
How to buy wedding rings correctly. Wedding rings: how to choose a classic option. Which engagement ring to choose

Wedding rings- a symbol of marriage; not a single wedding is complete without them. Do you want to buy beautiful products that you won’t be embarrassed to wear on your hand? We will tell you how to choose them, taking into account the size of your finger, the decor of the product, and the material. Here you will also find a table of ring sizes that will help you purchase the most suitable model. In addition, you will learn what you need to pay attention to when trying them on.

The wedding ceremony is usually preceded by an engagement, during which the young man asks for the hand of his beloved. This event is marked by the fact that the future groom gives the bride an engagement ring, which is traditionally worn by Orthodox Christians on the ring finger. right hand before the wedding ceremony.

According to traditions, the product should be decorated with a stone, ideally a diamond, which symbolizes the purity of the bride and the power of love of her chosen one. In modern realities, the use of any stone that young people like in an engagement ring is encouraged. After the wedding, a wedding ring is put on next to it.

Who should choose

Wedding traditions say that purchasing a product is the prerogative of the groom. But you also can’t do without the advice and wishes of the other half. Therefore, it is better to choose jewelry together - this will help you purchase exactly the option that each of the future newlyweds dreams of.

You need to buy rings on the same day and preferably in the same place, this is the key to the absence of quarrels and disagreements in a young family.

If a couple decides not only to register their relationship in the registry office, but also to have a wedding ceremony in a church, it is important to choose the right wedding rings.

Traditions indicate that the groom's ring should be made of gold, the bride's - from silver. Fancy decorations at a wedding are inappropriate in this case; you should pay attention to classic options that are not replete with scattering stones. It is necessary to choose wedding rings together, this will protect against disagreements in the family. But the groom needs to pay for the jewelry, then life together will pass in understanding and trust.

Types of wedding rings - how to make the right choice

Before deciding to buy wedding rings, you should decide which products you prefer:

  • Classic gold– ideal for daily wear. Such decorations can have a convex or flat surface. Their width varies from 3 to 6-7 mm.
  • Non-standard shape– will appeal to young couples who prefer extraordinary solutions. There are many options for such products - accessories in the form of a crown, flowers, openwork elements. Thanks to the patterns of notches applied in a certain way to the classic versions, the jewelry looks unusual and sparkles in the sun.
  • With rocks– attract attention and look expensive and luxurious. Often the decoration is decorated with one large precious or semi-precious stone. There may also be a scattering of small stones along the rim of the product. Trilogy rings with three stones are very popular. They symbolize the development of the relationship between spouses, from the emergence of feelings to love that has no end.
  • With engraving. It may contain phrases of declaration of love, the names of the newlyweds or the date of creation of the family.
  • Doubles– made in the same style, but not necessarily exactly repeating each other. The main idea of ​​such jewelry is the similarity of patterns, notches and shapes. Identical models without decoration are not very impressive, but they are comfortable.
  • From different metals– look original and stylish. They use different types gold - yellow, white and red. A combination of silver and gold is also possible.

You will definitely need it. On it they are taken to the “altar” so that the young people put jewelry on each other. We described how to sew this accessory yourself in a separate article.

Are you not sure? We will talk about the traditions of Russia and the USA, Catholics and Orthodox. You will find out why they choose the ring finger, etc.

One of the fashion trends is. What inscriptions can be made on them, what to choose from phrases in English, Russian and French? We wrote about all this in another article.

No less important is. Why it is needed, what it should be, how to wear it, take it off and throw it away, you will learn from this article.

Signs you need to know before your wedding

According to long-standing beliefs, wedding rings should be even and smooth. They say that if there are no inscriptions or beautiful carvings on them, then understanding and peace will reign in the family. Recently, there has been another opinion: jewelry inlaid with a precious stone gives a happy life in prosperity and prosperity.

The best material for manufacturing is traditionally gold. But if Money There is not enough money to purchase such products; you can buy silver ones without hesitation.

The products of both spouses should be made of the same metal and made in the same style, then there will be mutual understanding and support in the family.

How to choose

To choose a ring that will look perfect on your hand, you should consider several factors. One of them - finger shape and length:

  • Girls with long thin fingers It is worth paying attention to very narrow jewelry accessories with a width of 2.5 to 3.5 mm. Another winning option is products with a width of over 6-7 mm.
  • On long thick fingers A ring 7-8 mm wide will look good.
  • The elegance of narrow short fingers can be emphasized with decoration up to 3.5 mm wide.
  • Fingers of medium length and thickness allow the use of rings from 4 to 6 mm wide.

