
How to disassemble a siphon in a bathtub. How to clean a kitchen or bathroom sink. Photo gallery of anti-pollution products in sewer pipes

Have you ever wondered how to unclog your sink or bathtub? If yes, under what circumstances? As a rule, this happens only after a blockage has formed, when due to accumulated debris the water stops draining completely, and almost always this happens unexpectedly. If you do not have the free time to call and wait for a plumber, or simply consider it impractical, you need to know how to remove the blockage quickly and efficiently, as well as how to prevent its subsequent occurrence. Considering the relevance of the issue, in this article we will tell you how to clear a blockage in a bathtub or sink, how to clean a shower siphon, and also tell you about the simplest preventive measures to prevent blockages from occurring.

Siphon design: basic principles

If you notice that the water in the sink or bathroom has begun to drain more slowly, the reason for this is most likely a clogged siphon, located under the drain hole and designed to create a water seal, thanks to which unpleasant odors from the sewer do not penetrate into the room. To clean the sink siphon, you need to understand its design features.

The simplest siphon design is a curved U-shaped tube with a side outlet into the sewer. The bathroom siphon has a similar design, but due to the lack of free space under the bathtub, it is a flat U-shaped tube. Thanks to these design features, water is retained in the U-shaped elbow, creating a water seal that prevents the penetration of extraneous “sewage” odors into the room. Currently, plastic siphons are the most popular, however, in old houses you can also find cast iron products (they are installed, as a rule, in houses with cast iron pipes). In most cases, they were made in the form of curved pipes and had a non-separable design. Siphons in the form of a curved pipe are called tubular.

A more complex device is characterized by siphons in the form of a plastic cup, the design of which includes screw caps located at the top and bottom, and an outlet pipe in the upper part of the “cup” connected to the sewer pipe. The function of such siphons is similar - thanks to the partition located inside the siphon, which does not reach the bottom, they prevent unpleasant odors from penetrating into the room. In addition, siphons in the form of a plastic cup act as a sump, accumulating food particles, dirt and other washable items.

Important! If tubular siphons are installed mainly in bathrooms, where only soapy water gets into the drain, then glass-shaped siphons find their use in the kitchen, where in addition to water, fats and food waste are drained.

How to clean a sink siphon without disassembling it?

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to remove a blockage is to clean the siphon with your own hands without removing and disassembling it.

The procedure in this case is as follows:

  • Place a bucket under the siphon, which is necessary so that the water currently in the siphon flows into it;
  • Unscrew the siphon sump, in which food waste and grease, which are the main cause of blockages, usually accumulate;

Important! All particles that could cause a blockage accumulate in the siphon sump, which is characterized by the presence of a thread. Thanks to this, it can be removed without disassembling the siphon.

  • After removing the sump, remove any dirt that has accumulated in it (as a rule, the cause of blockage is food particles accumulated in the sump);
  • If, while cleaning the sump, you do not find significant fat deposits on its walls, then you can finish the job and put the sump in place;
  • Check to see if water is leaving the sink. If the answer is yes, then the problem is solved.

Important! After installing the sump in place, make sure that the gasket is installed evenly, otherwise the siphon may leak in the future.

How to disassemble the siphon and clean it?

The universal way to remove blockages not only in the sink, but also in the sewer outlet is still to disassemble the siphon, followed by cleaning and rinsing all its parts.

