
What does the word timur mean in Greek? Timur: meaning and history of the name. Name Timur in different languages

Each name keeps secrets: Timur is a masculine name that suits a self-confident person. He does not retreat from obstacles in his path and confidently moves towards his dream. The main thing for him is power and success. Because of his stubbornness, Timur always confidently stands his ground; it is almost impossible to convince him. It is difficult for him to come to terms with defeat; it deprives him of his usual confidence for some time. Thanks to his positive qualities, Timur can achieve a lot in life if he puts enough effort into it.

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      Characteristics and meaning of the name Timur

      The meaning of the name Timur is “iron”. In the modern world, the nationality of a child is not always the decisive factor in choosing a baby's name. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that this name is popular in a particular country.

      • It is important to analyze a person's date of birth. The character of a child is greatly influenced by the time of year in which he was born.


        • If a child was born in winter, then he has a number of advantages thanks to which he will be able to achieve great success in life. Along with advantages, there are also character flaws: hot temper and imperiousness. In a woman, he values ​​gentle character and femininity. He will not put up with the rudeness and ignorance of his significant other.
        • A boy born in winter is characterized by imbalance and excessive self-confidence. He tends to take on several things at once and not finish what he starts. Timur cannot always objectively assess his capabilities, which is why he often makes serious mistakes that throw him off balance. In relationships, he is not constancy, so he usually marries in adulthood.
        • A year old child is a kind and sensitive person. He is indecisive, which makes it difficult for him to make important decisions on his own. Timur is very talented, it is important for him that his loved ones support and praise his work. Because of his vulnerability, he can be lonely. It is difficult for him to find friends who could understand his nature. His beloved should be a soft and kind girl. She will understand his personality and become a reliable support in life.
        • Autumn Timur is practical and assertive. He plans his future carefully. There is no place for spontaneous actions in his life. His discipline and sharp mind command respect from those around him. They sincerely admire this man and his successes. And he, in turn, is really capable of achieving a lot in his life! In his personal life, he gives preference to educated, well-mannered girls.

        Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility

        Timur's character at different ages

        In the life of every person there are turning points that determine his future destiny. When describing the characteristics of a name, it is important to consider three key stages: childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Such an approach will help to trace changes in Timur’s character.


        As a child, he is an active and active child. With his incredible energy, he delights adults who cannot keep up with the child. Psychologists note that this energy must be directed to study and educational games from childhood. Otherwise, hyperactivity may negatively affect Timur's future if he is unable to direct his energy to achieving truly important goals.

        From childhood, parents note the ambition and narcissism of their child. He reacts poorly to criticism from others. It doesn’t matter who the dissatisfaction comes from: parents or strangers. Timur will take everything to heart and will be upset.

        Character strengths include determination and prudence. He does not do spontaneous things, which makes his parents very happy. He does not immediately establish communication with his peers. Timur takes a closer look at them and only after that becomes their playmate. With friends he is kind and sympathetic. He will always come to the rescue and will not abandon a comrade in trouble.

        Thanks to a vivid imagination and flexible mind, the child can easily cope with the school curriculum. He loves to gain new knowledge and enjoys going to school. It is important for the child to establish contact with the teacher, and he will become one of the best students in the class.


        The transition period is a difficult stage for the child and his parents. A person’s character and worldview are formed. Teenage rebellion can cause conflicts with the older generation. Timur prefers not to quarrel with his family; he withdraws into himself. He is worried about the future, and he often thinks about the imperfections of the world.

        Timur is a romantic, prone to adventure. He loves to travel and enjoys spending time in the company of his friends. It is important for him to feel free and independent, including in finance. Timur takes on work with pleasure, since money for him is an important part of his own comfort.

        The guy has leadership qualities that significantly distinguish him among his peers. He can carry on a conversation and interest his interlocutor. Timur easily makes acquaintances and appreciates sincerity and reliability in people.


        With age, significant changes occur in Timur's character. From a good-natured romantic, he becomes a skeptic and a realist. If as a teenager he had the makings of a leader, then as a mature man, he does not doubt his extraordinary abilities. Timur loves himself and puts his desires and comfort first.

        Friends and family love him for his kindness, generosity and integrity. He is always ready to offer his help and help loved ones cope with difficulties. Timur sincerely believes that the fate of a person is in his hands. Therefore, he never complains about his life and makes efforts to achieve success.

