
The head of the fraternal organized crime group. Gangster Bratsk: “Now the “brotherly” are no longer bandits, but aged businessmen. Oil and bank fraud

The poisoning of Roman Tsepov, a former guard of the VVP and, as he was often called, the “gray eminence of St. Petersburg”, made a lot of noise in the city on the Neva. Yes, and in Moscow, the “Petersburg” rose to their ears: after all, earlier persons from the “inner circle”, especially the first person of the country, were taboo for killers. For "thieves in law", not for frostbitten "remake".

As it became known to “MK” from sources close to the investigation, members of the fraternal organized crime group are suspected of involvement in the murder of Tsepov, most of whom have been in jail for the sixth month awaiting trial. In May, the detention of this group of killers was called "the end of gangster Petersburg."

The most famous of their victims are from St. Petersburg: Kostya Mogila (aka Konstantin Yakovlev, the “watcher” of the Northern capital), well-known local authorities Roma Marshal and Vitya Murmansky. However, the investigation into the “fraternal case” did not advance one iota. They say that this was one of the main reasons for the recent resignation of the prosecutor of St. Petersburg Nikolai Vinnichenko.

However, the end is still far away. After all, the main customer of the previous - unsuccessful - assassination attempt on Tsepov is still at large. According to operational information, we are talking about the thief in law Tyurik, who is currently quietly basking in Spain in his own villa.

According to rumors, Tyurik planned the murder of Tsepov with the “fraternal” ones, intending to start redistributing the main areas of St. Petersburg business. Tsepov could interfere in the same way as Kostya Mogila interfered, whom, according to the investigators, was eliminated by the “fraternal” killers. In addition, Tsepov actively contributed to the investigation of the case of the “fraternal” group. It was Tyurik who created the fraternal organized crime group and gave a start to life to the brigade of killers Oleg Makovoz, who committed more than one high-profile contract killing in St. Petersburg.

Operatives believe that Tyurik is also involved in the emergence of a large number of Caucasian criminals in Moscow and St. Petersburg. So he fights with competitors - the hands of bandits and recent militants. How to do it, Tyurik knows very well. “Stages of a long journey” for him began at the dawn of perestroika in his native Bratsk. Then he crushed most of Siberia under him. In the massacre arranged by him, dozens of thieves, “bulls” and random civilians who found themselves in the line of fire of the brutal brothers died.

Stages of a long journey

"Brotherly" appeared in St. Petersburg in the early 90s. They did not have serious authority, they did not claim much. They kept several stalls, shops around the city. For the time being, they did not climb into large disassemblies. The situation changed a few years later, when the main St. Petersburg organized crime groups beat each other up badly. "Brotherly" began to turn more serious business: the export of timber and aluminum from the Irkutsk region through St. Petersburg to the Baltic countries. Expanded the area, "roofing" everything large quantity merchants. They did not shy away from contract killings. True, they did not climb on the rampage, they worked carefully. Therefore, they did not attract the attention of the press or law enforcement officers. At that time there were bigger fish. The peak of activity came in 2000-2001, when the “fraternal” organized a “window” for themselves at customs.

In subsequent years, they tried to get into the fuel and pharmaceutical business. Allegedly organized cover in the police and the FSB. We found several authoritative thieves in law who were dissatisfied with the St. Petersburg "watcher" Kostya Grave, and enlisted their support. Among them, a special place was occupied by Vladimir Tyurin from Irkutsk, better known as the thief in law Tyurik or Tyurya.

Tyurik refers to the thieves of the new formation. He received his first term for his love for cinema, more precisely, for porn. He opened a video hall at home, where he played erotic films from morning till night. Tyurik was crowned in 1993 in Moscow. True, I had to fight hard for the “crown” and win the war with the Irkutsk thieves. He became dependent on one of the most famous thieves, Shakro Jr., and carried out the will of the Georgian authorities (“laurels”) and “oranges”, who bought themselves a “crown” for “grandmothers”. It was then that the first attempt was made on him - a grenade was thrown through the car window. But it bounced off and didn't even damage the car. Note that there were assassination attempts later, but always with a happy ending.

Tyurik subjugated most of the local criminal communities, gathering them into a single fist, - says one of the operatives of the brotherly UBOP. - His group took over most of the local oil and woodworking enterprises and began to expand its influence. Then he appeared less and less often in his native city, having firmly settled in Moscow. Each of his visits to Siberia ended in showdowns and blood flows.

However, by the end of the 90s, the “fraternal” tried to gain a foothold in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Realizing that in the capitals one cannot do without his own brigade, Tyurik literally raised a personal team of killers. It was headed, according to operational data, by Oleg Makovoz, nicknamed Macleod.

For six years, "brotherly" cleared the way for Tyurik to power and wealth. And now Tyurik is a successful businessman. What can we say about the “boss”, if the foreman Makovoz has his own pharmaceutical plant, forests in the Irkutsk region, and a security company. But it was not possible to get into big politics, although he was on the list of the People's Party.

Tyurik, with the involvement of a number of Moscow thieves and leaders, using connections with the leaders of the Bratsk Aluminum Plant and the Cherny brothers, is responsible for the supply of aluminum to the London Stock Exchange through American, Spanish and Israeli companies controlled by them, ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Anatoly Kulikov published such data in the State Duma .

St. Petersburg shooting

Next, they removed Roma Marshal (Rustam Ravilov), who at the funeral promised to avenge Kostya Mogila. After that, the "brotherly" began to look closely at the well-known leader of the Tambov organized crime group Kuma (Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin). The elimination of Kumarin was only one of several points in the program of the fraternal organized criminal group. They say that the head of the St. Petersburg criminal police, Vladislav Piotrovsky, and the recently poisoned ex-security guard of the GDP, Roman Tsepov, were on the “black list”. This was the end of the promising group.

The head of the "Tambov" business group, who survived more than one assassination attempt, took up the "fraternal" ones in earnest. They say that his security service dug up serious material on the “fraternal” and handed it over to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. A few months later, the first "fraternal" sat on the bunk. After some time, their foreman Macleod was behind bars. (MK wrote in detail about their arrest on May 5 of this year in the article “The End Has Come to the Immortals”.)

Six months ago, we said that the bandits have high advocates in law enforcement and special services. According to our information, they slowed down the case. As we managed to find out, only one murder still appears in the “fraternal” case - Pavel Kasaev, who was considered one of the leaders of the Kazan organized criminal group. All other crimes, about 24 episodes, are considered only at the level of “operational information”.

The bandits testify, but without a protocol, they bargain for less time. Moreover, this bargain, according to some reports, is very unusual. They promise not to give out any information concerning some high officials in court, and for this they demand minimal terms. So, for example, sources in law enforcement agencies leaked information that in early summer, in a private conversation (without a protocol) with an investigator, one of the “fraternal” ones hinted that he could testify in court on the murder of one of the leaders of Promstroybank, Nikolai Shatilo. The killer told the investigator that the son of one of the first persons of Peter was allegedly involved in the case. (Mr. Shatilo was shot with a pistol in September 2001, at that time he was the head of the security service of the PSB. The murder has not yet been solved. - Auth.)

Blackmail is a delicate matter, bro

Of course, the “Shatilo case” does not appear in the “fraternal” investigation. They say that the “fraternal” ones, by such a kind of blackmail, convinced the investigation not to bring charges against them in a large number of cases, limiting themselves to two or three. So that the terms do not exceed several years. Thus, the "brotherly" managed to divert fire from themselves. The case, which was supposed to become a milestone, answering many questions of “gangster Petersburg”, shedding light on many unsolved murders of the last 10 years, was no longer reported, the media seemed to have forgotten about it.