  • Before you start disassembling the siphon, place a bucket under the sink - the remaining water accumulated in the siphon will drain into it;

  • All siphons in most cases have a standard principle of organization, therefore, take a wrench and use it to unscrew the lid of the siphon cleaning hatch;
  • For bottle-type siphons, unscrew the sump and drain the water that has accumulated in it. If the design of the siphon does not allow access inside, unscrew the fasteners and remove the siphon, then wait until the water from it completely drains into the bucket;

  • Prepare a piece of wire of the required length and, bending the hook at its end, check the pipe outlet area located directly behind the siphon;
  • Wash all parts of the siphon with a stream of hot water and detergent. In most cases, this is enough to effectively clean the kitchen siphon, removing fat deposits and food debris;

  • Also rinse the siphon outlet, which is usually a corrugated tube located above it, with hot water, which will effectively remove accumulated contaminants;
  • Also check the section of pipe located under the siphon. To do this, pour water into it and observe whether it goes away or not;
  • If water flows freely into the sewer, install a siphon and tighten the fastenings;

Assembling a siphon with overflow

  • If the water in the lower pipe does not drain, it is necessary to clean it using a cable or metal wire with a hook bent at one end. Insert the straight end of the wire or cable into the pipe and, making rotational movements, move it deeper into the pipe;
  • After you find that the cable has rested against some obstacle, make an effort, trying to push it deep into the pipe, while rotating the wire or cable;
  • When the obstacle is removed, water will begin to flow into the pipe.
  • If the cork could not be pushed through, the only sure way in this case would be to use chemicals;

  • To do this, pour or add a chemical to remove blockages into the lower pipe in accordance with the instructions and, using a cable, try again to clear the blockage in the pipes.

Important! If you have enough time, you can use a clog remover without disassembling the siphon. To do this, pour the product directly into the sink or bathtub drain and add boiling water, or follow the manufacturer’s instructions and, after the time indicated on the product packaging, clean the drain with a plunger.

How to choose the right chemical to remove blockages?

It would seem that what could be simpler than buying a ready-made chemical solution for removing blockages? But, given the wide range of choices offered to consumers, it can be difficult to make the right choice.

  • To understand this, we note that on the shelves of specialized stores you can find products whose active ingredients can be both alkalis and acids. Acid-based products must be treated with extreme caution, since the concentration of acid in them is sometimes high enough to damage plastic sewer pipes that are not compatible with it.
  • In addition, it is important to remember that it is forbidden to pour alkaline and acidic products into the drain hole at the same time, since as a result of mixing them, a chemical reaction may occur, during which an explosion will occur or poisonous gas will be released. This will not only remove the blockage, but will also damage the sewer pipes.

In addition to the above methods, there are simpler ways to clear the blockage that do not involve disassembling the siphon. Despite the fact that they are effective for a shorter period of time, they are characterized by greater prevalence among non-professionals due to their availability and ease of implementation.

If you are not a professional and do not plan to delve into the complexities of disassembling and reinstalling a washbasin siphon, use the methods described in this section. At the same time, remember that clearing a blockage of any complexity must begin with simpler and more accessible methods, gradually complicating them as the previous ones become ineffective. Thus, the first method of cleaning a sink that you need to use in case of a clog is using a plunger. It is a device consisting of a wooden handle with a rubber dome attached to the end.

Despite the fact that the principle of working with a plunger is extremely simple, let’s look at step-by-step instructions for using it:

  • Open the hot water tap and, after waiting until the water level in the sink reaches 5-7 cm, cover the drain hole in the sink with a rubber dome;
  • Without lifting the plunger from the drain hole, make several successive vigorous up and down movements, which will allow you to “pump” the water in the sink;
  • Remove the plunger and make sure that the water flows freely into the drain. This indicates that the problem has been resolved;
  • If this does not happen, repeat the above steps until the water drains freely;
  • If after 5-6 attempts the problem cannot be resolved, experts recommend resorting to other, more effective methods of cleaning the bathtub or sink siphon.

Clearing a clogged sink using a manual hydraulic pump

Today's market offers the buyer a large number of sewer cleaning products, including a manual hydraulic pump, which allows you to remove even complex blockages. The operation of the hydraulic pump is based on the creation of an intense water flow, under the influence of which the blockage is removed. If the downward flow of water does not remove the blockage, it is directed upward, creating a suction action, due to which the plug creating the obstruction is broken and the passage of the pipes is restored.

