
Beans: benefits and harm. Green beans. What products are legumes?

Legumes grow almost throughout the entire land area of ​​the globe, as they can easily adapt to different natural conditions. They belong to the dicotyledonous family and bear fruit with seeds in the form of beans. Most legumes are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain a lot of protein. Legumes include about 18 thousand species of plants. Next, let's look at the main varieties of crops.


Surprisingly, acacia belongs to the legume family. Its fruits are oblong in shape with dark-colored seeds.

The use of acacia is widespread in folk medicine as decoctions and tinctures. The flowers of the plant contain essential oils.

Acacia honey has an antiseptic effect and does not cause allergies. Contains a large amount of fructose, suitable for dietary nutrition. However, you should not consume more than two tablespoons of honey per day.


Peanuts are rich in vitamins B and C, and also contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Peanuts are a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases and oncology. The fruit is very nutritious - it contains 60% fat and 30% protein. It is processed into oil and used in cooking.

However, legume products bring not only benefits, but also harm. In large quantities, peanuts can cause allergies. Therefore, it is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women and people with varicose veins, as it thickens the blood. Peanuts are very high in calories, and their abuse can lead to obesity.


Beans are considered a dietary and low-calorie food. 100 grams of product contain no more than 66 kcal, so beans are classified as weight loss products. They are enriched with fiber, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, C and other useful substances.

This product is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. It lowers blood cholesterol. Beans contain a large amount of protein, so they are an indispensable product for vegetarians.


The product resembles peas. Used as a fodder crop and to fertilize the soil. It enriches the air well with nitrogen. Vetch is an unpretentious plant, more often found as a weed. It is a honey plant.


One of the most ancient legumes. Peas are rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber and microelements, which is why they are often used in cooking. The product is easily absorbed by the body, despite its calorie content.

The large amount of protein in peas can replace meat dishes. And the presence of iron will be a good prevention of anemia. Peas are recommended for diabetes. But excessive consumption can have a bad effect on intestinal function.

Sweet clover

This plant is known for its aroma. Its essential oils are used in the cosmetics and perfume industries. Sweet clover is a medicine and is used to prevent immune diseases. As a rule, the stems and flowers of the plant are used to make decoctions, tinctures, and ointments.


This plant has tonic properties. It is dried and used as a preventive and medicinal remedy for colds and anemia. Clover contains essential oils and is actively used in cosmetology. Clover is often used in cooking: it is used to season meat and vegetable dishes, make sauces and add to tea.


Lupine contains a lot of protein. It began to be grown as a fodder crop, and today this plant is used in cosmetology. Lupine oil has beneficial properties. It heals burns, treats ulcers and wounds, helps get rid of acne, and is an antioxidant. Lupine is sometimes eaten as a seasoning.


This legume contains vitamins B and C, minerals and amino acids. Since ancient times, alfalfa has been used as a laxative and diuretic, and its oil has been used in cooking. Today, alfalfa is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for diabetes, anemia, hemorrhoids, and cystitis.

Cream with alfalfa essential oil prevents skin aging and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The leaves of the plant are added to vegetable salads and soups. Sprouted seeds are popular among vegetarians, raw foodists and those wishing to lose weight.


The plant is also called chickpea and lamb's pea. Chickpeas are used in cooking, cosmetology and pharmacology, and have a large number of healing properties. Nutritious and low in calories, chickpeas are considered the best product for weight loss.

In addition, it is indicated for people with low hemoglobin, cardiac arrhythmia, and diabetes. Contains a large amount of protein and fiber, speeds up metabolism.

Chickpeas can be sprouted - their young sprouts contain amino acids that enhance immunity. Chickpeas are an excellent antioxidant and remove toxins from the body. However, excessive consumption of chickpeas leads to bloating, gas formation, intestinal colic, and can cause allergies.


This medicinal plant is also called Shambhala, Helba and Greek hay. Fenugreek is used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and hormonal agent. It is recommended for women during menopause and men to increase potency.

Fenugreek is used as a seasoning, in the form of tea, infused, and added to meat and vegetable dishes. The high content of vegetable protein makes fenugreek-based dishes very nutritious.

Sophora japonica

This tree with white flowers is known for its medicinal properties and has a wide range of medicinal uses. Sophora essential oil is used in cosmetology. Consumption of Japanese Sophora honey tones and restores strength, but in case of overdose it can cause colossal harm to the body.