Here are the tips of a jewelry salon consultant who knows a lot about choosing wedding rings:

An important factor that requires attention when choosing an engagement ring is joint size. You should carefully choose the diameter of the product so that you can put it on and take it off without pain.

No less important point - suitable decoration size. And if in jewelry stores you can find out by simply trying on the product, for individual production it is worth contacting. She will help you choose them strictly according to your finger.

In order to find out the diameter of your finger, you need to wrap it in a small piece of paper. Next it is applied to the ruler. Using the resulting number and a special table, determining the size of the ring will not be difficult. For those who make the mistake of choosing large products, here is what to do. You will find out whether it can be reduced and how to wear it so as not to lose it.

When trying on, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Jewelry inlaid with stone must have a channel fixation. With it, the stone is recessed into the metal, so it will not create inconvenience during everyday wear.
  • It is advisable to try on the ring at room temperature. It is also worth remembering that the size of your fingers may vary slightly depending on the time of day: in the evening your hands swell. Therefore, it is advisable to try on the product you like several times during the day in order to correctly determine the size.
  • After trying on a ring, you should spend a few minutes wearing it and make a couple of familiar movements with your hand to understand whether the jewelry causes a feeling of discomfort.
  • Pay attention to the sample on the product. 585 rings are not prone to changing color and shape, while 750 products are prone to deformation.

Here's a video from practical advice that will help you make the right choice:

On the day of choosing wedding rings, it is important to remember that this is not just another piece of jewelry, but a thing that will be with you throughout your life. Therefore, you should trust your intuition and purchase a product that your heart tells you. But who will buy it is not very important, why not make a joint choice?!

Congratulations! Your proposal and engagement ring have been accepted by the happy bride and there are a lot of pleasant experiences ahead about the upcoming wedding. You need to choose and buy wedding rings, organize the celebration itself and fly off to the honeymoon on the coast.

No, you heard right, you need to buy the ring again. No, this is a different ring, not an engagement ring. His magic won't work a second time; stronger magic is needed.

This is exactly how everything works in life: after a wedding, a man wears one ring, a woman wears two: an engagement ring and a wedding ring. Get ready, future husbands. It will always be this way, to your beloved - all the best and in double size, to you - a happy loving wife. Believe me, this is worth more than all the rings in the world.

In fact, this rule about two rings is conditionally mandatory; it is quite possible to refuse to give an engagement ring, but it all depends on personal agreements between the future spouses. But you will have to buy an engagement card early, and in two copies: for the bride and groom. This tradition will not be changed by any modern fashion; lovers have been exchanging wedding rings on their wedding day for centuries, this is a testimony to witnesses and all those invited to the wedding to be together, to support each other throughout their lives.

What should a ring be like?

Once upon a time, lack of choice was the main criterion for searching for wedding rings; the requirements for them were extremely simple: two of the same design, of different sizes, ideally gold. Our contemporaries and their chosen ones have to try hard to find in the infinity of proposals that pair of rings that will suit both parties.

Life hack: the trend of wearing different wedding rings came to us from cheerful Hollywood, where star brides defended the right to wear the rings that they like, and not those made by overseas jewelers in sets. Ladies, take advantage! Grooms, don’t be offended, the point is not really the rings, but that both feel good.

However, no one takes away the right to choose wedding rings in the same style; our modern times do not put forward any strict standards regarding the wearing of such jewelry. Moreover, there are plenty of options in jewelry stores; from the billions (no less!) of wedding rings on the shelves of salons, pawn shops, and auction offers, there is sure to be that same treasured pair that both spouses will wear with equal pleasure.

How to choose

If we ignore the huge assortment and dizzying offers, the first thing you need to remember when buying wedding rings is that you now wear them every day. This means that the decoration should first of all be comfortable.

It’s also worth remembering that the engagement ring should not go beyond your own style: someone prefers suits and cufflinks, and in this case it’s a good idea to correlate the design of the ring with your existing wardrobe and its prospects for the near future. For women, this issue is much easier; if the car does not fit the purse, the car is changed, everything is very simple.

Now let's get serious.


Be sure to remember that in the evening your fingers may swell a little, and take this into account when choosing a size - you should not buy a ring that fits end-to-end, you must take into account literally half a millimeter of the inner circumference for a loose fit.

The same rule applies to men - the popular explanation “lost a wedding ring” does not at all mean an unwillingness to wear jewelry. Weight changes, high daily activity and the same puffiness at the end of the day can play a nasty trick on your spouse. Losing a ring can actually be difficult to notice.


Jewelry is a complex topic for calculating costs. It seems, at first glance, everything is simple: add up the price per gram of precious metal and stone (if available) - and you can roughly figure out how much of the wedding budget can be spent on wedding rings.

