
How to make cabinet lighting. We make LED lighting for the shelves in the closet. Surface mounted luminaire with on / off switch, dimming sensor and motion detector

Wardrobe - furniture that is present in the furnishings of each apartment. The LED strip in the closet will help to make an ordinary piece of furniture a highlight of the interior.

Features and benefits of cabinet lighting with LED strip

Lighting the interior of the furniture will diversify and refresh the interior of the room. LED cabinet lighting is used not only as a decorative device, but also has a practical function. Often, the storage module occupies the darkest place in the room, so in the morning and evening hours, the contents of the shelves are not visible; to access things, you need to turn on the light in the room. The LED strip will make it easy to find what you need on the illuminated shelves, even in the dark.

In terms of its performance, LED backlighting prevails over halogen counterparts. The key benefits are longer life and lower power consumption.

The advantages of LEDs are also:

  • compact size;
  • low operating voltage;
  • impact resistance;
  • vibration resistance;
  • the ability to adjust the brightness of the luminous flux;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire safety.

What is needed to mount the LED strip in the cabinet

To equip the cabinet lighting, in addition to the strip with diodes itself, other elements of the lighting system will be required - a power supply, a switch, brightness controls, and so on.

LED strip - what is it: types, characteristics

The LED strip is a flexible strip, on one side of which there are conductive copper tracks, LEDs and current limiting resistors.

LEDs are a lighting element consisting of semiconductor crystals enclosed in a case with contact leads and a light-forming lens. When connected to the mains, LEDs convert electrical energy into luminous flux. The intensity of the emitted light directly depends on the technical parameters and the chemical composition of the LED.

LED strips are classified according to many characteristics, the fundamental parameters when choosing a product are:

  • type of glow;
  • directionality of the light flux;
  • supply voltage;
  • density of LEDs;
  • power;
  • moisture resistance.

Monochrome and colored LED strips are distinguished by the type of glow. Monochrome stripes highlight only one glow color. The standard colors are:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • Red;
  • yellow;
  • White.

Multichip LEDs are used in the construction of multicolor LED strips, each of the crystals emits a certain glow color. The multicolor stripe has more design possibilities.

According to the direction of the luminous flux, LED strips are divided into two main types

  • frontal;
  • end.

Frontal glow ribbons create a scattering angle of up to 1200, which is why they have gained wide popularity among consumers. Edge LED strips are less in demand, the angle of dispersion of the luminous flux does not exceed 900.

Supply voltage is an important parameter for every electronic product. In the modern market of electronic goods, there are LED strips that operate on direct and alternating current. The power of the light strip is related to the number of diodes, their type and supply voltage.

The density of the LEDs is an indicator that determines the power consumption and the brightness of the luminous flux. The number of diodes per linear meter of strip can be 30,60,120 and 240.

According to the degree of moisture resistance, LED strips are divided into open and closed tapes. The protection class is indicated by the letters IP and a two-digit number, the first indicates the degree of protection against dust, the second - the level of protection against moisture. Open-type LED strips are designated IP 33. On the front side of the strip there is a transparent protective lacquer coating that provides only dielectric protection.

The closed strips are marked with IP 65 and IP 68. IP 65 LED strips are characterized by an average level of moisture protection and can be used as illumination of kitchen cabinets. Protection is provided by a clear epoxy resin coating.

IP 68 marking strips are enclosed in PVC tubing and embedded in epoxy resin. Double protection provides reliable protection against moisture, which allows the product to be used in rooms with high humidity.

LED backlight brightness control - why is it needed, what are

The dimmer is a component that allows you to adjust the intensity of the light glow. Dimmers are used to regulate the flow rate of a single-color strip; controllers are used for multi-color ribbons.

There are several types of LED dimmers:

  • stationary;
  • remote.

A stationary controller is an affordable non-portable device equipped with a single program that provides a smooth flow of one color into another.