The cultivated plant is distinguished by its high content of vegetable protein, vitamins B, E, folic acid, and biotin. Soy is considered a vegetarian food and a weight loss product. Tofu cheese, soy sauce, soy milk and other products are made from it. But frequent uncontrolled use of the product can be harmful to health.

Black Eyed Peas

The product is very nutritious and easy to prepare. It can be consumed raw, boiled or frozen, either as an independent dish or in combination with other products.

Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, and P, and have medicinal properties. With regular use, you feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Common beans

The product is rich in proteins, iron, vitamins B and C, and contains phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and silicon. Very nutritious, quickly absorbed by the body, suitable for dietary nutrition. 100 grams of beans contain only 23 kcal.

Beans cannot be eaten raw, but in cooking there are a huge number of dishes based on them. The fruits, leaves and pods of the plant are used as medicines. There are no contraindications for eating common beans.


Flat-shaped beans contain a large amount of vegetable protein and iron. Lentil seeds are a low-calorie product; frequent consumption does not harm your figure. Lentils are used to prepare soups, sauces and main dishes, and are also consumed raw. This product has healing properties and is recommended for diabetes.


This perennial plant is used as a fodder crop. Sainfoin contains a large amount of vitamin C and is classified as a medicinal product. Tinctures and decoctions of the plant are used to improve immunity and as a cold remedy.

Sainfoin honey is also considered healing. Its use has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Beans– fruits of various leguminous crops. The grain has a flattened oval or round shape. They are found in bivalve pods of several pieces. There are beans of different colors, it all depends on the variety, for example, they can be yellow or black (see photo).

It is generally accepted that beans originated in the Mediterranean, since the climate of this region is best suited for the good development and rich harvest of this crop. Today, many legume crops are grown in China, and they occupy more than half of the country's land. These fruits are used in many countries around the world.

Beneficial features

The presence of beneficial properties in beans is, first of all, possible due to their rich vitamin and mineral composition. So, beans contain a large amount fiber and pectin, which help remove heavy metal salts from the body. Due to this property, they are recommended for use by people who live in environmentally polluted areas. And also Due to the presence of fiber and dietary fiber in beans, they are recommended to be consumed to improve digestion.

Due to their high content of folic acid and potassium, beans are considered a healing food. They help strengthen the body and help it fight various infections. In addition, regular consumption of beans helps cleanse the blood. These fruits contain B vitamins, which prevent the occurrence of various heart diseases. In addition, this product contains manganese, which has a positive effect on hair condition.

It will be useful for people who watch their weight to know that legumes supply the body with protein, but without accompanying fat, which is found even in lean meat.

If you regularly consume beans, there is a chance to stop the growth of various cancerous tumors.

In addition to the fruits, you can also use the flowers of this plant. A decoction of them is used for cosmetic purposes: as a tonic.

Use in cooking

A product such as beans has become very widespread in cooking. When working with this leguminous crop, it should be taken into account that before preparing beans using one of the existing methods, It is recommended to soak them for a while. Thanks to this procedure, the fruits will be more easily absorbed by the body, since enzyme inhibitors are washed out of them.

Young beans do not need to be soaked as they are already tender. They are used raw in various salads. These fruits are also used in dishes with vegetables, for example, in stews, lobio, etc. In addition, this product used as a thickener for many first dishes. Among European culinary recipes, stewed meat with vegetables and beans is very popular.

There is also an alternative use for beans in cooking: the fruits are ground into flour, which is later used in baking. Thanks to its addition to regular rye or wheat flour, the products are more tasty and aromatic.

Benefits of beans and treatment

The benefits of beans are undeniable; they are even used in the treatment of many ailments. Thus, nutritionists advise eating beans for 3 weeks, 140 g daily, in order to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels. Doctors recommend using this food product to prevent the development of various diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver, since it has a preventive effect on these organs and systems.

In folk medicine, a special decoction is prepared or simply pureed beans are used to get rid of dyspepsia.

If these fruits are boiled in milk and then crushed, they can be applied to abscesses for quick healing.

Due to their anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, it is especially recommended to consume beans to prevent kidney and liver diseases.

Harm of beans and contraindications

This leguminous crop is also harmful. It is very important to cook the beans completely, otherwise they can cause poisoning, since the seeds contain toxic substances that are completely destroyed only with prolonged heat treatment.

Beans are an entirely cultivated plant, since they are not found growing wild.

Beans are grown in various countries around the world and, of course, in Russia, where this crop became popular a thousand years ago. Since that time, beans began to be included in the diet of our ancestors, being one of the main consumed products.