        Horoscope by zodiac sign

        The zodiac sign has a strong influence on a person's life. Therefore, one cannot ignore the horoscope of the name compiled by astrologers:

    1. 1. Aries is a determined man who relies only on himself. When choosing a wife, love is a secondary factor for Timur, so it is difficult for romantic natures to build a serious relationship with him. He is a pragmatist, so his life partner must be a sensible and self-confident person.
    2. 2. Timur, born under the sign of Taurus, is a realist. He doesn't build castles in the air in his dreams. Timur sets specific goals for himself and persistently strives to achieve them. Women like him because they see him as a reliable man with whom they can create a strong family. For his wife, he will become a strong supporter and a faithful life partner.
    3. 3. Gemini is a charming man who loves to spend time with friends. He does not seek marriage and enjoys life. He marries already in adulthood. His wife will be a sociable girl who will share her husband’s hobbies and will not condemn him for his frivolous lifestyle. Next to her, he will settle down and become a loving, caring father for his children.
    4. 4. Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. Self-doubt prevents them from achieving success in life. If Timur manages to overcome this quality, his life will become much easier. He will be happy next to a gentle woman who will sincerely love him.
    5. 5. Timur - Leo is characterized by duality in character. He is a sincere person, but people are often put off by his arrogance. It is difficult for him to make friends because it is difficult for people to communicate with such a person. Astrologers note that at heart he is a delicate, vulnerable nature. The woman who can understand this will become an excellent wife for him.
    6. 6. Virgo is a purposeful person who expects success and recognition in life. Timur, who was born under this sign, is self-critical. He tends to carefully consider his actions and draw conclusions for the future. He may be timid in interactions with the opposite sex. But when he gets used to the woman and begins to trust her, Timur will demonstrate another side of his personality. A woman for him is a muse that inspires him.
    7. 7. Timur - Libra - smart, he has a great sense of humor. He loves to be the center of attention and listen to compliments addressed to him. It is difficult to tolerate criticism, even if it is constructive. He values ​​wisdom and patience in women. The wife must adapt to his character, only in this case he will be happy.
    8. 8. Scorpio is endowed with a complex character. He is a contradictory nature, prone to impulsiveness and stubbornness. Timur is used to enjoying life and following his principles in everything. His wife will have to respect all his decisions and not challenge them.
    9. 9. Sagittarius tries to hide his insecurities behind a mask of indifference. But because of this, many people consider him an arrogant person and do not seek close communication with him. He has a similar behavior when communicating with women. Only if he truly loves the girl will Timur’s character change radically. But achieving this will not be easy. The woman should be affectionate with him and adapt to him.
    10. 10. Capricorn does not like to waste time. He spends every minute of his life with benefit. Thanks to his sincerity and subtle mind, people are drawn to Timur. He is popular with women.
    11. 11. Aquarius - Timur has a rare gift: he can listen carefully to a person and help him cope with difficulties. But because of his secrecy, it is difficult for him to make friends. Timur treats his beloved woman with sincere awe and care.
    12. 12. Pisces quickly forget the insults inflicted on them. People often take advantage of this and do not try to change their behavior. Timur is surrounded only by his closest friends, to whom he trusts his secrets. The woman he loves means a lot to him. She should become not only the lover and mother of his children, but also a loyal friend.

Short form of the name Timur. Timurka, Tim, Mura, Moore, Tim.
Synonyms for the name Timur. Timer, Demir, Temir, Temur, Taimuraz, Teimuraz, Teymur, Mintimer, Timerkhan, Timir, Timirkhan.
Origin of the name Timur. The name Timur is Tatar, Ossetian.

The name Timur means “iron” in Mongolian. It is possible that the name Damir is a variant of the name Timur (Timer, Demir). This probability is confirmed by the female Tatar name Damira, whose name is translated as “iron”, meaning “strong”. Also, the name Timur is one of the variants of the name Tamerlane.

Among the Ossetians, Timur can most likely be called Taimuraz, which would more accurately be translated as “iron Alan, Ossetian.” With the name Timer (and its variants), the Tatars acquired many compound names. Mintimer - “I am iron”, another option “strong as iron”, Astemir - “iron character”, Timerkhan - “iron khan”, “strong, strong ruler”, Bektemur - “iron ruler”, “strong master”.

