
Correctional lesson ""Canteen", correction "Yu", differentiation "M-P". Speech material for differentiating sounds. Card file on speech therapy on the topic List of used literature

130a1146.gif "> Egorova O.V. Sounds M, Mb, N, Nb. Speech material and games for automation and differentiation of sounds in children aged 5-7. - M .: "Publishing house" Gnome and D ", 2005. - 32 s.

This manual is addressed to speech therapists, educators of speech therapy groups, parents. Its main task is to help the child learn the correct pronunciation of the sounds M, Mb, H, Hb.

The manual offers practical material on the production, automation and differentiation of these sounds. The manual contains a variety of lexical material, descriptions of games and individual exercises.


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In the process of speech development, higher mental processes and the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with peers and adults.

Disadvantages of sound pronunciation significantly distort the speech of the child. The child may experience omissions, substitutions, deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child's speech incomprehensible to others, limits the baby's speech activity.

Correcting the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks of the teacher. The child must learn to pronounce all the sounds of his native language correctly. Recently, more and more children have appeared who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonors, but simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, M, etc.

Benefit structure

Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Clarification of the correct articulation of sound.

2. Setting the sound.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

After clarifying the correct articulation and staging a defectively pronounced sound, its automation begins. Automation of any sound should start with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce the sound in syllables, you can move on to words and sentences. When automating words, the pronunciation of sound in different positions is practiced; at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word; in words with a confluence of consonants.

At the final stage of sound automation, children are offered tongue twisters, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, games. Clean tongues and proverbs should be spoken at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. First pronounce tongue twisters slowly, clearly articulating sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can accurately pronounce the tongue twister, you can repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, invite children not only to guess them, but also to repeat, since automated sound is found in the text of riddles. Poems are desirable to memorize. This contributes not only to fixing the sound, but also to the development of memory. The stories are read calmly, expressively, so that the child can remember and retell them. Games to conduct emotionally, encouraging the correct answers of the baby.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Sound M

Sound articulation

The lips are at first calmly closed, then open with an instant exhalation of air. The distance between the incisors and the position of the tongue depends on the next vowel. When pronouncing the sound M, the vibration of the cheeks and nose is felt.

Sound staging

By imitation. The speech therapist presses one hand of the child to his cheek, the other to the cheek of the child. The child feels the vibration on the speech therapist's cheek and reproduces it by tactile control through his palm.

Practical material on automation of sound M

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - mo


Am - om - um - um

Mo - ma

Mu - we - ma

Um - om - am - um

Mu - we


Ym - om - am - mind

We are mu


Om - mind - um - am

2. Repeat the words.

^ Sound at the beginning of a word: Poppy, magician, small, Masha, shop, car, raspberry, painter, tangerine; wash, wash, cape, soap, moo; mot, moss, skein, coin, hammer, monologue, sea, sailor, frost, carrot; Muk, dregs, flour, fly, mousse, museum, music, mulatto, Murka, purr.

^ Sound in the middle of a word: Mom, godfather, Kama, thought, at home, lady, scrip, winter, KAMAZ, spread, team, break, frame, Roman, mosquito, chamomile; koumiss, reeds, frames; chest of drawers, lump, smoke, mute, castle, lemon; to whom, to that, clamp, stir up, Talmud.

^ Sound at the end of a word:

House, smoke, ladies, you, bam, bom, com, catfish, himself, deputy, noise, scrap, rum, album, burbot, temple, bromine, shame.

Mka, me, me, think, mla, mra, mru, rma, rchma. Umka, Tomka, bag; many, many, multiply, multiplication; me, opinion, doubt; stones, remember, knead; young, baby, younger; gloom, gloomy, gloomy, marble; feed, tavern.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Mom washes Masha. Mom has a poppy. Manya loves raspberries. Little Muck goes to the store. Kuma has a small bag. Smoke is coming from the house. Mom is washing the frame. Mania breaks the lock. The house has a small room. Kuma has a small catfish. Manya looks at the album. Dima is broken. Darkness all around. There is a lot of marble in the castle. There is a small key in the lock. Catfish in a bag. Masha multiplies. Mom is washing the baby. Masha is younger than Viti.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Ma - ma - ma - I'm at home myself. Mu-mu-mu-milk to whom? We - we - we - we walked. Mo - mo - mo - eat popsicle.

Lots of snow, lots of bread. Lots of water, lots of grass. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Have you washed the raspberries?

Washed, but not washed.

The cat lapped milk

And Borya dipped a roll in milk.

7. Repeat the riddles.

The red maiden sits in a dungeon,

head on leg,

And the spit is on the street.


Peas in the head.


Flying all day

Everyone gets bored.

The night is coming

Then it stops.


Drinks petrol like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You know her, of course.


8. Learn poems.

Mom, I love you so much

I don't know right!

I am a sea ship

Give the name "Mom!".

(Y. Akim)

May I? - Asked the mouse?

What you? You are still a baby.

(G. Satir)

9. Game "Tell me a word"

The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

And play pranks without a break

All day long... (monkeys).

We are a puppy in water and in soap

Two hours of washcloth... (washed).

Clinging to the rear tire

Masha is going to... (machine).

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is this? (Mouse).

10. The game "On the contrary"

An adult asks the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound M.

Silly - (wise)

A lot - (little)

Big small)

Dry - (wet)

11. Retell the story

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

We have a cat called Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache, a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom buys it in the store especially for Murka.

Na, Murka milk.

Mur-mur-mur, thanks the cat. What Murka smart!

Sound M

Sound articulation

See sound M. The difference lies in the fact that when pronouncing the sound Mb, the lips are much more tense, the tongue is arched, its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound setting. By imitation.

1. Repeat the syllables.


Me - me - me


Yam - yum - yum

Mi - me - mu





im - im - im


Eat - eat - eat

2. Repeat the words.

^ Sound at the beginning of a word:

Meow, knead, ball, mint, mint, soft, pulp, meat, rebellion, mumble, meat grinder; mine, blink, minute, minus, bear, mile, Mila, cute, world, minor; copper, medic, throw, label, bear, place, jellyfish, bag, blizzard, medal, furniture, chalk; honey, chalk.

^ Sound in the middle of a word:

Name, hush up, banner; house, comedian, fireplace, domino, vitamin, freeze; comet, stone, change, note, replacement, camellia, change; hint, hint.