In fact, it turns out that there are no suitable sizes, and the plant does not meet the deadlines for producing the required ones. There is also a markup for the brand, production according to own design and other chaotically occurring parameters that affect the cost of rings only in the direction of increasing prices. Women love Cartier, but...

To everyone who finds this amount of money for a ring of average presentation, but from a reputable brand is unnoticeable for their budget - our congratulations. And we will look into the eyes of a reality of a different order.

What to do when you want to wear a beautiful, stylish ring all your life, perhaps with a stone good quality, but not spend hundreds of thousands of rubles on just one thing?

Check out the pawn shop. Yes, this is not a joke. To all the objections that someone wore the ring before you, and signs will definitely work against you, there are at least three weighty objections:

Type and color of metal - how and what to wear with it

The wedding is over, emotions are again in balance with daily worries, and now the problem is: should I wear both engagement rings and wedding rings, or is one wedding ring enough? This choice is individual and is not subject to any explicit or unspoken regulations.

The issue can only be resolved from a practical point of view: if the engagement ring has a delicate stone that does not tolerate homework, it would be wiser to put it in a box and wear it on holidays. Diamonds, sapphires and other durable stones (9-10 on the Mohs scale) do not need to be removed; their safety is guaranteed by nature itself.

If you are confused by the number of rings on one finger, don’t worry: one of the trends in jewelry fashion is to wear several pieces of jewelry of different colors, and even with different stones, of different styles and purposes.


Traditionally, an engagement ring has a simpler shape than an engagement ring, but this does not mean that there cannot be precious stones on the wedding jewelry. Modern jewelry design offers several options for inlay, including on the side edge of the ring.


This option offers no less variety than the previous one: from narrow, barely noticeable on the hand to massive, bizarrely shaped options. What to choose is a more physiological aspect, since different lengths of the fingers and the shape of the hand can dictate their own rules. For example, any rings will look good on long, thin fingers, but with an average length of hand you will have to exclude massive ones.

During the selection process, the question of the width of the engagement ring will be asked in each new store and it is worth knowing that there is general classification by this parameter. It’s easy to remember, the increase occurs in even numbers.


If you decide that the width of the engagement ring is the end of your knowledge of their characteristics, you are ill-prepared for family life– you always have to wait for a catch. If not, you have gained experience. There is still a catch - so you are already ready for it! Ready?

With engagement ring profiles, things are very complicated. First of all, there are a lot of them. Flat, round, ¾, ½ and a few more. Secondly, not everyone is right for you. But for this case, jewelers have come up with one profile that fits optimally comfortably on a finger of any shape or thickness. This profile is called Comfort Fit or otherwise – Tight-fitting rings. They are very comfortable for daily wear, they do not rub or cut into the skin if your hands suddenly become swollen.

Types of Engagement Rings

You can start this topic if you have about three to four days to study at least a third of the variations on the theme of wedding rings that exist today. These include fancy, sintering, handmade models, with black diamonds, with scrolling inserts, with 6D diamond faces, and even puzzle rings (gala-gala or Puzzle-Ring).

At the risk of getting bogged down in descriptions, let’s remember only the most popular and most original.

Pairs. This is a timeless classic. One style, pattern, color for the bride and groom's rings. But no one forbids taking a classic basis and diversifying it with an original design, right?

White gold. These wedding rings look expensive, resemble platinum ones, and are very popular among jewelry designers because of the ability to combine them with anything. Glossy shine, matting.

From platinum. These are jewelry for centuries, platinum is a glorious long-liver among all metals, but as we have already found out, white gold, especially 750, is very similar to it. If you like to think that you are wearing platinum, don’t hesitate to buy just such wedding rings. It's at least beautiful, but it also pleasantly strokes our ever-hungry egos.

Simple rings. For everyone who prefers modest options at a pleasant, low price.

Unusual. Original form, design solution, stones of colors not typical for a wedding, development according to your own sketch, fancy coating and any other whim. Your money, your wedding, your rules.

Wide. Let's repeat the material covered, wide ones are 6-8 mm.

Slavic. Interesting, unusual jewelry, with a characteristic traditional pattern, will attract attention.

Brands and jewelry factories

It is a mistake to believe that famous jewelry brands produce only exclusive jewelry. Of course, for $100 you won’t find engagement rings, for example, from Tiffany&Co, unless it’s a good replica, but in the format of costume jewelry. And yet, for fans of fine art, the legendary company can offer options for approximately the cost of two Cartiers for each ring.