Remote controllers allow you to adjust the brightness of the glow from a distance. Devices operate on batteries or accumulator. The standard remote control has features such as:

  • choice of glow color;
  • changing the brightness of the luminous flux;
  • regulation of the frequency of color change;

In the electronic goods market, there are controllers with infrared and radio frequency remote controls.

The principle of operation of the infrared controller is similar to that of a television remote control, the device is supplied complete with an infrared receiver, the selection and switching of programs occurs after the signal is transmitted from the remote control to the infrared receiver.

A controller with a radio frequency remote control is the most optimal option for regulating the intensity of the luminous flux. The LED strip can be controlled even from another room.

Dimmers differ not only in the way of control, but also in the operating voltage and power. For decorative illumination of the cabinet, it is better to use controllers with a power of 72 W and an operating voltage of 12 V.

LED strip power supply

Power supplies are designed to supply diodes with electricity and stabilize voltage parameters. To power the LED strips, electronic DC and AC transformers with an output voltage of 12 and 24 volts are intended. The choice of the power supply unit is based on the technical and operational parameters of the LED strip.

LED power supplies differ in the type of execution. On the electronics market, there are power supplies in plastic, aluminum and metal cases. A plastic case is the best option for organizing lighting inside the cabinet. The aluminum sealed housing does not allow water and condensation to pass through, therefore it can be used in wet rooms.

According to the method of cooling, power supplies are divided into devices with active and passive cooling. In the first case, the design of the transformer provides for the presence of a fan mounted in the device case. The main disadvantage of this cooling method is the fan noise. Passive cooling is provided by the perforated housing.

Types of switches for LED lighting in the cabinet

Switches of the following types are intended for connecting LED strips:

  • mechanical;
  • contact;
  • remote;
  • sensory.

Mechanical switches are simple in design and affordable. To turn on / off the lighting system, press the device button.

The contact switches are equipped with a sensor that allows you to set the time for turning on and off the light in automatic mode.

Installation of a remote "switch" provides the ability to control the LED lighting system remotely.

Sensors are an innovative and popular device. The key difference between the touch switch and other "knife switches" is the presence of a sensor that reacts to movement. To turn on or off the furniture lighting, just move your hand over the panel of the device.

Mounting locations for LED cabinet lighting

There are a lot of options for placing furniture lighting. The LED strip can be located on the inner part of the ceiling or cabinet walls, under the bottom, on the outer, outer and end surfaces of the shelves.

Installation of the LED strip on the surface of the cabinet is carried out with the back side, which contains a special adhesive layer. To fix it, it is necessary to dismantle the protective covering from the adhesive side and press the tape to the selected location.

Well thought out lighting makes our life much more comfortable. However, there are still places in the house that are not covered by central lighting, for example, cabinet shelves. Additional lighting is always required for the far walls. In order for the light to pass freely inside the cabinet, it is better to use glass for making shelves. Such shelves are good because they allow you to view all the contents, even things stored under the ceiling.

"Glowing" shelves

Often, small stand-alone battery-powered lamps are used to illuminate the far corners in the closet. They are lightweight, and therefore easily attached to a piece of double-sided tape. This option is good for furniture with a closed front, compartment doors.

Light fixtures

But what to think of for open glass cabinet shelves? They usually store souvenirs, festive crystal dishes, elite alcoholic drinks. And all this remains constantly in sight. Dotted "pills" glued on the sides will look out of place here.

We recommend paying attention to the LEDs. There are many types of diode tapes, they differ in the number and "landing frequency" of diodes, glow power, color, of course, in price. If you do not take complex control systems for "smart" backlighting, LED strips can be considered an economical option for lighting design.

LED strips

The best way to illuminate glass shelves is to use flat strips without a transparent silicone protective tube. They take up less space and are almost completely hidden behind glass of any thickness. The light from the bulbs passes through the end through the entire canvas and exits at the other end. One gets the impression that the glass glows by itself and the rays come out of it from all sides. And if an ornament is also applied along the perimeter of the shelf, it is generally beautiful.

