
Heroes of the work Asya Turgenev. The meaning of the title of Ivan Turgenev's story "Asya. Writing history and prototypes

The romantic story "Asya" was written in 1857 and a year later published in Sovremennik. Later, Turgenev himself translated the work into French, since other translations did not satisfy him.

The main characters of the story "Asia":

N.N.- A twenty-five-year-old man. He loved to travel, had good health, youth, money. He was interested and admired by new faces and characters. In a German town he met young people like himself. He liked them. Asya, so unusual and so different, the chameleon girl made a deep impression on him. But he did not fully realize that he loved her. Not realizing, he did not say to her those words that she had been waiting for. Asya and her brother left, but N.N. I tried to catch up with them, and then for a long time I remembered this unusual girl.

Asya- a dark-skinned, pretty girl with black eyes and a graceful figure. Asya was an extremely mobile girl. Every minute she jumped up, ran into the house, came back again. She often laughed at her thoughts. She looked at people directly and boldly. She was a little strange and incomprehensible. She could be lively and laughing, concentrated and modest, calm and meek. Every time different. Asya was the daughter of a nobleman and a peasant woman. Therefore, she did not look much like a girl of a noble family. She spent 4 years in a boarding house, and there, however, some manners were instilled in her. She studied well, but was a wayward girl. Asya fell in love with N.N., but did not immediately admit it to herself.

Asya's mother considered a woman to be impregnable. She agreed with her master only after the death of his wife. Gagin's father wanted to marry her, but she refused, she believed that she could not be a lady. She did not want Asya to live in a manor house.

Gagin- an ugly young man. He “had just such a face, sweet, affectionate, with big soft eyes and soft curly hair. He spoke in such a way that, even without seeing his face, you could feel by the sound of his voice that he was smiling. He dreamed of devoting his life to painting. But he was a sluggish man, incapable of hard work. He was a noble young man who took care of his half-sister.

Father of Gagin and Asya spent most of his life in the countryside. His wife died early, and, surviving the death of his beloved woman, he withdrew into himself and within four walls. He sent his son to his brother in St. Petersburg, where young Gagin received an excellent military education.

The story ends in separation. This is how people often cannot tell each other the most important things, and misunderstanding deprives them of happiness. N. was afraid of Asya's feelings, and somewhere subconsciously felt that he could not marry Asya. He did not take the step that Asya and her brother expected from him. Gagin took Asya away so that N.N. didn't make her suffer.

Almost every famous Russian classic in his work turned to such a literary genre as a story, its main characteristics are the average volume between a novel and a story, one detailed plot line, a small number of characters. The famous prose writer of the 19th century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, turned to this genre more than once throughout his entire literary career.

One of his most famous works, written in the genre of love lyrics, is the story "Asya", which is also often referred to as an elegiac genre of literature. Here readers find not only beautiful landscape sketches and a subtle, poetic description of feelings, but also some lyrical motifs that smoothly turn into plot ones. Even during the life of the writer, the story was translated and published in many European countries and enjoyed a great polarity of readers both in Russia and abroad.

History of writing

The story "Asya" Turgenev began to write in July 1857 in Germany, in the city of Sinzeg am Rhein, where the events described in the book take place. Having finished the book in November of the same year (writing the story was a little delayed due to the author’s illness and overwork), Turgenev sent the work to the editors of the Russian journal Sovremennik, in which it had long been expected and published in early 1858.

According to Turgenev himself, he was inspired to write the story by a fleeting picture he saw in Germany: an elderly woman looks out of the window of the house on the first floor, and the silhouette of a young girl is seen in the window of the second floor. The writer, thinking about what he saw, comes up with a possible fate for these people and thus creates the story "Asya".

According to many literary critics, this story was personal for the author, since it was based on some events that took place in real life Turgenev, and the images of the main characters have a clear connection, both with the author himself and with his inner circle (the prototype for Asya could be the fate of his illegitimate daughter Polina Brewer or his half-sister V.N. Zhitova, also born out of wedlock, Mr. N .N., on behalf of whom the story is told in Asa, has character traits and a similar fate with the author himself).