The technology of using the pump is not difficult even for beginners and involves performing the following algorithm of actions:

  • Cover the overflow hole with a damp cloth;
  • Fill the pump with enough water from the tap;
  • Press the pump nozzle firmly enough against the drain hole;
  • Continue pumping until the drain blockage is cleared.

How to clear a clog using baking soda and vinegar?

To effectively clean an overflow siphon using baking soda and vinegar, prepare the following kit:

  • A bottle of table vinegar;
  • A package of non-soda ash;
  • Kettle with water;
  • A cotton swab.

The cleaning technology is as follows:

  • Boil water in a kettle;
  • Wipe the sink so that its walls are completely dry (it is better to use a dry rag for this);
  • Pour half a cup of baking soda into the drain hole. If it is difficult to penetrate deeper, push it with a cotton swab;
  • Then pour half a cup of table vinegar into the drain hole, and after 1-2 minutes, pour boiling water from the kettle;
  • Open the faucet and make sure that the water flows out of the sink at a normal rate.

Clearing a clog using a plumbing cable

If you have a plumbing cable in your household and you know how to use it, you can be sure that you will be able to cope with a blockage of any complexity. Removing a blockage using a cable is a technologically more complex process, but in terms of efficiency it is significantly superior to all of the above methods of clearing a blockage without disassembling the siphon.

From a design point of view, the cable is a metal wire twisted in a spiral, at one end of which there is a spiral-shaped drill, and at the other - a handle. If the diameter of the cable is a variable parameter, then its length, as a rule, is standard and is about 3 meters.

Technology for clearing clogs using a plumbing cable:

  • Before you begin, spread plastic film or oilcloth under the sink to protect your kitchen or bathroom floor from dirt. Also, if possible, cover the nearby section of the wall with polyethylene;
  • Having disassembled the siphon, remove it and rinse it, then put it aside - you will not need it while working;

Important! It is best to work together to remove the blockage. If you push the cable deep into the pipe, your partner should create tension by twisting the cable around the longitudinal axis using a handle.

Important! Experts say that the cable must be tensioned during operation. By releasing the tension, you risk damaging it, as this will cause it to twist and further fail.

  • Involving a partner in the work who will tighten the cable is necessary so that, when pushing the cable deep into the sewer, you can go around the turns and pipe joints without damaging the cable itself;
  • Once you have inserted the end of the cable deep into the pipe, push it until it moves freely. While pushing the cable, you must turn its handle. Remember - the movements are performed simultaneously by two partners;
  • If the passage of the cable gradually becomes more difficult, you can come to the conclusion that it has approached the blockage. At this time, you cannot stop its rotation;
  • If the cable rests against some obstacle, then you have reached a mud plug that needs to be eliminated. To achieve this, continue to push the cable as far as possible while twisting it;

  • It is not always possible to clear the blockage the first time, so do not despair, as this only indicates that the blockage is large enough and dense. Therefore, with the maximum immersion of the cable, make several reciprocating movements, and then remove the tool from the sewer pipe;
  • If the attempt is unsuccessful, after clearing the cable of dirt, repeat all the above steps again. According to plumbers, with the help of a cable you can remove even the most complex blockage, so you can safely make 3-4 attempts, which will allow you to achieve your goal;
  • After cleaning the pipe, install a siphon and, as a preventative measure, pour a kettle of boiling water into the sink, which will wash away the remaining dirt plug into the sewer.

Even if you use the sink carefully, you will not notice how hair, grease and food particles will gradually accumulate in the siphon.

