
Kanokov arsen bashirovich state. Kanokov's condition does not cause concern. Entered the market

The victim filmed how inspectors stopped a Mercedes with the ex-head of Kabardino-Balkaria

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© NEWSru.com , 07/15/2015, In Moscow, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, an FAR activist was beaten, filming a traffic violation by the senator's driver, Photo: arsenkanokov, Video: via Brigada witnesses
Arsen Kanokov
The Federation of Car Owners of Russia (FAR) is seeking to bring to justice the man who beat one of the activists of this social movement. This happened on Kutuzovsky Prospekt right in front of the traffic cops. An assistant to a member of the Federation Council was involved in the attack, they say in the FAR.

The injured FAR activist Andrei Orel went to the emergency room, where he was diagnosed with a concussion and damage to the soft tissues of his face, Interfax reports with reference to the head of the FAR, Sergei Kanaev.

According to him, on Tuesday the journalist of the video channel "In the light of the FAR" Andrey Orel filmed the work of traffic police officers at the intersection of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Rublevsky Highway. At this point, drivers of VIP cars often use the median to pass through the traffic jam.

Next to the FAR activists, traffic police inspectors worked. They stopped another intruder in a Mercedes car. After that, a passenger got out of the passenger compartment of the foreign car, presenting some kind of certificate.

"Nevertheless, the policeman began to draw up a protocol, and Andrey Orel began to film the traffic flow. At that moment, another man got out of the car, attacked Andrey, knocked out the phone and inflicted several strong blows to the head," Sergey Kanaev said.

He claims that traffic police officers did not respond to the activist's requests to intervene in the situation.

"We demanded to detain the car, because we intended to fix the injuries and file a complaint about the attack with the police. After that, the traffic inspectors escorted the car to the Fili-Davydkovo police department," the FAR leader said.

Then, according to Kanaev, the victim arrived at the same police station, where he wrote a statement demanding that the offender be held accountable and learned that a counter-statement had been written against him from this citizen. It claimed that Andrei allegedly provoked the man to attack.

Later, the activists learned that a member of the Federation Council was following in the stopped car as a passenger, and the one who attacked Andrei Orel was his assistant.

Interfax also cites a comment by an anonymous knowledgeable source. He claims that "in the course of drawing up the protocol, the activist approached the car and tried to film the guarded person inside." Then the bodyguard of the senator, stopping the actions of the operator, used physical force.

The source also noted that Orel's doctors recorded only a bruised cheek.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the FAR insists on bringing to justice the traffic police officers who did not take measures to protect the journalist from physical violence.

According to Sergey Kanaev, the FAR has incidents.

We add that the Internet channel "In the light of the FAR", for which the report was filmed on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, is open on the Youtube portal. There, activists regularly post videos of traffic violations by motorists. At the same time, operators often hear threats addressed to them.

[autofed.ru, 07/15/2015, "Unlimited member of the Federation Council": On July 14, 2015, at the intersection of Rublyovka and Kutuzovsky Prospekt, a traffic police inspector was stopped (for traffic violations) on the median strip by a car in which Arsen Kanokov, the former head of the KBR, was and now a member of the Federation Council. He and his bodyguard did not like the attention to this event from Andrei Orel, who monitored the work of the traffic police there. The guard or Kanokov's assistant even attacked Andrey twice. At first he wanted to snatch the camera, and then, after a short telephone conversation, and completely attacked with his fists, inflicting at least three blows to the head with his hands, and one kick with his foot to the body. Such unlawful behavior took place in front of the police officers, who were in no hurry to intervene in the beating (they are already being checked by an internal check). The security guard who was brought to the police wrote a counter statement against Orel, indicating that “he provoked by filming). And a little later, and completely accusing him of trying to get into a car with a “protected person”, Such a lie on the part of Kanokov and his guards, hooligan actions, caused minor bodily harm, as well as property damage, give every reason to initiate a criminal case under several articles . Statement to the police [...] - Inset K.ru]

The market was insured for 4 billion rubles, so experts do not exclude that the fire was deliberate - in order to receive payments.

The State Fire Supervision Authority is studying the version of arson at Sindik and does not exclude the scenario of insurance fraud. The shopping center was insured by VTB Insurance for 4.2 billion rubles. The insurance contract includes the risks of loss, destruction and damage to the property of the insured, including in case of fire. The market is run by several companies associated with the family of the former head of Kabardino-Balkaria and current senator Arsen Kanokov. According to Life, his companies took out large loans from banks.