BVLGARI also captivates, as always. The standard of luxury, luxury jewelry - it’s not easy to be among the top three jewelry companies in the world, but owners of wedding rings from this brand still have a pleasant feeling of belonging to the world of high fashion.

Cartier is Cartier, as many as seven collections of engagement rings, with prices ranging from surprisingly reasonable to one and a half million for each piece.

U Russian manufacturers the soul is probably located closer to the aspirations of buyers, because the price tag for wedding rings shows figures several times lower, at least SOKOLOV offers universal options for celebrating a wedding. No exclusivity, but everything is within the requirements for modern jewelry. High-quality gold, moderate design, comfortable shape - yes, that same Comfort fit profile.

A heavyweight among domestic jewelry factories - Bronnitsky Jeweler - over a century of work, creating jewelry, has acquired incredible experience in jewelry craftsmanship. The manufacturer's collections evoke awe and delight at home and abroad. The Dancing Diamond is an idea that is magnificent in its originality, and at the same time impeccably implemented.

MYZ, the Moscow Jewelry Factory, does not lag behind its colleague; among the thousands of different rings produced by the company, wedding rings can easily be compared with foreign brands and fashion houses. An undeniable plus is that only this manufacturer has the most detailed range of sizes, the step is 0.25 mm, instead of 0.5 for others.

Trends and features of jewelry fashion

It is in the segment of engagement rings that domestic fashionistas and fashionistas not only set the tone, they diplomatically ignore it - Western magazines are chocked with advice on what a wedding decoration should be, while Russian buyers set their own rules.

Compatriots, when choosing an engagement ring, prioritize practicality: so that it does not interfere, does not touch clothes or hair, so that the jewelry can be boasted on occasion, but not in such a way that others would envy the excessive luxury.

Perhaps the jewelry catwalk will explode more than once with new super-fashionable collections, and in the meantime, Russian brides will lazily leaf through the catalog of the next designer and again choose comfort - that is, their beloved husband, even if he cannot afford Cartier for 1.5 million. What's wrong with that, we found something to compare... A beautiful engagement ring is wonderful. But can it be compared with decades of happy life and a diamond wedding ahead?

Of all the details of a wedding dress, future spouses always pay special attention to the rings. After all, it is they, unlike a dress and a suit, that stay with you for life. Wedding rings are a symbol of love that reminds two lovers every day that their destinies are connected. Therefore, you need to ensure that the chosen jewelry suits and pleases you.


The shape of the ring symbolizes infinity. But, besides this, there are other signs associated with wedding accessories. Today, not everyone believes in them, but this information will still be of interest to those who are preparing for marriage.

First of all, the wedding ring should be yours - it is not advisable to use someone else’s ring for the wedding ceremony, even if you inherited it. It is generally accepted that in this way you will take away the happiness of the previous owners or take over their fate. You should also not let anyone try on your ring, either before or after the wedding.

It is advisable to buy wedding rings in pairs and on the same day. This is what promises the couple a long and happy family life. There is another interesting sign associated with the advance purchase of wedding rings. If you bought them long before the wedding, you need to put the jewelry in a bag, fill it with water and freeze it.

There is also a belief that the surface of the ring must be smooth, without any patterns, stones or engravings. This guarantees the couple a calm and measured life. But the presence of any irregularities, elaborate patterns or inscriptions, on the contrary, promises constant quarrels and scandals in the family.

Whether you believe in omens or not is up to you to decide. But, if they really seem true to you, then it is better not to break traditions so as not to spoil your mood on such an important day.

Criterias of choice

In addition to signs, other factors influence the choice of an engagement ring. First of all, remember that this is a ring you will most likely wear constantly. Therefore, it should not only be elegant and beautiful, but also quite practical.

For this reason, many girls refuse rings with stones, which constantly cling to everything.

It is best for a woman's ring to be more elegant than a man's. Such accessories look more organic. Choose the right size and style that you like, and your engagement ring will delight you every day.

Features of jewelry fashion

Wedding rings are now being created to suit every taste. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose jewelry for even the most demanding couple. And if you still cannot find the rings of your dreams in the assortment of jewelry stores, you can always order them. A custom piece that meets all your requirements is sure to look perfect.

With rocks

Many girls prefer accessories decorated precious stones. But, if you want to choose just such an accessory, then you should pay attention to the fact that stones have a certain meaning.

The best option wedding ring - decoration with a diamond. And it’s not just that girls like these translucent stones. But also in the fact that it is the diamond that is considered a symbol of sincere and eternal love. The scarlet ruby ​​is considered a symbol of passion. And a wedding ring with an emerald promises happiness in family life. The only drawback of rings with emerald is that this stone is very fragile, and you will have to often go to the workshop so that the ring does not lose its attractiveness.