Minister of the Interior Rashid Nurgaliev had to be reminded - he sent a letter to the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Ustinov, stating that the investigation into the fraternal organized crime group had been marking time for several months. In the summer, a commission from the Prosecutor General's Office came to St. Petersburg. Then it turned out that the prosecutor of the city, Nikolai Vinnichenko, did not pay any attention to the case of the “brotherly”.

According to rumors, a corresponding act was drawn up in the name of the Prosecutor General of Russia Vladimir Ustinov. Vinnichenko was forced to write a letter of resignation. The case was taken over by the Prosecutor General's Office. In the meantime, an energetic unraveling of several episodes from the activities of the “fraternal” began in Moscow at once. However, even now the investigation is under serious pressure. It remains to be hoped that the matter will not be shelved again, as it almost happened in St. Petersburg.

Just before the murder of Roman Tsepov, the prosecutor's office of the Irkutsk region opened several criminal cases at once against members of the fraternal organized criminal group. Seven people were arrested. They are suspected of several murders and attempted murders, robberies.

They say that hands will soon reach Tyurik, who, however, has not been seen in his native country for a long time.

Let's take Tyurik and raise the Tsepov case, - they say the opera.

How known in criminal environment there is a specific division into thieves in law representing Slavs and thieves in law representing Caucasians. The authoritative thief in law Vladimir Tyurin, nicknamed "Tyurik", who, by and large, has nothing to do with the Urals, is considered the leader of the Slavic criminal community in Russia, but recently he began his active expansion to Ugra and Yamal. Tyurin holds the so-called thieves' gatherings at which he crowns new thieves in law and puts those looking in the largest cities of Yugra and Yamal. Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) is the husband of opera singer Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, who is a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party. Who is Tyurik? To answer this question, it is enough to plunge into the dashing 90s. Many materials are collected from law enforcement sources and journalistic investigations.

Vladimir Tyurin is the leader of the organized crime group "Brotherly".
Tyurin Vladimir Anatolyevich, criminal nickname: Tyurik, Russian, 11/25/1958, ur. Bashkortostan, address: Bratsk, Russia, Lenina prospect, 19, 57; information: has established contact with the "thieves" held in prison "2" in Vladimir
"Brotherly" appeared in St. Petersburg in the early 90s. They did not have serious authority, they did not claim much. They kept several stalls, shops around the city. For the time being, they did not climb into large disassemblies. The situation changed a few years later, when the main St. Petersburg organized crime groups beat each other up badly. "Brotherly" began to turn more serious business: the export of timber and aluminum from the Irkutsk region through St. Petersburg to the Baltic countries. Expanded the area, "protection" of an increasing number of merchants. They did not shy away from contract killings. True, they did not climb on the rampage, they worked carefully. Therefore, they did not attract the attention of the press or law enforcement officers. At that time there were bigger fish. The peak of activity came in 2000-2001, when the “fraternal” organized a “window” for themselves at customs.

In subsequent years, they tried to get into the fuel and pharmaceutical business. Allegedly organized cover in the police and the FSB. We found several authoritative thieves in law who were dissatisfied with the St. Petersburg "watcher" Kostya Grave, and enlisted their support. Among them, a special place was occupied by Vladimir Tyurin from Irkutsk, better known as the thief in law Tyurik or Tyurya.

Tyurik refers to the thieves of the new formation. He received his first term for his love for cinema, more precisely, for porn. He opened a video hall at home, where he played erotic films from morning till night. Tyurik was crowned in 1993 in Moscow. True, I had to fight hard for the “crown” and win the war with the Irkutsk thieves. He became dependent on one of the most famous thieves, Shakro Jr., and carried out the will of the Georgian authorities (“laurels”) and “oranges”, who bought themselves a “crown” for “grandmothers”. It was then that the first attempt was made on him - a grenade was thrown through the car window. But it bounced off and didn't even damage the car. Note that there were assassination attempts later, but always with a happy ending.

Tyurik subjugated most of the local criminal communities, gathering them into a single fist, - says one of the operatives of the brotherly UBOP. - His group took over most of the local oil and woodworking enterprises and began to expand its influence. Then he appeared less and less often in his native city, having firmly settled in Moscow. Each of his visits to Siberia ended in showdowns and blood flows.

However, by the end of the 90s, the “fraternal” tried to gain a foothold in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Realizing that in the capitals one cannot do without his own brigade, Tyurik literally raised a personal team of killers. It was headed, according to operational data, by Oleg Makovoz, nicknamed Macleod.

For six years, "brotherly" cleared the way for Tyurik to power and wealth. And now Tyurik is a successful businessman. What can we say about the “boss”, if the foreman Makovoz has his own pharmaceutical plant, forests in the Irkutsk region, and a security company. But it was not possible to get into big politics, although he was on the list of the People's Party.

Tyurik, with the involvement of a number of Moscow thieves and leaders, using connections with the leaders of the Bratsk Aluminum Plant and the Cherny brothers, is responsible for the supply of aluminum to the London Stock Exchange through American, Spanish and Israeli companies controlled by them, ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Anatoly Kulikov published such data in the State Duma .

Next, they removed Roma Marshal (Rustam Ravilov), who at the funeral promised to avenge Kostya Mogila. After that, the "brotherly" began to look closely at the well-known leader of the Tambov organized crime group Kuma (Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin). The elimination of Kumarin was only one of several points in the program of the fraternal organized criminal group. They say that the head of the St. Petersburg criminal police, Vladislav Piotrovsky, and the recently poisoned ex-security guard of the GDP, Roman Tsepov, were on the “black list”. This was the end of the promising group.

The head of the "Tambov" business group, who survived more than one assassination attempt, took up the "fraternal" ones in earnest. They say that his security service dug up serious material on the “fraternal” and handed it over to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. A few months later, the first "fraternal" sat on the bunk. After some time, their foreman Macleod was behind bars. (MK wrote in detail about their arrest on May 5 of this year in the article “The End Has Come to the Immortals”.)

Six months ago, we said that the bandits have high advocates in law enforcement and special services. According to our information, they slowed down the case. As we managed to find out, only one murder still appears in the “fraternal” case - Pavel Kasaev, who was considered one of the leaders of the Kazan organized criminal group. All other crimes, about 24 episodes, are considered only at the level of “operational information”.

The bandits testify, but without a protocol, they bargain for less time. Moreover, this bargain, according to some reports, is very unusual. They promise not to give out any information concerning some high officials in court, and for this they demand minimal terms. So, for example, sources in law enforcement agencies leaked information that in early summer, in a private conversation (without a protocol) with an investigator, one of the “fraternal” ones hinted that he could testify in court on the murder of one of the leaders of Promstroybank, Nikolai Shatilo. The killer told the investigator that the son of one of the first persons of Peter was allegedly involved in the case. (Mr. Shatilo was shot with a pistol in September 2001, at that moment he was the head of the security service of the PSB. The murder has not yet been solved. - Auth.)

Of course, the “Shatilo case” does not appear in the “fraternal” investigation. They say that the “fraternal” ones, by such a kind of blackmail, convinced the investigation not to bring charges against them in a large number of cases, limiting themselves to two or three. So that the terms do not exceed several years. Thus, the "brotherly" managed to divert fire from themselves. The case, which was supposed to become a milestone, answering many questions of “gangster Petersburg”, shedding light on many unsolved murders of the last 10 years, was no longer reported, the media seemed to have forgotten about it.