Analysis of the work

Plot development

The description of the events that took place in the story is conducted on behalf of a certain N.N., whose name the author leaves unknown. The narrator recalls his youth and his stay in Germany, where on the banks of the Rhine he meets his compatriot from Russia Gagin and his sister Anna, whom he takes care of and calls Asya. A young girl with her eccentricity of actions, constantly changing disposition and amazing attractive appearance makes N.N. great impression, and he wants to know as much as possible about her.

Gagin tells him the difficult fate of Asya: she is his illegitimate half-sister, born from his father's relationship with the maid. After the death of her mother, her father took the thirteen-year-old Asya to him and raised her as a young lady from a good society should. Gagin, after the death of his father, becomes her guardian, first he sends her to a boarding house, then they leave to live abroad. Now N.N., knowing the unclear social status of the girl who was born to a serf mother and a landowner father, understands what caused Asya's nervous tension and her slightly eccentric behavior. He becomes deeply sorry for the unfortunate Asya, and he begins to have tender feelings for the girl.

Asya, like Pushkinskaya Tatyana, writes a letter to Mr. N.N. asking for a date, he, unsure of his feelings, hesitates and promises Gagin not to accept his sister's love, because he is afraid to marry her. The meeting between Asya and the narrator is chaotic, Mr. N.N. reproaches her that she confessed her feelings for his brother and now they cannot be together. Asya runs away in confusion, N.N. realizes that he really loves the girl and wants her back, but does not find it. The next day, having come to the Gagins' house with the firm intention of asking for the girl's hand, he learns that Gagin and Asya left the city, he tries to find them, but all his efforts are in vain. Never again in his life N.N. does not meet Asya and her brother, and at the end of his life path he realizes that although he had other hobbies, he truly loved only Asya and he still keeps the dried flower that she once gave him.

main characters

The main character of the story, Anna, whom her brother calls Asya, is a young girl with an unusually attractive appearance (a thin boyish figure, short curly hair, wide-open eyes bordered by long and fluffy eyelashes), a direct and noble character, distinguished by an ardent temperament and a difficult, tragic fate. Born from an extramarital affair between a maid and a landowner, and raised by her mother in strictness and obedience, after her death, she cannot get used to her new role as a mistress for a long time. She perfectly understands her false position, therefore she does not know how to behave in society, she is shy and shy of everyone, and at the same time proudly wants no one to pay attention to her origin. Left early alone without parental attention and left to herself, Asya, beyond her years, thinks early about the life contradictions surrounding her.

The main character of the story, like other female images in Turgenev's works, is distinguished by an amazing purity of soul, morality, sincerity and openness of feelings, a craving for strong feelings and experiences, a desire to perform feats and great deeds for the benefit of people. It is on the pages of this story that such a common concept for all the heroines of the Turgenev young lady and the Turgenev feeling of love appears, which for the author is akin to a revolution invading the lives of the heroes, testing their feelings for stamina and ability to survive in difficult living conditions.

Mr. N.N.

The main male character and narrator of the story, Mr. N.N., has the features of a new literary type, which in Turgenev replaced the type of "superfluous people". This hero completely lacks the typical “extra person” conflict with the outside world. He is an absolutely calm and prosperous person with a balanced and harmonious self-organization, easily gives in to vivid impressions and feelings, all his experiences are simple and natural, without falsehood and pretense. In love experiences, this hero strives for peace of mind, which would be intertwined with their aesthetic completeness.

After meeting Asya, his love becomes more tense and contradictory; at the last moment, the hero cannot fully surrender to feelings, because they are overshadowed by the disclosure of the secret of feelings. Later, he cannot immediately tell Asya's brother that he is ready to marry her, because he does not want to disturb the feeling of happiness that overwhelms him, and also fearing future changes and the responsibility that he will have to take on someone else's life. All this leads to a tragic denouement, after his betrayal, he loses Asya forever and it is too late to correct the mistakes he made. He has lost his love, rejected the future and the very life that he could have, and pays for it throughout his life devoid of joy and love.