Fire inspectors are now working on the remains of the Sindika construction market in the northwest of the capital, collecting material samples and interviewing witnesses. It is not yet clear where exactly the fire was located. If, according to their results, it turns out that it was a deliberate arson, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will transfer the documents to the Investigative Committee or the Ministry of Internal Affairs to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case.

The results of the fire-technical examination will be ready in two weeks or a little earlier, - a source in the Moscow Emergencies Ministry told Life.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already begun a pre-investigation check on the fact of causing harm to people's health. Three workers, who were near the fire, received injuries of varying severity. If the police find signs of negligence, they will initiate a criminal case.

The shopping center of building materials "Sindika", in which a major fire occurred on October 8, was insured in "VTB-insurance" for 4.2 billion rubles. According to insurers, the insurance contract includes the risks of loss, destruction and damage to property, including in case of fire.

To decide on payment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the fire and compare them with the terms of the contract. The payment can be made after the examination, which can take from three to six months, - said Alexei Volodin, deputy director of the company. - In case of a positive decision, the approximate amount of the payment will be up to 4.2 billion rubles. According to Volodin, the insurance company has enough resources and such an amount of insurance coverage will not greatly affect the financial condition of the company.

Moreover, VTB Insurance will have to pay only 3 million euros.

The rest of the amount is reinsured by the world's leading insurers, the press service of the VTB Group told Life.

The Sindika market is run by a brood of private companies, many of which are connected to the family of the former head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Arsen Kanokov. Now he is a senator from the parliament of this republic in the Federation Council. According to the SPARK database, the main "management" company of the market is Sindika Holding Company JSC. Its general director is Antemirkan Kanokov. Like a cousin of Arsen Kanokov. The senator himself is still listed as a co-owner of the JSC. Another legal entity - "Sindika-O" - deals with the issues of leasing on the territory of the market. This company is 49% owned by the senator's wife, Fatima. According to Life's calculations, the market is controlled by three companies. Their total profit is 110 million rubles, according to SPARK. At the same time, the company has taken several loans in the last two years. For example, on the security of electrical communications and sewerage, the market took a loan from Sberbank.

Experts believe that, most likely, the market was insured against deliberate arson, but this will be difficult to prove.

Insurers in this situation will focus on the conclusions of the investigation and firefighters, ”Vadim Gorko, a leading expert of the Insurance and Payments Agency, told Life. - It is unlikely that insurance specialists have their own resources to find out the exact cause of the fire.

As for the version of arson, which is now being worked out by firefighters, experts say it will be very difficult to prove it. And even more difficult - to prove who exactly carried out this arson. To do this, at least CCTV footage is needed, on which it will be possible to identify the arsonist. In addition, the fact of arson is not yet proof that the market owners ordered it.

It is still too early to say unequivocally that the owners of Sindika will receive the entire amount of insurance. The decision on payment can be made no earlier than the spring of 2018, - says lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky. - This will happen if the security service of the insurance company and numerous independent examinations establish whether the causes of the fire comply with the terms of the contract. And, for example, the construction market was not set on fire on purpose in order to receive multibillion-dollar insurance.

Senator Arsen Kanokov's competitors could also set fire to the construction market of Sindika.

According to Life, the fire in the construction center of the same name, which belonged to the Sindika holding, did not occur by chance. Allegedly, Senator Arsen Kanokov liked the Kuntsevsky market, located on a land plot of 11.1 thousand square meters. m. On this land there is a building with an area of ​​​​almost 4 thousand square meters. m. The cost of the asset is estimated at about 1 billion rubles. At the end of 2014, the Moscow City Planning and Land Commission approved the decision to build a shopping and entertainment center with an area of ​​68.2 thousand square meters on the site of the market. m.

It cannot be ruled out that someone decided to disrupt Arsen Kanokov's deal to acquire a promising business asset in the west of Moscow, says a Life source in the capital's city hall.

According to him, the Kuntsevsky market can expand the empire of Arsen Kanokov. Now the Sindika holding owns and serves universal markets: Troitsky in Strogino, Usachevsky in Khamovniki, Bratislavsky in Maryina and Tushinsky in the north-west of Moscow. Sindika also owns the construction and clothing Pokrovsky market in Biryulyovo Zapadny, the Sindika-O construction market on the 65th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

Another version of the fire is the negligence of the market management company and tenants.