But it’s better not to buy exquisite rings with amethyst. After all, traditionally this stone is considered to bring loneliness. It is also called "widow's stone". It is also not recommended to choose a wedding ring with a dark-colored stone.

There are also different options for cutting stones. The central stone can be supplemented with several smaller stones. Remember that when buying such a ring, you should check whether the stones fit tightly. Otherwise, they may fall out over time, ruining appearance rings. Some jewelry companies give a lifetime guarantee on their products and repair jewelry or replace fallen stones free of charge.


Often for wedding celebration newlyweds choose matching rings. They can be completely identical, or simply made in the same style. Often in a pair, the male ring is deliberately made simpler. The female model is distinguished by great grace and is even decorated with stones or patterns. But at the same time, both rings are united by a common style and together they look harmonious.

Determining quality

Since an engagement ring is bought for life, it must be of high quality. Determining the quality of gold can be difficult. But there is an easy way to do this even without any special skills. To do this, simply throw the ring on a table or any other smooth surface. A ring made of high-quality gold will fly off from it with a characteristic ringing sound. A dull knock indicates poor quality of the accessory.

Gold content

Another important symbol of quality is sample. The higher the standard, the better the material from which the ring is made. But, accordingly, the price is higher. But in this case, the money will not be wasted, because a high-quality ring is unlikely to break or tarnish in the next few years after purchase.


The classic version of wedding rings is gold. But even this metal can vary. There are several types of gold. The most common option is yellow gold rings. But more expensive jewelry made of white or pink metal is also popular. Platinum wedding rings also look stylish and luxurious.

When choosing a ring, try to take into account your preferences in accessories. The ring should look harmonious with all other accessories. Therefore, if you most often wear silver or jewelry made of light metal, it is better to opt for white gold accessories.


You can make your ring more unique by adding a special engraving to it. It is usually applied to the inner surface of the ring. A common option is the wedding date written inside the ring or the names of the spouses. Also, many people choose to engrave some phrase that is meaningful to the couple. Engraving can be done for you in almost any jewelry store.

How to choose the size

If you want to choose a ring for a girl or simply order jewelry online without being able to try it on, be guided by the sizes indicated on the label.

But if there is an opportunity to try on a ring, then it is better to do so. The fact is that the ring size of each manufacturer may be different. Therefore, a ring of the same size fits differently in different jewelry stores.

It is recommended to try on rings in the morning, when your fingers are not yet tired. Also remember that fingers also swell in hot weather. If you have enough time to choose rings, it is better to try them on several times, different days to make sure they always fit you well.

Ring width

Another important parameter that should be taken into account when choosing a wedding ring is its width. Depending on the shape and thickness of your fingers, you should choose a suitable ring.

Choosing wedding rings seems quite simple, although not an ordinary task. But is this really so? Let’s be honest, it’s not as difficult, but it’s also not as simple as many people think. Therefore, it is worth preparing yourself for such an important moment in life by reading this article. And based on the rules listed below, every groom and every bride will be able to easily choose wedding rings to suit their fingers and their tastes.

1. In the beginning there was the word.

From the very beginning you need to figure out the design of the rings. These are either classics or modern designer solutions. Secondly, these are prices, that is, the money that the groom has, since the man must always buy the rings. Therefore, first, this word, both the groom and the bride, need to think together about what and how, and advice on this matter will be given in the two paragraphs below.

2. Design. Classic and modern.

Many people lean toward the classic look of engagement rings. As symbolism expresses through poems read in the registry office or at the altar, rings symbolize simplicity and infinity, they should be without beginning and end. That is, the classic look is the most promising at all times, regardless of fashion. If you don’t like this approach, then go ahead and look through the designer jewelry catalogs. If you don’t like something here, then go ahead and draw your own sketches with a pencil, and the master jewelers will bring them to life without any problems. To summarize, the choice here is simple, and no one has the right to advise anything, this is the right only of the people choosing the rings, the people who will wear them, this is your choice. In any case, be it classic rings without frills, or wedding rings made of white or yellow gold, with small frequent stones or one single stone, all rings will be beautiful and will suit you.