^ The confluence of consonants in syllables and words: Tme, dme, bme, vme, sm. Cancel, undo, cancel; change, sweep; exchange, exchange; together; daring, bold.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Mila has a medal. Mila throws the ball. The bear loves honey. Misha blinks at Mila. The ball flies for a minute. Mila threw the ball well. Misha eats meat. There is a fireplace in the house. There is a banner on the house. The comet flies past Mila's house. Mitya noticed the stone. The comedian took the hint. Mitya carries the banner. Mint has a minty flavor. A blizzard is blowing outside. Misha drinks vitamins. The bear loves honey. Mitya draws with chalk.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Mi - mi - mi - I sing the note mi. Mi-mi-mi-let's go ourselves.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. Who dared, he ate.

6. Repeat the riddles.

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps.


Walking in the woods in summer

Resting in the den in winter.


The white stone melted

Left footprints on the board.


Horned, but not butted.


Twisted, tied

planted on a stake,

And dancing down the street.


7. Learn the poem.

The ball is jumping colored

In the yard in front of me

This ball is very cute:

He hasn't broken glass yet!

(G. Vieru)

8. The game "Tell me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

Doesn't fit in the book

Clubfoot... (bear).

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped into the river... (ball).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

It's a forest animal... (bear).

9. The game "On the contrary."

An adult invites the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound МЬ.

10. The game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound МЬ that occur in it.

Mila has crayons. She drew a bear, a jellyfish, a ball, a medal. Mila made beautiful drawings. Mila showed the drawings to Tyoma. He also decided to draw something, took a piece of chalk and here we have a comet. Well done boys!

^ Differentiation of sounds M - Mb

After the sounds M, Mb are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse hard and soft pronunciation options.

Practical material for the differentiation of sounds M - Mb

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - me

Mu - mu

We are mi

Me - ma

Mu - mu

Mi - we

Ma - me - ma


We - we - we



Mi - we - mi

2. Repeat the words.

3. Repeat sentences

Little Mila loves honey. Mila's mother bought butter and meat. Mitya looks at the fireplace. Masha carries the banner. Mom washes Mila with mint soap. Mom kneaded the dough. Mint grows in Masha's garden. Mila listens to music. Maria is a beautiful name. Marat plays ball. Mila has a little kitten at home. Jellyfish swim in the sea. Mani's favorite toy is a bear. In winter, a blizzard often sweeps. The bear eats raspberries. Makar is carrying a bag of tangerines.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Ma - me - ma - I write myself.

Mi - we - mi - we read ourselves.

Mu - mu - mu - I'm going to the house.

Me - ma - me - you have a beautiful name.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Good and good memory. We will move mountains with peace. It's not enough to want, you have to be able to.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

We caught a burbot on the shallows.

The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, a lot of bees.

Mom did not regret washing,

Milu's mother washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap,

Mila got soap in her eye.

Why are you crying, our Mila?

I'm crying out soap.

7. Repeat the riddles.

Small stature, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth.


Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here

They run along the street.


He himself is thin, and his head is a pood.


The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut.


8. Learn poems.

My horse.

I got on a horse

And I'm holding my hands.

Look at me, -

I went to my mother.

(M. Klokova)


A blizzard, frost ...

We bought a mimosa for mom. Smarties!

(E. Blaginina)

9. Game "Tell the phrase"

The adult asks the child to complete the phrase with a suitable word.

The horse neighs, and the cow ... (mumbles). The dog barks, and the cat ... (meows). The moon is shining, and the stars ... (flickering).

10. The game "Make sentences."

The adult invites the child to make sentences on the following key words:

11. Retell the story.

Mila and her mother went to the forest for mushrooms. Mila took a large basket. “Mom, I want to pick a lot of mushrooms,” said the girl. In the forest, Mila looked for mushrooms under every bush, under every stump, looked under the leaves. Very quickly, the basket filled with mushrooms. Mila showed the basket to her mother, and there were only fly agarics. “Mila, these are inedible mushrooms. You can't eat them or you'll end up in the hospital. Don't be upset, Mila, I'll share my mushrooms with you," Mom said.

Sound H

Sound articulation

Lips in a neutral position, take the position of the next vowel. The tip of the tongue is raised and rests against the upper incisors. When pronouncing the sound H, the vibration of the nasal cavity is felt.

Sound staging

1 way: by imitation. Attach one finger of the child to the speech therapist's nose, the other to his own. In this case, you need to show the child the position of the tongue.

2 way: on the basis of the sound M. The child pronounces the sound M with a long tongue protruding between closed lips. At the same time, a shade of the sound H appears. As the child gets used to such an interlabial pronunciation of the sound H in syllables, words, the lips are eliminated with fingers. It turns out interdental N. Gradually, the tongue is transferred beyond the upper incisors to a normal position.

Sound Automation Practice Material H

1. Repeat the syllables.

On - but - well - us

An - he - un

We - on - well - but

Eun - he - un

But - we - well - on

Un - an - he

Well - on - us - but

He is un-eun

On - on

Well - but

But - on

Well - us

But - well

We - well

2. Repeat the words.

^ sound at the beginning of a word.

Us, us, our, Nata, Nadia, Naf-Naf, navaga, put on, put on, drip, bend, write, set, people; whine, whiner, dive; legs, nails, night, nose, socks, wear, zero, mink, rhinoceros; Nuf-nuf.

^ Sound in the middle of a word:

She, Dina, tina, Lena, bath, rope, bananas, club, room, spring, gum, viburnum, raspberry, picture; Danes, warriors, loaves, bison, telephones, elephants; cinema, Vano, given, window; sink, throw, blow, poke.

^ Sound at the end of a word:

He, con, out, background, tone, Don, pan, dream, dignity, warrior, revolver, law, elephant, gramophone, telephone, tape recorder, gramophone, raven, crane.