Minister of the Interior Rashid Nurgaliev had to be reminded - he sent a letter to the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Ustinov, stating that the investigation into the fraternal organized crime group had been marking time for several months. In the summer, a commission from the Prosecutor General's Office came to St. Petersburg. Then it turned out that the prosecutor of the city, Nikolai Vinnichenko, did not pay any attention to the case of the “brotherly”.

According to rumors, a corresponding act was drawn up in the name of the Prosecutor General of Russia Vladimir Ustinov. Vinnichenko was forced to write a letter of resignation. The case was taken over by the Prosecutor General's Office. In the meantime, an energetic unraveling of several episodes from the activities of the “fraternal” began in Moscow at once. However, even now the investigation is under serious pressure. It remains to be hoped that the matter will not be shelved again, as it almost happened in St. Petersburg.

Just before the murder of Roman Tsepov, the prosecutor's office of the Irkutsk region opened several criminal cases at once against members of the fraternal organized criminal group. Seven people were arrested. They are suspected of several murders and attempted murders, robberies.


The influential thief in law Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), who in Spain is considered the leader of the "Russian mafia" and accused of creating a criminal community, money laundering, will remain in his homeland. The Prosecutor General's Office refused to extradite Tyurin to his Spanish colleagues because he is a Russian citizen and is not subject to extradition to other countries, a source in the Interior Ministry told Izvestiya. In Russia, Tyurin is not a defendant in criminal cases.

Vladimir Tyurin was detained at the request of the Spanish judicial authorities on November 2, 2010 in the Kupol restaurant on Novy Arbat in Moscow. According to documents received by Russia, Tyurin was accused of creating a criminal syndicate in Spain, which was engaged in laundering criminal money, investing it in real estate in resorts.

The court arrested Tyurin because it turned out that he is a citizen of Kazakhstan, and allegedly received Russian citizenship illegally. Until October 20 last year, the thief in law was held in custody in SIZO-2 Butyrka, after which the Presnensky District Court of Moscow transferred him to house arrest.

In early February 2012, Tyurin's lawyers were able to prove his Russian citizenship - until February 6, 1992, he permanently resided in Russia. Russia does not extradite its citizens to other countries, so in February the thief in law was released from house arrest and received a new Russian passport. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has already sent an official refusal to the Spanish side, added a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Tyurin moved to Spain in the late 1990s. He lived in the municipality of Orihuela in a huge cottage next door to thieves in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro-young), Vakhtang Kardava and Jamal Khachidze.

In 2005, the Spanish police conducted a large-scale anti-criminal operation "Wasp" against the "Russian mafia". Then 200 people were detained, but Tyurin managed to escape. On October 26, 2005, the Central Judicial Chamber No. 4 of the Supreme Court of Spain put him on the international wanted list.

In 2009, the Spaniards almost caught Tyurik. Then he came to Mongolia on business and was detained on the orientation of Interpol. However, when the Spaniards arrived there to pick up Tyurik, they instead found his brother in the SIZO cell. The operatives heard that the operation to replace the thief with his brother allegedly cost him $0.5 million.

The operatives involved in the development of thieves in law and criminal authorities speak of Tyurin as a very non-trivial person. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he headed a fraternal organized crime group and was crowned by the legendary thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik).

Tyurin singles out his education from the general environment of crime bosses. According to investigators, the first higher education Tyurin received in his youth, having graduated from the famous Gnesinka - the State Musical College named after the Gnessins. Later he received an economic education. As it turned out, at the time of his arrest in Moscow in 2010, Tyurin was writing his Ph.

The operatives claim that Tyurin has extensive connections with influential businessmen, politicians and officials, including those in law enforcement agencies. The common-law wife of the crime boss is opera singer Maria Maksakova, who has now become a State Duma deputy from United Russia.


Aluminum plant.

In the struggle for the division and redistribution of property in the aluminum industry, the forces of organized crime were most actively involved. The death toll in this struggle (which journalists called the "Great Patriotic Aluminum War") was in the tens. Particularly bloody were the clashes between groups vying for control of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant. At the suggestion of L. Cherny in 1991, one of the local criminal leaders Anatoly Bykov (“Bull”) infiltrated KrAZ, whose “ godfathers” were the leaders of the Uzbek organized crime groups, in particular T. Arifov. He recommended Bykov to his former countryman L. Cherny, and he convinced Ivankov-Jap to bet on Bull.

Over the next two years, "Bull" managed to force out or destroy all its competitors and led the organized criminal community of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There was also a corresponding division of the spheres of influence of criminals in the aluminum industry of the region: thief in law Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), who represented Yaponchik in Eastern Siberia, oversaw the supply of alumina to BrAZ, Bykov legalized himself as one of the co-owners of KrAZ, and Vladimir closely associated with Bykov Tatarenkov (“Tatarin”) tried to establish control over SaAZ. "Tatarin" led a gang of up to 60 active fighters and for its cruelty was recognized as the most dangerous criminal formation in the East Siberian region. During May-June 1994 alone, Tatarin's militants killed 10 people who were related to the struggle for influence at KrAZ.

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An end has been put in the high-profile trial of the fraternal criminal community

On September 25, 2007, the Supreme Court of Russia upheld the guilty verdict in the case of the Skripnik gang, handed down by the Irkutsk Regional Court at the end of December 2006. According to this verdict, the leader of the group, Mikhail Skrypnik, was sentenced to 23 years in a strict regime colony, the rest of the gang members received from 15 years to life imprisonment.

Recall that at the end of 2003, after a series of daring crimes, operatives of the criminal investigation department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Irkutsk region detained almost all members of the fraternal and Angarsk groups numbering more than 20 people. The course of the investigation was under the control of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia. In the spring of 2005, the first case of the brothers was taken to court. The seven defendants were charged with the creation of an organized criminal community and an armed stable group - a gang, as well as numerous murders, extortion, robberies and robberies. The case materials amounted to 63 volumes. There were 22 victims and more than 100 witnesses in the criminal case.

According to investigators, Mikhail Skrypnik carried out general leadership the four-level structure he created. It included those closest to him who were directly involved in planning, preparing crimes and recruiting personnel, as well as privileged members and ordinary bandits. All of them had a permanent residence permit in Bratsk, and lived illegally in rented apartments in the regional center. They had at their disposal several cars, firearms (AKM assault rifles, a revolver, rifles) with ammunition, radio stations, a night vision device, police uniforms, and handcuffs. All this was seized during the arrest.

Among the group's most resonant crimes is the murder of eight people in the center of Irkutsk. Recall that on the evening of December 14, 2002, near the eastern tribune of the Trud stadium, two submachine gunners shot down Toyota Mark II and VAZ-2108 cars. Among the dead was a former resident of the city of Irkutsk, Pavel Kiselev, nicknamed Kisel.

Another unusual episode is the extortion of one and a half million dollars from a major Siberian businessman Svetlov. He refused to pay and soon disappeared. The dismembered body of Svetlov was found in the taiga.

And after the assassination attempt on the Angarsk businessman, the leader of another group, in the Solnechny microdistrict, where his bodyguard was shot, the detectives took the first suspects and began to unwind the whole tangle of crimes.