Today, beans are not the most popular product in Russia. And this is quite a pity, since this product is very healthy.

The benefits, harms and the product itself - beans - are described to a sufficient extent, however, in many articles devoted to this issue, there are inaccuracies that distort the information. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the issue of the benefits and harms of eating beans, based on facts.

Benefits of beans

  1. Beans are a powerful source of plant protein. This is scientifically proven. And protein is a regulator of heart function and an optimizer of hormonal levels. In addition, protein stimulates performance, has a positive effect on memory and improves our attention.
    The protein contained in beans will greatly compensate for the lack of meat products in the diet. It is indispensable for people who either cannot consume animal products or follow a vegetarian diet.
    The protein contained in beans stimulates the proper development of children and helps the formation of cells in the growing body.
  2. Beans have no fat and are extremely low in calories. This means that consuming beans is beneficial for obese people.
  3. Beans contain carotene, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins C, B, PP; iron and a host of other trace elements useful for human life. And the enzymes, pectins, purines, fiber and molybdenum present in beans neutralize harmful preservatives accumulated in the body and remove heavy metal salts. This is a very significant advantage of consuming beans for people living in industrial and environmentally unfavorable areas.
  4. The fiber present in beans helps remove cholesterol. It is enough to consume about 150 g of beans per day to significantly reduce cholesterol levels within two to three weeks.
  5. Regular consumption of beans leads to a decrease in blood sugar and an increase in hemoglobin.
  6. Beans are useful in strengthening blood vessels. After just two to three weeks of regular consumption of beans, the condition of the blood vessels returns to optimal normal.
  7. Lysine contained in beans helps fight depression, blocks the build-up of stress and calms the nerves.
  8. Beans, boiled and mashed, help fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, promote rapid recovery from diarrhea and strengthen muscles.
  9. Beans are also useful for external use. For example:
    • the beans are boiled in milk and applied to boils and pimples, as a result of which the boils ripen faster and the pimples disappear;
    • hot bean flour heals wounds and relieves skin inflammation;
    • dropsy is treated with infusions of bean stems and leaves.

In addition to these benefits, eating beans is very pleasant. After all, they have a unique taste that appeals to both adults and children. According to scientists, in order to be healthy, a person should eat from 15 to 20 kg of beans per year.

Harm of beans

Beans have many beneficial properties. However, they also have very significant disadvantages.

For example, excessive consumption of this product can cause poisoning, since the beans contain toxic substances. The possibility of such poisoning can be eliminated by prolonged heat treatment. Improperly cooked beans can also cause poisoning, which may include headaches, nausea, and brown urine. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The purine compounds present in beans and so beneficial for the functioning of the body can be harmful to people suffering from acute nephritis, gout, thrombophlebitis, acute inflammation of the intestines and stomach, and circulatory failure.

The fiber contained in beans will be harmful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients with hepatitis and those suffering from inflammation of the gallbladder and diseases of the pancreas should be careful when consuming beans.

Due to their high gas-forming ability and significant content of oligosaccharides, people prone to frequent constipation, colitis and flatulence should completely avoid consuming beans. Even healthy people experience bloating and flatulence after eating beans. Dill and mint will help reduce this effect of beans on the body.

In a word, beans are a healthy and pleasant product to eat. However, it is imperative to take into account the disadvantages of beans, especially for people susceptible to the above diseases.

Beans are a tasty and healthy product that is grown and eaten in many countries. They have many beneficial properties for the human body. Let's take a closer look at what beans are.

Beans are an annual plant of the legume family, growing up to 125 cm in height. The fruits of the plant have the same name and are pods from 4 to 20 cm long with 4-5 irregularly shaped seeds of green, white, black and yellow. Due to their properties, beans have become very popular in many countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Unripe fruits at the stage of milky ripeness are eaten.

Composition and properties of beans

Thanks to such a rich composition of substances, beans have many beneficial properties for the body. They regulate blood sugar levels, neutralize dangerous preservatives, and also reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Eating beans helps strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart disease. An improvement in the digestive system is observed if dishes prepared using beans are periodically included in the diet. In addition, it has been observed that regular use of this product stops the growth of cancerous tumors. Beans also have an effect on the condition of the hair. If you eat them, your hair becomes stronger and more beautiful.

Mighty Beans

Cool Beans are funny and eccentric shapeshifter beans (analogous to the Vanka-Vstanka toy) who can perform tricks on an inclined plane.