Features of compositional construction

The genre of this work belongs to an elegiac story, the basis of which is a description of love experiences and melancholic discussions about the meaning of life, regret about unfulfilled dreams and sadness about the future. The work is based on a beautiful love story that ended in a tragic separation. The composition of the story is built according to the classical model: the beginning of the plot is a meeting with the Gagin family, the development of the plot is the rapprochement of the main characters, the emergence of love, the culmination is a conversation between Gagin and N.N. about Asya's feelings, the denouement is a date with Asya, an explanation of the main characters, the Gagin family leaves Germany, an epilogue - Mr. N.N. reflects on the past, regrets unfulfilled love. The highlight of this work is Turgenev's use of the old literary technique of plot framing, when a narrator is introduced into the narrative and the motivation for his actions is given. Thus, the reader receives a "story within a story" designed to reinforce the meaning of the story being told.

In his critical article “A Russian Man at a Rendezvous,” Chernyshevsky sharply condemns the indecisiveness and petty, timid selfishness of Mr. N.N., whose image is slightly softened by the author in the epilogue of the work. Chernyshevsky, on the contrary, without choosing expressions, sharply condemns the act of Mr. N.N. and pronounces his sentence in the same way as he did. The story "Asya", due to the depth of its content, has become a real gem in the literary heritage of the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. The great writer, like no one else, managed to convey his philosophical reflections and thoughts about the fate of people, about that time in the life of every person when his actions and words can forever change it for better or worse.

Asya: Asya woman's name. It can be diminutive of the names Xenia, Angelina, Anastasia, Alesya, Alice, Anna, Asiya, Vasilisa. Asya (story) story by Ivan Turgenev. Written in 1857. Asya (film) melodrama based on the story ... ... Wikipedia

story- STORY a literary work of a descriptive narrative genre; in terms of its size and, most importantly, the speed of deployment of episodes, P. is closer to a story than to a novel, which is characterized by versatility and a more detailed description of events and ... ... Poetic dictionary

N. N. ("Asya")- See also At twenty-five he had just broken free. He was healthy, young, cheerful; money was not transferred from him, worries had not yet had time to start, and he lived without looking back, did what he wanted, prospered, in a word. N. N. and not in the head ... ... Dictionary of literary types

Ghosts Cover of the collection of mystical stories by I.S. Turgenev (2011) Genre: short story

This term has other meanings, see Spring waters. Spring waters Genre: Short story

This term has other meanings, see First love. First Love Genre: Novel

Years in the literature of the XIX century. 1858 in literature. 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 ... Wikipedia

Andrey Kolosov- story. The first of Turgenev's works to appear in print. Written in 1844; published in the same year in Otech. app. signed by T. L. (Turgenev Lutovinov). Under such initials, until 1848, all the works of J.S. were printed. The story is conducted in ... Dictionary of literary types

Famous writer. Genus. October 28, 1818 in Orel. It is difficult to imagine a greater contrast than the general spiritual appearance of T. and the environment from which he directly emerged. His father Sergei Nikolaevich, a retired colonel cuirassier, was ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia


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  • Asya. Grade 8 (audiobook MP3), I. S. Turgenev. "Asya" by I. S. Turgenev is a touching, tender and unusually lyrical story about love, which embodies forever entered into world literature the image of the "Turgenev girl" - modest, ...

And a film based on this book. A young girl with an indeterminate social position. The daughter of a maid, born of a master. Raised by brother. Beloved of the protagonist of the story.

History of creation

Ivan Turgenev began working on Asya in the summer of 1857 and completed the text in November. The first publication took place in 1858, when the first issue of the literary magazine Sovremennik was published. It was expected that Turgenev would send the story much earlier to the editor, but the work went slowly due to illness and the general tired state of the author.

The idea of ​​the story was born by a writer in Germany. In one small town, Turgenev became an accidental witness to a scene that stimulated his imagination. A young girl was looking out of a window in the upper floors of the house, and at the same time, an elderly woman was looking out of the window on the first floor. Ivan Turgenev became interested in the life of these two persons and tried to imagine what was happening between them. The idea of ​​the story "Asya" was born from these reflections.