  • To minimize blockages, install a grease trap under the sink that traps grease particles and a disposer that crushes solid food particles;
  • Make it a rule to pour a kettle of boiling water into the sink every evening, which will prevent fatty particles from settling on the walls of the sewer pipe, which in most cases cause blockages;
  • There is another way that will allow you to prevent blockages in the kitchen. Every day, pour a teaspoon of baking soda or table salt into the sink, which effectively breaks down fatty deposits;

  • To ensure there is no unpleasant “sewage” smell in the kitchen and, at the same time, clean pipes, regularly treat them with a drain cleaner. If you notice that the water is draining a little slower than before, use a clog cleaner;
  • Place a protective mesh on the drain, which must be cleaned regularly, throwing away food particles accumulated in it (not in the sink!) in the trash bin;

  • If you are unable to achieve positive results during the sewer cleaning process, combine several methods, using them at the same time. For example, pour a drain cleaner into the drain and, if unsuccessful, use a plunger after 1-1.5 hours. In most cases, this scheme turns out to be effective and there is no need to resort to using a plumbing cable;
  • Avoid pouring water containing large food waste into the sink.

You can clean the siphon in various ways. The easiest way to do this is to use a plunger or pour a special substance into the neck that dissolves deposits. But the most effective way is disassembly and cleaning. This article describes step by step the process of disassembling a bottle siphon with your own hands.

Surely everyone has encountered the problem of ineffective water drainage from a washbasin, sink or bathtub. The cause of clogging of the siphon, which serves as a kind of water seal that prevents sewer gases from entering the room where the above-mentioned plumbing fixtures are installed, can be anything: soap, dirt, food debris, hair, which partially settles in the siphon, over time making it difficult to drain the water.

Preparing for work

To clean the siphon you do not need any special tools. Minimum required:

  • old toothbrush;
  • rags;
  • sealant or silicone;
  • bucket or other container.

We provide access to the siphon.

Advice: for ease of work, it is advisable to place a rag under the siphon or place a container to drain the residual water.

Unscrew the top nut securing the siphon.

Tip: remember the location of the siphon relative to the outlet pipe, this will make reassembly easier.

Pull the siphon off the drain pipe.

Remove the O-ring and nut.

Unscrew the nut securing the outlet pipe.

Disconnect the pipe from the siphon.

We disassemble the siphon by unscrewing the bottom cover.

Using an old toothbrush, clean the inside of the siphon and lid.

We wash the cleaned parts under running water.

Advice: it is advisable to do the flushing over a bucket, the contents of which should be poured into the toilet after finishing work. This will avoid clogging the siphons of other plumbing fixtures.

We wash the sealing ring.

We clean the drain pipe with an old toothbrush and rinse with running water, after placing a bucket under the pipe.

We clean the old sealant from the outlet pipe.

We clean the inner surface of the outlet pipe with an old toothbrush.

Wipe the outer surface of the drain pipe with a rag.

We assemble the siphon by screwing the bottom cover onto it without much effort.

We put a nut and an O-ring on the drain pipe.

We attach the siphon, securing it with a nut several turns.

Apply sealant to the conical surface of the outlet pipe.

Note: in this case, the connection of the outlet pipe to the siphon is made without a rubber seal. Therefore, sealant is used to improve the connection. If there is a rubber seal, it is not necessary to use sealant.

We connect the siphon to the outlet pipe.

We tighten the nut securing the outlet pipe to the siphon until it stops, with a little force.

We set the position of the siphon relative to the drain pipe. We tighten the top nut with a little force.

Open the faucet in the sink and check the tightness of the siphon assembly.

Water immediately drains from the sink without lingering in it.

Almost every person thinks about how to clean the sink and the blockage that has formed in it, because often the water stops fully flowing into the sink drain at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes there is not enough time to call a plumber and wait for him. Therefore, knowing several options for unclogging your sink, you can do it yourself. How exactly is written in our article.

Using a plunger to clean a sink

The easiest way to clean a kitchen sink is to use a plunger, because this item is found in almost every home and even more: a plunger is a tool that is known all over the world. It consists of:

  • wooden handle;
  • a rubber cap placed on one end of the stick.