Diodes are very durable - they are designed for tens of years of continuous operation, without loss of luminescence intensity. They consume a small amount of energy, while they shine quite brightly and evenly. We are also pleased with the large range of colors, the likes of which cannot be offered by any analogue lamp. And most importantly, with their help, it is easy to make illumination of shelves (including glass ones) with your own hands. So the choice in their favor is obvious.

Installation steps

Well, are you inspired? Let's learn how to install such beauty in our furniture with our own hands. First of all, you need to measure the length of the glass shelves that will be highlighted. This will allow you to determine the footage of the LED strip and calculate the power of the power supply.

If you want the shelves to change color and are using strips with colored diodes, you will need a dedicated RGB controller to control this process. It is responsible for the intensity of the light bulbs, smooth color change and allows you to select the desired mode and glow settings.

LED strips

End illumination

It will not be superfluous to provide for the automatic operation of the LEDs when the cabinet doors are opened. This can be a hidden toggle switch that will be mechanically pressed when the door leaf is open (such systems are commonly used in refrigerators). A short-range motion sensor can also be used. They can be easily connected to the circuit with your own hands.
Depending on where exactly you will mount the backlight, choose a tape covered with insulation or without it. In a conspicuous place, it is logical to use insulated diodes; uncovered ones are also suitable for "dungeons". The backlight can also be installed in a special profile with a channel for LEDs. It looks neat and stylish, and will also greatly simplify assembly and installation.

Do not take too powerful diodes - they are usually used to illuminate shop windows and highlight advertising boxes. At home, they will dazzle you with cold bright light, and there will be no talk about aesthetics or comfort.

Drill small holes behind each shelf in the back of the cabinet - 0.3-0.5 mm will be sufficient. All wires and plug are hidden behind the wall or behind the bottom plinth of the cabinet, or in another convenient place hidden from public view. You can also integrate an inconspicuous mini-lever or control button into the side of the cabinet.

Shelf food

Wires are soldered to each tape, which are then assembled into a single circuit through special connectors (or simply twisted). The control unit and switch are mounted. The resulting circuit is connected to a power source: a battery or directly to the network through an adapter (usually a 12 V adapter is used, with a current of 1 A, but it is better to check with the seller for the technical requirements for specific LED strips).

Subtleties to consider

- It is important to choose the right power supply based on the power that the future LED circuit will require. Otherwise, the backlight will be dim and you will not achieve the desired effect.
First you need to find out the power consumption of the selected diode tape - it is indicated in watts per 1 m of canvas. Determine what the total length of the LED segments on the shelves will be. It is imperative to provide for at least 25% of the "reserve" of power - in excess of the calculated consumption rate. Otherwise, the power supply, operating at the limit of power, can quickly fail. Those. the result obtained must be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 (this is our 25%).
The formula looks like this:

Power supply unit power = tape length (in m) × tape power (in W / m) × 1.25 reserves

  • The voltage of the power supply unit is selected simply - in accordance with the marking on the tape (12V, 24 V or 36V).
  • Correct cutting of belts is also important - it should be done not just to the size of the shelves. Remember, LED strips need to be cut in increments - through 3 diodes. If you break this rule, then the adjacent pair of diodes will simply not shine. And it often turns out that the length of the segment is either longer or shorter than the shelf itself, so be sure to take this point into account when choosing a model. Although nothing prevents you from hiding an extra "tail" behind the cabinet trim.
  • Since the diodes are in direct contact with wooden furniture, and the possibility of fire is not excluded, we recommend covering the places where they are connected to the power wire with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing.
  • When soldering contacts with your own hands, be sure to observe the polarity. On the tape, "plus" is usually marked - we connect a red wire to it, the second contact is "minus", is not marked (and so it is understandable), we solder a black wire to it (sometimes it is blue).

We draw attention to one more important point- each separate diode section is soldered to a separate wire. Serial connection of segments for all shelves on one wire is unacceptable.

