
Non-woven wallpaper. Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper What non-woven wallpaper is made of

Have you decided to renovate and change the wallpaper? Nowadays the buyer has a wide choice, but it does not always meet high quality standards. Non-woven wallpaper- an interesting solution to the problem.

Their characteristics:
- strength;
- texture resistant to deformation;
- ease of application;
- high quality wallpaper and related materials for pasting;
- affordable price.

Why should you choose this wallpaper? Suffice it to say that interlining is a strong non-woven base. Composition: cellulose and synthetic fiber. The material is made from environmentally friendly raw materials, is breathable and resistant to fire. The fiber is particularly durable. During repeated repairs, the base - non-woven fabric - remains on the wall, further strengthening and leveling it. Such characteristics provide a number of advantages of this wallpaper over paper-based wallpaper.

Types of these products:
1. Restoration wallpaper (for painting);
2. “Factory” wallpaper (with a given color).

Both options can be repainted. Restoration wallpaper is perfect for further decoration, applying all kinds of stencil designs and borders. When choosing a “semi-finished product” - non-woven wallpaper for painting, you should remember the following correct design works:
- choice of paint (pay special attention to quality and manufacturer);
- carry out work on painting restoration wallpaper only after it has completely dried on the wall (not earlier than a day later);
- to achieve a better result, repeat coloring 2-3 times.

If you decide to leave the restoration wallpaper unpainted (white), you need to consider the following: the walls should be as smooth as possible; It is desirable that the color of the wall matches the tone of the wallpaper, since in daylight the non-woven base is illuminated.

You can also now choose:
- Pure non-woven wallpaper. Composition: several layers of non-woven base; the lower layers are smooth, and the upper ones are embossed. The variety of textures and patterns will allow you to use such wallpaper in any room (apartment, office, enterprise).
- Non-woven wallpaper. The bottom layer is the backing and the top layer is vinyl foam. An interesting combination of these two materials gives amazing results. With proper interior design, such wallpaper will create the effect of the integrity of the canvas and the volume of the room.
Both options are very easy to use and will appeal to the most demanding buyer.

When purchasing wallpaper, choosing a color always takes up most of the time. After reviewing all the options offered to you, postpone making a decision for 5 minutes and view all color scheme again. These wallpapers have another advantage - their color can always be changed. How to do it? You can refresh or radically change the shade of the wallpaper with repeated “cosmetic” repairs. Factory painted wallpaper is also easy to repaint. It is enough to take into account that the original color after painting will be slightly darker than desired. Non-woven wallpaper is painted using dispersion or acrylic paints.

Advantages of choosing pure non-woven wallpaper:
- imitate the “volume” and “relief” of the wall;
- are distinguished by the special strength of the material;
- a wide selection of wallpaper themes;
- material savings;
- different roll sizes (50 cm, 1 meter);
- ease of application;
- possibility of modeling (design in two ways - vertically and horizontally);
- strength of the structure, eliminating deformation and subsidence of the material.

There is a special glue for non-woven wallpaper. It is applied evenly, with a roller, directly onto the wall. Wallpaper should be glued so that the joints are even, without overlap. Air bubbles between the material and the wall must be removed with a dry roller or a small piece of soft cloth.

When choosing a color and pattern, consider the basic interior design. The sand shade goes perfectly with any color of furniture. The beige shade will bring warmth and harmony to the interior. The salad shade and turquoise will create peace and set the mood in a lyrical mood.

Wallpaper with a pattern requires special attention when working. They need to be glued taking into account the characteristics of the pattern, its proportional, smooth and logical transition. It is necessary to remember that a large drawing “reduces” the space, and a small one visually enlarges it. The cost of non-woven wallpaper ranges from 500 to 700 rubles. Such products are from a designer or famous trademark

will be a little higher in price. This is due to an individual approach to design and exclusive work. When purchasing goods in a store, cash and non-cash payments are possible; For large or wholesale orders, there is a system of discounts. Non-woven wallpaper - high quality and modern decoration

Wallpaper plays an important role in home decoration. Today it is simply impossible to count all kinds of colors, textures and textures. But there are also especially attractive models, just for those who want to stand out from others. in an unusual way. These models also include non-woven wallpaper. We will consider their pros and cons in detail below.

As you can guess from the name, non-woven wallpaper is not made from cellulose, but from its analogue - a paper-like material with the addition of some chemicals.

Fibers modified in this way acquire new positive qualities. For example, if we compare ordinary paper or non-woven wallpaper, the latter are much more environmentally friendly, because their production requires noticeably less natural raw materials.