Back in February 2017, an inspection came to the market and found a giant warehouse in the basement. The management of Sindika was advised to put everything in order in accordance with fire safety as soon as possible. In particular, they asked to remove flammable items. And in September, another inspection revealed all the same violations, - law enforcement sources say.

According to lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky, owners of cars damaged in a fire will also have to face the problem of insurance payments. - If the car owner has only an OSAGO policy, the insurance payment for this insured event unfortunately he can't get it. This is third party liability insurance. Another thing is the hull insurance policy, which involves such cases, - Ostrovsky explains.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, car explosions were recorded in the Sindiki underground parking lot. According to preliminary data of rescuers, about 30 cars burned down there.

Life contacted one of the co-owners of the Sindika Trade Complex, Beslan Gordogozhev, but he declined to comment.

In preparation for writing this article, we analyzed a lot of resources in order to find out the question that is one of the most burning in one of the search engines. People want to know the richest Kabardian. At first, our editors thought that this could be some kind of another "trend" in the world of the Internet or a new star on television. It turned out not. After a long search for information of interest to us, it turned out that the inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria awarded their president, Arsen Kanokov, with such an honorary title. What was the reason for this - this is what we decided to figure out.

However, we will begin our story not at all with the president, but with the Republic itself. Anyone who studied at the history department will obviously remember the course of lectures that was dedicated to the Russian regions. If anyone remembers, even in them teachers tirelessly talked about the fact that Kabardino-Balkaria, like many other territories of the North Caucasus, is the poorest in comparison with its northern and southern neighbors. If you believe the latest analytical reports of the federal press, it turns out that not everything is as tragic in this Russian region as we tried to show you. Journalists came to such an interesting conclusion that in the first half of this year, the inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria earned a total of about 65 billion rubles. These reports speak of the growth in the well-being of the population, the growth of expenses. In general, life is getting better.

It would be strange if, against such a background, the KBR did not have its own ... Yes, its most famous and richest Kabardian. As we have already found out, he is Arsen Kanokov. We are not going to sort out the eternal dispute that accompanies this name in its homeland. As you know, his supporters are ready to defend their President from any criticism, while others are ready to throw mud at him. Our modest task is to compile a small "business portrait" of the president, without getting into political disputes.

Where did it all begin?

A native of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, he began his thorny path to the highest post in the Republic from afar. It all started in the late eighties. of the last century, when Arsen Kanokov decided to register his own cooperative in Moscow, which bore the uncomplicated name "Kodeks". Over time, he decided not to limit himself to just one company, and after four years he created his first holding company called Sindika. Its name was as close as possible to Soviet realities, however, the areas of its activity were ahead of their time (banking and investment sectors).

Until now, this company evokes not the most pleasant memories among a number of Kabardians. So what's the deal? The thing is that in the early 90s. the group of companies was officially engaged in the provision of services for the lease of commercial space in the capital, however, no one knows how the latter got to Kanokov. According to eyewitnesses of the events of those years, the current head of the Republic in the early 90s. held several metropolitan markets under his own control: 1) in Strogino; 2) Pokrovsky; 3) Usachevsky and 4) Bratislavsky. The incommensurable hectares of land and the scale of Kanokov's activities amazed the eyewitnesses. There is an opinion that the richest Kabardian enjoyed the personal support of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, whose joint photos and videos can be found in the archives of officials. Allegedly, it was friendship with him that helped the holding survive in the capital's market.

Be that as it may, the business affairs of Arsen Kanokov developed more and more successfully every year. In the mid 90s. he became one of the shareholders of JSCB CentroCredit CJSC, and after some time he even joined the Board of Directors of the company. Perhaps this period of his life is still the most controversial and unknown. Today there is no unequivocal answer to the question - how did 30% of the company's shares end up in the hands of Sindik? The answer seems to be known only to Arsen Kanokov himself.

Politics and business

1998 became a "turning point" for Kanokov. It was in 2013 that he was appointed permanent representative of the KBR under the President of Russia. If someone then thought that the politician was going to leave the business after that, he was greatly mistaken. Continuing to hold leadership positions in his Sindika holding, already in 2003 Kanokov was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party. True, he soon emigrated to United Russia, as he put it, to implement his legislative initiatives. A year later, he was already appointed by the President of Russia to the post of head of the KBR. It should be said that at first the arrival of the businessman-politician was taken calmly by the local political elites. However, in 2011, when Kanokov was re-elected, the attitude towards him on the part of the Kabardians changed dramatically.