All Timurs have had undoubted strength of character since childhood; they are characterized by determination and perseverance in achieving their goals. Timurs are real logicians, they are very reasonable and prudent people, and perhaps that is why it is not so easy for them to find contact with other people. They really don’t like it when they are compared with other people, when someone is put up as an example for them.

Timur is a multifaceted personality. As a child, he seems strange to many, outwardly imperturbable, like an impregnable wall. Timur keeps his emotions to himself, even if everything inside him is bursting with the fullness of sensations. He directs his emotions, all his inner strength into action, but if he feels a negative atmosphere around him, then he absorbs this state into himself like a sponge. His mood may deteriorate, but outwardly he will look very calm and phlegmatic.

When life disappoints, he tends to rely only on himself. Timur would prefer to escape from the harsh realities of life into his rich imagination and dreams, but life makes its own adjustments.

Timur has patience and nobility. He will do anything for his family. His natural simplicity and generosity make him likable, he has a sense of solidarity, values ​​​​friends, to whom he shows hospitality and warmth. Sometimes Timur becomes dreamy, thoughtful, slow and withdrawn, but most often he is full of enthusiasm, enterprise and brightness.

Timur loves, above all, his freedom, loves travel and adventure. From books he prefers to read fantasy and detective stories. Timur is the enemy of monotony; he feels the need to constantly renew his emotions and feelings.

The owner of the name Timur is a little sentimental and romantic; emotions and feelings are important in his life. Even in the emotional sphere, he does not like coercion, he will be jealous. He has a sense of possessiveness.

Timurs love to read and travel; sports are an integral part of their lives. The owners of this name are very fond of children and nature, they are characterized by kindness and tolerance. Timurs are very scrupulous and always get things done; most often they choose the professions of doctors, artists, directors, sports trainers, military personnel, and programmers.

Timur's name day

Timur does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Timur

  • Timur Timofeev ((born 1928) historian and economist)
  • Timur-Leng, Tamerlane ((1336–1405) commander, emir, creator of the state with its capital in Samarkand)
  • Mengu-Timur ((d.1282) Khan of the Golden Horde, grandson of Batu, organizer of campaigns against Byzantium, Lithuania, the Caucasus)
  • Timur (the main character of A. Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team”)
  • Timur Kibirov (poet)
  • Timur Zulfikarov ((born 1936) Tajik writer)
  • Timur Pulatov ((born 1939) Uzbek writer)
  • Timur Kibirov (Russian poet)
  • Timur Sadredinov (Russian racing driver, master of sports)
  • Timur Yunusov (pseudonym - Timati; Russian hip-hop and R’n’B artist)
  • Timur Mamedov (aka DJ X.P.Voodoo; founder, main ideologist, popularizer and guru of Russian trance culture, legendary Moscow promoter of the 90s)
  • Timur Bogatyrev (Soviet and Russian football player, forward, formerly defender)
  • Timur Kusov (Russian television journalist, famous reporter, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation)
  • Taimuraz Bolloev ((born 1953) Russian entrepreneur)
  • Taimuraz Mamsurov ((born 1954) Russian politician, head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (ROS-A) since June 7, 2005. Member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation (2007).
  • Taimuraz Sanakoev ((born 1932) Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Soviet and South Ossetian inventor, Honored Inventor of the Georgian SSR (the only one in South Ossetia), Laureate of the State Prize of the GSSR in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers, multiple winner of socialist competitions in invention and rationalization for achieving high performance, one of the founders of the Elektrovibromashina plant. He owns 12 copyright certificates for inventions, author of more than 40 scientific papers, 4 scientific monographs, specialist of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968-1988).
  • Taimuraz Dzgoev ((born 1961) Soviet freestyle wrestler, two-time world champion (1982, 1983). Honored Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling (1982).

Full name: Timur

Similar names: Timer, Demir, Temir, Taimuraz, Teimuraz

Church name: -

Meaning: iron

Patronymic: Timurovich, Timurovna

The meaning of the name Timur - interpretation

The male name Timur is of Turkic-Mongolian origin. Its meaning is “iron”. Researchers associate him with a famous historical figure - commander Tamerlane, who is the founder of the Khan dynasty of the Golden Horde. This name was revered at the same level as the royal one. They were given to every representative of the stronger half who appeared in the Khan’s family. There is another version of the origin of this name. It talks about Ossetian origins. Here the meaning is interpreted as “iron Alan”.

