
How to make a floor out of coins with your own hands. We create a floor from coins. Additional information on preparing the subfloor: waterproofing and reinforcement

Despite the fact that the market building materials There is a huge selection of floor coverings, many people strive to create an exclusive floor. In this case, an interesting and unusual solution can come to the rescue - a floor made of coins, which will create the aura of a cave with treasures in the room.

General information

In reality, covering the floor with coins is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The only thing you should be prepared for is that very painstaking work awaits you.

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • Calculation of the required amount of material;
  • Preparation of the base;
  • Applying money to the base;
  • Securing the coating.

Installation of coins on the floor

Counting the required number of coins

Rows of coins should be placed in a checkerboard pattern. How many of them are needed to completely cover the floor surface area must be calculated in advance. It is quite possible that the piles that you have on hand will not be enough.

The calculation is performed in the following order:

  1. To accomplish this task, you can use a square-shaped cardboard sheet with sides of one meter.
  2. The cardboard must be laid on the table and filled with coins. If you are afraid that the rows will get confused due to accidental movement, then each circle can be outlined with a pen.
  3. When the sheet is filled, you need to count the number of coins that fit on it.
  4. Next, use a tape measure to measure the dimensions with money.
  5. Then you need to multiply the width and length to calculate the area. Having received the number of square meters, it is not difficult to find out the required number of coins by multiplying this indicator by their number in one square.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to remove the finishing coating of the floor of the apartment or cottage in the entire room, if any.
  • After dismantling the old surface, it is necessary to prepare the base - get rid of all dirt, grease and dust. Degreasing can be done using detergent.
  • If the surface is uneven, then it must be puttied or even a finishing screed.

The best option is a self-leveling floor, which has an absolutely flat plane.


There are two ways to deposit money. The first method is suitable if several people will be doing the installation.

The instructions look like this:

  • Each worker must “arm” himself with a bucket of glue, a brush and a jar of coins.
  • On the floor, apply an adhesive strip 10 cm wide from the edge of the wall.
  • After this, coins are placed on the glue from the middle to the edges. Those. you need to start putting money away from the center.
  • When the first row is completed, you can begin the next one.

One person should watch the work from above to ensure the row is even.

The second method can be used if you do the installation yourself.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the self-adhesive fiberglass fabric. It can be purchased exactly according to the square, and then cut into squares of one meter. Since you have already measured the floor, the number of squares is known.
  • Then you need to lay out the coins on the fiberglass, after smearing each with glue.
  • Then you need to draw a grid on the floor of the room with chalk in a checkerboard pattern to make it easier to lay the workpieces and the coating will be without distortions.
  • Then you should place the squares with coins on the floor one by one, after first tearing off the protective film from them. The workpieces must be pressed evenly to achieve high-quality adhesion of the glue to the base.

Securing the coating

After the coating is laid, it needs to be poured with an adhesive solution, thanks to which the coins will be firmly attached to the floor.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • First you need to make an adhesive composition, for this you need to mix a UV blocker with epoxy sealant.
  • To reach the far wall without damaging the coating, you should lay a board on the coins.
  • From there, the adhesive composition should be poured over the money, filling all the gaps between the coins.
  • Then you need to wait a certain time until the glue dries.

Now the work is finished, all that remains is to rejoice at the excellent result!

Decorative self-leveling floors

There is another modern way to decorate the floor with coins, which is based on the technology of making self-leveling 3D floors. In this case, instead of a picture or photograph, coins are placed on the base layer. The base can be sprinkled with sand or sea pebbles, which will allow you to get a very interesting effect and at the same time use smaller quantity money.

When using this technology, coins do not need to be fixed to a transparent polyurethane compound, which, after hardening, creates a reliable and durable surface.

This will make the coins look like they are in water. This coating is distinguished not only by its decorative properties, but also by its durability.


We looked at several ways to make a floor out of coins. Regardless of which one you choose, this decor will look very impressive indeed. True, the price of such a coating largely depends on the coins themselves.