The plunger is quite easy to use. For this:

  1. It is necessary to close the drain hole in the sink or sink;
  2. Open, preferably hot, water;
  3. After the water covers the rubber bulb from above, you should make a certain number of pumps with the plunger, and quite energetically.
  4. These actions will create pressure differences in the drain pipe that destroy the plug that forms a blockage.
  5. At this point, you can lift the plunger.
  6. And with successful actions, the water will begin to swirl into a funnel and go into the drain that has been cleaned.

Pro tip:

If your sink drain is clogged, you need to remember how to unclog a sink without a plunger, using an empty cardboard milk carton. It is necessary to insert the bag into the drain hole with a cut corner, and then press vigorously several times from above.

Hydraulic pump to remove blockage

Siphon cleaning

Disassembling the siphon

The siphon is located directly under the drain hole of the sink or sink. It is a curved pipe filled with water. Its main function is to isolate odors from the sewer. The siphon becomes clogged, as a rule, due to the formation of a plug of solid particles at the very bottom.

Before you clean your bathroom or kitchen sink, you should place a bucket under the sink to prevent water from spilling onto the floor. Then proceed to disassemble the siphon:

  1. Using a wrench, you need to unscrew the cover of the siphon cleaning hatch (usually all products have a standard principle).
  2. For a bottle siphon, you need to unscrew the large sump cup by hand.
  3. If access to the inside is not provided by the structure itself, then you should unscrew the fastening nuts and remove the entire siphon.
  4. You must wait until all the contents of the siphon drain into the bucket.
  5. After this, bend the hook at the end of the wire piece and use it to check the pipe outlet area, which is located behind the siphon.
  6. It is also necessary to check the other end of this pipe, as it may be blocked by fallen leaves.
  7. If, after all, the siphon has been removed, then before installation it is necessary to wash it with detergent.

Using a drill

Quite often, the vertical pipe coming from the siphon is connected to the horizontal section of the sewer branch. That is why it is necessary to install a cleaning plug in this connection to be able to clean the horizontal pipe. The cleaning process itself looks like this:

  1. You need to place a bucket under the sink.
  2. Unscrew by hand and remove the plug.
  3. Check the horizontal pipe for contamination with a wire that has a hook at the end.
  4. If there is a plug in the pipe that is tightly seated, then you need to use a special drill designed for cleaning pipes.
  5. If there is no cleaning plug, then to be able to use the drill, the siphon must be removed.

Clearing a clog using a cable

The presence of a plumbing cable will make it possible to clean even quite complex ones or in a sink. The cable will help even if the plunger cannot cope with the blockage. Therefore, having purchased such a product for your home, you will no longer have to think about how to clear the clog in the sink.

The cable is a wire that is wound into a spiral, which has a handle at one end and a spiral drill at the other. Its length, as a rule, is close to 3 meters, but the diameter of the cable can be different.

You can use the cable even if cleaning the siphon also did not bring results. The cable is perfect for clearing blockages in metal pipes.

Wire cleaning technology:

  1. First, insert the end of the cable into the hole in the drain or drain pipe and direct it in the direction of the blockage.
  2. It's better to work together. So, one will constantly push the cable forward, but the other will create tension by twisting the cable around the longitudinal axis using a handle.

Pro tip:

The cable must be tensioned! Since if the tension weakens, the cable may become twisted and damaged, which will make its further use impossible.

  1. It is twisting that helps the cable go around the joints and turns of sewer pipes - screwing the cable into the contents of the sewer pipe.
  2. When passing through a blockage or pushing the cable to its full length, several reciprocating movements should be made. Then remove the cable and clean it.

So, if the sink is very clogged, what needs to be done is already known, and this procedure can be repeated if the result of the work is not satisfactory. It should be remembered that the diameter of the cable must be smaller than the diameter of the sewer pipe.

Preventive measures

Even with careful use of the sink, the following gradually accumulates in siphons and pipe outlets:

  • hair;
  • food waste particles.

The absence of an unpleasant odor and the cleanliness of the pipes can be ensured by treatment with a chemical intended for cleaning sewers, which is carried out regularly. Also, a product intended for clearing blockages should be used as soon as the water begins to flow more slowly, so that later you have to think less about why the kitchen sink is clogged.