The collegium of the Irkutsk Regional Court, chaired by Vyacheslav Popravko, did not see any clear signs of a criminal organization in the case, thereby rejecting the charges under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, the creation and leadership of the gang, organization and participation in contract killings, etc., dragged on for significant periods of isolation from society. On the basis of the totality of crimes, gang leader Mikhail Skripnik was sentenced to 23 years in prison in a strict regime colony, the performer Mikhail Zakharov received a life sentence. Other gang members received from 7 to 21 years in prison. At the same time, the lawyers of the convicts (Skripnik was defended by Zhirinovsky's lawyer, and State Duma deputy Kuryanovich defended the rights of another defendant) filed cassation complaints with a higher authority. Nine months later, the Supreme Court of Russia, having considered the materials of the case, left the verdict unchanged, thereby confirming the correctness of the prosecution and finally putting an end to the high-profile case of the fraternal group.

At the end of October 2006, the high-profile trial of Mikhail Skripnik, who was accused of creating and leading an organized criminal community, ended in the Irkutsk Regional Court. In addition, Skripnik and four of his accomplices were charged as part of a gang - a stable armed group - a lot of serious and especially serious crimes. Among them, the execution in the center of Irkutsk of "authority" Pavel Kiselev, with whom seven of his companions lay down, the attempt on the life of the leader from Angarsk Alexei Berduta in the Solnechny microdistrict, when his bodyguard Maxim Telushchenko died under machine gun fire, extortion of one and a half million dollars from businessman Igor Svetlov and open abduction of his car, robbery attacks on drivers of foreign cars.

And although Judge Vyacheslav Popravko acquitted Skrypnik and the “brothers” subordinate to him under the main, 210th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, recognizing the formation, in which high-profile crimes were committed, not by an organized community, but by an ordinary gang, the fraternal mafia still suffered significant damage: seasoned criminals received long sentences. Now, probably, you can not be afraid of machine-gun bursts on the streets of our cities. Unless, of course, law enforcement agencies do not allow a new one to grow in place of the severed head of this hydra - organized crime.

Where did the criminal Bratsk come from

The city of Komsomol glory acquired a dubious criminal reputation in the early 90s of the last century. At that time, a fierce war was going on in our area between Lavrushniks - Georgian thieves and local lads. The thief in law who won in it, “crowned” in 1993, managed in a few years to put together a powerful criminal community with a center in Bratsk, which soon spread its influence over the entire Irkutsk region. With the help of his militants, he managed to physically destroy the Lavrushniks and the Slavic competitors supporting them, to infiltrate large enterprises in the region. But that was only the beginning of his fast-paced career. The thief in law moved to the Mother See long ago, took his family and capital abroad, became a major legal businessman, who is reckoned with in power circles. However, this does not prevent him from leading the criminal community, which is still called Fraternal. Today it is one of the largest and most dangerous in Russia. Until recently, Vyacheslav Gamernik, who was shot dead in Moscow in July 2003, and Mikhail Skripnik, who was arrested a few months later, were considered the leaders of the main bandit formations in our area.

A man with a capital letter

Mikhail Skripnik has two nicknames: Skripa and Man. That's right - he was called Man with a capital letter by his subordinates. They said: "The man said", "The man ordered ..." In the criminal environment, he enjoyed unquestioned authority. They feared him and tried to imitate him. The world also had to reckon with him.

Investigators carefully filed eight references to the criminal case, given to Skrypnik at the place of his residence, study, work and "imprisonment". In addition to the paper signed by the administration of the Irkutsk pre-trial detention center, where the prisoner is called the leader of a negative orientation, who was placed in a punishment cell more than once for violating the regime of detention, all other characteristics draw a good boy who has grown into a competent specialist, a respectable citizen, a loving spouse, etc. Neighbors according to the house on Gogol Street in Irkutsk, where the defendant lived before his arrest, they mention that he “took an active part in public life and home improvement”. At Sunlight LLC, where Skripnik worked as a financial director, colleagues called him "a person of high moral character, balanced, responsive, correct." And in Baikal-Helios LLC, their general director was awarded the epithets "honest, decent, enjoying well-deserved authority." At the school of the Olympic reserve, the young man was remembered as a disciplined and gifted athlete, and in the fraternal vocational school-24, as a teenager, he established himself as an energetic, active leader of the youth.

Some of the flattering epithets listed here, the main person involved in the sensational criminal case, of course, deserved: you can’t refuse him energy, activity, and leadership qualities.

Information about his turbulent youth today can only be found in the operational records and certificates of the department for combating organized crime. And the investigation tried to do it. But, since the court did not include this information, which is almost impossible to verify, in the evidence base, we will not go into details about the first career steps of Mikhail Skripnik.

In just a few years, he will become the largest shareholder, controlling leading enterprises, an authoritative businessman, dictating to banks where to direct their financial flows. And traces of the active - already legal - activities of a well-known entrepreneur are now found not in the operational information of detectives, but in abandoned materials and criminal cases, according to different reasons discontinued.

In 2002, Mikhail Skripnik managed to put Sibkhimmontazh OJSC under his control, which has branches in Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk and other cities. He became the owner of 25 percent of the shares of the enterprise, which he transformed into Sibkhimmontazh - Vostok, and became a member of the board of directors. As follows from the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case, the owners of the securities, as one, told the investigator that they had sold their shares to Skrypnik voluntarily. And, apparently, with pleasure, given that Y. himself bought shares at 25 rubles apiece, and gave Skripnik only ten kopecks. And, for example, S. parted with the shares after an attempt was made on him by unknown persons.

The strong grip of the businessman Skripnik can also be seen in the materials of the 1999 criminal case on the fact of causing large material damage to Helios CJSC as a result of the debt of the partner company of Baikal-Helios, headed by Skripnik. A strange story happened in 2003, when Mikhail Skripnik headed Sunlight LLC. The money of the clients of the commercial bank "Dialogue-Optim" literally poured into the settlement account of the enterprise he manages. Moreover, the clients themselves for the time being did not even know about this leak. The charge was brought against the manager of the Irkutsk branch of the bank, who allegedly misused his official powers. At the same time, during the investigation, his connection with Skripnik was never found, who, moreover, did not repay the loan in the amount of 8 million and forgot to pledge real estate and equipment to the bank under the terms of the contract.

Mikhail Skrypnik, as the leader of the new wave, has not yet had a single criminal record. True, he was once brought to criminal responsibility. In 2000, he even spent a month and a half in custody on charges of hooliganism and bodily harm, but the court acquitted him. So he is, as they say, clean before the law.

The absence of a criminal record has so far allowed Skrypnik to enter into negotiations with the heads of large enterprises and organizations, to feel at home in their circle and be considered an honest businessman with no direct ties to the criminal world.

“It’s your fault that I want to eat…”

Now, not only operational information and materials of the criminal case, the investigation of which lasted a year and a half, but also proved by the court: a well-known businessman, owner of shares and enterprises, Mikhail Skripnik, is in fact the organizer of a gang of murderers and extortionists. At one of the first court hearings, after listening to the accusation brought against him by the prosecutor's office, the "authority" arrogantly stated that he did not understand the meaning of the terms "thief in law", "skripovtsy", and asked to be spared from the dubious pleasure of solving such puzzles.

After that, more than 20 victims of the criminal case, about a dozen wives and mothers who buried their loved ones, who were killed by a gang organized by a respectable-looking businessman, went before the court.

Especially in this criminal case, the episodes of extortion of money from the merchant Svetlov and his death are shocking. These crimes were not connected either with the redistribution of spheres of criminal influence, as during the execution of the former officer of Irkutsk Kiselyov, or with revenge on a traitor suspected of killing a comrade-in-arms, as during the attempt on Berduta. The reprisal against Igor Svetlov can only be explained by the wolf laws of the criminal world, where, as in Krylov's fable, the weak is to blame for the fact that the predator wants to eat.

