard down. If you dreamed that you were hanged and the rope on which you were hanging immediately broke, get ready for the fact that in reality your reputation will be irreparably damaged, as a result of which you will lose all your authority and influence.

To dream about the Gallows, what does it mean? (dream book of the sorceress Medea)

Gallows (Hanged Man) – An empty gallows is a good sign, for the shape of the gate indicates ample opportunity. The presence of a hanged man indicates that the dreamer is “suffocating” in the clutches of life. Seeing a hanged man means failure, damage. Taking the hanged man out of the noose means the planned business will fail. Gallows - In night dreams to see a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will. Dreaming of the Hanged Man - Wealth; holding on to the hanged man's rope is happiness; remove the noose from him - death; Kissing is a profitable business.

Gallows - melancholy, sadness and loneliness. Saturn and Scorpio. Gallows - it’s as if your friend is being led to the gallows - the dream suggests that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation; you have to make a quick, responsible, and only right decision; if you make a mistake, there will be too many losses. Dreaming that your enemy is being led to the gallows is a good dream; all your endeavors will be completed successfully; even what at one time seemed like empty troubles to you will suddenly give a positive result.

They bring you to the gallows; you look with horror at the noose that swings over your head - you have an enemy who is ready to do anything to make your life more difficult; he will be able to bring some plans to life in the near future, and you will suffer as a result; at some point you will have doubts: whether he is your enemy. have no doubt - the enemy; it’s just that this person is not without charm, which confuses you. If a girl or young woman dreams that a noose is being put around her lover’s neck, such a dream foreshadows her disappointment in love; the husband she will have will turn out to be an unprincipled, soft-bodied person, completely devoid of ambition and ambition, which means he will be unable to achieve any heights in life, unable to bring happiness to his neighbor.

Why do you dream about the Gallows in a dream (according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

You dreamed of the Gallows - suppression of your emotions, perhaps positive ones. Get rid of the gallows - allow yourself to express your own emotions fully; execution of a friend by hanging is a conflict with this person; emotional internal conflict; hang an enemy - get rid of negative emotions; execution of a loved one or loved one - painful love feelings; hanged man - you have driven painful emotions into the subconscious.

What does the Gallows mean in a dream - Seeing yourself hanged On Monday night means that someone started bad rumors about you; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - someone is trying to put you in a difficult situation; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - a warning: if you continue to say unnecessary things to unfamiliar people, serious trouble awaits you. You dreamed of a Gallows - You will have to make a difficult decision that may infringe on the interests of a person close to you. Imagine that the gallows were dismantled and the execution was cancelled. Everyone returns home. What does the Gallows mean in a dream – sadness, melancholy and danger.

Why do you dream about the Gallows, taking into account the date of birth (according to the dream book of Birthday People)

If you were born in the spring, why dream of a gallows - To serious danger.

If you were born in the summer, then you dreamed that you were going to be hanged - to deterioration of health, this is the meaning of what this dream means.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of a gallows with gallows hanging on it and feel great fear at the same time - you are overly trusting of the people around you.

If you were born in winter, why dream of the gallows - Depression, boredom, danger.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And the lunar dream calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

why do you dream about the gallows

To see yourself on the gallows in a dream means to be betrayed by imaginary friends in real life. But if you somehow escaped punishment, all your plans and desires will come true in the near future.
If you dreamed that your friend was going up to the gallows, you should quickly resolve all controversial and complex matters, otherwise everything will end in tears. If your opponent was hanged, success in all your life endeavors is guaranteed.
For a young woman, a dream in which she sees her lover hanged promises a marriage with an unprincipled, dishonest person.

gallows in a dream what is it for

If you see a gallows in a dream, pay special attention to the type of rope. It is she who symbolizes the state of things in your real life. If it is very long, your life path will be long, but not at all cloudless. You must exercise caution and alertness at all times. If you were busy tying knots on a rope, take a closer look at the people who surround you. Perhaps you have nothing in common with them and you should think about changing your circle of acquaintances.
A rope breaking in your hands portends impending danger. If you are not careful, things can end tragically.

interpretation of the dream gallows

The gallows is a symbol of good luck and the favor of fate towards your life endeavors. If in a dream you see yourself hanging on a gallows, it means that great success awaits you, the fullness of which depends on how high from the ground you are.

what does it mean if a gallows is in a dream

A gallows seen in a dream predicts changes in the dreamer's destiny. If you yourself find yourself on the gallows, beware of treachery on the part of your patrons. The dream can also mean loss of property.

dreamed of a gallows

A rope hanging alone on a gallows symbolizes your caution and prudence when choosing a sexual partner. If the rope was torn or cut off, for a man such a dream promises possible problems with potency.