Important! At the same time, it is noteworthy that the average consumer will not find any external difference between products made from non-woven fabric and ordinary cellulose - both in appearance and to the touch they are almost identical.

Non-woven products also have a special production method, namely the hot stamping method:

  • This is a slightly more labor-intensive method, but the final product is much stronger, more durable and more resistant to stress than regular paper.
  • That is why, when comparing paper or non-woven wallpaper, the latter are often called nothing more than “vandal-proof”.

The contrary opinion that is being spread about the supposed impossibility of using them in children's rooms is a misconception.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

There are three main types, differing in their characteristics and area of ​​application:

  • Fully non-woven, it either does not contain cellulose at all or contains it to a minimum. This is the material that is most common on the market;
  • Non-woven base– only the reverse side is made of non-woven fabric, which makes gluing extremely simple. Essentially, this type includes vinyl wallpaper, which combines a decorative front layer and a practical back layer.
  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting– the same as completely non-woven ones, but without a pattern; other models from well-known manufacturers are able to withstand at least 10 paintings, maintaining their decorative qualities. The price for painted models is the lowest.

Important! Often sellers try to pass off simple paper wallpaper as non-woven wallpaper. Of course, with an inflated cost, there is a fairly simple way to independently determine the material - make a small tear on the sample, if its edges are perfectly smooth, then this means non-woven material. Paper fibers would develop burrs.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

But this period was enough to thoroughly study all his positive and negative qualities. Let's say right away that there are still fewer of the latter. But in order to characterize non-woven wallpaper as objectively as possible, we will present the pros and cons separately.


  • They do not shrink after gluing.
  • High density of the canvas - even if there are small cracks or irregularities on the wall, they will no longer be noticeable.
  • Fire resistance - non-woven fabric is not afraid of exposure to high temperatures, does not burn or smolder.
  • Lets air through.
  • They are not afraid of water, however, wet cleaning should be carried out no more than twice a year (see How to wash non-woven wallpaper correctly).
  • Repairable - this only applies to wallpaper that can be painted.
  • The damaged area can easily be repainted, up to ten paintings over the entire period of operation.

In addition, we note that gluing and cleaning after repair are significantly less labor intensive - since there is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself, there is no need to protect the floor covering.


  • Increased contamination - non-woven fabric, due to its texture, promotes the accumulation of dust; regular cleaning is required;
  • Relatively high price - the cost is noticeably higher than that of conventional paper and vinyl; the exception is fiberglass.

Important. Some advantages, such as air permeability, do not apply to non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

Comparing non-woven and paper wallpapers

For clarity, let’s compare point by point:

StrengthSince they are a non-woven product, they are more durable and can be glued to walls with cracks and unevenness (see How to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly).Less durable, they shrink after gluing, and are not suitable for uneven surfaces.
Environmental friendlinessMore environmentally friendly due to less wood consumption during production.Less environmentally friendly.
CareNon-woven fabric promotes the formation of dust deposits. Regular cleaning of wallpaper is required - dry cleaning, vacuum cleaner, and non-abrasive cleaning products.They do not require any maintenance as they are not exposed to contamination.
UV resistanceBoth types of materials are equally vulnerable to exposure to sunlight, as a result of which they tend to fade and lose color. The exception is vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis.
Labor intensity of gluingOne of the most important advantages of this type of wallpaper is that it does not require applying glue to its reverse side, only to the wall.IN mandatory Both the surface of the wall and the back side of the wallpaper are impregnated with glue.
DecorativenessDecorative qualities are approximately the same.
PriceThe cost is several times higher than that of paper counterparts.4-5 times cheaper than non-woven products, 2-3 times cheaper than paintable wallpaper.

Note. To summarize, we note that non-woven models are only an analogue of paper wallpaper, and in no case fully replace them. When choosing the type of wallpaper, owners should focus on what qualities are preferred in their case.

If price is a priority, we buy cellulose products; if durability and simplicity, we buy non-woven products. If it is important to maintain a certain style in your home, before going to the store, it is advisable to study photos or videos of wallpaper to select models of suitable texture and color.

We glue non-woven wallpaper correctly

However, specifically for non-woven products, there are a number of strict rules that must be followed:

  • If the wallpaper is light in color and cannot be painted, then you need to even out the color of the walls - interlining is much more transparent than paper, and the contrast will be clearly visible through them.
  • We use special glue - it is thicker; for vinyl - glue for heavy wallpaper. We are guided by the requirements given in the instructions on the roll.
  • Glue only end-to-end - interlining will not ensure good adhesion of the glue, therefore overlapping gluing, which is acceptable for cellulose, is prohibited in our case.
  • Be especially careful when gluing wallpaper with a vinyl front - it is very fragile.