The 50-year-old businessman fell victim to the inhuman greed and cruelty of his criminal acquaintances, whom he mistook for civilized business people. In 1997, Svetlov became close friends with the chairman of the board of one of the banks, K., who asked him to introduce him to his partner Alex Martynov, the head of an American firm. The banker wanted to be helped to place money in US investment funds and purchase in this country land for building. Svetlov brought two businessmen together and considered his mission completed on this. However, when K., who had not fulfilled his obligations to his American partner, was not satisfied with the amount of profit received, it was the intermediary who turned out to be the last one. The missing amount of profit of 300 thousand dollars immediately turned into one and a half million greenbacks - it was first put “on the counter”, and then doubled. After that, an old friend of the banker, Skrypnik, took up the matter. Which is not surprising. According to operational information attached to the materials of the criminal case, K. is a close connection of Vladimir Tyurin, nicknamed Tyurik, an important person in the criminal world (he is currently on the international wanted list). They studied with him in the same class, and Tyurin called K. his brother (their mutual acquaintance told about this during the investigation). In Moscow, the "brothers" even bought apartments in the neighborhood. According to operational information provided by the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk Region, the banker is the author and executor of the most profitable schemes for taking possession of property, the organizer of the bankruptcy of a number of the largest enterprises in the Irkutsk Region, including those with

But if one of the so-called Tyurik brothers turned out to have a bright head, giving birth to ideas for taking over other people's money, then the other had long arms. Skrypnik told Svetlov: “There has never been a case that my debts have not been returned. If you don’t return the money, we will take care of your family and the American.” The businessman, who perfectly understands what serious people he is dealing with, rushed to borrow money from his partners. He managed to find and transfer 750 thousand dollars to the extortionist, but this did not save him. Skrypnik continued to threaten him and his family with murder, took away a Lexus car worth 50 thousand dollars. In the end, desperate, driven to a heart attack, Svetlov sent his wife with two children to America, and he turned to the prosecutor’s office with a statement: “I ask you to immediately take the most serious measures and protect me from extortion and encroachment on my life and the life of my family by Skripa” .

Law enforcement agencies were unable to save the condemned. The investigation was sluggish, the case was suspended several times. Only when Skripnik was arrested did the investigation seriously take up the banker. He categorically denied partnerships with Alex Martynov, acquaintance with Skrypnik, and extortion of money from Svetlov to transfer them to the Tyurin family in Spain, France and Switzerland, as well as to the foreign accounts of his "brotherly" friends. However, in the course of executing international investigative orders and conducting accounting expertise, the fact of transferring large sums from the account of the Complex Systems company, the recipients of which were people close to Vladimir Tyurin, was confirmed.

But all this was already after the death of Igor Svetlov, whose fate was a foregone conclusion: he was assigned the role of the guilty switchman in everything. In July 2002, Svetlov left his house in the village of Molodyozhny in his car and disappeared. His headless corpse was discovered almost two years later in a forest along the Goloustnensky tract. About 20 students of the training center at the regional police department cleared the area in the forest from snow and branches for several days, burned fires to thaw the ground at the place that the bandits themselves indicated to the operatives when Skrypnik's group was finally arrested.

The investigation charged the defendants with the murder of a businessman, but the court did not confirm this conclusion, recognizing the bandits only for the illegal deprivation of Svetlov's freedom. Be that as it may, the crime was thought out to the smallest detail. The plan included tracking the object, staging with checking documents on the road, for which uniform uniforms of traffic police inspectors were bought in advance and striped batons were made. Bandits parked Svetlov's car near the terminal building. According to the investigation, to create the appearance that he had flown out of the city. In court, the perpetrators stated that they thought they were only participating in car theft.

The businessman himself, who allegedly died of a heart attack on the way, was taken to the forest and buried. But first they cut off the head and hands of the corpse. They were neatly folded into a bag and buried separately. The criminals hoped that, thanks to such a precautionary measure, the body, even if found, would not be identified.

Indeed, in order to identify him, it was necessary to conduct a molecular genetic examination. The body of the entrepreneur did not rest soon. He was first buried as the corpse of an unidentified man No. 1355, then an exhumation was carried out to take biological samples and compare them with the blood of Svetlov's mother, establishing their relationship. DNA analysis with a probability of 99.84% showed that the remains under study belong, indeed, to the missing Igor Svetlov.

His wife had to suffer a lot during this time: the search for her husband, the identification of what was left of his body, the reburial of the remains are far from all the problems that suddenly fell on the woman. She, who had not previously known any special financial worries, now had to deal with the creditors of her husband, who borrowed large sums to save her and the children.

Judging by the documents received from the Central Spanish American Bank and attached to the materials of the criminal case, hundreds of thousands of dollars, for which Svetlov endangered his own life and the safety of his family, went to repair the house and buy furniture for the wife of Vladimir Tyurin.

Shooting plan overfulfilled

In the world of organized crime, the struggle for spheres of influence practically does not subside. One of the most high-profile crimes incriminated to Skrypnik and his “torpedoes”, the execution on December 14, 2002 in the center of Irkutsk, near the Sports Palace, of the former city officer Pavel Kiselyov and seven persons accompanying him, was connected precisely with the elimination of an objectionable competitor.

In the late 90s, when Kisel was listed as a gray, criminal, mayor of the regional center, and his position in certain circles was quite high, one of the most influential among the fraternal leaders, Vyacheslav Gamernik, nicknamed Gamera, had a close friendship with him. At that time, he had his own group, which, according to the information of the Organized Crime Control Department at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, was engaged in extortion, oversaw the criminal auto business and the supply of large quantities of heroin. Having accumulated capital on this, Vyacheslav Gamernik invested it in a legal business, becoming the head and owner of fairly large enterprises, a respected person who donates money to the disabled and orphans. At the same time, Gamera never forgot about the interests of the criminal community, without regret, he transferred large sums to the common fund. He never had conflicts with Skripnik.

Pavel Kiselev was not their field berry. When in February 2002, accused of murders, including with a grenade launcher, he received a verdict of not guilty by the regional court, the fraternal leaders met his return from the pre-trial detention center without enthusiasm and even put forward a number of demands. First of all, Kisel had to return to the obshchak a large amount of money spent on personal needs - in the thieves' environment such "pranks" are not forgiven. And besides, he was offered to go into the shadows altogether, to abandon attempts to influence the criminal situation in Irkutsk. While Kiselyov was lying on his bunk in a pre-trial detention center, Gamernik actually took the place of Irkutsk's lieutenant, transferring all the companies that paid tribute to his predecessor under his "roof".

Kissel, of course, tried to defend his position. But he went from the wrong end and made mistakes that ultimately cost him his life. He began to gather around him leaders who were negatively disposed towards the "brotherly". And then he decided to enlist the support of the Lavrushnikov hated by Tyurin - he went to Sochi to meet with representatives of the Georgian thieves' clan in the hope of "crowning" with their help.

Only after this incident, Kiselyov went to Moscow for an audience with his thief in law. Only Gamernik was ahead of him. The officer languished in the waiting room of the crowned lady, waiting for an invitation, which never came. Some of Kiselev's entourage - they say, and he himself - understood then: such an inhospitable behavior of the thief could mean that he gave the go-ahead to the physical elimination of the "authority" who fell into disfavor.