It should be said that Kanokov quickly settled in not only in the capital region, but also in Kabardino-Balkaria. All the same media claimed that a whole clan was formed on its territory, which included wealthy relatives of the Kanokov family. As you guessed correctly, key positions were distributed to them, as well as to business partners. From the moment of re-election to the post of head of the Republic, the Accounts Chamber Russian Federation called the “patrimony” of Kanokov one of the most corrupt Russian regions. In particular, he was accused of developing and supporting the alcohol business on the territory of the KBR. As it turned out later, all this was given at the mercy of his "brothers" Bifov.

Kanokov himself did not lag behind them. He once stated that he considered it wrong that he was forbidden to run his own companies in the open. Still a politician. Here is what he "saved" not openly:

  • Shopping centers in Moscow (Troitsky, Tushinsky, etc.)
  • Interregional Clearing Bank
  • GOK "Milan"
  • Companies included in the Sindika holding: Roletex and Intourist
  • Minvody Airport (management function)
  • Shopping center "Gallery"
  • CJSC "Kavkazkabel"

Forbes never dreamed of us

The above list is by no means complete, we have listed only the main "possessions" of Arsen Kanokov. Now we propose to pay attention to his official and unofficial income. According to numerous publications in the media, one simple conclusion can be drawn - the income of a wealthy businessman and official grew exponentially every year. Exactly in the same progression, the level of well-being of the region and Kabardians decreased. The first reports in 2007 about the governor's inclusion in the list the richest people came as a surprise to many. Then, according to the editors of the Finance magazine, Kanokov's fortune was estimated at ninety million dollars. It took him only two years to increase this figure by 6.5 times. One year later, Forbes magazine did not disagree with its colleagues from Finance - the entrepreneur's fortune was estimated in 2012 at $ 600 million. By the way, the editors of the famous magazine in 2013 updated the rating. According to him, Kanokov increased his income by $50 million.

In income declarations, with which our state is trying to fight corruption, you can find a lot of interesting information about the state of Arsen Kanokov. So, according to the declaration for 2012, he earned a little more than one and a half million rubles, and his wife 30 times more. In addition, the Kanokov family also owns a couple of apartments, several garages, and five plots of land. Officials have not forgotten about their own fleet. As it turned out, one of the richest Kabardians owns several more cars: three Audi cars and one Mercedes car. If you look at the dynamics of the growth of the family's well-being, then we can say for sure that there are no prerequisites for reverse processes today ...