There are many autobiographical moments in the story. Turgenev himself had an illegitimate daughter, Polina, who became the prototype for Asya. Like the heroine of the story, Polina was, from the point of view of the society of that time, in a strange position. The girl's mother was a peasant woman, and her father, Ivan Turgenev, was a master. Polina fell into the society of nobles from the peasant world and felt out of place in the new environment. Turgenev also had an illegitimate sister, Varvara, who could also become the prototype of Asya.

Illustrations for the story at different times were created by artists David Borovsky, Ksenia Klementieva and Vladimir Zeldes.


The scene is a small town on the banks of the Rhine. Main character gets to a noisy student holiday with music and there he meets two compatriots - a girl Asya and her brother, a certain Gagin, who is going to become an artist.

Ash is 17 years old. The full name of the heroine is Anna Nikolaevna Gagina. This is a short thin girl with a "boyish" shoulder-length haircut, a brunette with curly hair, black eyes and long eyelashes. He wears a wide-brimmed straw hat that covers part of his face, muslin scarves and long shawls.

Asya often has mood swings, the girl is either sad or begins to have fun noisily, is eccentric and does unexpected things. Maybe, for example, climb the ruins of an old castle, deciding to suddenly water the flowers there. Slowly, the main character begins to realize that Asya, in all likelihood, is not really Gagin's sister.

A few days later, the protagonist's patience bursts, and he calls Gagin to a frank conversation. It turns out that Asya really does not have to be Gagin's sister. Gagin himself, at the age of twelve, left home for St. Petersburg, to a boarding school. The hero's father lived in the village and by the time Gagin left, he had become a widower.

Only after his father died, Gagin found out that the parent had another illegitimate child - a girl. This child was Asya, who was born from the master by the maid Tatyana, who worked in the Gagins' house. Until the age of nine, the girl lived with her mother in a hut and grew up in a simple village environment, so her manners looked a little like a “lady”.

In the ninth year of Asina's life, her mother died, and the girl ended up in the house of her landowner father. There they began to re-educate the girl, trying to make her a girl of noble birth. At the time of her father's death, Asya was already thirteen years old. Of the relatives, the girl had only a half-brother, in whose care Asya ended up. Twenty-year-old Gagin single-handedly raised the girl.

Asya spent four years in a St. Petersburg boarding school, where her brother passed the heroine. She had a hard time there. At the boarding house, they tried to re-educate the girl, but Asya's "wild" character has changed little. They tried to instill in the heroine good manners and teach French and German and also taught to dance the waltz.

Then Asya, together with Gagin, goes abroad, where the young people meet the main character. Asya causes deep pity in the hero. He thinks that the nervous state of the girl is caused by the precariousness of her social position.

Asya really has a lot of complexes on the basis of her own "obscene" origin. The heroine is ashamed of her own mother and wants to be no worse than "noble" girls. Because of these complexes, Asya's behavior often looks unnatural - the girl looks tense, laughs strangely, likes to show off and does not behave very skillfully in society.

Asya is used to voicing out loud everything that comes to mind, she does not know how to lie, and she masks her natural timidity with cheeky behavior. It is difficult to get along with the heroine, despite the fact that Asya has a kind heart. At the same time, the girl is smart, energetic and mobile, funny and does not like to sit still.

The brother considers Asya a capricious and spoiled girl. The heroine is indeed prone to pranks and impudent behavior, she likes to get acquainted with people of a lower circle. At the same time, Asya is proud and never complains, the heroine is characterized by heightened pride and ambition.

Illustration for Turgenev's story "Asya"

Young people are imbued with tender feelings for each other, and one day Asya writes a letter to the hero asking for a date. The hero has a serious conversation with Asya's brother. He sees what feelings the girl has for the hero, and wonders if he is going to marry Asa. The protagonist hesitates and is not sure that he really wants to marry this woman. As a result, they agree that at the next meeting the hero will reject Asya's feelings, so as not to reassure the girl in vain.