The name Timur today is multinational. This is what Tatars, Yakuts, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Russians, and Ukrainians call boys. In Russia, this name became especially popular thanks to A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team.” The talisman of people with this name is obsidian stone, which is of volcanic origin. Favorable colors - brown, steel, green.

Name Timur in other languages

Astrology named after Timur

Favorable day: Monday

Years later

Timur as a child is a temperamental and very energetic kid. It is difficult to direct him in the right direction. Improper upbringing has a negative impact on your studies and subsequent career. From an early age, the boy developed the following qualities: ambition, narcissism. The child does not take criticism well. He has a strong character, is distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance. The kid is sensible and prudent beyond his years. It is difficult for him to meet new children. Outwardly, the baby seems withdrawn. Having become acquainted, he becomes active. Willingly participates in games and fun.

Timur has a good disposition. Respects adults. Shows caring and curiosity. Knows how to have fun. Thanks to his good memory, he successfully masters most school subjects. Capable of becoming one of the best students. At home, the boy is attentive, calm, and not talkative. He has a developed imagination and a natural inquisitive mind.

As a teenager, Timur is distinguished by his nobility and diplomacy. He is patient and intelligent. Those around him are captivated by the guy’s openness and generosity. Due to circumstances, the young man becomes closed and irritable. Timur is prone to romanticism and daydreaming. The teenager has a positive attitude towards travel and often takes part in adventures. This allows you to test your strength and willpower. Strong emotions make a guy feel alive and whole.

In the company of friends, Timur tries to take a leadership position. He is able to easily captivate his interlocutors with an intellectual conversation and amuse him with a witty remark. He still finds it difficult to meet new people. Values ​​trust in relationships. Timur, who has matured, strives for financial independence. Treats money as a tool to satisfy everyday needs. As a friend, the guy is responsive and loyal. Easily forgives mistakes. Helps correct mistakes.

Adult Timur stops dreaming. His character reveals notes of a pragmatist, a realist, and a skeptic. He establishes himself as a leader. Treats himself as an extraordinary and unique person. Family, career, social circle for a man are a beautiful screen. He begins to develop announcer's mannerisms. He endures the blows of fate painfully. Loves flattery and praise. He has a kind, easy-going, generous character. Able to set priorities. Doesn't complain about fate. Tries to overcome natural laziness by giving 100% at work.

Maturity relieves Timur's character of excessive melancholy about the discrepancy between the real and ideal worlds. Due to the loss of dreaminess, Timur becomes tougher and more realistic. He gains ground, he strives to approach issues rationally, and thanks to his kindness, generosity and sincerity, generosity and loyalty, decency and organization, he can be considered an ideal manager. In addition, he is not used to throwing responsibility onto others, so he works hard to create pleasant living conditions for himself.

Timur's character

The energy of the name Timur is very strong, a man with this name is morally stable and physically resilient, courageous, decisive and unshakable. Timur always brings what he starts to the end; he is not afraid of either the difficulties along the way or the opinions of others. Tough, strong-willed Timur from the outside seems too closed and stern. He really does not have gentleness and kindness, but Timur is quite tolerant of the shortcomings of the people around him.

Timur is a clear leader in any company, he can always find something to captivate his many friends, and always likes to tell them incredibly interesting stories and even interesting facts. But the rest always listen to Timur’s stories with admiration.

When life's troubles and problems arise, Timur is prone to irritability and lack of restraint. Commits impulsive and thoughtless actions. Shows protest and aggression. Promiscuous in relationships. Participates in dangerous activities. Various traits are represented unevenly in the process of socialization of a child.

In different years of a person’s life, one or another quality will manifest itself more clearly than others. With the right approach, it is easy to enhance positive traits so that you can achieve greater success with their help. The development that character undergoes and the result are of great importance; Timur will be able to reveal his strengths and focus on them, and it will be easier for close people to understand and help him.

Timur's fate

The fate of a person with this name is successful. He is loved in the family and respected at work. Has many friends. His personal qualities endear him to others. Strong will and firmness of decisions help you move forward towards your cherished goal. He tries to instill these traits in his own children. Life makes tough demands on a man. But under any circumstances he remains an example to follow.