One of the largest fires in the Moscow region, at the Sindika construction market near the Moscow Ring Road, lasted more than 16 hours on October 8-9 and almost completely destroyed a shopping complex with an area of ​​more than 130,000 square meters. The modern shopping center, built in 2014 on the site of an open market, was one of the key assets of the Sindika group, controlled by relatives of the senator from Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $ 500 million. The owner of the building and the land plot under it – Sindika-O LLC, its largest owners are Kanokov’s wife Fatima Kanokova (49%) and Artur Kardanov (21%), whom the kavkazweb resource “presumably” calls Kanokov’s nephew (the representative of the group does not comment on this). The group lost the shopping center, in which, according to its own data, it invested 8 billion rubles, it is threatened with lawsuits by tenants who lost goods stored in Sindiki's stores and warehouses during a fire. Vedomosti figured out how the emergency will affect the business of the group, which, according to competitors and real estate market consultants, was already going through difficult times. Fire Update Of the funds spent on the construction of Sindika, approximately 4 billion rubles. accounted for a loan from Sberbank. This loan was used to mortgage the building and land plot underneath, the rest was the company's own funds, a spokesman for the group said. The complex was insured for 4.2 billion rubles. and these funds cover the balance of the Sberbank loan, but all the same, Sindika's losses will amount to at least 4 billion rubles, he noted. Despite the group's heavy losses, construction of a new shopping center will begin on the site in the near future, a spokesman for the Moscow Region government said. The government will provide the necessary support in terms of paperwork, he added. The decision on this was made on October 10 at a meeting of the operational headquarters on the situation on Sindik, the representative of the group specified. There will be more retail space in the new complex, so that upon completion of its construction, the group's capitalization will grow, Kanokov told Forbes. Perhaps, it will be possible to double the sales area of ​​the complex, the manager of Sindiki hopes. It is impossible to name the exact area before the development of the project, his colleague noted. Burnt out business Tenants, who, according to Sindika, were about 1,000, and according to the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Government of the Moscow Region - about 500, lost all their property in a fire. According to a Vedomosti survey, store owners who worked at Sindik estimate their losses at 10-200 million rubles. The Ministry of Consumer Market and Services did not estimate the total damage, but, apparently, it is at least 10 billion rubles, the official of the department argues. Such large losses are explained by the fact that not only trading premises were located on the territory of Sindika, but also warehouses where entrepreneurs stored goods. And only 1-2% of tenants had goods insured, says Dmitry Kozhara, co-owner of the My Fireplace store, one of whose salons was located on the second floor of the shopping complex. Sindika's management is meeting with tenants to discuss support measures, and the group is ready to offer them preferential lease terms in the new complex in the future, it said. The Moscow region is already offering benefits. Tenants will be given preferential rental rates at 10 construction markets in the Moscow region, which can become an alternative to Sindika - located either close to the Moscow Ring Road or in other places that are passable in terms of customer flows, said a representative of the government of the Moscow region. Among the markets that agreed to provide places, located nearby "Mozhaysky Dvor", said a representative of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services. According to him, entrepreneurs will be able to get space at a rate of 100 rubles. for 1 sq. m per month for up to six months plus rental holidays for the time of the move. Verified partners Among the partners of the Kanokov family were members of another Kabardino-Balkarian family, well known outside the republic. Its representative Anatoly Bifov is the former head of the administration of the city of Baksan, a deputy of the State Duma. Fatima Kanokova, according to SPARK, until 2012 was the owner of a 40% stake in the Zavolzhsky market, the fourth largest in Yaroslavl. Another 30% was owned by a native of the city of Baksan, Zaur Bifov. At the end of 2012, he became the sole owner of the market. Zaur Bifov was the beneficiary of several alcohol companies in Kabardino-Balkaria, as were his relatives Aslan, Anzor and Alim Bifov. Their structures controlled the Baksan factory of sparkling wines. The general director of Veles Trust Management Company (manages the Mozhaysky Dvor shopping center) Ekaterina Chernykh confirmed that the company offered preferential terms to the tenants of the burned-out shopping center - a rate of 200 rubles. for 1 sq. m per month during the first half of the year, and then 500 rubles. and exemption from rent in the first month (payment only for electricity by the meter). Interest was shown by about 40 tenants of the burnt-out complex, including 17 who filled out questionnaires and, most likely, an agreement will be concluded with them in the near future. Sindika offers tenants places at reduced rates in the Pokrov and Sergiev Posad markets, which it owns jointly with Rota Development structures. The structures of Kanokov in Moscow own universal markets - Troitsky in Strogino, Usachevsky in Khamovniki and Bratislavsky in Maryino, as well as the construction and clothing Pokrovsky market in Biryulyovo West. Sindika also owned Tushinsky (closed in 2012) and Matveevsky (liquidated in early 2017) markets. The Ministry of Consumer Market and Services, together with the tax service, the business ombudsman and other departments, organized a headquarters to help affected tenants, which helps to promptly restore burnt documents. About 400 tenants have already used the services of the headquarters, a representative of the ministry clarifies. Looking for compensation Benefits are not enough for tenants. Kozhara said that he was preparing documents to go to court with a claim for damages in case someone's fault in the fire was established. Another major tenant of Sindika told Vedomosti about its intention to demand compensation. According to him, many people have such ideas: people have lost "almost everything and are now looking for the culprit." It is premature to discuss this issue, since the investigation did not establish the cause of the fire, a representative of Sindika said. According to one of the versions, named by the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations during the fire, the fire started in one of the warehouses in the parking lot on the first floor of the building. At the same time, Rostekhnadzor three times pointed out to the owner of the shopping center that the location of the warehouse on the ground floor is a violation of the planning requirements, and ordered the violations to be eliminated, according to the materials of the inspections. The last one took place in September 2017, Rostekhnadzor demanded that the owner eliminate the violations by the end of February 2018. “Some new planning decisions, according to Rostekhnadzor, required approval,” a representative of Sindika explains the department’s claims. If it is established that the owner did not fulfill his obligations and rented out premises that did not meet fire safety requirements, then he will be liable to persons who suffered property losses in this case, says Alexander Lysyakov, senior lawyer at the Strizhak and Partners legal group. . Most often, lease agreements provide for compensation for damage to the tenant in the presence of the landlord's fault, confirmed by a court