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Nka, nk; nts; many; dreams, you know. Semolina, race, club, grain of sand, mote, funnel, picture, lid; tanks, racing, thin, sleds; high boots, screws, umbrellas, fenders; dark; dreams, know, banner, knowledge, badge, healer.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Won Nata and Nonna. Nata has a loaf. At Nonna's bank. Soup was poured into a jar. Anton has high fur boots. Nata has a bow. Nata is carrying a banana. Nina and Nonna at the window. Nata has dirty feet. Nata carries water. She washes her feet. Anton sings from notes. Nina sees the ditches. Nonna has oranges. Nina has tangerines. Lena wears a bow. Nonna has a pencil case. Nata has long legs. Nonna and Nata are friends. Nastya is wearing a dress. Nonna wears a skirt. Nata at Nastya's house. Nastya has a new skirt. Nonna has a new home. Nonna washes the window. Anton put on new socks. Anton has a white phone. The warrior is on guard. The cat put on boots. Nina has boots. At the canal - Nonna. Nonna washes the jar. Nina wears glasses. Nata and Nonna are moving to a new house. Nonna carries the doll in her arms. Anton and Nastya live in a new house. Anton has a new toy.

4. Repeat sayings.

On. - on - on - Nata at the window. .

Well - well - well - Nata goes to the window.

But - but - but - Nat washes the window.

We - we - we - Nate has dreams.

But - but - but - it's dark in our room.

An-an-an-dad repairing the faucet

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Lots of snow, lots of bread.

The guest does not stay much, but sees a lot.

Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

Done hastily - and made a mockery.

Although laughter has long legs, it does not lead to success.

There is safety in numbers.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Pan gave bananas to pan.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Don, don, don - the cat's house caught fire.

7. Repeat the riddles.

One leg and that one without a boot.


Above the grandmother's hut hangs a loaf of bread.


But the sea goes, goes, and it comes to the shore - then it will disappear.


All their lives they go ahead, but they cannot catch up with each other.


Between two luminaries in the middle one.


On one finger, a bucket upside down.


8. Learn poetry.

Old elephant.

Sleeping calmly

old elephant,

standing up to sleep

He knows how.

(S. Marshak)

Sleepy elephant.

Don-don, don-don!

Elephant walking in the alley

An old, gray, sleepy elephant.

Don-don, don-don!

(I. Tokmakova)

9. The game "Tell me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest a word at the end of each poem.

Watchmaker, squinting his eyes,

Cleans watches for... (US).

Who alone has a horn?

Guess!.. (Rhinoceros).

A rooster with a prickly hedgehog

They cut fat with a sharp ... (knife).

10. The game "On the contrary."

An adult invites the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound N.

Left right)

Dry - (wet)

Under - (over)

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound N that occur in it.

There is a forest near the village. The girls played hide and seek. Natasha was looking for Alina, Nonna, Alena. Alina - at the spruce. Alena - at the pine. Where is Nonna? And she stands by the bush. Natasha found her later than everyone else.

Sound n

Sound articulation

^ See sound H. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Hb, the tip of the tongue is lowered behind the lower incisors.

Sound staging

1 way: by imitation.

2 way: from the sound H. At the moment of pronouncing the sound H, the speech therapist lowers the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors with a spatula.

Practical material on Hb sound automation

1. Repeat the syllables.

Nya - not - nu

Nya - not

Not - neither

An - on - un

Nu - no - no

No - no

Nu - nya

Yn - on - an

No - no - no

Nu - not

Nya - nu

Yin - yang - yen

Nu - nya - neither

Nu - no


yong - yin - yang

No - no - no


Yun - yang - yin

Nu - no - no

Neither - not

2. Repeat the words.

^ Sound at the beginning of a word:

Yum-yum, nanny; thread, Nina, Nikita, thread, Nil; no, the sky, dumb, nowhere, klutz, Neimeyka, Dunno, I suppose, firmament, unbearable, fiction, unseen; palate, bore; Nyuta, Nyusya, Nyura.

^ Sound in the middle of a word:

Melon, Anya, Vanya, Monya, Tonya, Danya, Tanya, Sonya, Senya, understand, take, classes; they, horses, ponies, melons, mani, sleigh, canopy, songs, understand, understanding; carried away, carried, carried, carried.

^ Sound at the end of a word:

Horse, tribute, day, shadow, stump, Van, Tan, Ton, Sonya, autumn, song, laziness, very much.

Confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Nka, nka.

Melon, Vanka, Manka, Tanya, Danka, daughter; skates, small, remote, thin.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Nina is not to blame. Nusya is mute. The nanny is babysitting Nina. The nanny washes Nina. Nyusya is carrying a sled. The nanny carries the threads. Nikita can't walk. The stranger can't write. Nina's palate hurts. Nina has no threads. Nucy is not at home. Nusya rides a horse. Nina carries a bag on her back. The horses ran away from the wolf. Recently Nikita saw horses. There are no clouds in the sky. Nikita is carrying skates. Nyura carries a small melon. Nyura sings songs. An airplane is flying in the sky. Nina doesn't like melons. The idiot doesn't want to work.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Nya - nya - nya - I'm leading a horse.

Nu - nu - nu - I will give water to the horse.

Neither - nor - nor - horses drink.

No - no - no - we're riding a horse.

Him - him - him - we go with a horse.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

Take a look - the forest will fade.

A day is like a day, but the year is not the same.

Don't leave your friend in misfortune.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Vanka and Vstanka have unfortunate nannies.

Little Sanya's sleigh drives by itself.

7. Repeat the riddles.

The blue sheet covers the whole world.


Not fluff, not fur, but will dress everyone.


Sweeter than honey, lighter than fluff.

Have a rest! - all whispers in the ear.

The one who will be friends with her,

Life will be very bad.


8. Learn the poem.

Our Tanya is crying loudly.

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

(A. Barto)

And the nanny said to Nina:

“See the sun in the picture?

And on such a spring day

The stump casts a shadow."

(O. Egorova)

9. The game "Call it affectionately."

The adult invites the child to affectionately name the following objects (objects):

11. The game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound Hb that occur in it.

Tanya and Anya have a nanny. The nanny bathes Tanya and Anya in the bath. There is warm water in the bath. The nanny sings songs to the girls. Tanya and Anya are having fun.

^ Differentiation of sounds H - Hb

After the sounds H, Hb are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse hard and soft pronunciation options.