The next time, Asya meets the hero in a house belonging to the widow of the burgomaster. Asya confesses her own feelings to the hero and throws herself into his arms, but the hero suddenly begins to make claims to the girl. The hero, it turns out, did not like the fact that Asya trusted her brother and told him about her own feelings for the hero. According to the hero, this will prevent them from being together now.

Having heard all this and realizing that her love is unrequited, Asya runs away, and the hero, along with Gagin, has to look for a girl. The main character finally realizes that he still has a desire to marry Asa and some feelings for the girl. However, it's already too late. The hero is going to talk to Gagin the next day to ask Ashina for his hand, but it turns out that Asya and her brother left the city. The hero manages to find out that they went to London, but there the trail of Asya is finally lost. The further biography of the heroine remains unknown.

The key theme of the work is the problem of love, which does not find a response. And also the theme of an extra person, a hero with an indecisive temperament, who does not find a place in life and misses a happy opportunity in love.

Screen adaptations

In 1977, the film studio "Lenfilm" released the film-melodrama "Asya" based on the novel by Ivan Turgenev. Iosif Kheifits became the director of the film and the author of the script, the actress starred in the role of Asya. The film was shot in cooperation with the German film studio DEFA. Filming took place in the cities of Babelsberg and Potsdam. An actor played the role of Gagin, and Vyacheslav Ezepov played the main character. German actors starred as supporting characters.


“She ran towards the house. I ran after her - and a few moments later we were circling in the cramped room, to the sweet sounds of Lanner. Asya waltzed beautifully, with enthusiasm. Something soft, feminine suddenly appeared through her girlish strict appearance.
“Happiness has no tomorrow; he does not have yesterday either; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that is not a day, but an instant.
“I remember that I was walking home without thinking about anything, but with a strange heaviness in my heart, when suddenly I was struck by a strong, familiar, but rare smell in Germany. I stopped and saw a small hemp bed near the road. Her steppe smell instantly reminded me of my homeland and aroused in my soul a passionate longing for her. I wanted to breathe Russian air, walk on Russian soil.

Written in 1857. This story tells us about the unhappy love of a young underage girl who fell in love with a twenty-five-year-old man. The story is based on the recollection of a certain N.N., who is one of the main characters in Turgenev's story "Asya". In addition to N.N., the story also has the main character Asya, whose characterization we need to describe.

The image of Asya in Turgenev's story

The image of Asya in Turgenev's story is well drawn in the work. And this is a pretty girl, with a roundish face. She has a small nose and round cheeks. Dark hair, light eyes with long eyelashes. Asya is graceful, "her slender appearance was clearly and beautifully drawn in the clear sky." The girl was fluent in two languages. It is this portrait of a girl that emerges when you read summary Turgenev's story "Asya".

Asya is the illegitimate daughter of a landowner and a peasant woman. The girl knew about this and was very ashamed, "she wanted to make the whole world forget her origin." After the death of her mother, she lived in her father's house, and after his death she was in the care of her brother. And although Asya studied at the best boarding school, she could not become a real young lady. She is "accustomed to chatting whatever comes into her head."

Asya was naturally timid, but at the same time she behaved cheekily. This is a girl about whom you can say "gunpowder" and "fire", "chameleon girl". She is wayward, kind, sincere, sensitive. Asya can be like a child, or she can be capricious, playful and impudent. Her image remains forever in the memory of the reader.
One day she met her love in the form of Mr. N.N. And I completely surrendered to this feeling, which I experienced for the first time. For her N.N. was a real hero. She fell in love so much that she is ready for anything, but the girl made the wrong choice. N.N was indecisive and despite the fact that his feelings were mutual, despite the fact that the girl told him “yours” and confessed her love, he rejected her and Asya leaves forever. N.N. later he regretted his decision many times, but it was too late.

The girl's first love was broken and unhappy.

In the essay based on Turgenev's story "Asya", I would like to highlight the main idea of ​​Turgenev's story "Asya". The author shows us how important it is to do everything on time and not be afraid of your feelings. You have to fight for your dream so you don't regret it later. And just Asya was not afraid, Asya acted, and although we do not know the girl's future life, we would very much like her future to be happy.