decision, adds Maxim Safiulin, lawyer at A2 Law Office. Tenants should present the requirements of the company with which they have a lease agreement, and this is not necessarily the owner of the building, points out Ivan Stasyuk, lawyer at the international law firm Ilyashev & Partners. Initially, Sindika rented space directly, but since 2015, it has leased retail space to a large tenant who subleased it, and since 2016, warehouses have also been subleased. For example, Kozhara's store rented a warehouse from an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur said. Whether these tenants have the assets to pay compensation, if awarded, is a big question. One of the landlords promised Vedomosti to forward such claims to the owner of the building if received. But the Sindika-O company also has few funds. She made a profit only in 2016 - 745,000 rubles. (SPARK data). Earlier, since the commissioning of the shopping center in 2014. The company suffered multi-million dollar losses. The main beneficiary of Sindika-O, Fatima Kanokova, declared an income of 180.6 million rubles in 2015, Arsen Kanokov - 4.7 million rubles, follows from the declaration on the website of the Federation Council. Kanokov's earnings for 2016 are 4.66 million rubles, there is no information about the spouse's income in this declaration. Kanokov's representative declined to discuss this, citing the "personal nature" of such information. According to SPARK, Fatima Kanokova is not a co-owner or head of other operating legal entities. However, many other companies owned by Kanokov's relatives, according to official figures, are not very profitable. The overall result of the group is positive, assures her top manager. Sale or exchange The Kanokov family - wife, daughter, sister, brothers, nephews and other relatives - owned assets throughout Russia: shares in airports, development projects and the Dream Car car dealer. Kanokov's father in Soviet times was the director of the Komsomolsky state farm in the village of Shitkhala in Kabardino-Balkaria, whose assets in the 1990s. got to his family. She began to build a business empire by buying up markets and real estate in her homeland, Central Russia and Moscow. From 2005 to 2013, Arsen Kanokov served as head of Kabardino-Balkaria, from which he resigned own will after which he was elected senator. Losses without insurance“A modern building, it was very convenient for everyone, the choice is rich, goods of different price categories and good quality", - recalls the owner of the shop in it, Dmitry Kozhara, who burned down the Sindika shopping center. What remains of his store and merchandise is unknown. It is not yet possible to enter the complex and examine the premises: “The administration of the complex does not recommend entering, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations states that the ceilings are weakened, they have passed their tensile strength. It's not safe." Tenant access is restricted for security reasons, a member of the Sindica situation headquarters confirmed. The police do not protect the territory from marauders and do not keep order, contrary to public statements, Kozhara complains: the building was transferred back under the responsibility of the administration of the complex, and now “everyone is hanging around” there. “If they were insured, they wouldn’t worry at all,” the businessman says. - But there was confidence in the complex, especially since it is new - three years in total. They said that the fire extinguishing system there is quite modern.” Last year and this year, his family sold off assets. In the summer of 2016 for 11 billion rubles. airports in Minvody and Kaliningrad were sold, in which, according to its own data, the group invested about 10 billion rubles. Then the general director of the Aeroinvest company that managed the airports sold, Yegor Solomatin, explained to RBC that the group decided to focus on managing Sochi real estate and agriculture in Kabardino-Balkaria - on dairy farming and mountain gardening, where it was planned to send 20 billion rubles. including funds from the sale of airports. In 2016, offers appeared on the Avito.ru website for the sale of two of the 20 markets owned by the Kanokov family in the regions of Russia - in Voronezh and Stavropol (judging by SPARK, they never changed owners). Sindika holding may sell part of the hotel portfolio, three consultants who worked with it said in February 2017. Radisson Blu Paradise in Sochi, Intourist in Pyatigorsk and Stavropol, the Sindika spa hotel in Nalchik, hotels in Tambov, Rostov and Nevinnomyssk were put up for sale, Vedomosti's interlocutors claimed. In April 2017, Sindika sold the rights to build a five-star hotel on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street in the center of Moscow. Market participants had the impression that the Kanokovs had decided to wind down the business, a competitor of Sindika and a real estate market consultant told Vedomosti. Information about the sale of hotels does not correspond to reality, says a representative of Sindika. Moreover, the company will expand its presence in this market. The number didn't come out For the Sochi Olympics, with the help of a loan from VEB, Kanokov's structures built a five-star Radisson Blu Paradise hotel and cottages on the coast, where they own more than a kilometer of the coastal strip. According to Rosreestr, the hotel building is pledged to VEB until 2024. Solomatin told RBC that the company has invested more than 10 billion rubles in Sochi real estate. and unlike many facilities built for the Olympics, it is profitable. The group maintains plans to expand the resort business. Sindika tried to do this with the help of AFK Sistema, a project participant recalls. In September 2016, Sindika and Sistema established Sochi Hotel Management LLC on a parity basis. The company was studying the possibility of building and buying hotels, the source of Vedomosti assures. According to him, she could buy the five-star Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Center in Sochi from VEB, the construction cost of which was estimated at 6 billion rubles. Oleg Eskanderov, vice-president of Sindika, announced his intention to purchase the hotel in the spring of 2017. Sistema has no joint projects with Sindika in the hotel industry, says an AFK representative. Sistema explored various options for buying hotels and in the fall of 2016 acquired a hotel chain from Andrey Yakunin, the son of ex-head of Russian Railways, said a person close to Sistema. “The partnership with Sistema was created to expand the presence of the parties in Sochi, and these plans have not yet been abandoned, but we are not commenting on their development,” said Sindiki's top manager. Senate partnership Members of the Kanokov family are partners of ex-senator Dmitry Sablin. Kardanov, together with the Rota Development company controlled by Sablin and its top manager Eduard Bezbabnykh, own the Levoberezhye company, which owns the right to lease for 49 years a plot for the construction of a shopping center near Khimki near Moscow. They also own the Pokrov construction market on the Krym highway in the Moscow region and the company that manages the market in Sergiev Posad. In "Rota-development" and "Sindik" the partnership is confirmed, but not commented on. There is no sale, the family is simply parting with the worst assets in order to buy more modern and profitable objects, the person in the senator's entourage assures and the top manager of the Sindika holding company confirms. Authorities in both Moscow and other cities are fighting open markets, so the group prefers to get rid of them or rebuild them into modern shopping centers. For example, in 2016 the company reconstructed the Usachevsky market in Khamovniki, turning it into a farmers' market with a food court. The story of the Sindika construction center, which will now be more modern, also fits in this direction, a person from Kanokov's entourage notes.