Seeing a hanged man on the gallows means losses and grief. Seeing people hanged in a dream means that a high post and a high position in society awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that one of your friends will turn to you for help. If in...

Decoding and interpretation of the dream The Hanged Man

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wealth. Holding on to a hanged man's rope is happiness. To remove the noose from him is death. Kissing is a profitable business.

Seeing the Hanged Man in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a hanged man on the gallows means losses and grief. Seeing people hanged in a dream means that a high post awaits you. High position in society. Sometimes such a dream predicts that one of your friends will turn to you for help. If in...

I have a dream about the Hangman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The hanged man is wealth. Holding on to a hanged man's rope is happiness. To remove the noose from him is death. Kissing is a profitable business.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Hanged Man?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You see a hanged man in a dream - this is, of course, a gloomy dream, but the dream means wealth. It’s as if you are holding on to a hanged man’s rope - happiness has stopped at the threshold of your house; wait - it's about to knock on the door. You kiss...

What does the dream mean - Gallows

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of a gallows with gallows hanging on it and feel great fear at the same time - you are overly trusting of the people around you.

Seeing a tie in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of dependence. Wearing it around your neck yourself means illness or obstacles in business. It's good to dream that you are taking off your tie. Such a dream predicts liberation from unpleasant worries, responsibilities or experiences. Clothes, hanged man.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Warning against impending isolation and loneliness, "shortness of air", "loss of support." Seeing a hanged man - you will be accused of something and everyone will turn away from you. See also gallows.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hanged Man - an empty gallows is a good sign, because the shape of the gate indicates ample opportunities. The presence of a hanged man indicates that the dreamer is “suffocating” in the clutches of life. Seeing a hanged man means failure, damage. To remove the hanged man from the noose - the planned business will fail.

Dream - Hang - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Warning of impending loneliness. Hangman - you will be accused of something, and everyone will turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Gallows?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An empty gallows means great opportunities. Hangman - you are bored with life and are looking for new ways; damage. To remove the hanged man from the noose - the planned business will fail. If you are going to be hanged, expect an important message and pleasant surprises. Avoid execution - you buy...

Dream Interpretation: Why the Hanged Man dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A warning against impending isolation and loneliness. “lack of air”, “loss of support”. Seeing a hanged man - you will be accused of something and everyone will turn away from you..

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Gallows? Hanged

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An empty gallows is a good sign, for the shape of the gate indicates ample opportunity. The presence of a hanged man indicates that the dreamer is “suffocating” in the clutches of life. Seeing a hanged man means failure, damage. To remove the hanged man from the noose - the planned business will fail.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Gallows?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fortune or misfortune, deceiving friends, sadness, danger. The hanged man is wealth. To be him is joy, success, fulfillment of desires, recovery or danger. Removed from the gallows - loss of honor. To sentence someone to hanging is a quarrel with him.

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The gallows are empty - wait for punishment.

With the dead - a meaningless event that at first seemed significant.

You are being hanged - empty fears, pay attention to the liver.

Someone - you have a persecution mania or a phobia. We need to see a doctor.

1 Gallows according to the 21st century Dream Book

In general, a free-standing gallows in a dream is a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will.

Seeing a gallows means accusations, false friends; building it means unexpected changes; to see someone hanging - to victory over an enemy, to hang oneself - to joy, high honor, great happiness; to hang an enemy - to success in all matters; to hang oneself in a dream - to the cessation of current activities and affairs. For a patient to be hanged in this way is to get rid of the disease.