However, preparations for the murder of Kiselyov, as the investigation found out and confirmed by the court, had already begun a few months before. Skripnik unequivocally expressed his will to the foremen Pavel Bazhenov, nicknamed Bashka and Mikhail Zakharin, promising them a reward for Kisel's head - at least 100 thousand rubles. Terian zealously got down to business: they attracted Klabuk, Zyryanov and Bykov, who were verified for joint criminal activity in Bratsk, acquired radio stations, began to study the routes of movement of the future victim, his habits, and security.

Plans were swept aside one after another. Kiselev was going to be killed either from the territory of the kindergarten near his house, or in the Mayak bar, or at the exit from the nightclub. In the end, they tracked down when he went shopping with his wife at the Voyage shopping center. Klabuk radioed that the “object” got into a Toyota Mark 2 car, accompanied by two women and a teenager, and moved past the eastern stand of the Trud stadium. Next went the Zhiguli with three guards and a friend of Kiselyov. They didn't get far. The road to the motorcade of the former officer was blocked by a Nissan Sunny car with transit numbers and checkered taxis on the roof. Zyryanov was driving it. The most responsible - the execution of a person sentenced to death - was undertaken by Bazhenov and Zakharin, Skrypnik's close associates. They fired machine guns at the cars from both sides. Criminalists then counted 25 shots fired by Bazhenov from the Kalash. An automatic burst mowed down all those sitting in the Toyota on the spot: both Kiselyov and his wife, and the son of the murdered thief in law Soloma, 15-year-old Misha, whom the driver went for while the “authority” himself was in the store, and a young saleswoman who asked for regular customers throw it to a friend for gloves forgotten the day before. Zakharin, who fired from the AKM team at the Zhiguli, also did not miss. 16 shots hit the target: three young people - employees of the Grom security agency - died on the spot. Only a friend of Kiselyov escaped with minor injuries and the driver survived, who managed to get out of the car and hide under it.

The weapons of the crime - a Nissan disguised as a taxi, and two machine guns - were abandoned by the pro-killers not far from the scene, and they themselves fled in a car that was waiting for them, driven by Bykov.

At the beginning of the investigation, the suspects confessed. They also talked about the murder of Kiselyov, explaining that they could not refuse to complete the task received "from above". Orders in this organization were carried out without discussion. None of the performers, however, regretted the lives lost in addition, beyond the plan. Like, what can you do, the costs of the craft. At the first meeting of the court, the bandits had to be present at the interrogations of the mothers of the murdered guards. “I don’t know what sentence you will be given,” one of them said, “but even your death will not suit me.” Then it turned out that the saleswoman Sveta, who had forgotten her gloves, was killed for company with her buyer, she was raising a child alone. The 13-year-old boy now lives with his grandmother, who looked at the murderers of her daughter without tears and angry words - she no longer had the strength for this.

Order for a "fireman"

The last murder committed by Skripnik's gang before they ended up on the bunk also had a huge public outcry. It was committed again in a crowded place (near the trolleybus stop "Dental Clinic" in the Solnechny microdistrict), and in the middle of broad daylight - at 12 o'clock on September 5, 2003. The car "Toyota-Mark 2" was shot by automatic bursts and, having lost control, crashed into a tree near the bus stop. Maxim Telushchenko, who was driving, riddled with bullets, died on the spot. The boss, whose bodyguard and driver he was, the leader of the Angarsk criminal group "Firefighters" Alexei Berduto, was not even injured.

The motive for this high-profile crime, as in the execution of Kisel, was again associated with the name of Vyacheslav Gamernik. Only Pavel Kiselev Skrypnik had to get out of the way so as not to interfere with his friend's criminal career, and Aleksey Berduto was sentenced to death as a suspect in the murder of an "authority": on July 19, Vyacheslav Gamernik was shot dead in Moscow.

The Berduty group was called “firefighters” because the gym in the fire station was the meeting place for its members. In this gym, in training, the leader got close to Gamernik, who, although he was five years younger than him and inferior to him in the boxing ring, enjoyed much greater authority in the criminal community and even the favor of the thief in law himself. It is known, for example, that he trusted Gamera with large funds from the common fund for investing in legal business.

Vyacheslav Gamernik came to Angarsk for permanent residence in 1995. Berduto soon became one of his bodyguards and confidants. It was the leader of the “Firefighters” that Gamera secured responsible for the main direction of his criminal business by 2000: the theft of fuel and lubricants from the territory of the ANHK. Berduto had to ensure complete control in this area, cutting off all competitors. Thanks to the patronage of Gamernik, his friend and bodyguard coped with the task brilliantly. Admission Money in the common fund of the Fraternal criminal community has increased significantly. And at the same time, both Gamernik's authority and Berduta's influence in the criminal environment grew.

Only the leader of the "Firefighters", apparently, eventually got tired of being in the shadow of his patron. It became known that Berdut was also in the capital at the same time as Gamera, and on the night of the murder, there was no bodyguard next to the chief. Berduto returned to Irkutsk with the coffin of his patron. No one believed in his clumsy attempts to “get rid of” involvement in the crime. He explained that he went to Moscow alone on his personal business and allegedly ended up with Gamera by accident in the same hotel, witnessing his death.

The role of the direct executors of the order for the murder of Berduta, Skrypnik assigned, according to the investigation, to the killers - the most experienced and closest to him, Alexander Antonov and Andrey Alexandrov. All the same Pashka Bazhenov, who communicated directly with the boss, called his battle-tested criminal brigade from Bratsk - Zakharin, Zyryanov and Klabuk. Each of them knew his function: who should follow Berduta, who should drive the car from which the shooting should be carried out (it was again disguised as a taxi), who should ensure the escape of the killers.

Later it was established that Antonov fired at least 14 shots at Berduta’s car from a Chinese machine gun, Aleksandrov fired 7 from a Kalashnikov. All the bullets went to Maxim Telushchenko, a bodyguard with a law college diploma. His boss, who was fond of boxing, had a good reaction: he managed to duck down, instantly sensing danger.

However, the brave leader of the criminal gang, who terrified competitors in Angarsk, was seriously frightened, apparently guessing who ordered it. Even when Skripnik landed in a pre-trial detention center along with his militants (only the killers Alexandrov and Antonov managed to disappear, in respect of which the case was separated into a separate proceeding), a sound sleep did not return to Berdut. Hiding from the operatives who caught him as the main defendant in another criminal case, he was much more afraid long arms Creaks. He even thought of handing over a video cassette with a statement through a lawyer to the Organized Crime Control Department, in which he asks to stop the criminal prosecution against those detained for the attempt on him: supposedly he knows them well and they could not wish him death.

But at least Aleksey Berduto is alive today. In the regional court, the consideration of the criminal case on charges of organizing a criminal community, banditry and many murders is nearing completion.

However, not all participants in the high-profile crime in Solnechny managed to live to see the court verdict. On the night of February 4, 2004, the corpse of Pavel Bazhenov with a noose around his neck was found in the solitary confinement cell of the pre-trial detention center. Before that, he confessed, because of which he was very worried. During interrogation, he stated that the operatives put pressure on him, but during a covert interrogation using a hidden video camera, the prisoner said doomedly: “For me, testifying against Skrypnik is ...” and ran his finger along his neck, making it clear what exactly should follow this . And so it happened.

To each according to work

Skripnik's gang was distinguished by strict discipline and devotion to the leader. It gathered tough guys who were quite professional in their duties. It was not easy to get into this group, created on the basis of compatriot ties. The gangster corps consisted of young people who had known each other from school, such as Bazhenov, Zyryanov and Klabuk, or from joint criminal activities in fraternal groups. Baska at the preliminary investigation said: "The skripnik asked me to find reliable guys to carry out his tasks." Reliable guys were called from Bratsk to Irkutsk, where Bashka placed them in rented apartments, gave money for food and, of course, everything necessary for the performance of their functional duties: cars, weapons, walkie-talkies, money to buy uniforms, rent garages, etc.