Connecting tapes

All "pieces" going further along the chain will glow less intensely, and the structure itself will fail faster. You have 2 outputs: connect all the wires together - at the output of the power supply, or add another block to the circuit (for each tape - separate). Schematically it will look like this:

Connecting tape segments

As a result, you should have a design like this.

Connected Ribbon

Finished goods

Furniture lighting can serve as an additional decorative element. Since the rays of the LED strip, refracting through the glass, create the effect of a shelf floating in space.

Spectacular backlight

The shelves illuminated by LED strip look great in the kitchen. A romantic atmosphere is guaranteed.

Another model worthy of attention are stand-alone spot bulbs that can be directed to the desired location.

Cabinet lighting

Another option is to use simultaneously two types of backlighting - LED strip and point diodes.

Combined option

By the way, diode strips can be installed even in refrigerating chambers, where illumination is usually not provided. LED luminaires are not susceptible to temperature changes.

Lighting in the refrigerator

Only choose tapes for these purposes in sealed silicone flasks, with a degree of protection not lower than IP67, IP68. The same models that are resistant to humidity and temperatures should be chosen for illuminating the shelves in the bathroom. You will also need sealed power supplies, although they are more expensive.

LED lighting is the perfect solution for decorating bathroom cabinets. Having taken a bath, you can turn off the central powerful lamp, and, leaving only the illumination of the shelves, relax for your pleasure.

As you can see, backlighting can significantly improve not only the appearance of furniture, but also the entire room as a whole. And all this beauty can be done by hand. Try it, it's not difficult at all.

The modern model of the sliding wardrobe is furniture of impressive dimensions, in which a variety of compartments and shelves for storing many things are made. To quickly find the necessary things in this furniture, you will need to approach the switch every time in order to turn on the general light. This is not always convenient. There is a more original solution - to make LED lighting directly in the furniture. Consider how to make LED lighting in the closet when you open the doors with your own efforts, so that it is always light in it and it is easy to find the necessary things.

To make the interior of the furniture much lighter, you can choose one of many lighting options and you can implement it on your own. Among the variety, LED backlighting is the most popular.

This is a very convenient and practical option. Having mounted just such a lighting, you can be sure that it will be easy to find the necessary things in the closet, because it will always be light in it when you look into it.

The LED lighting is safe and the risk of fire is minimal. The entire installation process will take a little of your time, and the result will be worth it.

What is required

In order to do the lighting in the closet with your own hands, you need to prepare some materials:

Having prepared all the positions from this list, you can independently assemble the desired lighting scheme in the cabinet. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Before proceeding to the assembly stage, you need to consider this item. You must have a wiring diagram for making future connections. In the picture you can see how it should look. Its main difference from the conventional circuit is the presence of a microswitch. When connecting, be careful not to confuse anything.

IMPORTANT. In order for everything to be safe and working properly, follow the diagram when connecting.

Assembly is the main process

  • First of all, you will need to prepare the LED strip itself. Cut off the section you need and, on the one hand, solder wires about 20 cm long. Do this at this stage, so that later you do not stand with the soldering iron in an uncomfortable position.
  • The tape is glued to the profile, after which you can proceed to fastening the entire structure. To do this, you can use liquid nails. The process is very simple.
  • The next step is to decide where the power supply will be installed. You can lay the wires behind the cabinet and make a hole in the wall of the cabinet.

REFERENCE. It is best if you think about laying wires at the stage of repair work. This is the most rational solution.

  • Connect a microswitch to one of the wires at the break. Its contacts must be open when the button is pressed.

IMPORTANT. In the cabinet, the wire must be laid in a special cable channel.

Check your creation for performance. If everything works well, you can fix the microswitch to one of the cabinet walls. Now it will be easy to find the necessary things in your casket.

A large cabinet always needs additional lighting. Otherwise, finding the right things on deep shelves can be quite difficult. You can make such lighting of the wardrobe with your own hands. This work will not require serious financial costs from you. The entire system is assembled literally in one evening. And in order to make not only effective, but also beautiful illumination, special knowledge and skills are not required.