1 Gallows according to Dream Book 2012

The need to stop criticizing yourself and/or others. The need to stop judging yourself and/or others.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Gallows by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dreaming of a gallows means:

It’s as if your friend is being led to the gallows - the dream suggests that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation; you have to make a quick, responsible, and only right decision; if you make a mistake, there will be too many losses. Dreaming that your enemy is being led to the gallows is a good dream; all your endeavors will be completed successfully; even what at one time seemed like empty troubles to you will suddenly give a positive result. They bring you to the gallows; you look with horror at the noose that swings over your head - you have an enemy who is ready to do anything to make your life more difficult; he will be able to bring some plans to life in the near future, and you will suffer as a result; at a certain moment you will have a doubt: is he an enemy to you?., do not doubt - he is an enemy; it’s just that this person is not without charm, which confuses you. If a girl or young woman sees in a dream that a noose is being put around her lover’s neck, such a dream foreshadows her disappointment in love; the husband she will have will turn out to be an unprincipled, soft-bodied person, completely devoid of ambition and ambition, which means he will be unable to achieve any heights in life, unable to bring happiness to his neighbor.

1 Gallows by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Gallows dream meaning:

Seeing a gallows in a dream is a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will.

1 Gallows by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

To dream that you are about to be hanged means poor health.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Gallows by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing a gallows in a dream means you will soon receive a lot of money.

If you dreamed that you were hanging on the gallows or that they tried to hang you, expect an inheritance.

You dreamed that you hanged someone - an old debt will soon be repaid to you.

1 Gallows by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Gallows in a dream means:

Seeing a gallows is a kind of accusation, a surprise.

Hanging on the gallows is joy, high honor, great happiness.

To see someone else on her is an honor and prosperity.

Take it out of the loop - the danger to life has passed.

Cutting the rope is an unexpected and sudden change.

Kissing a strangled man is a profitable business.

1 Gallows by Slavic dream book

Longing, sadness and loneliness. Saturn and Scorpio.

1 Gallows by Tsvetkov's dream book

Luck; to be hanged is success (the higher above the ground, the greater).

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Gallows by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Why does a woman dream about the gallows?

If a girl sees in a dream that her lover is hanged, this warns her against communicating with a dishonest and unprincipled person.

Seeing yourself hanged means that you will have trouble because of a loved one who will treat you dishonestly and dishonestly.

1 Gallows by Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing a gallows in a dream means:

A dream in which you see a gallows symbolizes the choice you face: you will have to make a decision that will further affect the development of your relationship with your partner.

If you see a loved one on the gallows, it means that you will soon hear unpleasant gossip about him from the lips of your ill-wishers.

1 Gallows by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

A dream with a gallows in the dream book is interpreted as:

To dream of a gallows with gallows hanging on it and feel great fear at the same time - you are overly trusting of the people around you.

1 Gallows by Home dream book

Dreaming of a gallows means:

Suppressing your emotions, maybe even positive ones. To get rid of the gallows is to allow yourself to express your own emotions fully; execution of a friend by hanging is a conflict with this person; emotional internal conflict; hang an enemy - get rid of negative emotions; execution of a loved one or loved one - painful love feelings; hanged - you have driven painful emotions into the subconscious.

1 Gallows by Women's dream book

Gallows dream meaning:

To dream about the Gallows - If in a dream you witnessed the execution of a friend by hanging, you will have to make a firm decision in some very difficult matter, otherwise a misfortune will happen. If a young woman sees that her lover is executed by hanging, she will be married to an unprincipled man. Hanging an enemy in a dream means success in all matters. Seeing yourself on the gallows is a sign that you will suffer from the maliciousness of imaginary friends. Getting rid of the gallows means long-desired acquisitions, as the dream book Gallows interprets.

1 Gallows by Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a gallows:

For the wedding

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Gallows by An old Russian dream book

What can a gallows mean in a dream:

Gallows - In a dream, seeing a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will.

Dreaming of the Hanged Man - Wealth; holding on to the hanged man's rope is happiness; remove the noose from him - death; Kissing is a profitable business.

1 Gallows by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Gallows in a dream means:

Fortune/misfortune, deceiving friends, sadness, danger; hanged man - wealth; to be one is joy, success, fulfillment of desires, recovery / danger; removed from the gallows - loss of honor; to sentence someone to hanging means a quarrel with him.