Practical material for the differentiation of sounds H - Hb

1. Repeat the syllables.

Na - nya

Well - nu

We are neither

But not

Nya - on

Nu - well

Neither - us

Not - but

Nya - na - nya

Nu - nu - nu

Neither - us - neither

Not - but - not


Well - nu - well

We - not - us

But - not - but

2. Repeat the words.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Nata's palate hurts. Anya has a warm cape. The mother hen will not sit on the perch. Nina is forced to finish her pudding. Nyusya was punished, but she is not to blame. Nikita has a revolver. Recently the horses were attacked by wolves. Nyusya washes the window. Lena is lazy. Dina bought threads. Nanny bathes Nata. Tonya and Lena are carrying raspberries. Nusya is talking on the phone. Danny painted a picture. Nadia is skating. Vanya is sledding. Sonya is cleaning the room. Nadia is carrying a melon. Naf - Naf and Nif - Nif - piglets. Lena hurries to class. Dina looks to the sky.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Neither - us - nor - little ponies.

We - no - we - beautiful dreams.

Well - nu - well - I see Lena.

No - no - no - I'm going to Vanya.

Na - na - na - spring has come.

Nya - na - nya - the nanny sings.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

In the autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard. In a foreign land, and spring is not red. It's not scary not to know, it's scary not to know. One bee makes some honey.

6. Repeat the riddles.

Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song.


Who has one eye during the day

How many at night?

(At the sky)

I knock with my hooves, I knock,

I'm jumping, I'm jumping.

The mane curls in the wind.


Lots of power in it.

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose has grown for a thousand years.


7. Learn the poem.

Nose sticks his Igor

That in jam

That's honey.

Oh, I'm afraid

How would the nose

It didn't stick to the jar of honey.

(F. Bobylev)

8. The game "Hard-Soft".

In front of the child are blue and green squares. If there is a solid H sound in the words spoken by the adult, the child raises the blue square. If soft sound Hb - green square.

Picture, web, thread, sky, perch, no, knife, mute, nose, low, sniff.

10. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story, and then retell it.

pinocchio nose

On the New Year all the kids in kindergarten had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and smear his cheeks with paint, well, as if he were Pinocchio.

Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and folded it into a tube. I looked, and this is not a nose, but a whole nose turned out.

I'm tired of doing this Pinocchio's nose, - Nikita mutters. - I'd rather tie it with threads to my head and be a rhinoceros.

Started winding threads. Wrapped, wound - nothing happens. Nikita pouted.

I'll put it right on my head.

He smeared glue on his head and attached his nose. Her hair was stuck together, and her nose fell to the side.

I'm tired of this rhino. I’d better come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as an invisible person, because they didn’t see me.

^ Differentiation of sounds M - N

After the sounds M, H are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse these sounds.

Practical material on the differentiation of sounds M - H

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - on



We - we - we - we





2. Repeat the words.

Masha is ours

Wash - whine

Frames - wounds

Mil - neil

Washing - whining

Lump - skate

Mig - Nick

Flour is science

Females - sled

Lady - given

House - Don

Herself - Sanya

Rama - early

Kom - dream

Dima - Dina

Misha - niche

There - tone

Moth - zero

3. Repeat the sentences.

Tanya is at home. Masha is cleaning the room. Nata washes her hands. Anton drinks milk. Mom put on a coat. Masha wrote a letter. Subject is talking on the phone. Nina collects daisies. Roma saw an elephant. Nonna bought a bag. Vanya draws in the album. Galina saw smoke from the chimney. Tom wears a sundress. Lena washes the frame. Masha is carrying a sled. Mom forgot her umbrella. Masha put on high fur boots. Roma goes to the cinema. Masha loves viburnum. Roma takes care of the horses. Misha saw a rhinoceros. Misha wrote a note to Nate.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Ma - na - ma - a lady is coming.

Ma - na - ma - winter has come.

Na - ma - na - Lena sings.

We - we - we - we wash the frames.

We - we - we - we eat bananas.

Mi - no - mi - we walk ourselves.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Lots of water, lots of grass.

Skillful in words, inept in the eyes to see.

The age is long - full of everything.

Skill is half the battle.

Once he lied - he became a liar forever.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Behind a cockroach with a drum, behind a mosquito with an axe.

Called for raspberries

Marina Galina.

Galina Marina

Called for viburnum.

7. Repeat the riddles.

What is the name of the bush? He

Throws the trash out.


Molten Arrow

The oak fell down near the village.


If well sharpened,

Everything is easy, he cuts very -

Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

Fish, apples and butter.


8. Learn the poem.

Don't argue, it's the letter "am"!

No, "mu"!

No, "me"!

Not there"! Am! Um!..

Such a ramble rose,

Such a terrible noise and scream! ..

Completely confused

Learned dog, goat and bull,

Seeing the M...

(A. Shibaev)

9. The game "Make sentences."

The adult asks the child to make sentences on the following key words:

10. Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Mom bought Nina a doll. Nina really liked the new toy. She named the doll Masha. Masha had a lot of clothes, a bed, a nipple. Nina really liked to feed Masha, dress her, walk with her. Even at night, the girl did not part with her doll. Masha slept next to Nina on a pillow and had beautiful dreams. Masha became Nina's real friend.

List of used literature

1. Alifanova K. A., Kgorova N. E. Speech therapy rhymes and miniatures. A guide for speech therapists, educators and parents. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001.

2. Hegelia N. A. Correction of pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren and adults. - M.: Vlados, 1999.

3. Entertaining ABC / Comp. V. V. Volina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

4. Kozak O. Riddles and tongue twisters. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997.

5. Kozyreva L. M. Speech therapy manual. - M.: School, 2000.

6. Leonhard E. I. Formation of oral speech and the development of auditory perception in deaf preschoolers, - M .: Education, 1971.

7. Maksakov A.I. Does your child speak correctly. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

8. Russian proverbs and sayings / Ed. V. P. Anikina. - M.: Fiction, 1988.

9. Collection of riddles / Comp. M. T. Karpenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

10. Sukhin I. G. Funny tongue twisters for "naughty" sounds. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2002.

11. T "Umanova T. V. Correction of sound pronunciation in children. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2000.

12. Tsvshtarny V. We play, we listen, we imitate - we get sounds.-- St. Petersburg: Lan, 1998.

Outline plan

individual lessons on the development of auditory perception and the formation of pronunciation.

Grade 10.

Topic. Differentiation of sounds M - P. Dialogue


to teach to differentiate the sounds M - P in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, to continue to teach students dialogic, monologue speech;

develop thinking, curiosity of students, teach the rules of behavior in the theater.


tablets with a dictionary, pictures, a pronunciation textbook for grades 7-8, a stand "Speak correctly", task cards, illustrative material, a computer, presentation material.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Phrases of colloquial and everyday character.