Fluorescent lamps always stay cool, even if the owners forget to turn off the lights.

Preparatory stage of installation

Previously, halogen lamps were often used to illuminate the wardrobe. But their main drawback was that they got quite hot during operation. Therefore, it was possible not only to burn yourself on such a lamp, but also damage the clothes stored in the closet. In addition, it is unsafe to use them, since modern furniture is made of flammable materials.

Therefore, now they use fluorescent lamps or LED backlighting. These lamps stay cool even if the owners forget to turn off the lights.

You can install lighting only inside the wardrobe.

But furniture can also be illuminated from the outside by integrating lamps, for example, into the upper cornices.

Image 1. Backlight connection diagram.

Then this piece of furniture will also become a real decoration of the room.

Before proceeding with the installation of the backlight, it is necessary to draw up detailed diagram connections.

If you are not confident in your knowledge, then it is wiser to involve a specialist at this stage. An example of such a scheme is shown in Figure 1.

In modern stores, you can buy ready-made kits designed to illuminate furniture.

A set usually includes 3 to 5 luminaires. But sometimes the standard set may not be suitable for some parameters for a particular cabinet. Then you will have to assemble the system yourself.

Required materials and tools

If you decide to use halogen lamps for backlighting, then you definitely need to purchase a transformer. When choosing, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Rated power. With its help, you can calculate the total power of the luminaires that can be connected to this device. This means that you can determine the number and personal characteristics of the lamps. But remember that the power of the transformer itself must be 5% higher than the sum of the power of the entire connected backlight.
  2. Output voltage. It should be equal to the operating voltage of the lamps that you want to use for the wardrobe.
  3. Transformer type (winding or electronic). When installing lighting for furniture, it is preferable to use option 2.

Fluorescent lamp device.

In addition to the transformer, you will need the following backlight components:

  • electrical plug;
  • wire (two-core section 0.75);
  • household switch;
  • connecting terminals.

When planning your cabinet lighting, remember not to use a wire longer than 3 m. Otherwise, power will be wasted. When choosing a place for a transformer, do not forget that, unlike lamps, it heats up during operation. Therefore, it should be mounted at least 15-20 cm from the heat source. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the central heating batteries, which are often located close to the walls of the compartment closet. Do not place the transformer in too narrow cavities.

To mount the backlight, you need the following tools:

  • tester screwdriver;
  • a set of screwdrivers (it is wiser to prepare tools with flat and cross tips of different calibers);
  • drill;
  • special nozzle-cutter (crown).

The cutter diameter must match the inner diameter of the fixtures. Otherwise, you will have to manually expand the holes.

Furniture lighting installation

Table of characteristics of fluorescent lamps.

First you need to prepare the nests for the lamps. To do this, it is wiser to remove the panel on which the lamps will be mounted. Before forming the holes, it is imperative to mark their location. Moreover, both on one and on the other side of the furniture board.

The socket is drilled to a depth of 7-10 mm. Next, the panel must be turned over and the formation of the hole on the other side completed. If this is not done and immediately reamed through, then there is a high probability of damaging the part of the wardrobe. Especially if your furniture is made of chipboard.

Luminaires are installed in their designated slots and connected to each other. In this case, it is wiser to use a parallel connection. Then one lamp that has become unusable will not disable all lighting. The transformer is connected last.

All lighting elements are connected to each other using terminals or terminal blocks. Modern pads are made of an aluminum plate with contacts. Such features make it possible to interconnect wires with aluminum and copper conductors.

This cabinet lighting is controlled by a switch. It can be located outside the wardrobe or inside it. Sometimes chains are used as a switch, which give the furniture an original look.

Installation of LED lighting

Installation work of LED lighting.