Often, old Soviet piggy banks are shaken out for these purposes, which allows you to decorate the floor almost free of charge. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

36-year-old Englishman Matt Giles proudly displays his in social networks new floor, made by yourself. From a distance it looks more luxurious than parquet, but in fact the floor is made of ordinary coins.

The Englishman Matt Giles made a floor from ordinary coins.

Matt Giles said that the idea of ​​an original floor came to his mind completely unexpectedly. They started looking online to see what they could make and came across designer coin items. Matt and his wife went to all the local banks and post offices to exchange paper bills for coins.

£270 equaled 27,000 pence.

All coins were attached with silicone.

Stacking coins is a painstaking task.
In total, Matt's work took 6 weeks or 200 hours. Initially, it was necessary to lay out the coins, having previously covered the surface with a layer of silicone. This painstaking process is quite tedious, so Matt happily agreed when friends wanted to help lay out the pennies on the kitchen floor.

Friends helped Matt lay out the coins.

Grouting the floor.
After the coins were distributed over the surface, it was necessary to rub them with a special solution so that there were no gaps left.

The floor is filled with epoxy resin.

Epoxy resin is spread over the entire floor surface.
The final step was epoxy resin. Matt spread it evenly over the entire surface of the floor and left it to dry for two days. The resulting transparent layer added strength and gloss to the floor.

DIY coin floor made from money

For many owners, the desire to make their home exclusive results in original design ideas. People are experimenting with wall coverings, furniture, and accessories. But for some reason the floor is neglected. Most often, modern, high-quality floor coverings are laid on it, which will last a long time and have a respectable appearance. But still, this method is too banal, because you can see similar floors from your acquaintances and friends. Boredom, and that's all!

Try to create the aura of a treasure cave in your home by laying out an original coin floor in some room or part of it. It will become the envy of everyone who enters your home, and you will also be pleased to know that the whole family is running on money!

Collecting material: collecting coins

Metal banknotes that existed in the USSR are still kept in many families. Either from nostalgia, or out of habit. If your relatives also have similar treasures, do not hesitate to ask around. It is better to immediately offer something in return. Then people part with coins more willingly. In principle, any banknotes are suitable for coin flooring. The main thing is that they are the same diameter. This makes it easier to lay out the rows. If you can’t collect coins of the same type, you’ll have to work a little more on the design.

When an impressive pile of coins shines on your table, you need to sort through and clean all the coins to restore their original shine. The easiest way to do this is with a cleanser and a toothbrush. If this option does not restore its former brightness, look for special products used to clean silver.

Arrange the washed and dried coins according to their sizes and count how many pieces are in each pile. This will be needed for future calculations.

Counting the right number of coins for your gender

Rows of coins will be located on the floor in a checkerboard pattern. But how many of them will fit on your square meters must be calculated in advance. Perhaps the piles you already have will not be enough.

Sequence of calculations:

  1. For calculations, you will need a square cardboard or paper sheet with a side of 1 meter.
  2. Sit down at the table, spread out the paper in front of you, and fill it with coins. If you are afraid that the rows may go astray due to accidental movement, outline each circle.
  3. When the sheet is completely filled, count how many coins fit on it. Record this number in your notepad.
  4. Using a tape measure, measure the dimensions of the floor you want to decorate with money. Multiply the length by the width and calculate the area. The resulting figure will be equal to the number of meter squares with money, i.e. for 16 sq.m. you need 16 meter squares with coins.
  5. Remember how many coins you spent on one square, multiply this number by 16, and you will know exactly how much money will be spent on your floor.

The finishing coating lying on the floor is dismantled because the coins are placed on a flat concrete floor. If the quality of the surface leaves much to be desired, you will have to level it, prime it, putty it and apply a finishing screed. The ideal option is a self-leveling floor, which gives an absolutely flat surface.

  • The dried concrete is thoroughly washed to remove all dust and debris.
  • Laying out coins

Option 1: With the help of household members

If there are a lot of free hands in the family who are not averse to working, then involve everyone in the process of creating a new original floor. Such work will seem like an exciting game, and at the same time it will unite children and adults.