Arsen Kanokov (a biography with a photo of this figure will be presented later) has been the head since 2005. He was its president until 2012.

early years

On February 22, 1957, not far from Nartkala and Nalchik, in the village. Shitkhala, the future president of Kabardino-Balkaria, Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich, was born. His family (the politician does not like to show photos of relatives) was known and respected in the village. The father of the future president of the republic was the head of the state farm "Komsomolsky", located in the village. Shitkhala, and later the head of the village council. Mother was a paramedic.


Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich, whose photo is presented in the article, studied at school. No. 1 in Nartkala. After completing his studies, he was enrolled in the National Economic Institute. Plekhanov, at the Faculty of Trade and Economics. Graduated from Arsen Kanokov University in 1981. After completing his military service, in 1983, he went to work at the Moskvoretsk fruit and vegetable association. After 4 years, he was promoted to the position of head of the shop.

Creation of "Syndica"

This holding company was formed on the basis of the Kodeks trade and purchasing cooperative. It was also organized by Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich. His biography as an entrepreneur begins from this moment. The holding structure, established in 1991, was engaged in multifunctional sales centers, investment and banking activities. At the same time, Sindika owned many gambling establishments of the republic. This company was among the largest landlords on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which, in turn, was one of the five most expensive places in the city. The press at that time said that Sindika received its development with the support of Luzhkov, with whom, according to some sources, Arsen Kanokov was friends. The biography of the future president of the republic was covered by such publications as Vedomosti and Kommersant-Vlast. So, for example, it was said that in the period from 1996 to 1998 he was a shareholder and was on the board of directors of CentroCredit Bank. 30% of its shares subsequently became the property of Sindika. As Kommersant noted, the company owned them in 2007. At the same time, the mentioned publications also said that Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov returned to the board of directors in 2000 after leaving and stayed there until 2003.

State activity

Since 1998, photos of Arsen Kanokov the politician began to appear in the media. This year he was appointed Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria under President Putin. At the same time, Arsen Kanokov continued his commercial activities. So, from 2003 to 2005, he was on the board of directors of the trading house Usachevsky, which, in turn, was part of the Sindika holding. In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the 4th convocation from the Liberal Democratic Party. In November of the following year, he joined United Russia, joining its parliamentary faction. At the same time, Arsen Kanokov was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Tax and Budget Committee of the State Duma. In addition, the media indicated that he was also the deputy coordinator of the Southern Council of the United Russia party and a member of the parliamentary commission dealing with the problems of the North Caucasus. In one of the interviews, Arsen Kanokov, commenting on the transition to another political bloc, said that being a "United Russia" is a great honor. He noted that this party provides other opportunities for legislative initiative, it is easier for him to implement plans aimed at supporting the population.