To illuminate the wardrobe with LED strip, you need to purchase:

  • power supply unit (it can be replaced with an open-type transformer);
  • tape with LEDs (if you buy RGB tape, then you will have the opportunity to customize the color of the lighting as you wish);
  • controller (now you can find inexpensive models that come with the control unit);
  • connecting terminals or blocks;
  • electrical wire;
  • plug.

When purchasing a tape controller, look for models with infrared sensors. They can be controlled not only with a special unit, but also with a conventional TV remote control. If you prefer single-color diodes, then the remote control for the illumination of the wardrobe is not needed.

At the first stage of installation work, it is necessary to sequentially connect all the elements into a single circuit. For this, the supply wire is connected to the power supply. The controller is connected next.

As a rule, the wires intended for connecting this element are rather thin and short. This makes it difficult to work with them. Therefore, it is wiser to first strip them of the insulating coating, freeing the ends by about 1 cm. Solder is applied to thicken the contacts. Thanks to this simple manipulation, the contact becomes much more reliable.

The tape to the controller is very easy to connect due to the fact that manufacturers mark the corresponding connections with different colors. That is, you just need to connect wires of the same color together. You can connect them using terminals or soldering contacts. If you are using soldering, be sure to insulate the joints. If you decide to use terminals, then add solder first. Otherwise, the contact may not be reliable enough.

Before the furniture lighting is finally mounted, check the LED strip by connecting it to the network. If you used RGB diodes, then test their work in different light. If the result suits you completely, then the tape can be glued inside the wardrobe. Usually it is fixed to the ceiling of the compartment and to the back walls. But part of the tape can be brought out to the front panel. Then your furniture will become an original interior decoration.

This article will help you figure out if you need lighting for the wardrobe that you plan to order. This seemingly simple question leads many customers to a dead end, since there are two completely opposite opinions regarding gender.The usefulness of this function. Opponents of equipping furniture with lamps claim that they are only intended for decoration, but in fact there is no use from them, and installing them is just a waste of money. As far as they are right, we will now try to figure it out.

Indeed, sometimes this functionality turns out to be superfluous. This usually happens when the cabinet has a shallow body and stands in a bright room, and such furniture is used mainly during the day. In such situations, there is no need to buy lamps for a wardrobe and pay for their installation. Also, one should not expect significant benefits from outdoor lighting, since in 90% of models it performs only a decorative function. In all other cases, it is preferable to order a backlit wardrobe, and we will now explain why:

1. Even if the room has good artificial lighting, the inside of the case still remains twilight, because of which it becomes difficult to find the right things, and this already speaks of the insufficient level of comfort of the wardrobe. Of course, over the past years we have got used to furniture without internal lighting and are able to find any object almost by touch, but this is not an argument in favor of abandoning this function, but rather a feature of our mentality. It does not hurt to remember the practical Americans and Europeans who have dressing roomsthe rooms are flooded with bright light from the inside. The body of the sliding wardrobe is the same dressing room, only in smaller sizes, so the difference should only be in the intensity of the lighting. At the same time, determining the required lamp power is the task of manufacturers, Styver-100 solves this issue, based on the volume of departments and the degree of their workload.

2. In addition to increasing the level of comfort, thanks to the illumination of the wardrobe, time is saved. At first glance, this statement may seem banal, but it really is - especially for furniture in the hallway, where models with sliding facades are most often ordered. In order not to be unfounded, we propose to consider the procedure for finding the right thing in this room. The first thing we do when we go into the hallway even during the day is to go to the switch and light the lamps. Then we go to the closet, move the facade and, despite the light on in the room, we search for the desired item in the twilight, spending much more time on it. Now it does not hurt to calculate the average number of approaches of all households to this cabinet per day and multiply all the minutes spent on unnecessary actions by the average life of such a model - 7-10 years. For an ordinary family of three, the total walking time from the switch to the furniture and back is plus or minus 10 days for the indicated period of time. Therefore, it is much more logical and more profitable to make it so that the light is turned on exactly inside the case when the facade is opened and turned off when it is closed. We will describe how to achieve this in practice a little later.