As you can see, non-woven fabric as a material has both advantages and obvious disadvantages. Even a specialist will not give a definite answer whether to choose non-woven or paper wallpaper, because everything is determined by the end result that the owners expect to receive after the repair.

Non-woven wallpaper is in great demand in construction stores. What are they made of, what varieties are there, and how to care for them?

What is non-woven wallpaper?

When considering non-woven wallpaper, first of all, let’s figure out what material they are made of. Despite the non-standard name, interlining is essentially ordinary cellulose - or rather, cellulose fibers, tightly bound together with special impregnations and “diluted” with a certain amount of polyester. Although non-woven material cannot be called completely natural, it has a good indicator of environmental friendliness - and in particular, it is hypoallergenic, which gives it special value.

Non-woven and paper wallpapers can be considered “close relatives” - since cellulose is the basis of both varieties.

  • But its percentage component, the method of pressing and processing are very different. Therefore, non-woven fabric has several unique and important properties.
  • The material combines softness and increased strength - it does not tear and quickly straightens out if crushed.
  • When wetted, non-woven fabric dries quickly and does not shrink - its volume remains the same. The material interacts well with different types
  • paints.
  • Non-woven fabric is very fire resistant.
  • The material practically does not get dirty, has dust-repellent properties, and can be easily washed without fear of damaging the non-woven fabric.

The non-woven fabric allows air to pass through perfectly.

Each of us has seen non-woven fabric at least once in everyday life - the material is often used as soft packaging or as a lining for clothes. But of course, the material gained its greatest popularity precisely thanks to the advent of non-woven wallpaper, which instantly occupied a wide niche in the market.

Advantages of non-woven wall coverings

  • Despite the great competition, non-woven fabric remains one of the leaders in the construction market. What advantages ensure good demand for it?
  • First of all, non-woven fabrics are very easy to install. They can be glued to any wall - concrete and plasterboard, wood and plaster, to a chipboard surface, and so on.
  • Due to its strength and softness, wallpaper does not tear or form unsightly “creases” when crumpled - which means that gluing such material becomes a convenient and pleasant process without any annoying incidents.
  • When installing wallpaper, glue is applied only to the wall - the canvas itself does not need to be treated. This saves time.
  • Ready-made non-woven fabrics on the wall allow air to pass through well - therefore, excess moisture does not form under them and fungus does not form. They are also resistant to fire - in the event of a fire, the wallpaper will resist high temperatures for a long time, making it possible to quickly extinguish the fire.

Although non-woven fabric is thin, wall coverings made from this material are quite dense. If there are minor surface defects and unevenness on the wall, it is not necessary to eliminate them - a non-woven fabric glued on top will successfully hide the imperfections.

Another important advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that they can be painted several times. Many people deliberately choose a simple non-woven fabric so that they can then decorate the wall at their own discretion. And finally, if the canvas needs to be removed, this will not cause much difficulty - it will easily come off the wall even without prior wetting.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven coverings are presented at construction market several varieties. In general, they can be divided into two main categories: canvases made entirely of non-woven fabric, and canvases in which this material acts only as a base. We will list the main varieties and talk about the features of each of them.

Non-woven wallpaper

Directly non-woven fabrics are fabrics made exclusively from of this material. Such wallpaper consists of several non-woven layers, is quite dense in appearance and touch, but at the same time has a high degree of transparency.

Non-woven wallpapers are:

  • smooth;
  • embossed;
  • factory painted;
  • having an applied pattern, but prepared for painting.

The material is pasted onto a wall that has been pre-treated with glue, and there is no need to leave a “reserve” at the joints - since the material does not shrink or stretch, non-woven wallpaper is attached without further “rework”. The material allows air to pass through, does not attract dust, and does not fade under sunlight. True, fabrics with a pronounced surface relief can get dirty over time - but non-woven fabric is quite easy to clean.