1 Gallows by Ukrainian dream book

If a girl dreams of a gallows, it means:

Having fake friends; seeing yourself on the gallows is a danger.

1 Gallows by Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about the gallows?

If you dreamed that your friend was hanged, you must decisively face the difficult trials that befell you. Otherwise, you cannot avoid big trouble.

Seeing yourself on the gallows predicts that you may become a victim of evil, insincere friends. For a young woman to see her lover on the gallows, it means that she will marry an unprincipled and treacherous man.

If you manage to save someone from the gallows, such a dream promises desired acquisitions.

If you dream that you hanged your enemy on the gallows, success awaits you in all areas of your activity.

1 Gallows by ABC of dream interpretation

Seeing a gallows in a dream means:

An empty gallows is a good sign, because the shape of the gate indicates ample opportunity.

The presence of a hanged man indicates that the dreamer is “suffocating” in the clutches of life.

Seeing a hanged man means failure, damage.

To remove the hanged man from the noose - the planned business will fail.

1 Gallows according to Miller's dream book

Interpretation of the dream about the gallows:

Seeing a friend executed by hanging predicts that if you do not want misfortune, you must make a firm decision in some desperately difficult matter.

Seeing yourself on the gallows is a sign that you will suffer from the maliciousness of imaginary friends.

If a young woman sees her lover executed by hanging, this dream means that she will marry an unprincipled man.

If you get rid of the gallows in any way, the desired acquisition awaits you.

Seeing that you are hanging an enemy means success in all matters.

1 Gallows by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Interpretation of a dream about a gallows:

To serious danger.

1 Gallows by Persian dream book Tiflisi

A gallows in a dream predicts:

If a person you don’t know is hanged, there is a high probability that serious changes are coming in the highest levels of the administration of the state or your hometown.

If you see yourself on the gallows in a dream, and also note a fair number of onlookers who have come to watch how they will hang you up - know: in reality you are destined for glory and honor! Just keep in mind: your rapid rise will provide you with a lot of envious people, so don’t let your guard down.

If you dreamed that you were hanged and the rope on which you were hanging immediately broke, get ready for the fact that in reality your reputation will be irreparably damaged, as a result of which you will lose all your authority and influence.

1 Gallows by Dream book alphabetically

Why do you dream about the Gallows:

Seeing a gallows in a dream means that in reality you are in danger if there is no one on it. If someone hangs on it, it means wealth. Seeing yourself on the gallows - you will suffer from the maliciousness of imaginary friends. A dream in which you are led to the gallows, about to be executed, means that you will soon receive an unexpected and very pleasant surprise. If you get rid of execution by hanging in any way, a desired acquisition awaits you.

Hanging someone in a dream means success in all matters.

Seeing a person you know being hanged and being unable to help him means that you will marry an unprincipled person. A dream in which a gallows appears indicates that you are overworked and have a weakened heart.

1 Gallows by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

You will have to make a difficult decision that may infringe on the interests of someone close to you. You are hanged - this decision concerns the family. Someone is hanged - a decision in business matters.

Imagine that the gallows were dismantled and the execution was cancelled. Everyone returns home.

1 Gallows by Dream book of the 20th century

This image directly indicates that your affairs and position are in limbo, so in order to avoid trouble, you urgently need to make some kind of firm decision.

If in reality you have some questions that you hesitate to resolve: the dream advises you to decide as soon as possible, otherwise the noose of events threatens to tighten around your neck.

  • If you see a loved one on the gallows, it means that you will soon hear unpleasant gossip about him from the lips of your ill-wishers.
  • Being hanged on the gallows is a success (the higher above the ground, the greater).
  • Dreaming of yourself near the gallows - danger.
  • A free-standing gallows in a dream is a sign of dishonor, shame and ill will.
  • Building a gallows means unexpected changes.
  • Dreaming that someone is hanging on the gallows means victory over the enemy.
  • Hanging yourself on the gallows means stopping current activities and affairs. For a sick person to be hanged in this way is to get rid of the disease.