3. Interior lighting of the wardrobe helps to maintain perfect order and take care of your health. Moreover it comes not so much about neatly folded stacks of T-shirts or underwear, but more about hygiene. In a darkened case, it is difficult to detect dust accumulations and, more importantly, for models installed close to cold walls, the appearance of mold or mildew. It is not necessary to remind once again how unhealthy it is to wear clothes on which there are spores of such microorganisms. To some, this argument may seem far-fetched, and it would not be worth writing about it if, when dismantling old furniture (mainly in hallways, the walls of which border the staircase), our workers did not find a barely noticeable brown-gray on the shelves and side racks plaque is the first sign of mold spread. In a well-lit building, you can detect traces of the appearance of harmful microorganisms and stop their development at an early stage.

In addition to the practical factors in favor of backlit wardrobes
three, there is another equally weighty argument - the status and respectability of furniture with a lighting system. By the way, if you consider that we regularly, without hesitation, pay for countless functions in phones, computers and other audio and electrical appliances, the existence of which we do not even know about, then the costs of equipping the wardrobe with lamps look against this background more than justified - you are guaranteed to use this function, and it is clearly not superfluous.

And one more, probably the most convincing argument in favor of installing a lighting system - some time after buying a new model without this function, some owners of such furniture are trying to make the lighting in the wardrobe with their own hands. This suggests that it is not very convenient for them to use furniture without lamps, and they decided to correct the mistake they made when buying on their own. Only solving this problem on your own will not provide the result that the manufacturer can guarantee you.

Features of the design of the lighting system

Since external lamps for sliding wardrobes are designed to a greater extent to improve the aesthetic characteristics of furniture, they are of little interest to us now - whoever wishes to decorate their furniture with them will resolve this issue with our designer in 5-10 minutes. We would like to acquaint you with the basic principles of the lighting system inside the case:

1. Do not install lighting devices in those compartments where pull-out or lifting mechanisms are installed: pantographs, drawers, linen or shoe baskets, trousers, etc. The use of lamps in these areas is simply irrational, since they are of little use. After all, all the listed devices are designed to deliver things outside the body, that is, an empty space will be illuminated, and this is a waste of money.

2. In compartments with conventional stationary shelves, lamps are also not needed everywhere. Choose to install them in places where things will be stored for everyday use. Thanks to this, you can save about 30% on your lighting system.

3. If the wardrobe is equipped with external lighting, lamps are not needed in the mezzanine compartments, since these areas are sufficiently well illuminated from outside.

4. When designing a lighting system, choose sensors that are automatically triggered when facades are opened or react to your movement. Such devices are much more convenient than traditional switches.

5. If the wardrobe is installed in the room in such a way that its side racks are clearly visible from one or both sides, it is recommended to order a model with a slightly recessed rear wall. This design allows you to hide communications from the wires that run behind the cabinet, and move the case close to the wall.

6. In the manufacture of built-in wardrobes in niches sheathed with plasterboard furniture design, it is better to do it before the repair work, so that all the wires are behind the sheets of plasterboard. Usually, furniture makers acquaint builders with drawings, with the help of which workers bring wires outside at the places where lamps are connected.

In order to equip a wardrobe with an effective lighting system without unnecessary expenses, we recommend that our customers at least roughly decide what and in which departments they plan to store. Possessing such information, our designer-technologist will be able to quickly draw up the optimal lighting system scheme for your furniture.

Lamps for wardrobes

Spotlights, fluorescent and halogen lamps are the yesterday of lighting systems for wardrobes. Manufacturers respecting themselves and their customers have completely switched to using LED lamps, which compare favorably with their predecessors in the following characteristics:

Purity of light and directionality of radiation;

Fire safety - LEDs practically do not heat up;

Long service life - the estimated resource is at least 50 thousand hours;

A solid resource of strength - they have vibration and shock resistance;

Low working voltage and power consumption;

Preservation of working qualities - over time, the luminous intensity and luminous flux of such lamps practically do not decrease;

Environmental safety - the lamps do not contain mercury compounds and other toxic components hazardous to health;

Instant ignition when the supply voltage is applied.