    Say hello.

    How do you hear?

    How do you live?

    How are you?

    Who are you friends with?

    What did you do last night?

    What did you do last Sunday?

    How are you?

Name the vowels A___, O___, U___, E___, I___, Y___.

    Formation of pronunciation.

Auditory-visual perception:

    Differentiation M - P.

Today in class you will say the sounds M___, P___.















Add an offer: I'm helping...(compose difficult sentence).

(I help my mother wash the dishes because she is sick).







Say in one breath: MOMMA_MAMAMA_PAMOMOPO.

Say it low, say it loud Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama.








s\e: Add an offer: Mitya writes...

(make a complex sentence)

(Mitya writes a letter to Masha to wish her a happy birthday).







Name verbs with sound M. (looks, sweeps, feeds...)

Say it in a quiet, loud, normal voice.

quietly All around lay windbreak.

Loudly They brought us a telegram.

okay He looked around.

Read the poem.

Read with expression.

White birch under my window

Covered with snow like silver.

II. The development of auditory perception.

We will talk on the topic "In the theater".

Working with presentation material


s/e: Working on dialogue.

    How should a man dress for a theater visit?

For a man, a dark suit, a light shirt, and a tie (brighter than in a business setting) are required.

    Not allowed in the theatre...

Strong perfume, cologne, the smell of drugs, clothes with the smell of mothballs.

    Where can I put myself in order (powder, paint lips, comb my hair, change shoes)?

Only in the bathroom, not in front of everyone in the lobby.

    Who buys the program?

It is accepted that the program is bought by the gentleman. He passes it to the lady after both take their places in the auditorium.

    Who should find seats in the auditorium?

Finding the right row, the box is the responsibility of the man. You can use the help of an administrator or a ticket collector.

    How to move along the row to your place?

Only facing the seated. The man always goes first. Those who pass must apologize and thank those who have risen.

    Where should a lady sit?

The woman sits to the right of the man, but if the place on the left is more suitable for her, then the man gives her his.

    If during placement in the auditorium there were unexpected issues...

It is considered indecent to express displeasure loudly, to scold the ticket seller or the theater administration.

    Sitting in the armchair...

Do not occupy both armrests.

    It's not customary to ask other viewers...

Program or binoculars. They must be purchased by yourself.

    What can be seen with binoculars?

Only the stage. During the intermission, viewing the audience through binoculars is not customary.

    Eating in the lobby or auditorium is considered indecent.

This can only be done at the buffet.

    Can a lady be left alone?

It is not customary to leave a lady alone for a long time.

    What can not be done during the performance?

Talking, rustling papers, laughing loudly, sneezing and coughing (if you are not completely healthy, it is better to refrain from the theater).

    It's very indecent to leave during a performance.

It's best to keep your opinion to yourself for a while. If you don't like the performance and want to leave, wait for the intermission.

    How can you express your admiration for what you see?

Applause, shout "Bravo!". With the word "bis!" must be handled with care: it means a request - repeat.

    Is it necessary to applaud after the end of each act?


    Can you throw flowers on stage?

No, they are handed over to the minister, naming the actors for whom they are intended.

    Is it possible to share impressions during the performance?


    Do women have to change their shoes in the theatre?

This is not a requirement these days.

    As soon as the performance is over, you should not immediately ask your companion (companion) the question: "Did you like it?"

Perhaps a person needs time to comprehend what he saw.

    After the performance, the man escorts the woman home...

It is best to accompany the companion not only to the entrance, but also to the door of her apartment.

    Saying goodbye to a lady...

I must thank my companion for a pleasant evening.

    When the cavalier says goodbye...

Appropriate compliments. You can also arrange a future meeting.


s/e: Dialogue tasks.

    Read aloud in roles.

    Read with a change of faces of readers.

    Retell in detail.

    Retell briefly.

    Answer the questions.

a). Do you often go to the theater?

b). Do you like going to the theatre?

v). What was the name of the last play you saw?

6. Compose a monologue - reasoning


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In the process of speech development, higher mental processes and the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with peers and adults.

Disadvantages of sound pronunciation significantly distort the speech of the child. The child may experience omissions, substitutions, deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child's speech incomprehensible to others, limits the baby's speech activity.

Correcting the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks of the teacher. The child must learn to pronounce all the sounds of his native language correctly. Recently, more and more children have appeared who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonors, but simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, M, etc.

Benefit structure

Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Clarification of the correct articulation of sound.

2. Setting the sound.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

After clarifying the correct articulation and staging a defectively pronounced sound, its automation begins. Automation of any sound should start with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce the sound in syllables, you can move on to words and sentences. When automating words, the pronunciation of sound in different positions is practiced; at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word; in words with a confluence of consonants.

At the final stage of sound automation, children are offered tongue twisters, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, games. Clean tongues and proverbs should be spoken at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. First pronounce tongue twisters slowly, clearly articulating sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can accurately pronounce the tongue twister, you can repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, invite children not only to guess them, but also to repeat, since automated sound is found in the text of riddles. Poems are desirable to memorize. This contributes not only to fixing the sound, but also to the development of memory. The stories are read calmly, expressively, so that the child can remember and retell them. Games to conduct emotionally, encouraging the correct answers of the baby.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Sound M

Sound articulation

The lips are at first calmly closed, then open with an instant exhalation of air. The distance between the incisors and the position of the tongue depends on the next vowel. When pronouncing the sound M, the vibration of the cheeks and nose is felt.

Sound staging

By imitation. The speech therapist presses one hand of the child to his cheek, the other to the cheek of the child. The child feels the vibration on the speech therapist's cheek and reproduces it by tactile control through his palm.

Practical material on automation of sound M

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - mo Ma-mo-mu Am - om - um - um
Mo - ma Mu - we - ma Um - om - am - um
Mu - we Mo-ma-moo Ym - om - am - mind
We are mu Mu-ma-we Om - mind - um - am

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word: Poppy, magician, small, Masha, shop, car, raspberry, painter, tangerine; wash, wash, cape, soap, moo; mot, moss, skein, coin, hammer, monologue, sea, sailor, frost, carrot; Muk, dregs, flour, fly, mousse, museum, music, mulatto, Murka, purr.