Let's agree right away - non-woven wallpaper is quite expensive. However, it is not recommended to look for overly cheap options here - if you want to get high-quality non-woven fabric, choose trusted manufacturers with market average prices.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

The most popular type of non-woven wallpaper is vinyl fabric on a non-woven base. The fact is that such paintings combine best qualities wallpaper made from “pure” vinyl and “pure” non-woven fabric - but the shortcomings of the materials individually are smoothed out. In particular:

  • Durable vinyl wallpaper can be hung in a room with high humidity - for example, in the kitchen. The vinyl surface of the canvas will not deteriorate from a stuffy and humid atmosphere - and the base, made of non-woven fabric, will not allow dampness to spread under the wall covering.
  • Vinyl is very resistant to mechanical damage - it is more difficult to scratch than non-woven material. Therefore, vinyl covering based on non-woven fabric is often pasted in children's rooms or in apartments where there are pets.
  • Vinyl comes in a wide variety of colors and textures. Like non-woven fabric, it hardly attracts dirt and dust. But if dirt collects in the three-dimensional pattern of vinyl-non-woven wallpaper, then the vinyl surface can be washed - often even using household chemicals.

Thus, vinyl coverings with a non-woven base remain “breathable”, resistant to fire and easy to install - but at the same time easier to clean, have a large margin of safety and are not afraid of moisture.

Non-woven paper wallpaper

Non-woven paper wallpaper is the most inexpensive type of wallpaper. What advantages does a non-woven base give to this type?

  • The ability to create interesting three-dimensional textures. A special filler is introduced between the layers of wallpaper, then the canvas is pressed - and the result is a convex pattern that makes the paper covering more attractive.
  • Dampness is the main enemy of paper wallpaper. The non-woven base acts as waterproofing and does not allow fungus and mold to grow under the canvas.
  • Paper coverings based on non-woven fabric are easier to stick to the wall - they do not tear, are easily smoothed out and do not deform during the drying process.

But of course, even a non-woven base does not eliminate some of the shortcomings of paper fabric. It is still not recommended to use such wallpaper for kitchen wallpaper, and its fire resistance also remains very low.

Non-woven textile wallpaper

Textile wallpaper with a non-woven base is considered a luxury option. In the interior, such a canvas looks the most solid and attractive. The advantages of textile options include:

  • elegant appearance;
  • durability and resistance to fading;
  • good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties;

The most noticeable disadvantage of textile fabrics is their ability to accumulate odors. And the non-woven base slightly weakens this drawback - thanks to it, the breathability of the canvas becomes better, the wallpaper is continuously “ventilated”.

The non-woven base also facilitates the process of gluing the coating. Since the glue is applied to the wall and then the non-woven backing is applied to the surface, there is no chance of glue getting on the fabric itself.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

One of the most popular varieties is non-woven wallpaper, originally intended for further painting. What do they look like and what are their benefits?

First of all, such coverings are divided into two internal categories: purely non-woven and with a vinyl top layer.

  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting is usually smooth and does not have a pronounced texture. They are good to use where you plan to make a uniform, smooth wall. Painting such canvases is very easy - due to the lack of relief, all the work can be done with a soft roller in just a couple of hours. Both acrylic and water-based or latex paints are suitable. By the way, you can paint a wall covered with pure non-woven fabric up to ten times - and each time the color will be rich and bright.
  • Paintable wallpaper with vinyl coating is available in more textured versions with a three-dimensional pattern. Painting them is somewhat more difficult, and only about five paintings are allowed - but at the same time, the wall looks more interesting and original.

Of course, non-woven coatings for painting require additional work and extra costs for paint. But they allow you to create a unique design and give the wall exactly the color you would like to see - rather than choosing between ready-made options.

Features of caring for non-woven wallpaper

In order for the wallpaper to retain its freshness and attractiveness for a long time, the walls require care. How should you handle non-woven wallpaper?

  • If the covering is made only of non-woven fabric, it can be subjected to both dry and wet cleaning - the material tolerates moisture well. By the way, this also applies to self-painted canvases - if you used waterproof paint, the non-woven covering can be safely washed.
  • Wet cleaning can also be carried out if, with a non-woven base, the surface of the canvas is made of vinyl.
  • It is recommended to clean paper and textile coverings with a non-woven backing using “dry” methods - carefully treating them with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. These varieties tolerate exposure to water much less well.

In any case, the recommended method for cleaning the wall covering is usually indicated on its packaging. Resistance to water is marked using wavy lines - if there is only one line drawn, then the canvas can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, if there are two, then it is permissible to use a wet cloth. The most durable cloths are the ones with a brush on the packaging - you can even use cleaning products when cleaning them.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that in the modern construction market there are 2 types:

  • from pure non-woven fabric;
  • products made on a non-woven base with the addition of a vinyl surface layer.