LED lamps for sliding wardrobes are overhead and mortise. Due to the compact size in the manufacture of furniture, overhead models are mainly used, which simplifies the assembly of furniture and slightly reduces its cost, since the laboriousness of the manufacturing process is reduced. Overhead modular LED luminaires are in special demand. Such lamps are considered universal, since they are assembled from separate elements and can be installed in a niche of any size. Also, these modular lamps allow, without the use of additional regulating devices, to ensure the optimal illumination intensity of the wardrobe.

Sliding wardrobes with LED lighting can be equipped with another convenient device - a hanger bar with a built-in lamp. This device provides a directed light hit precisely on things under the bar. Such devices are equipped with either a rocker switch or an infrared sensor - the second option, although more expensive, is undoubtedly more convenient than the first.

Types of switches for sliding wardrobes

Pull, pushbutton and key switches for sliding wardrobes have today been replaced by more modern and convenient touch, end or infrared sensors. All these new devices enable lighting fixtures to be switched on without performing any additional actions - in order to light the lamps, it is enough to open the facade or be active near one of the compartments of the wardrobe. Here brief information about these sensors:

1. The limit switch for a wardrobe is the most common and inexpensive device that has a mechanical principle of operation. When the front is closed, the circuit is open and the lamps are off. It is worth pushing the door leaf slightly to the side, as the straightened spring connects the conductive plates, and the voltage goes to the lamps. This switch is installed in places inaccessible for viewing and is practically trouble-free in operation. The only infrequent breakdown that can occur is a slight loosening of the spring closing the contacts. In such cases, it is easier to replace the sensor than to repair it - you can do it yourself without calling a specialist at home.

2. Touch switch for wardrobes - a new generation of switches that are triggered when the hand is approached or touched. The basis of this device is a special communication element, which, during the described actions, generates a current that closes or opens a circuit. When choosing a touch sensor, it should be remembered that inexpensive models of such switches quite often “go crazy” and react haphazardly to the actions of the owners of the wardrobe. We recommend to our customers non-contact touch switches from Hettich, which we also use when installing lighting systems for kitchens. German devices recognize commands at a distance of 0-60 mm, that is, it is enough to wave your palm in greeting, and the body of the wardrobe will flood with a soft light, after the farewell gesture it will go out.

3. Infrared switches for wardrobes - in addition to being used in alarm systems, IF sensors have found wide application in other areas, including in the manufacture of furniture. The advantage of these devices is their affordable cost and the fact that they react to the movement of any object, for example, swing or sliding facades. Usually infrared switches are installed on the basis of one device per door. The sensors are mounted in the mezzanine compartments of the cabinet by attaching them to the roof of the enclosure. These devices are invisible from the outside and do not interfere with the operation of furniture.

Of the 3 listed models, end and IF sensors are in demand. The technologist of the Styver-100 company, depending on the model and individual characteristics of the wardrobe, advises customers to install one or another type of switch and explains to people why it is worth choosing just such a modification.

Transformers for LED luminaires and installation of a wardrobe lighting system

Styver-100 company provides a full range of services for the installation of LED lighting in wardrobes. In addition to the selection and installation of lighting fixtures, we connect the system to the power supply and hand over the product to the client in working form. Since most LED lamps (LEDs) are powered by 12 V, step-down transformers are required to assemble the actual circuit. LED lamps are compatible with any type of transformer that provides power to 12 V. However, for electronic converters, it is necessary to create the minimum load for which this device is designed, therefore we use either coil power supplies, or the total power is accurately calculated LED lamps... In view of the impressive assortment of LED lamps, switches and transformers, as well as the individuality of each model, we cannot name the average price of a lighting system. To find out how much the backlight will cost you, use the free on-line service for calculating the cost of a sliding wardrobe.