  • Give each worker a bucket of glue, a brush and a jar of coins.
  • Line everyone up equally spaced against the farthest wall of the room.
  • At your command, everyone together coats a strip about 10 cm wide on the floor with glue, starting from the edge of the wall.
  • They also begin to lay out coins in unison. But not all at once, but from the middle to the edges. Those. Those standing in the center are the first to fix the money, and when they have laid the first row, they pass the baton to the next.
  • One person should watch everything in order to see from above whether the distance between the coins is even.
  • When you finish the first row, start the next one in exactly the same way. Each worker will have the opportunity to take a break from monotonous work while his comrades finish their piece of flooring.
  • It is advisable to entrust the laying of the last rows to one person, because in cramped spaces the quality is poor.

Option 2: In splendid isolation

If there are no assistants nearby, you can “sculpt” the floor alone.

  • To do this you will need self-adhesive fiberglass. It is bought exactly according to the square of the floor and cut into squares of one meter.
  • They sit down at the table and lay out the coins on one sheet to form even rows.
  • Each coin is smeared with glue and fixed to fiberglass.
  • In this way all the squares are filled.
  • The floor is divided into squares with chalk to make it easier to fix the workpieces, and the coating is obtained without distortions.
  • One by one, take the fiberglass with coins, peel off the film on the adhesive side and immediately lay it on the floor, gently pressing it to ensure even adhesion of the adhesive to the base.

Securing the coin cover

Posted flooring it is necessary to spill the adhesive solution so that the coins are firmly attached to the floor.

For this:

  1. Place a board on top of the covering and walk along it to the far wall. From there they begin to pour the adhesive solution over the money, trying to fill all the spaces between the coins. Help with a wide brush.
  2. Let the glue dry.
  3. Mix epoxy sealant with a UV blocker and pour the mixture onto the floor, making sure to create an even layer.
  4. Wait until completely dry.

Welcome to the original floor of your dreams! Walk around with money so that it appears in your pockets more often.

Video about a floor made of money with your own hands

Have you ever walked around with money in the truest sense of the word? No?! But it is possible, and we will tell you how to make an original floor from coins with your own hands. It will attract the attention of guests and truly become the center of your home.

Laying options

You can place them in one continuous carpet of identical coins or by “weaving” patterns. Drawings and ornaments will require a preliminary sketch, calculation of pennies and perseverance, because the work is very painstaking.

Another design option is to lay them out randomly, but in this case it is more difficult to calculate the required quantity. It is better to take the same type, but if they are of different sizes, then choose a pattern so that all the circles fit harmoniously into it.

You can lay out a pattern around the perimeter of the room or make the covering with rhombuses, triangles, and the like. Depending on the pattern, coins can be of different sizes and denominations, different states, colors, and shades. Also, small metal money can be combined with pebbles and sand.

  • 1. Start by making the base.
  • Coins are placed on a concrete or cement base, although it is best to place them on a thin self-leveling floor. It is cleaned of dirt and dust, dusted, puttied, and primer is applied.

  • 2. Prepare materials and tools.
  • You will need glue, coins, a glue brush, and a mixture for finishing the floor. Use a self-leveling transparent floor based on epoxy resin.

    It is better to sort the collected money, collecting it in columns or piles in accordance with their denomination.

  • 3. Calculate how many pieces you will need
  • The first calculation option is if the coins are of the same type, lay them out in a small square with sides of 10*10 or 100*100 cm and calculate how many are included. Place in a checkerboard pattern. Then draw the floor into cells with the same dimensions. Multiply the number of cells by the number of coins in 1 cell, you will get the required number of pieces. We advise you to add 5-10% of the total number of pennies as a last resort.

    The second calculation option is to lay out an element of a pattern or ornament of a certain size and calculate how many similar patterns will fit on the surface.

  • 4. Prepare the coins.
  • To begin with, you need to wash them with water and soap, clean them of large dirt, and air dry them. Be sure to remove any dark deposits from the coins and polish them to add shine. It is important that they begin to sparkle, because after you lay them and fill them with a polymer floor, they are unlikely to ever be polished to a shine. To remove plaque, use special products for metal, copper or silver products; paste-like, dry ones are suitable.