Since non-woven material is a paper-like non-woven material, which, unlike ordinary paper, is characterized by increased abrasion resistance, good fire-fighting properties and high strength, thanks to the cellulose fibers included in its structure, bonded together using a polymer, it is simply called “improved paper". So what is it non-woven wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to stick them.
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Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper - elegance and chic in the interior

Non-woven wallpaper, in most cases, can be painted, and can be repainted many times, which is very convenient and cannot but rejoice, because quite quickly and inexpensively you can radically change the interior of a room without undertaking a grandiose renovation with re-gluing wallpaper.

The textured surface of non-woven wallpaper imitates decorative plaster and creates an original ornament that can be painted in any desired palette; by the way, it is recommended to use water-dispersed or acrylic paint. It is more convenient to carry out the painting process the old-fashioned way with a roller, or use a paint sprayer.

In non-woven wallpaper, the non-woven material itself, similar to thick and smooth paper, serves as a substrate onto which a decorative vinyl layer is glued, which determines the textured or patterned surface of the product.

1. How to properly hang non-woven wallpaper?

It is worth understanding that non-woven fabric is a fairly transparent material, therefore, due to insufficiently dense painting or pasting of a thin vinyl layer, non-uniform color areas of the wall can be visible through the surface of the wallpaper, that is, characteristic darkening will be visible from the side. For example, if the walls of a room are partially plastered only at the joints of plasterboard sheets, then visually the seams will stand out very much, especially through light-colored wallpaper.

Before you start, we recommend that you first attach them to the wall and check whether the stains are visible and whether additional surface treatment is required. This procedure should be carried out in good, bright lighting to ensure the results. If darkening was nevertheless noticed during the inspection, then you will need to even out the color of the walls.

However, you can try a backup option that will help you get out of this difficult situation: if you purchased wallpaper for painting, do not spare a small piece of wallpaper, apply a couple of layers of paint on it and apply it to the wall in the place where there is a contrasting color transition. Perhaps after several layers applied to the wallpaper, the transition will cease to be noticeable, and in the future you will know how many times you need to paint the stripe.

Pasting with non-woven wallpaper is carried out using a special thick glue that does not leave yellow marks after drying. Vinyl-coated products require the use of heavy wallpaper adhesive; for example, Super Vinyl adhesive is very popular.

non-woven wallpaper in the interior

When deciding on the choice of non-woven wallpaper in the store, do not be lazy to carefully study the information on the roll packaging: designations, manufacturer’s recommendations, which will help you not make a mistake when purchasing the appropriate type of glue. It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it yourself, sales consultants will always offer the client a suitable adhesive product, and will even calculate the required quantity.

A special feature of the process of pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper is that there is no need to treat a strip of wallpaper with glue - the adhesive base is applied directly to the wall using a large brush or roller, then the wallpaper itself is applied.

The width of the area treated with glue should slightly exceed the width of the wallpaper - this is done to avoid dry edges on the strip, so that in the future the wallpaper does not lift up at the joints.

When carefully pasting the strips, the joints are almost invisible, however, if you paste the wallpaper overlapping, that is, placing one edge on the other, such a surface will not be uniform due to the increased thickness of the wallpaper at the joints, and this will spoil the aesthetic appearance of the interior.

In order to change non-woven wallpaper, you just need to remove the top layer, leaving a flat non-woven base on the wall on which you can glue new strips.

2. Advantages of non-woven wallpaper:

  • their dense base allows you to mask wall unevenness and microcracks;
  • fire resistance;
  • non-woven wallpaper allows air to pass through, which has a beneficial effect on the walls and allows them to “breathe” (does not apply to wallpaper with a vinyl layer);
  • ease of use. Such wallpaper is not subject to stretching, and it does not tear. In addition, some products are characterized by an increased strip width, which saves a lot of time when gluing;
  • due to the fact that the glue is applied to the wall itself, there is no need to look for a place to place the canvas in order to lubricate it with glue. In addition, it is unnecessary to constantly ensure that the glue does not splash when it gets on the floor, because then it is quite problematic to wipe it off;
  • the vinyl surface of non-woven wallpaper does not absorb dust, which is a very important indicator for people suffering from asthma or allergic reactions;
  • ease of care. Neither vinyl nor paint are resistant to moisture, so walls can be cleaned using a wet cloth, detergents, or a vacuum cleaner;
  • paint and vinyl do not fade, which means that the original appearance of such wallpaper will remain for a long time;
  • the ability to quickly update the design of a room. Since the vinyl component of non-woven wallpaper quickly separates from the base, during your next renovation you won’t have to go through the hassle of removing the old finish from the walls.