Timur has an explosive temper. He is assertive and resilient, prone to adventure and leadership. By way of thinking, Timur is a pragmatist. Empty dreams are unusual for him. A man has a unique gift of imagination since childhood. Combined with his excellent memory, this allows him to become a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. Prudence and prudence promise success in business. A creative streak makes it possible to write poetry. A cheerful and perky character allows you to become the life of the party, but only for your own people. He remains cautious and cold with strangers.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Strong and strong-willed Timur chooses a military career as a professional field. Coaching suits him. When choosing an occupation, preference is given to an area where one can achieve great success, gain respect and recognition. Capable of holding leadership positions - bank manager, hotel director.

A good imagination allows you to engage in creativity - acting, music, directing. The positive qualities of a born leader guarantee success in business. He treats money easily. He doesn’t waste money, but he doesn’t save money either. Plans purchases carefully. It is important to satisfy everyday needs. The woman manages the family budget.

Marriage and family

Timur marries at a conscious age. Doesn't accept divorce. The initiator of a break in a relationship is only in the event of betrayal on the part of a woman. The ideal wife for Timur is a beautiful, neat, patient, forgiving girl, inclined to build a nest at home. In a marriage with this man, the leader should be the wife (does not apply to bed). In return, she will receive a sensitive, gentle, loving and respectful husband.

In family life, Timur values ​​regularity and friendship. Easily gets along under the same roof with his parents. Adapts to a limited budget. She loves children, but raises them strictly. When making strategically important decisions, she tries to take into account the opinion of each family member.

Sex and love

Timur is endowed with natural charm and charisma. He enjoys great success among representatives of the opposite sex. But he is afraid of women. Takes sex seriously. For him, intimate relationships are not a way to satisfy men’s natural needs. It’s hard to get along with girls, afraid of being disappointed. He experiences separation, carrying resentment within himself. The man is jealous. Suspecting his chosen one of infidelity, he breaks off the relationship. Not prone to scandals and scenes. Prefers to leave silently, stopping any communication.

In sex, a man named Timur is passionate and impulsive. Likes to take a leadership position. Pleases the chosen one. He understands her wishes well. Able to quickly bring to discharge. He is not a womanizer. Disgust. He has sex with his regular girlfriend or his wife.


A person with this name has good health. In infancy and in primary school, he is susceptible to colds and infectious diseases. To reduce the number of such, parents need to toughen the child. Timur's figure is underdeveloped physically. Sports sections - martial arts, swimming and others - will help correct the situation.

Timur loves, above all, his freedom, loves travel and adventure. From books he prefers to read fantasy and detective stories. Timur is the enemy of monotony; he feels the need to constantly renew his emotions and feelings. The owner of the name Timur is a little sentimental and romantic; emotions and feelings are important in his life. Even in the emotional sphere, he does not like coercion, he will be jealous. He has a sense of possessiveness.

Interests and hobbies

Timur is growing restless, he is as active as mercury. At school and college, he will try all kinds of sports, succumb to all hobbies and temptations. In any team, he will quickly become a leader and just as quickly change his occupation. Never looks back at the past and lives only in the future. Timur is kind, tolerant, has a good memory and developed imagination, and is quite pragmatic.

Professional field of activity: medicine, painting, programming, sports, politics, military affairs. Good driver. Timur, born in the summer, is stubborn, touchy, cautious, and weighs his every action. Marries late, but successfully. Timur, born in winter, is more prudent, reasonable and stubborn. Has a hard time dealing with failures. Timur, born in spring, is sensitive, somewhat indecisive, withdrawn, and does not easily get along with people.

A person's name is an integral part of the culture to which he belongs. Therefore, we are interested in knowing which people created this or that name, how and when it came into the national culture, who was called by this name...

The name Timur in the Russian male name book is not entirely common. Most of the names used today came to us from Byzantium along with Christianity. As a rule, in their origin they are ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.

In the process of their historical development, the Slavs entered into economic, economic, and trade relations with a variety of neighboring tribes: Polovtsian, Tatar, Germanic and others. At the same time, there was an exchange of not only goods, but also words, including names. Then the name Timur came to Rus'. Thus, one of the bearers of this name was Timur Alalykin, who distinguished himself in the battle with Davlet-Girey under the leadership of Prince M. Vorotynsky in 1572.