Sound in the middle of a word: Mom, godfather, Kama, thought, at home, lady, scrip, winter, KAMAZ, spread, team, break, frame, Roman, mosquito, chamomile; koumiss, reeds, frames; chest of drawers, lump, smoke, mute, castle, lemon; to whom, to that, clamp, stir up, Talmud.

Sound at the end of a word:

House, smoke, ladies, you, bam, bom, com, catfish, himself, deputy, noise, scrap, rum, album, burbot, temple, bromine, shame.

Mka, me, me, think, mla, mra, mru, rma, rchma. Umka, Tomka, bag; many, many, multiply, multiplication; me, opinion, doubt; stones, remember, knead; young, baby, younger; gloom, gloomy, gloomy, marble; feed, tavern.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Mom washes Masha. Mom has a poppy. Manya loves raspberries. Little Muck goes to the store. Kuma has a small bag. Smoke is coming from the house. Mom is washing the frame. Mania breaks the lock. The house has a small room. Kuma has a small catfish. Manya looks at the album. Dima is broken. Darkness all around. There is a lot of marble in the castle. There is a small key in the lock. Catfish in a bag. Masha multiplies. Mom is washing the baby. Masha is younger than Viti.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Ma - ma - ma - I'm at home myself. Mu-mu-mu-milk to whom? We - we - we - we walked. Mo - mo - mo - eat popsicle.

Lots of snow, lots of bread. Lots of water, lots of grass. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Have you washed the raspberries?

Washed, but not washed.

The cat lapped milk

And Borya dipped a roll in milk.

7. Repeat the riddles.

The red maiden sits in a dungeon,

head on leg,

And the spit is on the street.


Peas in the head.


Flying all day

Everyone gets bored.

The night is coming

Then it stops.


Drinks petrol like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You know her, of course.


8. Learn poems.

Mom, I love you so much

I don't know right!

I am a sea ship

Give the name "Mom!".

(Y. Akim)

May I? - Asked the mouse?

What you? You are still a baby.

(G. Satir)

9. Game "Tell me a word"

The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

And play pranks without a break

All day long... (monkeys).

We are a puppy in water and in soap

Two hours of washcloth... (washed).

Clinging to the rear tire

Masha is going to... (machine).

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is this? (Mouse).

10. The game "On the contrary"

An adult asks the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound M.

Silly - (wise)

A lot - (little)

Big small)

Dry - (wet)

11. Retell the story

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

We have a cat called Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache, a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom buys it in the store especially for Murka.

Na, Murka milk.

Mur-mur-mur, thanks the cat. What Murka smart!

Sound M

Sound articulation

See sound M. The difference lies in the fact that when pronouncing the sound Mb, the lips are much more tense, the tongue is arched, its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound setting. By imitation.

1. Repeat the syllables.

me-me-mu Me - me - me
me-mu-me Yam - yum - yum
Mi - me - mu Mi-mi-mi
Mu-me-mi Me-me-me
Me-mi-me im - im - im
Mu-mu-mu Eat - eat - eat

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Meow, knead, ball, mint, mint, soft, pulp, meat, rebellion, mumble, meat grinder; mine, blink, minute, minus, bear, mile, Mila, cute, world, minor; copper, medic, throw, label, bear, place, jellyfish, bag, blizzard, medal, furniture, chalk; honey, chalk.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Name, hush up, banner; house, comedian, fireplace, domino, vitamin, freeze; comet, stone, change, note, replacement, camellia, change; hint, hint.

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words: Tme, dme, bme, vme, sm. Cancel, undo, cancel; change, sweep; exchange, exchange; together; daring, bold.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Mila has a medal. Mila throws the ball. The bear loves honey. Misha blinks at Mila. The ball flies for a minute. Mila threw the ball well. Misha eats meat. There is a fireplace in the house. There is a banner on the house. The comet flies past Mila's house. Mitya noticed the stone. The comedian took the hint. Mitya carries the banner. Mint has a minty flavor. A blizzard is blowing outside. Misha drinks vitamins. The bear loves honey. Mitya draws with chalk.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Mi - mi - mi - I sing the note mi. Mi-mi-mi-let's go ourselves.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. Who dared, he ate.

6. Repeat the riddles.

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps.


Walking in the woods in summer

Resting in the den in winter.


The white stone melted

Left footprints on the board.


Horned, but not butted.


Twisted, tied

planted on a stake,

And dancing down the street.


7. Learn the poem.

The ball is jumping colored

In the yard in front of me

This ball is very cute:

He hasn't broken glass yet!

(G. Vieru)

8. The game "Tell me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

Doesn't fit in the book

Clubfoot... (bear).

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped into the river... (ball).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

It's a forest animal... (bear).

9. The game "On the contrary."

An adult invites the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound МЬ.

10. The game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound МЬ that occur in it.

Mila has crayons. She drew a bear, a jellyfish, a ball, a medal. Mila made beautiful drawings. Mila showed the drawings to Tyoma. He also decided to draw something, took a piece of chalk and here we have a comet. Well done boys!

Differentiation of sounds M - Mb

After the sounds M, Mb are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse hard and soft pronunciation options.

Practical material for the differentiation of sounds M - Mb

1. Repeat the syllables.

3. Repeat sentences

Little Mila loves honey. Mila's mother bought butter and meat. Mitya looks at the fireplace. Masha carries the banner. Mom washes Mila with mint soap. Mom kneaded the dough. Mint grows in Masha's garden. Mila listens to music. Maria is a beautiful name. Marat plays ball. Mila has a little kitten at home. Jellyfish swim in the sea. Mani's favorite toy is a bear. In winter, a blizzard often sweeps. The bear eats raspberries. Makar is carrying a bag of tangerines.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Ma - me - ma - I write myself.

Mi - we - mi - we read ourselves.

Mu - mu - mu - I'm going to the house.

Me - ma - me - you have a beautiful name.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Good and good memory. We will move mountains with peace. It's not enough to want, you have to be able to.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

We caught a burbot on the shallows.

The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, a lot of bees.

Mom did not regret washing,

Milu's mother washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap,

Mila got soap in her eye.

Why are you crying, our Mila?

I'm crying out soap.

7. Repeat the riddles.

Small stature, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth.


Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here

They run along the street.


He himself is thin, and his head is a pood.


The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut.


8. Learn poems.

My horse.

I got on a horse

And I'm holding my hands.

Look at me, -

I went to my mother.

(M. Klokova)


A blizzard, frost ...

We bought a mimosa for mom. Smarties!

(E. Blaginina)

9. Game "Tell the phrase"

The adult asks the child to complete the phrase with a suitable word.

The horse neighs, and the cow ... (mumbles). The dog barks, and the cat ... (meows). The moon is shining, and the stars ... (flickering).

10. The game "Make sentences."

The adult invites the child to make sentences on the following key words:

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story, and then retell it.

Mila and her mother went to the forest for mushrooms. Mila took a large basket. “Mom, I want to pick a lot of mushrooms,” said the girl. In the forest, Mila looked for mushrooms under every bush, under every stump, looked under the leaves. Very quickly, the basket filled with mushrooms. Mila showed the basket to her mother, and there were only fly agarics. “Mila, these are inedible mushrooms. You can't eat them or you'll end up in the hospital. Don't be upset, Mila, I'll share my mushrooms with you," Mom said.

Sound H

Sound articulation

Lips in a neutral position, take the position of the next vowel. The tip of the tongue is raised and rests against the upper incisors. When pronouncing the sound H, the vibration of the nasal cavity is felt.

Sound staging

1 way: by imitation. Attach one finger of the child to the speech therapist's nose, the other to his own. In this case, you need to show the child the position of the tongue.

2 way: on the basis of the sound M. The child pronounces the sound M with a long tongue protruding between closed lips. At the same time, a shade of the sound H appears. As the child gets used to such an interlabial pronunciation of the sound H in syllables, words, the lips are eliminated with fingers. It turns out interdental N. Gradually, the tongue is transferred beyond the upper incisors to a normal position.

Sound Automation Practice Material H

1. Repeat the syllables.

On - but - well - us An - he - un
We - on - well - but Eun - he - un
But - we - well - on Un - an - he
Well - on - us - but He is un-eun
On - on Well - but
But - on Well - us
But - well We - well

2. Repeat the words.

sound at the beginning of a word.

Us, us, our, Nata, Nadia, Naf-Naf, navaga, put on, put on, drip, bend, write, set, people; whine, whiner, dive; legs, nails, night, nose, socks, wear, zero, mink, rhinoceros; Nuf-nuf.

Sound in the middle of a word:

She, Dina, tina, Lena, bath, rope, bananas, club, room, spring, gum, viburnum, raspberry, picture; Danes, warriors, loaves, bison, telephones, elephants; cinema, Vano, given, window; sink, throw, blow, poke.

Sound at the end of a word:

He, con, out, background, tone, Don, pan, dream, dignity, warrior, revolver, law, elephant, gramophone, telephone, tape recorder, gramophone, raven, crane.

The confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Nka, nk; nts; many; dreams, you know. Semolina, race, club, grain of sand, mote, funnel, picture, lid; tanks, racing, thin, sleds; high boots, screws, umbrellas, fenders; dark; dreams, know, banner, knowledge, badge, healer.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Won Nata and Nonna. Nata has a loaf. At Nonna's bank. Soup was poured into a jar. Anton has high fur boots. Nata has a bow. Nata is carrying a banana. Nina and Nonna at the window. Nata has dirty feet. Nata carries water. She washes her feet. Anton sings from notes. Nina sees the ditches. Nonna has oranges. Nina has tangerines. Lena wears a bow. Nonna has a pencil case. Nata has long legs. Nonna and Nata are friends. Nastya is wearing a dress. Nonna wears a skirt. Nata at Nastya's house. Nastya has a new skirt. Nonna has a new home. Nonna washes the window. Anton put on new socks. Anton has a white phone. The warrior is on guard. The cat put on boots. Nina has boots. At the canal - Nonna. Nonna washes the jar. Nina wears glasses. Nata and Nonna are moving to a new house. Nonna carries the doll in her arms. Anton and Nastya live in a new house. Anton has a new toy.

4. Repeat sayings.

On. - on - on - Nata at the window. .

Well - well - well - Nata goes to the window.

But - but - but - Nat washes the window.

We - we - we - Nate has dreams.

But - but - but - it's dark in our room.

An-an-an-dad repairing the faucet

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Lots of snow, lots of bread.

The guest does not stay much, but sees a lot.

Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

Done hastily - and made a mockery.

Although laughter has long legs, it does not lead to success.

There is safety in numbers.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Pan gave bananas to pan.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Don, don, don - the cat's house caught fire.

7. Repeat the riddles.

One leg and that one without a boot.


Above the grandmother's hut hangs a loaf of bread.


But the sea goes, goes, and it comes to the shore - then it will disappear.


All their lives they go ahead, but they cannot catch up with each other.


Between two luminaries in the middle one.


On one finger, a bucket upside down.


8. Learn poetry.

Old elephant.

Sleeping calmly

old elephant,

standing up to sleep

He knows how.

(S. Marshak)

Sleepy elephant.

Don-don, don-don!

Elephant walking in the alley

An old, gray, sleepy elephant.

Don-don, don-don!

(I. Tokmakova)

9. The game "Tell me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest a word at the end of each poem.

Watchmaker, squinting his eyes,

Cleans watches for... (US).

Who alone has a horn?

Guess!.. (Rhinoceros).

A rooster with a prickly hedgehog

They cut fat with a sharp ... (knife).

10. The game "On the contrary."

An adult invites the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms), which begin with the sound N.

Left right)

Dry - (wet)

Under - (over)

11. The game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound N that occur in it.

There is a forest near the village. The girls played hide and seek. Natasha was looking for Alina, Nonna, Alena. Alina - at the spruce. Alena - at the pine. Where is Nonna? And she stands by the bush. Natasha found her later than everyone else.

Sound n

Sound articulation

Cm. sound H. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Hb, the tip of the tongue is lowered behind the lower incisors.

Sound staging

1 way: by imitation.

2 way: from the sound H. At the moment of pronouncing the sound H, the speech therapist lowers the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors with a spatula.