A wide range of Cool Beans allows you to assemble a collection of 100 beans of different designs.

The height of the beans is about 3 cm.

In the company of Cool Bean-shifters, the gameplay will be exciting!

There are very funny beans, painted like characters from Star Wars - Star Wars, they, like others, can roll over and perform tricks.

For a collection of Cool Beans, a universal collector's case will be useful; they come in different designs: for example, Cars or Star Wars - convenient for storing Beans! Collect and show! Every Bob has a place in your case! Cases are available in different capacities.

Among the beans, there are ugly ones that are disgusting to look at, let alone hold, and at the same time you come across very, very nice and interesting ones.

The set usually includes several beans and a booklet with games.

Cool Beans are among the most popular toys in the world today, with over one hundred million units sold.

Each of the Cool Beans is included in the group:

Fight club
- musician beans
- mythical beans
- horror beans
- mustachioed beans
- extreme beans
- clinic
- bear beans
- space beans

- fantasy
- zoo
- sea beans
- army beans
- bean beetles
- monkey beans
- prehistoric beans
- fast food beans
- bean dogs
- sports beans
- beans pets

In Australia, 500 thousand Beans were sold in less than 3 months. Since December 2009, more than 20 million Beans have been sold in America.

Since its founding in 1985, the company Moose Enterprise(today best known for its Shopkins) has established itself in the global children's goods market as a dominant competitive leader with revolutionary business concepts unlike other companies. Moose is one of the 5 largest companies in the Australian market and has won more than 30 awards in various international competitions, such as “Company of the Year”, “Most Promising Company” and others.

The company's policy is entirely aimed at tracking trends in children's preferences and discovering new technologies and production concepts in the children's goods industry. Thanks to this, the company constantly introduces customers to new creative developments and non-standard, interesting ideas.

The first series contains 20 groups of 5 beans each + exclusive limited edition beans.

Each bean has its own name and rarity index.

You can collect cool beans, trade them, look for rare specimens and play fun games with them. The more beans, the more interesting the game.

Manufacturer: Moose.

Tracks are sold for beans. For example, this set: a game set from the Cool Bobs series: Super-Track, a springboard for performing additional tricks, 1 Cool Bob and a booklet with games and tricks.

Variants of the game Cool Beans with the Super-Track set

Place Bob on the edge of the Super Track, tilt the Track so that Bob turns over and rolls along it from one edge to the other without falling out.

Keep Bob upright in the center of the springboard - Bob must not fall!

Throw Cool Bob from one end of the springboard to the other so that he does not fall into the central hole.

The Super-Track can be folded in half, after placing the Beans inside, snap it on and hang it on your belt - take the toy with you!

Material: plastic. The length of the Super-Track when unfolded is about 35 cm.

Where to buy - Cool Beans

The sets are relatively inexpensive - with three beans - about 150 rubles.

Cool Star Wars beans with 4 beans - about 220 rubles.

Unfortunately, they are no longer produced and are no longer available for sale.

HOWEVER, THE RESTART IS STARTING IN 2018, so We are waiting in the Moose catalog cool new beans!

Mighty Beanz

MIGHTY BEANZ - Cool Beans, Episode 2 Star Wars.

Marvel cool beans - in a case. Marvel Mighty Beans

Mighty Beanz - Cool beans.

Case for storing cool beans. Mighty Beans

With Cool Bean tracks you can assemble entire large structures.

I really like this Cool Bob - Panda. :-)

Cool beans in a case (Spiderman).

Mighty Beanz Star Wars - Cool beans Star Wars - QUI-GON JINN.

Mighty Beanz Star Wars - Cool beans Star Wars - R2-D2

Mighty Beanz Star Wars - Cool beans Star Wars - Master Yoda.

There are also machines for beans, you can roll them.

Mighty Beanz Star Wars - Cool beans - PRINCESS LEIA (Princess Leia).

Animals, Cool beans.

Mighty Beanz Star Wars - Cool beans Star Wars - JAR JAR BINKS - Jar Jar Binks.

Cool beans in a case.

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    I sympathize with school teachers. How to get boys to study when there are Cool Beans!.. :-))

    I have 2 regular beans (Sunny and Steve) they are yellow.

    I have 7 common beans and 1 rare (some kind of elephant)

    People don't need Starword

    And I have it from 1 collection. 2 witches, 1 zombie, a tough guy (with headphones) and a hippopotamus!!!