Presidential position

In 2005, Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich was nominated for this post by the Head of the country instead of Valery Kokov. The latter retired for health reasons. This appointment was unanimously supported by the Legislative Assembly of Kabardino-Balkaria. After 5 years, on the proposal of President Medvedev, Kanokov was re-elected for a second term. In September 2011, the position was renamed. Since January 2012, he became the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In the course of his activities, Senator Arsen Kanokov in 2007 and 2011. was on the first lines of candidates from "United Russia" in the elections to the State Duma of the 5th and 6th convocations. However, both times he refused his mandate. In 2009, he also headed the list of the party during the elections to the republican parliament. However, this time he refused the mandate.

Performance evaluations

The media noted that the appointment of Kanokov in 2005 as a local political elite was taken lightly. The press gave positive assessments of the activities of the head of the republic for the first five years. So, Kanokov was praised for the fact that during this period the region's need for subsidies halved federal budget. The second presidential term, however, did not evoke such a positive reaction. At the same time, the economic situation in the republic was characterized as extremely unstable. Particular attention was paid to the fact that in the region, considered one of the most peaceful before the arrival of Kanokov, the number of terrorist attacks and murders increased during his reign. Among them was the case when the Wahhabis shot down a tourist minibus near the village. Zayukovo, undermining the cable car to Elbrus. Among the most high-profile terrorist attacks in the press called the explosion at the Baksan hydroelectric power station in the summer of 2010. The media also talked about the fact that employees of the Sindika-Shield security company, which was part of the aforementioned holding and, according to some reports, performed the functions of Kanokov's security, were detained on charges of the latest terrorist attack. But later the involvement of the agency was rejected by the law enforcement agencies of the republic.

Problems of the region

In June 2012, employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Security conducted several searches in the administration of Kanokov. After these events, high-ranking relatives of the head of the republic, as well as the head of the Ministry for Land Resources and State Property Management, were taken to Moscow. They were detained on suspicion of alienating property in a fraudulent way. The basis for the searches was the scandal in connection with the sale of the Philharmonic building for an extremely low price. On May 9, the petition of the investigation was granted, and arrest was chosen as a measure of restraint for the detainees. According to some media reports, the Philharmonic moved from the building that was the subject of the dispute to another site back in the 90s. In 2012, a folk craft center operated in it, in which Khatsukova worked, who later became the buyer of this facility.

Land dispute

There was an assumption in the press that after Kolokoltsev assumed the position of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the anti-corruption operation could have been initiated by opponents of Kanokov. There was also information in the media that, in addition to this case, the administration of the republic could be charged with the illegal transfer of the land of the Elbrus region (national park) to private individuals. This area was intended to create a resort. The investigation became interested in this deal after the terrorist attacks that took place in February 2011. This year, the holiday season was actually disrupted in the republic.


In some media, information periodically appears that in the future Arsen Kanokov is the mayor of Sochi. However, this information is not officially confirmed anywhere. In addition, in March 2012, there was a rumor that due to the destabilization of the situation in the republic, Kanokov might be asked to leave his post and be appointed to the Federation Council. However, this information remains unconfirmed.


As the media noted, back in 2007, Kanokov was included in the list of the richest people in Russia. At that time, he was placed on the 491st place according to the magazine "Finance". His fortune at that moment was 90 million dollars. By 2011, Kanokov had moved to 179th place. The fortune during this period grew to 600 million dollars. However, according to the official declaration, he earned only 1 million rubles. IA "Ruspress" said that Kanokov's income grew at the same rate as the situation in the region destabilized. For 2010, he declared 87 million rubles. At the same time, he indicated a mansion in the Moscow region and a Mercedes-Benz car as his property. In addition, according to the declaration, he remained the owner of 100% of the shares of Sindika.


Kanokov is a full member of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Economic Sciences, as well as the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In 1998, he defended his thesis on the development of secured lending. In 2001, he was awarded a doctorate in economics. The press also mentions his philanthropic activities. So, at his expense, before taking the post of head of Kabardino-Balkaria, Kanokova was built in Nalchik and was also called the sponsor of the Spartak-Nalchik football team. Its financing, according to some sources, was carried out at the expense of Sindika.