The only thing that matters when choosing engagement rings based on design is the choice of stones. If you have money and your thoughts are focused specifically on rings with precious or semi-precious stones, we think about what kind of stone will show off in your ring. And this choice often falls on the shoulders of the lady of the heart. After all, it is not typical for a man to wear an engagement ring with a stone; the groom’s ring can be completely identical in design, be of the same shape, but it often does not have stones. This is how men are, which means this point is important for girls. And when choosing a stone for an engagement ring, we rely on certain traditions, signs, or even concerns. For example, an amethyst should not be inserted into a wedding ring; it promises loneliness. But by inserting a ruby, we get passionate love. A topaz or garnet stone is already a symbol of fidelity. A ring with carnelian will bring happiness, an emerald will bring great love. But the best stone, although expensive, is a diamond. And not because a diamond is a girl’s best friend, but the most important symbol of eternal love. You choose according to your taste, color and also the relationship of your body and soul to the stones. You can look at your horoscope, it will also indicate a suitable stone. There is also a good “old-fashioned” method: you can choose a stone through your feelings for it. To do this, you need to put the ring you like on your palm, and lightly cover the top of the ring with your other hand. If you feel warmth, energy, and peace from a stone, then this is your stone. If a stone gives you a feeling of anxiety, it is better not to buy such a ring, because you wear a wedding ring all your life, every moment and negative energy of the stone will bring anxiety every second. Whether to believe in all this or not is everyone’s business, but we have fully discussed the choice of an engagement ring with a stone. Further more.

3. Price. First joint purchase.

It is simply impossible to decide on a design without thinking about the budget for your first purchase. This is worth considering, because not everyone can afford everything. If the groom earns well, this point, in principle, disappears on its own. But in any case, everyone can afford to buy a gold ring in our time. After all, there are options for wedding rings for 100 dollars, there are 200, and there are more than 1000. What is your option? We look at our annual income. There is no point in offering further advice here, although it is possible to voice some thoughts.

By purchasing a classic engagement ring for $150-200, we get the average option. In a jewelry store, most engagement rings cost that much. Prices are 80-130 dollars, these are budget ones, rings cost more than 200 dollars, also a small part of the store’s entire selection. Based on this, it becomes clear what the average prices are. Therefore, even with an income of $5,000 a month, a ring for $200. e., that's quite a good choice. We remember that the wedding ring should not show too much of your status; there are other jewelry that can be used to indicate it. But for those who want more, then go ahead, for the bride we buy a ring with diamonds, for ourselves and the groom we take platinum. Here's something expensive and chic for you.

4. Decide on the size or how to measure rings correctly.

The ring should not pinch your fingers and should not dangle on them. Although as for hanging out, this can still be allowed, a little bit. Now let’s take a closer look at choosing a wedding ring to suit your finger; choosing the size is an extremely important point.

Of course, the whole choice of size comes down to trying on the rings. And there are pitfalls here that guys don’t even think about, although women know about it. We remember that the finger changes its thickness throughout the day. There are many factors here, for example, in the cold the finger is narrower, in the heat it is thicker. Similarly, physical exercise changes the size, which means we don’t recommend measuring after playing sports; also, you shouldn’t go to jewelry stores to measure with bags in your hands, because it’s the same physical activity, and specifically on the fingers. The liquid also affects, and just as after a shower or a swimming pool, the fingers change, and when taking a large amount of liquid inside, we again have changes. All this suggests that you need to measure in the peace of your body and soul, and at the same time take into account the weather and time of year, making some adjustments for this.

When trying on, it is important to take into account the size of the rings, their width, and shape. Wide rings can be looser, narrow rings should fit better. After all, a wide ring will not stand sideways if it is a little larger, but a narrow one can look very ugly on your hand. In addition, a narrow ring will easily fit on a finger, even if it fits tightly, but a thick ring, even dangling when put on, may not fit through the joint. Internal shape is similarly important. By the way, there are many profiles of wedding rings, about two dozen. But the internal shape is important to us, and it can be roughly divided into three types: flat surface, convex, concave. Wedding rings from Russia and Ukraine mostly have flat shape, in Europe - convex (we mean convex inward) is more popular. The difference between these two most popular types of internal ring shapes is that flat rings must be carefully selected for the fingers, as they fit worse, while convex rings hold on better. It is also believed that convex ones are more comfortable, they rub the fingers less, although this is a slightly controversial issue, you need to measure, because everything depends on the hands themselves, there are thin fingers, and there are dense ones, these are also important factors and only by measuring can you evaluate the convenience of one or another type specifically for your finger.

To sum it up, let’s say that you need to choose rings in the peace of your hands. Make the choice itself several times, that is, do not try on everything in one day, but estimate once or twice and only then evaluate your size. You also need to remember about the shape of the finger and the ring, and get a feel for how each profile sits. We also take into account the thickness of the ring. And most importantly, we don’t think about the size of the ring. A wide ring size 14 may fit, but a narrow ring may be too big for you. And let’s also tell you a secret, sizes are usually written in multiples of half, but in fact they differ in fractions of millimeters. We have especially big differences in cheap options, so when choosing a ring and estimating your size, let’s say 15, we should take rings of sizes 14, 14.5, 15, 15.5, 16 for fitting, since due to all the above differences, all these sizes are relevant under your finger.