3. For completeness of information, it is worth mentioning separately the disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper:

  • The textured layer is susceptible to mechanical damage, and dents and scratches may remain on it. Therefore, if children and pets live in the house, then you should be careful and take this fact into account;
  • Unlike vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, products consisting entirely of non-woven material have the ability to accumulate dust. The textured surface needs regular wiping with a damp cloth;
  • wallpaper for painting requires an additional operation, actually the painting itself;
  • relatively high cost. We do not recommend purchasing cheap products from little-known manufacturers, otherwise you risk wasting your money, since a low-cost product may not have all the advantages mentioned earlier.

Another type of wallpaper that is used for painting is

Talks about what non-woven coating is, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and what types of non-woven coverings exist on the market.

What is non-woven fabric?

Nonwoven is a whole class of nonwoven materials based on cellulose. Strictly speaking, paper is also a type of non-woven fabric. Non-woven fabric is made from modified paper fibers with the addition of polyester and various specific additives. The liquid mass is pulled into a tape and compressed, if necessary, impregnated with adhesives. The composition of each individual brand of non-woven fabric is a manufacturer's secret, since added modifiers change the technical properties of the material.

Basic properties of non-woven fabric

Low moisture capacity;

Good breathability;

No shrinkage when drying;

Greater abrasion and tensile strength than paper;

Good fire resistance;

Good susceptibility to non-aqueous paints;

Non-woven fabric practically does not wrinkle and easily restores its original shape, and also does not absorb dirt.

Thanks to these qualities, the material gained great popularity and began to be widely used as a substitute for paper - this is how non-woven wallpaper appeared.

What types of non-woven wallpaper are there?

The term “non-woven wallpaper” includes a fairly wide range of products for covering walls. How to choose from the many options offered? To begin with, you should distinguish between non-woven wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is often perceived as an improved paper version. This is a fabric made of one or several layers of non-woven fabric, firmly welded together. They can be smooth or embossed, with an embossed pattern.

Non-woven wallpaper

In their production, non-woven fabric is the base, the bottom layer. On top, another material is placed on it - paper, polyvinyl chloride, textiles. Depending on this, the canvas will vary in technical specifications. The general advantage of a non-woven base is moisture resistance, “breathable” properties, tensile strength and inability to crease. When gluing, the canvas does not stretch, and the glue is applied only to the wall.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper has all the advantages of paper, but, thanks to the addition of polymer materials, does not suffer from its disadvantages. The increased density allows you to hide minor flaws in the preparation of the walls. The material allows air to pass through, but does not absorb moisture, does not accumulate dust and dirt, is resistant to fire, does not emit harmful substances when burned, and does not fade in the sun.

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to glue: the glue is applied only to the wall, the canvas does not swell or shrink after drying. When decorating walls, non-woven wallpaper strips are glued end-to-end.

Their disadvantages include the following properties: low resistance to mechanical damage - scratches, shocks; if the surface is textured, then dust will collect in the relief; and high cost.

Non-woven paper wallpaper

A non-woven base with a paper coating is significantly cheaper. Such canvases can be safely glued in a children's room, since they meet all the necessary requirements: they are inexpensive, quite stable and environmentally friendly. Modern manufacturers compensate for the shortcomings of paper with various impregnations, thanks to which the material better withstands moisture and is more resistant to stains.

Non-woven paper wallpaper can be single-layer, two-layer or three-layer. Filler is introduced between the layers, then the canvas is rolled under a press and an interesting relief pattern is obtained. This wallpaper is environmentally friendly, breathable and relatively inexpensive.

Their disadvantages include: they are not resistant to mechanical damage and are not intended for wet rooms; Smooth wallpaper does not hide wall imperfections well.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

Probably the most popular type of non-woven wallpaper is vinyl wallpaper. The top layer of this fabric is made of polyvinyl chloride, which has many advantages: it is resistant to mechanical damage; does not accumulate dust; easy to clean; can be used for gluing walls in damp rooms; low cost; a wide variety of textures and colors.

The disadvantages of non-woven vinyl products include the following: vinyl is highly flammable (ignition temperature 110-120 degrees), and when burned it emits harmful substances; Vinyl coating does not allow air to pass through, as a result of which condensation may accumulate near the surface of the walls.

Many manufacturers successfully increase the permeability of vinyl models by using technology that creates micropores. On a roll of such wallpaper there should be a corresponding mark on the coefficient of breathability.

(End to follow)