The name is Turkic in origin: “Timur” means “iron”. Timur, or Tamerlane as he was called in Europe (1336-1405) was the founder of the Timurid dynasty, which ruled Central Asia for two centuries. Initially, he was the leader of a gang of robbers, then he entered the service of Haji, the head of the Mongol tribe of Barulas. Subsequently, Timur became one of the world's greatest conquerors. During one of the battles, he lost two fingers on his right hand and was seriously wounded in his right leg, which is how his nickname arose: the Iron Lame, in Persian - Timur Long, hence Tamerlane. Timur created the largest state in Central Asia at that time with its capital in Samarkand. His campaigns against the Golden Horde north to the Irtysh, west to the Volga steppes and Transcaucasia helped Rus' get rid of the remnants of the Golden Horde yoke. He carried out raids into Persia, to the borders of China, and reached India.

In the present century, after the October Revolution, significant changes have occurred in the naming code of Russians: under the influence of anti-church propaganda, many old Orthodox names were forgotten, and a large number of new names appeared, sometimes created artificially, sometimes borrowed. Among these names, adopted at that time as new ones, was the ancient name Timur. Arkady Gaidar named his son this name, and his story “Timur and His Team” made the name popular in Russia. Soon, city residents began to call their sons Timurs, and by the 70-80s, in rural areas as well.

The current bearers of the name Timur can rightfully be proud of it as a very ancient monument of the history, culture and language of the Turkic peoples.

Psychological traits: Timur is from the breed of large-scale leaders, potentially a statesman. He is capable of solving very difficult problems and resolving the most controversial conflicts. Timur is brave, courageous, decisive, calculating. Powerful, even despotic in relationships with friends and women, stubborn, achieves goals at any cost. If, in a series of successes, unexpected misfires occur, it is very difficult for him to experience it. But he quickly restores his peace of mind thanks to natural optimism, the natural need to create, lead people and be happy.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Selishchev A.M., On the origin of Russian surnames, names and nicknames. Superanskaya A.V., Structure of a proper name. Orthodox calendar. B.Yu. Higir. The secret of the name.

We should begin to describe the meaning of the name Timur by pointing out the fact that this male name originates from the Turkic tribes, and is translated as “iron”. The male name Timur in some countries has such forms as Damir, Temir, but in Russia it is the pronunciation Timur that has become widespread.

It should be noted that in our country the male name Timur is well known thanks to the well-known story in which we are talking about Gaidar’s boy Timur. It is she who explains the presence of a certain stereotypical opinion about the owner of the name Timur. To broaden the horizons of our readers, it should be noted that in the countries of the East the variation of the name Timur - Teymur is widely popular, and one of the most striking, legendary bearers of this strong name was Tamerlane.

Despite the fact that Tamerlane’s very nature is quite contradictory, hardly anyone is able to deny this truly legendary warrior, as well as organizer, courage, subtlety of mind, farsightedness and artistic flair. Continuing to reveal the meaning of the name Timur, it should be noted that Tamerlane was distinguished by unbridled energy, as well as a highly developed sense of ambition. It is precisely these character traits that are inherent in the bulk of the Timurs.

Characteristics of Timur

Despite the fact that a man bearing the name Timur, which is distinguished by the presence of a firm sound, this personality is most often flexible and kind, and in his childhood the boy does not cause his parents any problems at all. Typically, a man named Timur has paternal external characteristics, while the main character traits are characterized by the maternal line.

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Timur, it should be noted that such a man is distinguished by having a strong will to achieve his goals, as well as excellent organization. The man, named Timurka, loves sports and is a good student, which is explained by his excellent memory and ingenuity. A large number of men, called Timurchiks, love to play chess throughout their lives, i.e. in a rather highly intellectual game.

In general, the name Timur, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described, finds it quite difficult to find a common language with strangers, but for his own friends this man is cheerful, cheerful and sociable. The man named Timurka has the ability to establish contacts with people and avoids conflict situations, i.e. in everything, strive to remain a decent, patient, generous nature, avoiding complaining about one’s own fate.

Characteristics of the boy Timur

Among other things, the man named Timurchik is distinguished by the presence of simply explosive character traits that are inherent directly in his name. Such a person has the assertive nature of a born leader with high endurance and a penchant for adventure. Also, a man named Timur is a pragmatic person who avoids empty head in the clouds, although he is distinguished by the presence of a good sense of imagination.

The man Timur, the meaning of the name whose character is considered, is characterized by excellent memory, sometimes turning into a real encyclopedia on two legs - i.e. Like a sponge, it absorbs any new knowledge and absorbs more and more different information. The man named Timurchik also has a calculating, judicious character trait.