5. If the ring is small or large...

So you chose your ring and after a week or a month, a year, ten years, you realized that it was either too loose or too small, which is often what happens. What to do then? There are a lot of options here, and the option of replacing rings is, of course, the most urgent, because how can you change the wedding rings you got married with? The most popular methods of resizing are the “roll out” or “roll in” methods. Using these methods, the rings are either stretched or narrowed depending on the need. The process is simple and painless, and costs about $3. As a result, we have a half size smaller or larger ring. Only there is a nuance, only the classic, semicircular ring without a stone can be “rolled in” or “rolled out”. If the ring is of a different shape or has a stone, then it will need to be cut, a piece cut out, or a new part melted in. It is also inexpensive and a completely painless process. There is also a way to cut off the insides of the ring. As mentioned above, rings with a convex shape inside are popular in Europe. And all the popularity here comes down not only to convenience, but also to the opportunity to expand the ring. Thanks to this shape, the jeweler can cut down the inside of the ring and get a larger size without affecting anything on top. This is extremely convenient and because of this procedure, this form is popular among thoughtful Europeans.

In any case, you can change the size and even the most complex change will not hurt your wallet at all.

6. Ring weight.

Next, it’s worth mentioning the weight, although it has virtually no effect on the choice. When choosing wedding rings, you need to be based on everything listed above, and you shouldn’t even think about how much the rings weigh. The only thing that is important is not to exceed 8 grams, such rings are too heavy and therefore uncomfortable. The ideal is 3-6 grams, that’s all you need to know, although choosing a cheap option, here we will get 2 grams, which on the other hand is wonderful, because a light ring is a comfortable ring.

7. Let's remember the test.

An important point that many do not take into account is the gold standard. We will also tell you about it, first with numbers. The most popular wedding rings are rings made of 585 gold. If we talk about other options, there is 958 standard gold, there is 750, 500, 375 standard gold. The higher the number, the better the quality of the gold. 958 standard is the ideal of gold, but in popularity after the number 585 it is 750. 375 standard is almost never used now; it is the lowest quality gold.

If anyone is interested in what gold fineness means, let us tell you that it is the percentage ratio of gold and other metals. Pure gold is rarely used because its structure is soft. As a result, a ring made of pure gold will be very scratched, and if it is thin, it will even bend. It is because of this that 585 gold is the most popular, and this is not because of cheapness, but because of practicality; such rings better demonstrate the qualities of strength. Continuing, let's say that the number 585 means that per 1000 units of metal in the ring, 585 units are pure gold - aurum (AU), the other 415 units are other metals. Converted into percentages, the 585 engagement ring is 58.5% gold. And the 958 ring will consist of almost one hundred percent of noble metal. Let us also note that in the USA, Great Britain and some other countries it is customary to measure the percentage weight of gold in carats. And a 24 carat ring in the USA will consist of 100% gold, and a 585 ring will have a number of approximately 12-14 carats.

8. So what does ring size mean?

We have already said and indicated almost everything, but once again we will return to the size of the rings. There are many sizes in the world, all based on the base different ways measurements of rings and the units based on which these measurements are made. There are centimeters, there are millimeters, inches, there are sizes based on the diameter or length of the inside of the ring. Below is a table that will help draw analogies between the most popular sizes in the world. But first, let's talk about Russian sizes and European ones, which are most common here. Russian sizes, which are also used in Ukraine, are designed very simply - based on the diameter of the inner part of the ring. That is, a size 14 ring will have an internal diameter of 14 millimeters, a size 20 ring will have an internal diameter of 2 centimeters. In Europe, sizes are calculated more cunningly. A European wedding ring marked 60 will be similar to our ring with size 19.31 or, as many write, 19 or 19.5. Where did their number 60 come from? It's simple, the length of the inner circle of the ring is 60 millimeters.

Based on this, you can find out your size at home, both for Russia and for Europe. If you take a strip of paper and make a ring out of it, then the diameter of the resulting ring in millimeters will indicate your size. And if we unfold this ring to its full length, like a strip, and attach it to a ruler, we will get a European size. One way or another, from the table below you can already see the sizes of other types of measurements.

9. In the end - a little secret.

For those who are interested in conspiracies, let’s say one more piece of advice. So that when choosing a ring you receive only happiness from your purchase, whisper when making your final choice “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen". And you will definitely be lucky in your new, joint, family life.