    Arm yourself with a toothbrush or small brush and rub the money. Place cleaned coins in stacks of the same size according to their face value. This will make it easier to count and navigate when laying out.

  • 5. Be patient and start posting.

There are two options for laying out coins

The first is to lay out rows sequentially, circle by circle, starting from the center of the room, laying in segments. If the idea is to lay it in a single sheet without a pattern, then it is better to lay it in a checkerboard pattern, thus leaving a smaller gap between them. Use a brush to smear a stripe on the surface and carefully place the money, trying not to dislodge it.

The second option is to use squares of self-adhesive construction mesh. It must first be cut into squares of the required size. Lubricate the fabric with glue and lay out the pennies.

After this, all that remains is to fix the blanks on the floor, just do not forget to remove the protective film from the back of the squares. Press the coins harder onto the floor and smooth them out.

Record the result

Prepare a solution and pour the epoxy self-leveling floor onto the neatly laid mosaic tile and let it dry for at least three days.

Attention! While the epoxy self-leveling floor is drying, lock the doors to the room and close the ventilation hole. This will prevent animal fur, hair and dust from getting on the surface! It will be impossible to remove them, and it is difficult to dismantle.

It is worth noting that by making a coin floor, you will not only give the money a second life, and it will finally stop lying around under your feet, but also provide a finishing coating. And if you believe Eastern philosophy, treating coins with respect will attract wealth and prosperity to your home.

As children, we were all passionate about collecting change in piggy banks. So, we tried to fulfill our imperishable dreams of major purchases, new toys and sweets. However, the years go by, and over time the piggy bank went to gather dust on the mezzanine of the wardrobe.

Do you have a huge amount of copper coins? We have an amazing DIY project! How do you like the idea of ​​laying them on the floor as a mosaic? This may seem very labor-intensive, but believe me, the result will exceed all your expectations!

Before work, you should get a good night's sleep, then working with pennies will not seem so tiring to you.

Step one:

First you need to clear the room of furniture and household appliances. You will also need to remove the existing flooring. After this, you can take measurements of the room to calculate the required amount of materials.

Step two:

Start treating the floor. It must be subjected to intensive grinding to remove bumps and roughness. If there are cracks and depressions, they must be covered with concrete mortar.

Step three:

The surface must be perfectly clean. Get rid of large dust, dirt and debris. And then, using detergent and alcohol, start degreasing.

While the floor is drying, you can start sorting the coins - separating dull and dirty coins from shiny ones. Boring? And no one said it would be easy!

Step four:

Now is the time to head to the hardware store. There you need to purchase several packages of self-adhesive fiberglass. Tiles come in different sizes, but most often 50x50 and 100x100 cm.

Step five:

Now be patient and start gluing coins onto the tiles. Pay close attention to the desired side, the pattern should be uniform. It’s better to lay out row by row, leveling the pennies using a long ruler.

Step six:

Once you have covered the tiles with coins, you can place them on the floor. Don't forget to adjust the dimensions and make markings. Fiberglass can be cut easily with a knife or scissors.

Step seven:

Using epoxy resin, you need to connect the tiles to the floor. Carefully coat the entire surface and press well for several minutes, especially in the corners. Now you can rest, as drying will take about six hours.

Step eight:

And so, it's time to get back to work! Mix cement and water in a bucket and use a rubber spatula to cover all cracks and uneven areas. Do not skimp on the solution; the most important thing is that all the spaces between the coins are filled.

Step nine:

Wait 72 hours for the cement to dry completely. Now we need to protect our creation from exposure to water and possible damage.

To do this, mix a two-component epoxy sealant and a UV blocker, and using the same rubber spatula, cover the floor with the mixture.

Three more days... and that's it! You can enjoy the result! Now your room has acquired a touch of luxury and grandeur. You can really surprise your friends with such a DIY project, and in general, imagine how nice it is to walk with money and feel like a millionaire.