Pro tip:

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions so that handling of the chemical becomes harmless.

If, after cleaning the pipe outlet, the unpleasant odor still remains, then a small amount of antiseptic should be poured into the sink overflow hole.

The kitchen sink is used more often than any other plumbing fixture in the house. Dishes and food are washed in it, all contaminants from which settle in the siphon and sewer pipe over time. As a result, the kitchen sink is more susceptible to clogs than any other.

Ways to clear a clogged sink

The main causes of clogged kitchen sinks are cleaning materials, including food debris and grease deposits. Depending on the nature of the blockage, there are several options for dealing with them.

Cleaning the sink siphon without removing or disassembling

The easiest way to clear a clogged sink is to clean the siphon without removing or disassembling it.

The procedure for cleaning the siphon is as follows.

  • We install a bucket under the siphon. All the water in the siphon will flow into it.
  • Unscrew the siphon sump. This is where all the cleaning is collected.


  • We remove cleaning from the sump.
  • If there are no significant accumulations of fat on the walls of the siphon, then the work can be completed. Most likely, the cleaning removed from the siphon was the cause of the blockage.
  • We put the sump in place and check whether the water leaves the sink. If it goes away, then the problem is solved.

Please note that it is important to check that the gasket is level on the sump after installation. Otherwise, the siphon may leak.

Cleaning the sink siphon with disassembly

Cleaning the sink siphon with disassembling and washing all parts is the most universal way to remove blockages both in the sink and in the sewer drain. In order to clean the siphon, you need to disconnect it from the sink, disassemble it, remove all accumulated cleaning material and rinse it in hot water.

The procedure for removing and disassembling the siphon is as follows.

  • Place a bucket under the siphon to collect residual water from the siphon.
  • Unscrew the sump and drain the water.
  • Unscrew the siphon mounting nut to the sink and drain. We remove the siphon.
  • Unscrew the nut on the siphon and remove the connection pipe to the sink.
  • We wash all parts of the siphon and under a stream of hot water. Usually this is enough. To clean the siphon from fat deposits and remove remaining food waste.


  • We wash the outlet siphon to the sewer. This is usually a corrugated tube. In most cases, hot water can remove all dirt.
  • We assemble the siphon in the reverse order.

Using baking soda and vinegar to clean the sink

This method is used to avoid working with disassembling the siphon. It works well when it is necessary to remove fat deposits from the siphon and the adjacent sewer. This method can be used to prevent blockages.


For this method you will need baking soda, vinegar and hot water.

The procedure for carrying out the work is as follows.

  • Wipe the sink dry.
  • Add half a glass of soda into the siphon.
  • Pour half a glass of food vinegar into the siphon.
  • Cover the drain hole with a rag so that during the chemical reaction the products are not thrown out.
  • In 30 minutes, warm up the kettle and carefully pour hot water into the sink. To prevent damage to the siphon, you can rinse the siphon with hot water from the tap.

Removing deposits with salt and soda

Using a mixture of table salt and caustic soda, you can remove deposits in sewer pipes.


  • Pour half a glass of baking soda and half a glass of table salt into the siphon.
  • Pour hot water from the kettle into the drain hole.
  • Leave in this state for 8 hours. During this time, you cannot use the sink. It is convenient to do this procedure at night.
  • Rinse the sink hot water from the tap.

This method, like the previous one, can be used to prevent blockages and deposits.

Removing a blockage using a plunger

The plunger is a simple plumbing device that can be used to clean the siphon from food waste without disassembling it. The cost of this device is not high. So it is good to have it in every home.


To clean the sink with a siphon, you must proceed in the following sequence.

  • Place the plunger over the drain hole and press it firmly against the sink.
  • Open the water and fill the sink with about 5-7 cm of water.
  • Using an up and down motion, without lifting the plunger from the sink, we pump water in the siphon.
  • We remove the plunger and check how the water drains out.