But if it was difficult to enter a gang, then voluntarily leaving it was simply impossible. At the preliminary investigation, Zyryanov, talking about the murder of Kiselyov and his entourage, said that since he got into Skrypnik's group, he had no other choice but to participate in the crime, since not following Skrypnik's instructions meant death. Only death, as in the case of Bazhenov, or a serious injury, as in the case of Prudnikov, who crashed in a car, could free voluntary recruits from the bandit share.

However, they did not consider her unhappy. For their work they were supposed to be rewarded - each in accordance with his contribution to the common cause. According to the testimony of the same Zyryanov, he and Zakharin received 50,000 rubles each from Skrypnik for participating in the execution of Kisel. Klabuk, according to him, was given out for this crime only 10 thousand.

The bandit formation had a four-level structure. The man, as the ordinary “employees” of the organizer of their “enterprise” Skrypnik called, with his unquestioned authority occupied a dominant position - he led the armed group without going directly to ordinary members. Operational command was entrusted to Pavel Bazhenov and Mikhail Zakharin. Skripnik was especially close with Baska, they even walked together at Tyurin's birthday party. The foremen planned crimes, prepared them, distributed roles among ordinary soldiers, monitored discipline, handing out cuffs to petty violators. “We were forbidden to drink alcohol,” Klabuk said during the investigation, and when this happened, Bazhenov and Zakharin beat us, but not much. Klabuk himself and his friend Prudnikov were listed as privates in the group - infantry, who were instructed to follow the intended victim, drive the car to the garage, etc. Zyryanov and Bykov were tougher. Their privileged position is associated with a long record of "work" with Skrypnik. These veterans of the organization have already managed to leave a legacy in Bratsk. In 1996, they, together with Bashka, were brought to justice for the fact that, while dealing with the guy who crashed Skripnik's Mercedes, they tried to take away his apartment for debts. But this case was successfully dismissed, as well as another, in which Zyryanov and Bazhenov were detained for rape of minors.

Skrypnik through Baska paid for the services of each. For this, there was a special monetary fund, which he disposed of. The salary depended not only on the position, but also on the quality of work. When, for example, the militants killed his bodyguard Telushchenko instead of Berduta, their bonus, as they say, was covered.

The leader of the gang, as both the investigation and the court admitted, turned out to be a good organizer. In his group, for example, there was an excellent conspiracy. All the Skripovites had a permanent residence permit in Bratsk, and they visited Irkutsk only at the call of the brigadier when a business was planned. After the "business trip" they returned to their native land. And the life of the police was complicated, and an alibi in case of a trial was at hand.

In secret apartments, the fighters lived in accordance with the position they occupied in the gang: the privates were separate from the foremen.

As for the cars needed to monitor future victims, hide from crime scenes, block the passage of those sentenced to death, the court counted eight foreign cars and at least five domestic cars in the gang. Moreover, all the cars turned out to be either issued to nominees, or registered to the previous owners, with whom the bandits did not fully pay off, or were previously stolen. They hid them in specially rented garages.

Moreover, the members of the gang, as the court established, were engaged in robbery for expensive foreign cars and on their own, without the blessing of Skripnik. Outsiders were sometimes invited to help. The court considered three such episodes. In each of them, the drivers were not only threatened with a gun, but also beaten, taking away their jeeps, for which the hunt was announced.

End of the gang

And yet - despite the brilliant conspiracy, clear discipline and organization - Skripnik's gang came to an end. This happened at a time when the reputation of the Skripovites, or, as they are also called fraternal, was just on the rise. In criminal circles they were afraid, in business circles they were considered. And ordinary citizens, looking at lawlessness, mass executions in the city, for which no one is responsible, lost their last confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Under investigation, tough bandits gave confessions, which were the basis of the verdict by the court. Later, in the trial, all the accused, as usual, retracted their words, stated that they had slandered themselves and their accomplices under the pressure of the operatives, the physical and mental influence of the cellmates specially planted next to them. Their statements were checked by the court, but did not find confirmation.

The attempt to save the position of the defendants with the help of false alibis failed. Although, it must be admitted, the lawyers did a huge job. About two hundred additional witnesses were invited to the court hearings, who assured, for example, that on the day of the execution of Kiselyov, Skrypnik was hunting, and during the preparation for it, Zakharin was in Bratsk, where he participated in cross-country skiing. Zyryanov at that time allegedly carried out a cultural program - he watched the film "Die, but not now" at the "Chaika" cinema together with a girl who, after the session, took him to her place. Bykov, on the other hand, was being treated for such an illness that he was not up to Kiselyov. During interrogations, Skripnik's well-wishers naturally got confused, contradicted each other and themselves. The court was critical of both their "good" intentions and the assurances of accomplices that they had slandered themselves during the investigation. More confidence was caused just by the testimony that the defendants gave during the investigation, since they were obtained in accordance with the procedural norms, are stable and do not contradict the totality of the evidence presented.

We should pay tribute to the operatives of the department for solving contract killings of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the region, who managed to unravel the crimes of the Skripovites, who for years were listed as "capercaillie", to obtain material evidence that allowed the bandits to sit in the dock.

A colossal work was carried out by the investigative team, created from seven experienced employees specifically to work on the Skripnik case. The division was headed by Vladimir Bukin, head of the regional prosecutor's office. By the way, according to the results of last year, he was recognized as the winner in the competition “The Best Investigator of the Irkutsk Region” announced by the governor. Previously suspended criminal cases, in which the Skripovites were involved, were merged into one, which by the end of the investigation had swelled to 63 volumes.

State prosecutors Sergei Plahotniuk and Lyudmila Inyutina from the regional prosecutor's office, who during the trial managed to break up numerous false alibis of the defendants, asked for life imprisonment for the leader of the gang, Mikhail Skrypnyk, and his main, most active assistant, Mikhail Zakharin.

The court sentenced Mikhail Skripnik, guilty of creating and leading a gang, premeditated murder, extortion and robbery, to 23 years in prison in a strict regime colony. Mikhail Zakharin, who participated in the murder of nine people, received a life sentence, which he will serve in a special regime colony. Artyom Klabuk was sentenced by the court to 21 years, Oleg Zyryanov - 20, Alexei Bykov -15 years in correctional institutions of strict regime. Aleksey Tishchenko and Denis Komissarov, who are not members of the gang, received 7.5 and 7 years, respectively, for participating in robbery attacks.

Ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov. According to investigators, he turned out to be the Russian crime boss Vladimir Tyurin. In the 1990s, he led a "fraternal" criminal gang. The son of a criminal authority could also be involved in the murder of Voronenkov. Sofya Savina found out how the head of the organized criminal group passed his business to his descendants.


The fraternal criminal group got its name in honor of the Siberian city of Bratsk in the Irkutsk region. In the early days of their existence, the "brotherly" supervised the drug trade, they were also ordered to kill business competitors. In 1991, the leader of the group, Alexander Moiseev, nicknamed Masya, died. His successor was Vladimir Tyurin - known under the nicknames Tyurik, Batya and Projectionist.

Two years later, he is “crowned” - ordained as a thief. The ceremony is held by the thief in law Yaponchik (Vyacheslav Ivankov). Among Tyurin's other influential friends in the underworld are Shakro Molodoy (Zakhary Kalashov) and Ded Hasan (Aslan Usoyan).