Practical material on Hb sound automation

1. Repeat the syllables.

Nya - not - nu Nya - not Not - neither An - on - un
Nu - no - no No - no Nu - nya Yn - on - an
No - no - no Nu - not Nya - nu Yin - yang - yen
Nu - nya - neither Nu - no Non-nude yong - yin - yang
No - no - no Ni-nu Yun - yang - yin
Nu - no - no Neither - not

2. Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Yum-yum, nanny; thread, Nina, Nikita, thread, Nil; no, the sky, dumb, nowhere, klutz, Neimeyka, Dunno, I suppose, firmament, unbearable, fiction, unseen; palate, bore; Nyuta, Nyusya, Nyura.

Sound in the middle of a word:

Melon, Anya, Vanya, Monya, Tonya, Danya, Tanya, Sonya, Senya, understand, take, classes; they, horses, ponies, melons, mani, sleigh, canopy, songs, understand, understanding; carried away, carried, carried, carried.

Sound at the end of a word:

Horse, tribute, day, shadow, stump, Van, Tan, Ton, Sonya, autumn, song, laziness, very much.

Confluence of consonants in syllables and words:

Nka, nka.

Melon, Vanka, Manka, Tanya, Danka, daughter; skates, small, remote, thin.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Nina is not to blame. Nusya is mute. The nanny is babysitting Nina. The nanny washes Nina. Nyusya is carrying a sled. The nanny carries the threads. Nikita can't walk. The stranger can't write. Nina's palate hurts. Nina has no threads. Nucy is not at home. Nusya rides a horse. Nina carries a bag on her back. The horses ran away from the wolf. Recently Nikita saw horses. There are no clouds in the sky. Nikita is carrying skates. Nyura carries a small melon. Nyura sings songs. An airplane is flying in the sky. Nina doesn't like melons. The idiot doesn't want to work.

4. Repeat tongue twisters.

Nya - nya - nya - I'm leading a horse.

Nu - nu - nu - I will give water to the horse.

Neither - nor - nor - horses drink.

No - no - no - we're riding a horse.

Him - him - him - we go with a horse.

5. Repeat proverbs, sayings.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

Take a look - the forest will fade.

A day is like a day, but the year is not the same.

Don't leave your friend in misfortune.

6. Repeat tongue twisters.

Vanka and Vstanka have unfortunate nannies.

Little Sanya's sleigh drives by itself.

7. Repeat the riddles.

The blue sheet covers the whole world.


Not fluff, not fur, but will dress everyone.


Sweeter than honey, lighter than fluff.

Have a rest! - all whispers in the ear.

The one who will be friends with her,

Life will be very bad.


8. Learn the poem.

Our Tanya is crying loudly.

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

(A. Barto)

And the nanny said to Nina:

“See the sun in the picture?

And on such a spring day

The stump casts a shadow."

(O. Egorova)

9. The game "Call it affectionately."

The adult invites the child to affectionately name the following objects (objects):

11. The game "Be careful."

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound Hb that occur in it.

Tanya and Anya have a nanny. The nanny bathes Tanya and Anya in the bath. There is warm water in the bath. The nanny sings songs to the girls. Tanya and Anya are having fun.

Alesya Korolkova

Differentiation of sounds H-M.

preparatory group


1. To teach children to give a comparative description of the sounds H, M.

2. To teach children to distinguish the sounds H, M in syllables, words, by ear.

3. Learn to visually distinguish between the letters H and M.

4. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.

5. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

Lesson progress:

Today we have two dolls visiting us. Both are unnamed.

The children will help the dolls come up with names. The name of one doll should begin with the sound M, and the other with the sound N (Natasha and Masha). We will learn to distinguish these sounds today.

Give a description of the sound N. (Sound N - consonant, solid, voiced).

And now the characteristics of the sound M. (Sound M - consonant, solid, sonorous).

What is the similarity? What is the difference?

Now let's check how you can distinguish between them. Pick up the letters M and N. I will say syllables and words, if you hear the sound M or H, then show the corresponding letter.

Syllables: an, am, om, ut, yn, ma, na, pa, mu.

Words: Natasha, poppy, mind, cinema, com, con.

Selection of words with sounds M and N: Let's give pictures to Masha doll and Natasha doll:

poppy, knife, T-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, lump, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

And now change the sound M in the word to the sound N:

Masha - our Wash - whine Frames - wounds

Mil - nile Wash - whine Lump - seahorse

Mig - Nick Muka - Science Females - Sled

Lady - given Dom - Don Sama - Sanya

Rama - early Kom - sleep Dima - Dina

Misha - niche Tam - tone Mole - zero

Name the pictures. Determine the place of the sound H, M in the title of the pictures:

poppy, knife, t-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, lump, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

Well done all done!

What does the letter H look like? what about the letter M?

Lay out letters from counting sticks.

Now do the tasks in your notebooks. Color the letter M and H blue.

Determine which sound M or H is hidden in each word. Write the letters M or H in the boxes. Color the pictures.

What sounds have we learned to distinguish? Give them a description.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [t] - [d]. Our Motherland" Topic: Sounds [t - d]. Purpose: Differentiation of sounds [t - d] Tasks: Correctional and educational: 1) clarify the acoustic features of sounds.

Topic: "Differentiation K - G" Type of lesson: lesson to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities. Purpose: to learn to distinguish sounds and letters K-G orally.


Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of sounds [s] - [w]" Purpose: to differentiate the sounds [s], [w] in isolated pronunciation and in reverse syllables. Main tasks: Correctional and educational:.

Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Sh]" I. Organizational information (According to GEF DO) 1 Dominant educational area Speech development 2 Type of activity of children Playing,.

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The adult invites the child to listen to the story, and then retell it.

pinocchio nose

On New Year's Eve, all the children in kindergarten had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and smear his cheeks with paint, well, as if he were Pinocchio.

Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and folded it into a tube. I looked, and this is not a nose, but a whole nose turned out.

I'm tired of doing this Pinocchio's nose, - Nikita mutters. - I'd rather tie it with threads to my head and be a rhinoceros.

Started winding threads. Wrapped, wound - nothing happens. Nikita pouted.

I'll put it right on my head.

He smeared glue on his head and attached his nose. Her hair was stuck together, and her nose fell to the side.

I'm tired of this rhino. I’d better come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as an invisible person, because they didn’t see me.

Differentiation of sounds M - N

After the sounds M, H are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse these sounds.

Practical material on the differentiation of sounds M - H

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - on
We - we - we - we