Typically, to completely clean the sink, the procedure must be repeated 2-4 times.

The disadvantage of using a plunger is that it can damage the siphon. When the plunger operates, vibrations of air and water occur in the siphon. An analogue of water hammer is created. It is capable of breaking the tightness of the connection between the parts of the siphon. So the plunger should be used with caution.

Cleaning the sewer drain with a cable

A device for cleaning sewer pipes consisting of a cable and a special handle at the end is available to any plumber. This device can be purchased at any specialty store. You can use a cable to clear a clogged drain.


The cable is inserted into the sewer pipe and, making rotational movements with the handle, moves it along the pipe. It turns out to be an analogue of a drill. Periodically, the cable is removed, thereby removing contaminants from the sewer pipe.

In most cases, it is impossible to clean the siphon in the sink. However, the cable is indispensable if the sewer pipe is blocked due to a sponge or plastic bag getting in there.

How to prevent your sink from getting clogged

There are only two ways to avoid sink clogging: preventing food waste from getting there and periodically preventing contamination.

Protect the siphon from waste possible using a special mesh. It should be noted that modern sinks and siphons include such a mesh in their design. This mesh also serves as a plug in such structures.


Prevention against fat deposits can be done using soda and vinegar, as described above. No less effective. Rinse the sink regularly with hot tap water for 3-5 minutes. Hot water will dissolve deposits of fats and detergents on the walls of the siphon and sewer pipes. It is enough to carry out this procedure once a week.

We have considered all possible options for cleaning siphons and sewers. These methods are suitable both for cleaning the siphon in the kitchen sink and in the bathroom sink, as well as for clearing sewer blockages. However, despite the simplicity of cleaning the siphon and sewer, the most correct thing to do is to avoid blockages. The main method is to install a protective mesh on the drain, and hot water is a good preventative measure, which will wash away fat and deposits in the siphon and sewer pipe.

A common reason why water does not drain from a sink or bathtub is a dirty siphon. When using a sink or bathtub, everything that we wash off our hands and body gets into the siphon. The main cause of clogs is soap deposits and hair. Naturally, over time, the siphon becomes clogged and water stops flowing from the sink.


The siphon in the sink and bathtub has two purposes. Firstly, it is a water seal that prevents odors from the sewer from entering the apartment. Secondly, it is a fuse for the sewer system, which protects it from foreign objects. Therefore, if you drop a small but valuable thing, such as an earring, into the sink, then there is a high probability that it will not disappear, but will settle in the siphon. And to get it out, you just need to clean the siphon.

The siphon consists of three parts: the inlet pipe coming from the sink, the siphon and the outlet pipe. In order to remove the siphon and clean it, you first need to unscrew the top nut that secures the siphon to the sink and disconnect the siphon from the sink.


It should be remembered that a siphon is a water seal, and therefore there is water in it. Naturally, it is not desirable for water to get on the furniture. Therefore, the next thing you need to do is try to drain the water from it into the outgoing pipe, fortunately it is flexible and allows you to do this. After which the siphon can be completely disconnected and removed.

Next, pour the remaining water into the sewer, unscrew the bottom of the siphon and remove the accumulated deposits from it. Contaminants removed from the siphon should not be flushed down the drain, so as not to clog it, but should be disposed of like other household waste.

Reassembling the siphon is performed in the reverse order. First, an outgoing pipe is installed and connected to the sewer.



After which the incoming pipe is secured.


Next, you need to turn on the water and check the tightness of the connection. If necessary, they need to be tightened. After which it is necessary to wipe the furniture from the water that got on it during the process of cleaning the siphon. And it’s natural to be glad that the water drains perfectly.


Regarding the sink siphon, it should be added that often the problem of poor sink drainage is the incorrect installation of the siphon. The problem is that the inlet pipe is set too deep into the siphon. This narrows the flow area of ​​the siphon and makes it difficult to pass water through.