It should be noted that nature itself has endowed the man named Timur with versatile talents, in other words, he is able to write poetry, take part in various shows and games that require excellent intellectual abilities. It may be quite difficult to get along with strangers, but he is able to be the real soul of his own company, close to him.

The time at which a child is born has a great influence on character. Thus, a man named Timur, who was born in winter, is a calculating, stubborn and vulnerable nature at the same time, while the spring personality is quite decisive, with great difficulty getting along with other people. A man named Timur, born in the summer, is prudent, cautious, and in the fall, a perfectly organized guy, with all his time scheduled to the minute.

Timurchik's childhood

In this section, the meaning of the name Timur for a boy will be revealed in as much detail as possible for future parents who want to name their own “child” that way. Little Timurchik is characterized by extraordinary energy, as well as early-born ambition. As a child, Timurchik should be assigned by his parents to various sections for physical development, since he is distinguished by the presence of extraordinary strength and aspirations.

This is necessary to prevent squandering of concentration to successfully study the school curriculum. Since little Timurchik already longs for some great achievements, there is no point in subjecting him to unnecessary criticism. It should be noted that the name Timur, the meaning of the name for a child, presupposes that he has a purposeful, tough character, while prudence, combined with excessive caution, prevents the simple establishment of new contacts and connections.

For this reason, such sports, which require the effort of the entire team, are simply necessary for Timurchik; they will help the boy get along with the team and show his own qualities, such as friendliness and loyalty. At the same time, due to the presence of strong intellectual abilities, as well as high curiosity, Timur will have the opportunity to fully reveal his talents in different sections and circles that are dedicated to various scientific fields.

The influence of the name on the development of Timur

At the same time, modesty, given by nature itself, will not allow his excessive arrogance or self-confidence to improve. As a teenager, Timurchik will become an example for everyone to follow, since the main traits of his character delight many. He is distinguished by the presence of such traits as patience, generosity, nobility and high intellectual knowledge.

Nevertheless, the mystery of the name Timur gives its bearer the burden of searching for the real truth, truth, the right, true path. For this reason, Timurchik sometimes turns into a gloomy person, since he clearly observes the contradiction between the real world and the “true life.” Timurchik's ability to easily attract other people with him gives him the status of leader of the entire company.

At the same time, if a young man does not have trusting feelings for his friends, he will not be overly open and flaunt his own positive character traits. However, you will stand behind your time-tested comrades, even if they make mistakes. True, being one on one, Timurchik will point out to his friend his mistakes.

Timur's love relationships

After the meaning of the name Timur for the boy and his fate have been given, we should talk about the attitude of such a man to love. The man named Timur is a fairly consistent, strong personality, but his “heart muscle” is quite vulnerable and sensitive. For this reason, love for a man named Timur is not a simple formality or a method for satisfying his own physical needs.

Taking into account the rather high sense of morality of a man named Timur, as well as his desire to find an ideal woman, for him a love relationship is a serious step, where there should be no deception, betrayal, or betrayal. The feelings of a man named Timurchik are stable and deep, although he is not always able to tell his partner about them. In addition, the mystery of the name Timur and its meaning suggests his late marriage.

A man named Timurchik, due to a thorough search for his chosen one, as well as the duration of such a search, most often experiences happiness in the process of family life. When choosing a partner, he gives preference to her internal character traits, although he also pays attention to the charisma, charm and external characteristics of the partner.

Timurchik's career

Since Timur, whose name and origin is being discussed, simply loves the process of communication, when choosing a career he needs to be guided by this feature. A man named Timur should work where there is an opportunity to communicate with people. At the same time, this profession should be associated with creativity, in other words, a man bearing the name Timurchik would be suited to be a journalist, director, or social activist.

A man named Timurchik can be an excellent host of various events, a trainer of athletes, or a manager of a hotel or restaurant complex. A man bearing the name Timur, the meaning of the name character and destiny is considered, will have to make certain efforts to achieve monetary or career growth. True, the path to achieving such goals will be long and problematic, i.e. Timurka will be forced to work with great persistence and zeal.

At the same time, envious people, competitors, and ill-wishers can prevent you from achieving your goals. Nevertheless, after overcoming all obstacles, Timurka will climb to the very top of success. A man bearing the name Timur as a leader is quite thoughtful, understanding and loyal, respected and has an impeccable reputation. For this reason, the name Timur, the origin and meaning of which was discussed in this article, should be given by parents to their child with some caution.