That's all, all aspects of choosing an engagement ring have been said and revealed. All that remains is to choose for yourself the only and most beautiful thing. Just don’t force each other’s tastes. It's better to buy different rings than for someone to feel inconvenienced. And be sure to wear your wedding rings, don’t take them off, because the tradition of wedding rings is very deep and bearded. Even the ancient Romans believed that a wedding ring plays an important role in the life of a family. It is on the ring finger that the so-called vein of love is located - “vena amoris”, which magically connects lovers through rings. Therefore, treat wedding rings with all responsibility, and let the sight of them on your hands always bring only the offered feelings of peace, strengthening relationships and love for each other.

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Choosing wedding and engagement rings can be quite challenging for a groom who is heading to a jewelry store for the first time in his life. When you see a huge amount of jewelry, your eyes just run wild, so young man You need to find out all the nuances and little things from your beloved in advance. The portal site will advise you on how to choose the right wedding rings so that the models you choose give you pure pleasure!

Who should choose wedding rings?

Most of the fair sex simply love surprises: this also applies to the choice of wedding decorations. It’s always nice to entrust the choice to your man, who is going to take responsibility for a young family. However, very often it is quite difficult for men to make their own decisions regarding jewelry, because they will have to be worn throughout the day, and, accordingly, they should evoke only pleasant emotions. It's even harder to guess the right size! If you don’t know how to choose the right engagement ring, don’t hesitate to ask your bride about her preferences and tastes, or you can invite her to go to a jewelry store together and try on several models. During the fitting, pay attention to the size, style and metal that your bride likes, but the choice of jewelry can be up to you.

What should wedding rings be like?

Selection wedding decorations- this is a very difficult task, because newlyweds need to take into account a lot important points. If you do not take into account at least one nuance, the selected piece of jewelry may not only not please you, but also cause some inconvenience. The website Svadbaholik.ru will help you figure out what wedding engagement rings should be like and tell you about all the nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing jewelry.

We select wedding rings according to 6 criteria:

  1. Comfort. Comfort when wearing jewelry is one of the most important criteria by which you need to select a ring. To do this, the groom needs to find out the exact size of his future wife's finger. Ideally, the bride should try on the ring herself to make sure that it fits perfectly on her finger and does not press or interfere anywhere. But even if you didn’t guess the size correctly, you can always widen the ring a little with a specialist. Also, many couples sincerely wonder why wedding rings should be even and smooth. The answer is simple - precisely because of convenience! If you like unusual voluminous rings with creative decorative stones or carving, it is best to try on such jewelry so that further wearing will be comfortable and enjoyable for you.

  2. Metal. The choice of metal also needs to be taken into account, as some people are allergic to silver or gold. If you don’t have such problems, you can only rely on your preferences. Some couples are in love with white gold, while others prefer yellow. If you and your groom have different opinions, try to find a compromise or choose jewelry made from two types of metal at once. These combination rings look very stylish and modern.

  3. Form. It is difficult to give a universal answer to the question of which wedding rings are best to buy, since their choice is very individual. First of all, you need to decide on the shape of your jewelry: rings can be thin, thick, wide, smooth or convex. The choice of shape will depend on the size of the hands: for example, elegant jewelry is suitable for thin, delicate hands, while a voluminous wide ring will look strange and inharmonious.

  4. Design. It is also important to consider what kind of ring design you want. Some newlyweds prefer classics, simplicity and sophistication. Others want to bring something modern and vibrant to their decorations. Wedding rings can be decorated with beautiful carvings or designs, diamonds or cubic zirconia. Some jewelry can be decorated with colored enamel inserts, which also adds a special touch to the jewelry.

  5. Engraving. Even if you have already decided what you want your wedding rings to be, be sure to consider whether you will engrave the jewelry to make the rings even more valuable and personal. You can write your wedding date, your significant other's name, or a favorite quote on the inside of the ornament. It may take time for the engraving artist to complete the engraving, so the issue with the inscription must be resolved in advance so that the jewelry is ready for your wedding day!

  6. Extraordinary. If you want to stand out from other newlyweds, you can choose models made of wood or stone, rings with unusual 3D embossing or design, and even get a tattoo instead of a wedding ring. If you like to surprise, this option is for you!

Cost of wedding rings

The choice of jewelry is also influenced by how much wedding rings cost, whether gold or silver jewelry. Depending on your budget, you may have different options when it comes to choosing the perfect rings. What jewelry options are suitable as budget option, and which ones can newlyweds, whose budget is not limited, afford?