Gradually, the "fraternal" take over all the major enterprises of the oil and timber industry of the Irkutsk region. The leader of the group, Vladimir Tyurin, controlled the Bratsk aluminum plant, the city's casino, and export channels for metals and timber from Siberia to St. Petersburg and Western Europe.

On the right is the leader of the Bratskaya OCG Vladimir Tyurin

One of the most high-profile murders committed by the “fraternal” was the elimination of Roman Tsepov, nicknamed “guard cardinal”. He guarded the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, as well as Vladimir Putin, then vice-mayor of the city.

The influence of Tyurik is still being talked about. This year, sources of journalists in law enforcement agencies called him a contender for the role of the head of the Russian underworld. The place was vacated after the arrest of "thief in law No. 1" - Shakro Molodoy.

As befits a thief in law, Vladimir Tyurin has his “friends” among big businessmen and officials. Billionaire Oleg Deripaska and ex-State Duma deputy Nikolai Kuryanovich were called his friends. The former common-law wife of Tyurin, Maria Maksakova, was also a State Duma deputy.

Now Maksakova is connected with Tyurin by two common children. She is known as an opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre. In 2011, she was elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party and joined the culture committee. A year earlier, Maksakova mentioned Tyurin in an interview as her husband. She married the murdered Denis Voronenkov only in 2015.


Tyurin's "zones of influence" are called not only the Irkutsk region, but also the criminal world of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Spain. He moved to the Spanish city of Orihuela in 1998. There, in partnership with other criminal authorities, he created a network of "laundries" - firms for laundering criminal proceeds.

In 2005, the local police carried out Operation Osa, during which more than 200 members of the "Russian mafia" were arrested. Tyurin escaped arrest: at that moment he was in Russia. The Spanish authorities put Tyurik on the international wanted list and in 2010 sent a request to Russia to extradite the criminal. He was accused of creating a criminal community and laundering criminal money that he invested in seaside resorts.

Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova

Russian authorities arrested Tyurin in 2010. During the arrest, it turned out that he received Russian citizenship illegally, and was registered in Kazakhstan. There he moved to live in 1991 to his common-law wife - then he received local citizenship. The trial lasted until 2012. As a result, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office refused to extradite Tyurin to Spain.

According to some reports, now Vladimir Tyurin has left the crime and is engaged in legal business. Only two companies are registered in the Russian Unified Register of Legal Entities individual entrepreneur with the same name as Tyurin - one in Moscow, the other in Yekaterinburg. There is also a machine tool trading company called Snabprofit from Kaluga, founded by a person with the same name. At the same time, more than a dozen companies are registered in the name of the son of the head of the "fraternal" - Dmitry Tyurin.


According to the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, the son of Vladimir Tyurin, 32-year-old Dmitry, was involved in the murder of Voronenkov. According to the investigation, he got the role of an intermediary: on March 20, he flew on a Rome-Kyiv flight and brought some money for the perpetrators of the murder.

Maria Maksakova also commented on suspicions of Dmitry Tyurin's involvement: “It is likely that Tyurin's son is also involved in this. They are all there henchmen of an infinite group.

The sphere of business interests of the leader of the "fraternal" included enterprises in the mining, forestry and oil industries. The son of Vladimir Tyurin is interested in exactly the same. Now under the control of Dmitry Tyurin there are several companies in Bratsk at once - the native year of his father and his organized criminal group.

Dmitry owns 50% stakes in local companies: Bratsk Investment Complex LLC, Promis LLC, OGR LLC, TC Baikal LLC, East Siberia Region - Product Trade LLC, Germes Management Company LLC, BratskSibResource LLC and a 32% stake in Power of Siberia LLC.

Homeland of the "Brotherly" criminal gang

Fraternal partners of Dmitry Tyurin - Mikhail Shchetkin and Sergey Silko - are listed as leaders in the same companies as Tyurin himself. Sergey Silko is a brotherly businessman, he calls himself a “philanthropist” and invests in a martial arts sports club. In one of the interviews, he says that he owns hunting grounds where sables are bred. He owns hunting companies for wild animals: Angarsky Sobol LLC, Sobol LLC, Ostrov LLC, Sports Hunting Club LLC.

The second partner, Mikhail Shchetkin, heads the United Group "Razvitie", which owns the markets and shopping malls of Bratsk. Previously, these companies belonged to other owners. They were headed by a local businessman Alexander Demidov.

He was called a confidant of the local authoritative businessman Artsruni Khachatryan, a deputy of the Bratsk City Duma, the right hand of the mayor. It was he who was the director of the municipal enterprise "Association of City Markets", which controlled all the shopping areas of the city.

According to local media reports, Khachatryan was friends with Vladimir Tyurin and was also associated with the Bratsk organized criminal group. After his death in 2006 (according to one version, it was a murder), the markets were headed by Alexander Demidov, and then Dmitry Tyurin.


Dmitry Tyurin wholly owns two Moscow-based precious metals mining and gold trading companies: Selco Life Group LLC and Robur LLC.

Another of his Moscow companies, Kazakhoil Moscow LLC, specializes in the production of petroleum products and fuel trade. The share of 50% of the company belongs to Dmitry Tyurin, the rest belongs to the Kazakh partnership "Kazakhoil Trans World Group". The partnership is headed by Dauren Kogabaevich Sarsekeyev.

This is the young son of the Kazakh writer and journalist Kogabay Sarsekeyev, who made a career in the oil and gas business. According to the Panama Archives, an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands "First Line Intervest Ltd" with a registration address in Moscow is registered with him.

Dmitry Tyurin owned a share in a commercial bank six months ago - 9.7% of the shares of the Ritz-Bank in Petrozavodsk, Karelia. The bank was involved in a criminal case, and in May 2017 its license was revoked. The order of the Bank of Russia states that the management and owners of the Ritz-Bank "withdrawn assets", as a result of which the bank completely lost its capital.

Dmitry Tyurin's partners, who owned shares in the Ritz-Bank, Dmitry Khasanov and Elmira Miloserdova, were arrested in October 2016 in the case of embezzlement at JSC Development Corporation. Its former CEO, Sergei Maslov, is suspected of embezzling 1 billion of corporation funds. According to the investigation, Khasanov and Miloserdova provided the management of the Development Corporation with financial and legal services. The rest of the bank's shareholders, like Dmitry Tyurin himself, were not affected by the arrests.


The name of Dmitry Tyurin is also listed in the Panama Archive, a leak of documents from Mossack Fonseca, which helps register offshore companies. According to the archive, Dmitry Tyurin is a shareholder of the company "Boster Resources Ltd" with a Swiss address and jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands. The company was registered in February 2013 and existed until October 2014. Another owner of the company is a man named Yuri Alekseev with a registered address in Moscow.

The registration address of Dmitry Tyurin in the Panama Archives coincides with the address given by his father Vladimir Tyurin on video detentions:

- Where are they registered?

- Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka, 4-39.

An elite cottage with a fireplace, a gym, dressing rooms, a sauna and a swimming pool in Palitsy on Rublyovka can be purchased for 45 million rubles.

In total, the leader of the “fraternal” organized criminal group Vladimir Tyurin has four children: two sons from his first marriage (one of them is Dmitry) and also children from Maria Maksakova - a minor son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila. It is Vladimir Tyurin who is engaged in the upbringing of younger children. In July 2017, they celebrated Ilya's birthday on a yacht in Crimea.